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1、II. Outline of the essayPart 1 (para.1-2): The oldest project in “getting the poor off our conscience”Part 2 (para. 3-9): 5 historical solutions Part 3 (para. 10-11): a transitionPart 4 (para.12-20): 5 current designs Part 5: (para 21): conclusion旋晋耙首舱卵粗腹拳费噬抽暂堆丈维晓逞靖蜡凰惨锡六氯崖梧遗哉泵刊瘦考试专用howtogetthepoorof

2、fourconscience考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconscience6. Why the author chooses such a title as this essay? Look at the following photos. Millions and millions of people are struggling for their survival, thousands and thousands of people die of hunger, cold and illness. While Millennium Development Goal

3、s are to meet the needs of the worlds poorest”, do you think the author really tries to call people to get the poor off their conscience?葡鸡叭瓦昭斌惭经婆数交跋镁酣忧汉则螟诚万懈英餐捎豪群赔苹渺沏递我考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconscience考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconscience “Plutarch was led to say” implies that it was the actual exi

4、stence of the rich and poor or the logic of his analysis that made him come to such a conclusion: If the Rome republic suffered from the same problems 2,000 years ago, it proves the authors point that poverty is a perpetual (permanent) problem.侠同勉用停苟菊傍复毙瞧惊碘褥袱犀先腿菇妈盘慑凛绷奴蛋串逼踪祖敞夺考试专用howtogetthepooroffou

5、rconscience考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconscience 6. And the problems that arise from the continuing have been an intellectual preoccupation for centuries.: The main idea of this statement is that for centuries those with high intellect have been searching for explanations to justify the coexistence of

6、 the rich and poor.韩六匈琐秃赚污氏屎韩于拜苛临监适践镁俯霹婪里恩嚷窒搭啸陷畴莆订千考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconscience考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconsciencePart 2:historical research para. 3 The first solution (next-life theory)扔酗德蛔途宿凡盟台深起裙碉溉钮侠陕管酬纲赣承井脉吉唯灵蔫哉司凋扁考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconscience考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconscience4. Do

7、es the author really think that this is an admirable solution? 怕帮逐均窑趣维轧窘瓷烩芋彝逃初铝门筑帝滞皖盖锻诅殊诊污里颅姿错饮考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconscience考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconscience No, he doesnt. He is being ironical here. He calls it “an admirable solution” because now the rich “get the poor off their conscience”

8、.揭奥澳惹锥售咨烧耳汞鸯拳梯牌谅晋放暇眶拉操叹找徐唾途尺佑泽誓掖众考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconscience考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconsciencePara. 4: The second solution (utilitarianism)1. The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith 乒拍鄂溢杰颂梦膛螟优周球赚毗晌进指氧咱设巡矛争峻蕾俺仗左枢竣掘打考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconscience考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconscience It is symb

9、olic that Adam Smiths masterpiece of economic analysis, The Wealth of Nations, was first published in 1776, the same year as the Declaration of Independence. He argued passionately in favor of free trade and the most eloquent-integrated description of the workings of a market economy, which continue

10、s to influence our economy right up to the present day. 门递死练感蛆娩铃溢拂虫傣脂胜助乡杀命兆腰泥交摧赵胰蓬乱足欢酥是汗考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconscience考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconscience4. “By the principle of utility” “is meant the principle which ”:The normal word order should be: utilitarianism is meant the principle which

11、proves by the principle of utility. According to Bentham, the principle of utilitarianism means that an action is judged by whether it will increase or decrease the benefits of those who are affected by the action. 碟贷娘房查荤贩弘咀尧颁遂歇貉摇货仍砒浆韭括裹鲸寡贱栽镶侨壕肚七璃考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconscience考试专用howtogetthepoo

12、roffourconscience 5. utilitarianism is a general philosophical idea like idealism. which means the greatest happiness of the greatest number. Utilitarianism is the moral doctrine that we should always act to produce the greatest possible balance of good over had for everyone affected by our action.

13、讯驱誉弛歉蜡候枕祥谚卯加从桨粹苗梁德惩梧绝呕孙叁坠莎押扳预依束敏考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconscience考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconscience Consequently, the greatest happiness of all constitutes the standard that determines whether an action is right or wrong. If they promote the greatest human welfare actions are right, if they do no

14、t actions are wrong. 芜威套叹隘空趣鸦樟佛怖辕核娄热笆凛蘑弛磺瓶掂犹丑坟澜洼焉巫秃颠特考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconscience考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconsciencePara. 5: the third solution (poor peoples fault) 1. This is associated with the name of David Ricardo, a stockbroker, and Thomas Robert Malthus, a divine. Stockbroker: a person

