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7、aboutlikesordislikesoragreementoradvice3.Howtounderstandtheeffectofeatingonhealth4.Modalverb“oughtto”TeachingPlananddesignBetter divide unit two into nine periodsPeriod1WarmingupandspeakingPeriod2-4ReadingcomprehensionPeriod5VocabularystudyPeriod6GrammarPeriod7ListeningandspeakingPeriod8Speakingandw

8、ritingPeriod9SummaryandSelf-assessmentPeriod 1 Warming up and Period 1 Warming up and SpeakingSpeakingcarrotTeachingdesign目的及预期效果目的及预期效果:通过栩栩如生的图片通过栩栩如生的图片,以竟猜的方式开始以竟猜的方式开始,激发学激发学生们的学习兴趣生们的学习兴趣,激活已有的背景知识激活已有的背景知识,使其带着问题积极主动地参与使其带着问题积极主动地参与,思考思考,作答作答,同学们既获取了新的信息同学们既获取了新的信息,掌握新的知识掌握新的知识,也丰富了自己的也丰富了自己的

9、生活经验生活经验,养成通过分析养成通过分析,归纳归纳,总结总结,解决问题的习惯解决问题的习惯,同时也逐渐养同时也逐渐养成合作的意识及所带给的快乐和收效成合作的意识及所带给的快乐和收效主要运用的策略主要运用的策略 认知策略认知策略:学习和运用语言的策略学习和运用语言的策略:对各种蔬菜对各种蔬菜,水水果果,食物进行识别食物进行识别,区分区分,组织及反复接触组织及反复接触 并有意识记忆并有意识记忆;再进行归类再进行归类,总结总结,然后用于日常生活之中然后用于日常生活之中社会情感策略社会情感策略:采用竟猜采用竟猜,讨论讨论,对话等促进同学间合作学习对话等促进同学间合作学习,共同完成共同完成任务任务,同

10、时为同学创造条件和机会扩大信息同时为同学创造条件和机会扩大信息(与日常生活息息相关的健与日常生活息息相关的健康话题方面的康话题方面的)输入量和输出量输入量和输出量方式方式:以小组为单位竟猜以小组为单位竟猜(团队效应团队效应);个人展现才华个人展现才华(满足自我表现欲满足自我表现欲及个人成就感及个人成就感);两人排练两人排练(再现实际生活再现实际生活)GuessingGamesCompetitioningroupsPleaseidentifythenamesofthefollowingfood,fruitorvegetables?crabshrimpmuttonroast duckvegetab

11、lesbean pea eggplant mushroom cabbage pepper tomato potato carrot Chinese cabbage pumpkin cucumber tofu celery foodrice porriage pork mutton beef fish chicken fishfruitapple orange pear peach cherry lemon strawberry watermelon pineapplenutrientsnutrientsmineralsmineralsfatproteinvitaminsugarcarbohyd

12、rates some essential nutrientssome essential nutrientsfibre What do the foods have in common ?What do the foods have in common ?Which food contains more Which food contains more sugar?sugar?grapeschocolatecakesbananasWhich of the following foods contain the most fat? Put them in order from 1 (most f

13、at) to 5 (least fat):123 4 5Which food contains more Which food contains more fibrefibre? ?nutspeasporkcabbageWhich food contains more Which food contains more protein?protein?hampotato crispseggsice creambeansbeansbreadbreadbutterbuttercheesecheesecucumbercucumbereggseggslemonslemonsmeatmeatmilkmil

14、kmushroomsmushroomsnoodlesnoodlesnutsnutsorangesorangespeaspeaspotatoespotatoesricericespaghettispaghettisugarsugartofutofucabbagecabbagepeachespeachesWhich foodsWhich foodsgive us give us energyenergy? ?help us grow bones and help us grow bones and musclemuscle? ?give us give us fibrefibre for for

