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1、信心 发展 共赢陕西重型进出口有限公司SHAANXI HEAVY DUTY AUTOMOBILE INPORT&EXPORT CO., LTD Confidence Development Win-win目目 录录CONTENTS1 Brief introduction of the company 企业简介3 A few words on oversea market 海外市场浅谈2 Products of the company 产品介绍 Shaanxi Automobile Group Co.,Ltd is one of the Top 500 Enterprises of China,

2、 and ranked 27th in the top 500 China Machinery Enterprises. It has the top-grade well equipped heavy-duty truck industrial park and the state-level technological centre and post-doctoral research workstation. There are 20 subsidiary companies under its control, with the headquarters in Xian. 陕汽集团是中

3、国500强企业,位列中国机械500强第27位,拥有装备精良、世界一流的重卡产业园和国家级企业技术中心、博士后科研工作站,包括20余家子公司,总部设在西安。 公司产品范围覆盖重型军用越野车、重型卡车、大中型客车(底盘)、中轻型卡 车、重型车桥、康明斯发动机及汽车零部件等领域,是国家选型对比试验后保留的唯一指定装备我军的重型军用越野车生产基地和首批汽车出口基地企业。 Its products cover heavy-duty military vehicles, heavy-duty trucks, big and medium-sized buses and chassis, medium-si

4、zed trucks, heavy-duty axles, Cummins engines, spare parts etc. The company is the only defined heavy-duty off-road military truck manufacture base, through lectotype comparative trial, its military products are exclusively appointed to equip Chinese army. Its also one of the first-batch entire truc

5、k exporting bases. 陕汽,行业唯一参加了举世瞩目的中华人民共和国建国35周年、50周年、60周年年国庆阅兵仪式,陕汽军用越野汽车以庞大的阵容壮我军威,为国争光,受到国务院及中央军委的多次嘉奖。 Shaan Qi military off-road truck,the only one in this industry, which took part in the National Military-inspecting Ceremony on the 35th 、50th 、60th anniversary of the PRC, were greatly praised

6、by the State Council and the State Military Committee. In 2009, Shaan Qi Group output value is 21.7 billion yuan and 4.6 percent of year-on-year growth, The sales income reached over 22.05 billion yuan and year-on-year growth reached 7 percent. The overseas sales income reached 45 million U.S. Dolla

7、rs. In 2009 ,the amount of export and foreign exchange earnings of heavy duty trucks are the first in industry . 2009年,陕汽实现工业总产值217亿元,同比增长4.6%;实现销售收入220.5亿元,同比增长7%,出口创汇4.5亿美元。 2009年陕汽重卡出口销量、出口创汇居中国重型卡车行业第一.Advanced Scientific Research Technology 先进研发体系 陕汽拥有科研场地50000平方米,科研技术人员400余名。具有完整的开发、设计、工艺体系流程,

8、使用CAD/CAE设计系统、 AVL Cruise动力匹配系统、Abaqus车辆结构分析系统、CAPP工艺管理系统、PLM数据管理系统及完备的实验、试验、试制、检测设施和设备。 Shaan Qi has over 400 scientific research technicians, with scientific research site covering 50,000 square meters. The company has an integrated flow including development, design and technological process syst

9、em, applying CAD/CAE Design System, AVL Cruise Power Matching System, Abaqus Automobile Structure Analysis System, CAPP Process Management System, PLM Data Management System and complete facilities and equipments for experiment, test, trail-manufacture and detection.Systemic & Strict Trial 系统严格的试验 e

10、ngine test 发动机测试30% grade test 30%爬坡试验Twisting test 扭曲路面试验60% grade test 60%爬坡试验Axle test 车桥试验Fish scale pit road test 鱼鳞坑路试验Top Production Line of Heavy Duty Truck in the World国际一流的重卡制造生产线 目前公司拥有由美国、德国等国家进口,代表国际一流重卡制造技术的22条现代化流水生产线,工艺装备精良、自动化程度高。 At present, the company has 22 modern production lin

11、es with advanced international manufacturing technology, which was imported from USA and Germany, and featuring with precise technique equipment and automation. 陕汽有42年的重卡专业研发制造经验,建立了以质量管理为核心,涵盖职业健康、环境、测量三标一体化的质量管理体系,采用德国玛哈公司的全套一级整车安全检测线,已通过GJB 9001A, ISO9001, TS16949, 3C, ISO 14001 ,GB/T 28001 , ISO

12、10012 体系认证,产品品质达到国际先进水平。Scientific and Strict Quality Management System 科学严格的质量管理体系 Shaan Qi has 42 years of professional R & D and manufacture experiences, and also the only heavy-duty truck enterprise. It has established a quality management system, which regards the quality management as its core

