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1、2003.8.20/ by kiki Slide 1Geberit pluviaGeberit Pluvia吉博力虹吸式屋面雨水排放系统吉博力虹吸式屋面雨水排放系统2003.8.20/ by kiki Slide 2Geberit pluviaGEBERITthe system supplier吉博力吉博力系统供应商系统供应商Pluvia System提示:首先强调完整的水管理系统的概念,而不是很快地将该页跳过。2003.8.20/ by kiki Slide 3Geberit pluvia高效,安全的屋面雨水排放系统高效,安全的屋面雨水排放系统(Efficiency and safe roo

2、f drainage system)空气 (air)水 (Water)传统重力流状态传统重力流状态(Traditional gravity drainage)虹吸流状态虹吸流状态Syphonic drainage只有水(Only water)管径减小管径减小Decrease of pipe diameter流量增加流量增加(Flow volume increase)满流排水更高效(More efficiency if the pipe is full of water)负压的抽吸作用,使流速更快(Bigger velocity under negative pressure)提示:为什么管径减

3、小,流量反而增加?因为管道呈满流状态,且流速加快。2003.8.20/ by kiki Slide 4Geberit pluvia虹吸水力原理虹吸水力原理 Syphonic theory折点HT:提供虹吸式雨水的动力 Engine of the Pluvia system HT 10m,水头损失最多为1000mbar Max. possible pressure loss is 1000mbar30mHT 10m9m1m l/sCritical pointHT = height total0 mbarPluviaConvent.建筑物的总高度是产生虹吸的建筑物的总高度是产生虹吸的原动力,根据不

4、同管径,建筑原动力,根据不同管径,建筑的最小高度不能低于的最小高度不能低于3-53-5米米(The total height of building is (The total height of building is the original dynamic to create the original dynamic to create syphonicsyphonic. According to different . According to different pipe diameter, the Min. height of pipe diameter, the Min. hei

5、ght of building should not lower than building should not lower than 3-3-5 m.5 m.提示:强调虹吸的总能量来自建筑的高度。雨水斗下来1米的高度也是必须的,否则水将没有动能在水平管里流动。2003.8.20/ by kiki Slide 5Geberit pluvia形成虹吸的关键形成虹吸的关键 (Key point of syphonic drainage)形成虹吸的关键在于管道内没有空气进入形成虹吸的关键在于管道内没有空气进入(The key point is no air should enter the pip

6、e)Wish期望期望如果屋面有足够的汇水深度,就可以完全隔离空气,达到满流状态,但屋面的承压会很高(Enough water depth will isolate air entirely and reach full flow states, but the load of roof will be very high because of the height of water, when the syphonic effect happens can not be controlled.Reality实际实际气旋会将空气带入管道内(Air whirl will bring air int

7、o the pipe)2003.8.20/ by kiki Slide 6Geberit pluvia形成虹吸的关键形成虹吸的关键 Key point of syphonicPluvia Outlet最终解决最终解决(Final solution)反气旋强制虹吸挡板反气旋强制虹吸挡板Anti-vortex plate当斗前汇水深度达到一定的高度,就会产生虹吸,当斗前汇水深度达到一定的高度,就会产生虹吸,并且这一深度是固定的,可控的。并且这一深度是固定的,可控的。A certain height of water depth will create syphonic. The height is

8、 fixed and controllable.提示:强调斗前水深稳定可控,因为我们的竞争对手都做不到。当达到工作暴雨强度时,我们的斗前水深是稳定不变的,说明流量相当稳定。而竞争对手的斗前水深是不稳定的,说明流量也不稳定,对系统的伤害是很大的。另外当暴雨强度超出工作范围时,我们的斗前水深会一下子上深,说明系统已饱和,不再能排更多的水。只能通过溢流口排水。但竞争对手的系统却还能排更多的水,说明管道中的流速在不断地增加,这样会使管道超出它的疲劳极限,从而大大降低系统的寿命。2003.8.20/ by kiki Slide 7Geberit pluvia虹吸形成的过程虹吸形成的过程 (The pro

9、gress of syphonic formation)刚开始下雨,系统仍处于重力流状态,水平管内水流速度较慢,水位逐渐上升。In the beginning of rain, the system is in gravity states, the velocity in horizontal pipe is very slow, water level is increasing gradually.2003.8.20/ by kiki Slide 8Geberit pluvia虹吸形成的过程虹吸形成的过程 The progress of syphonic formation随着屋面水位的

10、不断上升,当达到计算斗前水深要求时,系统产生虹吸,排水量增大。当斗前水位回落至标准以下,系统又将回复到重力状态。因此在降雨初期,虹吸流与重力流总是交替产生。Along with the increase of water level, the system will create syphonic effect when the calculated water depth is reached, and drainage capacity will increase. While the system will go back to gravity states when the water

