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1、Book 1 Unit 1 FriendshipReading2021/3/91Pre-readingDoesafriendalwayshavetobeaperson?Whatelsecanbeyourfriend?Doyouthinkadiarycanbecomeyourfriend?Whyorwhynot?WhatdoyouknowaboutWorldWarII?2021/3/92ReadingReadingAnnesbestfriendAnnesimage2021/3/93Background This is a true story. It took place in This is

2、a true story. It took place in Amsterdam, Holland in the early Amsterdam, Holland in the early 1940s1940s after the German Nazis had occupied after the German Nazis had occupied most of Europe. The Nazi Party ruled most of Europe. The Nazi Party ruled Germany from 1933 to 1945. One of Germany from 1

3、933 to 1945. One of their key policies was to kill all the their key policies was to kill all the Jews in Europe. If any persons known Jews in Europe. If any persons known to be Jews were found, they would be to be Jews were found, they would be sent to concentration camps farther sent to concentrat

4、ion camps farther east, mostly in Poland. Families were east, mostly in Poland. Families were separated and transported in trains. separated and transported in trains. 2021/3/94For many days, they went without For many days, they went without food, water, sanitationfood, water, sanitation(n.n.公共卫生公共

5、卫生公共卫生公共卫生) or fresh air. To avoid this terrible or fresh air. To avoid this terrible fate, some Jewish families went into fate, some Jewish families went into hiding, often with the help of non-hiding, often with the help of non-Jewish friends.This diary was written Jewish friends.This diary was wr

6、itten during the time when Anne and her during the time when Anne and her family moved to escape from being family moved to escape from being killed by Nazis.killed by Nazis.2021/3/952021/3/96Annes father : OttoFrankAnneFrank2021/3/972021/3/98AftertheGermaninvasion(侵略侵略)of1940,Annewasforcedtoleavehe

7、rschool.TheninFebruary1941theNazisbegantoarrestJews.ItwasatthismomentthatOttoFrankmadeplanstohidehisfamilyTheymovedtoAmsterdam,Netherlands 2021/3/99Theystayedonthetopfloor,withcurtainsdrawnsoasnottoattractunwantedattention.curtainAtticattictkn.阁楼阁楼,顶楼顶楼2021/3/910OnAugust4,1944,theywerearrestedandsen

8、ttotheconcentrationcamp.Shediedjustbeforeher16thbirthdayandlessthanamonthbeforethesurvivingJewswereliberated(解放解放).2021/3/911 Annesbest friend2021/3/912AnneAnnesdiarybestfriendsKitty2021/3/913Reading method whenwherewhowhatwhyhow2021/3/914FirstReadingwhowhenwherewhatwhy how longAnnie, her diary Kitt

9、y and her family.During World War II. In Amsterdam in the Netherlands.Annie and her family had to hide away.Because they are Jewish. About two years.2021/3/915Annes diaryWhendidAnnewritethisdiary?Thursday15thJune,19442021/3/916nWhydidAnnehateNazi?nWhydidAnnetreatadiaryasherfriend?nWhywasshesocrazyab

10、outnature?Answerthefollowingquestions2021/3/917WhydidAnnehateNazi?BecauseNaziforcedJewishtoleavetheirhomes,evenkilledthem.2021/3/918Why did Anne treated a diary as her friend ?Becauseatthatspecialtimeshehadnochancetomakefriendswithpeople.Sheevencouldntgoout.2021/3/919Becauseshehadlosttouchwithnature


12、earandahalfthatAnnehadseenthenightfacetoface.FTFTonpurposeatdusk2021/3/921TimeNatureFeelingBeforehidingAfterhiding bluesky,songsofbirds,moonlight,flowers neverfeltspellbounddarkness,rain,wind,thunderingcloudsgrewcrazy ReadingReadthepassageagainandfillthefollowingform:2021/3/9221.Anne kept a diary be

13、cause2.She felt very lonely because3.They have to hide because4.Anne named her diary Kitty because5.They were finally caught becauseA.She couldnt meet her friends.B.Jews would be caught by Nazis C. and killed.C. She could tell everything to it. D. they were discovered. E. she thought it was her best

14、 friend. Join the correct parts to the sentences.2021/3/9231. Anne Frank and her family hid away for_ A. over a year B. over two years C. just two years C. one year and a half2. According to Anne ,a true friend is a person_ A. that would laugh at you B. who makes you happy C. whom you can trust D. w

15、ho could save your lifeChoosethecorrectanswers2021/3/9243. Anne said that she had grown crazy about nature because_ A. her interest in nature B. she had grown up C. she had been outdoors D. she had been indoors too long.2021/3/925 4. She didnt dare open the window when the moon was bright .Thats bec

