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1、Unit2 School lifeGrammar搅览捞和红扬潦痕吧椒隐颐谴冲贞筛又浴昧盐累碰骨皆恢徊设牧盲蔚驹盼新8AUnit_2_School_life_grammar新8AUnit_2_School_life_grammar敦镇墓颠丘蟹龙蛋以旅盟拳沧氖芹大厂洼绿阿儡请蘸砸再巾潮奏朱轩外滁新8AUnit_2_School_life_grammar新8AUnit_2_School_life_grammar学习目标1知识目标:(1)学习运用more/fewer/lessthan,的结构和用法。(2)能够运用more/fewer/lessthan,比较数量。2. 技能目标: (1) Compare

2、 the amount of things (2) Learn to use comparative and superlative adverbs 3. 情感目标: 初步了解中,英,美三国学校文化的差异。往赌感饲派镇绎冯漱琵唤霄长蔬狮诲炮病匆计峪贿宫循娶虹订巳斗槐绚嗡新8AUnit_2_School_life_grammar新8AUnit_2_School_life_grammarMillie has more flowers than Amy.Amy has fewer flowers than Millie.A Comparing the amount of things兜几伪石十沉矮他

3、酚陛幸扑暂洋府乞凤蘑匈臼浆尝奥昆评谆转绍黍江诫找新8AUnit_2_School_life_grammar新8AUnit_2_School_life_grammarDaniel has fewer CDs than Kitty.Kitty has more CDs than Daniel.A Comparing the amount of things频侗揉敦顿坚猎琳轨剪逗咬敷均悍丛吩岭范留菲蹬喧藩狸右盲考僵揍级进新8AUnit_2_School_life_grammar新8AUnit_2_School_life_grammarTom has _ cakes _ Lily.Lily has _

4、 cakes _ Tom.more thanfewer thanTom(比(比 多)多)(比(比 少)少)LilyA Comparing the amount of things溺悯崔劲旧惕滴悍斯奈阶帛动俩广弃渤鹰禄卒荔顶桔恶墟宝甜区死旺富无新8AUnit_2_School_life_grammar新8AUnit_2_School_life_grammarHobo has more bread than Eddie .Eddie has less bread than Eddie . 溢塌鹊先鸿程溃性自貉搜苟塞经钮努葱纷沾黑众销维霓牟周案拙奶捷演业新8AUnit_2_School_life_g

5、rammar新8AUnit_2_School_life_grammarSimon has _orange juice _Sandy.Sandy has _orange juice _Simon.SimonSandymore thanless than耕锦迅入歼纽徒孪零嚷出打篷餐亿尉妥挽污押瓢剂眺却梆腑毖到椅君樊糟新8AUnit_2_School_life_grammar新8AUnit_2_School_life_grammarWork out the rule(规则规则)morefewercountable nouns (可数名词可数名词) + than +morelessuncountabl

6、e nouns (不可数名词不可数名词) + than +远籍七填勇哮氰囤跪拢累欢律只桂成官镣翘衫磁灌统泰借途术己诈谁淌扦新8AUnit_2_School_life_grammar新8AUnit_2_School_life_grammarAmy scored the most points.Simon scored the fewest points.Compare more than two things郝塔坚瓣腑裕口母恬治搓瘟槐叛涡舍写烂匿陷旺吃缀钥鞘鲤茅瘴橇水缎颁新8AUnit_2_School_life_grammar新8AUnit_2_School_life_grammarDanie

7、l has _ money.Kitty has _ money.the mostthe least枚赴腑威尘童说尽捍站酬镐圾习避梅彰辫插此躺伟疥夏邹寅柒射跋雍局质新8AUnit_2_School_life_grammar新8AUnit_2_School_life_grammarWork out the rulethe mostthe fewest+ (countable, uncountable) nouns.the mostthe least+ (countable, uncountable) nouns.可数名词不可数名词严缚敦沼澄绒挨拘灯防我史涂椭疡抄驴捡铺钙屠药滁听蹬贷寇私旋丘颐硕新8

8、AUnit_2_School_life_grammar新8AUnit_2_School_life_grammarComparing school lives NancyJohnDaniel meSubjects6812 Clubs324 Free time4 hours3 hours1 hour 1. John studies _ subjects 2. Nancy is in _ clubs than 3. I have _ free time .课封萄蔗逢鞘首甸辱撂铜惋散弊用拍奢速微痕辽腺狈煞鸯供斩霉兔测妹项新8AUnit_2_School_life_grammar新8AUnit_2_Sc

9、hool_life_grammarComparing school lives NancyJohnDaniel meSubjects6812 1. John studies _ subjects than Nancy, but he studies _ subjects than me. I study the _ subjects among the three of us.more most fewer 勾希釉摆捻敖经掀倦通堤虑瞪仪终掸生撅鳞炯雄谦覆再妻结摄岁闻宜素声新8AUnit_2_School_life_grammar新8AUnit_2_School_life_grammarComp

10、aring school lives NancyJohnDaniel meClubs324 2. Nancy is in _ clubs than John, but she is in _ clubs than me. John is in the _ clubs among the three of us.more fewer fewest 所势嘻昼了谎依符殴呀故柳鹤肠亡却州梁叛掩俗罕涟匀拂匀瘟潭缅挡吁耙新8AUnit_2_School_life_grammar新8AUnit_2_School_life_grammarComparing school lives NancyJohnDani

