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1、 kiteflyfly a kite swimming poolspiderwolfbearmousetigerslionssnakesput uptentput up a tent high schoolscaredwake up Read about Lisas weekend. Tick () the right pictures. their air ride was shortwent camping in a small villagemade a fire to cook food2bshouted to their parents two tigers sleeping nea

2、r the fire Read the article again and answer the questions below.1. How was Lisas weekend? 2. Where did Lisa and her family go last weekend?3. How did Lisa feel when she saw the snake?4. What did Lisa and her sister do?5. What did their parents do? Why did they do that?6. What lesson did Lisa learn

3、from the weekend? 1.先认真读这六个问题,掌握其意思。先认真读这六个问题,掌握其意思。2.带着问题再去读短文,在短文中寻找带着问题再去读短文,在短文中寻找回答问题的相关依据。比如:回答第回答问题的相关依据。比如:回答第一题的依据是第一段的最后一句话一题的依据是第一段的最后一句话“Last weekend was interesting and scary.” 第二题的依据是第二段的第一句话第二题的依据是第二段的第一句话“We went camping in a small village in India.”3. 第三到第五小题的依据是短文中第三第三到第五小题的依据是短文中第

4、三段,清晨他们看到蛇后,所发生的事段,清晨他们看到蛇后,所发生的事情。最后一小题的回答依据是短文的情。最后一小题的回答依据是短文的最后三句话。最后三句话。1.How was Lisas last weekend? _2.Where did Lisa and her family go last weekend? _3.How did Lisa feel when she saw the snake? _She felt very scared. It was interesting but scary. They went to a small village in India. 4. Wha

5、t did Lisa and her sister do? _ _5. What did their father do? _ Why did he do that? _Her father jumped up and down in their tent. He wanted to wake up the snake. They shouted to their parents to let them know the danger.6. What lesson did Lisa learn from the weekend? _ _Snakes dont have ears but the

6、y can feel things moving. Its important not to go near a snake. 1. two weeks ago 两星期前,一段时间两星期前,一段时间 + ago意为意为“多长时间之前多长时间之前”,是表达过去,是表达过去的时间。它常与一般过去时态连用。的时间。它常与一般过去时态连用。 三天前,我们参观了自然历史博物馆。三天前,我们参观了自然历史博物馆。 We visited the Natural History Museum three days ago. 【辨析辨析】before 意为意为“在在之前之前”, 其后可以跟一个时间的点;表示其后

7、可以跟一个时间的点;表示“在某在某 个时间点之前个时间点之前”,但不一定用于一般过,但不一定用于一般过去时态。例如:去时态。例如: 我常在七点钟前去上学。我常在七点钟前去上学。 I usually go to school before seven. 此外,此外,before也可以单独用,意为也可以单独用,意为“以以前前”,可用于一般过去时态中。例如:,可用于一般过去时态中。例如: 以前我不知道那件事情。以前我不知道那件事情。 I didnt know that before. 2. put up 意为意为“搭起;举起搭起;举起” 让我们将帐篷搭起来吧。让我们将帐篷搭起来吧。 Lets put

8、 up the tent. 如果你有什么问题,请举起手来。如果你有什么问题,请举起手来。 If you have any questions, please put up your hands. 3. I was so tired that I went to sleep early. 我太疲劳了,以至于早早就睡觉了。我太疲劳了,以至于早早就睡觉了。 句式结构句式结构“so + 形容词形容词 + that ”,意,意为为 “如此如此以至于以至于” 李老师的课如此有趣,以至于我们都喜李老师的课如此有趣,以至于我们都喜欢他的课。欢他的课。 Mr. Lis classes are so fun th

9、at we all love his classes. Paul is so lazy that he doesnt go to work. “sothat”可以和可以和“tooto”句式结句式结构互换同义句。例如:构互换同义句。例如: Paul is too lazy to go to work. 4. wake up 唤醒唤醒; 后面可以跟名词或代词后面可以跟名词或代词; 跟跟名词时可以放在名词时可以放在wake up的后面或中间的后面或中间; 但是如果是跟代词的话应放于但是如果是跟代词的话应放于 wake up 的的中间。如:中间。如: 早上你常什么时候醒来?早上你常什么时候醒来? Wh

10、en do you usually wake up? 不要如此大声说话,你会将他们吵醒。不要如此大声说话,你会将他们吵醒。 Dont speak so loud. Youll wake them up. 5. see/watch/feel/hear sb. doing sth. 看到看到/观察到观察到/觉得觉得/听到某人在做某事听到某人在做某事 我们能听到水从山上流下来的声音。我们能听到水从山上流下来的声音。 We can hear water running from the mountain.ago, tent, surprise, moon, scared, move, start, i

11、nto1. She went _ the kitchen to cook some food.2. The _ circles (围绕) the earth every 28 days.3. They came to visit China two days _.4. Do you know how to put up a _? tentintoagomoon选词填空。选词填空。5. She got a great _ when she got the Iphone 5. 6. My grandparents _ to the countryside last year. They lived

12、 with my uncle in a village. 7. She _ to learn English when she was ten. 8. She was really _ to cross the rope way.surprisemovedstartedscared Write about what you did last weekend. 1. 这是一篇介是一篇介绍自己在周末两天所自己在周末两天所做的事情,因此做的事情,因此应用第一人称,用第一人称,用一般用一般过去去时态来写作。来写作。2.首先,首先,应表述自己表述自己对周末的周末的总体体感受;感受;3. 然后,可以回想一

13、下自己分然后,可以回想一下自己分别在周六在周六上午、下午和晚上分上午、下午和晚上分别做做过什么事情;什么事情;然后,再回想,在周日的上午、下午、然后,再回想,在周日的上午、下午、晚上分晚上分别做了什么事情。然后,将做了什么事情。然后,将这些事情些事情连在一起,形成一遍在一起,形成一遍连贯的短的短文。文。4. 最后,最后,还要再通要再通读一遍短文,再重点一遍短文,再重点看一下看一下动词的一般的一般过去式有没有搞去式有没有搞错。看句子是否通看句子是否通顺。On Saturday morning, I On Sunday morning, I On Saturday afternoon, I On

14、Saturday evening, I On Saturday afternoon, I On Saturday evening, I My last weekend was kind of busy. I washed my clothes on Saturday morning. On Saturday afternoon, I went to the library. I read a book there. I cooked dinner in the evening. On Sunday morning, I used the computer. On Sunday afternoo

15、n, I played ping-pong. On Sunday evening, I did my homework. 用所给动词的适当形式填空用所给动词的适当形式填空。1.We _ (live) in Japan last year.2.Jack_ (stop) the car last Sunday.3.Tom _ (clean) my room and _ (study) 4. for the Chinese test last weekend.5.4.What _ you _(do) last night?6.5.Last Sunday morning I _ (play) tennis.livedstoppedcleanedstudieddiddoplayed6.I _ (be) at home yesterday afternoon.was7.My father _ (run) every morning .8.She always _(wear) a red dress.9.I would like _ (go) to the movies with you .runswearsto go



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