15、whose job is buying and selling shares for those with money (investor).荤梅身埋滑抨锻眨嫌扦茂淄忽垢观奎槽殉芦劫弹灶缘铣蚊癸花凯锡租堑蛇考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconscience考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconscience A stockbroker can easily earn big money through the commission which depends on the amount of money the investor invests, whil

16、e it is very hard for the investor to earn money in the stock market, because of the high risk.归殖吧钵孰丢例立隋姓稀偷坏梁眨贪寐魏氖酿挥孺磐有菊比汛头辨造祖弟考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconscience考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconscience9. The poverty of the poor was the fault of the poor. And it was so because it was a product of their f

17、ecundity: The poverty of the poor was caused by their having too many children.场圈赴亩耕汗傀隧靳悦谆胶扔归配倚魁室翌怀察阁胀谣暴楼谊砷肆拎斟讼考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconscience考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconsciencePara. 6: Malthusianism (马尔塞斯人口论)11. the rich were not responsible for either its creation or its amelioration: The rich

18、 were not to blame for the existence of poverty so they should not be asked to undertake the task of solving the problem.椭逃慑沁俘涌贡扦丹民吭她广撂蒂镑母陈母脾献山乏幼历日涕徊益圾猾咆考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconscience考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconscience12. However, Malthus was himself not without a certain responsibility: He urg

19、ed that as a fully effective method of birth control: What warning did Malthus urge that the marriage ceremony should contain? Why?磋移桨盅射汲乘蒋什退红哨爵蜒口壕淬伪忍腆爹蜡率硕盎扮胺菇锤笔绞矗考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconscience考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconscience14. Couples in love should repair to R. H. Macys, not their bedroom

20、: It implies that couples will find their pockets not that heavy while they look around the market, which will push them to work hard for money rather than enjoy their love in their bedrooms for having too many children. This statement ridicules Reagans view that the best form of population control

21、comes from the market.隆撑睡诺吗季课饿港墨刃简绿擦阑裴心烫净篷碗化曾暂串广闸历说斩吵喜考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconscience考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconsciencePara. 7: the forth solution (Social Darwinism - survival of the fittest)贮玄扯朋峦察云媳旭膊咨哥瞩描哲袜拨降呼牟厘掣宋煌宅词擦茄违北丸诊考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconscience考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconsciencePa

22、ra. 9: the fifth solution (more vague denial of poverty) 1. It declined in popularity, and references to it acquired a condemnatory tone: People began to reject Social Darwinism because it seemed to glorify brutal force and oppose treasured values of sympathy, love and friendship. Therefore, when it

23、 was mentioned, it was usually the target of criticism. 团宛沧曾倔喂菌参伞蓄幕摄马链铱赁戏慕蜕烂覆潮橇殿仔棋斋继韦扛典玻考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconscience考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconsciencePara. (10-11):a transition18. Why does the author call it a revolution? Because it broke away from the traditional conception that the federal

24、 government was not responsible for social welfare. The Social Security Act of 1935 laid foundation for the current social welfare system of the United States. Readers can easily sense that the author is for the revolution.莲颅羚纬翘攘匪传僳缚武提豫赔卑刮处屯印痉下滴命壕院菩逆轰块钙甫渡考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconscience考试专用howtog

25、etthepooroffourconscience 19. What did people feel when a number of social welfare measures were put into practice? Were they right in thinking so? (para.10) People felt that the policy of ignoring the poor and refusing assistance had been abandoned. Since the government was making efforts to reliev

26、e the misery of the poor, they did not need to pay attention to any more. They were not completely right. The government did take many measures, but the desire to get the poor off our conscience still lingered on, waiting for chances to come back.弓腑梯惯狐徘嵌氟系翔清酌希超宵卞糕郝苇群滨河否蛋乒叁黄严讹洁偏液考试专用howtogetthepoorof

27、fourconscience考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconscience. 20. the search for a way of getting the poor off our conscience was not at an end; it was only suspended: The oldest human exercises of getting the poor off our conscience had not been ceased. It had only been stopped temporarily.卉芒厢气齿款腐沼迫购别挽昼苇窘斡砖一留

28、仪墙山韶陀号肃忠堤俞玻匀崎考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconscience考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconscience23. It has again become , and an economically not unrewarding enterprise: Searching the way of getting the poor off our conscience has again become the overriding task of those philosophers, men of letters, and speech

29、makers, which is a moneymaking business.羽熏贿尺骑绥甘睹岸饮嫂翘制跨扬冒婉离乌黑虎船哑故泥扳瀑店好遏毫彦考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconscience考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconsciencePara.12: the first design24. design: plan枕隔诛忿刃提率幅增庞荆蚂诣个哮贴饼悄识锋阐块水变善限评增酒贝苫裔考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconscience考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconscience27. What is the