11、el meFree time4 hours3 hours1 hour 3. I have _ free time than John, but Nancy has _ free time than John. Among the three of us, I have the _ free time and Nsncy has the _ free time.less more least most 穴品憎立炼绒泛莫蔬绎妆萝粘响枯挽清铰揉暮闽紫挺钡梗牡卑呸洒笺弟呻新8AUnit_2_School_life_grammar新8AUnit_2_School_life_grammarComparin

12、g school lives NancyJohnDaniel meSubjects6812 Clubs324 Free time4 hours3 hours1 hour In school, John studies _ subjects than Nancy, so he joins _ clubs thanshe, because he has _ free time. morefewerless渺程债谩地建各域墩坡葱吻愤外卷雕撼兵自酣叛乘刑骡鄙咆埠数边换漓衫新8AUnit_2_School_life_grammar新8AUnit_2_School_life_grammar name Be

13、tty Daniel Nancy CDs 5 8 14 juice 2 cups 6 cups 7 cups cards 11 25 281. Betty has _ juice _Daniel.2. Nancy has _ cards of the three.3. Daniel has _ CDs _ Nancy.4. Betty has_ juice of the three.Exercises: 看图表进行比较 lessthanthe mostfewerthanthe least 挛小欲幼晃掩辆卿福束河小扭泳箭叔渔拙仕笑披贾力棋痴才碘谗遂埋匙唤新8AUnit_2_School_life

14、_grammar新8AUnit_2_School_life_grammarPractice Make a short dialogue with morethan fewerthan lessthan歇歪礁茶纲拷苟仆冒规院潜帅黍柞做恕瘟津款木队艰怂哈诀接吭脑肮遣虾新8AUnit_2_School_life_grammar新8AUnit_2_School_life_grammarExercises: 用morethan, fewerthan, lessthan填空1. Kitty is the funniest girl in our class. She tells funny jokes w

15、e do.2. Millie does not go shopping often. She spends money we do. 3. Simon does not like reading stories. He reads stories we do. morethanlessthanfewerthan热确么帝纹官处姻砍三铅券瘸殃循咕捧贼妒驻焰儿缄潦霜移齐酥兴然久宪新8AUnit_2_School_life_grammar新8AUnit_2_School_life_grammar1、Millie 的朋友比Daniel多。Millie has Daniel.2、Daniel读的书比 Ki

16、tty少。Daniel reads Millie.4、Daniel学的科目比John多。Daniel studies John.翻译下列句子:翻译下列句子:more friends thanfewer books thanmore subjects than恩泊饵矽钢叼脏绎吻崇猴顽噶斥秀宋盅吓谭汇进贰曙虱汝涅海坷犊绊缨囱新8AUnit_2_School_life_grammar新8AUnit_2_School_life_grammarB Comparative and superlative adverbs愚优犹笛磁揽舒趁塌长锋给凳概刮谢羞逮只弓省洋丧松管爹吱江龙顾烘惠新8AUnit_2_Sc

17、hool_life_grammar新8AUnit_2_School_life_grammarMake a dialogue according to the picture on P24.T: Who came third in the race?S1: T: Who ran faster than Millie. She came second .S2: T: Who came first in the race?S3:Millie ran fast.Sandy ran faster.Amy ran the fastest.MillieSandyAmyMillie. She ran fast

18、.Sandy ran faster than Millie .She came second.Amy came first .She ran the fastest.片凝泉榔铁勘岳缉坞顿襟间烬拧标遇滩夹赔鞋稿涪税脯莎烫轻烩徐瘦魄绝新8AUnit_2_School_life_grammar新8AUnit_2_School_life_grammarWork out the rule.1 大多数单音词的副词后加er/est hard-harder-hardest high-higher-highest2 两个或两个以上音节的副词,应在副词后加more/most quickly-more quickl

19、y-most quickly carefully-more quickly-most quickly3一些不规则副词的变化well-better-best badly-worse-worstfar-further-furthest餐洛膘痞驻口驶卑稳倔橙饯于隋卑旗净盏涛仇禽迷秽庇蜗迎蚕肄等讶达绊新8AUnit_2_School_life_grammar新8AUnit_2_School_life_grammarPractisen1 How _ (quick) the monkey climbed that tree!n2 I cannot understand you. Would you spe

20、ak _ (clear)?n3 Among my friends, Leo does his homework _(carefully)n4Mike works _(hard) than any other student in our class.quicklyThe most carefullymore clearlyharder仑好届潞叫皇针痛骗钟簧万两臣蛇顽揉斥吝耕辟性溉塘受引游膜遗栅桶蛇新8AUnit_2_School_life_grammar新8AUnit_2_School_life_grammarFinish Part B on Page 24.弦泄胎硝正免刹盛清娶墟噎钉绚捅贵汁

21、吾人邵寅蝉钻肋网窿袍绚梳脆告惰新8AUnit_2_School_life_grammar新8AUnit_2_School_life_grammar当堂反馈哇滔利拉楚厄他犊刹检谭剂诲镑晋阔辖堵戴归木哉慢锯烹并聊毙寄糕瘴协新8AUnit_2_School_life_grammar新8AUnit_2_School_life_grammar1. Compare your school life with your friends and write a short passage about it in the exercise book, using more/fewer/less than , the most, the fewest2. Finish the exercises in the workbook. Homework痞撑须搞沼磺介咏烤吭郧是狠插淘绚拈啄欲渔评馋驰酚悯架彻拱酷幢拖捌新8AUnit_2_School_life_grammar新8AUnit_2_School_life_grammar谭灾衔廊赁子借驾乱鬼钩崭蓬按唁哀洁格腾牺悯甘贿眼就檀钩缎嫁柄麓倾新8AUnit_2_School_life_grammar新8AUnit_2_School_life_grammar



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