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1、Unit|Unit|ThreeThree1Unit|Unit|ThreeThree2Unit|Unit|ThreeThreeContentsSection Section Appreciating Appreciating Culture TipsCulture TipsSection Maintaining a Maintaining a Sharp EyeSharp EyeSection Talking Face Talking Face to Faceto FaceSection Being All Being All EarsEarsSection Trying Your HandTr

2、ying Your Hand3Unit|Unit|ThreeThreeImitating Mini-TalImitating Mini-TalksksActing out the Acting out the TasksTasksStudying Business CardsStudying Business CardsFollowing Sample DialoguesFollowing Sample DialoguesPutting Language to UsePutting Language to Use4Unit|Unit|ThreeThree1) Asking How to Get

3、 to the Railway Station A: Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to the railway station? B: Sure. Go down this street and turn right at the traffic lights . A: Right at the traffic lights. B: Yes. Youll see the railway station when you get there.2) Asking How to Get to West Avenue A: Excuse me. Do yo

4、u know where West Avenue is? B: Well, you go down Market Road, pass the market, and turn left. West Avenue is the first turning on the right. A: Pass the market and turn left. First turning on the right. Thanks. B: You are welcome.Window on Key Words1Workinpairs.Practicethefollowingmini-talksaboutgi

5、vingdirections.Imitating Mini-TalksImitating Mini-Talkstraffic lightsAvenueUnit|Unit|ThreeThree交通灯,红绿灯大街5Unit|Unit|ThreeThree3) Asking How to Get to the Sales Managers Office A: Good morning. Can you tell me where the Sales Managers office is? B: Sure. The Sales Managers office is on the fifth floor

6、, Room 512. A: Where is the lift , please? B: Over there. Take the lift to the fifth floor, and then turn left. It is the second room on the left.4) Asking How to Get to the Meeting Room A: Hello, Miss. Im looking for the meeting room. B: The meeting room is on the third floor. You can take the lift

7、 or just walk upstairs . A: When I walk out of the lift, how can I get there? B: Just go straight ahead. Its in front of you. You cant miss it.5) Asking How to Get to the City Center A: Excuse me, could you please tell me how to get to the city center? B: You know the school gate, dont you? There is

8、 a bus stop there. A: Oh, yes, the bus stop is in front of the gate. B: Take Bus No. 16 or Bus No. 19, and youll get downtown .Window on Key WordsBack销售部经理电梯在去楼上商业区Unit|Unit|ThreeThreeSales Managers lift upstairs downtown6Unit|Unit|ThreeThree2Workinpairsandactoutthetasksbyfollowingtheabovemini-talks

9、.Acting out the TasksActing out the TasksBack7Unit|Unit|ThreeThreeStudying MapsStudying Maps3Mapsareveryusefulforgivingandunderstandingdirections.Readthefollowingsamplemapscarefullyandtrytousetheinformationtopracticeshortdialogues.8Unit|Unit|ThreeThreeBack9Unit|Unit|ThreeThree4Readthefollowingsample

10、dialoguesandtrytoperformyourowntasks.Following Sample DialoguesFollowing Sample Dialogues10Unit|Unit|ThreeThreeUnderground(伦敦)adj.地下的;秘密的;先锋派的;隐蔽的adv.在地下;秘密地,偷偷地;n.地铁;地下组织或活动;地道;地下Metron.地铁;adj.大都市的;Subway地铁Tuben.管,管状物;电子管;地铁;电视机v.把装管;把弄成管状;用管输送;11Unit|Unit|ThreeThreeBack12Unit|Unit|ThreeThree5Sally

11、wantstogotoBeachHotel.Sheisaskingastrangerfordirectionstogetthere.Readaloudthefollowingdialoguewithyourpartnerbyputtinginthemissingwords.Sally: 1 _me,canyouhelpme?ImgoingtoBeachHotel,butIvelost2 _.Stranger: Go3 _thisstreetuntilyoucometoWestAvenue.TurnleftThereandgostraightaheadaboutfourblocks.TheBea

12、chHotelis4 _ofWestAvenueandMainStreet.Sally: Isee.Thankyouverymuch.5 _theway,canItakeabus?Stranger: Yes.Ifyougotherebybus,6 _BusNo.15andget7 _atthethirdstop.Sally: WherecanItakethebus,please?Stranger: Thebusstopisovertherein8 _ofthesupermarket.Sally: 9 _thanks.BackManyExcusemy wayalongon the cornerB

13、ytakeofffrontPutting Language to UsePutting Language to Use13Unit|Unit|ThreeThree6KenislookingforMr.Anderson.HemeetsJaneandasksherfordirections.ImagineyouareJane.TellKenhowhemightfindMr.Anderson.Fillintheblanksaccordingtothecluesgiveninbrackets.Thenactitoutwithyourpartner.Ken: Jane,whereisMr.Anderso