15、digestiondigestion and and healthhealth?beansbeansbreadbreadbutterbuttercheesecheesecucumbercucumbereggseggslemonslemonsmeatmeatmilkmilkmushroomsmushroomsnoodlesnoodlesnutsnutsorangesorangespeaspeaspotatoespotatoesricericespaghettispaghettisugarsugartofutofucabbagecabbagepeachespeaches1.Which foods

16、mainly give us energy?1.Which foods mainly give us energy?beansbeansbreadbreadbutterbuttercheesecheesecucumbercucumbereggseggslemonslemonsmeatmeatmilkmilkmushroomsmushroomsnoodlesnoodlesnutsnutsorangesorangespeaspeaspotatoespotatoesricericespaghettispaghettisugarsugartofutofucabbagecabbagepeachespea

17、ches2.Which foods can help us grow bones 2.Which foods can help us grow bones and muscle?and muscle?beansbeansbreadbreadbutterbuttercheesecheesecucumbercucumbereggseggslemonslemonsmeatmeatmilkmilkmushroomsmushroomsnoodlesnoodlesnutsnutsorangesorangespeaspeaspotatoespotatoesricericespaghettispaghetti

18、sugarsugartofutofucabbagecabbagepeachespeaches3.Which foods mainly give us 3.Which foods mainly give us fibrefibre for for digestion and health?digestion and health?SpeakingP12Inpairsmakeupadialogueaboutfoodyoulikeordislikeusingtheexpressionsbelowandasmanyfood,fruitorvegetablesaspossibleandstateyour

19、reasons.UsefulexpressionsaboutlikesanddislikesMyfavoritefood/fruit/meatisImfondofIdontofteneat.IreallyhateIcantstandDiscussion:Howtokeephealthy?whatkindoddietcanhelppeoplebefit?BlackboardDesignHealthyEatingabalanceddietenergy-givingbody-buildingprotectivefoodfoodfoodHomework:Homework: Preview Readin


21、ntext.Step3:Read,firstskim,thenscanbycreatingquestionsandanswertheminpairs(sortandmethodInstructions).Step4:Guessthewordsfromcontext.understandsentences.Step5:Groupdiscussionfatslim+=Breakfast Breakfast : :a bowl of corn flakes+unfat milkLunch :Lunch :vegetable+some sorts of unfat meatTime for tea T

22、ime for tea : :Only when you feel hungry can you have some crackersSupper Supper : :3 dishes+a soup courseA healthy dietGroupWorkPlanamenuwithabalanceddietcontainingproperenergy-givingfoodbody-buildingfoodandprotectivefoodsothatyoucankeepbothhealthyandslimHowandwherecanyouhaveit?Cookathomeorbuyatthe

23、restaurant?Where ?Where ?Reading strategies:Reading strategies: Make a guess according to the title before reading. Pre-readingPre-reading “ Come & eat here Come & eat here ” What ?What ?GuessingWherecanithappen?restaurantWhowillbethere?customersWhatfoodcanbeservedthere?energy-givingfood?Body-buildi

24、ng-food?orprotectivefood?Whatisthebusinesssenseoftheboss?servegood-eatingfoodorslim-keepingfood?What does the story tell us? (main What does the story tell us? (main idea)idea) Two different owners:Wang Peng and Yong Hui serve two different food in their restaurants and have different results. Readi

25、ngfordetailsReadthetextsilently,createasmanyquestionsaspossibleandaskandanswertheminpairs.WhydidWangPengfeelfrustrated?FactWhathappenedthen?Washewarmlywelcomeorturneddown?Whatdidhefind?Whatattractscustomersinsideindeed?Wheredidhegoafterheleftandwhy?Whatmeasureswashegoingtotaketoimproveit?Reading str

26、ategies :Reading strategies : Read fast to prove your guess.Summarize the main idea of the story according to Summarize the main idea of the story according to the above table ? the above table ? SkimmingSkimming Where?Where?What ?What ? restaurantsrestaurantsWang Pengs Yong Huis Food offeredFood of

