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1、Unit 6 Matriculation Fixation讲课人:王人:王丽娟娟Tel:13570521788formal admission to study at a university or college(大学)入学考大学)入学考试 an inability to stop thinking about sth. or someone, or an unnaturally strong interest in them (对的)异常依恋;的)异常依恋;固恋;癖固恋;癖2024/9/20Teaching Objectives1)To learn about some basic fea

2、tures of narrative & descriptive writing;2)To grasp the new words and expressions.精选ppt2024/9/20Warm-up Questions: 1. Why do some people in modern time have an obsessive interest in attending elite colleges?2. How do universities influence our life?精选ppt2024/9/20Chinas 10 top universities精选ppt2024/9

3、/20Ivy League university a group of eight traditional universities in the eastern US with high academic standards and a high social statusHarvard University Yale University University of Pennsylvania(宾夕法尼夕法尼亚大学;大学;宾州大学)州大学) Princeton University (普林斯(普林斯顿大学大学 )Columbia University(哥(哥伦比比亚大学)大学) Brown

4、University (布朗大学)(布朗大学)Dartmouth College (达特茅斯学院(达特茅斯学院 )Cornell University(康乃(康乃尔大学大学 )精选ppt2024/9/20Text ExplanationsIn the essay the author offers his sincere advice to those parents who have college- bound children. He first criticizes some parents who try to select universities for their childr

5、en. He points out that a good university does not necessarily guarantee a successful career. This is supported by the example of his high school friends. 精选ppt2024/9/20Then he tells those disillusioned parents whose children are unlikely to enter prestigious universities that many people achieve hug

6、e success in this society without a degree from a prestigious university. This is supported by his own experience. Finally he reminds those parents that life doesnt have just one act. There is often Act Two. And Act Five.精选ppt2024/9/20 Detailed Study of TextParagraph 1-2 These two paragraphs make up

7、 the introductory part in which the author uses an anecdote as a starting point of the essay.精选ppt2024/9/20Paragraph 1Language points:languish: v. lose vigor, health, or flesh, as through grief; have a desire for something or someone who is not present; become feeble 憔悴;凋萎;失去活力;憔悴;凋萎;失去活力;受煎熬;受煎熬;长期

8、受苦;期受苦;变得衰弱得衰弱undivided: adj.not parted by conflict of opinion; not shared by or among others专心的;心的;专一的;未分开的;完整的一的;未分开的;完整的 精选ppt2024/9/20wear on: pass slowly (of time)缓慢地慢地进行;行;时间的流逝的流逝Eg: Itll work against our allies if we let this battle wear on too long.如果把如果把战战斗拖得斗拖得太太长长,对对我我们们的盟的盟军军不利不利。wear o

9、ut: deteriorate through use or stress磨磨损Eg: People are like machines: they wear out.人人也象机器一也象机器一样样,会磨,会磨损损。精选ppt2024/9/20garner: (v.) acquire or deserve by ones efforts or actions; store grain; assemble or get together; collect sth., usually after with much work or with difficulty获得;得;储存;存;收集收集In sh

10、ort, anyone who thinks new thoughts or does new deeds is likely to garner disapproval and criticism from someone.简而言之,任何有新思而言之,任何有新思想、做新行想、做新行为的人都可能遭到某人的不的人都可能遭到某人的不赞成和批成和批评。精选ppt2024/9/20Paragraph 2Language points:bright but not brilliant: smart but not outstanding. first-tiertier: one of two or mo

11、re layers one atop another层,等,等级first-tier: first-rate; first-classechelon: a body of troops arranged in a line梯梯队;阶层second-echelon: second-rate; second-class精选ppt2024/9/20Money being tight: not having much moneywith other college-bound children in the family queue: with a number of children in a fa

12、mily who are going to go to college one after another in a few years.college-bound: going to collegerue:feel remorse for; feel sorry for; be contrite about 后悔,懊悔后悔,懊悔精选ppt2024/9/20QUESTION:What does the sentence. fewer contacts would be made mean?The sentence means that since it was a local universi

