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1、The Simple Future Tense一般将来时1所有时态都是通过动词动词变化来体现的2He often watches TV at night . He is watching TV now. nowpastfuturefuturepastnow一般一般现现在在时时现在进行时复习所学时态复习所学时态3一般过去时态表示过去某一时间发生的动作或存在的状态。He watched TV last night . 什么是一般过去时?futurepastnow4一般将来时态表示在将来某一时间将发生的动作或存在的状态。He will watchTV tomorrow evening .一、什么是一

2、般将来时?futurepastnow5I _ 12 years old this year .(be)我去年11岁.I _ 11 years old last year (be)He _ in Beijing now.(be)他昨天在上海。He _ in Shanghai yesterday . (be)他现在在北京。Please look at the sentences我今年12岁.amwasiswasI _ 13 years old next year (be)will beHe _ in Shanghai tomorrow . (be)will be6我们除了用“begoingto 动

3、词原形”可以表示一般将来时外,我们还可以用“will动词原形”来表示一般将来时7next weekWhat is he going todo next week?He is going togo fishing.will8She s going toshop/ go shopping.What is she going to do?will9What isthe cat going todo ?will10It is going to drink/eat.will11What are they going todo this evening?They are going towatch TV

4、.will12They are going todance.What are they going todo ?will131. be going to + do(1).will和shall为助动词,will用于任何人称,但shall只能用于第一人称主语I和we。I will/shall go to school tomorrow .They will go to school tomorrow.We will/shall goto Beingjing next week .He will go to Beingjing next week二、一般将来二、一般将来时时的的谓语谓语构成构成:2.

5、 助助动词动词will/shall + do14They will have an English party next week .(2).变一般疑问句和否定句:Will they have an English party next week ?回答: (肯)Yes, 主语+will.(否)No,主语+wont.Yes,they will./No,they wont.They wont(will not) havean English party next week .注意:wont=will not15They will have an English partynext week .(

6、3).变变特殊疑特殊疑问问句句When will they have an English party ?Who will have an English party next week?What will they havenext week?163、 shall与will的区别:shallwillshall常用于第一人称.will 常用于第二、三人称,但在口语中各种人称都可以用 will.否定式:will not = wont否定式:shall not = shant缩略形式ll17肯定否定一般疑问回答I will havemany presents.I wont have many pr

7、esents.Will I have many presents?Yes,I will.No,I wont.He will do dull jobs.He wont do dull jobs.Will he do dull jobs?Yes, he will.No ,he wont.There will be a computer in it.There wont be a computer in it.Will there be a compuer in it.Yes,there will.No,there wont.They will do heavy work.They wont do

8、heavy work.Will they do heavy work?Yes,they will.No,they wont.will句式总结:18一般将来时两种基本句式的区别:在初中阶段来讲,在初中阶段来讲,”be going to+ 动词原动词原形”和“will+动词原形”这两种表示将来时态的结构没什么区别。但在现代英语中,特别是在口语中,表示将来时多用是在口语中,表示将来时多用“be going to+动词原形”这一形式。另外他们主要区别在于“be going to+ 动词原形”表示一个事先考虑好的意图好的意图,相当于,相当于“打算、计划、准备打算、计划、准备”,而,而will则表示未经事

9、先考虑的意图 。19I feel terrible, I think Im going to be sick.Im going to be 16 years old next year.Look at the clouds! It s going torain!(表示有迹象要发生某一动作时,要用be going to )be going to 与will的区别willbe going to事先考虑好的意图,或做好安排.未经事先考虑的意图,临时决定的。If you want to go, Ill meet you at 5 oclock. (临时的决定)20表示位置转移的动词(如:go, com

10、e, leave, start, arrive等),可用现在进行时表示将来时4. 现在进行时表将来I m going fishing tomorrow .They re leavingfor Beijing next week .My fen friend is coming to China next month.5.be about to +do 立刻,马上做.We are about to leave.211. 与“ tomorrow 一家”连用:三、一般将来时的时间状语tomorrowthe day after tomorrowtomorrowmorningtomorrow after

11、noontomorrow eveningat 7:00 tomorrowmorning22nexttimeyearweekmonthtermMondayat 7:00 next Sunday morning2. 与“ next一家”连用23inthree daysa weektwo months20 years3. 与“ in+一段时间”连用 “ 在 之后”注意: 对“in+一段时间”提问,要用how soon (多久以后)。People will live to be 100 years old in 20 years .How soon will people live to be 100

12、 years old?244. 与与this 连连用:用:thismorningevening afternoonMonday afternoonSunday251. There is/are going to be四、therebe 句型的一般将来式一般疑问式:如:There is going to bea sports meeting at our school next week.Is there going to bea sports meeting at our school next week?回答:Yes,there is./No, there isnt否定句式:There is

13、nt going to bea sports meeting at our school next week.262. There will be一般疑问式:如:There will be a sports meeting at our school next week.Will there be a sports meeting at our school next week?回答:Yes,there will./No, there wont.否定句式:There wont (will not) bea sports meeting at our school next week.27一般将

14、来时在使用中的一些注意事项:一般将来时在使用中的一些注意事项:? 在含有条件状语从句或时间状语从句的复合句中,从句用一般现在时,主句用将来时,且用will 而不用be going to 。如:? Mum will go to Beijing if it doesnt rain tomorrow.? When you get home, you ll find a new bike in your garden.281._ you _ (remember) to buy the oranges tomorrow?2.Who _ (invent) a new computer in 2050?3.

15、We _ (go) to the cinema next Sunday. The film _ (be) very good.4.What time _ you _ (get) to school tomorrow morning?5.Jim _ (do) a lot next Sunday. He _ (go) shopping and _ (cook) supper.Will rememberwill invent will gowill bewill get用用动词动词的适当的适当时态时态填空填空will dowill gowill cook296. He usually _ (get)

16、 up at 6 in the morning. Look! He _ (get) up now. But yesterday he _ (get) up very late, so he _ (go) to school late. Tomorrow he _ (get) up very early, so he _ (not be) late for school tomorrow.getsis gettinggotwentwill getwont beusuallyinthe morningLookyesterdaynowTomorrowtomorrow301.Lucy will do

17、her homework at home soon.(改否定句)Lucy _ _ her homework at home soon.2.He will find some meat in the fridge soon.(变一般疑问句)_ he _ _ meat in the fridge?3.She will stay there in a week.(对划线部分提问)_ _ _ she _ there?4.There will be some orange in the cup.(变一般疑问句)_ there_ _ orange in the cup?wont doWill find any How soon willstayWill any be 31



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