13、 and three-standards-one-system as its content that integrates occupational health and safety, environment and measurement into management. It uses the German Maha companys complete-set first-level entire truck safe detection line. Shaan Qi has passed GJB 9001A, ISO9001, TS16949, 3C, ISO 14001 ,GB/T

14、 28001 , ISO10012 certification. These enable product quality to reach an international advanced level. 目目 录录CONTENTS1 Brief introduction of the company 企业简介3 A few words on oversea market 海外市场浅谈2 Products of the company 产品介绍 With the concept of “Providing largest value for the customers with the fi

15、ttest products”, Shaan Qi will integrate advantage technology and suppliers to provide the products of international market and meet individual requirement of the users. “SHACMAN” trucks have been sold to more than 60 countries, the accumulated sales volume has exceeded 50,000 units. 陕汽秉承“提供最适合产品,为客

16、户创造最大价值”的理念,整合优势技术和供应商资源,打造满足用户个性化需求的全系列国际市场产品。陕汽产品已销往全球60多个国家,累计出口已突破50,000辆。 F3000 is high-end product which is based on German MANs technology platform. Its complete vehicle technology is pure European technology. F3000是基于世界先进的德国曼技术平台的高端产品,整车技术是纯正的欧洲血统。Market positioning: high-end market市场定位:高端市场

17、、F3000 SeriesF3000F3000系列系列 F2000 is mature product which are based on German MANs technology and the upgraded Steyrs technology platform. F2000是基于德国曼技术和全新升级的斯太尔技术平台的成熟产品系列。 、F2000 SeriesF2000F2000系列系列Market positioning:Middle and high-end market市场定位:中高端市场 FC is mature product which are based on Ger

18、man MANs technology and upgraded Steyr s technology platform. FC series install America Cummins ISM series engine. FC belongs to the main high-end products. FC是基于德国曼技术和全新升级的斯太尔技术平台的成熟系列产品,装配有美国康明斯ISM系列发动机,属高端主销产品。、FC SeriesFCFC系列系列CumminsISMseriesengine S2000 series is mature products series which a

19、re based on the upgraded Steyr s technology platform. It belongs to the economical kingpin products. S2000是基于全新升级的斯太尔技术平台的成熟系列产品,属经济型主销产品。 、S2000 SeriesS2000S2000系列系列 我公司特种车车辆品种齐全,能够满足各种工况环境下的各种作业要求。主要包括非公路自卸车、码头牵引车、天然汽车和压缩天然汽车。、 Special Vehicle Series 特种车特种车系列系列 Great variety of special vehicles ca

20、n meet any working conditions and any requirements. The special vehicle including off-road dump truck, terminal tractor, natural gas truck and compressed natural gas truck (CNG).品品种种齐齐全全的的专专用用车车系系列列A full range of Dedicated Vehicle SeriesTank truck罐式车罐式车Cement mixer混凝土车混凝土车 Oilfield truck 油田车油田车 Fir

21、e fighting truck 消防车消防车Operating vehicle作业车作业车(6)(6)、MainModelsofMilitaryTruckforExport 军车出口主力车型军车出口主力车型 SX2151 seriesSX2110 seriesSX2153 seriesSX2300 series目目 录录CONTENTS1 Brief introduction of the company 企业简介3 A few words on oversea market 海外市场浅谈2 Products of the company 产品介绍 2009年陕汽实现重卡出口12000辆,出

22、口创汇约4.5亿美元, 根据海关数据统计,我公司出口数量和创汇位居全国重型汽车行业第一;创汇金额列全国汽车行业第一。In2009,12,000automobilesweresoldintheinternationalmarketandtheoverseassalesincomereached450millionU.S.Dollars.TheexportvolumeandexportearningsinforeignexchangeofSAGwonthefirstpositioninheavydutytruckindustryinChina. 以下是陕汽在重卡出口当中的一点心得,与大家分享!Th

23、isismylearningexperienceofexportingheavydutytruckstosharewitheveryone.1、产品的适应性开发 Develop the adaptability 海外各区域的自然环境、工况使用条件较为复杂,经济水平差异性较大, 针对各出口市场的差异化特点,陕汽经过充分调研和严格试验,精心策划和开发出了热区版、寒区版及其改进型和经济型产品,以及高原版、专销版和军车系列等各种适应性出口产品,真正满足了用户产异化需求,赢得了大量国际市场用户的赞誉。Aschemeandresearch&developmentsystemforexportproduct


25、fexportproducts.Seriesproductsofcoldregionversion,thermalregionversion,enhancedversion,light-weightversion,gasversion,plateauversionweredevelopedinsuccession.2、注重海外营销网络的建设与投入 Focus on the construction and input of overseas network 陕汽进入国际市场之初,就大力拓展国际营销网络。受国际金融危机冲击国际市场环境恶劣的情况下,陕汽仍坚持销售及服务网络的建设和完善,加大投资力