13、ty, there would be fewer chances to establish a network of interpersonal relationships that could be potentially helpful in the future.精选ppt2024/9/20within striking distance:very near to obtaining or achieving something.Eg: Hard luck! You came within striking distance of beating the record.真倒霉!你眼看就要

14、打破真倒霉!你眼看就要打破纪纪录录了了。yellow brick road: P95 notes (2)means the road of gold, which is a metaphor for success.精选ppt2024/9/20Her degree would put her within striking distance of the yellow brick road, but not physically on the road itself. After she graduates from a second-class university, she will be

15、 close to ,the path to success, though not directly on it, but still there will be a gap between. 精选ppt2024/9/20Paragraphs 3 - 4 In these two paragraphs, as a response to the mans story, the author tries to give some advice by relating his own experiences, i.e. his high school friends, his universit

16、y days, and his present career. 精选ppt2024/9/20Paragraphs 3a man of the world: a man who has lots of experience in coping with certain situations or people.通世故的人,通世故的人,精通世故的人精通世故的人requisite:(n.) anything indispensable必需品必需品; (adj.)necessary for relief or supply必不可少必不可少的,必需的的,必需的精选ppt2024/9/20mediate:

17、 act between parties with a view to reconciling differences 调解,斡旋解,斡旋in question:being talked about, under discussion.讨论中中的,考的,考虑中的中的The analysis in question, however, refers to the process of a systematic, minute analysis.这里所里所讲的分析的分析过程,是指系程,是指系统的周密的分析的周密的分析过程。程。I was out of town on the night in qu

18、estion.精选ppt2024/9/20Paragraphs 4carve out: to successfully create or obtain sth., espeically a work position, by working for it.艰苦苦创业,奋斗取得斗取得(事(事业,名声等),名声等)Persistence will carve out a way to success.只要只要坚坚持到底,就一定能成功。持到底,就一定能成功。niche :a position particularly well suited to the person who occupies i

19、t合适的合适的职业“to carve out a nice little niche for myself”:secure myself a good and comfortable position by hard work and great effort.精选ppt2024/9/20QUESTIONQUESTION What does the author mean by . the sun never What does the author mean by . the sun never set without my thankinset without my thanking Go

20、d g God for . ?for . ? The author means that every day he felt grateful The author means that every day he felt grateful to God for what he learnt frto God for what he learnt from his om his talented and talented and dedicated professors.dedicated professors.Translations: 我的大学生活是我的大学生活是这辈子最开心的一段日子子最

21、开心的一段日子之一,那些才之一,那些才华横溢、横溢、专注学注学问的教授的教授们给了我无了我无穷的启的启发和灵感,和灵感,为此,我每天都在感此,我每天都在感谢上帝。上帝。精选ppt2024/9/20“pressed for biographical data”:urged to give personal information.freelance(n.) a writer or artist who sells services to different employers without a long-term contract with any of them;自由作家自由作家 (v.)

22、work independently and on temporary contracts rather than for a long-term employer自由自由撰稿的撰稿的tick off:列列举;用;用记号勾出号勾出精选ppt2024/9/20credentials : n. (proof of ) abilities and experience which make someone suitable for a particular job pr activity 资格,格,资历,证书,证件件V. credential 提供提供证明明书(或(或证件)件)What creden

23、tials do you need for the dream jobs out there?想得到你梦想中的工作,你需要想得到你梦想中的工作,你需要哪些哪些资资格格证书证书呢?呢?精选ppt2024/9/20Paragraphs 5 and 6feign:V. to pretend to feel sth., usually an emotion 假装,假装,装作装作Some animals feign death when in danger.有些动物遇到危险时便装死。curriculum vitae:a summary of your academic and work history,

