Clutch (ENGLISH)trainging

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《Clutch (ENGLISH)trainging》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Clutch (ENGLISH)trainging(108页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、离合器原理、使用维护离合器原理、使用维护常见故障的判断及解决办法常见故障的判断及解决办法Clutch theory, maintenance common failures analysis and shoot 桂林福达汽车部件有限公司桂林福达汽车部件有限公司 20082008 目录一、离合器原理一、离合器原理二、离合器安装注意事项二、离合器安装注意事项三、离合器的正确使用及维护三、离合器的正确使用及维护四、离合器常见故障的判断及解决办法四、离合器常见故障的判断及解决办法五、离合器典型故障案例分析五、离合器典型故障案例分析六、关于粉尘堵塞的处理解决办法六、关于粉尘堵塞的处理解决办法 Conte

2、nt1, Clutch theory2, Clutch installation attention points 3, Clutch proper operation and maintenance4, Clutch common failures judgement and shoot5, Clutch typical failures analysis6, Disposal ways of dust and sundries in clutch一、离合器原理一、离合器原理1 1、离合器功能、离合器功能 离合器的主要功能是切断和实现对传动系的动力传递。主要作离合器的主要功能是切断和实现对传

3、动系的动力传递。主要作用有:用有: (1)汽车起步时将发动机与传动系平顺地接合,确保汽车平稳汽车起步时将发动机与传动系平顺地接合,确保汽车平稳起步;起步; (2)在换挡时将发动机与传动系分离,减少变速器中换挡齿轮在换挡时将发动机与传动系分离,减少变速器中换挡齿轮之间的冲击;之间的冲击; (3)限制传动系所承受的最大转矩,防止传动系各零件因过载限制传动系所承受的最大转矩,防止传动系各零件因过载而损坏;而损坏; (4)有效地降低传动系中的振动和噪声。有效地降低传动系中的振动和噪声。 Clutch theory1、Clutch function Main function :Cut off and

4、realize power transmission from power train system such as follows : (1)When a vehicle starts, which makes engine and transmission system engage smoothly. And make sure vehicle start steadily . (2)When gear shift, which makes engine and transmission system release and reduce the impact of gears in t

5、ransmission box. (3)Restrict transmission system undertaking max. torque and prevent the parts and components from being damaged in transmission system due to over load. (4)Effectively reduce vibration and noise in transmission system .2 2、离合器主要组成部分、离合器主要组成部分 摩擦离合器主要由摩擦离合器主要由A,主动部分(由发动机飞轮、离合器盖和压盘等)、

6、主动部分(由发动机飞轮、离合器盖和压盘等)、B,从动部分(从动盘)从动部分(从动盘)C,和操纵机构(分离叉、分离轴承、离合器踏板及传动部件和操纵机构(分离叉、分离轴承、离合器踏板及传动部件等)三部分组成。等)三部分组成。 主、从动部分是保证离合器处于接合状态并能传递动力主、从动部分是保证离合器处于接合状态并能传递动力的基本结构。操纵机构是使离合器主、从动部分分离的装置。的基本结构。操纵机构是使离合器主、从动部分分离的装置。2、Clutch main parts Friction Clutch mainly consists of three sections Friction Clutch m

7、ainly consists of three sections such as drive section (engine flywheel clutch cover and such as drive section (engine flywheel clutch cover and clutch plate and so onclutch plate and so on)、)、driven section (driven disc) and manipulating mechanism( release fork, release bearing, clutch pedal as wel

8、l as transmission parts etc. Drive and driven section make sure clutch in the state of engagement, which transmit power. Manipulating mechanism makes clutch drive section and driven section release.3 3、汽车离合器设计的基本要求、汽车离合器设计的基本要求 1)在正常行驶条件下,能可靠地传递发动机的输出扭矩。)在正常行驶条件下,能可靠地传递发动机的输出扭矩。 2)接合时平顺柔和,保证汽车起步时没有抖

9、动和冲击。)接合时平顺柔和,保证汽车起步时没有抖动和冲击。 3)分离时要迅速、彻底。)分离时要迅速、彻底。 4)从动部分转动惯量小,减轻换挡时变速器齿轮间的冲击。)从动部分转动惯量小,减轻换挡时变速器齿轮间的冲击。 5)有良好的吸热能力和通风散热效果,保证离合器的使用寿命。)有良好的吸热能力和通风散热效果,保证离合器的使用寿命。 6)避免传动系产生扭转共振,具有吸收振动、缓和冲击的能力。)避免传动系产生扭转共振,具有吸收振动、缓和冲击的能力。 7)操纵轻便、准确。)操纵轻便、准确。 8)作用在从动盘上的压力和摩擦材料的摩擦系数在使用过程中要尽可能稳)作用在从动盘上的压力和摩擦材料的摩擦系数在使

10、用过程中要尽可能稳 定定,保证有稳定的工作性能。保证有稳定的工作性能。 9)应有足够的强度和良好的动平衡。)应有足够的强度和良好的动平衡。10)结构应简单、紧凑,制造工艺性好,维修、调整方便等。)结构应简单、紧凑,制造工艺性好,维修、调整方便等。3、Clutch design basic requirements 1)Under normal running condition, which can reliably transmit the output torque from engine . 2)With smooth and soft engagement, which make su

11、re, when vehicle starts, no chatter and impact. 3)With quick and complete release. 4)With less turning inertia in driven section, which reduces gears impact in transmission box when conduct gear shift. 5)With good heat absorbing ability and ventilation heat radiating effect,which assures clutch serv

12、ice life. 6)Avoid coming into torsion resonance in transmission system, which has the ability of absorbing vibration ,mitigating impact. 7)With light convenient and precise manipulation. 8)The pressure on driven disc and friction material coefficient should be as much as stable when in operation, an

13、d assure stable operation performance 9)With sufficient strength and good dynamic balance.10)With simple ,compact structure, good manufacturing process, easy maintenance and adjustment etc. 4 4、离合器分类、离合器分类 1 1)按结构形式分:摩擦式离合器、液力式离合器、电磁式)按结构形式分:摩擦式离合器、液力式离合器、电磁式离合器。离合器。 2 2)按离合器操纵方式分:强制操纵式离合器(常有机械)按离合器

14、操纵方式分:强制操纵式离合器(常有机械式、液力式和气动式)自动操纵式离合器。式、液力式和气动式)自动操纵式离合器。 3 3)按离合器在传动器中所起的主、辅作用分:主离合器、)按离合器在传动器中所起的主、辅作用分:主离合器、操纵离合器。操纵离合器。 在这里我们只针对汽车摩擦式离合器进行阐述。在这里我们只针对汽车摩擦式离合器进行阐述。4、Clutch classification 1)According to structure: Friction type clutch, hydraulic type clutch, electromagnetic type clutch 2)According

15、 to manipulating mode :forced manipulating type clutch (normally mechanic type, hydraulic type and pneumatic type) and automatic manipulating clutch. 3)According to clutch main and auxillary function in transmission : main clutch ,manipulating clutch. Hereafter, we only aim at the illustration for v

16、ehicle friction type clutch . 5 5、汽车摩擦式离合器分类形式、汽车摩擦式离合器分类形式按其从动按其从动盘的数目盘的数目单片单片双片双片多片多片根据压紧弹簧根据压紧弹簧布置形式布置形式圆周布置圆周布置中央布置中央布置斜向布置等斜向布置等根据使用根据使用的压紧弹的压紧弹簧形式簧形式圆柱螺旋弹簧圆柱螺旋弹簧圆锥螺旋弹簧圆锥螺旋弹簧膜片弹簧离合器膜片弹簧离合器根据分离时根据分离时所受作用力所受作用力的方向的方向拉式拉式推式推式5、Vehicle friction type clutch classification According to driven disc nu

17、mbersSingle plate Double plateMultiple plateAccording to press spring layout type Circumference layout Central layout Slanting layout According to applied press spring type Column spiral spring Cone spiral spring Diaphragm spring clutch According to the undertaken force direction Pull type Push type

18、6 6、 螺旋弹簧离合器结构特点及优缺点螺旋弹簧离合器结构特点及优缺点螺旋弹簧离合器结构特点及优缺点螺旋弹簧离合器结构特点及优缺点 1)结构特点:)结构特点: 螺旋弹簧离合器采用圆柱螺旋弹簧作为压紧弹簧,其结构简单、螺旋弹簧离合器采用圆柱螺旋弹簧作为压紧弹簧,其结构简单、制造方便,制造方便, 过去广泛用于各种汽车上,现在由于很多发动机的转速过去广泛用于各种汽车上,现在由于很多发动机的转速不断提高,螺旋弹簧在高转速离心力的作用下,总成压紧力显著降不断提高,螺旋弹簧在高转速离心力的作用下,总成压紧力显著降低,压紧弹簧易歪斜、磨损。目前国内在中、重型货车上仍然在广低,压紧弹簧易歪斜、磨损。目前国内在

19、中、重型货车上仍然在广泛应用。泛应用。 2)优点:)优点: 离合器分离杠杆刚性好,分离力相对较小。离合器分离杠杆刚性好,分离力相对较小。 3)缺点:)缺点: 铸造盖螺簧离合器盖由于是铸造件,易存在气孔、沙眼或组铸造盖螺簧离合器盖由于是铸造件,易存在气孔、沙眼或组织疏松织疏松, 安全性能差,容易出现盖爆裂的情况。安全性能差,容易出现盖爆裂的情况。 为了解决盖爆裂的问题,研制了新一代的螺旋弹簧离合器,为了解决盖爆裂的问题,研制了新一代的螺旋弹簧离合器, 盖的材料是由钢板整体冲压成型,解决了盖爆裂的问题,盖的材料是由钢板整体冲压成型,解决了盖爆裂的问题, 安全性能可靠。安全性能可靠。6、 Spira

20、l spring clutch structure characteristics, advantages and disadvantages 1)Structure characteristics Spiral spring adopts column spiral spring as press spring, with simple structure, and convenient production ,in the past, it was widely used on various vehicles ,however, with the engine speed increas

21、e, spiral spring under high speed centrifugal force, the assembly press is obvious reduced ,and the press spring are of easy deflection and wear. Currently in China, this type clutch is still widely used middle and heavy duty trucks. 2)Advantages: Clutch release lever is of good rigidity, the releas

22、e force is relatively small. 3)Disadvantages: Casting cover spring clutch is due to casting part, which easily exists air holes, sand holes and structure shrinkage .with poor safety performance, cover being broken easily occurs In order to settle the cover being broken problem, new generation spiral

23、 spring clutch is developed, the cover material is manufactured with steel plate integral punch process. Which has reliable safety performance . 整体冲压盖螺旋弹簧离合器整体冲压盖螺旋弹簧离合器Integral punch cover spiral spring clutch铸造盖螺旋弹簧离合器铸造盖螺旋弹簧离合器Casting spiral spring clutch螺旋弹簧与膜片弹簧离合器的工作压紧力变化曲线图螺旋弹簧与膜片弹簧离合器的工作压紧力变

24、化曲线图working press variation curve between spiral spring and diaphragm pressure plate spring clutch7 7、膜片弹簧离合器结构特点、膜片弹簧离合器结构特点 1 1)结构特点:)结构特点: 膜片弹簧起压紧作用,提供压紧力,是由弹簧钢板制成的,具有膜片弹簧起压紧作用,提供压紧力,是由弹簧钢板制成的,具有“无底碟子无底碟子”形状的碟形薄壁膜片。形状的碟形薄壁膜片。 且自其小端在锥面上有许多径向切槽,以形成弹性杠杆,而其余未且自其小端在锥面上有许多径向切槽,以形成弹性杠杆,而其余未切槽的大端截锥部分则起弹簧

25、作用。切槽的大端截锥部分则起弹簧作用。 膜片弹簧的两侧有支承圈,后者借助于固定离合器盖上的一些铆钉膜片弹簧的两侧有支承圈,后者借助于固定离合器盖上的一些铆钉来定位。当离合器盖用螺栓固定到飞轮上时,后支承圈则压膜片弹簧使来定位。当离合器盖用螺栓固定到飞轮上时,后支承圈则压膜片弹簧使其产生弹性变形,锥顶角变大,膜片弹簧几乎变平。其产生弹性变形,锥顶角变大,膜片弹簧几乎变平。 同时在膜片弹簧的大端对压盘产生压紧力使离合器处于接合状态。同时在膜片弹簧的大端对压盘产生压紧力使离合器处于接合状态。 2)性能特点:)性能特点: 由于膜片弹簧具有非线性特性,因此当摩擦片磨损后,弹簧压由于膜片弹簧具有非线性特性

26、,因此当摩擦片磨损后,弹簧压力力可以基本保持不衰退。可以基本保持不衰退。 膜片弹簧的安装位置对离合器轴的中心线是对称的。因此其膜片弹簧的安装位置对离合器轴的中心线是对称的。因此其压紧力受离心力的影响较小,性能稳定、平衡性也好。压紧力受离心力的影响较小,性能稳定、平衡性也好。7、Diaphragm spring clutch structure characteristics 1)Structure characteristics: diaphragm springs act press function, providing pressing force, which are made of

27、leaf spring, like a plate without bottom, with thin diaphragm plate. And from small end on the cone surface ,there are many radial cutting grooves, which form flexible lever, and the rest without cutting grooves big end cone section act spring function. Both sides of diaphragm spring has support loo

28、p, which is positioned with the rivets on the cover. when clutch cover is fixed on flywheel by bolts, the rear support loop will press diaphragm spring and make them deformed flexibly, the cone top angle gets bigger, the diaphragm springs almost become flat. In the meantime, at the diaphragm spring

29、big end conduct press force to pressure plate, which makes clutch in an engagement state. 2)Performance characteristics: Due to diaphragm spring has non linear characteristics, so when friction disc is worn out, the spring pressure can be retained ,no change. The installation position of diaphragm s