11、 level drop down below the calculation depth. Thus during the initial period of raining, syphonic flow and gravity flow always appear alternatively.2003.8.20/ by kiki Slide 9Geberit pluvia虹吸形成的过程虹吸形成的过程 The progress of syphonic formed随着降雨量的不断增加,管道内逐渐形成稳定的虹吸状态Along with the increase of rainfall, stab

12、le syphonic states are formed gradually.最大负压点Max. negative pressure point2003.8.20/ by kiki Slide 10Geberit pluvia与传统的比较与传统的比较 Compare with conventional systemCompare with conventional system传统重力式传统重力式Conventional gravity system虹吸式虹吸式Syphonic system管径大,需1-3%的坡度Big pipe diameter and slope of 1-3% req

13、uired管径小,无需坡度,美观节省空间Small pipe diameter, no need of slope, save space and more design freedom.更少的材料更少的地面开挖工作Less downpipes, less digging work.材料多,安装复杂More downpipes, complicated ground work2003.8.20/ by kiki Slide 11Geberit pluvia虹吸在什么时候产生虹吸在什么时候产生 When the syphonic create在降雨之初,虹吸流与重力流始终处于交替状态在降雨之初,

14、虹吸流与重力流始终处于交替状态In the beginning of rain, syphonic flow and gravity flow always change by turn.没有一种系统可以在整个降雨过程中始终达到虹吸状态没有一种系统可以在整个降雨过程中始终达到虹吸状态No system can be syphonic states through the whole raining period但是吉博力能更加容易达到并控制这种状态但是吉博力能更加容易达到并控制这种状态But Geberit can easily reach and control syphonic state

15、s of defined parameters.2003.8.20/ by kiki Slide 12Geberit pluvia吉博力虹吸系统发展史吉博力虹吸系统发展史 Geberit Pluvia history 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 92 94 96 98 00 02LICENSEAERO-MEKANOProjectPluviaGeberitPluvia GeberitSerie 5Pluvia GeberitSerie 6Pluvia GeberitSerie 7Pluvia Geberit Serie 7+2003.8.20/ by kiki Slide 13Ge

16、berit pluvia吉博力虹吸系统的组成吉博力虹吸系统的组成 Geberit syphonic system buildupn雨水斗雨水斗 OutletnHDPEHDPE管道管道 HDPE piping Systemn紧固系统紧固系统 Fixation Systemn计算软件计算软件 Calculation Softwaren技术支持技术支持 Technical Supportn系统保证系统保证 System Guarantee2003.8.20/ by kiki Slide 14Geberit pluvia雨水斗雨水斗OutletsOutlets1-12 l/s斗前汇水深度为32mm D

17、amming height is 32mm配合不同材质的安装片可安装于任何材质的屋面With different fixation material, can be fixed on any kind of roofs and gutters1-25 l/s斗前汇水深度为55mm Damming height is 55mm适用于不同材质的屋面和天沟 Can be fixed on all kinds of roofs and guttersBack2003.8.20/ by kiki Slide 15Geberit pluviaHDPEHDPE管道系统管道系统 HDPE piping sys

18、tem一种为吉博力虹吸系统度身定做的管道一种为吉博力虹吸系统度身定做的管道Geberit piping system is specially developed for Pluvia system2003.8.20/ by kiki Slide 16Geberit pluviaFeatures 特性特性抗化学腐蚀,防酸雨抗化学腐蚀,防酸雨Chemical resistant柔韧性强,不破损柔韧性强,不破损 Good flexibility抗冲击抗冲击 Impact resistant可埋入混凝土可埋入混凝土 Can be imbed in concrete抗震抗震 Vibration abs

19、orbingHDPEHDPE管道管道2003.8.20/ by kiki Slide 17Geberit pluviaFeatures特性特性适用于适用于-60-600 0C C90900 0C C温度范围温度范围Usage range: -60 90 耐磨损,有效抵抗石沙对管道的磨擦耐磨损,有效抵抗石沙对管道的磨擦表面光滑,不易堵塞表面光滑,不易堵塞 More abrasion resistant, slippery surface, difficult to be blocked2003.8.20/ by kiki Slide 18Geberit pluvia安装快捷简便,可预制安装快捷简

20、便,可预制 预制采用对焊联接,在工作间内完成。工地上难以连接的部分采用专门的电焊管箍和电预制采用对焊联接,在工作间内完成。工地上难以连接的部分采用专门的电焊管箍和电焊包进行焊接以保证焊接质量,杜绝渗漏。焊包进行焊接以保证焊接质量,杜绝渗漏。Easy handling, can be prefabrication.Prefabrication can be done in workshop by butt welding. The difficult welding part can be connected by electro welding sleeves to ensure the we

