六年级英语上册 Unit 2 I went to a library课件 外研版

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1、Module two unit twovery my we all ofcant too is want itthan more hot this aand an were lot was from then reallydear am some here M1 单词 thousand kilometre might million place building一千,一千个一千,一千个公里公里可能,可以可能,可以百万,百万个百万,百万个地方,地点地方,地点建筑物,大楼建筑物,大楼m2 surprise everywhere restaurant different dancing weeken

2、d惊奇惊奇各处,到处各处,到处饭馆饭馆不同的不同的舞蹈舞蹈周末周末tell me the Great Wall go there in Chinanear toall of too long more than millions of告诉我长城去那儿在中国接近全部太长多于成千上万的,无数的m2u1 an email a big surprise in New York shops and restaurants speak Chinese and English different from Chinese dancing in the street learn Chinese go to一封

3、电子邮件一封电子邮件一个大惊喜一个大惊喜在纽约在纽约商店和餐馆商店和餐馆说中文和英文说中文和英文不同于不同于中国的舞蹈中国的舞蹈在街上在街上学中文学中文去到去到m1重点句子How long is the Great Wall?Its ten thousand li long.How old is the Great Wall?Its more than two thousand years old.Its twenty metres tall.The clock is fifty metres high.Its two hundred years old.Im going to send an

4、 email to Mum.Yesterday I had a big surprise.There were lots and lots of Chinese shops and restaurants there.The food was different from Chinese food in China.Then we saw Chinese dancing in the street.He really wants to go to the Great Wall.特殊疑问代词WhatWhereWhenWhoWhyWhichHowHow many什么什么什么地方什么地方什么时候什么

5、时候谁谁为什么为什么哪一个哪一个怎样怎样多少多少特殊疑问句特殊疑问代词特殊疑问代词+助助动词动词/ be/情态动词情态动词+人称代词(主格)人称代词(主格)+动词动词+照抄?照抄?特殊疑问代词What什么Where在哪里When什么时候Who谁Which哪一个Why 为什么How如何助动词DoDoesdidbeAm IsAreWaswere情态动词CanCouldWillWouldMayshouldI went to a Chinatown in New York.Where did you go last Sunday?We saw Chinese dancing.What did you

6、see?We ate lots and lots of Chinese food.What did you eat?m2u2I went to a library yesterday. the Ming Tombs明十三陵是中国明朝皇帝的墓葬群,坐落在北京西北郊昌平区境内的燕山山麓的天寿山。这里自永乐七年(1409)五月始作长陵,到明朝最后一帝崇祯葬入思陵止,其间230多年,先后修建了十三座皇帝陵墓、七座妃子墓、一座太监墓。共埋葬了十三位皇帝、二十三位皇后、二位太子、三十余名妃嫔、一位太监 . the Ming Tombs lots of read some books明十三陵许多读了一些书wentwerespokeatesaw作业1.完成学案m2u22.听带读P8课文三遍,同桌互读两遍。背熟。3.预习m3u1:练习读m3单词三遍,读P10课文两遍。M2u2句子I went to a library yesterday.We went to the Ming Tombs yesterday.There were lots of stone animals.I am going to read some books.



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