生物化学教学课件:00B Introduction metabolism

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《生物化学教学课件:00B Introduction metabolism》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《生物化学教学课件:00B Introduction metabolism(24页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Metabolic BiochemistryWhat is metabolic biochemistry?Introduction of metabolismHow does a cell-Extract energy and reducing power from its environment? (catabolism, 分解代谢分解代谢)Synthesize the building blocks of macromolecules and then the macromolecules themselves (anabolism or biosynthesis,合成,合成代谢代谢)Q.

2、1 what is metabolism? Metabolic pathwayABCDEFGMetabolitesEnzymeMetabolome-metabolomicsAll the metabolic machinery present in a cell at a given time, which includes enzymes and their co-factors, all the metabolites.Genome-genomicsTranscriptome-transcriptomicsProteome-proteomics-omics era!GlycogenProd

3、uce energy reduction powerConsume energy and reduction powerBiosynthesis and catabolism are always in distinct pathways! BiosynthesiscatabolismQ.2 What is the energy driving cell activities ?ATP: “currency” of cell energy metabolism ATP及其它高能化合物(及其它高能化合物( high phosphoryl transfer potential compound)水

4、解产生的能量驱动与之偶联的耗能反应)水解产生的能量驱动与之偶联的耗能反应 思考:为何是思考:为何是ATP而非其它自由能更高的高能化而非其它自由能更高的高能化合物成为了合物成为了 细胞细胞“社会社会”里的能量里的能量“货币货币”?产生产生 ATP 的几种基本形式的几种基本形式:a)Phosphoryl transfer(底物磷酸转移底物磷酸转移/底物水平磷酸化底物水平磷酸化)ADPATPb)Oxidative phophorylation(氧化磷酸化氧化磷酸化)c)Photosynthetic phophorylation (光合磷酸化光合磷酸化)Q.3 Any commonality in d

5、ifferent metabolic pathways ? Yes!1) Common building blocks and activated carriersa) phosphoryl group ( high phosphoryl transfer potential compound)b) Electron acceptors for oxidation reaction: NAD+ , NADP+ , FAD+ NAD+ (NADP+)FAD+c) Electron carriers for reductive biosynthesis: NADH , NADPH , FADH2d

6、) carbon fragment, eg. Acetyl-CoAe)Common structures in activated carriers : Functional importance? Evolution significance? 2) Basic reactions in complex metabolic pathways Q.4 How is metabolism regulated? Amount of enzyme (酶量)(酶量) Activity of enzyme (酶活力)(酶活力) Accessibility of substrate (酶酶-底物亲和力)底

7、物亲和力) Energy status(能量水平)(能量水平)描述生物体能量状态重要参数描述生物体能量状态重要参数能荷能荷 (energy charge) =ATP + ADPATP + ADP + AMPPhosphorylation potential =(磷酸化势能)(磷酸化势能)ATPADP PiQ.5 How to study metabolism? Enzyme inhibitor (酶抑制剂) Deficiency mutant (代谢遗传学/突变体) Isotope tracing (同位素示踪) Manometric method (气体测量法) Metabolimics (代谢组学)及多学科综合研代谢组学)及多学科综合研究究代谢部分核心内容代谢部分核心内容糖类糖类脂类脂类氨基酸氨基酸/蛋白蛋白核酸核酸/核苷酸核苷酸合成分解生物能量生物能量遗传信息传递和表达遗传信息传递和表达生理生理功能功能小分子小分子氧化磷酸化细胞生物学细胞生物学遗传学遗传学分子生物学分子生物学基因操作原理基因操作原理相关课程代谢代谢“三角三角”、内外协调、内外协调(GXEXM)物质流物质流能量流能量流信息流信息流环境环境GEM管理 1)“主线条”法 2)理解 归纳 记忆 3)根据不同学习目的取舍 4) 代谢部分学习方法(建议)代谢部分学习方法(建议)



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