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1、听力技能训练与测试听力技能训练与测试坝美镇阿科初级中学校坝美镇阿科初级中学校 季娟娟季娟娟一、听力的定义一、听力的定义 理解他人用正常语速说出理解他人用正常语速说出 的看法或想法,并马上作的看法或想法,并马上作 出判断与回应。出判断与回应。二、听力的重要性二、听力的重要性 有声语言是第一位有声语言是第一位 文字语言是第二位文字语言是第二位 语言学习始于语言学习始于“听听” 决定着决定着“说说”的水平的水平三、学生听力方面的学习困难三、学生听力方面的学习困难跟不上语速跟不上语速1.She said helping others changed her life.2.Do you remember

2、 what you were doing at that time?3.Next, Im going to hold art exhibitions because I want to be rich and buy a big house for my parents.4. Im going to the bookshop the day after tomorrow. 不能正确识别单词的语音、不能正确识别单词的语音、甚至是失去爆破的单词甚至是失去爆破的单词1. After lunch, we have a walk.2.We often go to work by bus.3. Whats

3、 your name? 4. son, some I have a son. 和和 I have some.1. 可数名词的复数加可数名词的复数加s或或es: 读音:读音:/s/, /z/, /iz/读音规则是:读音规则是: 清清、浊浊、元也浊;清清、浊浊、元也浊; t,d后面读后面读/ts/,/dz/; /s/, /z/, /, /t/, /d /后面读后面读/iz/。shops, parks, deskspens, bags, trees, tomatoes, photos, plates, hands, friends,cases, roses, brushes, watches, br

4、idges2. 动词的三单人称加动词的三单人称加s或或es:读音:读音:/s/,/z/,/iz/读音规则是:读音规则是:清清、浊浊、元也浊;清清、浊浊、元也浊;t,d后面读后面读/ts/,/dz/;/s/,/z/,/,/t/,/d /后面读后面读/iz/。stops, drinkscomes, sellsgoes, lieseats, sitsfinds, standsstresses, loses, uses, teaches, watches, brushes3. 规则动词的过去式加规则动词的过去式加ed:读音:读音:/t/,/d/,/id/ 读音规则是:读音规则是:清清、浊浊、元也浊;清

5、清、浊浊、元也浊;t,d后面读后面读/id/looked, cooked,lived, used,played, ordered,started, planted, handed 不能理解句子的意群单位、不能理解句子的意群单位、停顿以及语调停顿以及语调意群单位意群单位:1.For example, you can find a roller coaster in most amusement parks, but in Disneyland, the theme of the roller coaster is Disney characters.停顿停顿:2.He was also the

6、first Chinese pianist in the 70-year history of the competition to win this prize.语调:语调:3That may not seem possible now , but computers , space rockets and even electric toothbrushes seemed impossible a hundred years ago. 不能同时完成不同层次不能同时完成不同层次的理解习题的理解习题比如:(比如:(06年云南)年云南)听第一段对话,回答第听第一段对话,回答第1112小题。小题。

7、11. Whats the weather like tomorrow?A. Fine. B. Rainy. C. Cloudy.12. How are they going to the Science Museum?A. By taxi. B. By bike.C. By bus.录音材料:录音材料:听第一段对话,回答第听第一段对话,回答第1112题题M:Hi, Lucy. Are you going to visit the Science Museum tomorrow?W: Sure. Would you like to go with us?M:Id love to. But th

8、e radio says its going to rain tomorrow.W: Really? It doesnt matter. Lets go there by bus.M:Good idea.BC 不能理解语境(不能理解语境(who, with whom, when, where, what, why, how)以及说话者之)以及说话者之间的关系间的关系比如:(比如:(08年云南)年云南)听第二段对话,回答第听第二段对话,回答第1314小题。小题。13. Where are they talking? A. In a school.B. In a shop.C. At home.1

9、4. What is the boys mother? A. A teacher. B. A soccer player.C. A housewife. 录音材料:录音材料:第二段对话,回答第第二段对话,回答第1314小题。小题。M: Mum, the summer holiday is coming. Id like to do something for others. Could you give me some advice? W: Sure. But you must clean your room first. Look! Your soccer is on your bed.M:

10、 Sorry, Mum. I wont do that again. Does your school have a soccer club?W: Yes. Why? M: Im good at playing soccer. I can help your students play soccer.W: Good idea!CA四、听力的训练四、听力的训练过好语音关过好语音关 1.book /buk/ - /buk/books /buks/ - /bukz/ 2.good /gud/ - /gud/The book is good.3.The little baby goes to slee

11、p at eight oclock every night.1 1、连读、连读 an orangean eggan hour an interesting bookan old lady Stand up!It is a pen.2 2、失去爆破、失去爆破 doctorpicture a good booka red penSit down.I didnt do my homework last Tuesday.He went to the shop last December.3 3、语调、语调 Have you ever been to Kunming?Does your father w