30、pring to clutch shaft central line is symmetrical ,the centrifugal force has little impact on pressing force, with stable performance and good balance. 膜片本身兼起压紧弹簧和分离杠杆的作用,离合器的结构大为膜片本身兼起压紧弹簧和分离杠杆的作用,离合器的结构大为简化,零件数目减少,重量减轻并显著缩短了其轴向尺寸。简化,零件数目减少,重量减轻并显著缩短了其轴向尺寸。 由于膜片弹簧与压盘是以近整个圆周接触,是压力分布均匀,由于膜片弹簧与压盘是以近整个

31、圆周接触,是压力分布均匀,摩擦片的接触良好,磨损均匀。摩擦片的接触良好,磨损均匀。 3)缺点:)缺点: 材质要求较高;材质要求较高; 加工尺寸、精度要求高;加工尺寸、精度要求高; 热处理工艺设备要求高;热处理工艺设备要求高; 制造工艺复杂,只适应大批量生产;制造工艺复杂,只适应大批量生产; 无法修复与补偿,膜片弹簧本身兼杠杆的作用,零件损坏后,无法修复与补偿,膜片弹簧本身兼杠杆的作用,零件损坏后, 不能返修,只能更换总成。不能返修,只能更换总成。 The diaphragm itself acts press spring and release bearing function ,which

32、 greatly simplifies clutch structure, with less parts ,less weight ,and obviously shorten the its axial dimension. Due to almost circumference contact between diaphragm spring and pressure plate, pressure is distributed evenly, the friction disc has good contact and even wear. 3)Disadvantages: Highe

33、r requirements for material ; Higher requirements for machining dimension and accuracy ; Higher requirements for heat treatment equipment ; Complex manufacturing process, only suitable for mass production ; No way repair and rework, after damage, a new assembly is needed for replacement .膜片弹簧离合器膜片弹簧

34、离合器膜片弹簧离合器膜片弹簧离合器Diaphragm pressure plate spring clutch Diaphragm pressure plate spring clutch 8 8、拉式离合器结构特点及优缺点、拉式离合器结构特点及优缺点 1 1)结构特点:)结构特点: 支承点移到大端,拉式膜片弹簧离合器膜片弹簧的安装方向与推式支承点移到大端,拉式膜片弹簧离合器膜片弹簧的安装方向与推式离合器相反,在结合位置时,膜片弹簧的大端支承在离合器盖上,而中部离合器相反,在结合位置时,膜片弹簧的大端支承在离合器盖上,而中部压紧在压盘上。压紧在压盘上。 需要专门的分离轴承,离合器分离时是将分离

35、轴承向外拉离飞轮,需要专门的分离轴承,离合器分离时是将分离轴承向外拉离飞轮,因此膜片弹簧分离指的小端需要嵌装在专门的拉式用分离轴承总成中。因此膜片弹簧分离指的小端需要嵌装在专门的拉式用分离轴承总成中。 2)优点:与推式膜片离合器相比具有以下优点:)优点:与推式膜片离合器相比具有以下优点: 结构更为简化,拉式膜片弹簧离合器由于取消了中间各支承零件,结构更为简化,拉式膜片弹簧离合器由于取消了中间各支承零件,并只用一个(或不用)支承环,因此结构更简单、紧凑、零件数更少、并只用一个(或不用)支承环,因此结构更简单、紧凑、零件数更少、重量更轻。重量更轻。 转矩容量更大,由于拉式离合器的膜片弹簧是以中部而

36、不是转矩容量更大,由于拉式离合器的膜片弹簧是以中部而不是大端与压盘相压,因此在同样压盘尺寸可采用直径较大的大端与压盘相压,因此在同样压盘尺寸可采用直径较大的膜片弹簧,从而提高了压紧力与转矩容量,而并不增大膜片弹簧,从而提高了压紧力与转矩容量,而并不增大分离操纵力。分离操纵力。8、Pull type clutch structure characteristics and advantages 1)Structure characteristics : Supporting point is shifted to big end, for pull type diaphragm spring c

37、lutch ,the diaphragm spring installation direction is on the opposite side of push type clutch, when engagement, the diaphragm spring big end support lies on clutch cover and the middle rest on pressure plate. Special release bearing is needed, when clutch releasing, the action is pull the release b

38、earing outwards away from flywheel, so the diaphragm spring release finger small end is embed in release bearing assembly specially applied to pull type clutch. 2)Advantages:Compared with push type diaphragm clutch With simpler structure, pull type diaphragm clutch ,due to eliminating the middle sup

39、porting parts, only one support (or no support), the structure is much simpler ,compact and light . With much bigger turning torque due to pull type clutch diaphragm middle press the pressure plate instead of big end,so to the same dimension pressure plate, bigger diameter diaphragm spring can be us

40、ed ,which improve the press force and turning torque capacity and no increase of release manipulating force. 分离效率更高分离效率更高。 为提高分离效率,在保证一定压盘升程时,应减为提高分离效率,在保证一定压盘升程时,应减 少分离轴承的分少分离轴承的分离行程即分离空行程,由于拉式离合器的分离指必须嵌装在专门的分离行程即分离空行程,由于拉式离合器的分离指必须嵌装在专门的分离轴承总成中,分离轴承与分离指之间没有自由行程,从而可以提高离轴承总成中,分离轴承与分离指之间没有自由行程,从而可以提高

41、分离效率。分离效率。 踏板操纵更为轻便。踏板操纵更为轻便。 a、由于拉式离合器膜片的杠杆比大于推式的杠杆比;、由于拉式离合器膜片的杠杆比大于推式的杠杆比; b、由于拉式离合器没有中间支承,这样减少了许多摩擦副和摩、由于拉式离合器没有中间支承,这样减少了许多摩擦副和摩擦损失,传动效率较高,因此拉式离合器的踏板力相对推式膜片离合擦损失,传动效率较高,因此拉式离合器的踏板力相对推式膜片离合器要降低不少。器要降低不少。 使用寿命更长。由于拉式离合器盖中央窗口加大了,散热通风使用寿命更长。由于拉式离合器盖中央窗口加大了,散热通风条件好。条件好。三、缺点:三、缺点: 拉式离合器的膜片弹簧的分离指端是与分离

42、轴承套筒总成拉式离合器的膜片弹簧的分离指端是与分离轴承套筒总成 嵌装在一起的,结构复杂,安装与拆卸时较困难,分离嵌装在一起的,结构复杂,安装与拆卸时较困难,分离 行程也比推式离合器要求略大些。行程也比推式离合器要求略大些。 With much higher releasing efficiency. Inordertoimprovereleasingefficiency,assuringthepressureplatelift,releasebearingreleasingstrokeshouldbereduced,thatisreleasingemptystroke,duetopulltyp

43、eclutchreleasefingermustbeembedinspecialreleasebearingassembly,thereisnofreestrokebetweenreleasebearingandreleasefinger,consequently,thereleaseefficiencycanbeimproved Pedal manipulation lighter and more convenient a、Duetopulltypeclutchdiaphragmleverratiobiggerthanthatofpushtypeclutch;b、Duetopulltype

44、clutchhasnomiddlesupport,whichreducesmanyfrictionpairsandfrictionloss,withhighertransmissionefficiency,therefore,comparedwithpushtypeclutch,pulltypeclutchpedalforceisgreatlyreduced。 With long service life. Duetopulltypeclutchcoverbiggercentralwindow,theheatventilationconditionisgood.Disadvantages:Pu

45、lltypeclutchdiaphragmspringreleasefingerendisembedinreleasebearingsleeveassembly,thestructureiscomplicated,difficultinassemblyanddisassembly,thereleasestrokeisbiggerthanthatofpushtypeclutch. 拉式离合器拉式离合器拉式离合器拉式离合器Pull type clutchPull type clutch拉式离合器示意图拉式离合器示意图Pull type clutch sketch map拉式离合器总成主要零部件拉式

46、离合器总成主要零部件pull type clutch assembly main parts and components膜片弹簧膜片弹簧Diaphragm pressure plate spring 六个缺口六个缺口6 gaps快速夹紧卡簧快速夹紧卡簧quick clamping snap ring固定环positioning ring六个凸台六个凸台6 protrudings拉式离合器总成主要零部件拉式离合器总成主要零部件Pull type clutch assembly main parts and components快速夹紧卡簧与膜片离合器的连接关系快速夹紧卡簧与膜片离合器的连接关系

47、connecting relation between quick clamping snap ring and diaphragm pressure plate clutch开口朝外开口朝外opening towards outside拉式离合器在变速箱安装前后状态拉式离合器在变速箱安装前后状态Pull type clutch state before and after gear box installation9 9、综述、综述 根据汽车的用途和需要可选择不同结构形式的离合器,但在使用根据汽车的用途和需要可选择不同结构形式的离合器,但在使用中对它们的基本要求是相同的,对汽车离合器的基本要

48、求有以下几点:中对它们的基本要求是相同的,对汽车离合器的基本要求有以下几点: 在正常行驶条件下能可靠地传递发动机的输出扭矩;在正常行驶条件下能可靠地传递发动机的输出扭矩; 接合时要平顺、柔和,保证汽车起步时没有抖动和冲击;接合时要平顺、柔和,保证汽车起步时没有抖动和冲击; 分离要彻底,以保证变速箱换档时能切断发动机传至传动系的分离要彻底,以保证变速箱换档时能切断发动机传至传动系的动力,使换档顺利;动力,使换档顺利; 要有足够的散热能力,以保持离合器性能的稳定;要有足够的散热能力,以保持离合器性能的稳定; 离合器从动部分的转动惯量要小,以减轻汽车起步和换档时变离合器从动部分的转动惯量要小,以减轻

49、汽车起步和换档时变速器齿轮间的冲击并方便换档;速器齿轮间的冲击并方便换档; 操纵轻便,减轻驾驶员的劳动强度,提高汽车的安全性;操纵轻便,减轻驾驶员的劳动强度,提高汽车的安全性; 具有吸收振动、冲击和减少噪声的能力,以免汽车传动系产生具有吸收振动、冲击和减少噪声的能力,以免汽车传动系产生共振;共振; 力求结构简单、维修方便,使用寿命长。力求结构简单、维修方便,使用寿命长。9、Summary According vehicle application and requirements, you can choose different structure type clutch, however

50、in application ,their basic requirements are the same, the basic requirement as follows: Under normal running condition, the clutch can reliably transmit the output torque from engine. With sooth and soft engagement, assure vehicle no chatter and impact when start. With complete release ,assure gear

51、 box gear shift moment cutting off the power from engine to transmission system, smooth gear shift. With sufficient heat radiating capacity, assuring clutch stable performance . Clutch driven section, with less turning inertia, which can reduce the impact of gears in gear box when start and gear shi

52、ft ,convenient for gear shift With light and convenient manipulation, reducing driver fatigue and enhancing vehicle running safety. With the capacity of absorbing vibration ,impact and reducing vibration in case of resonance occurring in transmission system. Requirements for simple structure ,easy m

53、aintenance and long service life. 二、离合器安装注意事项二、离合器安装注意事项 1、装车前请确认离合器与车型是否匹配,从动盘总成是否能顺利套入一轴;、装车前请确认离合器与车型是否匹配,从动盘总成是否能顺利套入一轴;A,检查飞轮端面是否起沟槽或有异物;检查飞轮端面是否起沟槽或有异物;B,分离拨叉和导向轴承是否异常;分离拨叉和导向轴承是否异常;C,总泵、分泵和曲轴、变速箱油封是否漏油或失效;总泵、分泵和曲轴、变速箱油封是否漏油或失效;D,分离轴承座是否可以自由滑动;分离轴承座是否可以自由滑动;E,分离轴承是否失油、卡滞或磨损严重等。分离轴承是否失油、卡滞或磨损严重

54、等。 如有上述现象应及时修理或更换。如有上述现象应及时修理或更换。 最后,请仔细清除飞轮壳内杂物,清除飞轮和离合器压盘工作面油污。最后,请仔细清除飞轮壳内杂物,清除飞轮和离合器压盘工作面油污。 2、安装离合器时,请用专用定位芯轴等工具;、安装离合器时,请用专用定位芯轴等工具;应认准定位销孔的大小及方向,安装紧固螺钉时应对角交替均匀拧紧。变速箱与飞轮壳对接应认准定位销孔的大小及方向,安装紧固螺钉时应对角交替均匀拧紧。变速箱与飞轮壳对接时,应检查壳体定位销是否完好;时,应检查壳体定位销是否完好;在插入一轴时,应注意高度、角度和齿面等因素,不得有卡滞现象。在插入一轴时,应注意高度、角度和齿面等因素,

55、不得有卡滞现象。 3、安装后,根据不同车型的使用说明书,检查并调整离合器踏板、安装后,根据不同车型的使用说明书,检查并调整离合器踏板的自由行程,以保证分离轴承与离合器分离指(环)之间的间隙符合的自由行程,以保证分离轴承与离合器分离指(环)之间的间隙符合规定的要求(常接触式分离轴承机构不用调)。规定的要求(常接触式分离轴承机构不用调)。 4、禁止使用摔落过的离合器总成、禁止使用摔落过的离合器总成Clutch installation attention points 1、Check the clutch whether suitable for the vehicle model before

56、installation,Driven plate assembly whether can be fixed in the first shaft ;Check flywheel end surface no scoring grooves or no foreign matters ;release fork and guide bearing whether in good position ;Clutch master cylinder ,clutch cylinder and crankshaft as well as gear box oil seal whether any oi

57、l leaking or fail to work ;Release bearing seat whether can slide smoothly ;Release bearing whether lack of oil or being stuck ,severely worn out etc. If there is above case, repairing or replacement is needed. Finally ,check remove the sundries in flywheel housing ,clean up the oil dirt on flywheel