24、 a resume 简历简历 “he was devastated” : he was extremely upset and worried精选ppt2024/9/20Though he tried to feign interest in my pathetic curriculum vitae, I could see that he was devastated.:Though he acted as if he was interested in my pitiable CV, I could see that he was upset.From Para.5-6, it shoul

25、d be noted that the man is not very responsive and interested in the authors account, which evokes the authors comment I never did find out why he was visiting the hospital. 精选ppt2024/9/20Paragraphs 7neurotic:(n.)a person suffering from neurosis; (adj.) affected with emotional disorder 神神经病患者;神病患者;神

26、经质的,神的,神经病的病的gabbinessn. excessive talkativeness. adj. gabby 健健谈的,多嘴的,的,多嘴的,饶舌的舌的Her gabbiness keeps us away from her.她太她太罗嗦,我,我们都都躲着她。着她。“the neurotic gabbiness” : tendency to talk excessively because of oversensitivity to or over-indulgence in certain topics.精选ppt2024/9/20Translation of “I mention

27、 this incident because.send their children to college”.我之所以提起我之所以提起这件事,是因件事,是因为它它说明明谈到送孩子上到送孩子上大学大学这件事,父母件事,父母们就不由自主地神就不由自主地神经兮兮,兮兮,啰里里啰嗦。whereof(adv.& conj.) of which, about it,related to it;of what 关于什么关于什么I know whereof speak: I know what I speak of精选ppt2024/9/20follow suitdo what someone else is

28、 doingWe see another yawn, and our impulse is to follow suit.当我当我们看到看到别人打哈欠的人打哈欠的时候,我候,我们也会也会跟着打哈欠。跟着打哈欠。“every dark cloud has a silver lining”A proverb, meaning “every trouble has something hopeful in it.黑暗中黑暗中总有一有一线光明光明 / 困境之中也会困境之中也会终有有希望希望 mind-numbingadj. that makes people uneasy or slow in rea

29、ction.使人使人头脑麻木的麻木的;令人心令人心烦意乱的意乱的Dont always sit on that couch watching mind-numbing, spirit crushing game shows不要不要总坐在沙坐在沙发上看那些无聊透上看那些无聊透顶的的节目目精选ppt2024/9/20“On this subject, I am completely lapped out.”: I have no interest in this subject at all.这个个话题我我是完全不想是完全不想谈了。了。“be lapped out”: be eliminated

30、in a race; left behind Teachers should avoid being lapped out in the fields of new technology.老老师们应该避免在新技避免在新技术方面方面跟不上形跟不上形势。精选ppt2024/9/20QUESTION in paragraph 7Why does the author say that he will never participate in a mind-numbing discussion about college selection process, once his kids have le

31、ft home? The author believes that such discussions are meaningless or even harmful. Here, he seems to suggest that for those parents who happen to make the right selections for their children or whose children go to prestigious universities such a topic would be self-aggrandizing(夸大夸大), but for thos

32、e who fail to make the right selections or whose children go to less prestigious universities such a topic would be self-flagellatory(鞭打)(鞭打). 精选ppt2024/9/20Paragraphs 8stem from:come from, originate from起源于,来自于起源于,来自于Her problems stem from her difficult childhood.unalloyed:pure; 纯粹的,未粹的,未掺杂的的 We ha

33、d the perfect holiday - two weeks of unalloyed blissThis lack of interest does not stem from pure selfishness or unalloyed contempt for other peoples offspring.:The reason why I am not interested in it is not because I am selfish or look down upon other peoples children.精选ppt2024/9/20banal: adj. bor

34、ing, ordinary and not original 陈腐的,平庸腐的,平庸的,老一套的的,老一套的self-aggrandizing: adj. self-important, arrogant自我自我扩张的;傲慢的的;傲慢的self-flagellatory : adj. self-punishing punitive: adj. intended as a punishment惩罚性的性的Chinese translation of “rather, I feelor putitive.”:而是我而是我觉得几乎所有有关得几乎所有有关选大学大学这个个过程的程的谈话都是老生常都是老生

