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1、句法句法词法词法句子种类:句子种类:简单句简单句并列句并列句复合句复合句其其 他他返回返回简单句简单句陈述句陈述句:用来说明事实或说话用来说明事实或说话 人的看法人的看法疑问句疑问句:用来提出问题用来提出问题祈使句祈使句:用来表示请求、命令用来表示请求、命令感叹句感叹句:用来表达强烈的感情用来表达强烈的感情返回返回简单句的六种基本句型:简单句的六种基本句型:、主、主系动词系动词表。表。、主不及物动词。、主不及物动词。、主及物动词单宾语。、主及物动词单宾语。、主、主及物动词及物动词双宾语。双宾语。、主、主及物动词及物动词复合宾语。复合宾语。、There is / are +There is /

2、are +某人某物某人某物某地某时某地某时 . .返回返回系动词 1. Be : e.g. That car is very expensive . Jack is an engineer .2. 带有动词带有动词be 含义的其他连系动词含义的其他连系动词: e.g. He stayed ( continued to be ) very quiet . The temperature has stayed hot this week . 3. 表示表示感觉状态感觉状态的连系动词:的连系动词: e.g The girl looks fine . The plan sounds perfect .

3、 4. 表示表示状态转变状态转变的动词:的动词: e.g. The boy grew / became taller . Its getting cold .返回返回“双宾语双宾语”及物动词:及物动词:ask 、bring 、buy 、call 、do 、get 、give 、lend 、offer 、send 、teach 、tell e.g. I gave the old man some money .e.g. I gave the old man some money . She sent me a parcel of clothes . She sent me a parcel of

4、 clothes . He told me the news about Paul . He told me the news about Paul . They bought me a lot of books . They bought me a lot of books .双宾语顺序:双宾语顺序:双宾语顺序:双宾语顺序:“ “人人人人” ”间直间直间直间直“ “物物物物”“”“物物物物” ” to / for “ “人人人人” ” e.g. I gave some money e.g. I gave some money toto the old man . the old man .

5、They bought a lot of books They bought a lot of books forfor me . me . 返回返回返回返回“复合宾语复合宾语”及物动词:及物动词:believe 、call 、choose 、consider 、find 、make 、prove 、see 、think e.g. All of us believed him mistaken .e.g. All of us believed him mistaken . We consider him very capable . We consider him very capable .

6、 They made Smith their spokesman . ( They made Smith their spokesman . (代言人代言人代言人代言人) ) I thought it a most interesting book . I thought it a most interesting book .试试试试比较:比较:比较:比较: I found a novel . I found a novel . I found him a novel . I found him a novel . I found the novel very interesting . I

7、 found the novel very interesting .疑问句疑问句 一般疑问句一般疑问句 特殊疑问句特殊疑问句 选择疑问句选择疑问句 反意反意/ /附加疑问句附加疑问句返回返回一般疑问句一般疑问句 一般疑问句一般是指用一般疑问句一般是指用 YesYes 或或 NoNo 回答的疑问句。回答的疑问句。其其基本结构为:基本结构为:1.Be + 主主 + 表表 + ?2.Do / Does / Did + 主主 + do + ?3.Have / Has / Had + 主主 + done + ?4.Can + 主主 + do + ?返回返回注意否定问句:注意否定问句:注意否定问句:注意

8、否定问句: Havent you got a dictionary ?Havent you got a dictionary ? YesYes , I have . , I have . (不不不不,我有。),我有。),我有。),我有。) NoNo , I havent . , I havent . (是的是的是的是的,我没有。),我没有。),我没有。),我没有。)特殊疑问句特殊疑问句 特殊疑问句是以疑问词开始的疑问句。用特殊疑问句是以疑问词开始的疑问句。用特殊疑问句是以疑问词开始的疑问句。用特殊疑问句是以疑问词开始的疑问句。用陈述句来回答。陈述句来回答。陈述句来回答。陈述句来回答。其其其其基

9、本结构为:基本结构为:基本结构为:基本结构为:How / Wh- + 一般疑问句一般疑问句一般疑问句一般疑问句 ? e.g. How do you go to school ?e.g. How do you go to school ? Where do you work ? Where do you work ?注意混合疑问句:注意混合疑问句:注意混合疑问句:注意混合疑问句: What do you think / suppose + 主主主主 + + 谓谓谓谓 (+ + 其他)其他)其他)其他)?返回返回选择疑问句选择疑问句 提出两种或两种以上的情况,要求对方选提出两种或两种以上的情况,要

10、求对方选择一种,这种疑问句叫做选择疑问句。择一种,这种疑问句叫做选择疑问句。它的结它的结构是构是“一般疑问句一般疑问句+ or + or +一般疑问句一般疑问句”,但常,但常把后一部分里面和前一部分相同的成分省略。把后一部分里面和前一部分相同的成分省略。 e.g. Is her brother a doctor or a teacher ? e.g. Is her brother a doctor or a teacher ? Would you like tea or coffee ? Would you like tea or coffee ? Shall we go to the cin

11、ema on Saturday or on Sunday ? Shall we go to the cinema on Saturday or on Sunday ? 返回返回反意反意/ /附加疑问句附加疑问句 反意疑问句由两部分组成,前一部分是对事反意疑问句由两部分组成,前一部分是对事物的陈述,后一部分是简短的提问。如果前一部分物的陈述,后一部分是简短的提问。如果前一部分用肯定式,后一部分用否定形式;前一部分用否定用肯定式,后一部分用否定形式;前一部分用否定形式,后一部分就用肯定形式。两部分的人称和时形式,后一部分就用肯定形式。两部分的人称和时态要一致。态要一致。附加疑问句要注意的问题:附加

12、疑问句要注意的问题:附加疑问句要注意的问题:附加疑问句要注意的问题:1 1 1 1、陈述部分的、陈述部分的、陈述部分的、陈述部分的havehave作作作作“有有有有”讲时;讲时;讲时;讲时; You have a new bike , You have a new bike , You have a new bike , You have a new bike , dont / havent dont / havent dont / havent dont / havent you ?you ?you ?you ?2 2 2 2、陈述部分含有、陈述部分含有、陈述部分含有、陈述部分含有 must

13、 must must must 的反意疑问句;的反意疑问句;的反意疑问句;的反意疑问句;转下页转下页 1) . You must(1) . You must(必须必须必须必须) go now , ) go now , neednt neednt you ?you ? 2) . You mustnt( 2) . You mustnt(不允许不允许不允许不允许) smoke , ) smoke , mustmust you ? you ? 3) . You must have heard about it , 3) . You must have heard about it , haventha

14、vent you ? you ? You must have gone to the cinema last night , You must have gone to the cinema last night , didntdidnt you ? you ? You must be tired , You must be tired , arentarent you ? you ?3 3 3 3、used to used to used to used to 的反意疑问句;的反意疑问句;的反意疑问句;的反意疑问句; The old man used to sleep ten hours a

15、 day , The old man used to sleep ten hours a day , usedntusednt / didnt/ didnt he ? he ?4 4 4 4、ought to ought to 的反意疑问句;的反意疑问句;的反意疑问句;的反意疑问句; He ought to come , He ought to come , oughtnt shouldntoughtnt shouldnt he ? he ?转下页转下页 5. He seldom goes to the cinema , does he ? 6. She dislikes the idea ,

16、 doesnt he ? 7. One cant be careful enough , can one / he ? 8. These are not your books , are they ? 9. Everything goes well , doesnt it ? 10. Everybody agrees with him , doesnt he / dont they ? 返回返回11. She said she would be back soon , didnt she ? I dont believe (that) he will come , will he ? 12.

17、Learning English well takes a long time , isnt it ? 13. Give me a hand , wont / will you ? Lets go for a walk , shall we ? Let us go now , will you ? 14. There wont be any trouble , will there ?祈使句祈使句 1 1、肯定祈使句;、肯定祈使句; 2 2、否定祈使句;、否定祈使句; 3 3、以、以 let 开头的祈使句;开头的祈使句; 4 4、带主语的祈使句、带主语的祈使句返回返回 Be careful !

18、 Stop talking !Dont / Never open the window . Lets go now . Let me have a try . 1) Tom , you feed the bird !1) Tom , you feed the bird ! 2) You , boys , sweep the floor , and you ,girls , clean the windows . 2) You , boys , sweep the floor , and you ,girls , clean the windows . 3) You mind your own

19、business ! Dont you be late !( 3) You mind your own business ! Dont you be late !(不高兴,厌烦不高兴,厌烦不高兴,厌烦不高兴,厌烦) ) 4) Be quiet , everyone . Somebody answer the phone ! 4) Be quiet , everyone . Somebody answer the phone ! ( , ( , will youwill you ?) ?)感叹句感叹句 基本构成方式:基本构成方式:返回返回 1 . What + (a/an) + adj. + n

20、. + S + V ! 1 . What + (a/an) + adj. + n. + S + V ! 2 . How + adj. + a/an + n. ( 2 . How + adj. + a/an + n. (单单单单) + S + V !) + S + V ! 3 . How + adj. / adv. + S + V ! 3 . How + adj. / adv. + S + V !省略形式的感叹句:省略形式的感叹句:省略形式的感叹句:省略形式的感叹句: What good advice he gave us ! What a nice day it is ! What good

21、advice he gave us ! What a nice day it is ! How clever a girl she is ! How nice a day it is ! How clever a girl she is ! How nice a day it is ! How hard they worked !How hard they worked ! 1) . How they worked ! 1) . How they worked ! 2) . What a lovely day ! How wonderful ! 2) . What a lovely day !

22、 How wonderful !并列句并列句 两个或两个以上的单句,可以用并列连词连接,从而形成并两个或两个以上的单句,可以用并列连词连接,从而形成并列句。常用的并列连词,根据所连接的上下文的逻辑关系,可以列句。常用的并列连词,根据所连接的上下文的逻辑关系,可以分为以下几类:分为以下几类: 1 1、表示增补关系的并列连词:、表示增补关系的并列连词: 2 2、表示选择关系的并列连词:、表示选择关系的并列连词: 3 3、表示转折关系的并列连词:、表示转折关系的并列连词: 4 4、表示因果关系的并列连词:、表示因果关系的并列连词:返回返回 and , bothand, neithernor,notn

23、or,not and , bothand, neithernor,notnor,not onlybut also, as well as ,etc.onlybut also, as well as ,etc. or , or else , otherwise , either or, whetheror or , or else , otherwise , either or, whetheror but , while but , while for , sofor , so e.g. They were surprised that a child should work out e.g.

24、 They were surprised that a child should work out the problem while they themselves couldnt . the problem while they themselves couldnt . We must hurry , otherwise well be late . We must hurry , otherwise well be late . 复合句复合句名词性从句名词性从句定语从句定语从句状语从句状语从句返回返回名词性从句名词性从句主语从句主语从句宾语从句宾语从句表语从句表语从句同位语从句同位语从句

25、返回返回引导词引导词主语从句主语从句主语从句能用主语从句能用 it 作形式上的主语。常用作形式上的主语。常用 it 作形式主语的句型有:作形式主语的句型有: 1).It be + 1).It be + 形形 (certain,likely,etc.) + that(certain,likely,etc.) + that从句。从句。 2).It be + 2).It be + 名词词组名词词组(no wonder,etc.) + that(no wonder,etc.) + that从句。从句。 3).It be +3).It be +过去分词过去分词 (said , thought,etc.)

26、 + that(said , thought,etc.) + that从句。从句。 4).It seem/happen,etc. + that 4).It seem/happen,etc. + that 从句。从句。 5).It doesnt matter / makes no difference + wh- 5).It doesnt matter / makes no difference + wh- 从句。从句。 6).6).当当 that that 引导的主语从句出现在疑问句中时,引导的主语从句出现在疑问句中时, 要用要用 it it 作形作形式主语,而把主语从句后置。式主语,而把主语

27、从句后置。返回返回 e.g. It is certain that she will do well in her exam . e.g. It is certain that she will do well in her exam . e.g. Its no surprise that our team should have won the game . e.g. Its no surprise that our team should have won the game . e.g. It is said that e.g. It is said that MrMr . Green h

28、as arrived in Beijing . . Green has arrived in Beijing . e.g. It happened that I was out that day . e.g. It happened that I was out that day . e.g. It doesnt matter whether she will come or not . e.g. It doesnt matter whether she will come or not . e.g. Does it matter much that they wont come e.g. D

29、oes it matter much that they wont come tommorrowtommorrow? ?宾语从句宾语从句 1 1)、如果宾语从句后还有宾语补足语,则用)、如果宾语从句后还有宾语补足语,则用 it it 作形式宾语,作形式宾语,而将宾语从句后置。而将宾语从句后置。 2 2)、连词)、连词 that that 引导的从句很少作介词宾语,只用在引导的从句很少作介词宾语,只用在 except, except, but, in but, in 后。其他一些介词的宾语从句如果由连词后。其他一些介词的宾语从句如果由连词 that that 引导,引导,则需用则需用 it it

30、 先行一步,作形式宾语。先行一步,作形式宾语。 3 3)、某些形容词或过去分词后常接宾语从句,这类形容词或过)、某些形容词或过去分词后常接宾语从句,这类形容词或过去分词有去分词有 sure,glad,pleased,certain,happy,afraid, etc.sure,glad,pleased,certain,happy,afraid, etc.连连词词 that that 可省略。可省略。转下页转下页 e.g. He has made e.g. He has made it it clear that he will not give in . clear that he will

31、not give in . e.g. He is a good student e.g. He is a good student except thatexcept that he is careless . he is careless . Well see to Well see to it thatit that she gets home early . she gets home early . e.g. Mother was very pleased her daughter had passed the exam . e.g. Mother was very pleased h

32、er daughter had passed the exam . Im afraid you dont understand what I said . Im afraid you dont understand what I said . 4 4)、用)、用 if if 引导宾语从句如果会引起歧义,应避免使用引导宾语从句如果会引起歧义,应避免使用 if if 而而要用要用 whether whether 来引导。试比较:来引导。试比较: Please let me know if you want to go .(Please let me know if you want to go .

33、(宾从或状从宾从或状从) ) Please let me know whether you want to go . Please let me know whether you want to go . 5 5)、介词宾语不可以用)、介词宾语不可以用 which which 来引导,而要用来引导,而要用 what what 来引导。来引导。 e.g. Are you sorry for e.g. Are you sorry for whatwhat youve done ? youve done ? 6 6)、宾语从句的否定转移。在)、宾语从句的否定转移。在 think,believe,su

34、ppose,expect think,believe,suppose,expect 等动词后的宾语从句,有时谓语尽管是否定意思,却不用否定等动词后的宾语从句,有时谓语尽管是否定意思,却不用否定形式,而将等形式,而将等 think think 动词变为否定形式。如:动词变为否定形式。如: e.g. I dont think you are right .e.g. I dont think you are right . I dont suppose he cares, does he ? I dont suppose he cares, does he ? 7 7)、)、suggest,orde

35、r,demandsuggest,order,demand等动词后面的宾语从句要用虚拟语等动词后面的宾语从句要用虚拟语气。气。返回返回表语从句表语从句同位语从句同位语从句 1 1)、能接表语从句的谓语动词一般为系动词)、能接表语从句的谓语动词一般为系动词)、能接表语从句的谓语动词一般为系动词)、能接表语从句的谓语动词一般为系动词 be, seem, be, seem, looklook等。如:等。如:等。如:等。如: e.g. It looked as if it was going to rain .e.g. It looked as if it was going to rain . 2 2

36、)、)、)、)、连词连词连词连词 because because 可引导表语从句。如:可引导表语从句。如:可引导表语从句。如:可引导表语从句。如: e.g. I think it is because you are doing too much .e.g. I think it is because you are doing too much . 常见的后接同位语从句的抽象名词有常见的后接同位语从句的抽象名词有常见的后接同位语从句的抽象名词有常见的后接同位语从句的抽象名词有 fact, news , fact, news , hope , truth, idea, suggestion,

37、thought, question, order, hope , truth, idea, suggestion, thought, question, order, problem, belief, doubt, fearproblem, belief, doubt, fear 等。如:等。如:等。如:等。如: e.g. There is no doubt that they will win . e.g. There is no doubt that they will win . He had no idea when she would come back . He had no id

38、ea when she would come back .返回返回引导词引导词 连词连词:that , whether / ifthat , whether / if 连接代词连接代词:what,which,who,whom,whose,wh-everwhat,which,who,whom,whose,wh-ever 连接副词连接副词:why,when,where,how,wh-ever,howeverwhy,when,where,how,wh-ever,however转下页转下页 1. whether / if 1 1)、引导)、引导)、引导)、引导主主主主/ /表表表表/ /同从同从同从同

39、从时,一般只用时,一般只用时,一般只用时,一般只用 whether whether ,不用不用不用不用 if if 。 2 2)、)、)、)、引导引导引导引导宾从宾从宾从宾从时一般可通用。但在下列三种情况下一般时一般可通用。但在下列三种情况下一般时一般可通用。但在下列三种情况下一般时一般可通用。但在下列三种情况下一般只用只用只用只用 whether whether 。 A. A. 在动词在动词在动词在动词 discussdiscuss 之后。之后。之后。之后。 B. B. 介词介词介词介词之后。之后。之后。之后。 C. C. 宾语从句放主句前宾语从句放主句前宾语从句放主句前宾语从句放主句前。

40、We discussed whether we should close the store . We discussed whether we should close the store . Just now they talked about whether they would help us . Just now they talked about whether they would help us . Whether he has stolen the money I cant say . Whether he has stolen the money I cant say .

41、3 3)、后面紧跟)、后面紧跟)、后面紧跟)、后面紧跟 or not or not 时,一般只用时,一般只用时,一般只用时,一般只用 whether whether 。 e.g. He didnt say whether or not he would be staying here .e.g. He didnt say whether or not he would be staying here . 注:后面跟注:后面跟注:后面跟注:后面跟不定式不定式不定式不定式时,一般只用时,一般只用时,一般只用时,一般只用 whetherwhether 。 e.g. He doesnt know wh

42、ether to go to Beijing or not . e.g. He doesnt know whether to go to Beijing or not . 2. that / what 1 1)、)、)、)、that that 在从句中不作句子成分,在从句中不作句子成分,在从句中不作句子成分,在从句中不作句子成分,what what 则须在从句中作则须在从句中作则须在从句中作则须在从句中作主主主主/ /表表表表/ /宾宾宾宾等;等;等;等; 2 2)、)、)、)、that that 从句一般不作介词的宾语,但有从句一般不作介词的宾语,但有从句一般不作介词的宾语,但有从句一般不作

43、介词的宾语,但有 in that in that ( (因为因为因为因为), ), except that except that ( (除了,例外除了,例外除了,例外除了,例外) ) 。转下页转下页3. whoever / who 等等 二者均可引导名从,且都可在句中充当二者均可引导名从,且都可在句中充当主主/ /宾宾。所不。所不同的是含义:同的是含义:whoever whoever 意为意为“凡是凡是的人的人”,而,而 who who 则则意为意为“谁谁”。 e.g. Whoever breaks the law should be punished .e.g. Whoever break

44、s the law should be punished . Who broke the law is still unknown . Who broke the law is still unknown .4. doubt 后的连接词后的连接词 肯定句中的肯定句中的肯定句中的肯定句中的 doubt (v. / n.)doubt (v. / n.)之后应该接之后应该接之后应该接之后应该接 whwh- - 引导的从句;引导的从句;引导的从句;引导的从句;否定句或疑问句中的否定句或疑问句中的否定句或疑问句中的否定句或疑问句中的 doubt (v. / n.) doubt (v. / n.) 之后的

45、从句却该用之后的从句却该用之后的从句却该用之后的从句却该用 that that 来引导。来引导。来引导。来引导。 e.g. Can you doubt that she likes me ?e.g. Can you doubt that she likes me ? I dont doubt that he runs fast,but I doubt whether/if hell win I dont doubt that he runs fast,but I doubt whether/if hell win the match.the match. I am in doubt what

46、I should do . I am in doubt what I should do .转下页转下页 1、that 引导引导主主/表表/同从同从时,多不省略。时,多不省略。 2、that 引导引导宾从宾从时,通常可省略。但时,通常可省略。但 and/but 连接两连接两个由个由 that 引导的宾从时,第一个引导的宾从时,第一个 that 可省略,第二个可省略,第二个 that 不可省略。如:不可省略。如: They said (that)they were strangers there and that they had lost their way .5. 关于关于 that 在名从

47、中的省略与保留在名从中的省略与保留6. 表语从句的注意点表语从句的注意点 1 1、The reason is/was The reason is/was 后的表语从句一般用后的表语从句一般用后的表语从句一般用后的表语从句一般用 that that 引导,而引导,而引导,而引导,而不用不用不用不用 because because ; 2 2、引导表原因的表语从句时用引导表原因的表语从句时用引导表原因的表语从句时用引导表原因的表语从句时用 because , because , 不用不用不用不用 as / since / as / since / for for 等等等等 e.g. He fail

48、ed .e.g. He failed .Thats becauseThats because he didnt work hard . he didnt work hard . 比较比较比较比较: He didnt work hard .He didnt work hard .Thats whyThats why he failed . he failed .转下页转下页 1 1、同位语从句阐明它前面的名词的内容;定语从句则、同位语从句阐明它前面的名词的内容;定语从句则是对先行词加以修饰限制。是对先行词加以修饰限制。 2 2、只有在内容方面可以进一步阐明的名词(一般为抽、只有在内容方面可以进一

49、步阐明的名词(一般为抽象名词),才能带同位语从句,而几乎任何名词都可象名词),才能带同位语从句,而几乎任何名词都可以带定语从句。以带定语从句。 3 3、that that 引导同位语从句时,引导同位语从句时,thatthat在句中不作成分(不在句中不作成分(不省,也不用省,也不用whichwhich取代);取代);that that 引导定语从句时,引导定语从句时,that that 在句中须作主在句中须作主/ /表表/ /宾,且常可用宾,且常可用which which 来取代。来取代。 e.g. The news that he passed the exam was a great e.g

50、. The news that he passed the exam was a great surprise .(surprise .(同位语从句同位语从句) ) The news (that/which) he told me was a great The news (that/which) he told me was a great surprise .(surprise .(定语从句定语从句) )7。 同位语从句与定语从句的区别:同位语从句与定语从句的区别:转下页转下页 1 1、名词性从句一律用陈述句语序。、名词性从句一律用陈述句语序。 2 2、在、在What is the mat

51、ter (with)?What is the matter (with)?结构里,结构里,whatwhat是是主语,主语,the matter(=wrong)the matter(=wrong)是表语,也就是说其本身是表语,也就是说其本身是陈述句语序。是陈述句语序。 3 3、how how 引导名词性从句时,若修饰形容词或副词,该引导名词性从句时,若修饰形容词或副词,该形容词或副词须紧置形容词或副词须紧置howhow之后。之后。 e.g. You have no idea how worried I was !e.g. You have no idea how worried I was !8

52、. 名词性从句的语序名词性从句的语序返回返回定语从句定语从句引导词引导词关系代词:关系代词:关系代词:关系代词:关系副词:关系副词:关系副词:关系副词:who,whom,whose,which,that when,where,why.一、一、 引导词的选择问题:引导词的选择问题:1. that / which1).下列情况下用下列情况下用 that 而不用而不用 which :A.A.A.A.先行词是先行词是先行词是先行词是all,anything,littleall,anything,littleall,anything,littleall,anything,little等等等等不定代词不定

53、代词不定代词不定代词时;时;时;时;B.B.B.B.先行词是先行词是先行词是先行词是序数词序数词序数词序数词或被序数词修饰时;或被序数词修饰时;或被序数词修饰时;或被序数词修饰时;C.C.C.C.先行词是先行词是先行词是先行词是最高级最高级最高级最高级或被最高级修饰时;或被最高级修饰时;或被最高级修饰时;或被最高级修饰时;D.D.D.D.先行词被先行词被先行词被先行词被only,very,next,lastonly,very,next,lastonly,very,next,lastonly,very,next,last等修饰时;等修饰时;等修饰时;等修饰时; 转下页转下页E. E. 先行词是先

54、行词是先行词是先行词是“ “人人人人+ +物物物物” ”时;时;时;时;F. F. 关系代词在定语从句中作关系代词在定语从句中作关系代词在定语从句中作关系代词在定语从句中作表语表语表语表语时;时;时;时; G. G. 为了为了为了为了避免重复避免重复避免重复避免重复,当句中有,当句中有,当句中有,当句中有whichwhich时。时。时。时。 e.g. Which is the car that hit the boy ?e.g. Which is the car that hit the boy ? Edison built up a factory which produced thing

55、that had Edison built up a factory which produced thing that had never been seen before .never been seen before .2).下列情况下用下列情况下用 which 而不用而不用 that :A.关系代词前有介词时;关系代词前有介词时;关系代词前有介词时;关系代词前有介词时;B.引导非限制性定语从句时;引导非限制性定语从句时;引导非限制性定语从句时;引导非限制性定语从句时;C.为了避免重复,先行词是为了避免重复,先行词是为了避免重复,先行词是为了避免重复,先行词是thatthat或句中有一个

56、由或句中有一个由或句中有一个由或句中有一个由thatthat引导引导引导引导的定语从句时。的定语从句时。的定语从句时。的定语从句时。D.D. e.g. He has found that which he was looking for . e.g. He has found that which he was looking for . 转下页转下页2. that / who(m) that that 和和和和 who(m) who(m) 都可指人,通常可互换。但下列情况都可指人,通常可互换。但下列情况都可指人,通常可互换。但下列情况都可指人,通常可互换。但下列情况下一般不能互换:下一般不能

57、互换:下一般不能互换:下一般不能互换: 1). 1). 关系代词在定语从句中充当关系代词在定语从句中充当关系代词在定语从句中充当关系代词在定语从句中充当表语表语表语表语时,时,时,时,用用用用thatthat而而而而不用不用不用不用who(m);who(m); 2). 2). 先行词是先行词是先行词是先行词是“ “物物物物+ +人人人人” ”时,时,时,时,用用用用thatthat而而而而不用不用不用不用who(m);who(m); 3). 3). 引导引导引导引导非限制性定语从句非限制性定语从句非限制性定语从句非限制性定语从句时,时,时,时,只用只用只用只用who(m)who(m)而不用而不