26、度,使营销网络逐步健全,使整个营销队伍的战斗力得到进一步加强,确保了陕汽既定出口目标的圆满完成。 AccordingtotheinternationalmarketdevelopmentstrategyofShaanxiAutomobileGroupCo.,Ltd.wecarriedoutfruitfulworkintermsofinternationalmarketingservicenetworksystem,globalbranding,featuredproductsdevelopmentaswellasregionalmarketaccessattestationetc.,which

27、reducedimpactofglobaleconomiccrisisondailyoperationoftheenterprisestotheutmostextent.p 出口授权企业共20家。 20 exporting authorization enterprises.p 海外本土一级经销商共45家,办事机构23个。 Oversea distributor total number is 45. Oversea office total number is 23.p 现有海外服务网络180家,服务体系初具规模。 Forming an oversea service system whic

28、h total number is180.p09年海外4S店达到10个,分别在迪拜、阿尔及利亚、安哥拉、沙特、伊朗、智利、厄瓜多尔、 哥伦比亚、印度尼西亚、哈萨克斯坦。 Building 10 4S selling center, such as Dubai, Algeria, Angola, Iran, Chile, Ecuador, Columbia, Indonesia and Kazakhstan.p 海外大型维修中心2个,配件库覆盖了主销区域。 2 large scaled repairing center. Spare parts storeroom cover the main

29、exporting area. 到目前为止,陕汽在海外已形成覆盖60多个国家、驻外人员近100人,驻外机构及营销网络近50家、服务网点近180家初见规模的海外营销网络,已经初步具备支撑目前出口车辆维修的能力。 Till now, the products of Shaan Qi has been sold abroad to about 60 countries, nearly 100 overseas officers, 50 local and overseas sales and 180 service network. we will eliminate blind spot of m

30、arket, meet the demand of the users and enhance their satisfaction with the services. 3、贯彻服务型制造理念p 陕汽集团本着打造服务型制造企业的经营理念,提供产品全生命周期服务。 Relying on the “Service-oriented Manufacturing” business concept, SAG offers the full service.p 在国际营销过程中,以产品服务的提供为依托,向客户提供产品售前、售中、售后及产品回收等系列服务。 In the process of inter

31、national marketing, founding on supplying service, providing pre-sale、mid-sale、after-sale and services of recovering product, and so on. p 体现主动性营销,为各大项目提供全方位的物流工程解决方案。 Reflect initiative marketing. Provides the Omni-directional logistics engineering solutions for large projects. 陕汽通过95家非洲海外服务网络和驻外维修

32、工程师向各用车单位提供及时、高效的车辆维修服务,同时向当地用车人员培训车辆使用和保养知识。陕汽海外服务网点人员不畏酷暑、严寒和局部战争动荡等,恪守为海外客户提供及时、高效维修服务的遵旨,为用户创造最大价值。 Shaan Qi offers effective truck maintenance service for customers in time, through 95overseas service networks in Africa and overseas maintenance engineers, and meanwhile provides the training on

33、the use and maintenance of the truck for its local users. The personnel who work at overseas service network sites of Shaan Qi Group, regardless of the extremes of heat and cold as well as the unrest of war, etc., insist on the principle of providing maintenance service in time and effective manner

34、for the overseas users, so as to create the greatest value for them. 4、海外优质服务 High Quality Overseas Service陕汽集团中标成为阿尔及利亚高速公路项目中资企业标段唯一重型汽车供应商,目前该项目已使用了近2000辆陕汽重卡。Shaan Qi has been successful bid on the only highway heavy-duty automotive suppliers . Utill now in this project, it has used SHACMAN heav

35、y duty trucks for about 2000 units.The Project of Algeria East-West Highway 阿尔及利亚东西高速公路项目阿尔及利亚东西高速公路项目 陕汽集团被选中为该项目的重型运输车辆供应商。目前“SHACMAN”重卡在安哥拉的市场占有率已超过20%。Angola Comfortable Housing Project 安哥拉政府安居工程建设项目安哥拉政府安居工程建设项目 SHACMAN is selected as the heavy duty transport vehicle suppliers in this project.

36、At present, market share of SHACMAN heavy-duty truck has more than 20% in Angola.肯国防部人员来陕汽调研、洽谈出口至肯尼亚的陕汽军用越野车The personnel from Department of Defence of Kenya conduct research and negotiation in SAGMilitary off-road truck manufactured by SAG that are exported to Kenya为肯尼亚军方培训车辆使用和保养知识Provide the tra

37、ining on the use and maintenance of the truck for Military of Kenya肯尼亚军方项目肯尼亚军方项目 ProjectofKenyaArmy 该项目为肯尼亚军方采购项目,陕汽集团凭借军车的技术、质量优势,再次赢得了客户的青睐,被选为该项目的重型军用运输车辆供应商。 This project was the purchasing project of Kenya army. SAG relies on the advantage of military truck, gained the favor from customer. SAG