35、常谈,自吹自擂要么就是痛批自己,苦,自吹自擂要么就是痛批自己,苦不堪言。不堪言。精选ppt2024/9/20cribbage: a card game. 克里巴奇牌游克里巴奇牌游戏Question: What does cribbage stand for?Here it is used in contrast to mind-numbing discussion. Thus it stands for something entertaining, rather than boring or afflicting.精选ppt2024/9/20Conclusion about Para.7-8

36、 These tow paragraphs play an important role in the essay. On the one hand, they are the authors comments elicited by the incident; on the other hand, they function as a transition to further discussion on the matter.精选ppt2024/9/20Para.9infuriating: adj. making someone extreme angryvalidate: v. to m

37、ake sth. officially accepted or approved, especially after examining it 证实,确,确认,使有效,使有效closure“: when an event or a period of time is brought to an end, or the feeling that something has been completely dealt with.Funerals help give people a sense of closure.精选ppt2024/9/20The most infuriating conver

38、sation is the one where the parent clearly seeks a decisive career-validating moment of emotional closure.:The most annoying conversation is the one where the parent tries to be emotionally settled once for all by selecting for the child a good college that guarantees his or her future careerChinese

39、 version of “The most infuriating.emotional closure.”最令人怒不可遏的最令人怒不可遏的谈话是,参与是,参与谈话的家的家长认为自己在子自己在子女上大学女上大学问题上已大功告成,而把上已大功告成,而把这类交交谈当成正式宣告当成正式宣告摆脱此脱此类苦苦恼/ /折磨的良机。折磨的良机。精选ppt2024/9/20irrevocable: impossible to change不可改不可改变的,不能撤的,不能撤销的的Such individuals believe that securing admission to a top-flight uni

40、versity provides child with an irrevocable passport to success:Such people believe that if a child succeeds in getting admission to a first-rate university, then he or she will be guaranteed successful future.精选ppt2024/9/20mirth: laughter, amusement or happiness欢乐,欢笑,幸福笑,幸福“economic mirth”:happiness

41、 and contentment with economic successupwardly mobile: (社会,社会,经济地位)上升的,有上升地位)上升的,有上升趋势的的chucklehead: n. a stupid person, a blockhead 傻瓜,笨蛋傻瓜,笨蛋精选ppt2024/9/20belligerence:n. a hostile or warlike attitude, nature, inclination 好好战性,斗争性性,斗争性belligerent adj.“their childrens destinations”:their childrens

42、entry into top universitiessotto voce :(said ) in a quiet voice so that only people near can hear;低声地低声地taunt: a scornful remark or tirade 嘲弄,嘲弄,讥讽精选ppt2024/9/20“ . issuing a sotto voce taunt to parents of the less gifted” : sneering or laughing quietly at those parents of less gifted childrenTransl

43、ation of “Parents such as these upwardly mobile.of the less gifted.”这些只知道往上爬的愚蠢父母得意地宣称自己的子女要去些只知道往上爬的愚蠢父母得意地宣称自己的子女要去哪里念哪里念书,陶醉在自己的成功之中,殊不知,陶醉在自己的成功之中,殊不知这种近乎普种近乎普鲁士式的挑衅做法,却是士式的挑衅做法,却是对那些儿女并不出色的父母那些儿女并不出色的父母们的侮的侮辱和嘲辱和嘲讽。精选ppt2024/9/20prep:n. preparatory school-a private school for children over the

44、age of 11, which prepares them to go to college预备学校学校heck:真真见鬼(鬼(hellhell的委婉的委婉说法)法) Tuscany: n. 托斯卡托斯卡纳区(意大利行政区名)区(意大利行政区名)Chinese translation of “Now we can get.and move to Tuscany.”我我们现在可以离开在可以离开这儿了儿了 ,搬到意大利托斯卡,搬到意大利托斯卡纳去享受人生了。去享受人生了。精选ppt2024/9/20Question: How do those parents feel when their ch