14、nsoffice?You: 1 (告诉他安德森先生的办公室在顶层,电梯旁边。) _.Ken: Doyouthinkheisin?You: No.Isawhimjustnowonthesecondfloor.2 (说他可能在会议室。) _.Ken: Theconferenceroom?Whereisit?You: 3 (告诉他在二楼206房间。) _.Ken: Room206.Thanks,Jane.You: 4 (礼貌回答肯的致谢。) _.You are welcomeIts on the top floor, next to the liftHe might be in the confer

15、ence roomIt is on the second floor, Room 206BackUnit|Unit|ThreeThree14Unit|Unit|ThreeThreeLearning Sentences for WorkplaceLearning Sentences for Workplace Communication CommunicationHandling a DialogueHandling a DialogueUnderstanding a Short Speech / Understanding a Short Speech / TalkTalk15Unit|Uni


17、ossthebridge,andmakearight3)过了桥向右拐。turn.4)YouneedtotransferatFuxingmen.4)你得在复兴门转车。Learning Sentences for Workplace CommunicationLearning Sentences for Workplace CommunicationUnit|Unit|ThreeThree16Unit|Unit|ThreeThreeWindow on Key Wordshuman resources 人力资源 reception 接待transfer 转乘 block 街区6)Drivebackt


19、esforworkplacecommunicationinColumnAandmatcheachonewithitsChineseversioninColumnB.Column AColumn B5)Takethesubwayfirst,andthene.乘电梯到六楼。changetoBusNo.9.2)Youwilltakelessthan5minutestob.我想最好的办法是乘地铁。getthere.4)Taketheelevatortothesixthfloor.d.先坐地铁,然后换乘9路公交车。1)Ithinkthebestwayistotakethea.用不了5分钟你就走到了。su

20、bway.3)Keepgoinguntilyouseeawhitec.向前走直到看到左边有一栋白色大楼。buildingonyourleft.Column AColumn BUnit|Unit|ThreeThree18Unit|Unit|ThreeThree6)Sorry,Imastrangerheremyself.f.对不起,我也是外地人。7)Thesubwaystationisjusttwog.你可以乘坐地铁二号线,在西直门下车。blocksaway.8)Excuseme,canyoutellmehowtoh.化学楼在图书馆对面。gettothecomputercenter?10)Youc

21、antakeSubwayLine2andj.地铁站离这里只有两个街区远。getoffatXizhimen.Key:1-b,2-a,3-c,4-e,5-d,6-f,7-j,8-i,9-h,10-g9)Thechemistrybuildingisoppositei.打扰了,能告诉我去计算机中心怎么走吗?thelibrary.Column AColumn BBack19Unit|Unit|ThreeThree1) A) Thank you. B) You are welcome. C) Dont mention it. D) Sorry to hear that.2) A) You cant mis

22、s it. B) Its only three stops away. C) Its on your left. D) Take Bus No. 10.3) A) Yes, but you may walk there. B) No, you cant miss it. C) Yes, take a taxi. D) No, its a white building.4) A) Yes, keep going. B) No, thank you. C) Yes, you need to turn around. D) No, it isnt.5) A) Sorry to trouble you

23、. B) Thank you for the information. C) No, very close. D) Yes, here we are.6) A) You got lost. B) You cant miss it. C) It is easy to get downtown. D) It is opposite the bank.3Listento6sentencesforworkplacecommunicationandchoosetheirrightresponses.ScriptScript20Unit|Unit|ThreeThree1. When you come ou

24、t of the lift, turn left. Mr. Smiths office is the second one on the right.2. How far is it from here to the library?3. Is there a bus going there?4. Am I going in the wrong direction?5. Is the shopping mall far from here?6. Excuse me, where is the nearest supermarket?Script:Script:Back21Unit|Unit|T

25、hreeThreeWhenBobknowsthatJackandsomeofhisfriendsarehavinga1 meeting, party, game atEmilyshouse,hesayshewouldliketo2 join, see, miss them.HedoesntknowwhereEmilylives,soheisaskingfor3 information, decisions, directions .HeistoldthatEmilyshouseisquite4 close, distant, near anditwilltakehimabout5 five,

26、fifteen, fifty minutestogetthere.Hehastotakealeftturningatthe6 traffic lights, flyover, crossroads onMainStreetandthenarightturningatthe7 police station, petrol station, railway station .Hehastogodowntheroaduntilhecomestoa8 fork, sign, square andturnright.About9 one, two, three hundredmetersuptherig

27、htroadhewillseea10 one-story, two-story, three-story buildingontheright.4Listentoadialogueanddecodethemessagebyfindingoutthecorrectchoicesinthebracketsaccordingtowhatyouhaveheard.ScriptScriptHandling a DialogueHandling a Dialoguemeeting,party, game join, see, miss information, decisions, directions

28、close, distant, nearfive, fifteen, fifty traffic lights, flyover, crossroadspolice station, petrol station, railway stationfork, sign, square one, two, three one-story, two-story, three-story 22Unit|Unit|ThreeThreeJack: Hi,Bob.ThisisJack.ImatEmilyGreenshouse,andthereisapartygoingon. Bob: Oh,really?C