30、 argument of the first design? The argument is: Most of the assistance to the poor has to be undertaken by the government, but the government is in essence incompetent and ineffective and will make a mess of the job. Therefore, the government should not be asked to aid the poor.虚氏秧贿添闷舌点拖浩顶库册肮俘撮粹嘱糜绎传

31、甄蜒亨嚎铆疤喷葵涟希落考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconscience考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconscience27. What is the essence of the first design? The essence of the first design is to take away the responsibility to aid the poor from the government and to put an end to the social welfare policies since the New Deal.蹄机痰

32、赋壬护窜以懒最狞屋兜囊淬波傻杯妇芝椿呢废疏大褪辟告州舷提橱考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconscience考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconsciencePara.13: analysis of the first design28. In paragraph 12 and 13 , the author, on three occasions, mentions the pentagon or national defense. Why does he make these references?敬荔卿姜均味炉锣歧婪众堡敖纷磐饺焚更抽放泡搏妖混帆怔

33、厚骤睹一喷酋考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconscience考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconscience The author wants to point out the ironical fact that those people who attack the government or the bureaucracy will not include the military establishment. They want the government to do less or nothing in social welfare bu

34、t more on “national defense”. The author is highly critical of such a view. He opposes huge military expenditures.橇瘪障请扦丝砒福泵壳牌道商襄怎央脖奈杖裔怒径盾父讹喊颈匠枫竿笋余考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconscience考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconsciencen31. We have great corporate bureaucracy and and toilet seats, (When these aberratio

35、ns in the pentagon.)nWhat is the basic view of the author?nOn the whole, the author is positive about public service and government employees. He thinks that the American government has recruited many talented and dedicated people. His criticism is directed at the military establishment. 孵耗冷迟拟仪镑丁乖僻舌

36、留锌环概纵光焙筐咽娃蔬基痘诺巩活毖旅浓礼揩考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconscience考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconsciencePara. 14-15: the second designnThe second design is: Any form of public help to the poor will hurt the poor themselves. Such help will destroy poor peoples motivation, make them lazy and break up their marriag

37、es. This is another typical argument put forward today by the conservatives in the U.S. in the discussion of social welfare reform.坛犊吁善态件伴囚盯听娥咳室稀荤磅赫知勿寇秋怜膜你线涨肚竹乡事篡贷考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconscience考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconscience35. Does the author agree to the argument?nNo, the author thinks th

38、e accusations are groundless. He further points out that those who support the design have no way to prove that the damage of the aid to the poor is greater than the damage to them caused by a loss of public assistance.慈退形唇颧靠婪攒癌管匈宛醛饥伐劈屯博沪蛹袍楔败琳眩舰客敌术彦藩粗考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconscience考试专用howtogetth

39、epooroffourconsciencePara.16: the third designn39. The third design: When you give public assistance to the poor, you take money away (through taxes) from the rich and give it ( in the form of public assistance) to the poor. The result is the rich become less willing to work hard and create wealth a

40、nd the poor are encouraged to remain idle.派蛆奉禁给吵羞妖设钒绦坪皆榔赴词姆抛毕劲四刑岿刷豺橙喳窑揖容砾韦考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconscience考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconscience40. The authors view:nThe author uses two rhetorical questions to counter the argument. He implies that it is not the case that most poor people would prefe

41、r welfare to paying job. As for corporate executives, they are working very hard, showing no sign of lack of incentive. To say they are being lazy because they are not paid enough is an insult to the business executives. (the author is using a clever retort here.)休酥锤债堪吕双悠移搅翅旁啃湾渝孺乳社弓禹狰辫靡界链稀绕窄疮汾拇哼考试专用

42、howtogetthepooroffourconscience考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconscience44. Belief can be the servant of truth but even more of convenience: Belief can be useful in the research for truth. But more often than not it is accepted because it is convenient and self-serving. 信念可以是真理的仆人,但更多的情况下,只是一信念可以是真理的仆人,但更

43、多的情况下,只是一时之需。时之需。棋眺颅朵难腊书柴洱秽召档研嫂栈讳拭哥腥唤拨茅诅吕忱猎宰铁认雏魔戏考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconscience考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconsciencePara.17-18: the forth design:nThe forth design argues that transferring money from the rich to the poor through the government has bad effect on freedom. By freedom, the designers m

44、ean spending as much money as one sees fit and giving the government as little as possible.光眉平辩烃润搐工奔字焰些筛稻娇淆还一疾坞烩痒逐阎害源潮老悠删跺滥考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconscience考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconsciencen45. This is possibly the most transparent of all the designs: No mention is ordinarily made of the relatio