45、ildren enter a top university?They feel that their childrens future is guaranteed and their mission as parents fulfilled.Conclusion of Para 9In paragraph 9, the author criticizes parents who try to make the selection of colleges for their children.精选ppt2024/9/20Para.10 . age seventeen. Or twenty-one

46、”:a child is supposed to enter college at seventeen and graduate at twenty-one.screwup:n. one that makes a mess of an undertaking 弄糟事情的人弄糟事情的人 screw up 把事情弄糟把事情弄糟Eg: Having the car stolen completely screwed up our holiday plans.精选ppt2024/9/20first-class screwups“: absolute and hopeless failuresIn re

47、al life, some children get the finest educations but still become first-class screwups.:In real life, some very promising children with very good schooling turn out to be complete failures.精选ppt2024/9/20on skid row: poor, without a job or place to live, and often drinking too much alcohol.skid row 贫

48、民区民区end up on welfare or skid row“: eventually live on social welfare for their survivalThat is why Nature gives you the job.:That is why Nature gives you the job of being parents. P96精选ppt2024/9/20Conclusion of Para 10In this paragraph the author airs his view, which is different from that of the p

49、arent mentioned in the preceding paragraph. He argues that a good university does not necessarily guarantee a successful career, and asserts that parents responsibility does not end when their children leave home for university.精选ppt2024/9/20Para.11make the cut: make the grade 成功,达到成功,达到标准准Brand X:

50、蹩脚的蹩脚的;非名牌的非名牌的;非名牌非名牌产品品“. their Brand X children arent going to make the cut”:. their children fall into the generic(一般的)(一般的) or common variety that are not likely to achieve much and cannot possibly be admitted to prestigious universities. To make the cut is an informal American expression that

51、means to attain a particular goal. To make the cut literally means to be accepted into a sports team.精选ppt2024/9/20AP course:Advanced Placement大学大学预修修课程程 AP课程及考试始于1955年,由美国大学理事会(College Board)主办,在高中阶段开设的具有大学水平的课程,共有22个门类、37个学科。该项考试的目的在于,使高中学生提前接触大学课程,完成一些美国大学的学分课程及考试。AP课程及考试可以为高中生起到减免大学学分、降低大学教育成本、缩

52、短大学教育时间的目的,同时AP考试成绩可以作为申请大学的一个重要筹码。 精选ppt2024/9/20take a toll: if sth. takes a toll, it causes suffering , deaths or damage产生生负面影响;面影响;产生痛苦;造成生痛苦;造成损失失toll: (为报死亡死亡时刻、噩耗等刻、噩耗等)鸣钟;grandiose: larger and containing more detail than necessary, or intended to seem important or splendid. 浮夸的;浮夸的;宏宏伟的,堂皇的的

53、,堂皇的delivery-room:产房房精选ppt2024/9/20Amherst, Bard and Duke: three prestigious private universities in the United States.note 5-7 P96QUESTIONWhat does the author mean by those grandiose delivery-room dreams of Amherst, Bard, and Duke are suddenly going up in smoke?精选ppt2024/9/20The author means that b

54、eautiful dreams which those parents have cherished since children were born are now totally smashed and have disappeared. “Translation:想当年孩子出生的想当年孩子出生的时候,梦想着他候,梦想着他们有朝有朝一日一日进入名牌大学入名牌大学(阿姆赫斯特、巴德、杜阿姆赫斯特、巴德、杜克克)的希望如今灰的希望如今灰飞烟烟灭。精选ppt2024/9/20bashful: adj. 害羞的,害羞的,腼腆的腆的shamefacedly: adv. 羞愧地,羞怯地羞愧地,羞怯地p

