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1、Think about itWhats your favorite animal? Why?Do you have a pet? Would you like to have one?Does Jenny have a pet? What about Danny and Brain?Amazing AnimalsUNIT3Lesson 17 24Functions:Grammar:Structures:Reminding and warningThe Past Continuous Tense all kinds of be famous for make friends with prote

2、ct/stopfrom sun away slow downLesson 17: People Love Pets!1) The using of “keep”.2) need 作为情态动词与实义动词的用法。 . Learning aims: 1) New words: pet, keep, amazing, imaginary2) The important sentences: She plays with me when I come home from school. I will keep him under my desk. I will need to plant a tree

3、in my bedroom. Learning important and difficult points: new wordsamazing adj. 惊奇的pet n. 宠物imaginary adj. 想象的keep v. 饲养;保留Real Pets and Imaginary Pets Brian: You dont have a real pet, Danny. What animal would you like to have for a pet?Danny: My pet will be an imaginary duck. I will take him to schoo

4、l! I will keep him under my desk.Jenny: (She laughs.) The teacher might not like that. You cant keep ducks in the classroom!Danny: I will call my duck Donuts! Then I will tell everyone that I love Donuts!Brian: I will have an imaginary pet, too. It will be a pet monkey. I will keep him in my bedroom

5、.Danny: But monkeys live trees.Brian: Youre right, Danny. I will need to plant a tree in my bedroom!Jenny: Im going to write about my cat. Her name is Snowball. She likes to sleep in the sun. She plays with me when I come home from school.Real pets and imaginary petsJ: Im going to write about my cat

6、. Her name is Snowball. She likes to sleep in the sun. she plays with me when I come home from school.B: You dont have a real pet, Danny. What animal would you like to have for a pet?D: My pet will be an imaginary duck. I will take him to school! I will keep him under my desk.Real pets and imaginary

7、 petsJ: (She laughs) The teacher might not like that. You cant keep ducks in the classroom.D: I will call my duck Donuts! Then I will tell everyone that I love Donuts!B: I will have an imaginary pet, too. It will be a pet monkey. I will keep him in my bedroom.D: But monkeys live in trees.B: Youre ri

8、ght, Danny. I will need to plant a tree in my bedroom!Learning tipsJenny says “She likes to sleep in the sun.” We dont say “She likes to sleep under the sun”Do you have a pet?Do many animals live with your family? Some people have dogs. Some people have cats. Some people have fish. Some people even

9、have snakes! Do you have a pet? Describe your pet, or describe a pet you would like to have. Look at these pictures. Write some sentences about your pet.1.Do you like _ (宠物)?2.Spider man (蜘蛛侠) is an _ _ (想象中的)man in the movie.3.Do you _ (饲养) a dog at home?4.His pet will be an imaginary _ (鸭子).5.Monk

10、eys _ (生活) in trees.6.Im good at English. that one? 我擅长英语。你呢?7.P_(熊猫) live only in China8.A t_ (老虎) is the King of the forest.9.She (与玩) me when I come home from school.10. I will (饲养) duck under my desk.11.I will (需要) plant a tree in my bedroom.12. Please the books the classroom. 请把书拿到教室里去。根据汉语提示完成

11、句子根据汉语提示完成句子petimaginaryimaginarykeepduckliveWhat/how aboutandasigerplays withkeepneed totake toWhat about Danny and Brain? 丹尼和布莱恩呢?What about? = How about? 用于询问对方或第三者与情况有关的各种情况。Im good at English. What / How about that one? 我擅长英语。你呢?This shirt is twenty yuan. What / How about that one? 这件衬衣20元。那件呢?

12、用于向对方提出建议,或征求对方的意见,后接名词或动词-ing形式。What / How about playing football after school? 放学后踢足球好吗?What / How about a cup of coffee? 来杯咖啡好吗?She likes to sleep in the sun. 她喜欢在阳光下睡觉。like vt“喜欢”,常见用法有like sth.喜欢某物,like doing sth. 喜欢做某事,指某种习惯或爱好。like to do喜欢随意做某事,通常指具体的事情。I like taking a walk after supper, but

13、I dont like to take a walk tonight. 晚饭后我喜欢散步,但今晚不想散步。He doesnt like helping others, but this time he likes to help the poor children. 他不喜欢帮助人,但这次他喜欢帮助那些穷孩子。She plays with me when I come home after She plays with me when I come home after school. school. 我从学校回来她就和我玩。我从学校回来她就和我玩。play with play with 与玩