38、 has been chosen as this project of heavy duty military truck supplier.5、注重品牌推广 Focus on promoting brand 20092009年,通过参加国际性商用汽车和工程机械类展会共年,通过参加国际性商用汽车和工程机械类展会共1212场及举行国际性巡展活动场及举行国际性巡展活动2 2次,在海外发布了次,在海外发布了大量的户外以及平面广告,使国内外客户对大量的户外以及平面广告,使国内外客户对“SHACMAN”SHACMAN”品牌有更为广泛的认知,品牌有更为广泛的认知,“SHACMAN”SHACMAN”品牌知名


40、ment,whichhaspresentedthehighclassqualityandexcellentbrandimageofheavy-dutytruckfullyandfurtherpromoteditscorporatepopularityandreputationintheinternationalmarket.各国展会的情况Exhibition situation in each country 6、商用车出口的启示 Inspiration from exporting commercial vehicle(1)产品的质量至关重要; The most important thin

41、g is the products quality.(2)海外服务保障体系要完善; The overseas service ensure system should be completed.(3)服务提升要在便利性和及时性上; The service should be advanced in convenience and timeliness.(4)配件供应要充分; The spare parts should be adequate. (5)积极应对贸易保护主义措施 To actively respond to protectionist measures 自国际金融危机后,各国为保

42、护本国汽车产业,增加贸易保护政策;部分国家为了进一步发展本国汽车工业,也出台了一些贸易限制措施。各企业根据自身情况,应该积极应对这些问题,同时也提升自已企业和产品的品质。 Since international financial crisis, to protect their national automobile industry, increased trade protection policies, Some countries in order to further developing automobile industry, also introduced some trad

43、e restrictions. The enterprise according to their circumstance, should actively respond to these problems, and also from enterprises and the quality of the products.(6)突破贸易壁垒,探索多种出口方式。 Breakthrough of export trade barriers, and explore lots of ways for export.p 继续做好产品认证工作,突破技术贸易壁垒。 Continue to ensur

44、e the product certification, and breakthrough technology trade barriers.p 实现产品本土化生产,规避贸易保护政策: To realize product localization production, and Avoid trade protection policies: 择机实施CKD/SKD组装; Find the opportunity for implementation of CKD assembly; 加快产品本土化生产。 Speed up product localization production.p

45、 从单纯依靠产品出口,向产品出口、技术和资本输出相结合的方式转变,拓展商用车出口企业利润增长点。 From solely relied on exporting products to the combination of exporting products, technology and capital output, expand the profit growth of exporting commercial vehicle enterprise. (7)全方位打造国际商用车品牌,提升民族品牌国际竞争力。 Makes the international commercial vehi

46、cle brand, and enhances international competitiveness of the national brand international competitiveness. 目前,除个别市场外,中国商用车品牌在各出口市场的认知度不高,品牌国际竞争力不强。应利用一切可用资源,提高品牌国际知名度,增强民族品牌国际竞争力。 At present, except several markets, commercial vehicle brand of China isnt well known, and the brand competitiveness is

47、not strong. We should take advantage of all available resources, enhance international competitiveness of the national brand international competitiveness.结束语结束语 朋友们!陕汽愿与各类企业加强交流、促进合作!陕汽作为特大型商用车企业集团,已经在国内外与中信、中铁建等大型工程承包类企业有着成功合作的案例,并多次受到用户的表彰与嘉奖。Ladies and gentlemen! Shaan Qi is ready to work with t

48、he foreign contracted projects brother unit to strengthen exchanges, promote cooperation! Shaanxi Automobile Group as a super-sized commercial vehicle enterprises have been at home and abroad with CITIC, China Railway Construction Corporation and other large engineering contract with the successful

49、cooperation between enterprises of the case, and many times by the users recognition and awards. 陕汽本着打造服务制造型企业为目标,为各大项目提供最好的产品、最优的服务,为项目提供全方位的物流运输方案,提供全套设备增值服务方案。许多工程承包单位选择陕汽,就是因为陕汽产品有保证、具有军车品质、出勤率高等优点。您选择了陕汽,就是选择未来! 陕汽与您合作具有信心、陕汽产品也让您放心、陕汽愿与您共同发展,实现共赢!Shaan Qi aim at building manufacturing service

50、enterpris,which could provide the best products, best services for the project with a full range of logistics and transport program, and offers a full range of equipment, value-added service program. Since Shaan Qi products has been assured as the vehicles with high quality and attendance, plenty of project contracting company has chosen Shaan Qi. Once choosing Shaan Qi, then the bright future! Shaan Qi has the confidence to cooperate with you. The products of Shaan Qi are trustworthy product. We hope we will develop and achieve win-win situation together! 谢谢谢谢大大家家THANKYOU



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