27、feredmutton kebabs, roastpork, fried rice, cola,ice creamfruit, waterraw vegetablesProblems with Problems with foods offeredfoods offeredfattirednot enough fibre foodnot enough energy foodScanningScanning Make a list of Make a list of placesplaces where where PengweiPengwei stayed and went and his s

28、tayed and went and his feelingsfeelings in the in the places :places :frustratedemptyfoodfriendcuriousamazedfoodpricesdelighteda wayThe competition was on !The competition was on !ReadingfordetailsWasWangPengrunhisbusinessverywell?Howdoyouknowthat?Whatkindofpersondoyouthinkheis?Whatwillhappentothem,

29、WangPengandYangHui?Pleasefindenoughevidencetosupportyouropinion.opinion or inferenceWork out words from contextThehostess,averythinlady,cameforward.“Welcome”shesaid.EventhoughhercustomersmightgetthinaftereatingYongHuisfoodPerhapswithadiscount andanewsign,hecouldwin.justrice,rawvegetablesservedinvine



32、nghuisrestaurantwhenhesawthemenu.(F)WangPengdecidedtocopyYonghuismenu.(F)Discuss in pairsDiscuss in pairs Who will win the competition at last Who will win the competition at last ? ?Blackboard design“Come and eat here ( I )” restaurantfoodofferedproblems with foodWangPengsYongHuisWangPengsfeelings:



35、uildingfoodlikefishandmeatforprotein andfat,and_protectivefoodlikefruitandvegetablesforfibresand_vitamins_.Yes,butdoesitmatterhowmuchrice,noodlesand_sugar Ieat?Yes.Ifyoueattoomuch,youmaybecome_obese_.Thismeansyouaretoofatanditmayleadtootherillnesses.However,ifyoudonteatenoughrice,noodlesorsugar,youl

36、lget_tired easily.Isee.Illbecarefulaboutthat.Doesitmatterhowmuchfish,meator_cheese Ieat?Toomuchcanalsomakeyoufat,butifyoudonteatenough,your_bones_wontgrowstrong.Alongtimeago,childrenwhodidnteatenough_vitamin D_andbody-buildingfooddidntgrowstraightlegs.Theygotanillnesscalled_rickets_.Oh,dear!Dopeople

37、stillhavetheproblem?Sometimes.Thenwhataboutfruitandvegetables?Howmuchshouldweeat?You_ought to_eataboutfivebigspoonfulsofdifferentfruitandvegetableseveryday.Really?I_didnt_knowthat.Yes.Inthe18thcenturysailorsatseausedtofindthattheir_teeth_felloutandtheyhadhadspotsontheir_skin_.Theygotitbecausetheydid



40、essesandstrengthesofit.food,service,effectonpeople-yourownopinionDiscuss:onthefirstfloorofDARUNFA,twofast-foodrestaurants:PisaHutandKentucky.Howdoyouthinktheycancompeteagainsteachother?Howwilltheysolveanyproblemsifany?FoodandserviceatMcdonaldsstrengthweaknessDiscuss in pairs Think of a way to put an

41、 end to the Think of a way to put an end to the Think of a way to put an end to the Think of a way to put an end to the competition .competition .competition .competition .Reading3Comeandeathere(2)ReadinganddiscussingLookatthepictureandpredicttheending(married)Question:Howdidtheysolvetheirpeoblemand

42、getmarried?angrilypeacefullyunselfishly-happilyopponent-enemy-companion-husband and wife two different restaurants with different food-glare at/spy on-both enjoy dumplingstalked about balanced (discuss peacefully)diets-recognized their own W and S and improve it-(share unselfishly)-get married and l

43、ived happily.GroupworkDiscusswhatgoodqualitiesdotheyeachhave?Cooperative,hard-working,competitive,honest,wise,Whatdoesthewriterwanttotellthereadersbytellingthisstory?toshowtheSsthatitisnevertoolatetochangebadeatinghabitsandbeginafreshThewaytoexpress“say”HowdidtheyspeakWhydidtheyspeakshouted,thought,

