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1、Challenges & Solutions1) I cant get the pronunciation right.2) I forget a lot of new words.3) I cant always understand when people talk to me.5) I dont get much writing practice.Listening can help. You can always write the new words in your notebook and study them at home. You can join an English la

2、nguage club to practice speaking English? You should fink a pen pal.2cPAIRWORK2cPAIRWORKRoleplayconversationsusingtheRoleplayconversationsusingtheinformationfromactivities2aand2b.informationfromactivities2aand2b.A:IdonthaveapartnertopracticeEnglishwith.B:MaybeyoushouldjoinanEnglishlanguageclub.Last

3、year my English class was difficult for me. First of all, it wasnt easy for me to understand the teacher when she talked to the class. To begin with, she spoke too quickly, and I couldnt understand every word. Later on, I realized that I doesnt matter if you dont understand every word Also I was afr

4、aid to speak in class, because I thought my classmates might laugh at me. I couldnt always make complete sentences, either. Then I started to watch English-language TV. It helped a lot. Another thing that I found very difficult was English grammar. IthinkthatdoinglotsoflisteningpracticeisoneofIthink



7、m.Myteacherisveryimpressed.thisterm.Myteacherisveryimpressed. Write“T”(fortrue)or“F”(forfalse)ThewriterfoundlearningEnglishdifficultbecauseThewriterfoundlearningEnglishdifficultbecause1.theteacherspronunciationwaspoor.1.theteacherspronunciationwaspoor.2.peoplealwayslaughedatherwhenshespoke.2.peoplea


9、friends.6.lotsofspeakingpractice.6.lotsofspeakingpractice.7.usinggrammarinoriginalsentences.7.usinggrammarinoriginalsentences.FFFFTTTChallenges Solutions teacher, speak, too quickly, not understand not, matter, if, not, understand, every word Challenges Solutions be afraid to, speak in class, laugh

10、at, English-language TV, help, a lots of listening practice, secret, a good language learnernot, make complete sentences, Challenges Solutions English grammar,difficult/ poor 1.decide to, take notes, lots of, 2.write, own original sentences 1.Firstofall,itwasnteasyformetounderstandth


12、层次清晰,理清楚。在写作中,正确使用连接词,会使文章增理清楚。在写作中,正确使用连接词,会使文章增色不少,提高档次。在文章中,出现的词有:色不少,提高档次。在文章中,出现的词有:firstofall首先首先tobeginwith一开始一开始lateron后来、随后来、随also也、而且(用于肯定句)也、而且(用于肯定句)either也(用于否定句)也(用于否定句)so因此因此then然后然后A: Im glad to hear that you got an A in English this term.B: Thanks a lot.A: Did you have any difficult

13、ies in learning English last year?B: Yes. To begin with, 1_.A: Really?B: Later on, I realized 2_.A: Cant you speak in class?B: No. and I couldnt always make complete sentences.A: How did you improve it?B: 3_. It helped a lot.A: How did you learn English grammar?B: 4_.After reading 3a,complete the co

14、nversation in pairs.Its not a problem its a challenge. Enjoy facing it.Who is this?It is Stephen Hawking a great scientist.Whats wrong with him?He cant walk or even speak.Oh! It is a big problem to him.-Doyouhaveanyproblemsaboutstudy/life/family?-Yes.I.-IFreetalkProblemscantgetwellwithclassmatescant


16、seeingapsychologistBythinkingofaprobleminapositivewayBybreakingoffafriendship Task 2group workWhat about your recent life? Talk about it to your partners. Ask and answer about your problems happening in your recent life.Target language A: Do you have any problems recently?B: Yes. I had a fight with

17、my cousin.A: I think you can deal with it by talking with him.Read the article quickly and try to find at least three ways to solve problems.Bylearningtoforget ByregardingproblemsaschallengesBythinkingofsomethingworse.1.Whatwillhappenifweworryaboutourproblem?Worryingaboutourproblemscanaffect_.Itcana





22、tionsa.Bylearningtoforgetb.Byregardingproblemsaschallengesc.Bythinkingofsomethingworsebaabc1._have too much homework2._You feel the teachers are unfair3._be angry with friends, parents or teachers4._the school rulers are too stricta. By learning to forgetb. By regarding problems as challengesc. By t

23、hinking of something,Iknowitisnteasytolearn,butIhavesomeideasthatmayhelp.Yousaidyoucou