58、 and pressure plate. 2、When clutch installation, special positioning tool mandrel is needed ;Align the positioning hole and direction, cross and alternate tighten the screws evenly. When connecting gear box and flywheel, check the flywheel housing positioning pin whether in good state ;When stick in

59、 first shaft ,pay more attention to the height and angle and gear surface as well, be sure no stuck . 3、After installation ,according to the operation manual of different vehicles, check and adjust clutch pedal free stroke, assuring clearance between release bearing and clutch release finger follows

60、 the stipulated requirements. 4、Forbid using clutch assembly which drops. 三、离合器的正确使用及维护三、离合器的正确使用及维护 为避免离合器总成的过早损坏,防止离合器在使用过程中发生故为避免离合器总成的过早损坏,防止离合器在使用过程中发生故障,应经常对离合器及其操纵系统进行检查或定期进行技术保养。障,应经常对离合器及其操纵系统进行检查或定期进行技术保养。 其保养的主要内容包括:各主要部位间隙的检查与调整,各摩擦其保养的主要内容包括:各主要部位间隙的检查与调整,各摩擦部位的润滑以及液压操纵机中液压油的检查和添加等。部位的润

61、滑以及液压操纵机中液压油的检查和添加等。 1、离合器的正确使用、离合器的正确使用 1)汽车起步和换档时力求接合平稳,不能猛抬离合器踏板。在冲)汽车起步和换档时力求接合平稳,不能猛抬离合器踏板。在冲击负荷下,可能会损坏压盘、摩擦片及传动片零件。击负荷下,可能会损坏压盘、摩擦片及传动片零件。 2)离合器分离时力求迅速彻底,减少主、从动部分的滑磨;防止)离合器分离时力求迅速彻底,减少主、从动部分的滑磨;防止变速器换档时的齿轮冲击,以保护齿轮及同步器。变速器换档时的齿轮冲击,以保护齿轮及同步器。Clutch proper operation and maintenance In order to av

62、oid clutch assembly damaged early, prevent clutch from failure in operation, frequently check or regular maintenance to clutch and manipulating system is necessary. The main contents includes: main clearance check and adjustment, friction area lubrication as well as hydraulic mechanism hydraulic oil

63、 level check and fill and so on. 1、Clutch proper operation 1)Smooth and soft engagement when start and gearshift. do not suddenly heavily operate clutch pedal ,under the impact load, possibly damage pressure plate ,friction disc ,and transmission parts. 2)Quick and complete release is requested for

64、clutch operation, reducing drive and driven section sliding friction. prevent from gears impact in gear box when gear shift ,protect gears and synchronizer . 3)驾驶员必须严格遵守操作规程,正确驾驶操作。汽车在行驶)驾驶员必须严格遵守操作规程,正确驾驶操作。汽车在行驶中,每分离和接合一次,都将产生大量的热,而这些热量又不能在短中,每分离和接合一次,都将产生大量的热,而这些热量又不能在短时内迅速消失,过多地使用离合器,会使其温度过高,引起摩

65、擦片急时内迅速消失,过多地使用离合器,会使其温度过高,引起摩擦片急剧磨损或开裂,压盘受热变形以及压紧弹簧退火等,严重影响离合器剧磨损或开裂,压盘受热变形以及压紧弹簧退火等,严重影响离合器的正常工作,缩短其使用寿命,因此,尽量减少离合器半联动的使用的正常工作,缩短其使用寿命,因此,尽量减少离合器半联动的使用次数。次数。 4)在紧急制动时或接近停车前应同时踩下离合器,以减轻冲击。)在紧急制动时或接近停车前应同时踩下离合器,以减轻冲击。 5)严禁下坡脱档行驶;严禁下坡时踩下离合器踏板(发动机熄)严禁下坡脱档行驶;严禁下坡时踩下离合器踏板(发动机熄火),挂空挡滑行然后再挂档猛抬离合器踏板、强迫发动机重

66、新启动火),挂空挡滑行然后再挂档猛抬离合器踏板、强迫发动机重新启动的不正确操作方法,这样不仅加速了离合器和传动系统的早期磨损,的不正确操作方法,这样不仅加速了离合器和传动系统的早期磨损,极易造成摩擦片和压盘及铸造盖破碎。极易造成摩擦片和压盘及铸造盖破碎。 6)当汽车在松软路面、泥泞路段驱动车轮打滑时,严禁使用猛)当汽车在松软路面、泥泞路段驱动车轮打滑时,严禁使用猛抬离合器、猛加油门的方法来通过其路段。应采用在车轮下垫支撑物抬离合器、猛加油门的方法来通过其路段。应采用在车轮下垫支撑物的方式来驱动车轮。的方式来驱动车轮。 3)Drivers must strictly follow operati

67、on stipulation, conduct proper operation. In the course of vehicle running, each release and engagement will produce a lot of heat ,and the heat can not be rapidly cleared away in a short time. Too much use clutch will cause too high temperature, which will lead to friction disc rapidly wear, or cra

68、ck, pressure plate deformed due to too much heat, even press springs annealing etc. which severely affect clutch normal work, shortens the service life ,hence reduce semi-clutch operation times as much as possible. 4)In emergency brake, or before close to stop in the mean time, step down clutch peda

69、l to alleviate impact. 5)Strictly forbid operations of doffing gear shift down hill ,strictly forbid step clutch pedal down hill( engine stop) ,with empty gearshift sliding vehicle, then engage gearshift, sudden uplift clutch pedal, force engine restart, which will speed up the clutch premature wear

70、, easily causes friction disc and casting cover broken . 6)When vehicle running on soft ,muddy road ,drive wheels skidding, prohibit sudden uplift clutch, give sudden acceleration, to pass this kind of road. Supports should be used under the wheels to drive forwards from the soft muddy road . 2 2、离合

71、器的维护、离合器的维护 离合器操纵机构应及时润滑、检查、紧定与调整。离合器操纵机构应及时润滑、检查、紧定与调整。 1)润滑)润滑 在离合器操纵机构的配合运动副中,大部分都是采用润滑脂润滑,在离合器操纵机构的配合运动副中,大部分都是采用润滑脂润滑,应该及时地给予润滑,以减少不必要的磨损,尤其是分离轴承,承受应该及时地给予润滑,以减少不必要的磨损,尤其是分离轴承,承受的载荷大,转速高,极易磨损与损坏,应及时润滑,一般在汽车行驶的载荷大,转速高,极易磨损与损坏,应及时润滑,一般在汽车行驶4000-5000km时润滑一次,离合器踏板轴与支架之间,以脚感每隔时润滑一次,离合器踏板轴与支架之间,以脚感每隔

72、6000-8000km润滑一次。润滑一次。 2)离合器的检查、紧定与调整)离合器的检查、紧定与调整 离合器及操纵机构的检查、紧定与调整,是离合器在使用与保养离合器及操纵机构的检查、紧定与调整,是离合器在使用与保养中必不可少的内容,防范于未然。在使用保养中,检查离合器是否沾中必不可少的内容,防范于未然。在使用保养中,检查离合器是否沾油;出车前应检查离合器踏板的自由行程,一般情况,每当汽车行驶油;出车前应检查离合器踏板的自由行程,一般情况,每当汽车行驶3000-5000km后,定期对离合器踏板自由行程进行检查、调整一次。后,定期对离合器踏板自由行程进行检查、调整一次。2、Clutch mainte

73、nance Clutchmanipulatingmechanismshouldbelubricated,checked,tightenedandadjustedintime. 1)LubricationInthefitmovingpairsofclutch,mostofthemadoptsgreaselubrication,whichshouldbeintime,incaseofunnecessarywear,especiallyforreleasebearing,undertakesbigload,withhighspeed,easilywearorDamaged,intimelubrica

74、tionisnecessary.Normallyonetimelubricationevery4000-5000km,betweenclutchpedalshaftandsupport,youcanfeelbyfoot,onetimelubricationevery6000-8000km2)clutch check ,tighten and adjust Clutchcheck,tightenandadjustisanabsolutecontentsforclutchoperationandmaintenance,keepawayfromfailuresinprecaution.Inopera

75、tionmaintenance,checkclutchwhetherhasoildirt,beforestart,checkclutchfreestroke,normallyevery3000-5000kmafter,aregularcheckandadjustmenttoclutchpedalfreestrokeshouldbedone. 3 3)离合器操纵系统的调整)离合器操纵系统的调整 离合器操纵机构的调整,对离合器防止发生故障起着重要的离合器操纵机构的调整,对离合器防止发生故障起着重要的作用。其目的是使离合器在工作中能够彻底的分离和可靠的接合。作用。其目的是使离合器在工作中能够彻底的分

76、离和可靠的接合。汽车离合器是靠磨擦来传递发动机动力的。汽车离合器是靠磨擦来传递发动机动力的。 汽车在使用中,离合器频繁地分离与接合,摩擦片会渐渐变汽车在使用中,离合器频繁地分离与接合,摩擦片会渐渐变薄,离合器的压盘逐渐移向飞轮。分离指(环)后移使分离指(环)薄,离合器的压盘逐渐移向飞轮。分离指(环)后移使分离指(环)与分离轴承之间的间隙逐渐减少,于是离合器的自由行程也随之减与分离轴承之间的间隙逐渐减少,于是离合器的自由行程也随之减少,顶死后会造成压紧力的下降,会影响发动机动力的正常传递,少,顶死后会造成压紧力的下降,会影响发动机动力的正常传递,引起一系列故障。引起一系列故障。 反之,若自由行程

77、过大,离合器在分离时的有效行程减少,这反之,若自由行程过大,离合器在分离时的有效行程减少,这时从动盘仍会继续旋转,造成分离不彻底。所以汽车在使用过程中时从动盘仍会继续旋转,造成分离不彻底。所以汽车在使用过程中要经常检查并调整离合器的自由行程。使之恢复到标准值。要经常检查并调整离合器的自由行程。使之恢复到标准值。 (总泵间隙一般为(总泵间隙一般为1mm,分离轴承与分离指之间间隙为分离轴承与分离指之间间隙为3-5mm,踏板间隙由操纵机构踏板间隙由操纵机构各杠杆比决定,一般为各杠杆比决定,一般为30-40mm)。)。 3)Clutch manipulating system adjustment C

78、lutch manipulating mechanism adjustment plays an important role in preventing clutch from failures. The purpose is to make clutch completely release and reliably engage in operation. Vehicle clutch rely on friction to convey the power from engine. When vehicle in operation, clutch frequently release

79、s and engages, the friction disc will gradually get thinner and clutch pressure plate gradually shift to flywheel. Release fingers (ring) moves backwards, the clearance between release fingers and release bearing is gradually reduced, and then clutch free stroke is also reduced, when no clearance ,t

80、he press drops, which will affect engine power normal transmission, causing series of failures. On the contrary if free stroke too big, when clutch release, the valid stroke gets smaller ,at this moment driven plate is still turning, which will cause clutch in complete release. Hence when vehicle in

81、 operation ,often check and adjust clutch free stroke is necessary, let it come to standard value. (Master cylinder clearance is normally 1mm,Clearance between release bearing and release fingers is 3-5mm,The pedal clearance depends on the ratio between levers ,normally 30-40mm.4、离合器常见故障的判断及解决办法、离合器

82、常见故障的判断及解决办法离合器在使用过程中,经常出现的故障主要有:离合器在使用过程中,经常出现的故障主要有: 1、离合器打滑、离合器打滑 2、分离不彻底、分离不彻底 3、起步发抖、起步发抖 4、起步发闯、起步发闯 5、离合器异响、离合器异响 6、离合器踏板沉重、离合器踏板沉重 下面我们针对这些故障类型进行逐一分析。下面我们针对这些故障类型进行逐一分析。4、Common troubles judgement and shoot Clutch in operation, main troubles often occurs as follows: 1、Clutch slipping 2、Clutc

83、h incomplete release 3、Chattering ,shaking when start 4、Bumping when start 5、Clutch abnormal sound 6、Clutch pedal acts inflexibly We will aim at the analysis to these failure modes in the following. 1 1、离合器打滑、离合器打滑 1) 故障现象故障现象 当汽车起步时,完全放松离合器踏板后,汽车提速慢,发动机当汽车起步时,完全放松离合器踏板后,汽车提速慢,发动机的动力不能完全传至变速器主动轴,使汽车

84、动力下降,油耗增加和起的动力不能完全传至变速器主动轴,使汽车动力下降,油耗增加和起步困难。步困难。 汽车加速时,车速不能随发动机转速提高而加快,以致行驶无汽车加速时,车速不能随发动机转速提高而加快,以致行驶无力。力。 当重载上坡时,打滑会更明显。当重载上坡时,打滑会更明显。 1、Clutch slipping 1) Failure phenomena When vehicle starts, after completely release clutch pedal, vehicle accelerating slowly, engine power can not completely be

85、 transmitted to gearbox drive shaft, which makes vehicle power loss, fuel consumption increase, and difficult to start. When vehicle accelerates, vehicle speed can not go up with engine, hence insufficient power occurs . When overloading goes up hill, clutch slipping is more obvious. 2)2)原因分析原因分析 由于

86、离合器踏板自由行程太小或没有,分离轴承压在离合器由于离合器踏板自由行程太小或没有,分离轴承压在离合器分离指(环)上,抵消了工作压紧力,压紧弹簧压紧力不足。分离指(环)上,抵消了工作压紧力,压紧弹簧压紧力不足。 由于摩擦片上沾有油污;由于摩擦片上沾有油污; 由于离合器设计匹配不足,离合器后备系数选择过小,造成由于离合器设计匹配不足,离合器后备系数选择过小,造成正常使用情况下出现打滑情况;正常使用情况下出现打滑情况; 离合器和飞轮连接螺钉松动。离合器和飞轮连接螺钉松动。 严重超载运行超过了离合器的设计能力而造成离合器打滑。严重超载运行超过了离合器的设计能力而造成离合器打滑。 过多使用半联动造成摩擦