58、用而不用而不用that;that; 4). 4). 在在在在“ “介词介词介词介词whomwhom” ”引导的定语从句中引导的定语从句中引导的定语从句中引导的定语从句中不能用不能用不能用不能用thatthat; ; 5). 5). 先行词是先行词是先行词是先行词是thosethose 时,多时,多时,多时,多用用用用whowho 而一般不用而一般不用而一般不用而一般不用that ;that ; 6). 6). 为了为了为了为了避免重复避免重复避免重复避免重复,句中有,句中有,句中有,句中有whowho时,一般不用时,一般不用时,一般不用时,一般不用that.that.转下页转下页3. as /

59、 which转下页转下页 1). as 1). as 和和和和 which which 都可以引导非限制性定语从句,且都可指都可以引导非限制性定语从句,且都可指都可以引导非限制性定语从句,且都可指都可以引导非限制性定语从句,且都可指代整个主句或主句的一部分,一般可互换。代整个主句或主句的一部分,一般可互换。代整个主句或主句的一部分,一般可互换。代整个主句或主句的一部分,一般可互换。 2). 2). 但在下列情况下不可通用:但在下列情况下不可通用:但在下列情况下不可通用:但在下列情况下不可通用: A. A. 放句首,用放句首,用放句首,用放句首,用as as 而不用而不用而不用而不用which;

60、which; B. as B. as 意为意为意为意为“ “正如正如正如正如” ”,后边的谓语动词多为,后边的谓语动词多为,后边的谓语动词多为,后边的谓语动词多为see, know, see, know, expect, say, mention, reportexpect, say, mention, report等,另外等,另外等,另外等,另外asas在限制性定语从句在限制性定语从句在限制性定语从句在限制性定语从句中常用于某些固定搭配,如中常用于某些固定搭配,如中常用于某些固定搭配,如中常用于某些固定搭配,如the sameas , suchasthe sameas , suchas等,等

61、,等,等,whichwhich意为意为意为意为“ “这一点这一点这一点这一点” ”。 C. C. 定语从句是定语从句是定语从句是定语从句是“ “主主主主+ +谓谓谓谓+ +宾宾宾宾+ +宾补宾补宾补宾补” ”结构时,一般用结构时,一般用结构时,一般用结构时,一般用which .which . e.g. She is very careful , e.g. She is very careful , as / whichas / which her work shows . her work shows . AsAs he had hoped , he saw the play . he had

62、 hoped , he saw the play . John started telling lies , John started telling lies , whichwhich his cousin felt strange . his cousin felt strange .He was wearing He was wearing the samethe same shirt shirt asas Id had on the day before .( Id had on the day before .(同类同类同类同类) )He was wearing He was wea

63、ring the samethe same shirt shirt that that Id had on the day before .(Id had on the day before .(同一同一同一同一) ) 比较:比较:比较:比较:It was It was suchsuch a good film a good film thatthat I saw I saw it it yesterday .( yesterday .(结果状从结果状从结果状从结果状从) )Dont talk about Dont talk about suchsuch things things asas

64、you dont understand.( you dont understand.(定从定从定从定从) )4. 作定语用的关系代词作定语用的关系代词 2). Look at the house 2). Look at the house whose roofwhose roof is red . is red . = Look at the house = Look at the house the roof of whichthe roof of which is red . is red . = Look at the house = Look at the house of which

65、 the roofof which the roof is red . is red . 1). It stormed all day , during 1). It stormed all day , during whichwhich time the ship broke up . time the ship broke up . 转下页转下页5. 介词介词 + whom / which 1). 1). 根据后面动词和介词的搭配关系选择;根据后面动词和介词的搭配关系选择;根据后面动词和介词的搭配关系选择;根据后面动词和介词的搭配关系选择; e.g. This is not the boo

66、k of which the teacher spoke in class .e.g. This is not the book of which the teacher spoke in class . 2). 2). 根据与前面名词的搭配关系选择;根据与前面名词的搭配关系选择;根据与前面名词的搭配关系选择;根据与前面名词的搭配关系选择; e.g. Ill never forget the day on which I first met him . e.g. Ill never forget the day on which I first met him . 3). 3). 有时需要同时

67、考虑动词和介词的搭配关系及介词和名有时需要同时考虑动词和介词的搭配关系及介词和名有时需要同时考虑动词和介词的搭配关系及介词和名有时需要同时考虑动词和介词的搭配关系及介词和名词的搭配关系。词的搭配关系。词的搭配关系。词的搭配关系。 e.g. The clever boy made a hole in the wall , through which he e.g. The clever boy made a hole in the wall , through which he could see what was happening inside the house .could see wh

68、at was happening inside the house .转下页转下页6. 关系代词关系代词 / 关系副词关系副词This is the factory This is the factory (which)(which) we we visitedvisited last month . last month .This is the factory This is the factory wherewhere we we stayedstayed last month . last month .I will never forget the time I will never

69、 forget the time (which)(which) we we spentspent together . together .I will never forget the time I will never forget the time whenwhen we we studiedstudied together. together.I admired the way I admired the way (that / in which)(that / in which) you answered his questions. you answered his questio

70、ns.二、值得注意的问题:二、值得注意的问题:1 1、作宾语的关系代词的省略问题:、作宾语的关系代词的省略问题:、作宾语的关系代词的省略问题:、作宾语的关系代词的省略问题: 1). 1). 介词介词介词介词+ whom / which+ whom / which结构中的关系代词不可省略;结构中的关系代词不可省略;结构中的关系代词不可省略;结构中的关系代词不可省略; 2). 2). 非限制性定语从句中,作宾语的关系代词不省。非限制性定语从句中,作宾语的关系代词不省。非限制性定语从句中,作宾语的关系代词不省。非限制性定语从句中,作宾语的关系代词不省。转下页转下页2 2、定语从句中的主谓一致问题:、

71、定语从句中的主谓一致问题:、定语从句中的主谓一致问题:、定语从句中的主谓一致问题: 1). 1). I I , who , who amam your friend , will certainly help you . your friend , will certainly help you . 2). He is one of the teachers who 2). He is one of the teachers who knowknow Japanese in our Japanese in our school.school. 3). He is 3). He is the o

72、nly onethe only one of the teachers who of the teachers who knowsknows Japanese Japanese in our school .in our school .3 3、介词的位置问题:、介词的位置问题:、介词的位置问题:、介词的位置问题: 1). This is the room 1). This is the room in whichin which we lived last year . we lived last year . = This is the room ( = This is the room

73、( which / thatwhich / that ) we lived ) we lived inin last year . last year . 2). Is this the book ( which / that ) she was looking 2). Is this the book ( which / that ) she was looking forfor ? ?4 4、要防止句子成分的重复:、要防止句子成分的重复:、要防止句子成分的重复:、要防止句子成分的重复: The composition which I handed it in a week ago has

74、not been The composition which I handed it in a week ago has not been marked yet .marked yet .返回返回状语从句状语从句时间状语从句时间状语从句原因状语从句原因状语从句地点状语从句地点状语从句让步状语从句让步状语从句条件状语从句条件状语从句目的和结果状语从句目的和结果状语从句方式状语从句方式状语从句比较状语从句比较状语从句返回返回时间状语从句时间状语从句常用连词有:常用连词有:when/while/as , before , after , since , once , till/until , har

75、dlywhen / no soonerthan , as soon as , the moment/minute/instant , each(every) time/the first (last) time , immediately/directly ,etc. when : when : 段段段段 / / / / 点;之前点;之前点;之前点;之前 / / / / 之后之后之后之后 ; 这时这时这时这时 while : while : 段段段段 (“ “趁趁趁趁” ”) ; 表对比(表对比(表对比(表对比(“ “而而而而” ”) as : as : “一边一边一边一边一边一边一边一边”

76、” ” ” ; “ “ “ “随着随着随着随着” e.g. When he realized it , the chance had been lost . (=before) e.g. When he realized it , the chance had been lost . (=before) Ill go home when he comes back. (=after) Ill go home when he comes back. (=after) I was just about to go to bed when the phone rang a second I was

77、just about to go to bed when the phone rang a second time . (=and at that moment)time . (=and at that moment)转下页转下页1. Strike while the iron is hot .Strike while the iron is hot . She thought I was talking about her daughter , while , in fact , I She thought I was talking about her daughter , while ,

78、 in fact , I was talking about my daughter . was talking about my daughter . She sang happily as she walked along the street . She sang happily as she walked along the street . Her hair grew gray as time went by . Her hair grew gray as time went by . 注意:注意:注意:注意: As / When a boyAs / When a boy , he

79、lived in Japan . , he lived in Japan . When / While readingWhen / While reading , he fell asleep . , he fell asleep . once : “once : “条件条件条件条件” ” ; 可接分词可接分词可接分词可接分词 as soon as : “as soon as : “时间时间时间时间” ” As soon as the bell rang , the pupils ran out of the classroom . As soon as the bell rang , the

80、 pupils ran out of the classroom . Once you see Mei Once you see Mei LanfangLanfang on the stage , youll never forget him . on the stage , youll never forget him . Once having made a promise , you should keep it . Once having made a promise , you should keep it .转下页转下页2.3.before before 的意义:的意义:的意义:的

81、意义:4. 4. It was another 5 minutes before Matt heard him coming It was another 5 minutes before Matt heard him coming down the stirs . (down the stirs . (才才才才) )5. 5. He ran off before I could stop him . ( He ran off before I could stop him . (还没来得及还没来得及还没来得及还没来得及就就就就) )6. 6. She became a mother befo

82、re she had reached her 18th year . She became a mother before she had reached her 18th year . ( (不到不到不到不到就就就就) )7. 7. Put down her telephone number before you forget it . ( Put down her telephone number before you forget it . (免得免得免得免得) )8. 8. He will die of hunger before he will steal . ( He will d

83、ie of hunger before he will steal . (宁愿宁愿宁愿宁愿不愿不愿不愿不愿) ) 4. since 4. since 的翻译:的翻译:的翻译:的翻译: I havent heard from him since he I havent heard from him since he got togot to Beijing . Beijing . 自从他自从他自从他自从他到达到达到达到达北京以来,我一直未收到他的信。北京以来,我一直未收到他的信。北京以来,我一直未收到他的信。北京以来,我一直未收到他的信。( (终止性动词终止性动词终止性动词终止性动词) ) I

84、havent heard from him since he I havent heard from him since he lived inlived in Beijing . Beijing . 自从他自从他自从他自从他离开离开离开离开北京以来,我一直未收到他的信。北京以来,我一直未收到他的信。北京以来,我一直未收到他的信。北京以来,我一直未收到他的信。( (延续性动词延续性动词延续性动词延续性动词) )返回返回原因状语从句原因状语从句常用连词有常用连词有: because , since , as , now (that) , seeing (that) , considering (

85、that) etc. because : because : 表直接的原因表直接的原因表直接的原因表直接的原因, , , ,语气强。语气强。语气强。语气强。 since : since : 表已知的原因表已知的原因表已知的原因表已知的原因(“(“(“(“既然既然既然既然”),),),),语气较弱。语气较弱。语气较弱。语气较弱。 as : as : 表较明显的原因,语气最弱。表较明显的原因,语气最弱。表较明显的原因,语气最弱。表较明显的原因,语气最弱。 e.g. Why was the child crying in the street ? e.g. Why was the child cry

86、ing in the street ? BecauseBecause he lost his way . he lost his way . AsAs it is snowing , we shall not go to the park . it is snowing , we shall not go to the park . Now thatNow that youve got a chance , you might as well make full use youve got a chance , you might as well make full use of it .of

87、 it . 比较:比较:比较:比较: It rained last night , It rained last night , forfor the ground is wet this morning . the ground is wet this morning .返回返回地点状语从句地点状语从句 常用连词有常用连词有: where(特指特指) , wherever(泛指泛指) 返回返回 e.g. You should make it a rule to leave things e.g. You should make it a rule to leave things wherew

88、here you can find you can find them again . them again . Well go Well go whereverwherever the Party wants us to go . the Party wants us to go . 比较比较比较比较: : : : We shall go to the place We shall go to the place wherewhere working conditions are difficult . working conditions are difficult . We shall

89、go We shall go wherewhere working conditions are difficult . working conditions are difficult . 常用连词有常用连词有: although/though , as , even if/though , however , wh-ever , no matter wh-/how , etc.让步状语从句让步状语从句 Clever Clever asas he is , he doesnt study well . he is , he doesnt study well . = = Although/T

90、houghAlthough/Though he is clever , he doesnt study well . he is clever , he doesnt study well . =Clever =Clever thoughthough he is , he doesnt study well . he is , he doesnt study well . We will never give in We will never give in whateverwhatever they might do or say about our plan. they might do

91、or say about our plan. However lateHowever late he is , Mother will wait for him to have dinner he is , Mother will wait for him to have dinner together .together . 比较比较比较比较 : WhateverWhatever I said couldnt cause his interest in the topic . ( I said couldnt cause his interest in the topic . (名从名从名从

92、名从) ) 返回返回条件状语从句条件状语从句 常用连词有常用连词有: if , unless , as/so long as , in case , on condition that , for fear (that) , provided (that) 等等 e.g. As long as I live , I shall work hard .e.g. As long as I live , I shall work hard . I shall not go to school unless I finish my homework . I shall not go to school

93、 unless I finish my homework . Unless he comes , we would not be able to go . Unless he comes , we would not be able to go . = If he doesnt come , we would not be able to go . = If he doesnt come , we would not be able to go . 返回返回目的和结果状训从句目的和结果状训从句目的状语从句常用连词有目的状语从句常用连词有: so that , in order that结果状语

94、从句常用连词有结果状语从句常用连词有: so, so that , so/such that e.g. They started early e.g. They started early so thatso that they they mightmight arrive in time .( arrive in time .(目的目的目的目的) ) 比较比较比较比较:They started early They started early so thatso that they arrived in time . ( they arrived in time . (结果结果结果结果) )

95、 He works hard He works hard in order that / so thatin order that / so that he can serve the country he can serve the country well. well. 比较比较比较比较:In order thatIn order that he can serve the country well he works hard . he can serve the country well he works hard . The box is The box is so heavy tha

96、tso heavy that nobody can move it . nobody can move it . = It is = It is so heavy a box thatso heavy a box that nobody can move it . nobody can move it . = It is = It is such a heavy box thatsuch a heavy box that nobody can move it . nobody can move it . 比较比较比较比较 : It is It is suchsuch a heavy box a

97、 heavy box asas nobody can move . nobody can move .返回返回方式状语从句方式状语从句常用连词有常用连词有: as , just as , as if / though , the way , what等等 e.g. The old man runs very fast e.g. The old man runs very fast as ifas if he were a young man . he were a young man . You may do You may do as as you please / like .you pl

98、ease / like . AsAs bees love sweetness , so flies love rottenness . bees love sweetness , so flies love rottenness . Please pronounce the word Please pronounce the word the waythe way I did . I did . c.f. I dont like the way you spoke to her . ( c.f. I dont like the way you spoke to her . (定从定从定从定从)

99、 ) Wing are to a bird Wing are to a bird whatwhat feet are to a man . feet are to a man .返回返回比较状语从句比较状语从句常用连词有常用连词有: as . as , not as / so as , than , the more the more 等等 。 e.g. I know you better than he does .e.g. I know you better than he does . The more we can do for you , the happier we will be

100、 . The more we can do for you , the happier we will be . John plays football as well as , if not better than , David . John plays football as well as , if not better than , David . Im not so eager as he . Im not so eager as he . 附:在表附:在表附:在表附:在表“ “时间、条件、让步、方式、比较时间、条件、让步、方式、比较时间、条件、让步、方式、比较时间、条件、让步、方

101、式、比较” ”等的状语从句中,等的状语从句中,等的状语从句中,等的状语从句中,如果从句谓语动词包含有如果从句谓语动词包含有如果从句谓语动词包含有如果从句谓语动词包含有 be be 的某一形式,主语又和主句的主语相的某一形式,主语又和主句的主语相的某一形式,主语又和主句的主语相的某一形式,主语又和主句的主语相同,就可以把从句中的主语和同,就可以把从句中的主语和同,就可以把从句中的主语和同,就可以把从句中的主语和 be be 同时省略同时省略同时省略同时省略 (要么都不省)(要么都不省)(要么都不省)(要么都不省)。如:。如:。如:。如: Bad habits , once formed , ar

102、e difficult to give up . Bad habits , once formed , are difficult to give up . If you go to Xian , youll find the places there more magnificent If you go to Xian , youll find the places there more magnificent than commonly supposed .than commonly supposed .返回返回其其 他他主谓一致主谓一致倒装倒装省略省略替代替代常用句型常用句型返回返回主谓

103、一致主谓一致名词作主语名词作主语由连词连接的名词作主语由连词连接的名词作主语代词作主语代词作主语分数、量词作主语分数、量词作主语名词化的形容词作主语名词化的形容词作主语从句等作主语从句等作主语返回返回名词作主语名词作主语 1. 1. 某些集体名词作主语,如果作为一个整体看待,谓某些集体名词作主语,如果作为一个整体看待,谓语动词用单数形式;如果就其中一个个成员而言,谓语动词用单数形式;如果就其中一个个成员而言,谓语动词用复数形式。语动词用复数形式。 e.g. His family is a happy one . The whole family are watching TV . 2. 2.

104、某些集体名词某些集体名词某些集体名词某些集体名词(people, police, cattle)(people, police, cattle)(people, police, cattle)(people, police, cattle)只能当复数只能当复数只能当复数只能当复数看待,谓语动词用复数。看待,谓语动词用复数。看待,谓语动词用复数。看待,谓语动词用复数。 e.g. The police are searching for the thief .e.g. The police are searching for the thief .e.g. The police are searc

105、hing for the thief .e.g. The police are searching for the thief . 3. 3. 单复数同形的名词作主语时,谓语动词应根据意义决单复数同形的名词作主语时,谓语动词应根据意义决单复数同形的名词作主语时,谓语动词应根据意义决单复数同形的名词作主语时,谓语动词应根据意义决定单、复数。定单、复数。定单、复数。定单、复数。 e.g. A sheep is over there . e.g. A sheep is over there . e.g. A sheep is over there . e.g. A sheep is over the

106、re . Some sheep are over there . Some sheep are over there . Some sheep are over there . Some sheep are over there .转下页转下页 4. 4. 4. 4. 名词所有格之后的名词被省略,这种情况一般只指商名词所有格之后的名词被省略,这种情况一般只指商名词所有格之后的名词被省略,这种情况一般只指商名词所有格之后的名词被省略,这种情况一般只指商店、住宅等,作主语时,动词一般用单数。表店铺的名词店、住宅等,作主语时,动词一般用单数。表店铺的名词店、住宅等,作主语时,动词一般用单数。表店铺的

107、名词店、住宅等,作主语时,动词一般用单数。表店铺的名词作主语时,一般用复数谓语。作主语时,一般用复数谓语。作主语时,一般用复数谓语。作主语时,一般用复数谓语。 e.g. The doctors is across the street .e.g. The doctors is across the street .e.g. The doctors is across the street .e.g. The doctors is across the street . Richardsons have a lot of goods to sell . Richardsons have a lo

108、t of goods to sell . Richardsons have a lot of goods to sell . Richardsons have a lot of goods to sell . 5. 5. 当名词词组中心词为表示当名词词组中心词为表示当名词词组中心词为表示当名词词组中心词为表示度量、距离、金钱、时间、度量、距离、金钱、时间、度量、距离、金钱、时间、度量、距离、金钱、时间、书名书名书名书名等复数名词时,往往可以根据意义一致的原则,把这等复数名词时,往往可以根据意义一致的原则,把这等复数名词时,往往可以根据意义一致的原则,把这等复数名词时,往往可以根据意义一致的原则

109、,把这些复数名词看作一个整体,谓语动词用单数形式。些复数名词看作一个整体,谓语动词用单数形式。些复数名词看作一个整体,谓语动词用单数形式。些复数名词看作一个整体,谓语动词用单数形式。 e.g. Three years has passed since then .e.g. Three years has passed since then .e.g. Three years has passed since then .e.g. Three years has passed since then . 6. 6. 不定代词不定代词不定代词不定代词each, every, noeach, ever

110、y, no等修饰的名词即使以等修饰的名词即使以等修饰的名词即使以等修饰的名词即使以andand或逗号或逗号或逗号或逗号连接成多主语时,谓语动词仍然用单数形式。连接成多主语时,谓语动词仍然用单数形式。连接成多主语时,谓语动词仍然用单数形式。连接成多主语时,谓语动词仍然用单数形式。 e.g. Each boy and each girl wants to go to the cinema .e.g. Each boy and each girl wants to go to the cinema .转下页转下页如果主语有如果主语有如果主语有如果主语有more than one ,

111、 many amore than one , many amore than one , many amore than one , many a构成,尽管从意构成,尽管从意构成,尽管从意构成,尽管从意义上看是复数内容,但它的谓语动词仍用单数形式。义上看是复数内容,但它的谓语动词仍用单数形式。义上看是复数内容,但它的谓语动词仍用单数形式。义上看是复数内容,但它的谓语动词仍用单数形式。 e.g. More than one student has read the book .e.g. More than one student has read the book .e.g. More than

112、 one student has read the book .e.g. More than one student has read the book . Many a girl has been there . Many a girl has been there . Many a girl has been there . Many a girl has been there . 但但但但 : More members than one More members than one More members than one More members than one arearearea

113、re against your plan . against your plan . against your plan . against your plan . 8. trousers, glasses, shoes 8. trousers, glasses, shoes 等作主语时,通常用复数谓语。等作主语时,通常用复数谓语。等作主语时,通常用复数谓语。等作主语时,通常用复数谓语。其前若带有其前若带有其前若带有其前若带有 pair pair 时,谓语动词通常须与时,谓语动词通常须与时,谓语动词通常须与时,谓语动词通常须与 pair pair 的数一致。的数一致。的数一致。的数一致。 e.

114、g. A pair of shoes was on the desk .e.g. A pair of shoes was on the desk . My trousers arte worn out . My trousers arte worn out . 9. this kind of + n. 9. this kind of + n. 用单数形式。用单数形式。用单数形式。用单数形式。 e.g. This kind of men is dangerous .e.g. This kind of men is dangerous . 但但但但 Men of this kind Men of

115、this kind areare dangerous . dangerous .转下页转下页 10. 10. 10. 10. 单复数形式同形的名词须根据其意义的单、复数来单复数形式同形的名词须根据其意义的单、复数来单复数形式同形的名词须根据其意义的单、复数来单复数形式同形的名词须根据其意义的单、复数来确定用单、复数谓语动词。确定用单、复数谓语动词。确定用单、复数谓语动词。确定用单、复数谓语动词。 e.g. Every means has been tried to stop it .e.g. Every means has been tried to stop it .e.g. Every m

116、eans has been tried to stop it .e.g. Every means has been tried to stop it . All means have been tried to stop it . All means have been tried to stop it . All means have been tried to stop it . All means have been tried to stop it . 11. 11. 如果名词词组中心词是如果名词词组中心词是如果名词词组中心词是如果名词词组中心词是all, most, half , r

117、est all, most, half , rest 等词语,所等词语,所等词语,所等词语,所指是复数意义,谓语动词用复数形式,反之,用单数。指是复数意义,谓语动词用复数形式,反之,用单数。指是复数意义,谓语动词用复数形式,反之,用单数。指是复数意义,谓语动词用复数形式,反之,用单数。 e.g. All of my classmates like music .e.g. All of my classmates like music . All of the water is gone . All of the water is gone . 12. “a + n + or two”12. “

118、a + n + or two”作主语时,谓语动词用单数,作主语时,谓语动词用单数,作主语时,谓语动词用单数,作主语时,谓语动词用单数,“ “one one or two + or two + 复数名词复数名词复数名词复数名词” ”后一般用复数谓语。后一般用复数谓语。后一般用复数谓语。后一般用复数谓语。 e.g. A day or two has passed .e.g. A day or two has passed . One or two days have passed . One or two days have passed . 转下页转下页 13. 13. 以以以以- -icsic

119、s 结尾的学科名词作主语时,一般用单数谓语。结尾的学科名词作主语时,一般用单数谓语。结尾的学科名词作主语时,一般用单数谓语。结尾的学科名词作主语时,一般用单数谓语。 e.g. Physics is the mother of sciences .e.g. Physics is the mother of sciences . 14. population 14. population 作主语时,谓语动词一般用单数,但其前作主语时,谓语动词一般用单数,但其前作主语时,谓语动词一般用单数,但其前作主语时,谓语动词一般用单数,但其前若有分数或百分数时,则一般用复数谓语。若有分数或百分数时,则一般用复

120、数谓语。若有分数或百分数时,则一般用复数谓语。若有分数或百分数时,则一般用复数谓语。 e.g. The population of China is larger than that of any other e.g. The population of China is larger than that of any other country .country . One third of the population here are workers . One third of the population here are workers . 15. 15. 数词或算术式作主语时,数

121、词或算术式作主语时,数词或算术式作主语时,数词或算术式作主语时, 谓语动词一般用单数。谓语动词一般用单数。谓语动词一般用单数。谓语动词一般用单数。 e.g. Ten is a round number .e.g. Ten is a round number . Five and two is seven . Five and two is seven . Thirty divided by five equals six . Thirty divided by five equals six .转下页转下页 16. 16. 当当当当“ “the + the + 姓姓姓姓s ”s ”作主语时,作

122、主语时,作主语时,作主语时, 一般用复数。一般用复数。一般用复数。一般用复数。 e.g. The Smiths go to church every Sunday .e.g. The Smiths go to church every Sunday . 17. 17. 当不可数名词前有表示数量的复数名词时,谓语动词当不可数名词前有表示数量的复数名词时,谓语动词当不可数名词前有表示数量的复数名词时,谓语动词当不可数名词前有表示数量的复数名词时,谓语动词一般用复数。一般用复数。一般用复数。一般用复数。 e.g. Ten thousands tons of coal were produced la

123、st year .e.g. Ten thousands tons of coal were produced last year . 18. 18. 在含有在含有在含有在含有a large quality of / large quantities of a large quality of / large quantities of 的短语作的短语作的短语作的短语作主语时,谓语动词一般须与主语时,谓语动词一般须与主语时,谓语动词一般须与主语时,谓语动词一般须与 quantity quantity 的数一致。的数一致。的数一致。的数一致。 e.g. A large quantity of te

124、achers is needed .e.g. A large quantity of teachers is needed . Large quantities of time are needed. Large quantities of time are needed. 19. 19. 在主谓倒装的句子中,谓语动词的数应与其后的主语在主谓倒装的句子中,谓语动词的数应与其后的主语在主谓倒装的句子中,谓语动词的数应与其后的主语在主谓倒装的句子中,谓语动词的数应与其后的主语一致。一致。一致。一致。 e.g. Between the two windows hangs a picture .e.g

125、. Between the two windows hangs a picture . There is a pen and two pencil-boxes on the desk . There is a pen and two pencil-boxes on the desk .返回返回由连词连接的名词作主语由连词连接的名词作主语用用用用 and and and and 或或或或 bothand bothand bothand bothand 连接的并列主语,谓语动词通连接的并列主语,谓语动词通连接的并列主语,谓语动词通连接的并列主语,谓语动词通常用复数形式;但如果指的

126、是同一个人、同一事物或同一常用复数形式;但如果指的是同一个人、同一事物或同一常用复数形式;但如果指的是同一个人、同一事物或同一常用复数形式;但如果指的是同一个人、同一事物或同一概念时,谓语动词用单数形式,这时概念时,谓语动词用单数形式,这时概念时,谓语动词用单数形式,这时概念时,谓语动词用单数形式,这时 and and and and 后面的名词没后面的名词没后面的名词没后面的名词没有冠词。有冠词。有冠词。有冠词。 e.g. Plastics and rubber never rot .e.g. Plastics and rubber never rot .e.g. Plastics and

127、rubber never rot .e.g. Plastics and rubber never rot . Walking and riding are good exercises . Walking and riding are good exercises . Walking and riding are good exercises . Walking and riding are good exercises . Truth and honesty is the best policy . Truth and honesty is the best policy . Truth a

128、nd honesty is the best policy . Truth and honesty is the best policy . The girls teacher and friend is a young doctor . The girls teacher and friend is a young doctor . The girls teacher and friend is a young doctor . The girls teacher and friend is a young doctor . 2. 2. 由由由由or, eitheror, not onlyb

129、ut also, not onlybut alsoor, eitheror, not onlybut also, not onlybut also等等等等 连接主语时,谓语动词与最近的主语保持一致。连接主语时,谓语动词与最近的主语保持一致。连接主语时,谓语动词与最近的主语保持一致。连接主语时,谓语动词与最近的主语保持一致。 e.g. You or hee.g. You or he is is mistaken . C.f. mistaken . C.f. Are Are you or he mistaken .you or he mistaken . Not only the students

130、 but also the teacher wishes for a holiday. Not only the students but also the teacher wishes for a holiday.转转下下页页 3. 3. 当主语后面有当主语后面有当主语后面有当主语后面有 as well as, as much as, no less than , with, as well as, as much as, no less than , with, along with , like, rather than, together with, but, except, alon

131、g with , like, rather than, together with, but, except, besides, including, in addition to besides, including, in addition to 等引导的词组时,其谓语等引导的词组时,其谓语等引导的词组时,其谓语等引导的词组时,其谓语动词的数按主语的单、复数而定。动词的数按主语的单、复数而定。动词的数按主语的单、复数而定。动词的数按主语的单、复数而定。 e.g. The teacher as well as the students was reading in the library .