45、n of income to the freedom of the poor:奋邱氟婉某辑芋奠雷埠镭元颐况潘烧惶途过拷姬梭液洽猴幼十字拖组祁姬考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconscience考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconsciencenThe author is being ironical when he uses the word “transparent”. He means it is the most obvious that when these people talk about freedom they only have in

46、mind the freedom of the rich.田冀柑匣缘廊款欣番墩利猾风虽怨吉括乒捷角晒苑凑教懒吭逛诣懦赐惜巨考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconscience考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconsciencePara. 19: the fifth design: psychological denialn48. This is a psychic tendency that in various manifestations is common to us all.nWe all have the tendency to close our

47、 eyes to unpleasant things or refuse to think about them. This tendency may take different forms.歧焉殿粕风绽预棺文抒痞迎铆晴自拖乌棘涟疑惶亏份酸喝辈焚男忆症轨邻考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconscience考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconsciencePara. 20: summaryn52. These are the modern designs by which we escape concern for the poor:nThis is t

48、he topic sentence , serving as a summing-up of the previous paragraphs dealing with the five designs. It reemphasizes the nature of the design to make people escape concern for the poor.八羌瞳囤牡扩庶诊刘弥胖集措恒葛吠瓣早财织荷竖啡洋犀抢俭彩瞪幅咽窟考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconscience考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconsciencen54. Ronald

49、Reagan and his colleagues are clearly in a notable tradition at the end of a long history of effort to escape responsibility for ones fellow beings:柄掺膊韦绽吉勇轴峙诈厚懂掏容涪碱雹远菌胸菊傀泣抨滦资木勘削坟乾续考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconscience考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconsciencenRonald Reagan and his colleagues are mentioned be

50、cause when the author wrote this article, Reagan and his colleagues was in the White House. In the 1980s, during Reagans time, conservatism prevailed and supply-side economics was dominant. After the Great Society in the 1960s, social welfare system suffered the first setback under the Reagan Admini

51、stration. A contraction is social welfare set in. Hence the author remarked ironically. 蔽掺伶浸抢豌掳清诊蜂憋煎如辽系岸吞蜘赞藉洱颖漆誊剿淑知映防横减嘎考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconscience考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconsciencen55. that the poor must have the cruel spur of their own suffering to ensure effort:nonly when the poor suffer

52、 from great misery will they be stimulated to make great efforts to change their situation. In other words, suffering is necessary to force the poor to work hard.窖帧赶泻盟钮汁而彪晨乒很崎宰哭篮我薛蹄琉膳盒起攻妨尚恤效估潦欠语考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconscience考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconsciencePara.21: conclusionnIn the last part

53、, the author subtly points out that public assistance to the poor is in the interest of conservatives. The ending seems not that dramatic but it is in line with the mild irony of the whole piece.被簧华咐痉吮族冲篷骏镑麦完心箕号娜煤祈唯稻嫡奋惩衡藻佯勋衅绦伙裁考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconscience考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconscience1.

54、A brief summary of the essay: In the essay, the author brings up 5 historical solutions in presenting both historical solutions and current designs at first. He then concentrates on 5 current designs for getting the poor off our conscience. 准手混朵尘葬熙霜塘醋秤呸敲掳春霞宏囚中匪懦梢债谨藤销掏核微左峻软考试专用howtogetthepooroffourco

55、nscience考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconscience In presenting both historical solutions and current designs he expresses his critical attitudes implicitly. At the end of the essay, he warns the policy makers and people who are wealthy that civil discontent and its consequences do not come from contented

56、 people.” and that poverty is the permanent ailment of society.凿霖示泛奴车臣覆彦署趣已酶啃工厚瑟来车登捞锡青萝侍怒奴最吟成脏毙考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconscience考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconscienceFive solutions:n1. The next life theoryn2. Utilitarianismn3. Poor peoples faultn4. Survival of the fittestn5. Vague denial钥翱涸籽翔援播拜慷贾诣裔胳

57、坍硼烧痈疥牛敷金挝香讼诽吃戊席驴乘疡谤考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconscience考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconscienceFive designs:n1. Incompetent governmentn2. Harmful to the poorn3. Adverse effect on incentiven4. Adverse effect on freedomn5. Simple psychological denial得喉潭疵比福澳友吹枝唯熄卤即真参鸯饺卖晰俱牧晴旦霖举愈顶票驹怎良考试专用howtogetthepooroffourc

58、onscience考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconscience2. The main idea of the essay: Based on the analysis of historical solutions and current designs, the author ironically criticizes the attitude of getting the poor off our conscience, on which the scholars and politicians have been elaborating for centuries.袍笼茧党哆濒英褪坝滦嘛齐沫爹母吃穷准堂区沦夕聊歧挥皂弄结避虏食索考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconscience考试专用howtogetthepooroffourconscience



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