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1、民航空乘英语民航空乘英语Unit 9 Unit 9 Entry Form FillingCONTENTS PAGE 目录页Warm UpAnnouncementsPart Part 1 1Part Part 2 2Dialogues in CabinReading and WritingPart Part 3 3Part Part 4 4TRANSITION PAGE 过渡页Warm UpAnnouncementsPart Part 1 1Part Part 2 2Dialogues in CabinReading and WritingPart Part 3 3Part Part 4 44U

2、nit 9EntryFormFillingTheitemschosenfromtheArrivalCard1arelisted below.Choose theirappropriate2explanations.15Unit 9EntryFormFillingItems:1. Sex3 (Male4 or Female5)2. Passport No.3. Country Where You Live4. City Where You Boarded5. City Where Visa6 Was Issued76. Date Issued (DD/MM/YY)7. Address While

3、 in the United States (Number and Street)Explanations:a. Put in the name of the country where you currently8 live.b. Put in the gender9 you belong to.c. Put in the name of the city where your plane took off from.d. Put in the time you got your visa.e. Put in your current street address in the United

4、 States. If you are staying at a hotel, give the hotels name and address.f. Put in your passport number.g. Put in the name of the city where your visa was issued.1. b2. f3. a4. c5. g6. d7. e6Unit 9EntryFormFillingLookattheitemsfromCustomsDeclarationForm10.Thinkaboutwhyweshoulddeclarethesethings.21.

5、I am (We are) bringing:(a) fruits, vegetables, plants, seeds11, food, insects12;(b) meats, animals, animal/wildlife products;(c) disease agents13, cell cultures14, snails15;(d) soil16 or have been on a farm/ranch17/pasture18.2. I am (We are) bringing commercial19 merchandise20: (articles for sale, s

6、amples used for soliciting orders, or goods that are not considered personal effects).3. List below all countries you have been in, in the past 30 days.TRANSITION PAGE 过渡页Warm UpAnnouncementsPart Part 1 1Part Part 2 2Dialogues in CabinReading and WritingPart Part 3 3Part Part 4 48Unit 9EntryFormFill

7、ingListentotheannouncementsandfillintheblanks.1ShortAnnouncementsLadies and gentlemen, In order to shorten1 the time needed for Customs, Immigration and health _ on the ground, you are _ to fill in the Arrival Cards and Customs Declaration Forms we will give you. Thank you for your cooperation.forma

8、litiesadvised9Unit 9EntryFormFillingLadies and gentlemen, We will be soon landing at Beijing Capital International Airport. Since Beijing is an entry port2 of China, all the passengers on board, including kids, should _ an Arrival Card. Customs Declaration Form is filled in by _. And you should comp

9、lete the forms before landing. The forms will be soon distributed3. Well help you if you have any difficulty. Thank you.fill ina family10Unit 9EntryFormFillingLadies and gentlemen, We will be landing at Shanghai Pudong International Airport. According to the _ weather report, it is overcast4 in Beij

10、ing area. The ground temperature is 10 degrees Centigrade.Before going through Customs and Immigration, it is _ for you to fill in the Arrival Card and Customs Declaration Form required by the Chinese government. In order to speed your passage through Customs and Immigration, we will be giving out t

11、he forms for you to complete before we land. The forms will soon be _ to every passenger. If you have any question about completing the forms, please ask the cabin attendants for help. They will be very happy to assist you. Thank you.latestnecessarydistributed11Unit 9EntryFormFillingShortAnnouncemen

12、tsOralpractice.Readtheannouncementsanddiscusswithyourpartneraboutthefollowingquestions.21.Why should passengers fill in the Arrival Card and Customs Declaration form?2. Is that all passengers should fill in the Customs Declaration Form?12Unit 9EntryFormFillingListentotheserviceannouncementandlearnth

13、efollowingwordsandphrases.1LongAnnouncements Vocabulary Bandholder hld(r)n.持有人,所有人immigrant mgrntn.移民,侨民Green Card 绿卡(指允许外国人进入美国的绿色许可证)Non-Immigrant Visa Waiver Programs非移民豁免签证计划request rkwestn.请求,需要13Unit 9EntryFormFillingReadtheannouncementandthenchoosethebestanswerforeachquestionby“”.2LongAnnounc

14、ements1.WhoasksthepassengerstofillintheImmigrationandCustomsDeclarationForms?Theairlines.Thegovernments.2._dontneedtofillinthelandingforms.TheCanadianCitizensThegovernments.3.CustomsDeclarationFormisrequiredtocompleteby_.allpassengerseachfamily14Unit 9EntryFormFillingOralpractice.Discusswithyourpart