29、anIjoinyou?Jack: ThatswhyImcalling. Bob: ButIdontknowheraddress.Jack: Icantellyouhowtogethere.Itsquiteclose.Itlltakeyouaboutfifteenminutes. Bob: OK.Pleasegivemethedirections.Jack: TakealeftturnatthetrafficlightsonMainStreet,andthenarightoneatthepolicestation.Godownthatroaduntilyoucometoafork.Turnrig

30、htattheforkandyoullseeherhouseaboutahundredmetersuptheroad.Itsatwo-storybuildingontheright. Bob: OK.CanIbringanything?Jack: Youdonthavetobringanything,butifyouhavesomefriendswhowanttocome,bringthemalong. Bob: Aretheremanypeoplethere?Jack: Oh,yes.Rightnowthereareabouttenpeoplehereandthemusicisgreat!S

31、cript:Script:BackUnit|Unit|ThreeThree23Unit|Unit|ThreeThree5Nowlistentoashortspeech/talkandfilluptheblanksaccordingtowhatyouhaveheard.Thewordsinbracketswillgiveyousomehints.Goodmorning,everyone.LetmetellyouhowtogettoTsinghuaUniversityfrom1 _(where?).Theeasiestwayisto2 _(dowhat?).Andthesecondwayisto3

32、 _(dowhat?)theairportshuttle(穿梭往返)bus.YoucancomeallthewaytoZhongguancunterminal(终点站).Fromtheterminal,ataxiridecostsabout4 _(howmuch?).Thethirdchoiceistotake5 _(what?)toDongzhimenStation.Then6_(dowhat?)toLine2toXizhimenStation.ChangeagainatXizhimenStationto7 _(whichline?)toWudaokouStation.Then,youmay

33、8_(dowhat?)toTsinghuaUniversity.Beijing International Airporttake a taxitake10 yuanthe airport subwaychange Line 13walkUnderstanding a Short Speech / TalkUnderstanding a Short Speech / TalkBackUnit|Unit|ThreeThree24Unit|Unit|ThreeThree6Listentothespeech/talkagainandcompletetheinformationinColumnAwit

34、htherightchoicesinColumnB.25Unit|Unit|ThreeThreeBack26Unit|Unit|ThreeThreePracticing Applied WritingPracticing Applied WritingWriting Sentences and Reviewing Writing Sentences and Reviewing GrammarGrammar27Unit|Unit|ThreeThree1Readthefollowingtwosamplesofsignsandlearntowriteyourown.Practicing Applie

35、d WritingPracticing Applied Writing28Unit|Unit|ThreeThreeBack29Unit|Unit|ThreeThree2FindfromtheboxtheEnglishequivalentstothesignsgiveninChinese.30Unit|Unit|ThreeThree3MatchColumnAwithColumnB.31Unit|Unit|ThreeThree4TranslatethefollowingsignsintoChinesewiththehelpofadictionary.Back1)NOTRESPASSINGFORPE


37、ever?伊甸园的大门会永远对我关闭吗?Ifyourmindandheartareclosedtoreceivingthenyouwillnotgetwhatyouwantevenwhenitiswithinreach.如果你的大脑和心已经关闭了接受的能力,那么即使你想得到的东西近在咫尺,你也将不能如愿。closeto与.接近(表距离)、亲近(人)Helikestoworkinacompanyclosetohome.他喜欢在家附近的一家公司上班Ifeltveryclosetohim.我觉得与他很亲近。33Unit|Unit|ThreeThreeWriting Sentences and Wri

38、ting Sentences and Reviewing Grammar Reviewing GrammarBackUnit|Unit|ThreeThree34Unit|Unit|ThreeThree1)Maryisspreading_onherbread.(butter,butters)2)Theremightbe_abouthismistake.(muchdoubt,manydoubts)3)Howoftendoyougotothe_?(movie,movies)4)Agoodstraincarriesallkindsofthings,exceptfor_.(passengers,pass


40、ormations)5Choosethecorrectanswerstofillintheblanks,payingattentiontothenumberformofthenounsgiveninbrackets.Backinformationbuttermuch doubtmoviespassengersmuch educationroom numbersa large populationdismay35Unit|Unit|ThreeThree6Correcttheerrorsinthefollowingsentences.1)Allthenewsareinterestingtous.2

41、)Wealllikeyourideasofusingthemoneytobuildaprimaryschool.3)Ifherefusestopay,Ishalltakemeasureagainsthim.4)Whatalovelyhairyouhave!5)TheJohnsonshavejustmovedintoalargehouseandareplanningtobuymanynewfurnitures.6)Marylikespotatobetterthantomato.7)Itwassuchlongjourneythatwefeltverytiredwhenwearrived.All t

42、he news is interesting to us.We all like your idea of using the money to build a primary school.If he refuses to pay, I shall take measures against him.What lovely hair you have!The Johnsons have just moved into a large house and are planning to buy much new furniture.Mary likes potatoes better than