44、calledexplained,added,admittedTheycanadd:whispered,smiled,laughed,criedagreed,wondered,advised,repliedPurposeofit:avoidrepeatationanddescribevividlyUse proper ways of “say” to replace “said” in this storyThe man pushed his chair angrily away from the table. “What do you mean?”he said. “I didnt come

45、into this restaurant to be overcharged!”The hostess looked embarrassed. “Im so sorry you feel like that”she said. “Its the cost of the fish that you ordered.At the time I explained the price for each jin and you agreed.I didnt know you d feel like this!”The man pulled his money out of his pocket. “A

46、nd whats more,”he said. “It didnt taste very nice.Was it fresh?” “It was dried fish,so Im not sure,”she said “I wont come here again,”said the man to himself. “I wont serve him again,”said the hostess to herself.Fillintheblankswith“tell,say,sprak,discuss,ask1._alie(tell)2._aquestion(ask)3.dont_aword

47、(say)4._alanguage(speak)5._astory(tell)6._Business(talk)7._atopic(discuss)8._ajoke(tell)9._hello(say)Blackboard designCome and Eat Here (2)What did they do?ResultsCombinetheirmenuandprovideabalancedone1.rawvegetableswithhamburgers2.boiledpotatoes,notfried3.freshfruitwithicecream1.cutdownthefat2.incr

48、easethefibre3.abigsuccess Relationship: competitors-cooperators-coupleConclusion : We are what we eat . Health is more important than beauty .Proverbs : An apple a day keeps a doctor away . First wealth is health .Work in groupsWork in groupsDesign a sign for the Design a sign for the Design a sign

49、for the Design a sign for the cooperatedlycooperatedlycooperatedlycooperatedly-opened -opened -opened -opened restautantrestautantrestautantrestautant : : : :HomeworkHomework1)Read the text aloud and find out some beautiful sentences2) Write a short passage to explain your sign.grains,ricedairynutsm

50、eatfruitgetable Period Five:Vocabulary studyTeachingAimsanddemands教学目标语言技能学习策略情感态度1.通过课文前两个部分单词的重现率,使学生在反复接触,练习,巩固的过程中有效地掌握这些词汇和短语2.部分重点词汇,句型通过发现,归纳总结的方式集中学习,达到运用自如认知策略:善于记要点,联想学习记忆词语调控策略:明确需要,把握主要内容,探索适合自己的词汇学习策略和方法培养自信心和成就感重点与难点重点词的用法归纳和总结恰当地使用和运用到写作中方法情景下的词,句,文教学法(语境猜测,联想,归类成串记忆,归纳总结,填空练习,Teachin






56、emoneyistobeusedforthebenefitofthepoor.Rainwillbenefitthecrops=Thecropswillbenefitfromrain.Wecanallbenefitfromhisknowledge.Hewillbenefitfromthenewwayofdoingbusiness.The summary of the usage of “benefit”1.parts of speech noun (U&C)and verb(Vt&Vi)2.phrases: sb /sth benefit from sth=get benefit from. b

57、e of great benefit=beneficial to sb/sth for the benefit of=for the good of sth benefit sb/sthLimitIfoundyourmenusolimitedthatIstoppedThenumberofcompetitorsislimited.Heisamanoflimitedability.Astheyhadlimitedexperience,theyoftenhadlimitedideas.Wemustlimitourexpensetolessthan$10.Herfoodwaslimitedtobrea








65、uchEatfartoomuchmeatandfishPutonweightLosemuchweight 1. To remember the useful words and expressions2. Revise modal verbs learned in unit 1Period 6 GrammarPeriod 6 GrammarModal Modal Verbs:oughtVerbs:ought totoTeachingAimsandDemands教学目标技能目标策略目标情感态度1.从运用的角度出发,引导学生把语言的形式,意义和用法有机地结合起来2.结合语言情景,在语篇的支持下,自