15、nerabouttheannouncementsyouvelearnt.Andmakeanewannouncementaboutfillingintheentryforms.3LongAnnouncementsTRANSITION PAGE 过渡页Warm UpAnnouncementsPart Part 1 1Part Part 2 2Dialogues in CabinReading and WritingPart Part 3 3Part Part 4 416Unit 9EntryFormFilling.Listentothedialoguesandfillintheblanks.M:M

16、ay I have some _ and customs declaration forms?CA:Certainly. Well be handing them out1 for passengers to fill in.M:OK. Do all of us have to fill the two forms in?CA:It depends2. Passengers who are not _ of the destination country have to fill in the entry card, but customs declaration form is filled

17、 in by each family.M:I see. This is my first time to America, so I dont know how to fill them in. Can you help me in a while3?CA:Sure. Ill hand them out now and then _ you. Is that OK?M:Its very nice of you.entry cardscitizens1come back to17Unit 9EntryFormFillingCA:Its 16:40 p.m. We are approaching

18、our _. Sir, can I help you?M:Yes. This is my first time to England, and I dont know how to fill in the Arrival Card. Can you tell me how to do it?CA:My pleasure. Please write your _ and given name here with the first letter uppercase4.M:First letter capitalized5. OK.CA:Then your nationality6.M:Im Ch

19、inese, so I should fill in it with China.CA:Your passport number.M:OK.destinationfirst name218Unit 9EntryFormFillingCA:Your destination country, that is England, right?M:You bet.7CA:Then the city where _ was issued and date of issued. These are on your visa. You can take a look at it.M:All right. Wa

20、it a moment, please.CA:Take your time.8M:Its done. Then whats next?CA:Your date of birth and accompanying number. When you finish that, you should _ your name here.M:Great. Its done. Thank you so much.CA:You are welcome.visasign219Unit 9EntryFormFillingCA:What can I do for you, sir?M:Yes. Im not ver

21、y _ these questions. Can you explain them to me?CA:Certainly. The first question is whether you are taking fruits, vegetables, plants, seeds, food, and _ to China.M:I am just taking some red dates9. Red date is specialties10 of my hometown. So I want to take some to my friends.CA:Then you should cho

22、ose “Yes”.M:OK. Then whats the next?CA:It is asking whether you are taking meats or _ like that.M:No, Im taking nothing of meat. Then I should choose “No”.clear aboutinsectsanimal products320Unit 9EntryFormFillingCA:Youre right. And next question is asking whether you are taking disease agents, cell

23、 culture, or snails with you.M:Im not taking any kind of those things. Why does Customs declaration ask such questions?CA:In order to _ biotic11 invasion12 from other areas and to protect native flora13 and fauna14 and their ecotope15.M:Oh, I see. Thank you very much.CA:Youre welcome.avoid321Unit 9E

24、ntryFormFilling.OralPractice.Readthedialoguesanddiscusswithyourpartneraboutthefollowingquestions.1. When distributing the entry cards, what should you tell the passenger who asks how to fill in them?2. Why does Customs ask whether passengers take fruits, seeds, or cell culture?22Unit 9EntryFormFilli

25、ng.Workinpairs.Makeyourowndialoguewithyourpartnerusingthefollowingsentencepatterns.PassengersWhat are these forms used for?Excuse me, how should I fill in these forms?Could you help me to complete these forms?Cabin AttendantsIt is 4:40 a.m. we are approaching our destination.Have you finished your f

26、orms?If you have any questions, please dont hesitate to ask us for help.TRANSITION PAGE 过渡页Warm UpAnnouncementsPart Part 1 1Part Part 2 2Dialogues in CabinReading and WritingPart Part 3 3Part Part 4 424Unit 9EntryFormFillingArrival CardAn arrival card is a legal document used by immigration authorit

27、ies to provide passenger identification and a record of a persons entry into certain countries. It also provides information on health and character requirements for non-citizens entering a particular country. Some countries such as the United States and Singapore attach the card to a departure card

28、 where the latter card is retained in the aliens passport until his eventual departure. The arrival card can also be combined with items found in a Customs Declaration Form which some countries require incoming passengers to fill in separately. However, some other countries, like Malaysia, do not re

29、quire any departure or arrival cards to be completed. The procedure of compiling information from immigration cards was no longer required following the introduction of the biometric recording system by the Immigration Department.Text 125Unit 9EntryFormFillingThe information of the arrival card requ

30、ested varies by country. Typically the information requested on the card includes: full name;nationality;date of birth;passport number, place of issuance and expiry date;flight number or name of aircraft, ship or vehicle;purpose of the trip: vacation, education/study, visiting relatives/families, bu