43、 tomatoes.It was such a long journey that we felt very tired when we arrived.36Unit|Unit|ThreeThree8)Myfathernevergavememanyadvices.9)Ourschoolboughttwopiecesofequipmentsforthelab.10)Inmodernage,electronicshavebeendevelopingveryfast.11)Hedidtoolittlepreparationsforhisexamination.12)Thereareabook,two

44、pencilsandthreenotebooksonthedesk.13)Everymeanshavebeentriedbutwithoutmuchsuccess.14)TendollarsareallthatIcanaffordtopayfortherecorder.BackMy father never gave me much advice.Our school bought two pieces of equipment for the lab.In modern age, electronics has been developing very fast.He did too lit

45、tle preparation for his examination.There is a book, two pencils and three notebooks on the desk.Every means has been tried but without much success.Ten dollars is all that I can afford to pay for the recorder.37Unit|Unit|ThreeThreeIll have a cup of coffee and two pieces / slices of bread.The teache

46、r asked us to take out one sheet / piece of paper for the quiz.He bought two bottles of beer and three bars of chocolate.Mathematics is the subject I feel most interested in.Thank you for the much advice youve given me. /Thank you very much for the many suggestions youve given me.Failure is the moth

47、er of success.All the equipment in the factory is made in China.Sports are good for health.7TranslatethefollowingsentencesintoEnglish.Back1)1)我要一杯咖啡和两片面包。我要一杯咖啡和两片面包。2) 2) 老师让我们拿出一张纸考试。老师让我们拿出一张纸考试。3) 3) 他买了两瓶啤酒和三块巧克力。他买了两瓶啤酒和三块巧克力。4) 4) 数学是我最感兴趣的课程。数学是我最感兴趣的课程。5) 5) 谢谢你给我很多建议。谢谢你给我很多建议。6) 6) 失败是成功之

48、母。失败是成功之母。7) 7) 工厂里的所有设备都是中国制造的。工厂里的所有设备都是中国制造的。8) 8) 体育有益健康。体育有益健康。38Unit|Unit|ThreeThree8Writeashortpassageofabout100wordstotellastoryoraboutaneventrelatedtothepicturegivenbelow.Someusefulwordsandphrasesareprovidedheretohelpyou.Youmaystartthepassagewiththesentence:Signsaremarks,picturesorwordsonab

49、oardtodrawattention,givewarningsordirectsomebodytowardssomeplace.39Unit|Unit|ThreeThreeSignsaremarks,picturesorwordsonaboardtodrawattention,givewarningsordirectsomebodytowardssomeplace.Theyarewidelyused in public places to provide people with all kinds of usefulinformation.Forinstance,aCheckInsignat

50、anairportwillleadyoutothecheck-incounter.AWayOutsignatthesubwaytellsyouwhereyoucangetout.WetPaintinaparkwarnsyoutokeepawayfromabenchwhichisstillwetwithpainting.VisitingHoursatthedoorofanofficeinforms you that it is working time for the officers and clerks in thisdepartment.Ofcourse,youwillbehappytos

51、eethesign“AdmissionFree”atthegateofanexhibitionhall.Key:Back40Unit|Unit|ThreeThreeInformation Related to Information Related to the Reading Passagethe Reading PassageTextTextLanguage PointsLanguage PointsInformation Related to Information Related to the Reading Passagethe Reading PassageTextTextLang

52、uage PointsLanguage Points41Unit|Unit|ThreeThreeInformation Related to the Reading PassageInformation Related to the Reading PassageAmericaisanationonwheels.Americansusetheircarsevenforveryshort distances such as going to the neighborhood store to buy somegroceries.Theaveragehouseholdownstwocars,tru


54、commutersspendmorethananhourgettingtowork,andinthe“InlandEmpire”,whichincludesSanBernardinoandRiverside,15%ofcommuterstakemorethananhourtogettotheoffice.42Unit|Unit|ThreeThreeBackAboutathirdcanbeclassifiedasaggressivedrivers.Sixintenconcede they sometimes go well over the speed limit. Sixty-twoperce

55、ntoccasionallygetfrustratedbehindthewheel,morethanfourinten get angry and two in ten sometimes boil into road rage. Andnothingfuelsdriverangerlikegettingstuckinatrafficjam.Anyway,theroadstilloffersmorefreedomthanfrustration.Threequarters of Americans say driving often gives them a sense ofindependen

56、ce,andnearlyhalfsayitsoftenrelaxing.Fourintenlovetheircarsnotjustlikethem,butlovethem.43Unit|Unit|ThreeThreeFunny Road Signs from Around the World!Funny Road Signs from Around the World! Most road signs you come across are straightforward. They tell you what to do, which direction to go in, where yo

57、u are, etc., but occasionally (and usually unintentionally), road signs can be funny! Taking pictures of funny road signs while traveling is a favorite pastime for many travelers. Weve all come across these gems: a miswritten translation; an unusual warning; or an illustration that just doesnt seem

58、right. It might be an official highway sign or something written on a shop window. All are perfect for adding to your travel photo album and sharing with friends. And oftentimes, photographic evidence of such a sign not only makes a great souvenir, but also serves as proof for doubtful folks back ho