132、e.g. The teacher as well as the students was reading in the library . Nobody but some students is here . Nobody but some students is here . 4. 4. 4. 4. 由由由由 and and and and 连接的两个连接的两个连接的两个连接的两个( ( ( (或更多的或更多的或更多的或更多的) ) ) )主语之前有主语之前有主语之前有主语之前有 each, each, each, each, every, many a , no every, many a

133、 , no every, many a , no every, many a , no 等时,须用单数谓语动词。等时,须用单数谓语动词。等时,须用单数谓语动词。等时,须用单数谓语动词。 e.g. Each minute and (each) second is valuable to us .e.g. Each minute and (each) second is valuable to us .e.g. Each minute and (each) second is valuable to us .e.g. Each minute and (each) second is valuabl

134、e to us . No sound and (no) voice is heard . No sound and (no) voice is heard . No sound and (no) voice is heard . No sound and (no) voice is heard . c.f. c.f. c.f. c.f. Not the boys Not the boys Not the boys Not the boys but the girlbut the girlbut the girlbut the girl was seen there . was seen the

135、re . was seen there . was seen there . I I I I , not you , , not you , , not you , , not you , am am am am to blame . to blame . to blame . to blame . 返回返回代词作主语代词作主语 代词作主语时,往往根据其代词作主语时,往往根据其代词作主语时,往往根据其代词作主语时,往往根据其意义一致意义一致意义一致意义一致的原则来确定谓的原则来确定谓的原则来确定谓的原则来确定谓语动词的数。语动词的数。语动词的数。语动词的数。 1. Ours (our part

136、y)1. Ours (our party) is is a great party . a great party . Your shoes are black, and mine Your shoes are black, and mine are are brown .brown . 2. Such 2. Such is is his fate . Such his fate . Such areare the facts . the facts . 3. 3. ThoseThose who who wantwant to go please put up your hands . to

137、go please put up your hands . Some of the Some of the energy energy thatthat is is used by man comes from the sun . used by man comes from the sun . 4. Who 4. Who liveslives next door ? It is next door ? It is Xiao LiuXiao Liu . . Who Who live live next door ? It is next door ? It is Xiao Liu and Xi

138、ao ZhangXiao Liu and Xiao Zhang . . 5. Now all 5. Now all has has been done . been done . All All are present .are present . 6. I wanted some paper, but there 6. I wanted some paper, but there waswas none in the house . none in the house . c.f. None of the books c.f. None of the books is / areis / a

139、re mine . mine . 返回返回分数、量词作主语分数、量词作主语 1. “1. “1. “1. “分数或百分数分数或百分数分数或百分数分数或百分数+ + + +名词名词名词名词”构成的短语以及构成的短语以及构成的短语以及构成的短语以及“ a lot of a lot of a lot of a lot of / lots of/plenty o f/half of +/ lots of/plenty o f/half of +/ lots of/plenty o f/half of +/ lots of/plenty o f/half of +名词名词名词名词”构成的短语作主构成的短

140、语作主构成的短语作主构成的短语作主语时,其谓语动词要与短语中语时,其谓语动词要与短语中语时,其谓语动词要与短语中语时,其谓语动词要与短语中of of of of 后的名词保持数的一致。后的名词保持数的一致。后的名词保持数的一致。后的名词保持数的一致。 e.g. Lots of damage was caused by fire .e.g. Lots of damage was caused by fire .e.g. Lots of damage was caused by fire .e.g. Lots of damage was caused by fire . A number of s

141、tudents have gone home . A number of students have gone home . A number of students have gone home . A number of students have gone home . c.f. The number of students here is more than 3,000. c.f. The number of students here is more than 3,000. c.f. The number of students here is more than 3,000. c.

142、f. The number of students here is more than 3,000. 2. 2. a great deal of / a large amount of a great deal of / a large amount of a great deal of / a large amount of a great deal of / a large amount of 修饰不可数修饰不可数修饰不可数修饰不可数名词时,谓语动词通常用单数;名词时,谓语动词通常用单数;名词时,谓语动词通常用单数;名词时,谓语动词通常用单数;large amounts of large

143、amounts of large amounts of large amounts of 修饰修饰修饰修饰不可数名词时,谓语动词通常用复数。不可数名词时,谓语动词通常用复数。不可数名词时,谓语动词通常用复数。不可数名词时,谓语动词通常用复数。 e.g. A large amount / deal of damage was done in e.g. A large amount / deal of damage was done in e.g. A large amount / deal of damage was done in e.g. A large amount / deal of d

144、amage was done in a very short time . a very short time . a very short time . a very short time . Large amounts of money were spent on the bridge . Large amounts of money were spent on the bridge . Large amounts of money were spent on the bridge . Large amounts of money were spent on the bridge .转转下

145、下页页 3. 3. 表数量的表数量的表数量的表数量的 one and a half one and a half 后,名词要用复数形式,其短后,名词要用复数形式,其短后,名词要用复数形式,其短后,名词要用复数形式,其短语作主语时,谓语动词却通常用单数。语作主语时,谓语动词却通常用单数。语作主语时,谓语动词却通常用单数。语作主语时,谓语动词却通常用单数。 e.g. One and a half bananas is left on the table .e.g. One and a half bananas is left on the table .e.g. One and a half ba

146、nanas is left on the table .e.g. One and a half bananas is left on the table . 4. half of , (a) part of 4. half of , (a) part of 修饰可数名词单数及不可数名词时,修饰可数名词单数及不可数名词时,修饰可数名词单数及不可数名词时,修饰可数名词单数及不可数名词时,谓语动词用单数形式;修饰复数可数名词时,谓语动词用谓语动词用单数形式;修饰复数可数名词时,谓语动词用谓语动词用单数形式;修饰复数可数名词时,谓语动词用谓语动词用单数形式;修饰复数可数名词时,谓语动词用复数形式。复数

147、形式。复数形式。复数形式。 e.g. Half of the money is yours .e.g. Half of the money is yours . Part of his story was not true . Part of his story was not true . The majority of the damage is easy to repair . The majority of the damage is easy to repair . Most of the oranges are sweet . Most of the oranges are swe

148、et . The rest of the books are on the desk and the rest of the money The rest of the books are on the desk and the rest of the money is in the bag .is in the bag .返回返回名词化的形容词作主语名词化的形容词作主语 “ “the + the + 形容词形容词形容词形容词 / / 分词分词分词分词” ”作主语时,表示一类人时,谓语作主语时,表示一类人时,谓语作主语时,表示一类人时,谓语作主语时,表示一类人时,谓语动词用复数;表示抽象概念时

149、,则常用单数谓语。动词用复数;表示抽象概念时,则常用单数谓语。动词用复数;表示抽象概念时,则常用单数谓语。动词用复数;表示抽象概念时,则常用单数谓语。 这类词有:这类词有:这类词有:这类词有:the brave / poor / rich / blind / young / old / the brave / poor / rich / blind / young / old / sick / dead / deaf and dumb / injured / wounded / sick / dead / deaf and dumb / injured / wounded / unemploy

150、ed , etc. unemployed , etc. e.g. The rich are not always happy , and the poor have many e.g. The rich are not always happy , and the poor have many problems .problems . The good in him is greater than the bad . The good in him is greater than the bad .返回返回从句等作主语从句等作主语 1. 1. 主语从句后的谓语动词一般用单数。但主语从句后的谓语

151、动词一般用单数。但主语从句后的谓语动词一般用单数。但主语从句后的谓语动词一般用单数。但what what 引出的主引出的主引出的主引出的主语从句,可根据其意义而用单复数谓语(语从句,可根据其意义而用单复数谓语(语从句,可根据其意义而用单复数谓语(语从句,可根据其意义而用单复数谓语(多看表语多看表语多看表语多看表语)。)。)。)。 e.g. That she likes collecting stamps is true .e.g. That she likes collecting stamps is true . What we need is more time . What we nee

152、d is more time . What we need are doctors . What we need are doctors . 2. 2. 动名词或不定式作主语时,动名词或不定式作主语时,动名词或不定式作主语时,动名词或不定式作主语时, 谓语动词一般用单数形式。谓语动词一般用单数形式。谓语动词一般用单数形式。谓语动词一般用单数形式。但但但但“ “不定式不定式不定式不定式/ /动名词动名词动名词动名词+and +and +不定式不定式不定式不定式/ /动名词动名词动名词动名词” ”作主语,谓语作主语,谓语作主语,谓语作主语,谓语根据意义而定。根据意义而定。根据意义而定。根据意义而定

153、。 e.g. e.g. To learn two languages To learn two languages is is not easy . not easy . Reading and writing Reading and writing are are two difficult skills .two difficult skills . Speaking and writing Speaking and writing has has a lot to do with reading .a lot to do with reading .转转下下页页 3. one of 3.

154、 one of 之后用单数谓语;之后用单数谓语;之后用单数谓语;之后用单数谓语;one of who/that one of who/that 之后用复之后用复之后用复之后用复数谓语;数谓语;数谓语;数谓语;the (only) one of who/that the (only) one of who/that 之后用单数谓语之后用单数谓语之后用单数谓语之后用单数谓语 。 e.g. One of their children e.g. One of their children hashas gone abroad for further study . gone abroad for fu

155、rther study . I ordered one of the new copies that I ordered one of the new copies that werewere advertised in advertised in Business Weekly .Business Weekly . This is the (only) one of the books on the subject that This is the (only) one of the books on the subject that hashas ever ever been writte

156、n in Chinese .been written in Chinese . 4. 4. 在在在在“ “It is + It is + 被强调部分被强调部分被强调部分被强调部分 (主语)(主语)(主语)(主语)+ that/who”+ that/who”结构中,结构中,结构中,结构中,that / who that / who 后的谓语动词须与后的谓语动词须与后的谓语动词须与后的谓语动词须与that / whothat / who前的前的前的前的“ “主语主语主语主语” ”保持保持保持保持一致。一致。一致。一致。 e.g. It is e.g. It is I I who who am am

157、 to go instead of him .to go instead of him .返回返回倒倒 装装 1. 1. 疑问句一般用倒装语序;疑问句一般用倒装语序;疑问句一般用倒装语序;疑问句一般用倒装语序; 2. 2. 感叹句一般不倒装,但有时可采用疑问句形式;感叹句一般不倒装,但有时可采用疑问句形式;感叹句一般不倒装,但有时可采用疑问句形式;感叹句一般不倒装,但有时可采用疑问句形式; e.g. Isnt it beautiful !e.g. Isnt it beautiful ! 3. so, neither/ or 3. so, neither/ or 放在句首,表放在句首,表放在句首

158、,表放在句首,表“ “一致一致一致一致” ”关系时,用倒装;关系时,用倒装;关系时,用倒装;关系时,用倒装; e.g. I like sports and so does my brother .e.g. I like sports and so does my brother . c.f. John won first prize in the contest . So he did . c.f. John won first prize in the contest . So he did . If you dont go there today , neither will I . If

159、 you dont go there today , neither will I . 4. only 4. only 修饰副词、介词短语或从句放句首,用倒装;修饰副词、介词短语或从句放句首,用倒装;修饰副词、介词短语或从句放句首,用倒装;修饰副词、介词短语或从句放句首,用倒装; e.g. Only in this way can you make progress in your English .e.g. Only in this way can you make progress in your English . Only when the war was ended was he a

160、ble to return home . Only when the war was ended was he able to return home . c.f. Only his brother was right . c.f. Only his brother was right . 转下页转下页 5. 5. 否定意义的词否定意义的词否定意义的词否定意义的词( (组组组组) )放在句首时,放在句首时,放在句首时,放在句首时, 用倒装;常见的否定用倒装;常见的否定用倒装;常见的否定用倒装;常见的否定词词词词( (组组组组) )有:有:有:有:never, seldom, hardly, l

161、ittle, nowhere, by no never, seldom, hardly, little, nowhere, by no means , at no time, no sooner , not once, not until , not a means , at no time, no sooner , not once, not until , not a single ,etc.single ,etc. e.g. Never will forget the day when I did such a foolish thing . e.g. Never will forget

162、 the day when I did such a foolish thing . Hardly had he finished the work when it began to rain . Hardly had he finished the work when it began to rain . Little did he care about his own safety , though he was in Little did he care about his own safety , though he was in great danger himself .great

163、 danger himself . 6. So + 6. So + 形容词形容词形容词形容词/ /副词副词副词副词that that 句型中,如果句型中,如果句型中,如果句型中,如果“ “so+so+形容词形容词形容词形容词/ /副词副词副词副词” ”提到句首,则主句需部分倒装,从句不倒装。提到句首,则主句需部分倒装,从句不倒装。提到句首,则主句需部分倒装,从句不倒装。提到句首,则主句需部分倒装,从句不倒装。 e.g. So interested was he in the program that he didnt notice his e.g. So interested was he i

164、n the program that he didnt notice his mother come in .mother come in . So shallow is the lake that no fish can live in it . So shallow is the lake that no fish can live in it .转下页转下页省略省略省略省略if if if if 的虚拟条件句中,须将的虚拟条件句中,须将的虚拟条件句中,须将的虚拟条件句中,须将were, had, shouldwere, had, shouldwere, had, sho

165、uldwere, had, should移移移移到主语前,构成倒装;到主语前,构成倒装;到主语前,构成倒装;到主语前,构成倒装; e.g. Should it rain tomorrow , we would have to put off e.g. Should it rain tomorrow , we would have to put off e.g. Should it rain tomorrow , we would have to put off e.g. Should it rain tomorrow , we would have to put off the visit t

166、o the the visit to the the visit to the the visit to the YangpuYangpuYangpuYangpu Bridge . Bridge . Bridge . Bridge . Were I not engaged in my present work, I would be Were I not engaged in my present work, I would be Were I not engaged in my present work, I would be Were I not engaged in my present

167、 work, I would be quite willing to do what you ask me to do .quite willing to do what you ask me to do .quite willing to do what you ask me to do .quite willing to do what you ask me to do . 8. 8. 8. 8.由由由由as as as as 引出的让步状语从句需用倒装,其句型结构为:引出的让步状语从句需用倒装,其句型结构为:引出的让步状语从句需用倒装,其句型结构为:引出的让步状语从句需用倒装,其句型结构

168、为:形容词形容词形容词形容词/ / / /副词副词副词副词/ / / /名词名词名词名词/ / / /动词原形动词原形动词原形动词原形+ + + +主主主主+ + + +谓谓谓谓 ; e.g. Clever as he is , he doesnt study well .e.g. Clever as he is , he doesnt study well .e.g. Clever as he is , he doesnt study well .e.g. Clever as he is , he doesnt study well . Child as he is , he knows a

169、 lot . Child as he is , he knows a lot . Child as he is , he knows a lot . Child as he is , he knows a lot . 8. 8. 8. 8. 以以以以here, there, then, now, down, up, in, out, here, there, then, now, down, up, in, out, here, there, then, now, down, up, in, out, here, there, then, now, down, up, in, out, bac

170、k, over, away, off back, over, away, off back, over, away, off back, over, away, off 等副词开头的句子要用倒装;等副词开头的句子要用倒装;等副词开头的句子要用倒装;等副词开头的句子要用倒装; e.g. Be quick ! Here comes the bus .e.g. Be quick ! Here comes the bus .e.g. Be quick ! Here comes the bus .e.g. Be quick ! Here comes the bus . 转下页转下页 Out rushed

171、 the children . Away flew the plane .Out rushed the children . Away flew the plane . c.f. c.f. Here we are . Here it is / you are . Here he comes . Here we are . Here it is / you are . Here he comes . 9. 9. 当句首为表地点的介词短语时,也常引起完全倒装;当句首为表地点的介词短语时,也常引起完全倒装;当句首为表地点的介词短语时,也常引起完全倒装;当句首为表地点的介词短语时,也常引起完全倒装;

172、e.g. South of the river lies a small factory .e.g. South of the river lies a small factory . On the wall hang two large portraits . On the wall hang two large portraits . 10. 10. 为避免头重脚轻,保持句子平衡,或为了强调表语或为避免头重脚轻,保持句子平衡,或为了强调表语或为避免头重脚轻,保持句子平衡,或为了强调表语或为避免头重脚轻,保持句子平衡,或为了强调表语或状语,有时也用倒装;状语,有时也用倒装;状语,有时也用倒装

173、;状语,有时也用倒装; e.g. Gone are the days when they could do what they liked to the e.g. Gone are the days when they could do what they liked to the Chinese people .Chinese people . 几个否定词提前的特殊句型:几个否定词提前的特殊句型:转下页转下页 1. not only but also1. not only but also句型中前一个分句用部分倒装,句型中前一个分句用部分倒装,句型中前一个分句用部分倒装,句型中前一个分句用部

174、分倒装,后一个分句不倒装;后一个分句不倒装;后一个分句不倒装;后一个分句不倒装; e.g. Not only does he have to type out the answer on a computer, e.g. Not only does he have to type out the answer on a computer, but he also gets the computer to translate this into sounds .but he also gets the computer to translate this into sounds . 2. Not

175、 Until 2. Not Until句型中前面的从句不倒装,后面的主句应句型中前面的从句不倒装,后面的主句应句型中前面的从句不倒装,后面的主句应句型中前面的从句不倒装,后面的主句应采用部分倒装;采用部分倒装;采用部分倒装;采用部分倒装; e.g. Not until I came back did he leave for work .e.g. Not until I came back did he leave for work . 3. No soonerthan/ Hardlywhen 3. No soonerthan/ Hardlywhen 句型中后面的从句型中后面的从句型中后面的从

176、句型中后面的从句不倒装,前面主句用部分倒装;句不倒装,前面主句用部分倒装;句不倒装,前面主句用部分倒装;句不倒装,前面主句用部分倒装; e.g. No sooner had Black got home than the phone rang .e.g. No sooner had Black got home than the phone rang . 4. Neithernor 4. Neithernor句型中的每个句子均需用倒装。句型中的每个句子均需用倒装。句型中的每个句子均需用倒装。句型中的每个句子均需用倒装。 e.g. Neither did I know this nor did

177、I want to .e.g. Neither did I know this nor did I want to .返回返回省省 略略简单句中的省略简单句中的省略复合句中的省略复合句中的省略返回返回简单句中的省略简单句中的省略 1. 1. 省略主语省略主语省略主语省略主语: : e.g. (You) Be seated , please . e.g. (You) Be seated , please . (I) Thank you for your help . (I) Thank you for your help . (It) Doesnt matter . (It) Doesnt ma

178、tter . 2. 2. 省略主谓语或主谓语的一部分省略主谓语或主谓语的一部分省略主谓语或主谓语的一部分省略主谓语或主谓语的一部分: : e.g. (There is ) No smoking . (You come) This way , please . e.g. (There is ) No smoking . (You come) This way , please . (Is there ) Anything else ? (Will you) Have a smoke ? (Is there ) Anything else ? (Will you) Have a smoke ? W

179、hat (do you think) about a cup of tea ? What (do you think) about a cup of tea ? 3. 3. 省略宾语省略宾语省略宾语省略宾语: : e.g. Do you know Miss Cao ? I dont know (her) . e.g. Do you know Miss Cao ? I dont know (her) . Which of them is the better choice ? Well, its hard to tell (it). Which of them is the better cho

180、ice ? Well, its hard to tell (it). 转转下下页页 4. 4. 省略表语:省略表语:省略表语:省略表语: e.g. Are you thirsty ? Yes , I am (thirsty) .e.g. Are you thirsty ? Yes , I am (thirsty) . His brother is not lazy , nor is his sister (lazy) . His brother is not lazy , nor is his sister (lazy) . 5. 5. 同时省略几个成分:同时省略几个成分:同时省略几个成分:同

181、时省略几个成分: e.g. Are you feeling better now ?e.g. Are you feeling better now ? (I am feeling) Much better (now ). (I am feeling) Much better (now ). Have you finished your work ? Have you finished your work ? (I have ) Not (finished my work ) yet . (I have ) Not (finished my work ) yet . 6. 6. 其他一些省略结构

182、:其他一些省略结构:其他一些省略结构:其他一些省略结构: 1). 1). 名词所有格所修饰的名词,若表示住宅、店铺、教名词所有格所修饰的名词,若表示住宅、店铺、教名词所有格所修饰的名词,若表示住宅、店铺、教名词所有格所修饰的名词,若表示住宅、店铺、教堂或上下文已暗示或明确提出过的事物时,常常可以省略。堂或上下文已暗示或明确提出过的事物时,常常可以省略。堂或上下文已暗示或明确提出过的事物时,常常可以省略。堂或上下文已暗示或明确提出过的事物时,常常可以省略。 转下页转下页 e.g. We spent the weekend at the Blacks .e.g. We spent the week

183、end at the Blacks . 2). what 2). what 和和和和 how how 引导的感叹句中,常可省略主语引导的感叹句中,常可省略主语引导的感叹句中,常可省略主语引导的感叹句中,常可省略主语 it it 和和和和 be be 动词:动词:动词:动词: e.g. What a wonderful victory (it is) for Wilma !e.g. What a wonderful victory (it is) for Wilma ! 3). 3). 不定式中的省略:不定式中的省略:不定式中的省略:不定式中的省略: A. A. 不定式中的动词通常省略,只保留不

184、定式符号不定式中的动词通常省略,只保留不定式符号不定式中的动词通常省略,只保留不定式符号不定式中的动词通常省略,只保留不定式符号to, to, ( (否定式用否定式用否定式用否定式用 not to);not to); e.g. I asked him to see the film , but he didnt want to . e.g. I asked him to see the film , but he didnt want to . Shall I go instead of him ? I prefer not to . Shall I go instead of him ? I

185、 prefer not to . B. B. 如果不定式中含有如果不定式中含有如果不定式中含有如果不定式中含有be, have (+ be, have (+ 过去分词过去分词过去分词过去分词) , ) , 通常通常通常通常 保留保留保留保留 be , have ; be , have ; e.g. Are you a sailor ? No, but I used to be . e.g. Are you a sailor ? No, but I used to be .转转下下页页 Hasnt he finished yet ? Well, he ought to have .Hasnt h

186、e finished yet ? Well, he ought to have . C. C. 不定式符号不定式符号不定式符号不定式符号 to to 在在在在“ “使让动词使让动词使让动词使让动词” ”、“ “感官动词感官动词感官动词感官动词” ”, help , help 等后通常省略,但如果用的是被动词语态,则不能省略;等后通常省略,但如果用的是被动词语态,则不能省略;等后通常省略,但如果用的是被动词语态,则不能省略;等后通常省略,但如果用的是被动词语态,则不能省略; e.g. We heard him play the guitar in his room .e.g. We heard

187、him play the guitar in his room . He was heard to play the guitar in his room . He was heard to play the guitar in his room . D. D. 在介词在介词在介词在介词but, except but, except 等前若有实义动词,其后的不定式等前若有实义动词,其后的不定式等前若有实义动词,其后的不定式等前若有实义动词,其后的不定式省略省略省略省略 to ;to ; e.g. He did nothing but write a letter last night . e.