87、片异常磨损,压盘工作面产生变形、过多使用半联动造成摩擦片异常磨损,压盘工作面产生变形、翘曲或断裂。翘曲或断裂。 摩擦片过度磨损,超过磨损极限使工作压紧力下降,磨损变摩擦片过度磨损,超过磨损极限使工作压紧力下降,磨损变薄、龟裂、硬化,铆钉外露。薄、龟裂、硬化,铆钉外露。 摩擦力矩严重不足:压紧力不足,摩擦系数小,离合器紧固摩擦力矩严重不足:压紧力不足,摩擦系数小,离合器紧固螺钉松动。螺钉松动。 2)causes analysis Due to clutch pedal free stroke too small or no stroke release bearing press on clut

88、ch release finger (ring), counteract the work press, the press spring has insufficient press . Friction disc has oil dirt. Due to clutch design defect, clutch reserve coefficient too small, which causes clutch slipping under normal working condition. Clutch and flywheel connection bolt loose . Sever

89、e overloading exceeds clutch design capacity, which causes clutch slipping . too much semi clutch application, which causes friction disc abnormal wear, pressure plate shows deformation, warp or broken . Friction disc too much worn out, exceeds wear limit, which makes work press drop, disc becomes t

90、hin, chap, hardened, and rivet exposing. Friction moment severely insufficient: Insufficient press, small friction coefficient ,clutch tightening screw loose 3)3)故障判断与排除故障判断与排除 拉紧手刹制动器,挂上低速档,慢慢放松离合器踏板徐徐加大拉紧手刹制动器,挂上低速档,慢慢放松离合器踏板徐徐加大油门,若汽车不动,发动机仍继续运转而不熄火,说明离合器打滑。油门,若汽车不动,发动机仍继续运转而不熄火,说明离合器打滑。 检查离合器踏板是

91、否有自由行程,如果没有自由行程,应予调检查离合器踏板是否有自由行程,如果没有自由行程,应予调整。整。 经上述检查排除后仍然打滑时,应拆下离合器检查摩擦片的状经上述检查排除后仍然打滑时,应拆下离合器检查摩擦片的状况。若有油污,找出油污来源,设法排除。若摩擦片磨损过薄、烧片况。若有油污,找出油污来源,设法排除。若摩擦片磨损过薄、烧片或铆钉头外露,应更换从动盘。或铆钉头外露,应更换从动盘。 3)Trouble judgement and shooting Pull tight hand brake, engage low gearshift, slowly release clutch pedal,

92、 and slowly give acceleration, if vehicle still not move, and engine is running ,not stop, which indicates clutch slipping. Check clutch whether has free stroke, if not, adjust it. With the above check and shoot, clutch still slipping, the clutch friction disc should be removed for check. if there i

93、s oil dirt ,look into the source, and get rid of it. if friction disc is worn too thin, burnt or rivet exposing, replace it . 检查压盘表面情况,如出现压盘断裂、翘曲变形的情况,应更检查压盘表面情况,如出现压盘断裂、翘曲变形的情况,应更换压盘。换压盘。 如摩擦片磨损情况、压盘表面均正常,则应检查离合器膜片弹如摩擦片磨损情况、压盘表面均正常,则应检查离合器膜片弹簧与盖之间是否存在粉尘堵塞而引起压盘不能正常回位的现象,如有簧与盖之间是否存在粉尘堵塞而引起压盘不能正常回位的现象

94、,如有此现象则应清除堵塞的粉尘,清除后分离指高度一致可继续使用,如此现象则应清除堵塞的粉尘,清除后分离指高度一致可继续使用,如不一致,应更换压盘。不一致,应更换压盘。 如没有上述情况,汽车又没有超载,则有可能是离合器压紧力如没有上述情况,汽车又没有超载,则有可能是离合器压紧力不足,应予更换压盘,如多次重复出现该故障,则是由于设计匹配离不足,应予更换压盘,如多次重复出现该故障,则是由于设计匹配离合器不当造成,应及早通知相关汽车厂及发动机厂。合器不当造成,应及早通知相关汽车厂及发动机厂。 Check pressure plate surface, if it shoes broken ,warp

95、deformation, replace it. If friction disc wear condition, pressure plate surface are all normal, then you have to check the dust between clutch diaphragm spring and cover ,which causes pressure plate can not go back to its position ,if it is so, remove the dust ,if the release finger height are the

96、same ,it can be used again ,If not ,replace it . I f there is no above case, vehicle no overloading ,possibly due to clutch insufficient press, should replace it. if many times the trouble repeats, that possibly because of design application problem, which should be noticed to relative vehicle manuf

97、acturer and engine plant. 2 2、离合器分离不彻底、离合器分离不彻底 1) 1) 故障现象故障现象 将离合器踏到底仍感挂档困难;或强行挂入,但不抬踏板汽将离合器踏到底仍感挂档困难;或强行挂入,但不抬踏板汽车就向前驶动或造成发动机熄火。车就向前驶动或造成发动机熄火。 变速器挂档困难或挂不进档,出现打齿现象。变速器挂档困难或挂不进档,出现打齿现象。 2)2)原因分析原因分析 离合器踏板自由行程过大造成离合器分离行程不足。离合器踏板自由行程过大造成离合器分离行程不足。 从动盘盘毂键槽与变速器第一轴键齿锈蚀发卡,使从动盘移动从动盘盘毂键槽与变速器第一轴键齿锈蚀发卡,使从动盘移

98、动困难。困难。 使用了不同厂家不匹配的从动盘使用了不同厂家不匹配的从动盘 膜片弹簧疲劳失效。膜片弹簧疲劳失效。 膜片弹簧分离指不在同一平面上,或个别分离指折断。膜片弹簧分离指不在同一平面上,或个别分离指折断。 离合器从动盘翘曲,铆钉松脱或新换的摩擦片未离合器从动盘翘曲,铆钉松脱或新换的摩擦片未 调整踏板行程。调整踏板行程。2、Clutch release not completely 1) Failure phenomena Step clutch pedal to the bottom, still feel difficult gearshift, or force gearshift,

99、but without release the pedal ,vehicle move forwards or engine stop. Gear box difficult gear shift, or no gear shift, broken gear tooth occurs. 2)Causes analysis Clutch free stroke too big, which causes insufficient clutch release stroke Corrosion stuck between driven plate hub key way and gear box

100、first shaft gear, which causes driven plate difficult move. Use different driven plates from different manufacturers ,not to proper application. Diaphragm spring fatigue invalidation . Diaphragm spring release fingers not on the same level, or individual release fingers broken . Clutch driven plate

101、warp, rivets loose or new disc no pedal stroke adjustment. 3)3)故障判断与排除故障判断与排除 发动机熄火时,挂空档,踏下离合器踏板,打开离发动机熄火时,挂空档,踏下离合器踏板,打开离合器壳上观察窗口,用螺丝刀推动离合器从动盘。合器壳上观察窗口,用螺丝刀推动离合器从动盘。 若能轻推动,说明离合器能分离开;若推不动说明离合若能轻推动,说明离合器能分离开;若推不动说明离合器分离不彻底。器分离不彻底。 检查调整离合器踏板自由行程,如自由行程过大,则检查调整离合器踏板自由行程,如自由行程过大,则要重新调整。要重新调整。 检查膜片弹簧分离指高低

102、是否一致(在安装状态检查,检查膜片弹簧分离指高低是否一致(在安装状态检查,自由状态下分离指高低不平不能说明问题),如不一致,检自由状态下分离指高低不平不能说明问题),如不一致,检查是否存在粉尘堵塞的情况,在清除粉尘后分离指高低一致查是否存在粉尘堵塞的情况,在清除粉尘后分离指高低一致时可继续使用,否则,更换压盘。时可继续使用,否则,更换压盘。 3)Failure judgement and shoot Engine stops, engage empty (neutral) gear shift, step down clutch pedal ,open observing window on

103、clutch cover, using screw driver push clutch driven plate. If it can be moved easily, which means clutch can release. If not ,which means clutch can not release completely. Check and adjust clutch pedal free stroke, if free stroke is too big, readjustment is needed. Check diaphragm spring release fi

104、ngers height whether they are the same ,(check under the condition of installation, free state release finger height not the same does not count.), if not the same ,check whether there is any dust in /between them, If after clean up, the release fingers height are the same, which can be used again .

105、If not ,replace pressure plate. 3 3、起步发抖、起步发抖 1) 1) 现象现象 汽车起步时汽车起步时, ,驾驶员按正常操作较平缓地放松离合器踏板驾驶员按正常操作较平缓地放松离合器踏板, ,汽车汽车不是平稳地起步加速不是平稳地起步加速, ,而是而是断断续续地加速断断续续地加速, ,汽车轻微抖动汽车轻微抖动, ,有行进振有行进振动感觉。动感觉。 2) 2) 造成起步发抖的可能因素造成起步发抖的可能因素 离合器从动盘盘毂花键磨损离合器从动盘盘毂花键磨损, ,变速器输入轴花键轴磨损或轴变速器输入轴花键轴磨损或轴变形变形, , 或分离轴承座缺油,滑动不或分离轴承座缺油,

106、滑动不畅,回位发卡畅,回位发卡; ; 离合器与发动机匹配不合理,选择后备系数过大,造成接离合器与发动机匹配不合理,选择后备系数过大,造成接合粗暴,合粗暴, 滑磨时间过短,造成发抖。滑磨时间过短,造成发抖。 发动机飞轮、压盘或从动盘变形或表面不平发动机飞轮、压盘或从动盘变形或表面不平, ,压紧时三者接压紧时三者接触不良;触不良; 扭转减振器弹簧弹力不均或失去弹力扭转减振器弹簧弹力不均或失去弹力; ; 膜片弹簧在圆周上弹簧力不均匀膜片弹簧在圆周上弹簧力不均匀; ; 飞轮在曲轴上的固定螺栓松动飞轮在曲轴上的固定螺栓松动; ;变速器壳在离合器上的固定变速器壳在离合器上的固定 螺栓松动螺栓松动; ;发动

107、机在汽车底板上的支承松动。发动机在汽车底板上的支承松动。 摩擦片上有油污摩擦片上有油污; ;从动盘翘曲不平从动盘翘曲不平; ;摩擦片铆钉摩擦片铆钉 外露或松动外露或松动。3、Chattering and shaking when start 1) phenomena Whenvehiclestarts,drivernormallydrive,smoothlystarttoaccelerate,butvehiclestartwiththeacceleration,itacceleratesnotcontinuously,withlightchattering,youcanfeelvibratio



110、portonchassisloose.Frictiondischasoildirt,drivenplatewarpuneven,frictiondiscrivetexposingorloose. 3)3)故障判断与排除故障判断与排除 将发动机置于怠速,踩下离合器,变速器置于将发动机置于怠速,踩下离合器,变速器置于2档,放开手制动、档,放开手制动、脚制动。不踩油门,缓慢的放开离合器起步。此时确认车体的振动(是否脚制动。不踩油门,缓慢的放开离合器起步。此时确认车体的振动(是否有发抖现象)。有发抖现象)。 检查变速器与飞轮壳、离合器盖飞轮固定螺钉是否松动,有松动则检查变速器与飞轮壳、离合器盖飞轮固定

111、螺钉是否松动,有松动则紧固;如正常,检查分离杠杆高度。紧固;如正常,检查分离杠杆高度。 检查分离轴承、分泵推杆、离合器踏板的运动情况,如有卡滞,应检查分离轴承、分泵推杆、离合器踏板的运动情况,如有卡滞,应进行清理、润滑、检修。进行清理、润滑、检修。 拆下离合器壳检查各膜片弹簧分离指高度是否一致,如不一致检查拆下离合器壳检查各膜片弹簧分离指高度是否一致,如不一致检查是否由于异物堵塞造成,清除异物后分离指高度如不一致,更换压盘。是否由于异物堵塞造成,清除异物后分离指高度如不一致,更换压盘。 如上述良好,拆下离合器,分别检查压盘,从动盘是否变形,如变如上述良好,拆下离合器,分别检查压盘,从动盘是否变

112、形,如变形,则更换;从动盘铆钉是否松动,如出现以上情况则更换从动盘。形,则更换;从动盘铆钉是否松动,如出现以上情况则更换从动盘。 检查飞轮与曲轴的紧固情况,有松动则紧固螺栓。检查飞轮与曲轴的紧固情况,有松动则紧固螺栓。 如经上述手段处理后,汽车依然存在起步发抖故障,如经上述手段处理后,汽车依然存在起步发抖故障,应从该离合器匹配上进行分析。应从该离合器匹配上进行分析。 3)Failure judgement and shoot Put engine to idle running, step down clutch pedal ,gearbox to second gearshift, rele

113、ase hand brake, and foot brake. dont give acceleration, slowly release clutch to start, at this moment ,check vehicle body vibration (whether there is any chattering and shaking) phenomena) Check gearbox and flywheel housing ,clutch cover flywheel fixing bolts whether loose or not ,tighten them if l

114、oose. If ok, check release lever height . Check release bearing ,clutch cylinder push rod, clutch pedal moving conditions, if being stuck, clean, lubricate and repair them. Remove clutch cover, check diaphragm spring release fingers height whether are the same ,if not check the reason, whether there

115、 is any dirt ,clean up, if still not ok, replace pressure plate. I f above are good ,remove clutch ,check pressure plate ,driven plate whether there is any deformation ,if it is, replace it. Check driven plate rivet whether is loose, if it is , replace driven plate. Check flywheel and crankshaft tig

