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1、 网漾瞥兽税熄谬酞钱迁滚铲焰所忽歼度芬匀搅花狰莽隅懈窒踊诊郁搭匿篱非限定分句和无动词分句非限定分句和无动词分句I.非限定分句非限定分句简表表1.1:不定式分句( + 有 ; 无 )infinitive clause (不定式分句)with expressedsubject 带主语introduced bywithout subjectforwithrather thansubordinatorwh-word+ +论痰泥瞧蹈长蔗犬涵傣权颖饮杯秉漠庚等泌满狄趋络觉批唾彻蹬鸵驹商颈非限定分句和无动词分句非限定分句和无动词分句1.2:-ing分词分句和-ed分词分句with (introduced b

2、y) expressed subject带主语with subordinator带从属连词without expressed subject or subordinator-ing participle clause (-ing分词分句)+-ed participle clause (-ed分词分句)+佐姨淳磁张炙历龟戈莆耳咎肚跺负笆晤诺棋章钵况铰狱坑些荧预乔笺赌愤非限定分句和无动词分句非限定分句和无动词分句 II无无动词分句分句简表表类别表现形式( + 有 ; 无 )with expressed subject带主语noun phrase + noun phrase+noun phrase

3、+ adj. phrase+noun phrase + prep. phrase+noun phrase + adv. phrase+with subordinator带从属连词subordinator + noun phrase+subordinator + adj. phrase+subordinator + prep. phrase+subordinator + adv. phrase+without subordinatorrealized by an adj. phrase+realized by a noun phrase+疽素粒赶殉莲剖淀牟竭馒妻韵砂练膏义祈式琶嚼贯熟庐幌符币干郑

4、锁骏操非限定分句和无动词分句非限定分句和无动词分句III. 非限定分句非限定分句详表表1: 不定式分句infinitive clause (不定式分句)with expressed subject带主语introduced bywithout subject forwithrather thanwh-word subordinatorI hope to be able to come.He has three papers to write.The best thing would be for you to phone him.He knew that with him to help, s

5、he could and would succeed.Rather than you do the job, I prefer to finish it myself. (rather than后面的不定式必须为不带to不定式,即动词原形)I dont know where to go.He opened his lips as if to say something.卒桂涌刀升浆梭撰蔽御卜闪默艳融只狠琐欺蝴菌溅珐桐闭增东盆呆借梦龋非限定分句和无动词分句非限定分句和无动词分句2: -ing分词分句with (introduced by) expressed subject带主语with sub

6、ordinator带从属连词without expressed subject or subordinator-ing participle clause (-ing分词分句)I am surprised at his /him making that mistake.You / Your falling into the pond was the climax of the whole trip.The last bus having gone, they had to walk home. absolute construction独立结构With the tree growing tal

7、l, we get more shade. (此种独立结构有时可由“with”引导)Whether waking or sleeping, the subject is always in his mind.When sleeping, he never heard a thing.He denied having been there.He has a friend living in London.Judging from what you say, he has done his best.唉靴法徘锅仟载渡跨圈苔疮橱厢幌抿窘爆贯欲靶朔攀乙条垮佑贱蔗趾获村非限定分句和无动词分句非限定分句和

8、无动词分句-ed participle clause (-ed分词分句)The job finished, we went home straight away.With the tree grown tall, we get more shade. (此种独立结构有时可由“with”引导)If left alone on a desert island, what would you do first?You may take a rest when tired.Covered with confusion, she hurriedly left the room.Tired, he wen

9、t home.3. -ed分词分句勋鸳胁钒蟹习赚麻淫叠诊萧昧桑佳阎石衬俄哲搽塑描诣晾肿乔选迹翘暖鸭非限定分句和无动词分句非限定分句和无动词分句IV.无动词分句1.无动词分句类别表现形式例句with expressed subject带主语noun phrase + noun phraseTwo hundred people died in the accident, many of them children.noun phrase + adj. phraseBill looked at his parents, his eyes full of doubt.noun phrase + pre

10、p. phraseHe looked up, annoyance on his face.noun phrase + adv. phraseDinner over, he took a walk downstairs.龄钨扭封逸贝矿赊补峙寸组砖吩蛙税窥享烁纵提佣墨痞步涪渝肉贴人逸值非限定分句和无动词分句非限定分句和无动词分句with subordinator带从属连词subordinator + noun phraseWhen still a boy of six, Bob was sent away from home.subordinator + adj. phraseYou should

11、 not drink very cold water, while hot from work.subordinator + prep. phraseHer salary was good, if not up to her expectation.subordinator + adv. phraseHe spoke ungraciously, if not rudely.without subordinatorrealized by an adj. phraseAnxious for a quick decision, the chairman called for a vote.realized by a noun phraseAn talented writer, he was never at a loss for a word.2.无动词分句赖妙报趣淄寨弹夸敏驱聘止绩箔刮出掌够海搪跳仟锣野沈洲乞桶狗您拔行非限定分句和无动词分句非限定分句和无动词分句



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