12、ork in the hospital or in the school?We play volleyball every Sunday. Dont say it in Chinese. 6 6、快速朗读、默读、快速朗读、默读 The Experimental Middle School Attached to Yunnan Normal University Next, Im going to hold art exhibitions because I want to be rich and buy a big house for my parents.For example, you c

13、an find a roller coaster in most amusement parks, but in Disneyland, the theme of the roller coaster is Disneycharacters. 过好词汇关过好词汇关 学校用语:学校用语:teacher, classmate, blackboard, desk, chair, school, professor, exam, subject, dining hall, playground, library, classroom等。等。 餐馆用语:餐馆用语:restaurant, menu, bi

14、ll, order, tip, hamburger, sandwich, soup, dish, beer, soft drink,rice, porridge, milk, tomato, meat, mutton, beef, duck, chicken, noodles, pizza, vegetable, parrot, cabbage, potato, juice等;等; 医院用语:医院用语:doctor, nurse, stomachache, sore throat, toothache, hospital, take medicine, temperature, pill, h

15、eadache, fever, blood pressure等;等; 宾馆用语:宾馆用语:breakfast, lunch, supper, hotel, luggage, single room, double room, room number, waiter, waitress, bathroom等;等; 邮局用语:邮局用语:post office, mail, deliver, stamp, envelope, telegram, letter等;等; 机场用语:机场用语:airport, flight, take off, land,time table等;等; 车站用语:车站用语:

16、railway station, round trip, single trip, sleeping car等等 商店用语:商店用语:shop, on sale, size, color, price, change, how much等;等; 过好表达关过好表达关特殊疑问句及其回答特殊疑问句及其回答1. Where is the baseball?Its in the backpack. Where are your books?They are on the chair.2. When is your birthday?My birthday is November 11th. When

17、is Mikes birthday?His birthday is August 21st.3. Why do you like art?Because its fun. Why do you like pandas?Because theyre very cute.4. Hows the weather?Its raining. Hows it going?Great!5. What kind of movies do you like? I like action movies and comedies. What time is it? Its one oclock.句型:句型:It t

18、akes sb. some time to do sth. 做某事花费某人某些时间。做某事花费某人某些时间。Sth. costs some money. 某物价值多少钱。某物价值多少钱。Sth. costs sb. some money. 某物花费某人多少钱。某物花费某人多少钱。Sb. spends (time / money) in doing sth.某人花多少时间(钱)做某事。某人花多少时间(钱)做某事。Sb. spends ( time / money) on sth.在某事上某人花多少时间(钱)。在某事上某人花多少时间(钱)。 Its + adj. + ( for sb.) + to

19、 do sth. 对(某人)来说做某事对(某人)来说做某事Would you like to do sth.?你想做某事吗?你想做某事吗?Why not do sth.? = Why dont you do sth.?为什么不做某事?为什么不做某事?Will you please do sth.? 请某人做某事好吗?请某人做某事好吗?Will you please not do sth.? 请某人别做某事好吗?请某人别做某事好吗? 过好朗读、背诵关过好朗读、背诵关 教师要有意识地为学生收集一些好教师要有意识地为学生收集一些好句,好的短文或选择教科书上的好句,好的短文或选择教科书上的好的课文,让

20、学生利用早自习时间或的课文,让学生利用早自习时间或其它时间背诵,有可能的话可以默其它时间背诵,有可能的话可以默写、听写。经过长期的训练就可以写、听写。经过长期的训练就可以让学生逐渐形成一定的语感。当然,让学生逐渐形成一定的语感。当然,朗读时,注意正确把握意群单位、朗读时,注意正确把握意群单位、停顿、语音、语调。停顿、语音、语调。培养和提高学生听的能力培养和提高学生听的能力要靠平时的勤听多读,要要靠平时的勤听多读,要求学生精听与泛听兼顾,求学生精听与泛听兼顾,朗读与默读并存。朗读与默读并存。五、听力的技巧五、听力的技巧 听前听前 听时听时 听后听后听前听前“听前听前”的预览和预测有三个的预览和预

21、测有三个 时机:时机: 试卷分发后填写姓名和试卷分发后填写姓名和 准考证号之后的剩余时间;准考证号之后的剩余时间; 播放开考音乐和指令时;播放开考音乐和指令时; 播放每段录音前的几秒钟。播放每段录音前的几秒钟。“听时听时”的步骤:的步骤: 勾划关键词、关键句;勾划关键词、关键句; 注意听句首句和句尾句;注意听句首句和句尾句; 边听边在试卷上勾勾划划;边听边在试卷上勾勾划划; 能记忆则记忆,能记录能记忆则记忆,能记录 则记录。则记录。听时听时 “听后听后”及时确定答案。及时确定答案。听后听后 (07年云南)年云南)听第一段对话,回答第听第一段对话,回答第1112小题。小题。11. How wil