59、me.44Unit|Unit|ThreeThreeintentionn.意图;目的;意向originalintention原始意图;初衷realintention真实意图;真正目的intentionaladj.故意的;蓄意的;策划的45Unit|Unit|ThreeThree Herere a few funny road signs found from various parts of the world theyre all real road signs. I hope you enjoy them and please feel free to add your own captio

60、ns to the pictures. It seems that this is a real possibility around Irelands Dingle Peninsula. After all, the authorities put up a warning sign, picturing a car flying headfirst into the sea. And that sign, pictured against an actual cliff in the background, makes a great travel photo.Exercisesbewar

61、eBack46Unit|Unit|ThreeThreeLanguage PointsLanguage Points1 Explanation of Difficult Sentences1.(Para. 2) Takingpicturesoffunnyroadsignswhiletravelingisafavoritepastimeformanytravelers.Analysis: Thegerundphrasebeginningwithtaking isthesubjectofthesentence,inwhichwhile travelling (=whiletheyaretravell

62、ing)servesasthetimeadverbialoftheverbtaking.1.Translation:旅行过程中拍一些滑稽有趣的路牌对很多旅行者来说都是一大消遣乐事。Example: Lookingelsewherewhiletalkingtocustomersisnotconsideredgoodmanners.Back47Unit|Unit|ThreeThree1 Explanation of Difficult Sentences2.(Para. 2) Allareperfectforaddingtoyourtravelphotoalbumandsharingwithfri

63、ends.Analysis: For isapreposition,whichtakestwogerundphrases(adding, sharing)asitsobject.Translation:这些都完全适合添加进你的旅行相册中与朋友分享。Example: ThesongisperfectforsingingintheNewYearcelebration.BackLanguage PointsLanguage Points48Unit|Unit|ThreeThree3.(Para. 4) Afterall,theauthoritiesputupawarningsign,picturin

64、gacarflyingheadfirstintothesea. Analysis: Thenounsign hasapresentparticlephraseasitspost-modifier(picturing=whichpictured)andthenouncar alsohasapresentparticlephraseasitspost-modifier(flying=thatwasflying).Translation: 毕竟,有关部门竖立了一块警示牌,上面画的是一辆轿车头朝下飞入大海。Example: Theartistshowedushisnewoilpainting,depi

65、ctingaprettygirldancinginthegarden.Language PointsLanguage Points1 Explanation of Difficult SentencesBack49Unit|Unit|ThreeThree4. (Para. 4) Andthatsign,picturedagainstanactualcliffinthebackground,makesagreattravelphoto.Analysis: Thenounsign hasapastparticlephraseasitspost-modifier(pictured=thatispic

66、tured).Theverbmake hereactsasalinkingverb,whichmeanshave the qualities for a purpose.Translation: 衬托着背景中的真实山崖拍摄的这块路牌,构成了一幅绝佳的旅行照片。Example: Thechurch,situatedinthebeautifulmountainousarea,makesanidealplaceforaweddingreception.Language PointsLanguage Points1 Explanation of Difficult SentencesBack50Uni

67、t|Unit|ThreeThreeLanguage PointsLanguage Points2 Important Words1.straightforward a. simple to understand; honest and open 直白易懂的;坦率的直白易懂的;坦率的e.g. People who are too straightforward in speaking may easily offend others. He was enthusiastic, intelligent and straightforward.Back51Unit|Unit|ThreeThreeLa

68、nguage PointsLanguage Points2 Important Words2. occasionally ad. now and then 有时,偶尔有时,偶尔e.g. Occasionally the machine goes wrong without any apparent cause. Everyone wanted a place where they could be left alone occasionally.Back52Unit|Unit|ThreeThreeLanguage PointsLanguage Points2 Important Words3.

69、 official a. connected with those in power 官方的;当局的;正式的官方的;当局的;正式的e.g. The news is almost certainly true although it is not official. The President of the United States will make an official visit to this country.Back53Unit|Unit|ThreeThreeLanguage PointsLanguage Points2 Important Words4. evidence n.

70、one or more reasons for believing something is true or untrue 证据;证词证据;证词e.g. There is evidence that college exam cheating is on the rise. A video tape was presented as evidence in court.Back54Unit|Unit|ThreeThreeLanguage PointsLanguage Points2 Important Words5. caption n. a brief description accompa

71、nying a picture or title of an article 图片说明;标题;字幕图片说明;标题;字幕e.g. The caption of a newspaper article is usually set in large type. He is interested in the captions under the pictures.Back55Unit|Unit|ThreeThreeLanguage PointsLanguage Points2 Important Words6. beware v. be careful about something 注意,当心,

72、谨防注意,当心,谨防e.g. Beware! If you have too much sweet food, youll get fat. Beware of trains!Back56Unit|Unit|ThreeThree1Answerthefollowingquestionsaccordingtothepassage.1) Do you enjoy taking pictures while traveling? Why?2) What can be a great souvenir according to the writer?3) What can you do when oth