31、siness, diplomatic;duration of stay;destination (next stop of disembarkation);address in the country;information on items being brought into the country which may be of interest to customs and quarantine authorities.26Unit 9EntryFormFillingTravelers are generally required to sign, date, and declare

32、the information is true, correct, and complete.Passengers on international flights are often required to complete the cards and are often required to present the cards and their passports at immigration checkpoints. Some countries, most notably those in the passport-free travel areas of the European

33、 Unions Schengen Area dont require travelers to complete an Arrival Card.27Unit 9EntryFormFillingLearnthewordsintheboxandthencompletethesentenceswiththem.Changetheformifnecessary.1legallatterretainbe combined withrecorddurationeventualvary by1. They have no identity card, so they cannot obtain _ wor

34、k.2. Although they are all grapes, the taste _ the region in which theyre grown.3. We think it important that theory should _ practice.4. I fervently believe in our _ victory.5. If you want to _ youthful vigor, you have to take regular exercise.6. One can travel there by ship or plane. Most people c

35、hoose the _.7. The achievement he made heads the world _.8. The _ of the flying is 2 hours and 35 minutes.legalvary bybe combined witheventual retainlatterrecordduration28Unit 9EntryFormFilling1. Arrival Cards are the forms which should be completed by non-citizens of the destination country.2. In s

36、ome countries, the Immigration Department use, the biometric recording system instead of immigration cards to compile information.3. The items of the Arrival Card are all alike in different countries.4. After completing the Arrival Cards, passengers should sign to declare the information is true and

37、 correct.TTFTReadthetextagainanddecidewhetherthefollowingstatementsareT(true)orF(false).229Unit 9EntryFormFillingReadthetextandanswertheflowingquestions.31.What is Arrival Card?_2. Do all countries require any Arrival Cards to be completed?_An arrival card is a legal document used by immigration aut

38、horities to provide passenger identification and a record of a persons entry into certain countries.No, some countries like Malaysia use biometric recording system instead of the departure or arrival cards. The European Unions Schengen Area dont require travelers to complete an Arrival Card.30Unit 9

39、EntryFormFillingText 2U.S. Customs and Border Protection1U.S. Customs and Border Protection is responsible for2 protecting the United States against the illegal3 importation of prohibited4 items. CBP officers have the authority to question you and to examine5 you and your personal property. If you a

40、re one of the travelers selected for an examination, you will be treated6 in a courteous7, professional8, and dignified9 manner10. CBP Supervisors11 and Passenger Service Representatives12 are available to answer your questions. Comment13 cards are available to compliment14 or provide feedback15.31U

41、nit 9EntryFormFillingImportant Information:U.S. Residents16Declare all articles that you have acquired17 abroad and are bringing into18 the United States.Visitors (Non-Residents)Declare the value of all articles that will remain in the United States.Declare all articles on this declaration form and

42、show the value in U.S. dollars. For gifts, please indicate19 the retail20 value.Duty-CBP officers will determine duty. U.S. residents are normally entitled21 to a duty-free exemption22 of $800 on items accompanying them. Visitors (non-residents) are normally entitled to an exemption of $100. Duty wi

43、ll be assessed23 at the current rate on the first $1,000 above the exemption.32Unit 9EntryFormFillingAgricultural and Wildlife ProductsTo prevent the entry of dangerous agricultural pests and prohibited wildlife, the following are restricted: Fruits, vegetables, plants, plant products, soil, meat, m

44、eat products, birds, snails, and other live animals or animal products. Failure to declare such items to a Customs and Border Protection Officer/Customs and Border Protection Agriculture Specialist/Fish and Wildlife Inspector can result in24 penalties25 and the items may be subject to26 seizure27.Co

45、ntrolled substances28, obscene29 articles, and toxic30 substances are generally prohibited entry.Thank you, and welcome to the United States. 33Unit 9EntryFormFillingReadthetextanddecidewhetherthefollowingstatementsareT(true)orF(false).11. CBP officers have the authority to question passengers and t

46、o examine their personal property.2. Passengers should indicate the retail value of the gifts they have.3. Visitors in the US are normally entitled to an exemption of $800 to buy duty-free goods.4. To prevent the entry of dangerous agricultural pests and prohibited wildlife, the fruits, vegetables, plants are restricted to bring into the US.TTFT34Unit 9EntryFormFillingCustomsandborderprotectioncanprotectthecountryfromdangerous.Inyouropinion,whythecarry-onluggageofpassengersarerestrictedbytheCustoms.2Thank You



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