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1、新时代交互式英语新时代交互式英语-读写译读写译 第一册第一册 June 4, 2008 Chapter 5 Transportation 交通运输交通运输Chapter 5 What is transportation ? Transportation is a way to move from one place to another. Can you point out which places they are?Effel Tower ParisBig Ben LondonStatue of Liberty New YorkPyramid EgyptTian An men Square

2、BeijingThe Great Wall BeijingFive Goats Statue Guangzhou Eastern Pearl Tower ShanghaiDo you want to go and visit these sights ? What means of transportation can you take ?Common means of transportation: planes, trains, ships, automobiles, subways, public buses, cars, trucks, or taxis * There are so

3、many ways of transportation to travel in the world. Questions:Your Study Tasks: (P7373) Recognize all the various forms of transportation Use a graphic organizer to organize information in Reading 1 To talk about the main ideas of Reading 1 Study some language usage in Reading 1 Do some exercises a

4、graphic organizer 图表图表, 图形图形Consists of:picture diagram the topic the main ideas the examplesAims: To help the reader organize information; To understand the reading better. (Page74) What problem has the growing city transportation caused ? 1. Too much traffic/Traffic jam 2. Pollution (emission/ poi

5、son gas, noise) 3. Gasoline crisis 燃料危机燃料危机* Peoples need to find more efficiency forms of transportation often develops new inventions.Question: Reading 1 (P75) Electric Cars 电动车电动车Compare: an electric car a car powered by an electric motor. a gasoline-powered car a car powered by a gasolinepetrol

6、engine.汽车汽车Do you know something about electric cars ? Have you ever seen electric cars or electric motor-bikes ?Check your homework: (P76)The graphic organizer for “Electric Cars”:Question:The graphic organizer for “Electric Cars”: An electric truck was produced in 1912 Electric Cars Was made as ea

7、rly as 1840sbut it didnt work well. Will be popular The EV1 electric car was available in California and Arizona in 1998 DisadvantagesAdvantages Not convenient, recharging Cost a lot Less pollution Perfect for commuting and short trips Whats the main ideas of this article ? The dream of an electric

8、car and the emission-free rule have been forcing people to invent and improve electric cars. Question:Vocabulary Check recharge decade predict emission profit automobile Language study: (P76)Line 4 as early as the 1840sLine 5 these electric vehicles were not made for the public to buy. to be bought

9、by the public Line 11 emission-free = without emission e.g. duty-free trouble-freeLine 16 power = make sth. power无尾气排放无尾气排放免税免税免去麻烦免去麻烦Line 19 It seemed that the car would be so expensive that no one would buy it. sothat. 如此如此以致(引导结果状语从句)以致(引导结果状语从句) e.g. The problem was so difficult that it took me

10、 several hours to work it out. Line 19-20 General Motors didnt think it could make a profit on the electric cars. 认为认为不不 e.g. I dont think he will come. Line 22 available 可用的,可获得的可用的,可获得的 e.g. Ill tell you when the book becomes available. 这本书有货时就通知你这本书有货时就通知你Line 24 The EV1 runs on a heavy, T-shaped

11、 battery. by usingP78 Exercises Keys:Part A Reading 1 P79 I. 7. The advantages of the EV1: It doesnt use gasoline and therefore does not pollute the air. Some people think it will be perfect for commuting and short trips. 8. The disadvantages : it cant be used for long trips without long breaks to r

12、echarge. key language points and grammatical structures in the textsPresent Perfect Tense Past Perfect Tense Attributive Clause Present Participial Future Perfect Tense So 引起的倒装句引起的倒装句现在完成时现在完成时过去完成时过去完成时定语从句定语从句现在分词作定语现在分词作定语将来完成时将来完成时P79 II. 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F 6. F 7. T 8. F 9. F 10. TIII. 1

13、. scratch 2. predictions 3. available 4. expensive 5.frustrated 6. concern 7. popular 8. profits 10. seriouslyIV. 1. B 2. C 3. D 4. D 5. B 6. B 7. D 8. D 9. C 10. A Reading 2 The Wrights were Right 莱特兄弟是正确的莱特兄弟是正确的Your Study GoalsTo catch the main idea of Reading 2; Make a time line to understand ev

14、ents in Reading 2; To master the language study; To master some Writing Skills; Write an invention and memo 发明创造发明创造 备忘录备忘录The main idea of this article is: The course which the Wright brothers invented airplane. Time line (P75) A reader can make a time line to help organize the dates in order.Aim:

15、To understand the reading better.Airplane invented1896 1903 1909 按事情发生的先后顺序按事情发生的先后顺序时间线时间线 the Wright brothers career: dates events 1880s Published a newspaper 1890s Wright Cycle Company 1896 Started the experiments of with flight1903 Orville successfully flew the airplane1909 Built an airplane tha

16、t could carry two people Language Study Line 1many people thought that it was impossible for humans to fly. Line 3 we owe our ability to travel by airplane to the inventions of the Wrights brothers. it formal subject(形式主语形式主语)to fly subject (真正主语真正主语) oweto 将将归功于归功于owe sth to sb/sth. : recognize sb/

17、sth as the cause of sth. 将将/把某事物归因、归功于某人某事物把某事物归因、归功于某人某事物 e.g. We owe this discovery to Newton. He owes his achievement more to luck than to ability. be due to 由某事由某事/某人引起的某人引起的;由于某人由于某人/某事某事 e.g. Our discovery is due to Newton.His achievement was due to his efforts than luck.Line 9their first proj

18、ect was publishing a newspaper. Line 17 After they worked with kites. This sentences meaning is: Gerund(动名词)(动名词)After they had a flying test with kites.Line 24 preventfrom sth./doing sth. 阻止/妨碍e.g. Prevent a disease from spreading Nobody can prevent him telling the truth.keepfrom (P85) keepoff (64)

19、 e.g. It keeps the developers off delicate land.Keep rain off the box. The heavy engines prevented the airplane from flying. 阻止阻止 使隔离,不接近使隔离,不接近使已经稀有的土地免遭开发这种发动机过于沉重,无法使飞机飞上天这种发动机过于沉重,无法使飞机飞上天 Part B Writing the Parts of Speech (词类)(词类)Adverb副词副词: slowly, carefully, quickly, clearlyPreposition介词介词 : beside, withConjunction连词连词: and, orInterjection 叹词叹词: great General idea Specific idea 广泛含义广泛含义 特定具体含义特定具体含义



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