21、lding quality without leakage.HDPE管道管道2003.8.20/ by kiki Slide 19Geberit pluviaLength (长度)长度) 5.0 m Length of pipe after production生产出的管子长度生产出的管子长度Permitted shrinkage in acc. with DIN 3% 150 mmDIN标准允许收缩率为标准允许收缩率为3% 150 mmMax. shrinkage in acc. with Geberit license 1% 50 mmGeberit标准允许收缩率为标准允许收缩率为1% 5

22、0 mm吉博力吉博力HDPEHDPE管道经管道经回火处理回火处理Geberit HDPE pipes are tempered pipe BackHDPE管道管道 HDPE pipes 2003.8.20/ by kiki Slide 20Geberit pluvia紧固系统紧固系统 Fixation system吉博力的紧固系统使安装更简便,同时保护屋面结构吉博力的紧固系统使安装更简便,同时保护屋面结构Geberit fixation system is easy to install and protect roof structure2003.8.20/ by kiki Slide 21

23、Geberit pluvia紧固系统紧固系统 Fastening system方钢方钢 Steel railM10螺杆螺杆Threaded rod M10 三角三角楔楔Tension wedge方钢夹方钢夹Clamp-elemt虹吸管卡虹吸管卡Bracket方钢连接夹方钢连接夹Square pipeconnection管道安装不受管道离屋面距离的影响 The fastening system works the system widely independent from the pipe distance to the roof.管道因热胀冷缩引起的轴向力被钢导轨吸收,因此无须伸缩节,杜绝了

24、漏水的可能。The elongation along the axis is being absorbed by steel rail, thus no need length difference absorbing sleeves, prevent the possibility of leakage.Back2003.8.20/ by kiki Slide 22Geberit pluvia计算软件计算软件 Calculation softwareCalculation softwaren吉博力采用DLS软件进行虹吸水力计算,快捷简便Geberit use DLS software for

25、 hydraulic calculation, easy and fast.n充分考虑了气水混合流状态,不仅计算沿程损失,还考虑了局部阻力损失Fully consider air-water mixture inside of the full bore flow states. Not only calculate the flowing loss of the pipes but also the loss caused by fittings resistance.n我们提供 We provide系统图 Isometric design 水力计算说明书 Hydraulic calcula

26、tion材料表 Raw materials listBack2003.8.20/ by kiki Slide 23Geberit pluvia技术支持技术支持 Technical supportTechnical supportn作为系统供应商吉博力提供从计算到施工,验收,维修等全套技术服务 As a system supplier, Geberit provide whole set of service for calculation, installation trainning, checking and maintenance.n全国共有50位系统工程师及50家经销商为您提供专业的技

27、术服务 Totally 30 system engineers and 32 agents will provide professional technical service.n安装前我们会给安装公司作系统的培训 We will provide a system training for the construction company before installationBack2003.8.20/ by kiki Slide 24Geberit pluvia系统保证系统保证 System GuaranteeSystem Guaranteen对于验收合格的项目,吉博力会发放系统保证书

28、Geberit will issue a System Guarantee for those projects, where the installation is checked and approved n保证系统正常运作10年 Ensure the system can operate 10 yearsn真正的全球联保 Real Global insuranceBack2003.8.20/ by kiki Slide 25Geberit pluviadischarge capacity of outlet 1 - 25 l/smin. discharge capacity per ou

29、tlet 1 l/smin. pipe diameter 40 mm max. pipe diameter 315 mmmin. flow velocity 0.7 m/smin. water component psi 60 %max. pressure 40 - 315mm - 800 mbar有关技术数据有关技术数据 Technical parameters单个雨水斗的排水量单个雨水斗的最小排水量最小管径最大管径最小流速最高水压( 40 315 mm)最低充满度2003.8.20/ by kiki Slide 26Geberit pluvia吉博力虹吸系统总结吉博力虹吸系统总结 Summ

30、ary of Geberit syphonic systemn高效,安全的虹吸系统,斗前汇水深度低容易产生虹吸,并且斗前汇水深度可控。 Efficiency and safe syphonic system. Low water depth is easy to create syphonic and the water depth is controllable.n吉博力作为系统供应商,提供全套高质量产品。 As a system supplier, Geberit provide a whole set of quality product and service.n安装简便,可预制。Ea

31、sy installation, can be prefabricated. n使用DLS软件进行水力计算,快速精确。Use DLS software for hydraulic calculation, and isometric drawing easy and accurate.n提供紧固系统。Provide fixation system.n提供专业的技术支持。Provide professional technical support.n有全球联保。Global guarantee.n30年的工程经验,屋面面积超过3千万平方米。 30 years of working experience, the total roof area already over 30,000,000 M100100个国内项目个国内项目屋面面积达屋面面积达128128万平方米万平方米100 domestic projects,100 domestic projects, total roof area reach 1,280,000M total roof area reach 1,280,000M 2003.8.20/ by kiki Slide 27Geberit pluvia部分工程案例部分工程案例 Some project casesSome project cases



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