116、htening conditions ,if loose ,tighten them. If the above action is taken, vehicle still has the problem of chattering and shaking when starts ,starting analysis from clutch application. 4 4、起步发闯、起步发闯 1) 1) 故障现象:故障现象: 汽车起步时,离合器踏板慢慢抬起,轻踏油门,汽车不是平稳汽车起步时,离合器踏板慢慢抬起,轻踏油门,汽车不是平稳加速,而是突然加速,向前窜动。加速,而是突然加速,向前窜动

117、。 2) 2) 可从以下几方面找原因:可从以下几方面找原因: 分离机构:离合器踏板动作不平滑,分离轴承回位发卡,有跳分离机构:离合器踏板动作不平滑,分离轴承回位发卡,有跳跃动作,分离拨叉不圆滑。跃动作,分离拨叉不圆滑。 发动机安装架破损,飞轮安装部松动,驱动系配合不佳发动机安装架破损,飞轮安装部松动,驱动系配合不佳 。 从动盘总成:摩擦片有油污后,粘上其他物质,减振弹簧折断。从动盘总成:摩擦片有油污后,粘上其他物质,减振弹簧折断。 盖总成:膜片弹簧压紧力运行曲线不合理,使摩擦片在瞬时内盖总成:膜片弹簧压紧力运行曲线不合理,使摩擦片在瞬时内和压盘贴合,造成发闯。和压盘贴合,造成发闯。4、 Bum

118、ping when start 1) Failure phenomena :Whenvehiclestarts,clutchpedalslowlylifts,givelightacceleration,thevehiclenotacceleratessteadily,butsuddenlyaccelerates,bumpforwards. 2) Possible reasons check from the following:Releasemechanism:Clutchpedalactionnotsmooth,releasebearinghomebeingstuck,thereisjump


120、thpressureplateinstantaneously,causinginflexibleandbumping.5 5、离合器异响、离合器异响 1)1)现象现象 在使用离合器时,有不正常的响声产生。在使用离合器时,有不正常的响声产生。 2)2)原因原因 分离轴承磨损严重或缺油甚至钢珠脱出,轴承复位弹簧过分离轴承磨损严重或缺油甚至钢珠脱出,轴承复位弹簧过软、折断或脱落。软、折断或脱落。 从动盘钢片铆钉松动,波形片碎裂或减振弹簧折断。从动盘钢片铆钉松动,波形片碎裂或减振弹簧折断。 踏板复位弹簧过软、脱落或折断。踏板复位弹簧过软、脱落或折断。 从动盘毂与变速器第一轴花键磨损严重。从动盘毂与变速

121、器第一轴花键磨损严重。 离合器支承环松动,膜片弹簧铆钉未铆紧。离合器支承环松动,膜片弹簧铆钉未铆紧。5、Clutch abnormal sound 1)Phenomena When clutch in operation ,abnormal sound occurs. 2)Causes Release bearing severely worn out ,or lack of oil even balls falling off, bearing home spring too soft, broken or falling off. Driven plate rivets loose, wa

122、ve shape plate broken . pedal restoration spring too soft, broken or falling off. Driven plate hub and gearbox first shaft splined key severely worn out. Clutch support ring loose ,diaphragm spring rivets fixed tightly . 3)3)判断与排除判断与排除 少许踩下离合器踏板,使分离杠杆与分离轴承接触,听到有少许踩下离合器踏板,使分离杠杆与分离轴承接触,听到有“沙沙沙沙”的响声,为分

123、离轴承响。如加油后仍响,为轴承磨损松旷或损的响声,为分离轴承响。如加油后仍响,为轴承磨损松旷或损坏。检查分离轴承,如损坏或磨损过大,应换用新的轴承。坏。检查分离轴承,如损坏或磨损过大,应换用新的轴承。 踩下、放松离合器踏板时,如出现间断的碰击声,为分离轴承踩下、放松离合器踏板时,如出现间断的碰击声,为分离轴承前后滑动响,应检查分离轴承复位弹簧,如失效,应更换。前后滑动响,应检查分离轴承复位弹簧,如失效,应更换。 从动盘盘毂铆钉松动,波形片碎裂或减振弹簧折断,如有则更从动盘盘毂铆钉松动,波形片碎裂或减振弹簧折断,如有则更换。换。 压盘断裂或膜片弹簧分离指断裂后发生碰撞产生异响,应更换压盘断裂或膜

124、片弹簧分离指断裂后发生碰撞产生异响,应更换压盘压盘 支承环松动异响,应更换离合器盖总成。支承环松动异响,应更换离合器盖总成。 3)Judgement and shoot Step down a little bit clutch pedal, make release lever contact release bearing, you hear “sha sha “sound ,that is sound of release bearing ,if after lubrication ,the sound is still there ,that means bearing worn ou

125、t ,or damage. Check release bearing ,if damage or wear too much, mew bearing should be replaced. When step down, release clutch pedal, if interrupted collision sound occurs, that is release bearing sliding back and forth sound. Check release bearing restoration spring ,if invalidation ,replace it. D

126、riven plate hub rivets loose, wave shape sheet broken or damping spring broken, if it is so ,replace it. Pressure plate broken or diaphragm spring release finger broken, collision producing abnormal sound. Pressure plate should be replaced . Supporting ring loose producing abnormal sound, and clutch

127、 assembly should be replaced. 6 6、离合器分离沉重、离合器分离沉重 1 1)现象:)现象: 操纵离合器感到沉重。操纵离合器感到沉重。 2 2)原因分析:)原因分析: 拉索变形、缺油,离合器总泵或分泵磨损、漏油(或本身设计缺陷)、油路有气,运动拉索变形、缺油,离合器总泵或分泵磨损、漏油(或本身设计缺陷)、油路有气,运动件缺油、锈,机件变形失调件缺油、锈,机件变形失调 3 3)排除方法:)排除方法: 检查总泵、分泵、油路是否有泄漏,如有泄漏,更换相应零件;检查总泵、分泵、油路是否有泄漏,如有泄漏,更换相应零件; 检查油路是否有气,如有气,需进行排气;检查油路是否有气

128、,如有气,需进行排气; 检查踏板轴、分离拨叉等运动部件是否生锈、卡滞,如有则更换检查踏板轴、分离拨叉等运动部件是否生锈、卡滞,如有则更换 相应零部件;相应零部件; 如汽车厂在离合器匹配设计时有误,膜片弹簧离合器也容易如汽车厂在离合器匹配设计时有误,膜片弹簧离合器也容易 出现分离沉重故障,部分服务站采取用螺簧离合器更换的出现分离沉重故障,部分服务站采取用螺簧离合器更换的 方法来解决,但这只是应急处理的方法,应立即将该情方法来解决,但这只是应急处理的方法,应立即将该情 况反馈给汽车厂。况反馈给汽车厂。6、Clutch release inflexibly 1)Phenomena:Feel infl

129、exible when manipulating clutch 2)Causes analysis : Clutch master cylinder or clutch cylinder worn out or oil leaking (or design defect), or air in oil lines, moving parts lack of oil, rusted or parts deformed ,maladjustment. 3)shoot: Check clutch master cylinder ,clutch cylinder ,oil lines, whether

130、 there is any leakage, if it is, replace it accordingly. Check whether there is air in oil lines, if it is ,bleeding out air is necessary. Check pedal shaft, release fork etc, whether there is rust, stuck, if there is ,replace the part accordingly. If vehicle manufacturer makes mistake in clutch app

131、lication design ,diaphragm spring will also easily shows clutch release inflexibly, if there is such case, service agent should replace a spiral clutch for emergency. report should be fed back to vehicle manufacturer immediately. 五、离合器典型故障案例分析五、离合器典型故障案例分析Clutch typical failure cases analysis故障模式及故障

132、照片故障模式及故障照片故障模式及故障照片故障模式及故障照片 Failure and photosFailure and photos原因分析及解决办法原因分析及解决办法原因分析及解决办法原因分析及解决办法 Causes analysis and shootCauses analysis and shoot1 1、摩擦片烧蚀、摩擦片烧蚀、摩擦片烧蚀、摩擦片烧蚀 Diaphragm ablationDiaphragm ablationCauses :Causes :A, Too much overloadA, Too much overloadB, Driven plate assembly, p

133、ressure plate or flywheel has oilB, Driven plate assembly, pressure plate or flywheel has oilC, Semi clutch long time, too many timesC, Semi clutch long time, too many timesD, While using brake, not step down clutch pedalD, While using brake, not step down clutch pedalE, Rough operation E, Rough ope

134、ration Shoot: Replace a new clutch driven plateShoot: Replace a new clutch driven plate2 2、定位孔破坏,分离不清,发抖、定位孔破坏,分离不清,发抖、定位孔破坏,分离不清,发抖、定位孔破坏,分离不清,发抖Positioning hole damage, no release completely, Positioning hole damage, no release completely, chatteringchattering故障原因:两定位销(不等径)装反,定位销不故障原因:两定位销(不等径)装反,

135、定位销不故障原因:两定位销(不等径)装反,定位销不故障原因:两定位销(不等径)装反,定位销不符合要求。解决办法:更换盖总成符合要求。解决办法:更换盖总成符合要求。解决办法:更换盖总成符合要求。解决办法:更换盖总成2 Positioning pins wrong assembly ,not up to 2 Positioning pins wrong assembly ,not up to standard, replace a new cover assemblystandard, replace a new cover assembly故障模式及故障照片故障模式及故障照片故障模式及故障照片故

136、障模式及故障照片 Failure and Failure and photosphotos原因分析及解决办法原因分析及解决办法原因分析及解决办法原因分析及解决办法 Causes analysis and Causes analysis and shootshoot3 3、盖总成的安装面破坏、盖总成的安装面破坏、盖总成的安装面破坏、盖总成的安装面破坏Cover assembly installation surface damageCover assembly installation surface damage故障原因:摔,砸,碰坏。故障原因:摔,砸,碰坏。故障原因:摔,砸,碰坏。故障原因:

137、摔,砸,碰坏。解决办法:更换盖总成。解决办法:更换盖总成。解决办法:更换盖总成。解决办法:更换盖总成。Failure causes :falling ,smashing or bumping Failure causes :falling ,smashing or bumping brokenbrokenShoot: replace a new cover assemblyShoot: replace a new cover assembly4 4、分离指异常损坏,烧蚀、分离指异常损坏,烧蚀、分离指异常损坏,烧蚀、分离指异常损坏,烧蚀ReleaseRelease fingers damage

138、,ablationfingers damage ,ablation故障原因:安装,调整不当造成。故障原因:安装,调整不当造成。故障原因:安装,调整不当造成。故障原因:安装,调整不当造成。解决办法:更换盖总成,相关分离轴承如损坏解决办法:更换盖总成,相关分离轴承如损坏解决办法:更换盖总成,相关分离轴承如损坏解决办法:更换盖总成,相关分离轴承如损坏 也应进行更换。也应进行更换。也应进行更换。也应进行更换。Failure causes: improper installation and Failure causes: improper installation and adjustmentadju

139、stmentShoot: replace a new cover assembly and Shoot: replace a new cover assembly and release bearingrelease bearing故障模式及故障照片故障模式及故障照片故障模式及故障照片故障模式及故障照片 Failure and photosFailure and photos原因分析及解决方法原因分析及解决方法原因分析及解决方法原因分析及解决方法 Causes analysis and shootCauses analysis and shoot5 5、盖与膜簧之间塞有杂物、盖与膜簧之间塞有杂

140、物、盖与膜簧之间塞有杂物、盖与膜簧之间塞有杂物故障原因:故障原因:故障原因:故障原因: 1 1、由于超载使用,造成从动盘早期磨损,摩擦面片磨成、由于超载使用,造成从动盘早期磨损,摩擦面片磨成、由于超载使用,造成从动盘早期磨损,摩擦面片磨成、由于超载使用,造成从动盘早期磨损,摩擦面片磨成丝状、粉末状,塞入膜片弹簧与盖之间;丝状、粉末状,塞入膜片弹簧与盖之间;丝状、粉末状,塞入膜片弹簧与盖之间;丝状、粉末状,塞入膜片弹簧与盖之间;2 2、由于分离轴承破、由于分离轴承破、由于分离轴承破、由于分离轴承破坏,钢珠脱落,塞入膜片弹簧与盖之间;坏,钢珠脱落,塞入膜片弹簧与盖之间;坏,钢珠脱落,塞入膜片弹簧与

141、盖之间;坏,钢珠脱落,塞入膜片弹簧与盖之间;3 3、掉进其他杂物。、掉进其他杂物。、掉进其他杂物。、掉进其他杂物。解决方法:解决方法:解决方法:解决方法: 可用千斤顶将膜片弹簧压下,用铁钩和压缩空气对杂物可用千斤顶将膜片弹簧压下,用铁钩和压缩空气对杂物可用千斤顶将膜片弹簧压下,用铁钩和压缩空气对杂物可用千斤顶将膜片弹簧压下,用铁钩和压缩空气对杂物进行清理,清理后如分离指高度一致,可继续使用,如不一进行清理,清理后如分离指高度一致,可继续使用,如不一进行清理,清理后如分离指高度一致,可继续使用,如不一进行清理,清理后如分离指高度一致,可继续使用,如不一致,应更换盖总成。致,应更换盖总成。致,应更

142、换盖总成。致,应更换盖总成。 6 6、盖总成压盘工作表面磨下、盖总成压盘工作表面磨下、盖总成压盘工作表面磨下、盖总成压盘工作表面磨下1MM1MM左右,或磨出一条深沟左右,或磨出一条深沟左右,或磨出一条深沟左右,或磨出一条深沟故障原因:到寿,操纵不正常,严重超载,从动盘故障原因:到寿,操纵不正常,严重超载,从动盘故障原因:到寿,操纵不正常,严重超载,从动盘故障原因:到寿,操纵不正常,严重超载,从动盘 铆钉露头。铆钉露头。铆钉露头。铆钉露头。解决方法:更换盖总成,同时应检查从动盘的解决方法:更换盖总成,同时应检查从动盘的解决方法:更换盖总成,同时应检查从动盘的解决方法:更换盖总成,同时应检查从动盘

