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1、 Unit 3 Travel journal知识清单知识清单 单词回放单词回放1._n.1._n.vt.vt.运送,运输运送,运输 2._adj.2._adj.熟悉的熟悉的 熟悉,通晓熟悉,通晓 n._n._3._ adj.3._ adj.勇敢的勇敢的_ adv. _ adv. _ n._ n.4._ n.4._ n.态度,看法态度,看法 5._n.5._n.费用费用transportfamiliarfamilaritybravebravelybraveryattitudefare6._ adj.6._ adj.顽固的,固执的顽固的,固执的 7._vt. 7._vt. vi.vi.坚持,强调坚

2、持,强调 8._ n.8._ n.话题,主题话题,主题9._vi.9._vi.骑自行车骑自行车 _ n._ n.骑自行车的人骑自行车的人 10._ n.10._ n.(山)谷,流域(山)谷,流域 stubborninsisttopiccyclecyclistvalley11.suitable;appropriate adj._ adv._12.to decide;to resolve vt./vi_adj._ n._14.at last;in the end adv._ adj._15.to convince;to cause sb to do sth by argument vt._13.h

3、eight n._properproperlydeterminedetermineddeterminationaltitudefinallyfinalpersuade短语聚焦短语聚焦1.梦想做某事梦想做某事_ 2.对对 熟悉,通晓熟悉,通晓_ 3.为为所熟悉所熟悉_ 4.投降,屈服,让步投降,屈服,让步 _ 5.关心,惦念关心,惦念_ 6.在在 高度高度_ 7.改变主意改变主意_ 8.下决心下决心_ 9.首先首先 _ 10.迫不及待做某事迫不及待做某事 _dream about/of doing sth.be familiar withbe familiar togive incare abo

4、utat an altitude ofchange ones mindfor one thingmake up ones mindcant / can hardly wait to do sth.句型平台句型平台1.是我姐姐先想到骑自行车从湄公河的源头旅行到湄公河的是我姐姐先想到骑自行车从湄公河的源头旅行到湄公河的尽头。尽头。_my sister_first had the idea to cycle along the Mekong River from where it begins to where it ends.2.当我告诉她那儿空气稀薄,呼吸困难,天气非常冷时,她当我告诉她那儿空气

5、稀薄,呼吸困难,天气非常冷时,她说那将是个有趣的经历。说那将是个有趣的经历。When I told her the air would be hard_and it would be very cold,she said it would be_ experience.It waswhoto breathean interesting3.她坚持我们要找到河流的源头并从那里她坚持我们要找到河流的源头并从那里开始我们的旅程。开始我们的旅程。She _the source of the river and begin our journey there.insisted that we (shoul

6、d) find 你记住了吗?你记住了吗?你记住了吗?你记住了吗?点津讲练点津讲练词海拾贝词海拾贝1.persuade vt.说服,劝服;使相信,使信服 说服某人做说服某人做 说服某人不要做说服某人不要做 使某人相信使某人相信 persuade sb to do sth. persuade sb.into doing sth.persuade sb not to do persuade sb out of doingpersuade sb of sth. persuade sb that小试身手小试身手1.她最终说服她儿子不要独自去那里。2.我怎样才能说服她接受这邀请呢?3.他使法官相信他是无辜

7、的。She finally persuaded her son not to go there alone.How can I persuade her to accept the invitation?He persuaded the judge of his innocence.你你真真棒棒 ! I_ him not to smoke,but he didnt think it necessary. A.persuaded B.advised C.hoped D.suggested经典回放经典回放persuadepersuade表示成功地说服,若只表示劝说,表示成功地说服,若只表示劝说,(

8、结果不一定成功)(结果不一定成功)要用要用try to persuade或或advise2.insist vt. vi.坚持,强调,坚决要求坚持,强调,坚决要求 insist on/upon sth doing sth ones doing比较:比较:insist oninsist on与与与与 stick tostick to1).Einstein_ his theory even though most scientists were against him.2).The manager_ an immediate reply from him. 3).I_ your return of

9、my money at once. 温馨提示温馨提示insist on:坚持某种做法,主张,意见等。 stick to:坚持已有的计划,决定,诺言以及原则,真理,路线等,含有“执意不改变”的意思。stuck toinsisted oninsist onThe lady insisted that the young man_ her wallet and that he_ to the police station at once. A.had stolen; was sent B.should steal; should send C.had stolen; be sent D.had st

10、olen; should sendinsist + that从句 坚持要求,坚决要求 (从句谓语用should +do,should 可省略)坚持说,坚持认为 (从句用陈述语气,谓语用所需时态)相关链接相关链接英语中有很多表示要求,建议,命令,请求的动词,后跟宾语从句时,从句的谓语动词常用should +do一坚持一坚持 insist二命令二命令 order command三建议三建议 advise suggest propose四要求四要求 demand require request askHer pale face suggested that she_ ill and the doct