188、g. He did nothing but write a letter last night . c.f. He desired nothing but to succeed . c.f. He desired nothing but to succeed . E. E. 在在在在 help help 后后后后 to to 可省可不省。可省可不省。可省可不省。可省可不省。 e.g. Can I help (to) carry it for you ?e.g. Can I help (to) carry it for you ? c.f. The dictionary can help you

189、 to improve your English . c.f. The dictionary can help you to improve your English . 返返回回复合句中的省略复合句中的省略 1. 1. 定语从句中作宾语的关系代词定语从句中作宾语的关系代词定语从句中作宾语的关系代词定语从句中作宾语的关系代词that, which, whomthat, which, whom常可以常可以常可以常可以省略;当先行词是省略;当先行词是省略;当先行词是省略;当先行词是time, reason, placetime, reason, place时作状语的关系副词时作状语的关系副词时作状

190、语的关系副词时作状语的关系副词when, why, wherewhen, why, where有时也可省略;有时也可省略;有时也可省略;有时也可省略; e.g. This is the first time (when) he had trouble with the boss .e.g. This is the first time (when) he had trouble with the boss . 2. 2. 当当当当 whwh- - 疑问词引导宾语从句且后边的内容与前边重复疑问词引导宾语从句且后边的内容与前边重复疑问词引导宾语从句且后边的内容与前边重复疑问词引导宾语从句且后边的内

191、容与前边重复时,可以省略重复的内容,而只保留时,可以省略重复的内容,而只保留时,可以省略重复的内容,而只保留时,可以省略重复的内容,而只保留 whwh- - 疑问词;疑问词;疑问词;疑问词; e.g. Tom was sad , but I dont know why (he was sad ).e.g. Tom was sad , but I dont know why (he was sad ). 3. 3. 在时间、地点、让步、方式、条件等状语从句中,如在时间、地点、让步、方式、条件等状语从句中,如在时间、地点、让步、方式、条件等状语从句中,如在时间、地点、让步、方式、条件等状语从句中,

192、如果主语与主句主语一致,或主语为果主语与主句主语一致,或主语为果主语与主句主语一致,或主语为果主语与主句主语一致,或主语为 it , it , 则动词则动词则动词则动词 be be 及其主及其主及其主及其主语通常可省略。语通常可省略。语通常可省略。语通常可省略。 e.g. Once (he was) a teacher , he now works in a government office.e.g. Once (he was) a teacher , he now works in a government office. Work hard when (you are) young, o

193、r youll regret . Work hard when (you are) young, or youll regret .转下页转下页 He looked everything as if (he was) in search of something .He looked everything as if (he was) in search of something . While (I was) walking along the street, I heard my name called . While (I was) walking along the street, I

194、 heard my name called . The exhibition is more interesting than (it was) expected . The exhibition is more interesting than (it was) expected . He opened his lips as is (he were) to speak . He opened his lips as is (he were) to speak . c.f. Her father told her to be careful when (she was) crossing t

195、he c.f. Her father told her to be careful when (she was) crossing the street . (street . (从句的主语和主句的宾语一致,但不会引起歧义。从句的主语和主句的宾语一致,但不会引起歧义。从句的主语和主句的宾语一致,但不会引起歧义。从句的主语和主句的宾语一致,但不会引起歧义。) ) 4. 4. 有时我们可用有时我们可用有时我们可用有时我们可用 so so 或或或或 not not 代替上文内容,这时可有代替上文内容,这时可有代替上文内容,这时可有代替上文内容,这时可有 if + if + so / not so /

196、 not 省略句式。省略句式。省略句式。省略句式。 e.g. Get up early tomorrow . If not ,youll miss the first bus .e.g. Get up early tomorrow . If not ,youll miss the first bus . He may not be at home then, if so , leave him a note . He may not be at home then, if so , leave him a note .返回返回替替 代代 1. so 1. so 和和和和 not not 作替代

197、词,代替被省略的某个词、词组或句作替代词,代替被省略的某个词、词组或句作替代词,代替被省略的某个词、词组或句作替代词,代替被省略的某个词、词组或句子,一般同表示个人看法或想法的动词连用,作子,一般同表示个人看法或想法的动词连用,作子,一般同表示个人看法或想法的动词连用,作子,一般同表示个人看法或想法的动词连用,作 be afraid be afraid , believe, become , call, do, expect, fear, hear , hope, , believe, become , call, do, expect, fear, hear , hope, imagine,

198、 say, see, speak, suppose, think imagine, say, see, speak, suppose, think 等的宾语。等的宾语。等的宾语。等的宾语。not not 代代代代替否定的句子,还可放在替否定的句子,还可放在替否定的句子,还可放在替否定的句子,还可放在perhaps ,probablyperhaps ,probably等副词之后。等副词之后。等副词之后。等副词之后。 e.g. She was not angry at first, but became so after a while .e.g. She was not angry at fir

199、st, but became so after a while . Is he the best student in the class ? Is he the best student in the class ? I think so . / I think not . / I dont think so . I think so . / I think not . / I dont think so . 2. 2. 替代的应用:替代的应用:替代的应用:替代的应用: 1). so 1). so 可以放在句首或句尾,但若动词为可以放在句首或句尾,但若动词为可以放在句首或句尾,但若动词为可以

200、放在句首或句尾,但若动词为 see, notice, see, notice, hearhear等,则只能放在句首。等,则只能放在句首。等,则只能放在句首。等,则只能放在句首。 e.g. He is absent today . So I see (notice, hear) .e.g. He is absent today . So I see (notice, hear) .转转下下页页I believe (say, think,)so .=So I believe (say, think,).I believe (say, think,)so .=So I believe (say, t

201、hink,).I believe (say, think,)so .=So I believe (say, think,).I believe (say, think,)so .=So I believe (say, think,). 2). 2). 2). 2). 在表示不肯定或怀疑意义的句子中不用在表示不肯定或怀疑意义的句子中不用在表示不肯定或怀疑意义的句子中不用在表示不肯定或怀疑意义的句子中不用 so ;so ;so ;so ;如:如:如:如: 误:误:误:误: I doubt so. I doubt so. I doubt so. I doubt so. 正:正:正:正: I doub

202、t it .I doubt it .I doubt it .I doubt it . 3). 3). 3). 3).在在在在 ask ask ask ask 和和和和 know know know know 后也不用后也不用后也不用后也不用 so ; so ; so ; so ; 如:如:如:如: 误:误:误:误: Why do you ask so ? Why do you ask so ? Why do you ask so ? Why do you ask so ? 正:正:正:正:Why do you ask that ?Why do you ask that ?Why do you

203、ask that ?Why do you ask that ? 4).do so 4).do so 4).do so 4).do so 一般只用来替代动态动词,不替代静态动词。一般只用来替代动态动词,不替代静态动词。一般只用来替代动态动词,不替代静态动词。一般只用来替代动态动词,不替代静态动词。 e.g. She said she would go with me, but she didnt do so e.g. She said she would go with me, but she didnt do so e.g. She said she would go with me, but

204、 she didnt do so e.g. She said she would go with me, but she didnt do so . . . . Alice feels better today. Alice feels better today. Alice feels better today. Alice feels better today. I think she does . / So she does . I think she does . / So she does . I think she does . / So she does . I think sh

205、e does . / So she does . 但不可说:但不可说:但不可说:但不可说: I think she does so .I think she does so .I think she does so .I think she does so .返回返回常用句型常用句型 1. “It” 1. “It” 句型:句型:句型:句型: 1). It is +adj. / n. + to do / that .1). It is +adj. / n. + to do / that . 2). 2). 主主主主+ +动动动动+ it + adj. / n. + to do / that .+

206、 it + adj. / n. + to do / that . 3). It is / was + 3). It is / was + 被强调部分被强调部分被强调部分被强调部分+ that / who .+ that / who . 4). It is / will be / was (not) before . 4). It is / will be / was (not) before . 5). It is / has been since . 5). It is / has been since . 6). It is no use / good + - 6). It is no u

207、se / good + -inging . . c.f. There is no need to do / for doing . c.f. There is no need to do / for doing . 转下页转下页 2. Thats because .2. Thats because . Thats why. . Thats why. . Thats how / Thats how / whwh- .- . 3. “ 3. “一致一致一致一致” ”句型:句型:句型:句型: 1). So / Neither / Nor + be / do / have / can + 1). So

208、 / Neither / Nor + be / do / have / can + 主主主主 。 2). So it is (the same) with .2). So it is (the same) with . 4. 4. 祈使句祈使句祈使句祈使句 + and / or + + and / or + 陈述句陈述句陈述句陈述句 。 5. “5. “似乎、好像似乎、好像似乎、好像似乎、好像” ”句型:句型:句型:句型: It seems / appears that . It seems / appears that . It looks as if / though . It looks

209、 as if / though .返回返回十大词类:十大词类:名词名词冠词冠词代词代词动词动词形容词形容词/副词副词数词数词连词连词介词介词感叹词感叹词返回返回名名 词词意义与分类意义与分类句法功能句法功能高考考点高考考点返回返回意义与分类意义与分类 一、意义一、意义一、意义一、意义:名词:名词:名词:名词(noun. / n. )(noun. / n. ):表示人或事物的名称。表示人或事物的名称。表示人或事物的名称。表示人或事物的名称。 e.g. basket , mouth , year , Tom , etc. e.g. basket , mouth , year , Tom , etc

210、. 二、分类二、分类二、分类二、分类:个体名词个体名词集体名词集体名词物质名词物质名词抽象名词抽象名词普通名词普通名词专有专有名词名词基本专有名词基本专有名词基本专有名词基本专有名词由普通名词构成的专有名词由普通名词构成的专有名词由普通名词构成的专有名词由普通名词构成的专有名词一般可数一般可数一般可数一般可数一般不可数一般不可数一般不可数一般不可数返回返回句法功能句法功能 1、主语:、主语: These ideas may seem strange to you . 2、表语:、表语: Both of them are doctors . 3、宾语:、宾语:We love our great

211、motherland . 4、宾语补足语:、宾语补足语:We elected him monitor of our class . 5、同位语:、同位语:This is Mr. Black, our department manager . 6、定语:、定语: 1). 名词所有格:名词所有格:Jacks pen 2). of + 名词短语:名词短语:a map of China 3). 双重所有格:双重所有格:a friend of mine / my fathers 4). 名词通格作定语:名词通格作定语:a). paper money / tiger b). coffee cup c).

212、country music / shoe shop welcome party 注意注意:sports meet / sales department 返返回回高考考点高考考点名词的数名词的数名词的格名词的格返回返回名词的数名词的数个体名词的数个体名词的数集体名词的数集体名词的数物质名词的数物质名词的数抽象名词的数抽象名词的数专有名词的数专有名词的数返回返回个体名词的数个体名词的数 1 1、个体名词的规则复数形式:、个体名词的规则复数形式: 1). book , bag , bee , place 1). book , bag , bee , place 2). gas , box , chu

213、rch 2). gas , box , church ,dish dish 3). party , lady 3). party , ladyboy , playboy , play 4). zoo , photo potato , tomato , hero 4). zoo , photo potato , tomato , hero 5). serf, chief, handkerchief, belief , proof, roof, 5). serf, chief, handkerchief, belief , proof, roof, cliff, gulf , etc. cliff

214、, gulf , etc. thief, wife, life ,knife, leaf, wolf, shelf, loaf ,etc. thief, wife, life ,knife, leaf, wolf, shelf, loaf ,etc. 2 2、不规则复数形式:、不规则复数形式: 1). foot tooth man woman mouse1). foot tooth man woman mouse 2). child ox 2). child ox 3). sheep deer fish Chinese 3). sheep deer fish Chinese( -s )( -e

215、s )( yies )( -s )( -s )( -es )( -s )( f/feves )feetteethmenwomenmicechildrenoxen(单复数同形)(单复数同形) 返回返回集体名词的数集体名词的数 1. 1. 一些表示一些表示无生命无生命物的集体名词通常做物的集体名词通常做 用;用; e.g. New machinery e.g. New machinery introduced in this factory .introduced in this factory . 2. 2. 某些表示某些表示有生命有生命物的集体名词在句中通常作物的集体名词在句中通常作 用;用;

216、 e.g. His cattle e.g. His cattle still lean . still lean . The police The police investigating the crime . investigating the crime . 3. 3. 某些表示有生命物的集体名词,如被看作一个某些表示有生命物的集体名词,如被看作一个集体集体,就作就作单数单数用;如被看作组成该集体的用;如被看作组成该集体的成员成员,则作,则作复数复数用。用。 e.g. The class e.g. The class hashas been reorganized . been reor

217、ganized . The class The class werewere taking notes in English . taking notes in English . 4. 4. 某些球队、俱乐部、航空公司、企业等带有集体意某些球队、俱乐部、航空公司、企业等带有集体意义的专有名称,通常作复数用,义的专有名称,通常作复数用, e.g. England e.g. England havehave lost all their football matches this lost all their football matches this season. season. The B

218、ritish Airways The British Airways areare being modernized . being modernized . 单数单数was复数复数wereare返回返回物质名词的数物质名词的数 1. 1. 物质名词一般是不可数名词,没有复数形式,也不可物质名词一般是不可数名词,没有复数形式,也不可与冠词连用;与冠词连用; 2. 2. 有些物质名词有时也可用复数形式,但表示不同的意有些物质名词有时也可用复数形式,但表示不同的意义:义: 1). 1). 表示不同的种类表示不同的种类 e.g. teas , silks , foods, etc.e.g. teas

219、 , silks , foods, etc. 2). 2). 表示比原义范围更加广阔的意义;有时甚至表示表示比原义范围更加广阔的意义;有时甚至表示完全不同的意义完全不同的意义 e.g. The children are playing on the sands . e.g. The children are playing on the sands . They were not allowed to fish in Icelandic waters . They were not allowed to fish in Icelandic waters . 3). 3).某些表示饮料名称的名词

220、往往某些表示饮料名称的名词往往以复数形式代替单以复数形式代替单位词位词 e.g. Send two coffees and three lemonades to the room . e.g. Send two coffees and three lemonades to the room . 3. 3. 某些物质名词可与不定冠词连用,表示某些物质名词可与不定冠词连用,表示“一阵、一场一阵、一场”等意义等意义 e.g. What a heavy rain !e.g. What a heavy rain !返回返回 抽象名词的数抽象名词的数 抽象名词有的是不可数的,抽象名词有的是不可数的, 没有

221、复数形式;有的是没有复数形式;有的是可数的,有复数形式;有的既可作可数名词,也可作不可可数的,有复数形式;有的既可作可数名词,也可作不可数名词。数名词。 1. 1. 许多抽象名词是不可数的许多抽象名词是不可数的 e.g. His honesty is not to be questioned .e.g. His honesty is not to be questioned . Im taking some work home to do this evening . Im taking some work home to do this evening . 2. 2. 有一些抽象名词是可数名

222、词,它们不仅有复数形式,有一些抽象名词是可数名词,它们不仅有复数形式,而且可与不定冠词连用(而且可与不定冠词连用(meeting , opinion , mistake, meeting , opinion , mistake, talk , etc.talk , etc.) e.g. There was a knock at the door , then a second .e.g. There was a knock at the door , then a second . At midnight he heard three knocks at the back door . At

223、midnight he heard three knocks at the back door . 转转下下页页3. 3. 有些抽象名词既可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数有些抽象名词既可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词,当它们用作可数名词或以复数形式出现时往往意名词,当它们用作可数名词或以复数形式出现时往往意义不同。义不同。 e.g. He is a teacher of 5 years experience .e.g. He is a teacher of 5 years experience .(经验)(经验) Our journey by camel was quite an experi

224、ence Our journey by camel was quite an experience . .(经历)(经历) 注意下列词的复数形式的意义:注意下列词的复数形式的意义:注意下列词的复数形式的意义:注意下列词的复数形式的意义: papers , manners, goods, glasses, looks, conditions, times, sands, papers , manners, goods, glasses, looks, conditions, times, sands, arms, forces, lines, etc.arms, forces, lines, e

225、tc. take pains , give regards to, make preparations , be in high take pains , give regards to, make preparations , be in high spirits (spirits (情绪高涨情绪高涨情绪高涨情绪高涨), give respect to ( ), give respect to ( 致以敬意致以敬意致以敬意致以敬意) , etc. ) , etc. 返回返回专有名词的数专有名词的数 一般说来,一般说来, 专有名词也是不可数的,没有复数形专有名词也是不可数的,没有复数形式,但有

226、时可类似或接近普通名词,以复数形式出现。式,但有时可类似或接近普通名词,以复数形式出现。 1. 1. 表示某姓的一家人或夫妇俩;表示某姓的一家人或夫妇俩; e.g. Are the Smiths coming to our party tomorrow night ?e.g. Are the Smiths coming to our party tomorrow night ? 2. 2. 表示同姓或同名的若干人;表示同姓或同名的若干人; e.g. There are two Marys and three Roberts in his class . e.g. There are two M

227、arys and three Roberts in his class . 3. 3. 专有名词前有时可用不定冠词表示专有名词前有时可用不定冠词表示“某一某一”、“类似类似的一个的一个”,或某一件作品、产品。,或某一件作品、产品。 e.g. A Mr. Black is asking for you .e.g. A Mr. Black is asking for you . Your son is an Edison . He likes to invent things . Your son is an Edison . He likes to invent things . 4. 4. 专

228、有名词前可用定冠词表示特指或强调。专有名词前可用定冠词表示特指或强调。 e.g. He is the Smith I saw yesterday . e.g. He is the Smith I saw yesterday . the China of the past the China of the past 返回返回名词的格名词的格一、一、s s 格与格与 of of 格:格: 1. 1. 一般说来,一般说来,s s 格较多用于表示格较多用于表示有生命物有生命物的名词,而的名词,而ofof 格则格则用于表示无生命物和低等动物的名词。用于表示无生命物和低等动物的名词。 2. 2. ss 格

229、也用于下列表示无生命物的名词:格也用于下列表示无生命物的名词: 1). 1). 用于表示用于表示 地理、国家、城市、地域等名称的名词:地理、国家、城市、地域等名称的名词: e.g. the worlds population Europes futuree.g. the worlds population Europes future 2). 2). 用于表示天体名称的名词:用于表示天体名称的名词: e.g. the earths surface the moons orbite.g. the earths surface the moons orbit 3). 3). 用于表示时间的名词:用

230、于表示时间的名词: e.g. todays / yesterdays newspaper an hours e.g. todays / yesterdays newspaper an hours drivedrive 4). 4). 用于表示度量及价值的名词:用于表示度量及价值的名词: e.g. a pounds weight a hundred meters distance e.g. a pounds weight a hundred meters distance 转下页转下页二、二、s s 格后名词的省略:格后名词的省略: 在表示店铺或教堂的名字或某人的家时,在表示店铺或教堂的名字或某

231、人的家时,s s 格后面常常省略格后面常常省略它所修饰的名词。它所修饰的名词。 e.g. the barbers / tailors my uncles e.g. the barbers / tailors my uncles 三、名词的通格作定语:三、名词的通格作定语:名词作定语可表示后一名词的处所、地点、用途、功能、材料、物名词作定语可表示后一名词的处所、地点、用途、功能、材料、物质、类别、容器的功用、时间等质、类别、容器的功用、时间等。 e.g. a coffee cup a paper tiger a boy friend 但但:men teachers mens shoes chil

232、drens stories四、双重属格:四、双重属格: 1. a + N + of + s / mine = one of + Ns e.g. He is a friend of my fathers . 2. this / that + N + of + s / mine ( 带有感情色彩带有感情色彩 ) e.g. that clever son of his sisters返回返回冠冠 词词 不定冠词不定冠词定冠词定冠词零冠词零冠词其他其他返回返回不定冠词不定冠词基本用法基本用法 1 1 1 1、泛指人、事或物的类别;、泛指人、事或物的类别;、泛指人、事或物的类别;、泛指人、事或物的类别;

233、a horsea horsea horsea horse 2 2 2 2、泛指某人或某事物;泛指某人或某事物;泛指某人或某事物;泛指某人或某事物; an old manan old manan old manan old man 3 3 3 3、表示表示表示表示 one one one one 或或或或 every every every every ,但概念上没有它们那样强烈;但概念上没有它们那样强烈;但概念上没有它们那样强烈;但概念上没有它们那样强烈;如:如:如:如: Every elephant has a long nose .Every elephant has a long nos

234、e .Every elephant has a long nose .Every elephant has a long nose . 4 4 4 4、用于某些固定搭配中;用于某些固定搭配中;用于某些固定搭配中;用于某些固定搭配中; a few , a bit , a lot of, a few , a bit , a lot of, a few , a bit , a lot of, a few , a bit , a lot of, in a hurry, at a time , many a , all of a suddenin a hurry, at a time , many a

235、, all of a suddenin a hurry, at a time , many a , all of a suddenin a hurry, at a time , many a , all of a sudden 5 5 5 5、用在某些抽象名词前,表示用在某些抽象名词前,表示用在某些抽象名词前,表示用在某些抽象名词前,表示“一种,一类,一份,一一种,一类,一份,一一种,一类,一份,一一种,一类,一份,一场,一阵场,一阵场,一阵场,一阵” She was caught in a heavy rain .” She was caught in a heavy rain .” She

236、 was caught in a heavy rain .” She was caught in a heavy rain .转下页转下页 6 6 6 6、在表示在表示价格、速度、比率价格、速度、比率等名词前表示等名词前表示“每每( (个个)”)”; e.g.The train is running at 50 miles an hour .e.g.The train is running at 50 miles an hour . 7 7、表示表示“相同尺寸、年龄相同尺寸、年龄”等;等; e.g. They are of an age . e.g. They are of an age .

237、The two rooms are of a size. The two rooms are of a size. 注意:注意:at a time at one time one stormy night on a stormy night返回返回定冠词定冠词 1 1、特指用法;特指的几种情况有:、特指用法;特指的几种情况有: 1 1). . 前指特指前指特指:用于表示上文提及的人或物;:用于表示上文提及的人或物; 2 2). . 后指特指后指特指: 此特指取决于跟在名词中心词之后的此特指取决于跟在名词中心词之后的限制性后置修饰语;限制性后置修饰语; 3 3). . 语境特指语境特指:此用法并

238、不取决于上下文,而是完全:此用法并不取决于上下文,而是完全取决于语境;取决于语境; Close the door , please .Close the door , please . 4 4). . 逻辑特指逻辑特指:此用法主要用在形容词最高级之前,:此用法主要用在形容词最高级之前,也可用于比较级之前,或与也可用于比较级之前,或与 first , last , very , first , last , very , same , only same , only 等词连用;等词连用; 5 5). . 对人体部位的特指:对人体部位的特指: V + sb + by / in / on V +

239、sb + by / in / on + the + + the + 部位名词部位名词转下页转下页 2 2 2 2、用在单数可数名词前,表示某一类人或物;、用在单数可数名词前,表示某一类人或物;、用在单数可数名词前,表示某一类人或物;、用在单数可数名词前,表示某一类人或物; 如:如:如:如:The horse is a useful animal .The horse is a useful animal .The horse is a useful animal .The horse is a useful animal . 3 3 3 3、用于表示世界上独一无二的事物的名词前;用于表示世界上

240、独一无二的事物的名词前;用于表示世界上独一无二的事物的名词前;用于表示世界上独一无二的事物的名词前; 如:如:如:如:the sun / moon ,etc.the sun / moon ,etc.the sun / moon ,etc.the sun / moon ,etc. 4 4 4 4、用于表示方位的名词前;如:用于表示方位的名词前;如:用于表示方位的名词前;如:用于表示方位的名词前;如: the east / souththe east / souththe east / souththe east / south 5 5 5 5、用于序数词或形容词的最高级之前,以及对两人或物用于序

241、数词或形容词的最高级之前,以及对两人或物用于序数词或形容词的最高级之前,以及对两人或物用于序数词或形容词的最高级之前,以及对两人或物进行比较时起特定作用的比较级前;如:进行比较时起特定作用的比较级前;如:进行比较时起特定作用的比较级前;如:进行比较时起特定作用的比较级前;如:the first , the first , the first , the first , the tallest , the taller of the twothe tallest , the taller of the twothe tallest , the taller of the twothe talle

242、st , the taller of the two 6 6 6 6、用于形容词或过去分词之前,使其名词化,表示一用于形容词或过去分词之前,使其名词化,表示一用于形容词或过去分词之前,使其名词化,表示一用于形容词或过去分词之前,使其名词化,表示一 类人;类人;类人;类人; 如:如:如:如: the rich , the sick , the woundedthe rich , the sick , the woundedthe rich , the sick , the woundedthe rich , the sick , the wounded 7 7 7 7、用于复数姓氏之前,表示用于

243、复数姓氏之前,表示用于复数姓氏之前,表示用于复数姓氏之前,表示“夫妇夫妇夫妇夫妇”或或或或“全家全家全家全家”;转转下下页页 8 8 8 8、用于由普通名词构成的专有名词前,表示国家、党派、用于由普通名词构成的专有名词前,表示国家、党派、用于由普通名词构成的专有名词前,表示国家、党派、用于由普通名词构成的专有名词前,表示国家、党派、组织机构、报刊、条约、朝代、江、湖、河、海、山川、组织机构、报刊、条约、朝代、江、湖、河、海、山川、组织机构、报刊、条约、朝代、江、湖、河、海、山川、组织机构、报刊、条约、朝代、江、湖、河、海、山川、群岛等;如:群岛等;如:群岛等;如:群岛等;如:the Yello

244、w River, the Tang Dynasty the Yellow River, the Tang Dynasty the Yellow River, the Tang Dynasty the Yellow River, the Tang Dynasty 9 9 9 9、用于演奏的乐器前;如:用于演奏的乐器前;如:用于演奏的乐器前;如:用于演奏的乐器前;如:the piano / violinthe piano / violinthe piano / violinthe piano / violin 10 10 10 10、用于世纪的某个年代前;如:用于世纪的某个年代前;如:用于世纪的某

245、个年代前;如:用于世纪的某个年代前;如:in the 1990sin the 1990sin the 1990sin the 1990s 11 11 11 11、用于发明物的单数名词前;如:用于发明物的单数名词前;如:用于发明物的单数名词前;如:用于发明物的单数名词前;如:the telephonethe telephonethe telephonethe telephone 12 12 12 12、用于某些表示国家和民族的形容词前,泛指全体,用于某些表示国家和民族的形容词前,泛指全体,用于某些表示国家和民族的形容词前,泛指全体,用于某些表示国家和民族的形容词前,泛指全体,这些词常以这些词常以

246、这些词常以这些词常以- - - -sh,-ch,-esesh,-ch,-esesh,-ch,-esesh,-ch,-ese 结尾;如:结尾;如:结尾;如:结尾;如:the Englishthe Englishthe Englishthe English 13 13 13 13、用于表示数量的名词前;如:用于表示数量的名词前;如:用于表示数量的名词前;如:用于表示数量的名词前;如:by the hour / dozenby the hour / dozenby the hour / dozenby the hour / dozen 14 14 14 14、用于某些习惯用语中。如:用于某些习惯用语