143、的 磨损情况,如磨损严重,也应进行更换。磨损情况,如磨损严重,也应进行更换。磨损情况,如磨损严重,也应进行更换。磨损情况,如磨损严重,也应进行更换。 Failure and photosFailure and photos Causes analysis and shootCauses analysis and shoot5 5、 Sundries between cover Sundries between cover and diaphragm springand diaphragm spring1,Due to overload application, which causes dri

144、ven plate 1,Due to overload application, which causes driven plate premature wear, diaphragm plate is worn into strip, powder premature wear, diaphragm plate is worn into strip, powder shape, and being stuck into /between diaphragm plate and cover.shape, and being stuck into /between diaphragm plate

145、 and cover.2,Due to release bearing damage, steel balls falling into between 2,Due to release bearing damage, steel balls falling into between diaphragm plate and cover.diaphragm plate and cover.3,Other sundries falling into/ between.3,Other sundries falling into/ between.Shoot: With hydraulic jack

146、remove diaphragm plate spring, with Shoot: With hydraulic jack remove diaphragm plate spring, with steel hook and compressed air cleaning sundries, after cleaning, steel hook and compressed air cleaning sundries, after cleaning, if the release fingers are leveling, which can be used again, if not, i

147、f the release fingers are leveling, which can be used again, if not, replace a new cover assemblyreplace a new cover assembly6 6、 Cover assembly pressure Cover assembly pressure plate surface worn 1mm plate surface worn 1mm around, or a deep groovearound, or a deep grooveCauses: service life is over

148、, improper manipulation, too Causes: service life is over, improper manipulation, too much over load, rivet expose on driven plate.much over load, rivet expose on driven plate.Shoot: Replace cover assembly, check driven plate Shoot: Replace cover assembly, check driven plate wear, if serious, replac

149、e it. wear, if serious, replace it. 故障模式及故障照片故障模式及故障照片故障模式及故障照片故障模式及故障照片 原因分析及解决方法原因分析及解决方法原因分析及解决方法原因分析及解决方法 7 7、从动盘总成花键严重冲击或磨、从动盘总成花键严重冲击或磨、从动盘总成花键严重冲击或磨、从动盘总成花键严重冲击或磨光(非盘毂硬度低)光(非盘毂硬度低)光(非盘毂硬度低)光(非盘毂硬度低)故障原因:属一轴过松,严重超载,野蛮操作造成。故障原因:属一轴过松,严重超载,野蛮操作造成。故障原因:属一轴过松,严重超载,野蛮操作造成。故障原因:属一轴过松,严重超载,野蛮操作造成。解决办

150、法:更换从动盘。解决办法:更换从动盘。解决办法:更换从动盘。解决办法:更换从动盘。8 8、从动盘摩擦面片铆钉磨平、从动盘摩擦面片铆钉磨平、从动盘摩擦面片铆钉磨平、从动盘摩擦面片铆钉磨平故障原因:磨损到寿,需要更换离合器。故障原因:磨损到寿,需要更换离合器。故障原因:磨损到寿,需要更换离合器。故障原因:磨损到寿,需要更换离合器。解决办法:更换从动盘。解决办法:更换从动盘。解决办法:更换从动盘。解决办法:更换从动盘。Failure mode and photosFailure mode and photosCauses analysis and shootCauses analysis and s

151、hoot7 7、Driven plate assembly Driven plate assembly splinedsplined key severely impact or key severely impact or burnishing (not hub hardness burnishing (not hub hardness low) low) Failure reasonsFailure reasons:first shaft too loose, severe first shaft too loose, severe overload overload ,rough ope

152、ration.rough operation.ShootShoot:Replace a driven plateReplace a driven plate。8 8、Driven plate friction surface Driven plate friction surface rivets worn flat rivets worn flat Failure reasonsFailure reasons:Worn out service life endWorn out service life end, ShootShoot:Replace a driven plate.Replac

153、e a driven plate.故障模式及故障照片故障模式及故障照片故障模式及故障照片故障模式及故障照片 原因分析及解决方法原因分析及解决方法原因分析及解决方法原因分析及解决方法 9 9、压盘表面镜面化、压盘表面镜面化、压盘表面镜面化、压盘表面镜面化故障原因:长时间处于半离合状态,操纵机构复位故障原因:长时间处于半离合状态,操纵机构复位故障原因:长时间处于半离合状态,操纵机构复位故障原因:长时间处于半离合状态,操纵机构复位不良。不良。不良。不良。解决办法:调整离合器操纵机构,保证操纵机构复解决办法:调整离合器操纵机构,保证操纵机构复解决办法:调整离合器操纵机构,保证操纵机构复解决办法:调整离

154、合器操纵机构,保证操纵机构复位良好,压盘可继续使用。位良好,压盘可继续使用。位良好,压盘可继续使用。位良好,压盘可继续使用。1010、压盘表面热磨烧损、压盘表面热磨烧损、压盘表面热磨烧损、压盘表面热磨烧损故障原因:超载严重,苛刻操作。故障原因:超载严重,苛刻操作。故障原因:超载严重,苛刻操作。故障原因:超载严重,苛刻操作。解决办法:解决办法:解决办法:解决办法: 1 1、如只是产生部分点蚀,没有明显的变形,、如只是产生部分点蚀,没有明显的变形,、如只是产生部分点蚀,没有明显的变形,、如只是产生部分点蚀,没有明显的变形, 压盘可继续使用;压盘可继续使用;压盘可继续使用;压盘可继续使用; 2 2、

155、如产生明显的变形及龟裂,、如产生明显的变形及龟裂,、如产生明显的变形及龟裂,、如产生明显的变形及龟裂, 应更换压盘。应更换压盘。应更换压盘。应更换压盘。Failure mode and photosFailure mode and photosCauses analysis and shoot Causes analysis and shoot 9 9、Pressure plate wear shining Pressure plate wear shining like a mirror like a mirror Failure reasons: Long time in semi clu

156、tch state, Failure reasons: Long time in semi clutch state, manipulating mechanism with poor restoration manipulating mechanism with poor restoration ShootShoot:Adjust clutch manipulating mechanism, Adjust clutch manipulating mechanism, assure with good restoration and pressure plate assure with goo

157、d restoration and pressure plate can be used again. can be used again. 1010、Pressure plate surface Pressure plate surface heat wear and burnt heat wear and burnt Failure causes Failure causes :severe overload, rough severe overload, rough operation. operation. Shoot Shoot : 1 1、I f only part contact

158、 ,no obvious I f only part contact ,no obvious deformation, the pressure plate can be used deformation, the pressure plate can be used again.again. 2 2、I f there is obvious deformation and I f there is obvious deformation and chap, replace the pressure plate.chap, replace the pressure plate. 故障模式及故障

159、照片故障模式及故障照片故障模式及故障照片故障模式及故障照片 原因分析及解决方法原因分析及解决方法原因分析及解决方法原因分析及解决方法 1111、分离轴承倾斜、分离轴承倾斜、分离轴承倾斜、分离轴承倾斜故障原因:故障原因:故障原因:故障原因:1 1、由于膜片弹簧装配时偏心,造成与分离轴承接触、由于膜片弹簧装配时偏心,造成与分离轴承接触、由于膜片弹簧装配时偏心,造成与分离轴承接触、由于膜片弹簧装配时偏心,造成与分离轴承接触圆不同心;圆不同心;圆不同心;圆不同心;2 2、分离轴承偏心造成。、分离轴承偏心造成。、分离轴承偏心造成。、分离轴承偏心造成。解决办法:解决办法:解决办法:解决办法:1 1、出现膜

160、片弹簧偏心,应更换盖总成;、出现膜片弹簧偏心,应更换盖总成;、出现膜片弹簧偏心,应更换盖总成;、出现膜片弹簧偏心,应更换盖总成;2 2、如分离、如分离、如分离、如分离轴承偏心,则应检查分离轴承相关机构。轴承偏心,则应检查分离轴承相关机构。轴承偏心,则应检查分离轴承相关机构。轴承偏心,则应检查分离轴承相关机构。1212、盘毂异常松动、盘毂异常松动、盘毂异常松动、盘毂异常松动故障现象:分离不良,异响,闯车,发抖。故障现象:分离不良,异响,闯车,发抖。故障现象:分离不良,异响,闯车,发抖。故障现象:分离不良,异响,闯车,发抖。直观检查:花键无冲击而上下左右晃动,盘毂松动。盘毂与从动盘、直观检查:花键

161、无冲击而上下左右晃动,盘毂松动。盘毂与从动盘、直观检查:花键无冲击而上下左右晃动,盘毂松动。盘毂与从动盘、直观检查:花键无冲击而上下左右晃动,盘毂松动。盘毂与从动盘、 减振盘接触处有深沟。减振盘接触处有深沟。减振盘接触处有深沟。减振盘接触处有深沟。故障原因:扭转减振器的元件失效,设计不足,弹簧垫圈摩擦垫故障原因:扭转减振器的元件失效,设计不足,弹簧垫圈摩擦垫故障原因:扭转减振器的元件失效,设计不足,弹簧垫圈摩擦垫故障原因:扭转减振器的元件失效,设计不足,弹簧垫圈摩擦垫 圈没热处理圈没热处理圈没热处理圈没热处理, ,薄及失效,不耐磨,得不到磨损补偿。盘毂薄及失效,不耐磨,得不到磨损补偿。盘毂薄及

162、失效,不耐磨,得不到磨损补偿。盘毂薄及失效,不耐磨,得不到磨损补偿。盘毂 回转中心不同心于从动盘总成。回转中心不同心于从动盘总成。回转中心不同心于从动盘总成。回转中心不同心于从动盘总成。解决方法:更换新的从动盘总成。解决方法:更换新的从动盘总成。解决方法:更换新的从动盘总成。解决方法:更换新的从动盘总成。备注:一些怠速减振从动盘盘毂可以有备注:一些怠速减振从动盘盘毂可以有备注:一些怠速减振从动盘盘毂可以有备注:一些怠速减振从动盘盘毂可以有 一定的转角,这属于正常情况一定的转角,这属于正常情况一定的转角,这属于正常情况一定的转角,这属于正常情况Failure modes and photos F

163、ailure modes and photos Causes analysis and shoot Causes analysis and shoot 1111、Release bearing inclining Release bearing inclining Failure causesFailure causes:1 1、Due to diaphragm springs installation Due to diaphragm springs installation eccentricity ,causing no concentricity with eccentricity ,

164、causing no concentricity with release bearing contact circumference. release bearing contact circumference. 2 2、Release bearing eccentricity Release bearing eccentricity ShootShoot:1 1、If diaphragm spring eccentricity, replace If diaphragm spring eccentricity, replace cover assembly. cover assembly.

165、 2 2、If release bearing eccentricity, check release If release bearing eccentricity, check release bearing mechanism. bearing mechanism. 1212、Hub abnormal looseHub abnormal looseFailure phenomena:Failure phenomena::Poor release ,abnormal sound Poor release ,abnormal sound ,bumping bumping ,shaking.s

166、haking.Visual checkVisual check:splinespline key no impact and sway up and down key no impact and sway up and down around. ,hub loose, deep groove occurs in the contact area, of around. ,hub loose, deep groove occurs in the contact area, of hub, driven plate and damping plate. hub, driven plate and

167、damping plate. Failure causesFailure causes:Turning damping device invalid Turning damping device invalid ,insufficient insufficient design design Shoot Shoot :Replace new driven plate Replace new driven plate 。 故障模式及故障照片故障模式及故障照片故障模式及故障照片故障模式及故障照片 原因分析及解决方法原因分析及解决方法原因分析及解决方法原因分析及解决方法1313、减振弹簧脆断、减振弹

168、簧脆断、减振弹簧脆断、减振弹簧脆断 故障现象:异响,接合,分离不畅。故障现象:异响,接合,分离不畅。故障现象:异响,接合,分离不畅。故障现象:异响,接合,分离不畅。直观检查:花键无冲击现象,而弹簧脆断。直观检查:花键无冲击现象,而弹簧脆断。直观检查:花键无冲击现象,而弹簧脆断。直观检查:花键无冲击现象,而弹簧脆断。故障原因:材质问题,热处理问题,设计问题。故障原因:材质问题,热处理问题,设计问题。故障原因:材质问题,热处理问题,设计问题。故障原因:材质问题,热处理问题,设计问题。解决方法:更换新的从动盘总成。解决方法:更换新的从动盘总成。解决方法:更换新的从动盘总成。解决方法:更换新的从动盘总

169、成。1414、波形片断裂、波形片断裂、波形片断裂、波形片断裂 故障现象:无离合,异响,接合,分离不良。故障现象:无离合,异响,接合,分离不良。故障现象:无离合,异响,接合,分离不良。故障现象:无离合,异响,接合,分离不良。直观检查:波形片脆断,波形片铆钉处有缝隙。直观检查:波形片脆断,波形片铆钉处有缝隙。直观检查:波形片脆断,波形片铆钉处有缝隙。直观检查:波形片脆断,波形片铆钉处有缝隙。 故障原因:材质问题,热处理问题,没铆紧波故障原因:材质问题,热处理问题,没铆紧波故障原因:材质问题,热处理问题,没铆紧波故障原因:材质问题,热处理问题,没铆紧波 形片铆钉,花键与形片铆钉,花键与形片铆钉,花键

