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1、初中英语直接引语变间接引语初中英语直接引语变间接引语 1. “I can play computer games.”She said that she could play computer games.2. “I am a student.” He said he was a student.直接引语-间接引语(转述他人的话) direct speech- reported speechHe said,“I am going to do my homework.”He said that he was going to do his homework.She said “I am visit

2、ing my friends.”She said that she was visiting her friends.She said “I want to sing .” she wanted to sing .She saidShe said“I can fly.”She said she could fly. The boy,”I am smart.”He said he was smart.I will go shopping. She said she would go shopping.Read and find the differences: 1. “I am going to

3、 do my homework”She said she was going to do her homework. 2. “I am visiting my friend”.She said she was visiting her friend. 3. “I want to sing.”She said she wanted to sing. 4. “I can fly.”He said he could fly. 5. “I am smart”He said he was smart. 6. “I will go shopping”He said he would go shopping

4、. 间接引用别人的话时在间接引用别人的话时在人称人称、时态、指示代词时态、指示代词等要等要做相应变化。做相应变化。He said,“ I like my CD player.”他说:“我喜欢我的CD播放器。”He said he liked his CD player.他说他喜欢他的播放器。 Pay attention to一. 人称变化一跟主;二跟宾;三不变e.g. 1.He said to us, “I am your new head teacher.”He said to us (that) he was our new head teacher.=He told us (that)

5、he was our new head teacher.2. Students said, “we are preparing for the test.” Students said they were preparing for the test.3.My father said to me, “I will buy a gift for you” My father told me he would buy a gift for me.3.The man said to his wife, “I will wash the dishes if you cook.” The man sai

6、d to his wife that he would wash the dishes if she cooked.4. The girl said to the teacher, “Tom and his friends are enjoying themselves on the playground.” The girl said to the teacher that Tom and his friends were enjoying themselves on the playground.二二.时态变化时态变化1.He said, “I am tired .” He said th

7、at he was tired .2. Marcia said, “ I will help you with your English.” Marcia said (that) she would help me with my English. 主句和从句时态主句和从句时态一致一致原则。原则。1.He says ,” I am a student.” He says ( that ) he is a student.2. My mother often says to me, “You are my good son.” My mother often says to me that I

8、am her good son.3. He says , “I saw a terrible accident.” He says that he saw a terrible accident.直接引语直接引语间接引语间接引语一般现在时一般现在时一般一般过去过去时时一般将来时一般将来时过去过去将来时将来时现在进行时现在进行时过去过去进行时进行时主句 从句一般现在/将来时态 任意时态(时态不变)一般过去时态相应的过去时态几点注意几点注意;1)He said , “Light travels faster than sound.” He said (that) light travels fas

9、ter than sound. 2) Mr Gao said , “the Great Wall is one of the greatest buildings in the world.” Mr.Gao said that the Great Wall is one of the greatest buildings in the world.当直接引语表示客观事实或真理时,一般现在当直接引语表示客观事实或真理时,一般现在时态不变时态不变2.其他变化其他变化1)时间状语变化 now then today that day this week that week next week the

10、next week, tomorrow the next day/the following day, yesterday the day before a week ago a week before2). 地点状语变化here there3).方向动词 come go4).指示代词this that these those Eg. Lily said to Ben , “you can play with us next Sunday.” - Lily told Ben that he could play with them the next Sunday.B: She said she

11、 was having a surprise party for Lana on Friday night.I am having a surprise party for Lana on Friday night.A: What did Marcia say?Lana is coming to my house to study.Marcia said Lana was coming to her house to study.MarciaWhat did Marcia say?I am mad at Marcia.LanaLana said she was mad at Marcia.Wh

12、at did Lana say?Im not going to her house on Friday night.Lana said she was not going to her house on Friday night.LanaWhat did Lana say?五.一般疑问句变间接引语1.He said, “ I like English.” He said (that)he liked English.2.He said , “ Do you have a bike,Jim ?” He asked Jim if/whether he had a bike.3. He said t

13、o me , “Are you a student?” He asked me if /whether I was a student.4. The boy asked me ,” Is this your pen?” the boy asked me if that was my pen.5. Mum asked me , “will you take the exam in March?” Mum asked me whether I would take the exam in March.将一般疑问句变成间接引语用 if/whether(是否)作引导词,然后将问句变成陈述句语序。六,特

14、殊疑问句变间接引语1.He said to me, “ Where are you from ?” He asked me where I was from.2. He asked me , “who is the strange man over there?” He asked me who the strange man was over there.3. The teacher asked Alice , “what are you going to do on weekends?” The teacher asked Alice what she was going to do on

15、 weekends.4. Father asked, “what is happening?” Father asked what was happening.5. Lana said to him, “what is the matter?” Lana asked what was the matter.特殊疑问句变间接引语将特殊疑问词作引导词,然后将其他部分变成陈述句。当疑问词作主语时语序不变。Focus on 引导词引导词(主句和从句之间的连接词主句和从句之间的连接词)1,陈述句 that 2, 一般疑问句,if / whether3, 特殊问句,疑问词作引导词, what, where

16、, who, how . 陈述句语序陈述句语序*七直接引语是祈使句时的变化七直接引语是祈使句时的变化1)He said to me, “Put on your coat.” He asked/told me to put on my coat. 2)She said to me, “Dont copy my homework.” She asked/ told me not to copy her homework.3) The teacher said , “Tom, stand up.” The teacher asked/ordered Tom to stand up. Grammar:

17、 直接引语与间接引语直接引语与间接引语1.直接引语与间接引语的概念:直接引语与间接引语的概念: 说话人直接引用别人的原话叫说话人直接引用别人的原话叫直接引语。直接引语。 说话人用自己的话把别人的意思转述出来叫说话人用自己的话把别人的意思转述出来叫间接引语。间接引语。 间接引语用途更为普遍。间接引语用途更为普遍。2.直接引语变间接引语时要注意:直接引语变间接引语时要注意: (1)间接引语中从句的间接引语中从句的谓语要与主句的谓语时态一致。谓语要与主句的谓语时态一致。 (2)变间接引语时根据意思变间接引语时根据意思改变人称改变人称。 (3)引导词的运用引导词的运用 that / if / whet

18、her/ what (4) 陈述句语序陈述句语序1.Tom says, “ I am late for class.”2. Amy says, “ I am going to have a party for you .”3. The boy says,“ I will go home after school.”4. Jack says, “My father is a doctor.”5. The girl says, “I can speak English.”6.She said ,”I am your mothers friend.”7. Marcia said to her mot

19、her , “I am reading this now.”8. Mom said to Jerry ,”I am upset with your report card.”9. Lana said ,” Ill go abroad if I have enough money.” Exercises:10. Tom said to , “I will visit you next week.”11. Lucy said to Bob, “ There is going to be a new factory this year.”12. Teacher said , “Tom, your mother is waiting for you now.”13. Dad said to mom , “Ill go shopping with you tomorrow.” Thanks



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