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1、Norman Bethune(白求恩白求恩)The Difference between Chinese Medicine and Western MedicineLi shizhenMAIN CONTENTTreatment way41The explanation of the pathological2Diagnostic Method诊断方法诊断方法3Introduction of Chinese medicine and Western medicine5integration of traditional and western medicinePart one: Introduc

2、tion of Chinese medicine and Western medicineIntroduction of Western medicine Based on the physiology, pathology(病理)and microbiology(微生物) to conduct experimental research.onetwoUse of modern scientific findings and advanced technology for a microscopic(微微观观的的) investigation.Pinpoint the causes of di

3、seases, pathological change and severity of diseasesUse an elimination approach and massive dose of antibiotics against infection, like cancer therapy, underestimated the adverse and side effects.threefourIntroduction of Chinese medicine Based on the tradition ideology of Unity of heaven and mankind

4、(天人合一天人合一), such as Yin &Yang(阴阳阴阳), Five Xing(五行五行), Organs & Systems(脏脏腑腑), Six “pulses(六六经经) and so on .Used to apply “Four Diagnosis (四四诊诊), “Eight Principles“(八八纲纲), based on mainly experience.Clinical Observation 临临床察看床察看 of negative and positive dynamic of the body, classify the disease into

5、a whole body or regional diseases123Part two: The explanation of the pathologicalPathological interpretation of Western MedicinePathogenesis(发病学)Genetic diseaseMicrobial(微生物)infectionExplaining pathological phenomena in Chinese medicine Overusing body resulting in ill Evil Wonding(邪气致病邪气致病)Changes i

6、n yin and yangPart three: Diagnostic Method Diagnostic Method of CMLOOK 望望 SMELL 闻闻 ASK 问问 PALPATION(切切)Diagnostic Method of WMPhysical methods:CT (Computerized Tomography)、MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) Chemical methods:Laboratory examination、 blood testComparison of diagnostic methodsRespective

7、advantagesPRECISESIMPLE手太阴肺经手少手少阴心经阴心经手太阳手太阳小肠经小肠经足少足少阴肾经阴肾经手阳明手阳明大肠经大肠经足阳足阳明胃经明胃经足太足太阴脾阴脾经足太阳足太阳膀胱经膀胱经手厥阴手厥阴心包经心包经足厥足厥阴肝经阴肝经足少足少阳胆经阳胆经手少手少三焦三焦经Part four: Treatment way 一、一、Pharmacotherapy药物物疗法法: through the oral administration medicine, to adjust masculine and feminine elements of organism .Chinese

8、 medicine “覆盆子覆盆子 二、Acupuncture (针灸)。 Stimulating the human body vein with the needle针, to adjust vitality气血, the channels and collaterals经络 and the internal organs function. 三、Messaging 推拿。 Through serves with each technique in human body , or coordinates certain specific body activity, to prevent

9、and control illness. Internal Medicine Western Medicine pill injection surgery or surgical operation Vaccination疫苗預防Physiotherapy物理療法 Nutritional therapy營養療法Exercise therapy体育疗法體育療法 Treatment way Before illness entirety drug After illness part Surgery Part five: integration 结结合合 of traditional and w

10、estern medicine one new way understanding medicine by Unifying the traditional Chinese medicine 、Chinese medicine knowledge and the method with the western medicine 、western medicine knowledge and the method.definition definition definition Advantage The traditional Chinese medicine is treats the sy

11、mptoms and the causes, but the curative effect is slow relatively. the western medicine curative effect is quick, but mostly isnt a permanent cure, Moreover the side effect cant be ignored. the union of Chinese and West , may treat the symptoms and the causes, and the curative effect is also quick.



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