73、er people dont believe what you say about the funny road signs?(Open.)A picture of funny road signs.You can show them the pictures you have taken.57Unit|Unit|ThreeThree1Answerthefollowingquestionsaccordingtothepassage.4) What does the writer suggest readers do with the pictures they have taken?5) Wh

74、at accident does the flying-car road sign imply?6) What does the caption information overload mean?He suggests that they add their own captions to the pictures.A car is flying headfirst into the sea and will probably cause death and damage.It means that too much information given on the road sign on

75、ly confuses the travelers.Back58Unit|Unit|ThreeThree1)Manytravelersenjoytakingpicturesoffunnyroadsignswhiletraveling.Itistheirfavorite_.2)Youcanputyourroadsignphotosinyourtravel_and_themwithyourfriends.3)Thepurposeoftheflying-carsignistowarndriversnotto_thecliff.4)Thisflying-carsignisanofficialoneas

76、itwasputupbythe_.5)Themoose-crossingsignistowarndriversto_ofmoosewhiledriving.6)You are sure to get lost isthe_tothephotowithaveryconfusingtravelmap.2Completeeachofthefollowingstatementswithwordsorphrasesfromthepassage.captionpastime(photo)albumsharedriveoffauthoritiesbewareBack59Unit|Unit|ThreeThre




80、地阅读了图片说明。1)5)他直率的回答给我们留下了很深的印象。6)你能提供证据来证明他当时不在犯罪现场吗?4TranslatethefollowingsentencesintoEnglish.serve asbeware ofcome acrossevidencestraightforwardcaptionCan you provide any evidence to show that he was not in the crimescene at that time?He volunteered to serve as the driver of our team.We should be

81、ware of cultural differences in doing foreign trade.Weve just come across an old friend we haven t seen for ages.David studied each photo twice and read the captions carefully.We were impressed by his straightforward answers.Back62Unit|Unit|ThreeThree5PayattentiontotheitalicizedpartsintheEnglishsent

82、encesandtranslatetheChinesesentencesbysimulatingthestructureoftheEnglishsentences. Most roadsignsyoucome across arestraightforward. Most youngstudentsIcome across overseashavepart-timejobs. 我在日本见到的女人大都是居家主妇。我在日本见到的女人大都是居家主妇。 我们遇到的问题大都通过团队工作得到解决。我们遇到的问题大都通过团队工作得到解决。Most women I came across in Japan w

83、ere stay-at-home housewives.Most problems we came across were solved by team work.63Unit|Unit|ThreeThreeTakingpicturesoffunnysignswhile traveling isafavoritepastimeformanytravelers.Chattingonlinewhile surfing theinternetisahobbyformanyofus. 边听音乐边做作业对许多年轻人来说都是一种爱好。边听音乐边做作业对许多年轻人来说都是一种爱好。 边等车边背英语单词对我来

84、说是个好建议。边等车边背英语单词对我来说是个好建议。5PayattentiontotheitalicizedpartsintheEnglishsentencesandtranslatetheChinesesentencesbysimulatingthestructureoftheEnglishsentences.Doing homework while listening to music is a habit for many young students.Reciting English words while waiting for a bus is a good suggestion

85、for me.64Unit|Unit|ThreeThreeAllare perfect for adding toyourtravelphotoalbumandsharingwithfriends.Theconferenceroomis perfect for holding thisevent. 这些画册非常适合给学龄前儿童看。这些画册非常适合给学龄前儿童看。 这种纸非常适合画水彩画。这种纸非常适合画水彩画。5PayattentiontotheitalicizedpartsintheEnglishsentencesandtranslatetheChinesesentencesbysimula

86、tingthestructureoftheEnglishsentences.These picture books are perfect for showing to pre-school children.The kind of paper is perfect for painting water color pictures.65Unit|Unit|ThreeThreeHere are afewfunnyroadsignsfound fromvariouspartsoftheworld. Here are somecommonweddingcustomsfound inallparts

87、ofChina. 以下是成功商人具备的七项素质。以下是成功商人具备的七项素质。 以下是当地各家报纸的新闻头条。以下是当地各家报纸的新闻头条。5PayattentiontotheitalicizedpartsintheEnglishsentencesandtranslatetheChinesesentencesbysimulatingthestructureoftheEnglishsentences.Here are seven qualities found in successful businessmen.Here are the top news headlines found in l

88、ocal newspapers.66Unit|Unit|ThreeThree I hope youenjoythemandpleasefeel free to addyourowncaptionstothepictures. I hope youcometoourcompanyoftenandpleasefeel free to trytheproductshere. 希望你喜欢这里的饭菜,请随时告诉我们你喜欢的菜肴。希望你喜欢这里的饭菜,请随时告诉我们你喜欢的菜肴。 希望你喜欢我的书,有什么评论和建议尽管提出来。希望你喜欢我的书,有什么评论和建议尽管提出来。5Payattentiontoth

89、eitalicizedpartsintheEnglishsentencesandtranslatetheChinesesentencesbysimulatingthestructureoftheEnglishsentences.I hope you enjoy our food here and please feel free to tell us what is your favorite dish.I hope you like my book and please feel free to make any comments and suggestions.67Unit|Unit|Th