14、耍,玩与玩耍,玩Dont play with fire. Its dangerous. Dont play with fire. Its dangerous. 不要玩火。危不要玩火。危险!险!Ann often plays with her friends in her bedroom. Ann often plays with her friends in her bedroom. 安经常和她的朋友在卧室里玩。安经常和她的朋友在卧室里玩。play play vtvt. . 踢(球踢(球playplay)与球类名词间不加任何冠词。)与球类名词间不加任何冠词。Look! They are pla

15、ying football over there. Look! They are playing football over there. 看!他看!他们在那边踢足球。们在那边踢足球。We often play basketball after school. We often play basketball after school. 放学后我们放学后我们经常打篮球。经常打篮球。vtvt. “. “演奏,吹奏演奏,吹奏” ”,playplay与乐器间要加冠词与乐器间要加冠词the.the.play the pianoplay the piano弹钢琴弹钢琴 play the violinpl

16、ay the violin拉小提琴拉小提琴 You dont have a real pet, Danny. 你没有真正的宠物,丹尼。real adj.“真的,真实的”,其反义词是false,副词是really。real life现实生活 a real meaning真正的意义辨析:real与truereal adj. 强调客观存在的“真实”“实在”,不是想象中的。true意为“真的,真正的”,强调与事实相符,而不是杜撰的,与false相对。to与true连用,意思是“忠实的”,true可用做名词,与定冠词the连用,表示“真实”“真理”等,real无此意。Who is the real ma

17、nager of the business? 哪位是这家商店的真正经理。Is it true that you are going to Japan? 你要去日本是真的吗?My pet will be an imaginary duck. 我的宠物会是一只想象中的鸭子。imaginary adj. 想象中的,虚构的,幻想的an imaginary enemy虚构的敌人,假想敌an imaginary story虚构的故事imaginary还有“虚构的”之意。imaginary number虚数imaginary root虚根I will take it to school. 我会把它带到学校去

18、。take sb. to somewhere“带某人去某地”,当地点是there等副词时,要把to去掉。Please take the books to the classroom. 请把书拿到教室里去。I will take the food home. 我要把这些食品带回家。take是个多义词,在不同的语境中产生不同的意思。请理解以下例句中的。We took the taxi to the park. 我们乘出租车去公司。Take the medicine three times a day. 这药一天吃3次。It takes me half an hour to go home from

19、 school. 从学校到我家需要花半个小时。Would you like to take a rest? 你要不要休息一下? The teacher might not like that. 老师可能不太喜欢。might情态动词,表示可能、不确定、期望、许可等,相当于may,但更带迟疑、婉转、谦逊等色彩,意为“可能,也许,可以”。无人称和数的变化,后接动词原形。Im afraid it might rain today. 我看今天恐怕要下雨。Might I ask a question? 我是不是可以问个问题? I will have an imaginary duck, too. 我也会养

20、一只鸭子。too adv. 也,太,过分I can sing the song, too. 我也会唱这首歌。Dont read too fast! 不要念得太快!辨析:too, also, as well与either四者都有“也”之意。also较正式,位置接近动词,不用于句末。I also like dogs. 我也喜欢狗。too用于口语中,常置于句末,前面用逗号;也可用于句中,前后均有逗号。He works in the factory, too. 他也在这个工厂工作。as well多用于口语中,只用于句末。He plays the guitar as well. 他也弹吉他。以上三个词不

21、用于否定句中,否定句中的“也”用either。He isnt a teacher, either. 他也不是教师。I will need to plant a tree in my bedroom. 我需要在我需要在卧室里栽上一棵树。卧室里栽上一棵树。need vt. “需要需要”,常见的有三个句型,即,常见的有三个句型,即need sth., need to do sth. 和和need doing sth.I need some paper. 我需要一些纸。我需要一些纸。He needs to drink water. 他需要喝水。他需要喝水。The TV needs mending. 电

22、视机需要修理。注:电视机需要修理。注:need doing sth.句型中,主语与动名词间具有被动关系句型中,主语与动名词间具有被动关系need表示表示“需要需要”,用于疑问句或否定句。用于疑问句或否定句。“need”作作实义动词时实义动词时,在肯定、否定、疑问句中都可以用。如:在肯定、否定、疑问句中都可以用。如:He neednt do it in such a hurry.(他不需要如此匆忙他不需要如此匆忙地做这件事地做这件事)/ He needs some help.(他需要一些帮助他需要一些帮助)/ He doesnt need to bring his football socks then.(那么他就无须带上足球袜了那么他就无须带上足球袜了)



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