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1、新概念英语第二册第15课 课后题2021/8/221摘要写作:1.Who wanted to see you? Mr. Harmsworth wanted to see me.2.How did you feel about this? I felt very nervous.3.Where did you go? I went into his office.2021/8/2224.Did he say that business was bad or did he say that it was good?He said that business was bad5.Could the f

2、irm pay such large salaries or not?The firm couldnt pay such large salaries .2021/8/2236.How many people had left already?Twenty people 7.Did he ask you to leave as well or not?He didnt ask me to leave.8.What did he offer you?He offered me an extra thousand a year.2021/8/224关键句型关键句型-宾语从句(间接引语)宾语从句(间

3、接引语)1.I am busy, he said.He says that he is busy.He said that he was busy.He told me that he was busy.2.I never work on Sundays,sheShe says that she never works-She said that she never worked-2021/8/2253.I have just finished work , heHe says that he has just finished work.He said that he had just fi

4、nished work.He told me his wife that he had just finished work.2021/8/226I broke that plate, he said.He says that he broke that plate.He said that he had broken -.He told me that he had broken-.Mr. Jones will see you now ,(she)She says that Mr. Jones will-.She said that Mr.Jones would-.She told me t

5、hat Mr. Jones would.2021/8/227You can go now, (the teacher)The teacher says that you can go now.The teacher said that you could go now.The teacher told the pupil that he could go now.2021/8/228B 组:1.He me that she . (come) tomorrow.2.The gardener that he .(cut) that tree down yesterday.3.I you I (ha

6、ve) never played tennis before.toldwould comesaidcuttoldhad had2021/8/2294.What he that he (do)?5.When he you that he (buy) this car.6.He that (cannot) understand me. 7.He that he (work) all day yesterday.didsaidhad donedid.told.boughttold.couldnttold.worked2021/8/22108.He me he never . (write) lett

7、ers to anybody.9.Why you that you . (be) busy.10.He that he . (will wait )for me.toldwrittenhaddidsayweresaidwould wait2021/8/2211难点1.nervous / irritable2.office /study /desk3.afford练习题:1.We shall use the spare room in our new house as a .study2021/8/22122.Smith works in a lawyers 办公室 .3.She felt ve

8、ry before the plane took off .4.I can only to pay 100 a week rent(出租).5.Since his illness he has been very .Hes always losing his temper. officenervousaffordirritable2021/8/2213句子结构(同义句)nThe firm hadnt the money to pay such large salaries.nhave money to do sthn=can afford to do sthnThe firm couldnt afford to pay such large salaries.2021/8/2214 刚才的发言,如刚才的发言,如有不当之处请多指有不当之处请多指正。谢谢大家!正。谢谢大家!2021/8/2215



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