55、rogeny: n .(plural) the young or offspring of a person, animal or plant 子子孙,后裔,后裔skulk: v. to hide or move as if trying not to be seen 躲藏,藏,偷偷摸摸地行走摸摸地行走“the glamourless institutions their progeny are skulking off to” :the obscure universities their children are going to, which they feel too ashamed

56、to let others know about.精选ppt2024/9/20Bashfully, shamefacedly, miserably, these parents now mumble the names of the glamourless institutions their progeny are skulking off to.:Embarrassedly, guiltily, sorrowfully, these parents now dare not utter loudly the names of those low-grade institutions whe

57、re their children are quietly entering because they are ashamed of themselves.Translation:这些父母些父母们只有羞愧、只有羞愧、丢脸而且痛苦地念叨着他而且痛苦地念叨着他们的孩子的孩子即将即将偷偷摸摸去念摸摸去念书的学校名字。的学校名字。精选ppt2024/9/20jeopardy: if sth. is in jeopardy, it is in danger of being damaged or destroyed. Here it refers to an award-winning quiz sho

58、w (智力智力竞赛节目目)Look at the note 8 on P96whose capitals only repeat winners on Jeopardy! can name. : whose state capitals are so obscure that only people who often win on game shows like Jeopardy! can name. The sentence means that the children who could not make it into the most famous universities are

59、 now attending schools in very remote, unknown places.精选ppt2024/9/20Translation of “they are colleges you Translation of “they are colleges you nevercan name.”nevercan name.”这些名字些名字总是你是你闻所未所未闻的,所在的小的,所在的小镇也是也是谁都不想去的,所都不想去的,所处的州首府只有的州首府只有记忆力大力大赛的的优胜者才者才说的出。的出。glum:glum: adj. disappointed or unhappy,

60、and quiet adj. disappointed or unhappy, and quiet 失望的,阴沉的,郁失望的,阴沉的,郁闷的的精选ppt2024/9/20Conclusion of Para 11In this paragraph the author gives an illustration of the second category/group of people who are obsessed with college selection. They are disillusioned parents whose children are unlikely to e

61、nter prestigious universities.精选ppt2024/9/20Para.12Of mice and Mensa: Note 2 on P96Reality has a way of upsetting the worst-laid plans of Mice and Mensa. The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry. (人算不如天算人算不如天算)/智者千智者千虑,必有一失,必有一失 here the author means that even the most careful plan can go w

62、rong.Chinese translation of this sentence: 可是,可是,现实总是一次又一次地是一次又一次地证明了明了“人算不如天算人算不如天算”。精选ppt2024/9/20late bloomer: someone who becomes good at sth. After people usually become good at it. 大器晚成的人大器晚成的人Some kids are late bloomers:Some kids become successful later than average kids.精选ppt2024/9/20Some ki

63、ds are better off in a less competitive environment.:Some kids perform better in a less competitive situation.be better off: 更富裕;生活更好更富裕;生活更好 Eg:Obviously were better off now were both working.Hed be better off working for a bigger company.精选ppt2024/9/20hurdle: a problem that you have to deal with b

64、efore you can make progress. 障碍障碍your child has failed to clear the first . hurdle : your child has failed to overcome the first difficulty .Here the verb clear means to get over the hurdle without touching it.disown: to make it known that you no longer have any connection with someone that you were

65、 closely connected with; deny. 脱离关系脱离关系,不承不承认与自己有关系与自己有关系;否否认精选ppt2024/9/20“Matisse didnt get rolling. :Matisse didnt become successful.get (something) rolling means to make progress or to prosper.Note 10 P 96Note 10-18 P 96精选ppt2024/9/20 life doesnt have one act . :This is a metaphor with which the

66、 author compares life to a performance or a play. By this metaphor the author is saying that people may have different talents that could be shown in various phases of their lives.Note 19精选ppt2024/9/20sequel: a book, film or play which continues the story of a previous book, etc.续集,集,续篇篇 dotty:sligh

