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1、Unit 9 Shapes海洪中心小学执教者:张莉丽What can you do? Come to the blackboard and show us how to do it. 1、What shape is the moon? Its a _2、What shape is the window? Its a _3、What shape is the door? Its a _A circleB rectangleC squareACBthe moon 月亮月亮afternoonthe sun 太阳太阳rectanglered bagsquarebearcirclesir shape(形

2、状)tape长方形正方形圆shapesWhat shape is it?Its a circleHow many circles can you see? How many squares? rectangles?1、What are they doing?2、How many kites?Listen and answer(听录音,完成练习)当我们听较长的对话或短文时,可以尝试速记,如记当我们听较长的对话或短文时,可以尝试速记,如记录关键信息的单词首字母。录关键信息的单词首字母。Learning tip (学习方法小提示)(学习方法小提示):What are they doing?How m

3、any kites are there on the blackboard?Listen and answer(听录音,完成练习)They are having an Art lesson.Two 当我们听较长的对话或短文时,可以尝试速记,如记当我们听较长的对话或短文时,可以尝试速记,如记录关键信息的单词首字母。录关键信息的单词首字母。Learning tip (学习方法小提示)(学习方法小提示):areart 美术Read and judge(T/F)(自读以上片段,完成练习)They are having an English lesson.( )The students are lear

4、ning how to draw shapes. ( )TF This is an Art lesson. Miss Li is teaching her students about shapes. The students are learning how to draw them.an Art lessonRead with your partner and answer (和你的同桌读一读P68的对话,回答问题) 1、What is the boy doing? 2、What shape is the kite? 3、What shape is the boys bag?He is f

5、lying a kite.Its a square.Its a rectangle.Read in your groups and answer(在小组中读一读P69对话,回答问题) 1. How many circles are there on the blackboard? 2. Who shows us how to draw a circle? What can he draw? 3. What is the circle, too? There are five.Liu Tao. The moon.The sun.Read in your groups.(四人一组,选择你喜欢的一部

6、分,用你们喜欢的方式读一读) This is an Art lesson. Miss Li is teaching her students about shapes. The students are learning how to draw them.Miss Li: Look at the blackboard, please. A boy is flying a kite. What shape is the kite, Mike?Mike: Its a square.Miss Li: Thats right. The boy has a bag. What shape is it?

7、Is it a square, too, Nancy?Nancy: No. Its a rectangle. Miss Li: Good.Miss Li: How many circles can you see?Liu Tao: I can see five circles.Miss Li: Yes. Its a kite, too! Can you draw a circle, Liu Tao?Liu Tao: Yes, I can.Miss Li: Come to the blackboard and show us how to do it.Liu Tao: This is the s

8、un.Miss Li: Good. The sun is a circle. What shape is the moon, Mike? Mike: Its a circle, too. Miss Li and her students are having an _ lesson. She is _ her students about _ .On the blackboard, we can see a boy is _ a kite. Its a square. His _ is a rectangle. The other kite is big. There are _ circle

9、s. Liu Tao can draw a circle. He can _ to the blackboard and show _ how to do it. Then we know, the _ and the _ are circles.Class test(根据课文内容填空)Artteachingshapesflyingbagfivecomeussunmoon Homework 1.熟读A部分,并会复述。2.有能力的学生模仿A部分编一段对话。3.预习B、C部分,尝试用C部分的句型编对话。Learning tip (学习方法小提示)(学习方法小提示):当我们在学习过程中遇到困难时,当我们在学习过程中遇到困难时,可以采用不同的方法获取帮助:可以采用不同的方法获取帮助: 上网查找上网查找 借助工具书借助工具书 询问他人询问他人



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