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1、Unit-Unit-1515LearningLearningLesson-Lesson-4-Understanding4-Understanding课件课件(2)(2)(北师大版必修北师大版必修5)5)Are you relaxed and happy?Are you interested in it?Which of the following help you to learn and understand things?1.Being relaxed and happy2.Having time to think about what you are learning3.Being in

2、terested in the topic 4.Discussing topics with friends5.Asking questionsAsking questions“who questions much, shall learn much, and remember much.”“问得多,学得多,记得多。” Francis Bacon(1561-1626)“Knowledge is power.”Q1.How can we get/acquire knowledge and understanding according to F.B. ?gtgkxx精品课件Earth must

3、be the centre of the universe because it felt like the earth was standing still.Galileo Galilei (1564-1642)In the 17th century, people believe in religion.G.G. invented the first telescope in the world to observeobserve the universeand provedproved that “the earth is not the center of the universe.”

4、Q2:But why did people put Galileo in prison at that time?“All truths are easy to understandOnce they are discovered; the point is to discover them.” “只要真理被发现,它就很容易被认可,问题是首先得发现真理。” Matchthemeaningswiththecorrectphrases信仰宗教信仰宗教获得知识获得知识值得尊重的人物值得尊重的人物观察世界观察世界忽视事实忽视事实分析方式分析方式Pay attention to the linking

5、words.Match the main idea with each parts of the article.Para.1 how to acquire knowledge and understanding.Para.1 how to acquire knowledge and understanding.Para.23 we cant sit back and say “we know it Para.23 we cant sit back and say “we know it all.”all.”Para.45 people believed more inPara.45 peop

6、le believed more in religion than in religion than in facts at that time. facts at that time.While readingWhile readingFast-reading:Matchthelinkingwordswiththeleftones. afterwards but since to start with so next when so he could howeverafter thatat firstbecausethereforein order tothenasgkxx精品课件Read

7、the text again. Answer these questions.1)Does the writer believe that the Baconian Method of scientific thought is a good way to gain knowledge?Yes,he said modern scientists and thinkers are still solving the worlds problems with this type of analysisluckily for us.gkxx精品课件2) What image does the wri

8、ter use to explain how men like Bacon and Galileo helped educate people?an image of setting forth their scientific ideasgkxx精品课件3) Why did Aristotle assume that the sun moved around the Earth?Because it felt like the earth was standing still.4) Would the writer describe the people of the church duri

9、ng Galileos time as having open or closed minds?The writer describe the people of the church during Galileos time as having closed minds.gkxx精品课件5) Do you think people like Bacon and Galileo would have thought it was a good idea to open libraries and set up universities? Why?No. Because at that time

10、 people believed more in religion than in facts. What else does the writer advise us to do to understand things ? He advises us to understand things by observing_; studying_; considering_; testing_.the world around youthe factspossible answerseach to find the onesPara.1Careful-reading1.他早已习惯了奢华的生活。H

11、e _ a life of luxury.2. 我不习惯这么早起床进行晨练。I _so early to do morning exercise.Q: What way to gain knowledge are we accustomed to today?=be used to (doing) =be used to (doing) sth.sth.习惯于吐出Spit it out (俚)毫无保留地说 has been accustomed to am not accustomed to getting upA: were more accustomed to typing to a fe

12、w key words into a search engine and waiting for the Internet to spit the answer out for us.Why were people like Galileo Galilei often punished by the church with no one coming to their defence ?A.At that time , They believed more in religion than in facts.B.They tended to ignore the facts and were

13、unwilling to challenge what theyd always thought was true.C.They preferred to make assumptions about the world based on the experience of others.D.They didnt approve of him at first and put him in prison.Para.23Choose the best answer.那个时候Come/ leap to ones defence (跳出)来保护某人比。多。;超过;与其说。还不如说。Dtend to/

14、towards (do) sth.:倾向于,经常赞成,赞许把。投进监狱make assumptions about sth.:对。作出假设Q:Did people believe him when Galileo Galilei proved that the earth was not the center of the universe?A:No. Instead of believing him, people chose to believe views that were almost 2000 years old.Instead of doing sth.而不是:取代我们应该做点事

15、情而不是只是讨论它。We should do something _just _about it. 我们将在花园而不是在室内。Well have tea in the garden_ in the house.他们乘车而不是步行去那儿的。They went there by bus _on foot. =rather than doinginstead of talking instead of instead of instead of +prep. phraseAnswer the T/F questions.1.The earth is the center of the univers

16、e.2.The earth moved around the sun in a perfect circle.3.Aristotle and Galileo made mistakes.4.If someone important and respected says that something is right, then it must be so.5.We can sit back and say “we know it all.”Para.4FFTFF舒服的休息,不采取行动Putforward,提出提出Putforward,提出提出Guess the meaning of refer

17、ence words.These men knew that knowledge and understanding are things to fight for. Who does “these” refer to?A.We B.A manC.Mankind D.People like bacon and GalileoPara.4DSo much of our knowledge and understanding of the world today is due to people like bacon and Galilei, who were brave enough to st

18、ep out from the shadows of conventional thought in order to find the kingdom of knowledge that todays civilisation is built upon.Translate the sentence into Chinese and discuss with your partner.我们今天对世界有这么多的认识和了解,是因为有培根和伽利略这样的人我们今天对世界有这么多的认识和了解,是因为有培根和伽利略这样的人,Subject,主Link Verb,系Predicative,表Attribu

19、tive Clause,定Attributive Clause,定Subject,主为了发现建造今天人类文明的知识王国,他们勇敢地从传统思想的阴影中走出为了发现建造今天人类文明的知识王国,他们勇敢地从传统思想的阴影中走出。built A on/uponB 把A建立在B的基础上由于,因为走出 1.FillinthechartPara.1how we _knowledge and understanding now.Atfirstwe_questions,thento_answers,we_theworldand_thefacts.Afterthatwe_thepossibleanswersand

20、_eachtofindtherightones Para.23However in the 17th century, people_inreligion_infactsandpeoplelikeGalileoGalileiwho_scientificideaswereoften_prisonbythechurch. Para.45At the same time Peoplefeelthatifsomeoneimportantand_saysthatsomethingisright,thenitmustbe_ .Todayweneedto_thegreatmanofthepast.Somuc

21、hofourknowledgeandunderstandingoftheworldtodayis_peoplelikeBaconandGalilei,becausetheyknewthatknowledgeandunderstandingarethingsto_. PostreadingPostreadingacquireobservestudyconsiderfindtestneedproveddue tobelieve more thankthanrespectedsopunishedfight for2.Whatcanwelearnfromthearticle?Discusswithyourpartner.We should believe in facts.Respect others views and never treat them violently.Knowledge and understanding is more vital and beneficial than all the money in the world. HomeworkDo exercise 6, 7 on page 43.Thank you!-结束语结束语谢谢大家聆听!谢谢大家聆听!26



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