67、tly strange or mentally ill 疯疯癫癫的;半痴的;的;半痴的;低能的低能的Chinese translation of “matriculation fixation campus visit.” 父母父母对子女大学子女大学录取的偏取的偏执态度在参度在参观校园的校园的时候会达到候会达到荒荒谬可笑的可笑的顶峰。峰。精选ppt2024/9/20high-profile institutions : It refers to famous universities.renown: n. the state of being famouswhose renown has in

68、 some way preceded them.“:whose fame has more weight than these institutions themselves. The author suggests that some parents think more of the fame of a university than the university itself, hence it is never entirely clear what parents are looking for. 精选ppt2024/9/20Chinese translation of “Here

69、it is never.preceded them.”:我我们从来都不知道父母从来都不知道父母们究竟在校园里究竟在校园里寻找什么,尤其是那些一流的大学,找什么,尤其是那些一流的大学,这些学些学校的卓著声誉在校的卓著声誉在诱惑他惑他们。精选ppt2024/9/20MIT: Massachusetts Institute of Technology 麻省理工麻省理工学院学院poke fun at:取笑,嘲弄:取笑,嘲弄nerd: a person, especially a man, who is unattractive and awkward or socially embarrassing

70、呆子;呆子;讨厌的人的人here the word refers to MIT students who are stereotypically awkward and socially uncomfortable. 精选ppt2024/9/20“During a recent visit to MIT as a nerd factory.”:Recently I made a visit to MIT, and I watched the first thirty seconds of an admissions office making jokes about the universit

71、ys reputation. The university is ridiculed to be a factory which turns out very smart but boring people.精选ppt2024/9/20Chinese translation of “During a recent visit to MIT as a nerd factory.”:最近我去了一趟麻省理工学院,看了学校招最近我去了一趟麻省理工学院,看了学校招生生办公室制作的一份音像公室制作的一份音像资料的前料的前3030秒,里秒,里面开玩笑地称面开玩笑地称这所名校所名校为“书呆子工厂呆子工厂”。精

72、选ppt2024/9/20QUESTIONWhat does the admissions office(招生招生办公室公室) video hope to convey? And what does the author find?The admissions office video tries to dismiss the saying that MIT is a factory that produces boring and unfashionable people who are not good at communicating with other people in socia

73、l situations. However, the author saw a lot of such people on the campus.精选ppt2024/9/20Conclusion of Para.12This paragraph gives the authors view on a second class of obsessives. The author argues that entering a prestigious university is not a criterion to judge a persons success, because some kids

74、 are late bloomers. Some kids are better off in a less competitive environment. Lots of people achieve huge success in this society without a degree from a prestigious university. In addition he offers the reassuring advice that life doesnt have just one Act. There is often Act Two. And Act Five.精选p

75、pt2024/9/20Para.13one high-strung mother : one very nervous mother. When it is used as a verb, the word string means to make somebody make somebody tensetense.buck:(informal) dollarfork over: to give sth., especially money to someone, especially when you do not want to(尤其指不情愿地尤其指不情愿地) 付出付出,支付,大量花支付,

76、大量花钱darned: adj. polite version of damned精选ppt2024/9/20The woman shuddered, noting that forking over eight dollars for dinner every night could get pretty darned expensive.: The woman shook a little bit, realizing spending eight dollars on a dinner every night could be very expensive.Translation:那位母

77、那位母亲吓得吓得发抖,每天的晚餐就要花掉八抖,每天的晚餐就要花掉八块钱简直是天直是天价了。价了。精选ppt2024/9/20Para.14grand (informal) :one thousand dollarsIts going to cost you forty grand to send your kid to school here, I interjected.:Its going to cost you forty thousand dollars to send your kid to school here, I interrupted.精选ppt2024/9/20QUEST