90、reeThreeAfterall,theauthoritiesput up awarningsign,picturing acarflyingheadfirstintothesea.Ourschoolput up abigposter,picturing studentsperforminginafter-classactivities. 体育馆挂了一张有趣的图片,上面是一群熊猫在做各种体育运动。体育馆挂了一张有趣的图片,上面是一群熊猫在做各种体育运动。 公园立了一块新指示牌,上面是一只指路的卡通兔子。公园立了一块新指示牌,上面是一只指路的卡通兔子。5Payattentiontotheital

91、icizedpartsintheEnglishsentencesandtranslatetheChinesesentencesbysimulatingthestructureoftheEnglishsentences.The gymnasium put up an interesting picture, showing pandas doing all kinds of sports.The park put up a big new sign, picturing a cartoon rabbit giving the directions.Back68Unit|Unit|ThreeThr

92、eeInformation Related to the Reading PassageInformation Related to the Reading Passage As cities grow, more and more Americans are leaving for work between 5 a.m. and 6:30 a.m. and are commuting for longer periods of time. Here are what some of the worst cities for commuters are like. In Atlanta, th

93、e fastest-growing city in America, more people flood the roadways than the infrastructure can handle. Commuters spend 60 hours a year stuck in traffic, second only to those in Los Angeles. If that is not bad enough, Atlanta is so spread out that only 29% of drivers get to and from work in less than

94、20 minutes, and 13% spend more than an hour getting to work. The local train system doesnt cover the entire city, and thus fails to relieve the pressure.69Unit|Unit|ThreeThreeInformation Related to the Reading PassageInformation Related to the Reading Passage Because most of the workers in Washingto

95、n D.C. are commuting from the Virginia or Maryland suburbs, it can take an exceedingly long time to make it downtown. Here, 15% of commuters take over an hour to get to work, the second highest rate in the country. Drivers spend 60 hours a year stuck in traffic, and only 26% of commuters get to work

96、 in under 20 minutes. In Houston, Texas, 13% of people carpool, the highest such percentage in cities with over 2 million workers, and third among cities with more than 1 million workers. Still, unlike Dallas and Austin, Houston has largely resisted mass transit system development in favor of expand

97、ing roadways, highways and interstates to accommodate more cars.Back70Unit|Unit|ThreeThreeHow Do You Commute to Work?How Do You Commute to Work? Hanna P., Marketing Expert at a famous software company, posted online his own commuting experience and asked the netizens to share their views: I went tod

98、ay: by bus No. 81, then trolley bus No. 3, then underground Line 1, then bus No.139 and finally bus No. 87 (25 km all together). Who more? And actually the point of the question is: why do so many people spend lotsof time and money getting to work instead of moving near to it? It would beso nerve- a

99、nd traffic-saving if everyone lived near their work.71Unit|Unit|ThreeThreeResponses Posted Online by NetizensCristina F.:In Portugal, moving next to work will certainly mean buying a house that we often cannot afford. I work outside Lisbon and I travel on Monday to work, stay there and need only thr

100、ee steps to get to work. I travel back to Lisbon Friday afternoon.(posted 18 hours ago)Chris B.:I travel by car as it is the most time-efficient way of getting there.(posted 15 hours ago )James B.:Ive been working for small companies companies move, change and go out of business. If I had lived next

101、 to where I worked, I would have had to move seven times in the last 30 years. That would have been difficult to my family. So I live where I want, and plan on driving up to 40 miles, one-way, to get to work.(posted 14 hours ago)72Unit|Unit|ThreeThreeNigel T.:I drive. I work on short-term contract a

102、ssignments which can be anything from 3 to 12 months, so moving is just not a choice. In the UK it can take 3 to 6 months to buy and sell a house anyway. My current employer is about 40 miles away. Last year it was a daily round trip of 189 miles way too much!(posted 13 hours ago)Lisa N.:When I was

103、at my last job, I drove about 10 miles one way to get there, on city roads and the interstate. It was a fast commute usually. I dont have a job right now, but when I do, I might use a park and ride system as I may be commuting from the suburbs to the city. I might also use the light rail if it is av

104、ailable.(posted 13 hours ago)73Unit|Unit|ThreeThreeNatalie K.:I also have around 25 km to the office, and I go by car. I wouldnt like to move to the area close to the office, because I enjoy living in the center of the city (Copenhagen).(posted 11 hours ago)Michael R.:5 minutes drive to the airport;

105、5 minutes to preflight my plane;1 hour 10 minutes flight ;10 minutes drive to the client site.(posted 9 hours ago)ExercisesBack74Unit|Unit|ThreeThreeLanguage PointsLanguage Points1 Explanation of Difficult Sentences1. (Para. 1) Whomore?Analysis: Thisisanellipticalsentence.Thecompletesentencecouldbe:

106、WhodidmoretravellingthanIdid?Translation:有谁比我换乘还多呢?Example: Hewasplayingnetgamesonlinefor20hours.Whomore?Back75Unit|Unit|ThreeThree2. (Para. 2) whydosomanypeoplespendlotsoftimeandmoneygettingtoworkinsteadofmovingneartoit?Analysis: Spend time or money V-ing isacommonEnglishexpression.Instead of doing

107、 isaphrasemeaningnot doing.Anotherphrasewhichhasthesimilarmeaningisrather than.Translation: 为什么那么多的人宁愿上班花那么多的时间和金钱,而不搬到工作单位附近居住呢?Example: Martinspentlotsoftimecomplainingabouthisbossinsteadofdoinganything.Language PointsLanguage Points1 Explanation of Difficult SentencesBack76Unit|Unit|ThreeThree3.