11、or suggested that she_ a good rest. A.be;should have B.was;have C.was;had D.be,had The boss gave orders that the work should be started at once.The doctors advice is that he should take more exercise every day.温馨提示:温馨提示:这些动词的名词形式,后若跟名词性从句时,从句的谓语动词也这些动词的名词形式,后若跟名词性从句时,从句的谓语动词也应该用应该用 should +动原动原.3.de

12、termine vtVi 决定,确定,下定决心决定,确定,下定决心vt. determine+ sth.determine+ to dodetermine+sb +to dodetermine+that 从句从句Vi. determine on/upon + sth.determine on/upon + doing sth.拓展拓展determined adj.有决心的,意志坚定的,有决心的,意志坚定的,坚决的(在句中作定语,表语,状语)坚决的(在句中作定语,表语,状语)be determined to do/that从句从句1.Tom is determined to catch up w

13、ith his classmates. 2.Tom is determined that he should catch up with his classmates.易错题解析易错题解析I left the place,_never to come back again. A.determine B.determining C.determined D.to determine链接链接链接链接give in to 屈服于,向屈服于,向投降投降 give up 放弃,戒掉放弃,戒掉 让出,让给让出,让给(to) give off 释放出(光,热,气味)释放出(光,热,气味) give out

14、散发,分发,颁发散发,分发,颁发公布,发表,公开公布,发表,公开 用完,耗尽,筋疲力尽(无被动)用完,耗尽,筋疲力尽(无被动) give away 捐赠,泄漏,出卖捐赠,泄漏,出卖 give back 还,归还还,归还4.give in 屈服,投降让步屈服,投降让步 交进,呈交交进,呈交The little boy_ his hiding place when he coughed. A.gave out B.gave away C.gave up D.gave off After two days,our food_ ,and we had to go back home. A.gave b

15、ack B.gave away C.was given out D.gave out He_his seat to an old lady on the bus. A.gave in B.gave up C.gave away D.gave off小试身手小试身手 难句点化难句点化1. When I told her tha air would be hard to breathe相关链接:有些形容 easy,convenient,comfortable ,difficult 等在句中作表语或补语,后跟不定式作状语时,如果不定式与主语或宾语成动宾关系时,不定式常用主动形式表被动意义。 Engl

16、ish is difficult to learn. I find English difficult to learn.如果不定式是不及物动词,后需加上相应的介词。如果不定式是不及物动词,后需加上相应的介词。The room is comfortable to live in.小试身手小试身手Betty is very popular because she is easy_. A.to be getting along B.to be got along with C.to get along with D.to get along2.It was my sister who first

17、had the idea to cycle along the Mekong River from where it begins to where it ends.强调句结构:强调句结构: It is/was+被强调部分被强调部分+that+其余部分其余部分Find out the errors in each sentence.1.It is you not your wife who is to blame. 2.It was until it got dark that he didnt come back. arearecamenot3.Can you tell me when wa

18、s it that the accident happened?4.It was in the street where I met him.it wasthat难点突破难点突破有时强调句在形式上和其它一些复合句很相有时强调句在形式上和其它一些复合句很相似。比较下面两个句子:似。比较下面两个句子:1)a.It was at the railway station _ we first met 10 years ago. b.It was the railway station _ we first met 10 years ago.thatwhere2)a.It was at midnight

19、_ he got home yesterday.b.It was midnight_ he got home yesterday.解题技巧点拨:解题技巧点拨:除了从意思上进行区分外,一般还可以根据强调句结构的除了从意思上进行区分外,一般还可以根据强调句结构的特点来进行判断,即如果去掉特点来进行判断,即如果去掉It is/wasthat 后,句子仍然通顺完善,就是强调后,句子仍然通顺完善,就是强调句。但有时需要根据具体的语境来解题,特别是有上下文句。但有时需要根据具体的语境来解题,特别是有上下文的情况。的情况。thatwhen-Where did you find Mr.Johnson?-It

20、was in the hotel_ he stayed. A.which B.where C.that D.there典例解析典例解析1.Why,Ive nothing to confess. _you want me to say? A.What is it that B.What it is that C.How is it that D.How it is that2.It was Jack,_studies very hard,_often offfered us help. A.that;that B.who,which C.who,that D.that,who能力提升能力提升3.

21、F:He got his first book published. It turned out to be a bestseller. M:When was that? F:It was in 2000_ he was still in college. A.that B.which C.when D.at which体验高考体验高考1. (07浙江卷)浙江卷)It_ we had stayed together for weeks_ I found we had a lot in common. A.was until;when B.was until;that C.wasnt until;when D.wasnt until;that2.(07山东卷)山东卷) -Where did you get to know her? It was on the farm_we worked. A.that B.there C.which D.where3. (05山东卷)山东卷) -_that he managed to get the information? -Oh,a friend of his helped him. A.Where was it B.What was it C.How was it D.Why was it



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