78、IONWhat is the meaning of the authors remark Dont start worrying about dinnerprices?The author means that dinner prices would be trivial compared with the total cost of MIT.精选ppt2024/9/20Conclusion of Para.13-14The talk about dinner prices in these two short paragraphs seemingly has something to do

79、with affordability(支付能力,支付能力,负担能力担能力), it is actually an anecdote the author uses to poke fun at those all parents.精选ppt2024/9/20Para.15repertory: n. the repeated performance of several plays one after the other by one company of actors 保留保留剧目目的的轮演演 Since that visit this fall, this incident has beco

80、me an invaluable part of my repertory. Ever since my visit to MIT this autumn, that eight-dollar-dinner thing has become one of my favorite subjects when I have conversations with other parents about the college selection process.精选ppt2024/9/20dragoon into :to force or persuade someone to do sth. un

81、pleasant 强制制/逼迫某人做某事逼迫某人做某事 interminable: continuing for too long and therefore boring or annoying冗冗长的的,无止尽的的的,无止尽的sedulous: persevering and constant in effort, assiduous刻苦刻苦的,勤勉的的,勤勉的“sedulous monitoring”:careful and meticulous inspection精选ppt2024/9/20winnow: 精精选;筛选;辨;辨别 winnowing procedure“: selec

82、tion and screening procedure vis-a vis: in relation to panini: an Italian sandwich made usually with vegetables, cheese, and grilled or cured meat. 意大利一种意大利一种传统三明治三明治 精选ppt2024/9/20Chinese translation of “now, whenever I am winnowing procedure”:如今不如今不论何何时有人第三万次有人第三万次强拉我没完没了地拉我没完没了地讨论给孩子孩子选哪所大学,我都会告哪

83、所大学,我都会告诉他他们一定要不一定要不辞辛辞辛劳地地查清学校餐清学校餐厅的价格,的价格,这个个应该是遴是遴选学校的决定性因素。学校的决定性因素。精选ppt2024/9/20ornery: tending to get angry and argue with people 爱争吵争吵的,坏脾气的,低劣的的,坏脾气的,低劣的flat-out: adv. complete or certain, and not likely to changeflat-out dumb : completely and extremely stupid flat out: as fast or as hard

84、as possible 全速,全力以赴全速,全力以赴 in a definite and direct way; completely 直截了直截了当地,断然当地,断然精选ppt2024/9/20People who hear me say things like this cant decide whether I am insensitive or ornery or flat-out numb.People who hear me say things like this cant decide whether I am uncaring, bad-tempered or absolut

85、ely stupid.那些听我那些听我这么么说的人都搞不清楚我是麻木冷漠的人都搞不清楚我是麻木冷漠还是心胸狭窄是心胸狭窄还是傻瓜一个。是傻瓜一个。精选ppt2024/9/20QUESTIONWhy does the author say I was never MIT material?This is a humorous way of saying that he was not a nerd: I never prepared myself for a prestigious university such as MIT, yet, I am a successful man. 好吧,我好

86、吧,我们可以可以这么么说: 我从来都不是念麻省理我从来都不是念麻省理工的料。工的料。精选ppt2024/9/20Conclusion of Para.15In this concluding paragraph the author humorously expresses his attitude towards college selection by saying people . cant decide whether I am insensitive or ornery or flat out dumb. 精选ppt2024/9/20Writing Strategies (P98)T

87、he essay has the following subtopics as main components:1) the authors own situation and experiences in college education and college selection (Paragraphs 3-8); 2) his probe into and comments on the two classes of college selection obsessives (Paragraphs 9-12). 精选ppt2024/9/20The two incidents are r

88、espectively related with the first and the second subtopics: the encounter puts the author and the man in a similar situation (both the man and the author have kids who are going to attend college); the campus tour provides support to the authors comments on the matter.The two incidents help to clarify the subtopics by means of full and progressive explanation of the authors attitude towards the matter (the authors college days, his high school chums, examples of failures and successes, etc.)精选ppt2024/9/20This is the end 精选ppt



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