108、(Para. 2) Itwouldbesonerve-andtraffic-savingifeveryonelivedneartheirwork.Analysis:Noticethisisatypicalsentencepatterninsubjunctivemood.Nerve- andtrafficsaving areshortfornerve-savingandtraffic-saving.Othersimilarwordsaretime-saving,labor-saving,etc.Translation:如果大家都住在工作地点附近,能少伤多少脑筋,少乘多少车啊。Example: I

109、twouldbetime-andlabor-savingifweadoptedthelatesttechnology.Language PointsLanguage Points1 Explanation of Difficult SentencesBack77Unit|Unit|ThreeThreeLanguage PointsLanguage Points1 Explanation of Difficult Sentences4.(Para. 5) IfIhadlivednexttowhereIworked,Iwouldhavehadtomoveseventimesinthelast30y

110、ears.Analysis:Notethatthesubjunctivemoodisusedtoexpressanunrealcondition.Payattentiontothetensesthatareusedintheconditionalclauseandthemainclause.Translation:如果我是住在工作单位附近,在过去的三十年里我就得搬七次家了。Example: Ifwehadtalkedaboutit,wewouldhavesolvedtheproblembetweenus.Back78Unit|Unit|ThreeThreeLanguage PointsLang

111、uage Points2 Important Words1. marketing n. the commercial processes involved in promoting and selling and distributing a product or service 销售;促销;营销销售;促销;营销e.g. They have come up with new and wonderful marketing ideas.Our marketing and business courses are highly valued by employers and will help y

112、ou develop practical skills.Back79Unit|Unit|ThreeThreeLanguage PointsLanguage Points2 Important Words2. post v. put a message on the Internet (在互联网上)发帖子(在互联网上)发帖子e.g. He posted a video and some of the actresss photos online.You can find lots of newly posted articles about car pooling in my blog.Back

113、80Unit|Unit|ThreeThreeLanguage PointsLanguage Points2 Important Words3. commute v./n. to regularly travel a long distance to work; the journey of commuting 通勤,上下班(尤其指很远的路程)通勤,上下班(尤其指很远的路程)e.g. I have to commute 10 kilometers to my company in the suburbs. I spend much less time on my commute to work

114、now.Back81Unit|Unit|ThreeThreeLanguage PointsLanguage Points2 Important Words4. contract n. a binding agreement between two or more persons or parties 合同合同e.g. Mary signed a two-year contract with the company. The contract specifies that the goods should be shipped within 2 months.Back82Unit|Unit|Th

115、reeThreeLanguage PointsLanguage Points2 Important Words5. assignment n. a formal piece of work that is given to someone as part of their work 任务,作业任务,作业e.g. Please turn in your assignment before you leave the classroom. My first assignment as a news reporter was to interview a professor.Back83Unit|U

116、nit|ThreeThreeLanguage PointsLanguage Points2 Important Words6. client n. someone who pays for services or advice from an expert or an organization 顾客,客户;委托人顾客,客户;委托人e.g. The lawyer argued that his client was clearly innocent.You can introduce your products and services to your clients through your

117、website.Back84Unit|Unit|ThreeThree6Arethefollowingstatementstrueorfalseaccordingtothepassage?WriteT/Faccordingly.1) Hanna P. is interested in knowing why people choose not to live near their work place. 2) Cristina F. travels to and from her work every day. 3) James B.s present job is his eighth job

118、. 4) Nigel T. has to commute a longer distance in his present job than in his last. 5) In her next job, Lisa N. may have to drive to the city and then change to the light rail. 6) Natalie K. has to drive about 25 km to work in the city center. 7) Michael R. drives to the airport to meet his client.B




122、mpanywentoutofbusinessbecauseofitspoormanagement.8)Thenewparkandridesystemwillgreatlyimprovetrafficinthecity.这款新型手机的定价在这款新型手机的定价在100100到到500500美元之间。美元之间。问题的关键是我们一定要从生活经历中吸取教训。问题的关键是我们一定要从生活经历中吸取教训。去年那家公司由于经营不善停业了。去年那家公司由于经营不善停业了。新的换车通勤方式将会极大地改善这个城市的交通。新的换车通勤方式将会极大地改善这个城市的交通。Back87Unit|Unit|ThreeThreeBack88Unit|Unit|ThreeThreeDiscuss, Appreciate and CommentDiscuss, Appreciate and Comment89Unit|Unit|ThreeThree90



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