68、atWhat should/shouldnshould/shouldnt t we do to keep we do to keep healthy?healthy?What kind of foodWhat kind of food mustmust we eat to be we eat to be strong?strong?WhatWhat oughtought wewe toto do to stay do to stay slim?slim?I. (Revision) What modal verbsmodal verbs have you learned?can/could ma

69、y/ might will/ would had better shall/ should must have to need ought to dareII. Try to explain the meanings of the II. Try to explain the meanings of the modal verbs in the following modal verbs in the following sentences.sentences.1.He can speak English well.2.You can go home now.3.That cant be tr

70、ue.4.Could you please show me the way to Beihai Park?5.They hunters are lost. They could starve.6. May I come in?7. He may give you some help?abilitypermissionguessingrequestpossibilitypermissionpossibility8.Dont worry. I will help you.9.Often he would dress up like a rich man.10.Would you like to j

71、oin us for dinner?11.You shall have the ticket as soon as I get it.12.You should arrive at the airport two hours before he goes.13.It is five oclock. He should turn up soon.14.Wang Feng wins an award every year. He must be strong.promisepast habitrequestpromisepredictionadvicespeculation1.Bylunchtim


73、gpeoplelies.10.Hehadbetterdosomeresearch.11.Aftereatingintherestaurantpeoplewouldbecomefiredveryquickly.A.A.Intention B. Duty C. Promise Intention B. Duty C. Promise D D. Possibility . Possibility E. GuessingE. Guessing(D)(D)(E)(A)(B)(A)(B B)(D)(C)(D)(D)Possibilitycanmaymustwouldshouldcan疑问句,否定句决不可能


75、变化词性的名词性从句中Blackboard designGrammar Firstwealthishealthshould/oughttoshould(not)havedoneought(not)tohavedone1 1. . Y Yo ou u t to o t th he e m m e ee et ti in ng g t th hi is s a af ft te er rn no oo on n i if f y yo ou u h ha av ve e s so om m e et th hi in ng g i im m p po or rt ta an nt t t to o

76、 d do o. .A A . . n ne ee ed dn nt t t to o c co om m e eB B. . d do on nt t n ne ee ed d c co om m e e C C . . d do on n t t n ne ee ed d c co om m i i n ng gD D . . n ne ee ed dn n t t c co om m e e 2 2. .- - I I h he el lp p y yo ou u w w i it th h s so om m e e s sh ho oe es s, , m m a ad da am

77、m ? ?- -Y Y e es s, , I I w w o ou ul l d d l l i i k ke e t to o t tr ry y o on n t th ho os se e b br ro ow w n n o on ne es s. .A A . . W W i il ll l B B . . S Sh ho ou ul ld d C C . . M M a ay yD D . . M M u us st t 3.The3.The only thing that really matters to the only thing that really matters

78、to the children is how soon they children is how soon they _return to their _return to their school. school. A.canA.canB.mustB.must C.haveC.have to to D.oughtD.ought to to 4.What we 4.What we get seems better than what we have.get seems better than what we have.A.can B.couldA.can B.couldC.cantC.cant

79、D.couldntD.couldnt5.Look! What youve done! You 5.Look! What youve done! You more careful.more careful. A.may be B. had to A.may be B. had to C. should have been D. would be C. should have been D. would be DialogueGotoseedoctorsforyourcoldMakedialoguesinpairsbetweendoctorsandpatients(includingaskingf

80、orandgivingadvice)Homework:Homework: The grammar part in “ Chang Gui Xun Lian ”Period Period Seven:ListeningSeven:Listening and speaking and speakingPeriodSevenListeningandspeakingTeachingAimsanddemands听力技能目标听懂对话内容,理解主旨要义,并获取具体的事实性信息培养获取关键词和整体把握能力学习策略目标认知:熟悉题目要求,通过引导和介绍理解材料背景,回答问题更有针对性调控:攫取关键信息,培养正确


















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