24、ldntunderstandpeoplewhotalkedfast.Well,youcantrytolistenforthemostimportantwords,noteveryword.Yours,fastadv.快地快地;迅速地迅速地Dear Tom,I know it isnt easy to learn English, Then you can listen to some English cassettes. I think listening practice is one of good ways to improve your listening skill. Also yo

25、u can watch English-language programs. Another thing that may help is remembering some words. Then you may enjoy learning English and understand people who speak English with you. Your friend, Linda3c Write an article about the things that have helped you the most in learning another language._ It w

26、asnt easy for me to learn another language. First of all, I was afraid to speak in class, because I thought my classmates might laugh at me. I couldnt always make complete sentences, either. Then I started to watch English-language TV. It helped a lot. Another thing that I found very difficult was E

27、nglish grammar. So I decided to take lots of grammar notes in every class. Then I started to write my own original sentences using the grammar I was learning. Its amazing how much this helped.feel spell write down join find 1)You should _ new English words in a vocabulary list.2)If you dont know how

28、 to _new words, look them up in a dictionary.3)The best way to improve your English is to _ an English club.4)Another thing that he _very difficult was English grammar.5)This kind of paper _very soft. felt spelled wrote down joined foundwrite downspelljoinfindfeel根据中文提示完成句子.1.如果你没有听明白每一个词,那没有关系.2. I

29、t _ _if you dont understand every word.3.2.听懂老师说的对我来说很不容易.4. It_ _for me to understand the teacher.5.3.开始她说得很快.6. To_ _,she spoke too fast.7.4.我不敢在课上说英语,因为我认为同学会笑话我.8. I was afraid to speak English in class because I thought my classmates might_ _me.9.5.昨天起得太晚了,没赶上头班车.10. I got up _late_catch the fi

30、rst bus yesterday.doesntmatterisnteasybeginwithlaughattooto6.The news is very interesting. _ _ the news is!7.Could you tell me how to pronounce the words correctly? Could you tell me how _ _ pronounce the words correctly?8.To study English well is not easy. _ _not easy _ _ English well.9.Tom gave Li

31、 Lei a book. A book _ _ to Li Lei.10.I heard John reading aloud in his room. John was heard _ _ in his room.HowinterestingIcanItistostudywasgivenreadingaloudComplete the following sentences.完成下列句子完成下列句子:2. I talk to my friends a lot. Even though I .(犯错误) 3. I cant .(使得发音正确)4. What about to practice

32、pronunciation.(大声地读英语)5. I cant understand .(英语口语)7. We should .(做大量的书写练习)6. I dont know .(如何运用逗号)8. I need a friend to .(交谈)1. Nick thinks I should .(参加一个学习小组)join a study groupmake mistakesget the pronunciation rightreading English aloudspoken Englishhow to use the commasget much writing practicet

33、alk with当堂练习当堂练习(1)1.Some students think that studying grammar is not helpful_. A. Not at all B. at all C. all D. very2.Jean practices English by _ English-language aloud B. reading aloudly C. read aloudly D. reading aloud3.I sometimes learn English by _ English-language videos.A. Watc

34、h B. watching C. looking D. looking at4.-_ do you study for an English test?- By making vocabulary lists.A, What B. When C. How D. Who5.My pronunciation is not good._ reading aloud to practice pronunciation?A. How B. What C. What about D. CanBDBCC.6. Mother told her son _ in the street. A. not play

35、B. to not play C. doesnt play D. not to play7.He saluted her by_ his hat. A. raising B. to raise C. raise D. raised8. I learn English _ writing letters _ my pen pal. A. in; to B. by; to C. in; with D. on; with9. This box is _ heavy _ I cant carry it. A. too; to B. so; that C. very; that D. too; that

36、10. Maybe you can _ vocabulary lists. A. made B. make C. do D. did DABBB1.新学员常常犯语法错误 2.它不是最新款的手机之一它过时了3.最好的减肥方法就是少吃多运动 4.我在回家的途中碰到了简5.他们毫不困难的找到了他家. Thenewlearnersalwaysmakemistakes.Itisnotoneofthelatestmobilephones.Itisoutofstyle.Thebestwaytoloseweightiseatinglessanddoingmoresports.(exercisingmore).ImetJaneonmywayhome.Theyhavenotroublefindinghishome.



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