170、与形片铆钉,花键与 一轴配合松。一轴配合松。一轴配合松。一轴配合松。解决方法:更换新的从动盘总成。解决方法:更换新的从动盘总成。解决方法:更换新的从动盘总成。解决方法:更换新的从动盘总成。Failure mode and photos Failure mode and photos Causes Analysis and trouble shoot Causes Analysis and trouble shoot 1313、 Damping spring brokenDamping spring brokenFailure phenomenaFailure phenomena:Abnorma

171、l sound Abnormal sound ,engagement and release not smoothly engagement and release not smoothly Visual checkVisual check:SplineSpline key has no impact and key has no impact and spring broken.spring broken.Failure causesFailure causes:Material issueMaterial issue,heat treatment heat treatment issuei

172、ssue,design problemdesign problem。ShootShoot:replace a new driven plate replace a new driven plate 1414、 Wave shape edge sheet Wave shape edge sheet broken broken Failure phenomena Failure phenomena :without release without release ,abnormal sound ,with engagement but poor ,abnormal sound ,with enga

173、gement but poor release. release. Visual check Visual check :Wave shape edge sheet broken, Wave shape edge sheet broken, or sheet rivet area has crack. or sheet rivet area has crack. Failure reasonsFailure reasons:Material issue Material issue ,heat heat treatment issuetreatment issue,rivets loose,

174、rivets loose, splinespline shaft and shaft and first shaft fit loose.first shaft fit loose. Shoot: replace a new driven plate Shoot: replace a new driven plate 故障模式及故障照片故障模式及故障照片故障模式及故障照片故障模式及故障照片 原因分析及解决方法原因分析及解决方法原因分析及解决方法原因分析及解决方法 1515、跳簧,减震盘窗口,盘毂、跳簧,减震盘窗口,盘毂、跳簧,减震盘窗口,盘毂、跳簧,减震盘窗口,盘毂窗口都断裂窗口都断裂窗口都断

175、裂窗口都断裂故障现象:异响,打坏相关部件,不分离,车辆不能行故障现象:异响,打坏相关部件,不分离,车辆不能行故障现象:异响,打坏相关部件,不分离,车辆不能行故障现象:异响,打坏相关部件,不分离,车辆不能行驶。驶。驶。驶。故障原因:从动盘、减振盘没热处理,硬度低。盘毂硬故障原因:从动盘、减振盘没热处理,硬度低。盘毂硬故障原因:从动盘、减振盘没热处理,硬度低。盘毂硬故障原因:从动盘、减振盘没热处理,硬度低。盘毂硬度低,橡度低,橡度低,橡度低,橡 胶材质差,老化,选用不当。弹簧挡板断裂。胶材质差,老化,选用不当。弹簧挡板断裂。胶材质差,老化,选用不当。弹簧挡板断裂。胶材质差,老化,选用不当。弹簧挡板


177、问题,波形片材质,没回火处理的问题。片材质问题,波形片材质,没回火处理的问题。解决方法:更换新的从动盘总成。解决方法:更换新的从动盘总成。解决方法:更换新的从动盘总成。解决方法:更换新的从动盘总成。Failure mode photos Failure mode photos Causes analysis and shoot Causes analysis and shoot 1515、Damping window edge Damping window edge and hub window edges and hub window edges broken broken Failure

178、phenomenaFailure phenomena:Abnormal sound Abnormal sound ,broken broken relative parts, no release relative parts, no release ,vehicle can not run. vehicle can not run. Failure causesFailure causes:Driven plate damping plate have Driven plate damping plate have no heat treatment, low hardness. rubbe

179、r poor no heat treatment, low hardness. rubber poor material, aged ,improper selection .spring baffle material, aged ,improper selection .spring baffle broken broken ShootShoot:Change a new driven plate assemblyChange a new driven plate assembly1616、Diaphragm surface Diaphragm surface crack piece fa

180、lling offcrack piece falling offFailure phenomenaFailure phenomena:No clutch, vehicle can not No clutch, vehicle can not run. run. Failure causesFailure causes:Diaphragm rivets too tight Diaphragm rivets too tight ,diaphragm pit too deep, diaphragm material ,diaphragm pit too deep, diaphragm materia

181、l problem, wave shape sheet material no temper problem, wave shape sheet material no temper treatment. treatment. ShootShoot:Replace a new driven plate assembly. Replace a new driven plate assembly. 故障模式及故障照片故障模式及故障照片故障模式及故障照片故障模式及故障照片 原因分析及解决方法原因分析及解决方法原因分析及解决方法原因分析及解决方法 1717、分离指端面跳动严重超差、分离指端面跳动严重超



184、不能行驶,不分离。直观检查:压盘耳朵处断裂。直观检查:压盘耳朵处断裂。直观检查:压盘耳朵处断裂。直观检查:压盘耳朵处断裂。故障原因:铆钉铆得过紧,涨裂,耳薄,强度不够。故障原因:铆钉铆得过紧,涨裂,耳薄,强度不够。故障原因:铆钉铆得过紧,涨裂,耳薄,强度不够。故障原因:铆钉铆得过紧,涨裂,耳薄,强度不够。材质疏松,或有砂眼,热裂。材质疏松,或有砂眼,热裂。材质疏松,或有砂眼,热裂。材质疏松,或有砂眼,热裂。解决方法:更换新的盖总成。解决方法:更换新的盖总成。解决方法:更换新的盖总成。解决方法:更换新的盖总成。Failure mode and photos Failure mode and ph

185、otos Causes analysis and shoot Causes analysis and shoot 1717、Release finger end surface run-Release finger end surface run-out severely out of toleranceout severely out of tolerance Failure phenomena Failure phenomena :chattering and shaking when chattering and shaking when start, poor release ,abn

186、ormal sound when gear shift .start, poor release ,abnormal sound when gear shift .Visual check Visual check :There are wear marks on release There are wear marks on release fingers, and some the wear is deep, some the wear is fingers, and some the wear is deep, some the wear is shallow, and some hav

187、e no wear .shallow, and some have no wear .Failure causesFailure causes:Diaphragm spring large ellipse, and Diaphragm spring large ellipse, and finger end holes ellipse more obvious ,spring s get finger end holes ellipse more obvious ,spring s get slanting assembly, or dust sundries causing the abov

188、e. slanting assembly, or dust sundries causing the above. 。ShootShoot:If dust jam is cleaned up, t he release fingers If dust jam is cleaned up, t he release fingers height is the same ,which can be used again., if other height is the same ,which can be used again., if other case, replace a new cove

189、r assembly. case, replace a new cover assembly. 1818、pressure plate lug broken pressure plate lug broken Failure phenomena Failure phenomena :can not run, no release .can not run, no release .Visual checkVisual check:pressure plate lug broken pressure plate lug broken Failure causesFailure causes:ri

190、vet too tight, expansion crack, thin rivet too tight, expansion crack, thin lug, insufficient strength, or sand hole in it, crack due lug, insufficient strength, or sand hole in it, crack due to heat. to heat. ShootShoot:replace a new cover assemblyreplace a new cover assembly。故障模式及故障照片故障模式及故障照片故障模式

191、及故障照片故障模式及故障照片 原因分析及解决方法原因分析及解决方法原因分析及解决方法原因分析及解决方法 1919、膜片弹簧断裂、膜片弹簧断裂、膜片弹簧断裂、膜片弹簧断裂故障现象:没离合,打滑,烧指,烧片。故障现象:没离合,打滑,烧指,烧片。故障现象:没离合,打滑,烧指,烧片。故障现象:没离合,打滑,烧指,烧片。直观检查:断指,窗孔处裂开。直观检查:断指,窗孔处裂开。直观检查:断指,窗孔处裂开。直观检查:断指,窗孔处裂开。故障原因:故障原因:故障原因:故障原因:1 1、窗口断裂属于材质不好、热处理问题、窗口断裂属于材质不好、热处理问题、窗口断裂属于材质不好、热处理问题、窗口断裂属于材质不好、热处

192、理问题、没压圆角。没压圆角。没压圆角。没压圆角。2 2、分离指断裂多数伴随着分离指异常磨、分离指断裂多数伴随着分离指异常磨、分离指断裂多数伴随着分离指异常磨、分离指断裂多数伴随着分离指异常磨损,属于分离轴承干磨,损坏分离轴承后,拉断分损,属于分离轴承干磨,损坏分离轴承后,拉断分损,属于分离轴承干磨,损坏分离轴承后,拉断分损,属于分离轴承干磨,损坏分离轴承后,拉断分离指。离指。离指。离指。解决方法:更新盖总成。解决方法:更新盖总成。解决方法:更新盖总成。解决方法:更新盖总成。2020、紧固螺栓断、紧固螺栓断、紧固螺栓断、紧固螺栓断故障现象:分离不清,挂档响。压盘表面磨蚀。故障现象:分离不清,挂档

193、响。压盘表面磨蚀。故障现象:分离不清,挂档响。压盘表面磨蚀。故障现象:分离不清,挂档响。压盘表面磨蚀。直观检查:螺栓孔内有断螺栓。直观检查:螺栓孔内有断螺栓。直观检查:螺栓孔内有断螺栓。直观检查:螺栓孔内有断螺栓。故障原因:螺栓拧紧超力距,脆断。故障原因:螺栓拧紧超力距,脆断。故障原因:螺栓拧紧超力距,脆断。故障原因:螺栓拧紧超力距,脆断。解决方法:更换新的盖总成。解决方法:更换新的盖总成。解决方法:更换新的盖总成。解决方法:更换新的盖总成。Failure mode and photos Failure mode and photos Causes analysis and shoot Cau

194、ses analysis and shoot 1919、Diaphragm spring broken Diaphragm spring broken Failure phenomena Failure phenomena :no clutch, slipping, no clutch, slipping, fingers burnt, disc burnt. fingers burnt, disc burnt. Visual checkVisual check:fingers broken, window area fingers broken, window area crackcrack

195、。Failure reasonsFailure reasons:1 1、window crack due to poor window crack due to poor material quality, heat treatment problem ,no material quality, heat treatment problem ,no press fillet 2press fillet 2、fingers broken, abnormal wear, fingers broken, abnormal wear, that is because of release bearin

196、g dry friction, that is because of release bearing dry friction, snapping fingers snapping fingers Shoot: replace a new cover assembly Shoot: replace a new cover assembly 2020、Tightening bolt broken Tightening bolt broken Failure phenomena Failure phenomena :incomplete release, incomplete release, g

197、earshift with noise, pressure surface wear . gearshift with noise, pressure surface wear . Visual checkVisual check:broken bolt in bolt hole. broken bolt in bolt hole. Failure reasons Failure reasons :Excessive bolt tightening Excessive bolt tightening torque, clear broken. torque, clear broken. Sho

198、ot Shoot :change a new cover assembly.change a new cover assembly.故障模式及故障照片故障模式及故障照片故障模式及故障照片故障模式及故障照片 原因分析及解决方法原因分析及解决方法原因分析及解决方法原因分析及解决方法 2121、压盘传动片断裂、压盘传动片断裂、压盘传动片断裂、压盘传动片断裂故障现象:没有离合。故障现象:没有离合。故障现象:没有离合。故障现象:没有离合。直观检查:传动片断裂。直观检查:传动片断裂。直观检查:传动片断裂。直观检查:传动片断裂。故障原因:压盘经摔碰或在使用过程中受强力冲击故障原因:压盘经摔碰或在使用过程中受


200、或由于过载使用造成离故障原因:铸造没时效处理或由于过载使用造成离故障原因:铸造没时效处理或由于过载使用造成离故障原因:铸造没时效处理或由于过载使用造成离合器高温变形。合器高温变形。合器高温变形。合器高温变形。解决方法:更换新的盖总成。解决方法:更换新的盖总成。解决方法:更换新的盖总成。解决方法:更换新的盖总成。Failure mode and photos Failure mode and photos Causes analysis and shoot Causes analysis and shoot 2121、Pressure plate drive plate Pressure pla

201、te drive plate broken broken Failure phenomenaFailure phenomena:no clutchno clutch。Visual checkVisual check:drive plate broken drive plate broken 。Failure reasons Failure reasons :Pressure plate dropped and Pressure plate dropped and damaged ,or in the course of operation damaged ,or in the course o

202、f operation ,affected by big impact, which causes drive ,affected by big impact, which causes drive plate broken. plate broken. ShootShoot:replace a new cover assemblyreplace a new cover assembly。2222、Pressure plate deformed Pressure plate deformed due to heat due to heat Failure phenomenaFailure ph

203、enomena:Incomplete release, plate Incomplete release, plate burnt. burnt. Visual check Visual check :using calipers or ruler n to using calipers or ruler n to check pressure plate plane .check pressure plate plane .Failure reasonsFailure reasons:no age hardening when no age hardening when casting or

204、 because of overloading ,which casting or because of overloading ,which makes clutch deformed due to heat. makes clutch deformed due to heat. ShootShoot:replace a mew cover assembly .replace a mew cover assembly .故障模式及故障照片故障模式及故障照片故障模式及故障照片故障模式及故障照片 原因分析及解决方法原因分析及解决方法原因分析及解决方法原因分析及解决方法 2323、压盘与盖发生干涉



207、压盘工作面上在180180度以内局部小块面积度以内局部小块面积度以内局部小块面积度以内局部小块面积 的痕迹。的痕迹。的痕迹。的痕迹。 压盘表面上只磨内圈或外圈,压盘工作压盘表面上只磨内圈或外圈,压盘工作压盘表面上只磨内圈或外圈,压盘工作压盘表面上只磨内圈或外圈,压盘工作 面上外圈有热裂丝纹。面上外圈有热裂丝纹。面上外圈有热裂丝纹。面上外圈有热裂丝纹。故障原因:压盘跳动严重超差,压盘时效不好,故障原因:压盘跳动严重超差,压盘时效不好,故障原因:压盘跳动严重超差,压盘时效不好,故障原因:压盘跳动严重超差,压盘时效不好, 热扭变形,压盘碟形量太大。热扭变形,压盘碟形量太大。热扭变形,压盘碟形量太大。