247、中。如:用于某些习惯用语中。如:用于某些习惯用语中。如:on the other hand, in on the other hand, in on the other hand, in on the other hand, in the end, in the daytime ,etc.the end, in the daytime ,etc.the end, in the daytime ,etc.the end, in the daytime ,etc.返回返回零冠词零冠词 在下列情况下通常不用冠词:在下列情况下通常不用冠词: 1 1、不可数名词、不可数名词( (物质名词、抽象名词物质名

248、词、抽象名词) )前;如:前;如: Knowledge begins with practice .Knowledge begins with practice .但这些词被限定时,要用定冠词;当表示个体事物或但这些词被限定时,要用定冠词;当表示个体事物或“一一种、一场、一份种、一场、一份”等意思时,前面加不定冠词;如:等意思时,前面加不定冠词;如:The milk in the bottle has gone bad.The milk in the bottle has gone bad. Do you want a coffee ? Do you want a coffee ? 2 2、表

249、示总称的复数名词前;如:、表示总称的复数名词前;如:Children love games.Children love games. 3 3、表示语言的名词前;如:、表示语言的名词前;如: We study English .We study English . ( (注意:注意:the English language )the English language ) 4 4、可数名词前有物主代词、指示代词、不定代词、名词、可数名词前有物主代词、指示代词、不定代词、名词所有格等修饰限定时;如:所有格等修饰限定时;如:This book is very cheap.This book is ve

250、ry cheap.转下页转下页 5 5 5 5、不含普通名词的专有名词前;如:、不含普通名词的专有名词前;如:、不含普通名词的专有名词前;如:、不含普通名词的专有名词前;如:China , Mary China , Mary China , Mary China , Mary 但有限制性、描绘性定语修饰时,可用定冠词;当表示但有限制性、描绘性定语修饰时,可用定冠词;当表示但有限制性、描绘性定语修饰时,可用定冠词;当表示但有限制性、描绘性定语修饰时,可用定冠词;当表示“像像像像那样的人或事物那样的人或事物那样的人或事物那样的人或事物”、“一个名叫一个名叫一个名叫一个名叫的人的人的人的人”时,用时

251、,用时,用时,用不定冠词。如:不定冠词。如:不定冠词。如:不定冠词。如:He wishes to be an Edison. He wishes to be an Edison. He wishes to be an Edison. He wishes to be an Edison. The England of those years was an England in The England of those years was an England in The England of those years was an England in The England of those

252、years was an England in turmoil(turmoil(turmoil(turmoil(动乱动乱动乱动乱).).).). 6 6 6 6、季节、月份、星期、节假日前一般不用冠词;如:、季节、月份、星期、节假日前一般不用冠词;如:、季节、月份、星期、节假日前一般不用冠词;如:、季节、月份、星期、节假日前一般不用冠词;如:spring, June, Monday, New Years Day spring, June, Monday, New Years Day spring, June, Monday, New Years Day spring, June, Monday

253、, New Years Day 但季节等限定性定语修饰时用定冠词;星期前加不定冠词但季节等限定性定语修饰时用定冠词;星期前加不定冠词但季节等限定性定语修饰时用定冠词;星期前加不定冠词但季节等限定性定语修饰时用定冠词;星期前加不定冠词表示表示表示表示“某一个某一个某一个某一个”;中国民间传统节日前常加定冠词。;中国民间传统节日前常加定冠词。;中国民间传统节日前常加定冠词。;中国民间传统节日前常加定冠词。如:如:如:如: in the spring of 1992 a Thursday in in the spring of 1992 a Thursday in in the spring of

254、1992 a Thursday in in the spring of 1992 a Thursday in September the Spring Festival September the Spring Festival September the Spring Festival September the Spring Festival 7 7 7 7、一日三餐前通常不用冠词,但前面有描绘性形容词等一日三餐前通常不用冠词,但前面有描绘性形容词等一日三餐前通常不用冠词,但前面有描绘性形容词等一日三餐前通常不用冠词,但前面有描绘性形容词等修饰时,加不定冠词;如:修饰时,加不定冠词;如:修

255、饰时,加不定冠词;如:修饰时,加不定冠词;如:转下页转下页 What did you have for breakfast ? What did you have for breakfast ? What did you have for breakfast ? What did you have for breakfast ? He had a wonderful supper .He had a wonderful supper .He had a wonderful supper .He had a wonderful supper . 8 8 8 8、学科、球类和棋类运动的名称之前;学

256、科、球类和棋类运动的名称之前;学科、球类和棋类运动的名称之前;学科、球类和棋类运动的名称之前; Do you like mathematics ?Do you like mathematics ?Do you like mathematics ?Do you like mathematics ? 9 9 9 9、称呼语及表示独一无二的头衔、职务的名词作表语、称呼语及表示独一无二的头衔、职务的名词作表语、称呼语及表示独一无二的头衔、职务的名词作表语、称呼语及表示独一无二的头衔、职务的名词作表语、主语补足语、宾语补足语及同位语等通常不用冠词;如:主语补足语、宾语补足语及同位语等通常不用冠词;如:主

257、语补足语、宾语补足语及同位语等通常不用冠词;如:主语补足语、宾语补足语及同位语等通常不用冠词;如:In 1860,Lincoln was elected president of USA.In 1860,Lincoln was elected president of USA.In 1860,Lincoln was elected president of USA.In 1860,Lincoln was elected president of USA. 10 10 10 10、当、当、当、当bike, car bike, car bike, car bike, car 等与介词等与介词等与介

258、词等与介词by by by by 连用时,表示一种交通手连用时,表示一种交通手连用时,表示一种交通手连用时,表示一种交通手段时;如:段时;如:段时;如:段时;如: by bike / car/ taxi by bike / car/ taxi by bike / car/ taxi by bike / car/ taxi 11 11 11 11、turn turn turn turn 后面的名词不用冠词;后面的名词不用冠词;后面的名词不用冠词;后面的名词不用冠词; Later he turned writer .Later he turned writer .Later he turned w

259、riter .Later he turned writer . 12 12 12 12、man man man man 作作作作“人类人类人类人类”讲时,同讲时,同讲时,同讲时,同human, mankind human, mankind human, mankind human, mankind 一样,一样,一样,一样, 不用冠词;不用冠词;不用冠词;不用冠词;转转下下页页 1313、在、在kind of kind of 或或kinds of kinds of 等结构中,后面的名词一般等结构中,后面的名词一般不用加冠词;如:不用加冠词;如: He likes three kinds of H

260、e likes three kinds of book(s).book(s). 14 14、在以、在以“普通名词或形容词最高级普通名词或形容词最高级+as/though”+as/though”开始开始的让步状语从句中,前面不用冠词;如:的让步状语从句中,前面不用冠词;如: Child as he is , he knows a lot . Child as he is , he knows a lot . Shortest though he is , he runs fastest in our Shortest though he is , he runs fastest in our c

261、lass.class. 15 15、在某些独立主格结构中不用冠词;如:、在某些独立主格结构中不用冠词;如: He went into the forest, gun in hand . He went into the forest, gun in hand . ie. He went into the forest, with a gun in his ie. He went into the forest, with a gun in his hand .hand . 16 16、某些成双成对出现的名词词组里,一般不用冠词;、某些成双成对出现的名词词组里,一般不用冠词;如:如:arm in

262、 arm, day and night , side by sidearm in arm, day and night , side by side 17 17、某些固定词组中,不用冠词;如:、某些固定词组中,不用冠词;如: at night, in fact, on foot, in townat night, in fact, on foot, in town返回返回冠词的位置冠词的位置 冠词一般放在名词之前,名词之前若有形容词,冠词一般放在名词之前,名词之前若有形容词,冠词放在形容词之前。但是,下列句型例外:冠词放在形容词之前。但是,下列句型例外: 1、冠词放在、冠词放在quite,wh

263、at,such,many之后;之后; 如:如: such a book, many a book 2、so/as/too/how+形容词形容词+a(an) +名词;如:名词;如: Its too difficult a book for us . 3、all, both 放在放在 the 之前;如:之前;如:all the pictures 4、 half 可放在冠词之前,也可放在冠词之后;如:可放在冠词之前,也可放在冠词之后;如: half an hour = a half hour 5、rather 可位于冠词前或后;如:可位于冠词前或后;如: a rather nice coat, ra

264、ther a busy afternoon转下页转下页有无冠词含义不同有无冠词含义不同 go to school go to school go to the school go to the school in hospital in hospital in the hospital in the hospital in charge of in charge of in the charge of in the charge of take place take place take the place of take the place of in front of in front o

265、f in the front of in the front of out of question (=no problem) out of question (=no problem) out of the question (=impossible) out of the question (=impossible) go to prison go to prison go to the prison go to the prison返回返回代代 词词分类分类辩义选择辩义选择Usage of “It”Usage of “It”其他其他返回返回分类分类人人称称人称代词人称代词反反身身代词代词

266、物主代词物主代词主主 格格宾宾 格格形容词性形容词性名词性名词性 一一单单 数数Imemyselfmymine复复 数数weusourselvesourours 二二单单 数数youyouyourselfyouryours复复 数数youyouyourselvesyouryours三三单单数数阳阳 性性hehimhimselfhishis阴阴 性性sheherherselfherhers中中 性性itititselfits/复复 数数they themthemselvestheirtheirs转下页转下页指示代词指示代词 this / that , these / those , such相互

267、代词相互代词 each other , one another 关系代词关系代词 who , whom , whose , that , which连接代词连接代词who , whom , whose , what , which what , whatever , which , whichever , who , whoever不不定定代代词词 some , any , every , no , (+ -one/body/thing) all , both , each , either , another , other , neither , none , (a) few , (a)

268、little , one , enough , half , etc.返回返回辨辨 义义 选选 择择: :everyeach adjadj. .三者及三者以上,仅作定语,侧重整体。三者及三者以上,仅作定语,侧重整体。 adj./adj./pronpron. .两者及两者以上,可作主、两者及两者以上,可作主、 宾、同位语,侧重个体。宾、同位语,侧重个体。 e.g. Every minute is important to us . Each person has a seat . / Each of them has a seat . They each have a seat . some a

269、ny否、问、条从否、问、条从 ; 肯定句中表肯定句中表“任何一个任何一个”肯肯;问句中表;问句中表“希望得到肯定答复希望得到肯定答复”或表或表“建议、请求、建议、请求、邀请邀请”等等 e.g. Are there some letters for me ? Would you like some water ? Do you have any brothers ? No , I havent any .转转下下页页 none no one = nobody nothing + of ; + of ; 用来回答用来回答 “ “How many / much ”How many / much ”用

270、来回答用来回答 “ “Who ”Who ”用来回答用来回答 “ “What ”What ” e.g. None of this money belongs to me . I have two English-Chinese dictionaries,but she has none . How much water left is there in the bottle ? None . Who did you see enter the lonely house ? Nobody . Whats on the table ? Nothing . one that it= a/an += a

271、/an +单数名词;表单数名词;表“同类但不同一同类但不同一”主要在比较时用来替代前面提到的名词;表主要在比较时用来替代前面提到的名词;表“同一同一”的概念。的概念。= the / this +单数名词,用来指代前面所提到的具体的事物。单数名词,用来指代前面所提到的具体的事物。 e.g. His attitude to me was that of a comrade . Im looking for a house and I like one with a garden . I need the bike but I havent money to buy it .转转下下页页 many

272、+ many + 可数名词可数名词 much + much + 不可数名词不可数名词 little / a little + little / a little + 不可数名词不可数名词 few / a few + few / a few + 可数名词可数名词返返回回 other + other + other + other + 复数名词复数名词复数名词复数名词 another + another + another + another + 单数名词单数名词单数名词单数名词 all all all all 指三者及三者以上指三者及三者以上指三者及三者以上指三者及三者以上 both both

273、both both 指两者指两者指两者指两者 one the other one the other one the other one the other 两者两者两者两者 one another one another one another one another 三者及三者以上三者及三者以上三者及三者以上三者及三者以上 some others / the otherssome others / the otherssome others / the otherssome others / the othersUsage of “it” Usage of “it” 1. 1. 指代前面出

274、现过的单数名词本身;指代前面出现过的单数名词本身; 2. 2. 充当无人称主语(时间、地点、天气、距离等);充当无人称主语(时间、地点、天气、距离等); 3. 3. 指代双方心目中都清楚的对象。指代双方心目中都清楚的对象。e.g. There is a knock on the door.Who can it be ?e.g. There is a knock on the door.Who can it be ?一、代词:一、代词: 二、引导词:二、引导词: 1. 1. 充当形式宾语充当形式宾语: 1). S + V (think , find , feel , etc.) + it + a

275、dj . / n. + to do . e.g. We think it our duty to clean our classroom every day . 2). S + V + it + adj. / n. + that . e.g. They found it difficult that they would finish their work in two days . 转转下下页页 2. 2. 充当形式主语充当形式主语: 1). It is + adj . + to do / that . It is important / necessary / strange,etc. t

276、hat (should)do . e.g. It is necessary that he (should) remember these words . 2). It is said/ reported / known ,etc that . e.g. It is said that Tom has come to Beijing for Chinese studies. 3). It is suggested / ordered / advised , etc. that (should) do e.g. It is suggested that the meeting (should)

277、be put off . 4). It is a pity / shame / pleasure ,etc. that (should) do . e.g. It is a pity that such a thing (should) happen in your class . 3. 3. 用于强调句型用于强调句型: It is / was that / who . e.g. It was not until he came back that I left . = Not until he came back did I leave . I didnt leave until he ca

278、me back .返回返回含反身代词的惯用语含反身代词的惯用语 by oneself = alone “by oneself = alone “by oneself = alone “by oneself = alone “单独地,独自地单独地,独自地单独地,独自地单独地,独自地” ” ” ” for oneself “for oneself “for oneself “for oneself “独立地;为自己独立地;为自己独立地;为自己独立地;为自己” of oneself “of oneself “of oneself “of oneself “自动地自动地自动地自动地” to onese

279、lf “to oneself “to oneself “to oneself “为为为为所独有所独有所独有所独有” ” ” ” ;“私自地私自地私自地私自地” in oneself “in oneself “in oneself “in oneself “本身本身本身本身” be oneself “be oneself “be oneself “be oneself “处于正常状态;显得自然处于正常状态;显得自然处于正常状态;显得自然处于正常状态;显得自然” enjoy oneselfenjoy oneselfenjoy oneselfenjoy oneselfseat oneselfseat

280、 oneselfseat oneselfseat oneself dress oneself dress oneself dress oneself dress oneselfdevote oneself todevote oneself todevote oneself todevote oneself to help oneself to help oneself to help oneself to help oneself tocome to oneself “come to oneself “come to oneself “come to oneself “苏醒苏醒苏醒苏醒” ma

281、ke oneself at homemake oneself at homemake oneself at homemake oneself at home转下页转下页否否 定定 1 1、部分否定与完全否定:、部分否定与完全否定: both,all,each,every both,all,each,every 以及由以及由 every every 构成的不定代词构成的不定代词出现在否定句中,不管否定词在前还是在后,都是部分出现在否定句中,不管否定词在前还是在后,都是部分否定;要表示完全否定,需要借助否定;要表示完全否定,需要借助 neither, none, neither, none, no

282、thing,no one,no,never,nowhere nothing,no one,no,never,nowhere 等词等词. .如:如: All of them dont like music. All of them dont like music. = Not all of them like music. = Not all of them like music. = Some of them like music.Some dont .= Some of them like music.Some dont . 2 2、any any 所修饰的名词或复合词所修饰的名词或复合词

283、anybody anybody 等用作主语时,等用作主语时,后面不能有否定词。如果需要表达否定的意思时,要把后面不能有否定词。如果需要表达否定的意思时,要把 any any 改为相应的完全否定的词。如:改为相应的完全否定的词。如: 不能说不能说:Anybody cannot do it . Anybody cannot do it . 应说应说:Nobody can do it .Nobody can do it .返回返回动动 词词分类分类高考考点高考考点返回返回谓语动词谓语动词非谓语动词非谓语动词实义实义动词动词助动词助动词规则动词规则动词不规则动词不规则动词动态动词动态动词状态动词状态动

284、词单词动词单词动词多词动词多词动词返回返回实义动词实义动词连系动词:连系动词:be , look, seem, become,etc.be , look, seem, become,etc.不及物动词:不及物动词:go , arrive, etc.go , arrive, etc.及物动词:及物动词:单宾及物单宾及物单宾及物单宾及物动词:动词:动词:动词:learn , study, etc.learn , study, etc.双宾及物动词:双宾及物动词:双宾及物动词:双宾及物动词:give, tell, show, etc.give, tell, show, etc.复宾及物动词:复宾及物

285、动词:复宾及物动词:复宾及物动词:find, consider,etc.find, consider,etc.比较:比较:返回返回 The child is The child is learninglearning quickly . quickly . The child is The child is learninglearning how to play the drums . how to play the drums . That clock That clock givesgives the right time. the right time. GiveGive me the

286、 baby . me the baby . I cant I cant find find my boots ! my boots ! I I findfind it difficult to believe you . it difficult to believe you .助动词助动词基本助动词基本助动词:be, do, be, do, havehave情态助动词情态助动词:can, may, will, shall, can, may, will, shall, dare, need, must, ought todare, need, must, ought to半助动词半助动词:h

287、ave to, would rather,etc.have to, would rather,etc. ( be doing ) ( be doing ) ( be doing ) ( be doing )( ( ( (否;问否;问否;问否;问) ) ) )( have done )( have done )( have done )( have done ) 返回返回动态动词动态动词持续动作持续动作:drink, eat, read, etc.状态改变位置转移状态改变位置转移:get, become, grow, turn, etc.短暂动作短暂动作:jump, knock, open, e

288、tc.比较:比较:Someone knocked at the door. (Someone knocked at the door. (一次动作一次动作一次动作一次动作) )Someone was knocking at the door.(Someone was knocking at the door.(重复动作重复动作重复动作重复动作) )He wrote the letter “e” on the blackboard . (He wrote the letter “e” on the blackboard . (短暂短暂短暂短暂) )He was writing an articl

289、e . (He was writing an article . (持续持续持续持续) )返回返回状态动词状态动词1.动词动词 be 和和 have2.含状态动词含状态动词be或或have意义的词:意义的词:belong to, measure, weigh, etc.3.感觉动词感觉动词:feel, taste, smell , etc.4.心理情感动词心理情感动词:think, believe, find, etc. 状态动词一般不用于进行时态。状态动词一般不用于进行时态。 The soup tastes good. The soup tastes good. He is tasting

290、the soup . He is tasting the soup .比较比较:返回返回高考考点高考考点时态时态语态语态非谓语动词非谓语动词情态动词情态动词虚拟语气虚拟语气辩义选择辩义选择返回返回时态时态一般式一般式进行式进行式完成体完成体将来表达法将来表达法返回返回一般式一般式 1 1、一般现在时:、一般现在时: 1 1)表示不受时间限制的客观存在表示不受时间限制的客观存在; e.g. Practice makes perfect . e.g. Practice makes perfect . The sun rises in the east .The sun rises in the e

291、ast . 2 2)表示现在习惯动作表示现在习惯动作( (多用于动态动词多用于动态动词) ); e.g. Class begins at eight e.g. Class begins at eight every morningevery morning . . He He nevernever takes a bus;he walks to work . takes a bus;he walks to work . The students all speak English The students all speak English these daysthese days . . 3

292、) 3) 表示现在时刻表示现在时刻( (多用于状态动词多用于状态动词) ); e.g. He looks tired . e.g. He looks tired . I agree with you completely .I agree with you completely .转下页转下页 4 4 4 4)表示现在瞬间表示现在瞬间表示现在瞬间表示现在瞬间; e.g. There comes the bus . e.g. There comes the bus . e.g. There comes the bus . e.g. There comes the bus . I declare

293、the meeting open .I declare the meeting open .I declare the meeting open .I declare the meeting open . 5 5 5 5)表示过去时间表示过去时间表示过去时间表示过去时间;( ( ( (以求描绘的生动性以求描绘的生动性以求描绘的生动性以求描绘的生动性) ) ) ) e.g. The river rises higher and higher, e.g. The river rises higher and higher, e.g. The river rises higher and highe

294、r, e.g. The river rises higher and higher, breaks the banks and fills all low places .breaks the banks and fills all low places .breaks the banks and fills all low places .breaks the banks and fills all low places . 6 6 6 6)表示将来时间表示将来时间表示将来时间表示将来时间。 A A A A、表表表表固定不变或不易改变固定不变或不易改变固定不变或不易改变固定不变或不易改变的动

295、作或状态;的动作或状态;的动作或状态;的动作或状态; e.g. Tomorrow is Sunday. e.g. Tomorrow is Sunday. e.g. Tomorrow is Sunday. e.g. Tomorrow is Sunday. They leave for the countryside next week .They leave for the countryside next week .They leave for the countryside next week .They leave for the countryside next week . B B

296、B B、用于用于用于用于时间时间时间时间/ / / /条件状语从句条件状语从句条件状语从句条件状语从句中。中。中。中。 e.g. When he arrives, well go out to meet him e.g. When he arrives, well go out to meet him e.g. When he arrives, well go out to meet him e.g. When he arrives, well go out to meet him . . . .转转下下页页 2 2、一般过去时:、一般过去时: 1 1)表示确定的过去时间表示确定的过去时间;

297、e.g. He travelled in Europe e.g. He travelled in Europe last yearlast year . . Mr. Turner isnt in . He went out .Mr. Turner isnt in . He went out . 2) 2) 表示表示过去的习惯动作或状态过去的习惯动作或状态; e.g. When I was at college, I wrote home e.g. When I was at college, I wrote home once a once a weekweek. . 3 3)表示)表示先后一

298、连串动作先后一连串动作; e.g. He went to town,bought some books and e.g. He went to town,bought some books and visited his daughter .visited his daughter . 4 4)表示)表示现在或将来时间现在或将来时间(虚拟)。(虚拟)。 e.g. Its time we went . e.g. Its time we went . If he arrived tomorrow, I should meet him If he arrived tomorrow, I should

299、 meet him at the airport . at the airport . 返返回回进行式进行式 1 1、现在进行式:、现在进行式: 1 1)表示)表示现在正进行现在正进行的动作;的动作; A A、表示、表示此刻此刻正进行或发生的动作;正进行或发生的动作; e.g. He is writing a letter now .e.g. He is writing a letter now . B B、表示、表示现阶段现阶段正进行而此刻不一定在进行的动作;正进行而此刻不一定在进行的动作; e.g. She is visiting Beijing this week .e.g. She i

300、s visiting Beijing this week . 2 2)表示)表示将来将来的动作;的动作; A A、表示、表示按计划安排按计划安排将要发生的动作;将要发生的动作; e.g. Were going to Rome next week .e.g. Were going to Rome next week . B B、用于、用于时间或条件状语从句时间或条件状语从句中;中; e.g. Ill think about it while youre e.g. Ill think about it while youre writing the report . writing the rep

301、ort . 转转下下页页 3 3、表示婉转语气表示婉转语气;( (限于限于hope,wonderhope,wonder等等) ) e.g.Im hoping youll give us some advice. e.g.Im hoping youll give us some advice. 4 4、表示感情色彩表示感情色彩。 e.g.The boy is always talking in class .e.g.The boy is always talking in class .比较:比较: My watch My watch worksworks perfectly . ( perfe

302、ctly . (经常性经常性) ) My watch My watch is workingis working perfectly .( perfectly .(暂时性暂时性) ) John John doesdoes fine work at school . ( fine work at school . (说明事实说明事实) ) John John is doingis doing fine work at school .( fine work at school .(表示赞扬表示赞扬) ) The bus The bus stopsstops . ( . (迅速地停住迅速地停住)

303、) The bus The bus is stoppingis stopping .( .(渐渐地停住渐渐地停住) )转下页转下页 2 2、过去进行时;、过去进行时; 1 1)、表示)、表示过去某时过去某时正进行的动作;正进行的动作; A A 表示表示过去某一时刻过去某一时刻正进行的动作:正进行的动作:e.g.When I got up this morning ,it was raining .e.g.When I got up this morning ,it was raining . B B 表示表示过去某阶段过去某阶段正进行的动作;正进行的动作;e.g.They were build

304、ing a dam last winter .e.g.They were building a dam last winter . C C 表表过去将来过去将来(用于时(用于时/ /条从);条从);e.g.He told me to wake him up if he was sleeping.e.g.He told me to wake him up if he was sleeping. 2 2)、叙述)、叙述故事发生的背景故事发生的背景;e.g. The accident happened while I was working in e.g. The accident happened

305、 while I was working in the garden .the garden . The wind was blowing and it was raining hard. The wind was blowing and it was raining hard.转下页转下页 3 3)、表示)、表示按计划安排过去某时将发生按计划安排过去某时将发生的动作;的动作;e.g.They were leaving a few days later .e.g.They were leaving a few days later . 4 4)、表)、表感情色彩感情色彩;e.g. He was

306、 always changing his mind .e.g. He was always changing his mind . 5 5)、表示)、表示婉转语气婉转语气;(hope,want,wonder,etc.)(hope,want,wonder,etc.)e.g. I was hoping you could help us .e.g. I was hoping you could help us .比较比较: I I was readingwas reading a book that evening .( a book that evening .(未完成未完成) ) I I re

307、adread a book that evening . ( a book that evening . (已完成已完成) ) It It rainedrained last night . ( last night . (陈述事实陈述事实) ) It It was rainingwas raining all night .( all night .(强调时间长度强调时间长度) ) 注意:注意:状态动词一般不用于进行式状态动词一般不用于进行式。返回返回完成体完成体 1 1、现在完成体:、现在完成体: 1 1)“已完成已完成”用法用法( (现在时间前完成的动作留下的结现在时间前完成的动作留下的

308、结果或影响果或影响) ): A A 表表目前结果目前结果( (瞬间动词;状态改变或位移动词瞬间动词;状态改变或位移动词) );e.g. He has turned off the light .e.g. He has turned off the light . I have been to Beijing twice . I have been to Beijing twice . B B 表表永久结果永久结果( (持续动作动词持续动作动词) );e.g. Hes had a good education .e.g. Hes had a good education . C C 一个动作先于

309、另一动作一个动作先于另一动作;e.g. I understand what he has said to us .e.g. I understand what he has said to us . D D 表将来(时表将来(时/ /条从)条从);e.g. Ill return the book to you as soon as I e.g. Ill return the book to you as soon as I have finished it .have finished it .转转下下页页 2 2)、)、“未完成未完成”用法:用法: 表示动作或状态从过去某时开始,继续到现在,