16、ause_ A. they might be discovered B. her family might be disturbed C. it was very cold D. a thief might get into the room 2021/3/926AnnewasagirlwholivedinAmsterdaminthe_duringWorldWarII.NetherlandsHerfamilyhadtohidebecause_Naziswantedtokillallthe_inEurope.GermanJewsFillintheblankswithproperwords.202

17、1/3/927Anne_herdiaryherbest_whomshecouldtelleverything_duringthattime.madefriendtoShedidnt_aseriesoffactsinthediaryasmostpeopledo,butshewantedit_herfriend.setdowntobe2021/3/928IV DifficultiesPickoutthedifficultsentencesfromthereadingpassage.Discussingroupsoffourandworkoutthemeaningtogether.2021/3/92

18、9Difficulties1. I wonder if its because I havent been able to be outdoors for so long that Ive grown so crazy about everything to do with nature.2. I can well remember that there was a time when a deep blue sky, the song of the birds, moonlight and flowers could never have kept me spellbound. 3. It

19、was the first time in a year and a half that Id seen the night face to face4. I am only able to look at nature through dirty curtains hanging before very dusty windows. 2021/3/930Difficulties1. I wonder if its because I havent been able to be outdoors for so long that Ive grown so crazy about everyt

20、hing to do with nature.Its becausethatgrow/be crazy aboutsomething/anything/everything to do with我不知道这是不是因为我很久无法出门的缘我不知道这是不是因为我很久无法出门的缘故故, ,我变得对一切与大自然有关的事物都无我变得对一切与大自然有关的事物都无比狂热比狂热。2021/3/9312. I can well remember that there was a time when a deep blue sky, the song of the birds, moonlight and flowe

21、rs could never have kept me spellbound.Difficulties我记得很清楚,以前,湛蓝的天空、鸟儿的我记得很清楚,以前,湛蓝的天空、鸟儿的歌唱、月光和鲜花,从未令我心迷神往过。歌唱、月光和鲜花,从未令我心迷神往过。spellbind v. 吸引人;迷人吸引人;迷人when 引导的定语从句(划线部分)修饰句引导的定语从句(划线部分)修饰句中的中的timeThere is a time when2021/3/932Difficulties3. It was the first time in a year and a half that Id seen th

22、e night face to faceIts the+序数词序数词+ time that 某人第一次做某事某人第一次做某事face to face face-to-face 这是我一年半以来第一次面对面目睹夜晚这是我一年半以来第一次面对面目睹夜晚。iswas从句用现在完成时:从句用现在完成时:have/has+过去分词过去分词从句用过去完成时:从句用过去完成时:had+过去分词过去分词面对面面对面相当于副词的功能,做状语修饰动词;相当于副词的功能,做状语修饰动词;合成形容词,修饰名词合成形容词,修饰名词2021/3/9334. I am only able to look at nature

23、 through dirty curtains hanging before very dusty windows. hanging before very dusty windows 现在分词短语现在分词短语, 修饰修饰curtains.我只能透过肮脏的窗帘看大自然我只能透过肮脏的窗帘看大自然, ,窗帘悬挂窗帘悬挂在沾满灰尘的窗前在沾满灰尘的窗前。Difficulties2021/3/934Guessing in groupsReadthedairyagainandpayspecialattentiontotheboldwords.Thendiscussingroupstheinsideme

24、aningsofthem.ThenthinkofsomeotherwordsorexpressionstodescribeAnnesfeelingsandthoughts.2021/3/935What do the boldfaced parts imply?Words/phrases What is impliednatureoutdoorscrazydidnt darethunderingentirelypowerthe blue sky, the singing birds, flowers, the bright moonfreeanxious, eager, thirstyscare

25、d, frightened , thrilledhelpless, depressed, lonely2021/3/936Fourstudentsasagrouptodiscussthesituation:What will you take? Why?How will you spend the three months?What would you miss most ?Supposeyoufourhavetohideyourselvesfor3months.Duringthethreemonths,youwillbeofferedthebasicfood,waterandclothes.

26、Yourgroupcantake5thingswithyou.Discussion2021/3/937The Second World War and the Nazi crime纳粹正在建设集中营纳粹正在建设集中营纳粹逼迫犹太人离开他们的家园纳粹逼迫犹太人离开他们的家园被关在集中营中的犹太人被关在集中营中的犹太人纳粹屠杀犹太人的真实场景纳粹屠杀犹太人的真实场景纳粹正对着屠杀后幸存的妇女进行扫射纳粹正对着屠杀后幸存的妇女进行扫射犹太人排队进入后面的毒气室犹太人排队进入后面的毒气室被毒死的犹太人的衣服和鞋子被毒死的犹太人的衣服和鞋子2021/3/938HomeworkI.Readthepassageagainandagain.II.Reciteherdiary.III.Findouttheusefulexpressionsinthetext.2021/3/9392021/3/940放映结束 感谢各位的批评指导! 谢谢 谢!谢!让我们共同进步2021/3/941



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