208、热扭变形,压盘碟形量太大。解决方法:更换新的盖总成。解决方法:更换新的盖总成。解决方法:更换新的盖总成。解决方法:更换新的盖总成。Failure mode and photos Failure mode and photos Causes analysis and shoot Causes analysis and shoot 2323、Interference between Interference between pressure plate and coverpressure plate and coverFailure phenomena Failure phenomena :cha

209、ttering and shaking when start chattering and shaking when start ,heavily inflexible heavily inflexible ,poor release and engagement poor release and engagement 。Visual checkVisual check:check whether this any contact marks ,or check whether this any contact marks ,or build up ,drive plate whether h

210、as contradiction with build up ,drive plate whether has contradiction with pressure plate, and whether even clearance is available pressure plate, and whether even clearance is available between pressure plate and cover. between pressure plate and cover. Failure causes Failure causes :pressure plate

211、 installation incline, pressure plate installation incline, casting build-up, pressure plate lug hole not concentric casting build-up, pressure plate lug hole not concentric ShootShoot:Replace a new cover assemblyReplace a new cover assembly2424、Part of pressure plate surface Part of pressure plate

212、surface worn out and point ablation worn out and point ablation Failure phenomenaFailure phenomena:poor release ,part ablation chattering poor release ,part ablation chattering and shaking and shaking 。Visual checkVisual check:pressure plate working surface within pressure plate working surface with

213、in 180degrees part area has worn out marks. Pressure plate 180degrees part area has worn out marks. Pressure plate only worn out on external ring or internal ring, and only worn out on external ring or internal ring, and pressure plate external ring has heat crack.pressure plate external ring has he

214、at crack.Failure reasons: pressure plate run-out severely out of Failure reasons: pressure plate run-out severely out of tolerance, poor heat treatmenttolerance, poor heat treatment, deformed by heat., deformed by heat. Shoot: replace a new cover assembly. Shoot: replace a new cover assembly. 故障模式及故

215、障照片故障模式及故障照片故障模式及故障照片故障模式及故障照片 原因分析及解决方法原因分析及解决方法原因分析及解决方法原因分析及解决方法 2525、平衡铆钉松动或高于安装法、平衡铆钉松动或高于安装法、平衡铆钉松动或高于安装法、平衡铆钉松动或高于安装法兰面兰面兰面兰面故障现象:异响,分离不良,抖动。故障现象:异响,分离不良,抖动。故障现象:异响,分离不良,抖动。故障现象:异响,分离不良,抖动。直观检查:用平尺检查铆钉是否高出法兰面,晃动直观检查:用平尺检查铆钉是否高出法兰面,晃动直观检查:用平尺检查铆钉是否高出法兰面,晃动直观检查:用平尺检查铆钉是否高出法兰面,晃动平衡钉是否松动。平衡钉是否松动。


217、问题,成形时没抹拉伸油。解决方法:更换新的盖总成。解决方法:更换新的盖总成。解决方法:更换新的盖总成。解决方法:更换新的盖总成。Failure mode and photos Failure mode and photos Causes analysis and shoot Causes analysis and shoot 2525、Balance screw loose or Balance screw loose or higher installation flange higher installation flange surface surface Failure phenome

218、naFailure phenomena:abnormal sound ,poor abnormal sound ,poor release ,chattering chattering and shaking. release ,chattering chattering and shaking. Visual checkVisual check:using level gauge to check using level gauge to check whether rivets height above flange surface. whether rivets height above

219、 flange surface. Swaying, balance screw whether is Swaying, balance screw whether is isis loose. loose. Failure causes: rivet long, not riveted tightly. Failure causes: rivet long, not riveted tightly. ShootShoot:Replace a new cover assembly. Failure Replace a new cover assembly. Failure 2626、盖发生裂纹、

220、盖发生裂纹、盖发生裂纹、盖发生裂纹Failure phenomena Failure phenomena :poor release and poor release and abnormal sound .abnormal sound .Visual checkVisual check:check appearancecheck appearance。Failure reasonsFailure reasons:material problem, not applied material problem, not applied stretching oil when formation.

221、stretching oil when formation. ShootShoot:replace a new cover assembly. replace a new cover assembly. 故障模式及故障照片故障模式及故障照片故障模式及故障照片故障模式及故障照片 原因分析及解决方法原因分析及解决方法原因分析及解决方法原因分析及解决方法 2727、离合器打滑、离合器打滑、离合器打滑、离合器打滑主要原因分析:主要原因分析:主要原因分析:主要原因分析:A A、接触面积不够接触面积不够接触面积不够接触面积不够B B、压紧力不够压紧力不够压紧力不够压紧力不够C C、严重超载严重超载严重超载

222、严重超载D D、分离轴承位置不对分离轴承位置不对分离轴承位置不对分离轴承位置不对E E、从动盘或压盘底面沾有油污从动盘或压盘底面沾有油污从动盘或压盘底面沾有油污从动盘或压盘底面沾有油污处理办法:处理办法:处理办法:处理办法:a a、明显看出接触面积不够,应更换新的从动盘总成。明显看出接触面积不够,应更换新的从动盘总成。明显看出接触面积不够,应更换新的从动盘总成。明显看出接触面积不够,应更换新的从动盘总成。b b、属安装调整造成,应查找操纵系统给予正确改正属安装调整造成,应查找操纵系统给予正确改正属安装调整造成,应查找操纵系统给予正确改正属安装调整造成,应查找操纵系统给予正确改正即可。即可。即可

223、。即可。c c、查看相关部件,如有故障应更新或修理。查看相关部件,如有故障应更新或修理。查看相关部件,如有故障应更新或修理。查看相关部件,如有故障应更新或修理。d d、超载应减轻载荷。超载应减轻载荷。超载应减轻载荷。超载应减轻载荷。Failure mode and photos Failure mode and photos Causes analysis and shoot Causes analysis and shoot 2727、Clutch slipping Clutch slipping Main reasons analysisMain reasons analysis:A A、

224、insufficient contact surface insufficient contact surface B B、insufficient press force insufficient press force C severely over loading C severely over loading D D、release bearing position incorrect release bearing position incorrect E E、Driven plate or pressure plate bottom has Driven plate or pres

225、sure plate bottom has oil dirt. oil dirt. ShootShoot:a a、I f obviously see insufficient contact, then I f obviously see insufficient contact, then driven plate assembly should be replaced. driven plate assembly should be replaced. b b、Causing by installation adjustment, start the Causing by installa

226、tion adjustment, start the check from manipulating system. And correct check from manipulating system. And correct it. it. c c、Check relative parts, if there is failure , Check relative parts, if there is failure , repair or replace it repair or replace it d d、over load should be reduced . over load

227、 should be reduced . 故障模式及故障照片故障模式及故障照片故障模式及故障照片故障模式及故障照片 原因分析及解决方法原因分析及解决方法原因分析及解决方法原因分析及解决方法 2828、分离不彻底、分离不彻底、分离不彻底、分离不彻底主要原因分析:主要原因分析:主要原因分析:主要原因分析:A A、 操纵系统没调整好操纵系统没调整好操纵系统没调整好操纵系统没调整好B B、 分离轴承距膜片簧指端间隙不对分离轴承距膜片簧指端间隙不对分离轴承距膜片簧指端间隙不对分离轴承距膜片簧指端间隙不对C C、 离合器变形离合器变形离合器变形离合器变形处理办法:处理办法:处理办法:处理办法:a a、 应

228、调整操纵分离系统应调整操纵分离系统应调整操纵分离系统应调整操纵分离系统b b、 如离合器压盘有明显痕迹、盖总成零件失效、经如离合器压盘有明显痕迹、盖总成零件失效、经如离合器压盘有明显痕迹、盖总成零件失效、经如离合器压盘有明显痕迹、盖总成零件失效、经鉴定后予以鉴定后予以鉴定后予以鉴定后予以“ “三包三包三包三包” ”更换。更换。更换。更换。Failure mode and photos Failure mode and photos Causes analysis and shoot Causes analysis and shoot 2828、Incomplete release Incomp

229、lete release Main reasons analysisMain reasons analysis:A A、 Manipulation system incorrect adjustment Manipulation system incorrect adjustment B B、 Incorrect clearance between release Incorrect clearance between release bearing and diaphragm spring fingers end bearing and diaphragm spring fingers en

230、d C C、 Clutch deformed Clutch deformed Shoot Shoot :a a、 Adjust manipulating release system Adjust manipulating release system b b、If clutch pressure plate has obvious worn If clutch pressure plate has obvious worn out marks, cover assembly parts losing out marks, cover assembly parts losing functio

231、n. After check and identification function. After check and identification ,warranty should be offered in this case . ,warranty should be offered in this case . 故障模式及故障照片故障模式及故障照片故障模式及故障照片故障模式及故障照片 原因分析及解决方法原因分析及解决方法原因分析及解决方法原因分析及解决方法 2929、起步发抖、起步发抖、起步发抖、起步发抖主要原因分析:主要原因分析:主要原因分析:主要原因分析:A A、 离合器安装不正确

232、离合器安装不正确离合器安装不正确离合器安装不正确B B、 压紧力低压紧力低压紧力低压紧力低C C、 接触面不够接触面不够接触面不够接触面不够D D、 分离指端跳动严重超差分离指端跳动严重超差分离指端跳动严重超差分离指端跳动严重超差E E、 离合器和压盘变形离合器和压盘变形离合器和压盘变形离合器和压盘变形处理办法:处理办法:处理办法:处理办法:a a、 查安装是否正确,属于安装不正确,调整后查安装是否正确,属于安装不正确,调整后查安装是否正确,属于安装不正确,调整后查安装是否正确,属于安装不正确,调整后 得到改善的不能予以得到改善的不能予以得到改善的不能予以得到改善的不能予以“ “三包三包三包三

233、包” ”。b b、 在压盘上有明显抖动痕迹,找出原因,属在压盘上有明显抖动痕迹,找出原因,属在压盘上有明显抖动痕迹,找出原因,属在压盘上有明显抖动痕迹,找出原因,属 质问题的,经鉴定后一般予以质问题的,经鉴定后一般予以质问题的,经鉴定后一般予以质问题的,经鉴定后一般予以“ “三包三包三包三包” ”更换。更换。更换。更换。Failure mode and photos Failure mode and photos Causes analysis and shoot Causes analysis and shoot 2929、Chattering and shaking Chattering

234、and shaking when startwhen startMain reasons analysisMain reasons analysis:A A、 Clutch installation incorrect Clutch installation incorrect B B、 Low press force Low press force C C、 Insufficient contact areaInsufficient contact areaD D、 Release fingers end run-out severely out Release fingers end ru

235、n-out severely out tolerance tolerance E E、Clutch and pressure plate deformed Clutch and pressure plate deformed Shoot Shoot :a a、 Check whether installation is correct ,if it Check whether installation is correct ,if it is installation problem, after adjustment, it is is installation problem, after

236、 adjustment, it is Ok, no warranty in this case Ok, no warranty in this case b b、 Pressure plate has obvious chattering Pressure plate has obvious chattering marks, try to find out the reasons, if it is marks, try to find out the reasons, if it is quality problem, after check and quality problem, af

237、ter check and identification ,normally it should be replaced identification ,normally it should be replaced under warranty. under warranty. 故障模式及故障照片故障模式及故障照片故障模式及故障照片故障模式及故障照片 原因分析及解决方法原因分析及解决方法原因分析及解决方法原因分析及解决方法 30303030、压盘断裂、压盘断裂、压盘断裂、压盘断裂主要原因分析:主要原因分析:主要原因分析:主要原因分析:A A、压盘材质问题造成断裂;压盘材质问题造成断裂;压盘材质

238、问题造成断裂;压盘材质问题造成断裂;B B、用户严重超载,造成压盘高温断裂;用户严重超载,造成压盘高温断裂;用户严重超载,造成压盘高温断裂;用户严重超载,造成压盘高温断裂; C C、设计匹配不足,造成压盘高温断裂。设计匹配不足,造成压盘高温断裂。设计匹配不足,造成压盘高温断裂。设计匹配不足,造成压盘高温断裂。处理办法:处理办法:处理办法:处理办法:a a、材质问题造成断裂,由离合器厂家负责三包;材质问题造成断裂,由离合器厂家负责三包;材质问题造成断裂,由离合器厂家负责三包;材质问题造成断裂,由离合器厂家负责三包;b b、用户超载造成断裂,由用户承担;用户超载造成断裂,由用户承担;用户超载造成断

239、裂,由用户承担;用户超载造成断裂,由用户承担;c c、设计匹配造成断裂,由汽车厂负责三包。设计匹配造成断裂,由汽车厂负责三包。设计匹配造成断裂,由汽车厂负责三包。设计匹配造成断裂,由汽车厂负责三包。Failure mode and photos Failure mode and photos Causes and analysis Causes and analysis 30303030、Pressure plate brokenPressure plate brokenPressure plate brokenPressure plate brokenMain reasonsMain rea

240、sons:A A、Pressure plate quality problem causing Pressure plate quality problem causing broken broken ;B B、Severely overload, causing pressure plate Severely overload, causing pressure plate high heat and broken. high heat and broken. C C、design application insufficient. causing design application in

241、sufficient. causing pressure plate high heat and broken. pressure plate high heat and broken. ShootShoot:a a、Material poor quality causing broken, Material poor quality causing broken, warranty should be offered warranty should be offered b b、Overloading causing broken, customers Overloading causing

242、 broken, customers should be responsible for it should be responsible for it c c、Design application problem ,which can be of Design application problem ,which can be of responsibility of manufacturer. responsibility of manufacturer. Thank you for your Thank you for your attention!attention!GRACIAS POR SU GRACIAS POR SU ATENCIONATENCION GraciasGracias



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