310、可能表示动作或状态从过去某时开始,继续到现在,可能继续下去,也可能刚刚结束。继续下去,也可能刚刚结束。( (可用于可用于持续动作动词、持续动作动词、状态动词状态动词,但不适用于短暂动作或位移动词。,但不适用于短暂动作或位移动词。) )e.g. He has lived here since 1980 .e.g. He has lived here since 1980 . Hes been ill for three years . Hes been ill for three years .注意:注意:He He hasnt writtenhasnt written to me for tw

311、o years . to me for two years . He He has often writtenhas often written to me since he left to me since he left Shanghai .(Shanghai .(反复反复) )比较:比较:He has been in Beijing .(He has been in Beijing .(已完成已完成) ) He has been in Beijing for two years .( He has been in Beijing for two years .(未完未完成成现在还在北京现

312、在还在北京) ) 转下页转下页比较:比较:比较:比较: Has he lived here all his life ? (Has he lived here all his life ? (他还活着。他还活着。他还活着。他还活着。) ) Did he live here all his life ? ( Did he live here all his life ? (他已死了。他已死了。他已死了。他已死了。) ) Ive seen him this March . ( Ive seen him this March . (现在还是三月。现在还是三月。现在还是三月。现在还是三月。) ) I

313、saw him this March . ( I saw him this March . (现在已过三月。现在已过三月。现在已过三月。现在已过三月。) )注意注意注意注意: ( ) He has : ( ) He has joinedjoined the party the party for 2 yearsfor 2 years . . ( ) I have met him ( ) I have met him last weeklast week . . 2、过去完成体:过去完成体: 1) “1) “已完成已完成已完成已完成” ”用法:表示一个动作或状态在过去某一时间用法:表示一个动作或

314、状态在过去某一时间用法:表示一个动作或状态在过去某一时间用法:表示一个动作或状态在过去某一时间或动作之前已经完成或结束,也可能是早已完成或结束。或动作之前已经完成或结束,也可能是早已完成或结束。或动作之前已经完成或结束,也可能是早已完成或结束。或动作之前已经完成或结束,也可能是早已完成或结束。这个用法既适用于动态动词,也适用于状态动词。如:这个用法既适用于动态动词,也适用于状态动词。如:这个用法既适用于动态动词,也适用于状态动词。如:这个用法既适用于动态动词,也适用于状态动词。如: I had written the article when they came.I had written t

315、he article when they came.转下页转下页 He has joined the Party .He has joined the Party . He joined the Party two years ago . He joined the Party two years ago .Its 2 years since he joined the party .Its 2 years since he joined the party .I met him last week .I met him last week . 2)“未完成未完成”用法:表示过去某一时刻或某一

316、事件前已用法:表示过去某一时刻或某一事件前已发生但未结束的动作。这一用法既适用于动态动词(主发生但未结束的动作。这一用法既适用于动态动词(主要为持续动作),也适用于状态动词。如:要为持续动作),也适用于状态动词。如: By six oclock they had worked for twelve hours . 3)“想象性想象性”用法:用法: A 表虚拟:表虚拟: If he had worked harder, he would have succeeded . B 表过去未曾实现的希望、打算或意图。这一用法适用表过去未曾实现的希望、打算或意图。这一用法适用于下列动词:于下列动词:hop

317、e,expect,think,intend,mean,suppose, want 等等如:如:We had hoped that you would be able to visit us . They had wanted to help but couldnt get here in time .转下页转下页 比较:比较: I did the work at six oclock . (侧重结果侧重结果“已完已完成成”) I had done the work at six oclock .(侧重工作侧重工作时间时间) He lost his pen but found it afterw

318、ards . (动作接连动作接连发生发生) He found the pen he had lost .(动作不按时间顺序排动作不按时间顺序排列列)When I got home ,the children had gone to bed .(睡觉睡觉在先在先)When I had got home, the children went to bed .(到家到家在先在先) 返回返回3、用完成体的常用句型:、用完成体的常用句型: 1). This / It is the first / secondtime + that 从句从句 . e.g. This is the first time h

319、e has come here . 2). It is / has been + 一段时间一段时间+ since 从句从句. 3). Hardly haddonewhen . No sooner had donethan .将来表达法将来表达法will / shall + will / shall + 不定式不定式be going to + be going to + 不定式不定式be + -ingbe + -ingbe to + be to + 不定式不定式一般现在时一般现在时返回返回will / shall + will / shall + 不定式不定式 1 1、will / shall

320、do : will / shall do : 一般要与表将来的时间状语一般要与表将来的时间状语连用,在许多情况下都带有情态色彩。连用,在许多情况下都带有情态色彩。e.g. When shall we / I see you next ?e.g. When shall we / I see you next ? When will they arrive ? When will they arrive ? Wont you go to Beijing next week ? Wont you go to Beijing next week ? 2 2、will / shall be doing

321、:will / shall be doing :一般只能用于动态一般只能用于动态动词。动词。e.g. Ill be working in Geneva during May .e.g. Ill be working in Geneva during May . Hell be leaving at about four . Hell be leaving at about four . When will you be visiting us again ? ( When will you be visiting us again ? (婉转语气婉转语气) )转下页转下页 3 3、will /

322、 shall have done :will / shall have done :既可表示将来某一既可表示将来某一时刻前业已完成的动作,也可表示说话人对业已时刻前业已完成的动作,也可表示说话人对业已完成的事态的推测完成的事态的推测( (主要用于第二、三人称主要用于第二、三人称) )。e.g. Ill have finished my work by five e.g. Ill have finished my work by five this afternoon .this afternoon . The pupils will have read that book The pupils

323、 will have read that book already .already .The rain will have kept you indoors today .The rain will have kept you indoors today .返回返回be going to + be going to + 不定式不定式 不定式动词既可是动态动词,也可是状态动词。不定式动词既可是动态动词,也可是状态动词。 1 1、表示现在的意图(往往是、表示现在的意图(往往是事先经过考虑事先经过考虑),即),即打算在最近或将来进行某事打算在最近或将来进行某事 。主语通常指人主语通常指人。e.g.

324、 What are you going to do today ?e.g. What are you going to do today ? c.f. The wall is going to be painted green . c.f. The wall is going to be painted green .比较比较 :Where is the telephone book ?Where is the telephone book ? Ill get it for you .( Ill get it for you .(临时的决定临时的决定) ) 2 2、表示现在已有迹象表明将要发生

325、或即将、表示现在已有迹象表明将要发生或即将 发生某种事态。发生某种事态。主语可指人,也可指物主语可指人,也可指物。e.g. I feel dizzy.I think Im going to faint .e.g. I feel dizzy.I think Im going to faint . Watch out ! The pile of boxes is going to fall . Watch out ! The pile of boxes is going to fall .返返回回be + -ingbe + -ing 用现在进行体表示将来时间只适用于用现在进行体表示将来时间只适用于

326、动态动词动态动词(主主要是要是位移动词位移动词),不能用于状态动词。,不能用于状态动词。 表示表示按计划、安排即将发生按计划、安排即将发生的动作,通常指最近即将发的动作,通常指最近即将发生的动作。通常与将来时间状语连用。生的动作。通常与将来时间状语连用。 Hes washing the dishes . (正在进行正在进行) Hes washing the dishes later . (将来将来) be doing 与与 be going to do 的用法比较:的用法比较: 1、可通用;、可通用; Shes getting married this spring . = Shes goin

327、g to get married this spring . 2、不可通用。、不可通用。不能说:不能说:I feel dizzy . I think Im fainting .返回返回be to + be to + 不定式不定式 be to do be to do 也能表示按计划安排将要发生的也能表示按计划安排将要发生的动作动作; ;也常见于报纸和广播,用以宣布官方的计也常见于报纸和广播,用以宣布官方的计划或决定;也可用来表示命令、禁止或可能性等。划或决定;也可用来表示命令、禁止或可能性等。动作必须受人们意志控制动作必须受人们意志控制。e.g. I am to have tea with Be

328、tty this afternoon .e.g. I am to have tea with Betty this afternoon . The Prime Minister is to speak on The Prime Minister is to speak on television tonight .television tonight . You are ( not )to stand here .Do you You are ( not )to stand here .Do you understand ?understand ? The dictionary is not

329、to be had here . The dictionary is not to be had here .不能说不能说: He is to be fat ./ Its to rain .: He is to be fat ./ Its to rain .返返回回一般现在时一般现在时 一般现在时表将来时间除了一般现在时表将来时间除了 be be 动词动词以外,一般只适用于动态动词。表示的按计划安以外,一般只适用于动态动词。表示的按计划安排将发生的将来动作是排将发生的将来动作是不可更改或不可随便更改不可更改或不可随便更改的;更多地用于的;更多地用于条件或时间状语从句条件或时间状语从句中。中。e

330、.g. Im free this afternoon .e.g. Im free this afternoon . The train leaves at 7:30 this evening . The train leaves at 7:30 this evening . The match takes place on Wednesday . The match takes place on Wednesday . Wait here till I come back . Wait here till I come back . Hes coming to see us the day h

331、e arrives . Hes coming to see us the day he arrives . Look out (that) you dont catch cold . Look out (that) you dont catch cold . Suppose he loses his way . Suppose he loses his way . 返回返回语语 态态 一、当句子的主语是动作的承受者时,谓语要用被动语一、当句子的主语是动作的承受者时,谓语要用被动语态。但态。但不及物动词、状态动词、不及物动词、状态动词、“动词动词+ +介词介词”等不能等不能用于被动语态。用于被动

332、语态。e.g. The story happened last night .e.g. The story happened last night . He lacks confidence . He lacks confidence . They arrive at a decision . They arrive at a decision . 二、下列结构作宾语,句子不能改为被动语态:二、下列结构作宾语,句子不能改为被动语态: 1 1)宾语从句作宾语;)宾语从句作宾语;e.g. John thought (that) she was attractive .e.g. John thoug

333、ht (that) she was attractive . 2 2)不定式、动名词作宾语;)不定式、动名词作宾语;e.g. John hoped to see the film .e.g. John hoped to see the film . John enjoyed seeing the film . John enjoyed seeing the film .转下页转下页 3 3 3 3)反身代词作宾语;)反身代词作宾语;)反身代词作宾语;)反身代词作宾语;e.g. John could see himself in the mirror .e.g. John could see h

334、imself in the mirror .e.g. John could see himself in the mirror .e.g. John could see himself in the mirror . 4 4 4 4)相互代词作宾语;)相互代词作宾语;)相互代词作宾语;)相互代词作宾语;e.g. We could hardly see each other in the fog .e.g. We could hardly see each other in the fog .e.g. We could hardly see each other in the fog .e.g.

335、 We could hardly see each other in the fog . 5 5 5 5)宾语带有与主语有照应关系的物主代词;)宾语带有与主语有照应关系的物主代词;)宾语带有与主语有照应关系的物主代词;)宾语带有与主语有照应关系的物主代词;e.g. The woman shook her head .e.g. The woman shook her head .e.g. The woman shook her head .e.g. The woman shook her head . 6 6 6 6)“及物动词及物动词及物动词及物动词+ + + +宾语宾语宾语宾语”构成不容拆分

336、的紧密整体。构成不容拆分的紧密整体。构成不容拆分的紧密整体。构成不容拆分的紧密整体。e.g. I did not e.g. I did not e.g. I did not e.g. I did not lose heartlose heartlose heartlose heart . . . . The house has The house has The house has The house has changes handschanges handschanges handschanges hands ( ( ( (易手易手易手易手)several times .)several

337、times .)several times .)several times . Great changes Great changes Great changes Great changes took placetook placetook placetook place . . . . 转下页转下页 三、三、三、三、主动形式表被动含义主动形式表被动含义主动形式表被动含义主动形式表被动含义: 1 1 1 1、谓语动词的主动形式表示被动含义谓语动词的主动形式表示被动含义谓语动词的主动形式表示被动含义谓语动词的主动形式表示被动含义: 1) 1) 1) 1) 表示状态特征的连系动词表示状态特征的连系

338、动词表示状态特征的连系动词表示状态特征的连系动词+ + + +形容词形容词形容词形容词/ / / /名词构成的系名词构成的系名词构成的系名词构成的系表结构;表结构;表结构;表结构; e.g. The steel feels cold .e.g. The steel feels cold .e.g. The steel feels cold .e.g. The steel feels cold . 2) 2) 2) 2) 表示表示表示表示“开始、结束、运动开始、结束、运动开始、结束、运动开始、结束、运动”的动词,如:的动词,如:的动词,如:的动词,如:begin, begin, begin, b

339、egin, start, open, finish, close, stop, end, shut, etc.start, open, finish, close, stop, end, shut, etc.start, open, finish, close, stop, end, shut, etc.start, open, finish, close, stop, end, shut, etc. e.g. Work began at 7 oclock this morning . e.g. Work began at 7 oclock this morning . e.g. Work b

340、egan at 7 oclock this morning . e.g. Work began at 7 oclock this morning . The shop closes at 6 p.m. every day . The shop closes at 6 p.m. every day . The shop closes at 6 p.m. every day . The shop closes at 6 p.m. every day . 3) 3) 3) 3) 表示主语的某种属性特征的动词,如:表示主语的某种属性特征的动词,如:表示主语的某种属性特征的动词,如:表示主语的某种属性特

341、征的动词,如:read, read, read, read, act, write, sell, wash, wear, lock, dry, etc.act, write, sell, wash, wear, lock, dry, etc.act, write, sell, wash, wear, lock, dry, etc.act, write, sell, wash, wear, lock, dry, etc.e.g. This coat dries easily . e.g. This coat dries easily . e.g. This coat dries easily .

342、 e.g. This coat dries easily . The pen writes smoothly .The pen writes smoothly .The pen writes smoothly .The pen writes smoothly .转下页转下页 4) 4) 4) 4) 少数动词用于进行时,其主动形式表被动含义,少数动词用于进行时,其主动形式表被动含义,少数动词用于进行时,其主动形式表被动含义,少数动词用于进行时,其主动形式表被动含义,如:如:如:如:print, build, cook, fry ,etc .print, build, cook, fry ,etc

343、 .print, build, cook, fry ,etc .print, build, cook, fry ,etc .e.g. The books are printing .e.g. The books are printing .e.g. The books are printing .e.g. The books are printing . 2 2 2 2、用、用、用、用非谓语动词非谓语动词非谓语动词非谓语动词的主动形式表被动含义:的主动形式表被动含义:的主动形式表被动含义:的主动形式表被动含义: 1) want, need, require1) want, need, requ

344、ire1) want, need, require1) want, need, require作作作作“需要需要需要需要”讲时,后用动名词讲时,后用动名词讲时,后用动名词讲时,后用动名词的主动形式表被动含义;如:的主动形式表被动含义;如:的主动形式表被动含义;如:的主动形式表被动含义;如: The house needs / wants / requires repairing .The house needs / wants / requires repairing .The house needs / wants / requires repairing .The house needs

345、/ wants / requires repairing . 2) 2) 2) 2) 形容词形容词形容词形容词 worth worth worth worth 后用动名词主动形式表被动含义;后用动名词主动形式表被动含义;后用动名词主动形式表被动含义;后用动名词主动形式表被动含义; The book is The book is The book is The book is wellwellwellwell worth reading . worth reading . worth reading . worth reading . 3) 3) 3) 3) 不定式在某些形容词不定式在某些形容词

346、不定式在某些形容词不定式在某些形容词(difficult, easy, pleasant, (difficult, easy, pleasant, (difficult, easy, pleasant, (difficult, easy, pleasant, heavy, good, safe, dangerous, etc.)heavy, good, safe, dangerous, etc.)heavy, good, safe, dangerous, etc.)heavy, good, safe, dangerous, etc.)后作状语且和句后作状语且和句后作状语且和句后作状语且和句子主

347、语子主语子主语子主语( ( ( (或宾语或宾语或宾语或宾语) ) ) )构成逻辑动宾关系时;如:构成逻辑动宾关系时;如:构成逻辑动宾关系时;如:构成逻辑动宾关系时;如:转下页转下页 The book is difficult (for me) to understand .The book is difficult (for me) to understand .The book is difficult (for me) to understand .The book is difficult (for me) to understand . He is easy (for people)

348、to get along with . He is easy (for people) to get along with . He is easy (for people) to get along with . He is easy (for people) to get along with . 4) 4) 4) 4)不定式作名词的后置定语,与被修饰的名词构成逻辑不定式作名词的后置定语,与被修饰的名词构成逻辑不定式作名词的后置定语,与被修饰的名词构成逻辑不定式作名词的后置定语,与被修饰的名词构成逻辑上的动宾关系,又和该句的主语或宾语构成逻辑上的主谓上的动宾关系,又和该句的主语或宾语构成逻

349、辑上的主谓上的动宾关系,又和该句的主语或宾语构成逻辑上的主谓上的动宾关系,又和该句的主语或宾语构成逻辑上的主谓关系时,不定式常用主动形式表被动含义;如:关系时,不定式常用主动形式表被动含义;如:关系时,不定式常用主动形式表被动含义;如:关系时,不定式常用主动形式表被动含义;如: He has a lot of work to do .He has a lot of work to do .He has a lot of work to do .He has a lot of work to do . Ill give him something to read . Ill give him s

350、omething to read . Ill give him something to read . Ill give him something to read . 5) 5) 5) 5)在在在在there bethere bethere bethere be句型中修饰主语的不定式用主动形式和被句型中修饰主语的不定式用主动形式和被句型中修饰主语的不定式用主动形式和被句型中修饰主语的不定式用主动形式和被动形式皆可,在口语中多用主动形式;如:动形式皆可,在口语中多用主动形式;如:动形式皆可,在口语中多用主动形式;如:动形式皆可,在口语中多用主动形式;如: There are many thin

351、gs to do / to be done .There are many things to do / to be done .There are many things to do / to be done .There are many things to do / to be done . 6) 6) 6) 6)不定式不定式不定式不定式to let, to blameto let, to blameto let, to blameto let, to blame等表示被动含义。如:等表示被动含义。如:等表示被动含义。如:等表示被动含义。如: The car is to let (The

352、 car is to let (The car is to let (The car is to let (出租出租出租出租) .) .) .) .返返回回非谓语动词非谓语动词一、非谓语动词的基本形式及基本功能:一、非谓语动词的基本形式及基本功能:二、相同句法功能的非谓语动词形式的比较:二、相同句法功能的非谓语动词形式的比较:三、其他要注意的问题:三、其他要注意的问题:返回返回一、非谓语动词的基本形式及基本功能:一、非谓语动词的基本形式及基本功能:返回返回二、相同句法功能的非谓语动词形式的比较:二、相同句法功能的非谓语动词形式的比较:返回返回(请点击(请点击 “主、表、宾主、表、宾”等等)二、

353、相同句法功能的非谓语动词形式的比较:二、相同句法功能的非谓语动词形式的比较:1 1 1 1、作主语:、作主语:、作主语:、作主语: To see is to believe .= Seeing is believing .To see is to believe .= Seeing is believing .To see is to believe .= Seeing is believing .To see is to believe .= Seeing is believing . Looking after the baby is her job.( Looking after the

354、 baby is her job.( Looking after the baby is her job.( Looking after the baby is her job.(经常性经常性经常性经常性) ) ) ) To look after the baby is her job .( To look after the baby is her job .( To look after the baby is her job .( To look after the baby is her job .(短暂性短暂性短暂性短暂性) ) ) )返回返回2 2 2 2、作表语:、作表语:、作表

355、语:、作表语: Her job is looking after the baby.(Her job is looking after the baby.(Her job is looking after the baby.(Her job is looking after the baby.(经常性经常性经常性经常性) ) ) ) Her job is to look after the baby.( Her job is to look after the baby.( Her job is to look after the baby.( Her job is to look after

356、 the baby.(短暂性短暂性短暂性短暂性) ) ) ) The news is inspiring . The news is inspiring . The news is inspiring . The news is inspiring . The glass is broken . The glass is broken . The glass is broken . The glass is broken .返回返回3 3 3 3、作宾语:、作宾语:、作宾语:、作宾语: 1) 1) 1) 1) 基本可通用基本可通用基本可通用基本可通用;(begin, start, like,

357、love, hate, ;(begin, start, like, love, hate, ;(begin, start, like, love, hate, ;(begin, start, like, love, hate, prefer , continueprefer , continueprefer , continueprefer , continue,) ) ) ) e.g. He likes reading / to read .e.g. He likes reading / to read .e.g. He likes reading / to read .e.g. He li

358、kes reading / to read .下列情况下通常用不定式下列情况下通常用不定式下列情况下通常用不定式下列情况下通常用不定式: : : :A A A A 主语为物主语为物主语为物主语为物; ; ; ;如如如如: Ice began to melt .: Ice began to melt .: Ice began to melt .: Ice began to melt .B B B B 谓语动词用进行式谓语动词用进行式谓语动词用进行式谓语动词用进行式; ; ; ;如如如如: : : : 转下页转下页 Mother is beginning to cook super . Mothe

359、r is beginning to cook super . Mother is beginning to cook super . Mother is beginning to cook super . C C C C 宾语为表宾语为表宾语为表宾语为表“心理状态、精神活动心理状态、精神活动心理状态、精神活动心理状态、精神活动”的动词。如:的动词。如:的动词。如:的动词。如: The old granny began to wonder who had done all The old granny began to wonder who had done all The old granny

360、 began to wonder who had done all The old granny began to wonder who had done all this .this .this .this . 2 2 2 2)、表不同意义)、表不同意义)、表不同意义)、表不同意义: (stop, go on): (stop, go on): (stop, go on): (stop, go on) The students stop to have a rest . ( The students stop to have a rest . ( The students stop to ha

361、ve a rest . ( The students stop to have a rest . (不同动作不同动作不同动作不同动作) ) ) ) The students stop reading . ( The students stop reading . ( The students stop reading . ( The students stop reading . (同一动作同一动作同一动作同一动作) ) ) ) After finishing their homework, the students After finishing their homework, the st

362、udents After finishing their homework, the students After finishing their homework, the students went on to read the text .(went on to read the text .(went on to read the text .(went on to read the text .(不同动作不同动作不同动作不同动作) ) ) ) The students went on reading the text.( The students went on reading th

363、e text.( The students went on reading the text.( The students went on reading the text.(同一动作同一动作同一动作同一动作) ) ) ) 3 3 3 3)、搭配不同,意义不同)、搭配不同,意义不同)、搭配不同,意义不同)、搭配不同,意义不同: (remember, forget, : (remember, forget, : (remember, forget, : (remember, forget, regret )regret )regret )regret )转下页转下页 He remembered

364、posting the letter .(He remembered posting the letter .(He remembered posting the letter .(He remembered posting the letter .(动作已发生动作已发生动作已发生动作已发生) ) ) ) Do remember to post the letter . ( Do remember to post the letter . ( Do remember to post the letter . ( Do remember to post the letter . (动作未发生动作

365、未发生动作未发生动作未发生) ) ) ) 4 4 4 4)、含义不同,搭配不同;)、含义不同,搭配不同;)、含义不同,搭配不同;)、含义不同,搭配不同;(try , mean)(try , mean)(try , mean)(try , mean) Please try to finish the job in time . ( Please try to finish the job in time . ( Please try to finish the job in time . ( Please try to finish the job in time . (努力努力努力努力) )

366、) ) Please try doing the job in another way .( Please try doing the job in another way .( Please try doing the job in another way .( Please try doing the job in another way .(尝试尝试尝试尝试) ) ) ) I didnt mean to hurt you . ( I didnt mean to hurt you . ( I didnt mean to hurt you . ( I didnt mean to hurt y

367、ou . (意图意图意图意图) ) ) ) This means waiting for another 2 hours .( This means waiting for another 2 hours .( This means waiting for another 2 hours .( This means waiting for another 2 hours .(意味着意味着意味着意味着) ) ) ) 5 5 5 5)、只接动名词)、只接动名词)、只接动名词)、只接动名词( ( ( (mepscafimepscafimepscafimepscafi“妹不吃咖啡妹不吃咖啡妹不吃咖啡妹

368、不吃咖啡”) ) ) ):mind, mind, mind, mind, miss, enjoy, miss, enjoy, miss, enjoy, miss, enjoy, practisepractisepractisepractise, suggest, consider, avoid, , suggest, consider, avoid, , suggest, consider, avoid, , suggest, consider, avoid, finish, imagine ,etc. finish, imagine ,etc. finish, imagine ,etc. f

369、inish, imagine ,etc. e.g. Have you finished reading the book ? e.g. Have you finished reading the book ? e.g. Have you finished reading the book ? e.g. Have you finished reading the book ?转转下下页页 6 6 6 6)、其他)、其他)、其他)、其他: (: (: (: (allow, permit, forbid, advise, etc. ) allow, permit, forbid, advise, e

370、tc. ) allow, permit, forbid, advise, etc. ) allow, permit, forbid, advise, etc. ) allow doing / allow allow doing / allow allow doing / allow allow doing / allow sbsbsbsb to do to do to do to do sthsthsthsth. . . . advise doing / advise advise doing / advise advise doing / advise advise doing / advi

371、se sbsbsbsb to do to do to do to do sthsthsthsth. . . . suggest ( suggest ( suggest ( suggest (sbsbsbsb / / / / sbs)doingsbs)doingsbs)doingsbs)doing / suggest doing / suggest doing / suggest doing / suggest doing The classroom needs / wants cleaning . The classroom needs / wants cleaning . The class

372、room needs / wants cleaning . The classroom needs / wants cleaning . = The classroom needs / wants to be cleaned . = The classroom needs / wants to be cleaned . = The classroom needs / wants to be cleaned . = The classroom needs / wants to be cleaned . c.f. We need to finish the job in time . c.f. W

373、e need to finish the job in time . c.f. We need to finish the job in time . c.f. We need to finish the job in time .返回返回4 4 4 4、作定语:、作定语:、作定语:、作定语: I have some books (for you) to read .(I have some books (for you) to read .(I have some books (for you) to read .(I have some books (for you) to read .(

374、后置后置后置后置) ) ) ) a swimming pool = a pool for swimming a swimming pool = a pool for swimming a falling leaf = a leaf which is falling a falling leaf = a leaf which is falling a fallen leaf = a leaf which has fallen a fallen leaf = a leaf which has fallen返回返回5 5 5 5、作状语:、作状语:、作状语:、作状语: I came here to

375、see you . (I came here to see you . (I came here to see you . (I came here to see you . (目的目的目的目的) ) ) ) He hurried there He hurried there He hurried there He hurried there onlyonlyonlyonly to find the store closed. to find the store closed. to find the store closed. to find the store closed. We wer

376、e excited to hear that . ( We were excited to hear that . ( We were excited to hear that . ( We were excited to hear that . (原因原因原因原因) ) ) ) Being a student, I must study hard .( Being a student, I must study hard .( Being a student, I must study hard .( Being a student, I must study hard .(原因原因原因原因

377、) ) ) )The teacher stood there ,surrounded by students .The teacher stood there ,surrounded by students .The teacher stood there ,surrounded by students .The teacher stood there ,surrounded by students .返返回回6 6 6 6、作补足语:、作补足语:、作补足语:、作补足语: I heard the boy sing a song . (I heard the boy sing a song .