22、l the man go to Europe?A. By sea. B. By train. C. By air.12. How long will the man stay in Europe?A. About a week. B. About three days. C. About four days.听第一段对话,回答第听第一段对话,回答第1112小题。小题。M: Im afraid I must leave now. Tomorrow Ill fly to Europe for my summer holidays.W: Oh, what a surprise! How long w

23、ill you stay there?M: About a week. Ill spend three days in London, and fly to Paris for the next four days. Then Ill come back by sea.W: Its wonderful! Have a nice trip!M: Thank you. Ill see you when I come back.CA六、听力测试的规律六、听力测试的规律 第一节第一节 听句子,选出与句子听句子,选出与句子 内容相关的图画。内容相关的图画。 食物、饮料食物、饮料 (06年云南)1. AB

24、CMy brother likes hamburgers for lunch every day. A(08年云南)年云南)2. A. B. C. The young woman is drinking a glass of orange juice.B物品物品(06年云南)年云南)2. A B CWe have bags of all kinds for girls.B运动、职业(06年云南)3. A B CMy parents are planning to watch basketball matches in Beijing in 2008.B(08年云南)年云南)3. A. B. C

25、. My little brother likes all kinds of ball games, especially basketball.C(06年云南)年云南)5. ABCI like drawing and want to be an artist when I grow up.C交通方式交通方式(06年云南)年云南)4. A B CIn big cities in China, most students usually ride bikes to school.A 标志图标志图(08年云南)年云南)1. A. B. C. Im sorry, you cant take phot

26、os here.C动物、天气动物、天气(08年云南)年云南) 4. A. B. C. There will be an elephant show in the park next Friday.A(08年云南)年云南)5. A. B. C. It was raining on my way home.B 第二节第二节 听句子,选出与所听听句子,选出与所听 句子内容相符的正确句子内容相符的正确 答语。答语。(0606年云南)年云南)6.Would you like something to eat? (C)提供食品提供食品7.Id like to go out with my friends

27、this evening.(B)外出游玩外出游玩8.Youve done wrong. You should say “sorry” to him first.(C)道歉道歉9.Its very hot here. Would you mind opening the door?(B) 天气、气候天气、气候10. Kate and Alice can swim now. Who taught them?(A)运动运动(08年云南)年云南)6. I havent seen you for a long time. Nice to see you again. (A) 见面寒暄见面寒暄7. How

28、 are you getting on with your classmates?(B)相处相处8. How often do you go to the cinema, Jenny?(C)问频率问频率9. My sister fell off the bike and hurt her left leg. (B)讲述事情经过讲述事情经过10. You look so beautiful in red. (A)赞美赞美 第三节第三节 听对话,选出能回答听对话,选出能回答 问题的正确选项。问题的正确选项。(06年云南)年云南)11. Whats the weather like tomorrow

29、?问天气问天气12. How are they going to the Science Museum?问交通方式问交通方式13. What does the girl want to be?问想做什么问想做什么14. Where does the girl want to work? 问工作地点问工作地点15. Who is going to have a birthday? 问人物问人物16. What is the woman doing? 问在做什么问在做什么17. What is the woman going to get? 问想买什么问想买什么18. How many langu

30、ages can the woman speak? 问多少种语言问多少种语言19. What do we know from the text? 问对话细节问对话细节20. What does the man think of Japanese? 问对方对语言的看法问对方对语言的看法(08年云南)年云南)11. Does Mike exercise every day?问运动问运动12. What does the woman think of Mikes living habit?问生活方式问生活方式13. Where are they talking?问在哪里谈话问在哪里谈话14. Wha

31、t is the boys mother?问职业问职业15. What did the woman go to New York for?问原因问原因16. How long is the woman going to stay there?问呆在某地多久问呆在某地多久17. Where are the two speakers probably talking?问说话双方在哪里谈话问说话双方在哪里谈话18. Who is the man?问是什么人问是什么人19.Why did the woman call the man? 问原因问原因20.What color is Sallys dre

32、ss? 问颜色问颜色 第四节第四节 听对话,完成下列听对话,完成下列 信息表格。信息表格。(0606年云南)年云南)一周之内的每天活动安排。一周之内的每天活动安排。 (07(07年云南年云南) ) A shopping list A shopping list(0808年云南)年云南)预定旅馆房间预定旅馆房间 (09年云南年云南) Present on Mathers DayName of the Hotel: The Garden Hotel Name: Tom Black Rooms to Be Ordered: 21. _ Reasons to Beijing: For a holida

33、y Days of Stay: 22. _ Telephone Number: 23. _ Total Money for Rooms: 24. _ How to Get to Beijing: 25. _ (0808年云南)年云南) 预定旅馆房间预定旅馆房间21. A. One single room B. Two single rooms C. Two double rooms22. A. Thursday and Friday B. Friday and Saturday C. Saturday and Sunday23. A. 49776684 B. 49770684 C. 4977608424. A. 1,600 yuan B. 800 yuan C. 400 yuan25. A. By trainB. By plane C. By taxi



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