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1、He is going to bed.It is going to rain.He will take a taxi.They will get married. 表示将要发生的动作或存在的状态及打算、表示将要发生的动作或存在的状态及打算、计划或准备做某事。计划或准备做某事。一般将来时一般将来时tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next day (week, month, year),soon,in the future, from now on, before long, in a few minutes, in two years. 经常与一般将来时连用的

2、时间状语经常与一般将来时连用的时间状语肯定句:肯定句:1.1.主主语+will+will+动词原形原形2.2.主主语+be(am, is, are) going to+be(am, is, are) going to+动词原形原形明天我要读这本书。明天我要读这本书。I will read this book tomorrow.I am going to read this book tomorrow.下周六我将去爬山。下周六我将去爬山。I will climb the mountain next Saturday.I am going to climb the mountain next Sa

3、turday. 否定句:否定句:1.主主语+wont+动词原形原形2.主主语+be(am, is, are) +not+going to+动词原形原形明天我不打算读这本书。明天我不打算读这本书。I wont read this book tomorrow.Im not going to read this book tomorrow.下周六我不会去爬山。下周六我不会去爬山。I wont climb the mountain next Saturday.Im not going to climb the mountain next Saturday. 疑疑问句:句:1.Will+主主语+动词原形

4、原形?2.Be(Am, Is, Are)+主主语+going to+动词原形原形?明天你打算读这本书吗?明天你打算读这本书吗?Will you read this book tomorrow?Are you going to read this book tomorrow?下周六你会去爬山吗?下周六你会去爬山吗?Will you climb the mountain next Saturday?Are you going to climb the mountain next Saturday? Think: 一般将来时态还有哪一般将来时态还有哪些表达方式?些表达方式?The Christmas

5、 Party is about to begin.圣诞晚会圣诞晚会即将即将开始。开始。p be about to do be about to do 即将即将,马上马上 一般将来时的其他表达一般将来时的其他表达The speech is about to finish in five minutes.(be about to(be about to不能与表示将来的时间的状语连用不能与表示将来的时间的状语连用) )Are you going out this afternoon?你今天下午要出去吗?你今天下午要出去吗?She is leaving this city tonight.她今晚就要离

6、开这个城市。她今晚就要离开这个城市。p go, come, leave, start, arrive, stay, fly, land, take off等动词可用等动词可用现在进行时现在进行时表示安排和计划或即表示安排和计划或即将发生的动作。将发生的动作。一般将来时的其他表达一般将来时的其他表达1 比赛即将开始。比赛即将开始。2 飞机将于五分钟后起飞。飞机将于五分钟后起飞。3 他们今晚搭飞机来深圳。他们今晚搭飞机来深圳。4 我明年要去美国。我明年要去美国。The match is about to begin.The plane is taking off in five minutes.T

7、hey are coming to Shenzhen by air tonight.I am going to America next year.Sheispacking.nowatthistimeyesterdaySheisgoingonatrip.Shewaspacking.Shewasgoingonatrip.过去的打算过去的打算过去的打算过去的打算 Myfriendtoldme_.everythingwouldbefine从过去看将来从过去看将来从过去看将来从过去看将来Everything will be fine.过去将来时过去将来时should/would + 动词原形动词原形w

8、as/were going to + 动词原形动词原形过去将来时过去将来时过去将来时过去将来时表示表示从过去某时看将来要发生的从过去某时看将来要发生的从过去某时看将来要发生的从过去某时看将来要发生的动作或存在的状态动作或存在的状态动作或存在的状态动作或存在的状态我们可以理解为它是我们可以理解为它是“立足于过去,着眼于未来立足于过去,着眼于未来立足于过去,着眼于未来立足于过去,着眼于未来”的一种时态。的一种时态。常用在ShesaidHetoldmeIdidntknow等宾语从句或间接引语中过去将来时的用法过去将来时的用法表示从过去某一时间看将要发生的动作或表示从过去某一时间看将要发生的动作或存在

9、的状态。存在的状态。他说他第二天回来。他说他第二天回来。He said he _back the next day.以前他只要有空,就会读书。以前他只要有空,就会读书。Whenever he had time, he _some reading.would+ 动原动原would comewould do表示过去打算或准备要做的事。表示过去打算或准备要做的事。他说他打算今天下午去看医生。他说他打算今天下午去看医生。He said he was going to see a doctor this afternoon.我们不知道他们要给我们一个演讲。我们不知道他们要给我们一个演讲。 We didn

10、t know they were going to give us a speech.was/were going to + 动原动原I was about to start off when the phone rang.我正要出发,电话响了。我正要出发,电话响了。n was/wereabouttodowhen正要(突然发生)过去将来时的其他表达过去将来时的其他表达He said he was coming for dinner.他说他要来吃晚饭。他说他要来吃晚饭。p go, come, leave, start, arrive, stay, fly, land, take off等动词可用

11、等动词可用过去进行时过去进行时表示表示过去将来过去将来。过去将来时的其他表达过去将来时的其他表达选择最佳答案:选择最佳答案:1.She said she _ a meeting the next day. A. had B. was having C. will have D. was going to have2. They were sure they _ the football match. A. won B. was winning C. win D. would win3. They _ a football match when I saw them. A. had B. wou

12、ld have C. are having D. were having4. We asked him where he _ the next week. A. would go B. went C. is going D. were going5. We _ the Science Museum next week. A. would visit D. is going to visit C. will visit D. is visiting I. Fill in the blanks with the words in proper forms. 用所用所给单词的正确形式填空。的正确形式

13、填空。1. Miss Zhang _(visit) the Great Wall next summer. 2. She told him that she _ (not stay) here for long. 3. I wasnt sure whether Lucy_ (come) the next year. 4. The worlds population _ (slow) down in future. Exercisewill visit/is going to visitwould not stay/was not going to staywould come/was comi

14、ngwill slow/is going to slow5. He is fifty-six. He _ (be) fifty-eight in two years. 6. He told me that he _ (go) to the Disney World the next day.7. There _ (be) a dolphin show in the zoo tomorrow evening. 8. Mother _ (give) me a nice present on my next birthday.9. Jenny said she _ (spend) her holid

15、ay in China.10. She said the bus _ (leave) at five the next morning.will bewould go/ was goingwill be/is going to bewill give/is going to givewould spend/was going to spendwould leave/was leavingII. Correct the mistake in each sentence. 找出每句中的一处错误并改正。找出每句中的一处错误并改正。 1. We would buy him a model car fo

16、r his birthday next week. _ 2. We are going climb the mountain this weekend. _ 3. Linda said she will not eat chocolates from now on. _ 4. We go to the supermarket tomorrow. _ 5. She will goes to the cinema with us. _ willgoing towouldwill go/are going togo1.一般将来一般将来时时的基本的基本结结构;构;2.与一般将来与一般将来时连时连用的用的时间时间状状语语;3.一般将来一般将来时时的其他的表达;的其他的表达;4.过过去将来去将来时时的基本的基本结结构;构;5.过过去将来去将来时时的其他表达。的其他表达。Summary



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