378、(I heard the boy sing a song . (I heard the boy sing a song . (动作的全过程动作的全过程动作的全过程动作的全过程) ) ) ) I hear the boy singing a song . ( I hear the boy singing a song . ( I hear the boy singing a song . ( I hear the boy singing a song . (动作正在进行动作正在进行动作正在进行动作正在进行) ) ) ) I hear a song sung by the boy . ( I he

379、ar a song sung by the boy . ( I hear a song sung by the boy . ( I hear a song sung by the boy . (被动被动被动被动) ) ) ) I have my hair cut yesterday . I have my hair cut yesterday . I have my hair cut yesterday . I have my hair cut yesterday .返回返回三、其他要注意的问题:三、其他要注意的问题:1 1 1 1、非谓语动词的逻辑主语与句子主语必须保持一致:、非谓语动词的逻

380、辑主语与句子主语必须保持一致:、非谓语动词的逻辑主语与句子主语必须保持一致:、非谓语动词的逻辑主语与句子主语必须保持一致: In order to pass the exam, he worked very hard .In order to pass the exam, he worked very hard .In order to pass the exam, he worked very hard .In order to pass the exam, he worked very hard . Would you mind opening the window ? Would you

381、 mind opening the window ? Would you mind opening the window ? Would you mind opening the window ? c.f. Would you mind my opening the window ? c.f. Would you mind my opening the window ? c.f. Would you mind my opening the window ? c.f. Would you mind my opening the window ? While reading the book, h

382、e nodded from time While reading the book, he nodded from time While reading the book, he nodded from time While reading the book, he nodded from time to time .to time .to time .to time . Given more attention, the tree could have Given more attention, the tree could have Given more attention, the tr

383、ee could have Given more attention, the tree could have grown better .grown better .grown better .grown better . 如果非谓语动词的逻辑主语与句子主语不一致,须加如果非谓语动词的逻辑主语与句子主语不一致,须加如果非谓语动词的逻辑主语与句子主语不一致,须加如果非谓语动词的逻辑主语与句子主语不一致,须加上自己的逻辑主语。如:上自己的逻辑主语。如:上自己的逻辑主语。如:上自己的逻辑主语。如: TimeTimeTimeTime permitting, well have a test next

384、 week . permitting, well have a test next week . permitting, well have a test next week . permitting, well have a test next week . 转下页转下页2 2 2 2、不定式的形式与意义、不定式的形式与意义、不定式的形式与意义、不定式的形式与意义 : I saw him I saw him I saw him I saw him go outgo outgo outgo out .( .( .( .(与谓语动作同时或几乎同时与谓语动作同时或几乎同时与谓语动作同时或几乎同时与

385、谓语动作同时或几乎同时) ) ) ) He pretended He pretended He pretended He pretended to be readingto be readingto be readingto be reading a book .( a book .( a book .( a book .(正在进行正在进行正在进行正在进行) ) ) )Im sorry Im sorry Im sorry Im sorry to have keptto have keptto have keptto have kept you waiting .( you waiting .(

386、 you waiting .( you waiting .(谓语动作之前谓语动作之前谓语动作之前谓语动作之前) ) ) ) He asked He asked He asked He asked to be sentto be sentto be sentto be sent to work in the countryside . to work in the countryside . to work in the countryside . to work in the countryside .3 3 3 3、不定式的省略、不定式的省略、不定式的省略、不定式的省略: (见句法的省略部分

387、)(见句法的省略部分)(见句法的省略部分)(见句法的省略部分)4 4 4 4、复合结构:、复合结构:、复合结构:、复合结构: 1 1 1 1)不定式的复合结构:)不定式的复合结构:)不定式的复合结构:)不定式的复合结构: for / of sb to do for / of sb to do for / of sb to do for / of sb to do e.g. It is kind of you to say so .e.g. It is kind of you to say so .e.g. It is kind of you to say so .e.g. It is kind

388、 of you to say so . It is difficult for us to learn English well . It is difficult for us to learn English well . It is difficult for us to learn English well . It is difficult for us to learn English well . 2 2 2 2)动名词的复合结构:)动名词的复合结构:)动名词的复合结构:)动名词的复合结构: sbs (sb) / my (me) doing sbs (sb) / my (me)

389、doing sbs (sb) / my (me) doing sbs (sb) / my (me) doing Would you mind my / me opening the window ? Would you mind my / me opening the window ? Would you mind my / me opening the window ? Would you mind my / me opening the window ? Toms being late made his boss angry . Toms being late made his boss

390、angry . Toms being late made his boss angry . Toms being late made his boss angry . 转下页转下页5 5 5 5、独立成分:、独立成分:、独立成分:、独立成分: To tell you the truth, I dont agree with you .To tell you the truth, I dont agree with you .To tell you the truth, I dont agree with you .To tell you the truth, I dont agree with

391、 you . Strictly speaking, this result is not right . Strictly speaking, this result is not right . Strictly speaking, this result is not right . Strictly speaking, this result is not right . Judging from his accent, he is from American . Judging from his accent, he is from American . Judging from hi

392、s accent, he is from American . Judging from his accent, he is from American .6 6 6 6、独立主格结构:、独立主格结构:、独立主格结构:、独立主格结构: The man lay there, his hands trembling .The man lay there, his hands trembling .The man lay there, his hands trembling .The man lay there, his hands trembling . The weather (being) f

393、ine, we decided to go on The weather (being) fine, we decided to go on The weather (being) fine, we decided to go on The weather (being) fine, we decided to go on an outing .an outing .an outing .an outing . The girl lay on her back, her hands crossed The girl lay on her back, her hands crossed The

394、girl lay on her back, her hands crossed The girl lay on her back, her hands crossed under her head .under her head .under her head .under her head . The floor wet, we had to stay outside for a The floor wet, we had to stay outside for a The floor wet, we had to stay outside for a The floor wet, we h

395、ad to stay outside for a while .while .while .while .转下页转下页 The meeting over, we all went home .The meeting over, we all went home .The meeting over, we all went home .The meeting over, we all went home . The teacher came in , a book in his hand. The teacher came in , a book in his hand. The teacher

396、 came in , a book in his hand. The teacher came in , a book in his hand. = The teacher came in , book in hand . = The teacher came in , book in hand . = The teacher came in , book in hand . = The teacher came in , book in hand . So many people to help him, he is sure to So many people to help him, h

397、e is sure to So many people to help him, he is sure to So many people to help him, he is sure to succeed .succeed .succeed .succeed . There being no more things to be discussed, There being no more things to be discussed, There being no more things to be discussed, There being no more things to be d

398、iscussed, the meeting came to an end .the meeting came to an end .the meeting came to an end .the meeting came to an end . It being too cold, people got up quite late in It being too cold, people got up quite late in It being too cold, people got up quite late in It being too cold, people got up qui

399、te late in the morning .the morning .the morning .the morning . 返回返回情态动词情态动词基本意义与用法基本意义与用法辩义选择辩义选择情态动词情态动词+have done+have done 否定式与附加问句否定式与附加问句返回返回基本意义与用法基本意义与用法 1 1、may / mightmay / might : : 1) 1) 表许可:表许可: You may come if you wish .You may come if you wish . May / Might I use your bike ? May / Mig

400、ht I use your bike ? Yes, you can. / No, you mustnt. Yes, you can. / No, you mustnt. 2) 2)表示可能:表示可能:It may rain tomorrow .It may rain tomorrow . He may not be serious . He may not be serious . c.f. Can it be true ? c.f. Can it be true ? 3) 3)用于祈便句中表示祝愿:用于祈便句中表示祝愿: May you succeed !May you succeed !

401、2 2、can / couldcan / could : : 1) 1)表示能力:表示能力:Can you finish the work tonight ?Can you finish the work tonight ? Mary can speak 5 languages . Mary can speak 5 languages .转下页转下页 2) 2) 2) 2) 表示客观可能性:表示客观可能性:表示客观可能性:表示客观可能性:Man cannot live without air .Man cannot live without air .Man cannot live witho

402、ut air .Man cannot live without air . 3) 3) 3) 3) 表示许可:表示许可:表示许可:表示许可:You can smoke in this room .You can smoke in this room .You can smoke in this room .You can smoke in this room . 4) 4) 4) 4) 表示惊异、怀疑、不相信的态度表示惊异、怀疑、不相信的态度表示惊异、怀疑、不相信的态度表示惊异、怀疑、不相信的态度( ( ( (否、问、惊叹句否、问、惊叹句否、问、惊叹句否、问、惊叹句) ) ) ): This

403、cannot be done by Mary .This cannot be done by Mary .This cannot be done by Mary .This cannot be done by Mary . How can you be so rude ! How can you be so rude ! How can you be so rude ! How can you be so rude ! 3 3 3 3、must :must :must :must : 1) 1) 1) 1) 表示表示表示表示“必须必须必须必须”:I must go now, or Ill be

404、 late I must go now, or Ill be late I must go now, or Ill be late I must go now, or Ill be late . . . . Must they go with you ? Must they go with you ? Must they go with you ? Must they go with you ? Yes, they must . / No, they neednt . Yes, they must . / No, they neednt . Yes, they must . / No, the

405、y neednt . Yes, they must . / No, they neednt . 2) 2) 2) 2) 表示推测:表示推测:表示推测:表示推测: There must be a mistake .There must be a mistake .There must be a mistake .There must be a mistake . You must be joking ! You must be joking ! You must be joking ! You must be joking !转转下下页页 4 4、shall / shouldshall / sh

406、ould : : 1) 1) 用于第一人称,表示征求对方的意思:用于第一人称,表示征求对方的意思: What shall we do this evening ?What shall we do this evening ? 2) 2) 用于第一、三人称疑问句中,表示说话人征求对方用于第一、三人称疑问句中,表示说话人征求对方的意见或向对方请示:的意见或向对方请示: Shall we begin our lesson ?Shall we begin our lesson ? When shall he be able to leave the hospital ? When shall he b

407、e able to leave the hospital ? 3) 3) 用于第二、三人称陈述句中,表示说话人给对方的用于第二、三人称陈述句中,表示说话人给对方的命令、警告、允诺或威胁:命令、警告、允诺或威胁: You shall fail if you dont work harder .You shall fail if you dont work harder . He shall have the book when I finish reading . He shall have the book when I finish reading . 4) should 4) should

408、 表示劝告、建议等:表示劝告、建议等: You should go to class right away . You should go to class right away . 转下页转下页 5 5、will / wouldwill / would : : 1) 1) 表示请求、建议等,用表示请求、建议等,用would would 语气更委婉:语气更委婉: Would you (please) pass me the book ?Would you (please) pass me the book ? 2) 2) 表示意志、愿望和决心:表示意志、愿望和决心:I will never d

409、o that .I will never do that . 3) 3) 用用 “ “will be” will be” 和和“will + have done” will + have done” 表推测,表推测,主要用于第二、三人称:主要用于第二、三人称: This will be the book you want .This will be the book you want . He will have arrived by now . He will have arrived by now . 4) would 4) would 表过去反复发生的动作或某种倾向:表过去反复发生的动作

410、或某种倾向: During the vacation, he would visit me every During the vacation, he would visit me every week .week . 5) 5) 表示料想或猜想:表示料想或猜想: I thought he would have told you all about it .I thought he would have told you all about it .转下页转下页 6 6、ought toought to : : 1 1)表示应该:)表示应该: You ought to take care of

411、 him .You ought to take care of him . 2) 2) 表示推测:表示推测:He ought to be home by now .He ought to be home by now . 7 7、needneed : :表示表示“需要、必须需要、必须”,作情态动词,仅用于否,作情态动词,仅用于否定句或疑问句中,在肯定句中一般用定句或疑问句中,在肯定句中一般用must, have to , must, have to , ought to ought to 或或should should 代替。代替。 You neednt buy the book .You n

412、eednt buy the book . Need I finish the work today ? Need I finish the work today ? Yes, you must . Yes, you must . 8 8、daredare :作情态动词,主要用于疑问句、否定句和条:作情态动词,主要用于疑问句、否定句和条件从句中,一般不用在肯定句中。件从句中,一般不用在肯定句中。 How dare you say Im unfair ?How dare you say Im unfair ? He darent speak English before such a crowd,

413、 He darent speak English before such a crowd, dare he ?dare he ?返回返回辩义选择辩义选择 1 1、表可能性或猜测的表可能性或猜测的 can, may, mustcan, may, must : : Mr. Reed looks pale. He may be ill.( Mr. Reed looks pale. He may be ill.(事实上可能事实上可能) ) Mr. Reed is in poor health. He can be ill at any Mr. Reed is in poor health. He ca

414、n be ill at any time. (time. (逻辑上可能逻辑上可能) ) Mr. Reed looks pale. He must be ill .( Mr. Reed looks pale. He must be ill .(语气肯定语气肯定) ) Can this be true ? Can this be true ? This may / must be true . / It cant be true This may / must be true . / It cant be true . . 2 2、表示能力的表示能力的can, could, be able toc

415、an, could, be able to : : Although his leg was hurt, he was able to Although his leg was hurt, he was able to swim to the bank .(swim to the bank .(通过努力克服困难做成某事通过努力克服困难做成某事) ) Can you skate ? ( Can you skate ? (由体力、知识、技能等产生的能力由体力、知识、技能等产生的能力) ) I can do that for you .( I can do that for you .(有时带有有时

416、带有“愿意愿意”的含义的含义) )转下页转下页3 3、表表“必须必须”的的must, have tomust, have to : : I really must go now .( I really must go now .(主观看法主观看法) ) I had to work when I was at your age .( I had to work when I was at your age .(客观需要客观需要) )You mustnt go .(You mustnt go .(禁止,不允许禁止,不允许) ) You dont have to go .( You dont hav

417、e to go .(不必不必) )、表表“应该应该”的的 should, ought toshould, ought to : : You should start at once . ( You should start at once . (语气一般语气一般) ) You ought to start at once .( You ought to start at once .(接近于接近于 must )must ) Should I go ? ( Should I go ? (疑问句中常用疑问句中常用should )should )、表过去经常的表过去经常的 would, used t

418、owould, used to : : He used to get up at 6:30 , but now he gets He used to get up at 6:30 , but now he gets up at 6 oclock .up at 6 oclock . He would take a walk in the park after He would take a walk in the park after supper .supper .返回返回情态动词情态动词+have done+have done、must have donemust have done : :

419、对过去情况肯定的推测对过去情况肯定的推测 e.g. It must have rained last night, for the e.g. It must have rained last night, for the road was quite muddy .road was quite muddy .、cant/couldnt have donecant/couldnt have done : :过去不可能做了某过去不可能做了某事事 e.g. He cant have been to Beijing , for he e.g. He cant have been to Beijing

420、, for he knows too little about it .knows too little about it .、can / could have donecan / could have done : (: (否、问否、问)“)“可能已经可能已经”、“本来可以本来可以( (可能可能)”)” e.g. You could have done better , but you e.g. You could have done better , but you didnt try your best .didnt try your best . Tom didnt arrive ye

421、t .He could have been Tom didnt arrive yet .He could have been caught in the traffic jam . caught in the traffic jam . 转下页转下页、may / might have donemay / might have done :“ :“也许已经也许已经”、“本来本来应该或可以做但没有做某事应该或可以做但没有做某事” e.g. He may / might have gone home .e.g. He may / might have gone home . You might ha

422、ve given him more help though You might have given him more help though you were busy .you were busy .、neednt have doneneednt have done : : 过去本不必做而实际上已过去本不必做而实际上已做做 e.g. You neednt have told her the news, for I e.g. You neednt have told her the news, for I had told her earlier .had told her earlier

423、.、should/ought to have doneshould/ought to have done : :过去本该做但没做过去本该做但没做 shouldnt have doneshouldnt have done : :本不该做但已做本不该做但已做 e.g. You should / ought to have come to the e.g. You should / ought to have come to the meeting earlier .meeting earlier . Im not feeling well in the stomach . I Im not fee

424、ling well in the stomach . I shouldnt have eaten so much fried chicken just shouldnt have eaten so much fried chicken just now .now .返回返回否定式与附加问句否定式与附加问句 1. He must finish the work today, mustnt he ?1. He must finish the work today, mustnt he ? 2. Must he finish the work today ? 2. Must he finish th

425、e work today ? Yes, he must . / No, he neednt . Yes, he must . / No, he neednt . 3. He must be hungry now, isnt he ? 3. He must be hungry now, isnt he ? 4. He must have finished the work , hasnt / 4. He must have finished the work , hasnt / didnt he ?didnt he ? 5. May I smoke here ? 5. May I smoke h

426、ere ? Yes, you can . / No, you mustnt / cant . Yes, you can . / No, you mustnt / cant . 6. Can it be true ? 6. Can it be true ? It may not be true . / It cant be true . It may not be true . / It cant be true .返回返回虚拟语气虚拟语气、三种基本情况的谓语动词形式:、三种基本情况的谓语动词形式: 2 2 2 2、含蓄虚拟条件句:、含蓄虚拟条件句:、含蓄虚拟条件句:、含蓄虚拟条件句: 1) 1

427、) 1) 1) 用介词短语替代条件句用介词短语替代条件句用介词短语替代条件句用介词短语替代条件句: : : : We couldnt have succeeded without your We couldnt have succeeded without your We couldnt have succeeded without your We couldnt have succeeded without your help. help. help. help. 转下页转下页 But for the rain, we would have finished the But for the

428、rain, we would have finished the work .work . 2) 2) 用一个副词或连词表示虚拟条件句用一个副词或连词表示虚拟条件句: : e.g. He telephoned to inform me of your birthday, e.g. He telephoned to inform me of your birthday, or I would have known nothing about it .or I would have known nothing about it . 3 3、混合虚拟条件句:混合虚拟条件句: e.g. If he h

429、ad followed the doctors advice, he e.g. If he had followed the doctors advice, he would be quite all right now .would be quite all right now . If China had not been liberated, the working If China had not been liberated, the working people would still be leading a miserable life. people would still

430、be leading a miserable life. 4 4、虚拟条件句的省略虚拟条件句的省略: e.g. Were I you , I would do more practice after e.g. Were I you , I would do more practice after class .class . If (only) she were my sister ! If (only) she were my sister !转下页转下页 5 5、虚拟语气表示委婉语气的句型:、虚拟语气表示委婉语气的句型: e.g. It would be better for you no

431、t to stay up e.g. It would be better for you not to stay up too late .too late . Would you be so kind as to show me the way ? Would you be so kind as to show me the way ? 6 6、常用虚拟语气的句型常用虚拟语气的句型 : 1) 1) 在表在表“命令、要求、建议命令、要求、建议”等的名词性从句中用等的名词性从句中用(should +) do ;(should +) do ;e.g. The doctor suggested th

432、at she (should) stay e.g. The doctor suggested that she (should) stay in bed for a few says .in bed for a few says . We all agreed to his suggestion that we We all agreed to his suggestion that we (should) give up the plan .(should) give up the plan . 2 2)在)在It is + It is + 形容词形容词(necessary, natural

433、, strange, (necessary, natural, strange, etc.) + thatetc.) + that从句中用从句中用 (should +) do(should +) do; ; e.g. Its necessary that we (should) clean the e.g. Its necessary that we (should) clean the room every day .room every day .转下页转下页 3) 3) 在在It is/ was a pity/shame/ no wonder, etc. It is/ was a pit

434、y/shame/ no wonder, etc. +that+that从句中,用从句中,用should + doshould + do ; ;e.g. It is a pity that our team should lose the e.g. It is a pity that our team should lose the game .game . 4 4)It is (high/ about) time (that)It is (high/ about) time (that)从句中,常用动从句中,常用动词的过去式;词的过去式;e.g. It is high time we star

435、ted out .e.g. It is high time we started out . 5) 5) wishwish后的宾语从句中后的宾语从句中,用虚拟;,用虚拟;e.g. I wish I were as clever as you .e.g. I wish I were as clever as you . I wish he would try again . I wish he would try again . 6 6)as is/though as is/though 引导的表语从句或方式状语从句中引导的表语从句或方式状语从句中;e.g. He looks as if he

436、were an artist .e.g. He looks as if he were an artist . 7) 7) would rather would rather 后的宾语从句中;后的宾语从句中;e.g. I would rather you didnt go there .e.g. I would rather you didnt go there .转下页转下页 8 8)If only If only 引导的感叹句中引导的感叹句中;e.g. If only I were a bird !e.g. If only I were a bird ! 9) 9) 在含有在含有If it

437、 were not for If it were not for 或或 If it had not If it had not been forbeen for 条件句的虚拟语气中;条件句的虚拟语气中;e.g. If it were not for the rain, the crops would e.g. If it were not for the rain, the crops would / should die ./ should die . 10) 10) 谓语动词用动词原形谓语动词用动词原形表示强烈的表示强烈的“愿望、祝愿愿望、祝愿”;e.g. Long live the Pe

438、oples Republic of China !e.g. Long live the Peoples Republic of China ! 11) 11) 用用“may + may + 动词原形动词原形”表示表示“祝愿祝愿”、“但愿但愿”. .e.g. May you succeed !e.g. May you succeed !返回返回辩义选择辩义选择1 1、 wear, dress, put on, have on, be inwear, dress, put on, have on, be in2 2、 rise, raiserise, raise3 3、 arrive, reach

439、, get arrive, reach, get 4 4、 wish, hopewish, hope5 5、 allow, permit, let, etc. allow, permit, let, etc. 6 6、 cut up / down / off etc. cut up / down / off etc. 7 7、look up / for / at/ round / into / down , etc.look up / for / at/ round / into / down , etc. 返回返回形容词形容词 / 副词副词基本用法基本用法比较等级比较等级辩义辩义其他其他返回

440、返回基本用法基本用法 一、句法功能:一、句法功能: 1 1、形容词的句法功能形容词的句法功能: 1 1)作)作定语定语: e.g. I have something interesting to tell you .e.g. I have something interesting to tell you . 2 2)作)作表语表语: e.g. The weather is getting warmer and warmer .e.g. The weather is getting warmer and warmer . 3 3)作)作宾语补足语宾语补足语: e.g. The news mad

441、e everyone happy .e.g. The news made everyone happy . 4 4)作)作状语状语,表示伴随状况、原因、结果等:,表示伴随状况、原因、结果等: e.g. He went to bed, cold and hungry .e.g. He went to bed, cold and hungry . Mr. White stared into the distance, Mr. White stared into the distance, speechless for a moment .speechless for a moment .转转下下页

442、页 5 5)与定冠词一起表示某一类人或物,在句中作主、宾。)与定冠词一起表示某一类人或物,在句中作主、宾。 e.g. The rich and the poor live very different e.g. The rich and the poor live very different lives .lives . 2 2、副词的句法功能副词的句法功能: 1 1)作)作状语状语,修饰动词、形容词、副词或整个句子:,修饰动词、形容词、副词或整个句子: e.g. He had worked hard all his life .e.g. He had worked hard all his

443、 life . Luckily she was in when I called . Luckily she was in when I called . 2 2)作)作表语表语: e.g. He is not in / out .e.g. He is not in / out . 3 3)作)作定语定语( (后置后置) ): e.g. The population here is getting smaller .e.g. The population here is getting smaller . 4 4)有时也构成)有时也构成复合宾语复合宾语。 e.g. I saw you out

444、with Mr. Wang yesterday .e.g. I saw you out with Mr. Wang yesterday .转下页转下页 1、定语后置定语后置: 1)形容词短语作定语;)形容词短语作定语;2)同表示数量的词组连用时;)同表示数量的词组连用时; 3)修饰不定代词;)修饰不定代词; 4)enough 可前置,也可可前置,也可后置;后置; 5)表语形容词作定语;)表语形容词作定语; 6)“as + 形容词形容词 + as”结构作定语;结构作定语; 7)副词作定语。)副词作定语。 8)由)由and/or 连接的并列形容连接的并列形容词;词; 2、多个形容词的顺序多个形容词

445、的顺序: “美小圆旧黄、法国木书房美小圆旧黄、法国木书房” 限定词限定词+ +描绘性形容词描绘性形容词+ +大小、长短、高低大小、长短、高低+ +形状形状+ +年龄、年龄、新旧新旧+ +颜色颜色+ +国家、地区、出处国家、地区、出处+ +物质、材料物质、材料+ +用途、类别用途、类别+ + 名词中名词中心词心词一张小圆桌一张小圆桌 一栋高大的灰色建筑一栋高大的灰色建筑一辆昂贵的日本跑车一辆昂贵的日本跑车一家有名的德国医学学校一家有名的德国医学学校二、位置与顺序:二、位置与顺序:a small round table a tall gray building an expensive Japan

446、ese sports car a famous German medical school 转转下下页页 3 3、asas asas 中名词的位置以及倍数、分数等词的位置:中名词的位置以及倍数、分数等词的位置:1). as + adj. + a(n) + n(1). as + adj. + a(n) + n(单数单数) + as ) + as as many/much + n( as many/much + n(复数复数) + as ) + as 2). 2). 倍数倍数 + as + adj. + as + as + adj. + as e.g. This is as good an exa

447、mple as the other is . e.g. This is as good an example as the other is . I can carry as much paper as you can . I can carry as much paper as you can . This room is twice as big as that one. This room is twice as big as that one. 4 4 4 4、副词的位置:、副词的位置:、副词的位置:、副词的位置: 1 1 1 1)频率副词通常在实义动词前,)频率副词通常在实义动词前,

448、)频率副词通常在实义动词前,)频率副词通常在实义动词前,be/be/be/be/助动词之后;助动词之后;助动词之后;助动词之后; 2 2 2 2)enough enough enough enough 后置;后置;后置;后置; 3 3 3 3)多个副词连用,一般顺序为)多个副词连用,一般顺序为)多个副词连用,一般顺序为)多个副词连用,一般顺序为“方式状语方式状语方式状语方式状语+ + + +地点状语地点状语地点状语地点状语+ + + + 时间状语时间状语时间状语时间状语”。返回返回比较等级比较等级 一、比较级和最高级的不规则变化形式:一、比较级和最高级的不规则变化形式: bad / badly

449、good / well many / muchlittle old far worse ; worst better ; best more ; most less ; least older / elder ; oldest / eldest farther / further ; farthest / furthest 二、二、 比较级的结构形式:比较级的结构形式: 1). (倍数倍数) asas / not as (so) as 2). (倍数倍数) morethan 3). 倍数倍数 + the + N (size,length,age,etc.) + of e.g. This roo

450、m is twice as big as that one . This room is twice larger than that one . This room is twice the size of that one.转下页转下页 三、比较级使用时要注意的问题:三、比较级使用时要注意的问题:1). 1). 要注意比较对象一致;要注意比较对象一致; 2). 2). 要注意对应句型,要注意对应句型,遵循前后一致的原则;遵循前后一致的原则; 3). 3). 要注意冠词的使用,要注意冠词的使用,后有名词时前面才有可能有冠词。后有名词时前面才有可能有冠词。 Correct the mistak

451、es in the following sentences : a. China is larger than any country in Asia . b. Tom is the tallest of three brothers . c. The population of Shanghai is larger than Beijing . d. It is easier to make a plan than carrying it out . other the that of ( ) to carry Which is larger , Canada or Australia ?

452、Which is the larger country , Canada or Australia ? She is taller than her two sisters . She is the taller of the two sisters .比比 较较转下页转下页四、比较级的修饰词有:四、比较级的修饰词有: a bit , a little , rather , a bit , a little , rather , much , far , by far , a lot , a great deal , even much , far , by far , a lot , a g

453、reat deal , even , still , etc . , still , etc . 五、最高级的修饰词有:五、最高级的修饰词有:五、最高级的修饰词有:五、最高级的修饰词有: first, by far, nearly, by no means, etc.first, by far, nearly, by no means, etc.first, by far, nearly, by no means, etc.first, by far, nearly, by no means, etc.六、常考的含有比较级的句型:六、常考的含有比较级的句型:六、常考的含有比较级的句型:六、常考

454、的含有比较级的句型: 1. “1. “1. “1. “比较级比较级比较级比较级+ and + and + and + and +比较级比较级比较级比较级”表示表示表示表示“越来越越来越越来越越来越”;如:;如:;如:;如: e.g. Its getting colder and colder .e.g. Its getting colder and colder .e.g. Its getting colder and colder .e.g. Its getting colder and colder . 2. “the + 2. “the + 2. “the + 2. “the + 比较级

455、比较级比较级比较级 the + the + the + the + 比较级比较级比较级比较级”.”.”.”.如:如:如:如: e.g. The sooner you finish the job, the better .e.g. The sooner you finish the job, the better .e.g. The sooner you finish the job, the better .e.g. The sooner you finish the job, the better .返回返回辩辩 义义 much too : too much : adv . adv . (

456、+ adj. / adv.+ adj. / adv.) adj. / pron. (+ N) adj. / pron. (+ N) e.g. These shoes are much too small for me . A cycling holiday would be too much for an unfit person like me. specially : especially : + to do “+ to do “为了一个特别目的为了一个特别目的” + + 介词短语介词短语 / / 连词连词 e.g. I came here specially to see you . I

457、 love the country especially in spring . We are very busy especially when we have visitors . This is especially / specially for you .转下页转下页 very : much : very much :一般用来修饰形一般用来修饰形/ /副词的原级副词的原级 一般用来修饰形一般用来修饰形/ /副词的比较级副词的比较级用来修饰动词,位于句末用来修饰动词,位于句末 e.g. I feel very happy . e.g. I feel very happy . He is

458、 much cleverer than his brother . He is much cleverer than his brother . Thank you very much . Thank you very much . This is This is the verythe very best . best . This is This is much themuch the best . best . more and more : the morethe more : 越来越越来越越越就越就越 e.g. He speaks more and more openly about

459、 his problem . The harder you work , the greater progress youll make . 转转下下页页 more than : more than :与其说与其说不如说不如说 = very(= very(不只是,非常不只是,非常) ) e.g. He is more lazy than slow at his work . She is more than kind to us all . not more than : no more than : at most ; not so as at most ; not so as only ;

460、 neither nor only ; neither nor e.g. There are not more than ten students in the classroom . There are no more than ten students in the classroom . Tom doesnt play football better than Peter . Tom plays football no better than Peter . 返回返回其他其他 1. 1. 表语形容词:表语形容词: well , ill , faint , asleep , afraid

461、, alike , alive , alone , awake, etc. 2. 2. lyly 形容词:形容词: friendly , lovely , likely , lonely , brotherly , comradely , etc . 3. -3. -lyly 形容词形容词/ /副词副词 : daily , weekly , monthly , yearly , early , etc. 4. 4. 有两种形式的副词有两种形式的副词 :一般来说:与形容词同形的副词一般来说:与形容词同形的副词 用于比较具体的概念;加用于比较具体的概念;加- -lyly 的副词用于比较抽象的场合。

462、但有时两者含义相差甚远。的副词用于比较抽象的场合。但有时两者含义相差甚远。 e.g. He spoke highly of her . He can jump very high . He works very hard . He hardly knew the answers to the questions . 转下页转下页 5. 5. 5. 5. 无比较等级的形容词无比较等级的形容词无比较等级的形容词无比较等级的形容词: impossible, right, wrong, perfect, favorite, impossible, right, wrong, perfect, favo

463、rite, impossible, right, wrong, perfect, favorite, impossible, right, wrong, perfect, favorite, mistaken, etc. mistaken, etc. mistaken, etc. mistaken, etc. 6. 6. 6. 6. 倍数表示法倍数表示法倍数表示法倍数表示法: 1). A is 3 times / half / one third the size 1). A is 3 times / half / one third the size 1). A is 3 times / h

464、alf / one third the size 1). A is 3 times / half / one third the size (height, length, etc. ) of B .(height, length, etc. ) of B .(height, length, etc. ) of B .(height, length, etc. ) of B . 2). A is 3 times / half / one third as big (high, 2). A is 3 times / half / one third as big (high, 2). A is

465、3 times / half / one third as big (high, 2). A is 3 times / half / one third as big (high, long, etc.) as B .long, etc.) as B .long, etc.) as B .long, etc.) as B . 3). A is 3 times / half / one third bigger 3). A is 3 times / half / one third bigger 3). A is 3 times / half / one third bigger 3). A i

466、s 3 times / half / one third bigger (higher, longer, etc.) than B .(higher, longer, etc.) than B .(higher, longer, etc.) than B .(higher, longer, etc.) than B .返回返回数词数词一一 基数词、序数词:基数词、序数词:二二 分数、小数、百分数:分数、小数、百分数:转下页转下页三三 其他:其他: 1 1 1 1、倍数:、倍数:、倍数:、倍数: 两倍两倍两倍两倍 三倍三倍三倍三倍 四倍四倍四倍四倍 一、两倍一、两倍一、两倍一、两倍 二、三倍二、

467、三倍二、三倍二、三倍 2 2 2 2、时间表示法:、时间表示法:、时间表示法:、时间表示法: 1949194919491949年年年年10101010月月月月1 1 1 1日:日:日:日: twicetwice three timesthree times four timesfour times once or twiceonce or twice two or three timestwo or three times October 1 , 1949 October 1 , 1949 October 1 , 1949 October 1 , 1949 October (the) firs

468、t nineteen forty-nineOctober (the) first nineteen forty-nineOctober (the) first nineteen forty-nineOctober (the) first nineteen forty-nine 1905190519051905年:年:年:年: 公元前公元前公元前公元前105105105105年:年:年:年: 公元后公元后公元后公元后860860860860年:年:年:年: 20202020世纪世纪世纪世纪90909090年代:年代:年代:年代: nineteen hundred and fivenineteen

469、 hundred and fivenineteen hundred and fivenineteen hundred and five one hundred and five B. C. one hundred and five B. C. one hundred and five B. C. one hundred and five B. C. eight sixty A.D. eight sixty A.D. eight sixty A.D. eight sixty A.D. in the 1990s / 1990s / ninetiesin the 1990s / 1990s / ni

470、netiesin the 1990s / 1990s / ninetiesin the 1990s / 1990s / nineties转转下下页页 3:053:053:053:055:205:205:205:20 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:3011:5011:5011:5011:50 3 3 3 3、年龄表达法:、年龄表达法:、年龄表达法:、年龄表达法: He is ten ( years old ).He is ten ( years old ).He is ten ( years old ).He is ten ( years old ). She is still in her

471、 twenties . She is still in her twenties . She is still in her twenties . She is still in her twenties . 一个七岁的男孩:一个七岁的男孩:一个七岁的男孩:一个七岁的男孩:a boy of seven ( years old )a boy of seven ( years old )a boy of seven ( years old )a boy of seven ( years old ) a boy of seven years of age a boy of seven years o

472、f age a boy of seven years of age a boy of seven years of age a seven-year-old boy a seven-year-old boy a seven-year-old boy a seven-year-old boy 4 4 4 4、整数词用法:、整数词用法:、整数词用法:、整数词用法: 三百人三百人三百人三百人 数以百计的人数以百计的人数以百计的人数以百计的人 five past threefive past threefive past threefive past three twenty past fivetwe

473、nty past fivetwenty past fivetwenty past five half past sevenhalf past sevenhalf past sevenhalf past seven ten to twelveten to twelveten to twelveten to twelve three hundred peoplethree hundred peoplethree hundred peoplethree hundred people hundreds of people hundreds of people hundreds of people hu

474、ndreds of people 转下页转下页 a dozen peoplea dozen peoplea dozen peoplea dozen peopletwo dozen peopletwo dozen peopletwo dozen peopletwo dozen people (several / some) dozens of people (several / some) dozens of people (several / some) dozens of people (several / some) dozens of people a dozen of us a doz

475、en of us a dozen of us a dozen of usa dozen of those applesa dozen of those applesa dozen of those applesa dozen of those apples scores of years ago scores of years ago scores of years ago scores of years agotwo score (of) peopletwo score (of) peopletwo score (of) peopletwo score (of) people three s

476、core and ten people three score and ten people three score and ten people three score and ten people 5 5 5 5、序数词与寇词:、序数词与寇词:、序数词与寇词:、序数词与寇词: I like the red one, the first on the left.I like the red one, the first on the left.I like the red one, the first on the left.I like the red one, the first on

477、the left. Can I have Can I have Can I have Can I have a a a a second try ? second try ? second try ? second try ? First come , first served . First come , first served . First come , first served . First come , first served . The girl came out first / second in the contest . The girl came out first

478、/ second in the contest . The girl came out first / second in the contest . The girl came out first / second in the contest .返回返回连连 词词并列连词并列连词从属连词从属连词返回返回并列连词并列连词 1 1 1 1、and and and and 型表示型表示型表示型表示添加添加添加添加意义的词:意义的词:意义的词:意义的词:and, bothand , as and, bothand , as and, bothand , as and, bothand , as w

479、ell as , neithernor , not onlybut also well as , neithernor , not onlybut also well as , neithernor , not onlybut also well as , neithernor , not onlybut also 2 2 2 2、or or or or 型表示型表示型表示型表示选择选择选择选择意义的词:意义的词:意义的词:意义的词:or, eitheror , or or, eitheror , or or, eitheror , or or, eitheror , or else, oth

480、erwise, whetheror , rather than else, otherwise, whetheror , rather than else, otherwise, whetheror , rather than else, otherwise, whetheror , rather than 3 3 3 3、but but but but 型表示型表示型表示型表示转折转折转折转折意义的连词意义的连词意义的连词意义的连词: but, yet, while, : but, yet, while, : but, yet, while, : but, yet, while, still

481、, however, whereas, neverthelessstill, however, whereas, neverthelessstill, however, whereas, neverthelessstill, however, whereas, nevertheless 4 4 4 4、so so so so 型表示型表示型表示型表示原因和结果原因和结果原因和结果原因和结果的连词:的连词:的连词:的连词:so, for, thereforeso, for, thereforeso, for, thereforeso, for, therefore返回返回从属连词从属连词 1 1

482、、引导名词性从句的连词:、引导名词性从句的连词: 连词:连词:that, whether, ifthat, whether, if连接代词:连接代词:what, which, who, whom, whose, etc.what, which, who, whom, whose, etc.连接副词:连接副词:when, where, why, how, etc.when, where, why, how, etc. 2 2、引导定语从句的连词:、引导定语从句的连词:关系代词:关系代词:which, that, who, whom, whose, etc.which, that, who, wh

483、om, whose, etc.关系副词:关系副词:when, where, why, etc.when, where, why, etc. 3 3、引导状语从句的连词:、引导状语从句的连词:1) when, while, as, after, before, since, etc.1) when, while, as, after, before, since, etc.2) because, since, as, now that, etc.2) because, since, as, now that, etc.3) where, wherever, etc.3) where, where

484、ver, etc.4) if, unless, as / so long as , in case, etc.4) if, unless, as / so long as , in case, etc.转下页转下页 4 4 4 4、特殊的从属连词:、特殊的从属连词:、特殊的从属连词:、特殊的从属连词: 1) 1) 1) 1) 分词转化为连词分词转化为连词分词转化为连词分词转化为连词:considering (considering (considering (considering (考虑到考虑到考虑到考虑到), given ), given ), given ), given ( ( ( (

485、考虑到考虑到考虑到考虑到), provided/providing (), provided/providing (), provided/providing (), provided/providing (只要,如果只要,如果只要,如果只要,如果), seeing ), seeing ), seeing ), seeing ( ( ( (既然,考虑到既然,考虑到既然,考虑到既然,考虑到), supposing (), supposing (), supposing (), supposing (假如假如假如假如) ) ) )。 e.g. e.g. e.g. e.g. Considering

486、Considering Considering Considering hes only been learning hes only been learning hes only been learning hes only been learning English a year, he speaks it very well .English a year, he speaks it very well .English a year, he speaks it very well .English a year, he speaks it very well . SupposingSu

487、pposingSupposingSupposing white were black, you would be white were black, you would be white were black, you would be white were black, you would be right .right .right .right . 2) 2) 2) 2) 动词转化为连词动词转化为连词动词转化为连词动词转化为连词:suppose (suppose (suppose (suppose (假定假定假定假定), save that ), save that ), save th

488、at ), save that ( ( ( (只是只是只是只是).).).). e.g. Suppose they didnt believe him what would e.g. Suppose they didnt believe him what would e.g. Suppose they didnt believe him what would e.g. Suppose they didnt believe him what would they do to him ? they do to him ? they do to him ? they do to him ? 转下页转

489、下页 3) 3) 3) 3) 副词转化为连词副词转化为连词副词转化为连词副词转化为连词:directly, immediately, once, directly, immediately, once, directly, immediately, once, directly, immediately, once, now that, instantly, etc. now that, instantly, etc. now that, instantly, etc. now that, instantly, etc. e.g. Once you begin, you mustnt stop

490、. e.g. Once you begin, you mustnt stop. e.g. Once you begin, you mustnt stop. e.g. Once you begin, you mustnt stop. I left, immediately the clock struck twelve . I left, immediately the clock struck twelve . I left, immediately the clock struck twelve . I left, immediately the clock struck twelve .

491、4) 4) 4) 4) 名词短语作连词名词短语作连词名词短语作连词名词短语作连词:the minute/moment, the day, the minute/moment, the day, the minute/moment, the day, the minute/moment, the day, any moment, each/every time, next time, etc.any moment, each/every time, next time, etc.any moment, each/every time, next time, etc.any moment, eac

492、h/every time, next time, etc. e.g. Come and see us any moment you can . e.g. Come and see us any moment you can . e.g. Come and see us any moment you can . e.g. Come and see us any moment you can . Each time we call him, he is reading . Each time we call him, he is reading . Each time we call him, h

493、e is reading . Each time we call him, he is reading . 5) 5) 5) 5) the first time the first time the first time the first time 作连词作连词作连词作连词: e.g. That was the first time I had gone to work .e.g. That was the first time I had gone to work .e.g. That was the first time I had gone to work .e.g. That was

494、 the first time I had gone to work . I thought her nice and honest the first time I met her . I thought her nice and honest the first time I met her . I thought her nice and honest the first time I met her . I thought her nice and honest the first time I met her . Do you remember the first time we m

495、et ? Do you remember the first time we met ? Do you remember the first time we met ? Do you remember the first time we met ?返返回回介介 词词常见介词的意义和用法常见介词的意义和用法介词和其他词类的搭配介词和其他词类的搭配其他注意点其他注意点返回返回常见介词的意义和用法常见介词的意义和用法一、表示时间的介词:一、表示时间的介词: 1. 1. at, on, inat, on, in atat 6 oclock, that time, noon, night, dawn,

496、6 oclock, that time, noon, night, dawn, dark, sunrise, sunset, Christmas, weekend, etc.dark, sunrise, sunset, Christmas, weekend, etc. onon Monday (morning), July 1,1921 , Christmas Monday (morning), July 1,1921 , Christmas Day, a fine morning , etc. Day, a fine morning , etc. inin the morning, a we

497、ek, July, spring, 2005, the the morning, a week, July, spring, 2005, the 21st century, etc.21st century, etc. 2. 2. in , duringin , during 表示表示“一段时间一段时间”,凡是能用,凡是能用in in 的地方,一般都可的地方,一般都可用用during during 。但。但during during 更强调时间的延续,强调更强调时间的延续,强调“在在的过程中的过程中”。因此,如果句中谓语动词表示一种状。因此,如果句中谓语动词表示一种状态或习惯性的动作,或在此期

498、间多种事情连续发生,通态或习惯性的动作,或在此期间多种事情连续发生,通常用常用during during 。转下页转下页 e.g. During the 1990s, American country music has e.g. During the 1990s, American country music has become more and more popular .become more and more popular . 3. 3. in , after , sincein , after , since in + in + 一段时间一段时间“( (从现在开始从现在开始) )

499、一段时间后一段时间后”、“过过”,谓语动词用一般将来时;,谓语动词用一般将来时; after + after + 点时间点时间 “ “在某时之后在某时之后”,谓语动词可根据句子,谓语动词可根据句子要求用各种时态;要求用各种时态; after + after + 一段时间一段时间 “ “( (从过去某时开始从过去某时开始) )一段时间后一段时间后”,谓语动词用一般过去时;谓语动词用一般过去时; sincesince表示从过去某一时间开始一直延续到说话时间止,表示从过去某一时间开始一直延续到说话时间止,谓语动词一般用现在或过去完成时。谓语动词一般用现在或过去完成时。 e.g. A big hosp

500、ital will be built in the city in a few e.g. A big hospital will be built in the city in a few years .years . Sometimes we go on working after dark by the lights Sometimes we go on working after dark by the lights of our tractors.of our tractors.转下页转下页 4. till , until , to4. till , until , to 三个词都可表

501、示三个词都可表示“一个动作的终结一个动作的终结”,常用,常用fromto fromto , , 和和fromtill/until ;fromtill/until ;但在用但在用“倒读法倒读法”表示表示“钟钟点点”时总用时总用to ,to ,而单独表示而单独表示“直到几点直到几点”又只用又只用tilltill。 e.g. So every day I work from dawn e.g. So every day I work from dawn till/until/to till/until/to dark.dark. Shall we go at a quarter past three

502、 ? Shall we go at a quarter past three ? No, lets go at a quarter No, lets go at a quarter toto three . three . He worked He worked tilltill eight . eight . 5. in , within 5. in , within 两个词都可与两个词都可与“一段时间一段时间”连用,表连用,表“在在之内之内” ” (before the end of),(before the end of),但但within within 较正式;在口语中,较正式;在口语

503、中,in + in + 一段时间,还表示一段时间,还表示“( (从现在开始从现在开始) )一段时间后一段时间后” ” (at the end of)(at the end of)。 e.g. Ill finish the book in a few days .e.g. Ill finish the book in a few days .转下页转下页二、表地点的介词:二、表地点的介词: 1.at , on, in1.at , on, in at at 一般指比较小的地点和某种活动场所,或把一个地一般指比较小的地点和某种活动场所,或把一个地方看做一个点方看做一个点( (不涉及大小不涉及大小)

504、); on on 某东西在一个平面上,或某东西接触或接近一条线某东西在一个平面上,或某东西接触或接近一条线或类似一条线的东西;或类似一条线的东西; in in 指大地点或表示在某一区域或某一立体空间。指大地点或表示在某一区域或某一立体空间。 2. at 2. at 型型: for, to, from : for, to, from 等等, ,通常表示去向、到达、通常表示去向、到达、离开、在或不在某点;离开、在或不在某点; on on 型:型:across, along, off, onto, overacross, along, off, onto, over等,通等,通常表示离开,沿着,在或

505、不在某一条线或某个平面上;常表示离开,沿着,在或不在某一条线或某个平面上; in in 型:型:into, out of, throughinto, out of, through等,通常表示进入、等,通常表示进入、走出、穿过某个地区、城市或立体物,以及坐落在它们走出、穿过某个地区、城市或立体物,以及坐落在它们之内或之外。之内或之外。转下页转下页 三、表示方位的介词:三、表示方位的介词: 1.in , on , to1.in , on , to in in 表表“在内在内” ” ,to to 表表“在外在外” ” ,on on 表表“相连相连” ” 。 e.g. London is in th

506、e southeast of England .e.g. London is in the southeast of England . U.S. is to the west of China . U.S. is to the west of China . Mexico is on the south of U.S. . Mexico is on the south of U.S. . 2.before ,behind ,in front of, in the front of 2.before ,behind ,in front of, in the front of e.g. Your

507、 name comes before mine . e.g. Your name comes before mine . People never use Mr ,Mrs or Miss before their names. People never use Mr ,Mrs or Miss before their names. There is a car parked right in front of our gate, There is a car parked right in front of our gate, and we cant go out .and we cant g

508、o out . He likes sitting in the front of the car . He likes sitting in the front of the car . 3. over , above , on 3. over , above , on under , below , (beneath) under , below , (beneath) 转下页转下页 四、表示手段的介词:四、表示手段的介词: 1.by , with , in1.by , with , in by by后常接动名词,表示以某种方法做某事;后常接动名词,表示以某种方法做某事; withwith后

509、接名词,表示以某种工具或某物做某事;后接名词,表示以某种工具或某物做某事; inin后接名词后接名词wayway、语言、风格等。、语言、风格等。 e.g. Learn to swim by swimming .e.g. Learn to swim by swimming . True friendship cant be bought with money True friendship cant be bought with money . . An English teacher should try to teach in An English teacher should try to

510、 teach in English .English . Its impolite to write a letter in red . Its impolite to write a letter in red . You shouldnt have treated the matter in You shouldnt have treated the matter in the wrong way.the wrong way. 返回返回介词和其他词类的搭配介词和其他词类的搭配 一、介词与动词的搭配:一、介词与动词的搭配: laugh at , look forward to , depen

511、d on , look laugh at , look forward to , depend on , look for/after , worry about , agree with/to/on , ask for/after , worry about , agree with/to/on , ask for , belong to , hear of/from , listen to , for , belong to , hear of/from , listen to , care for , wait for , answer for , leave for , care fo

512、r , wait for , answer for , leave for , operate on , aim at , call at/on , come across , operate on , aim at , call at/on , come across , deal with , consist of , engage in , live on , deal with , consist of , engage in , live on , die of/from , insist on , prepare for , object die of/from , insist

513、on , prepare for , object to , put up with , preventfrom , send for , to , put up with , preventfrom , send for , refer to , suffer from , stand for , etc.refer to , suffer from , stand for , etc.转下页转下页 二、介词与名词的搭配:二、介词与名词的搭配: 1. key, answer, visit, apology, introduction, 1. key, answer, visit, apolo

514、gy, introduction, etc. + to etc. + to 2. interest, expert, satisfaction , etc. + in 2. interest, expert, satisfaction , etc. + in 3. mercy, congratulation, etc. + on 3. mercy, congratulation, etc. + on 4. prize , respect , etc. + for 4. prize , respect , etc. + for 5. victory over , struggle with ,

515、5. victory over , struggle with , 6. 6. 表表“的的” ” 的介词:的介词: a friend of mine a ticket for tonighta friend of mine a ticket for tonight a story about Lei Feng a story about Lei Feng a key to the door a key to the door a lecture on America history a lecture on America history转下页转下页 三、介词与形容词的搭配:三、介词与形容词的

516、搭配: 1. afraid, angry, good, bad, clever, terrified, 1. afraid, angry, good, bad, clever, terrified, surprised, etc. + surprised, etc. + atat 2. sure, full, tired, fond, proud, worthy, 2. sure, full, tired, fond, proud, worthy, certain, etc. + certain, etc. + ofof 3. angry, strict, careful, busy, pop

517、ular,+ 3. angry, strict, careful, busy, popular,+ withwith 4. weak, strict, rich, interested, + 4. weak, strict, rich, interested, + inin 5. next, good, polite, kind, cruel, rude, known, 5. next, good, polite, kind, cruel, rude, known, married, close, near, similar, due, + married, close, near, simi

518、lar, due, + toto 6. sorry, good, famous, fit, eager, anxious, 6. sorry, good, famous, fit, eager, anxious, hungry, etc. + hungry, etc. + forfor 7. far, different, free, safe, absent, tired , 7. far, different, free, safe, absent, tired , etc. + etc. + fromfrom 8. sorry, worried, certain, sure, etc.

519、+ 8. sorry, worried, certain, sure, etc. + aboutabout返回返回其他注意点其他注意点 一、介词的省略:一、介词的省略: 1.1.表示时间的介词在表示时间的介词在next, last, this, these, next, last, this, these, yesterday, tomorrow, one, any, every, each, yesterday, tomorrow, one, any, every, each, some, some, 等词之前省略;等词之前省略; 2.2.在某些动词之后的介词可以省略:在某些动词之后的介词可

520、以省略: spend (in), stop (from), prevent (from) , etc.spend (in), stop (from), prevent (from) , etc. 二、不要漏掉必要的介词:二、不要漏掉必要的介词: 1.1.带有介词的短语动词在变为被动语态时,不要漏掉介带有介词的短语动词在变为被动语态时,不要漏掉介词。词。 e.g. Good care should be taken e.g. Good care should be taken ofof them . them . 2. 2.不及物动词作定语时,如果其与被修饰的名词在逻辑不及物动词作定语时,如果其与被修饰的名词在逻辑上有动宾关系,其后要加相应的介词。上有动宾关系,其后要加相应的介词。 e.g. Years of hard work, very little food, only a e.g. Years of hard work, very little food, only a small room to live small room to live inin . .返回返回



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