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1、策略行销工具箱策略行销工具箱Strategic Marketing Tool Box(1)Jean LinJean LinSeptember 1998September 1998Much of the material in this file has been jointly developed by Colin Benjamin of the Horizons Network and Ian Strachan of Ogilvy & Mather. Copy right is retained byColin Benjamin and Ogilvy & MatherAsia Pacific

2、BASIC TOOLKITWHYWHYWHATWHATWHOWHOI乱流乱流改变改变五大五大要素要素九宫格九宫格AEIOUAEIOU竞争竞争优势优势策略策略意图意图乱流乱流 (Turbulence)定义:当你经验某种完全无法预知的状况之时,你就会定义:当你经验某种完全无法预知的状况之时,你就会定义:当你经验某种完全无法预知的状况之时,你就会定义:当你经验某种完全无法预知的状况之时,你就会产生产生产生产生 乱流乱流乱流乱流 。Definition: experiencing something totally unsettling Definition: experiencing somethi

3、ng totally unsettling that you cant predict.that you cant predict.了解了解了解了解“ “乱流度乱流度乱流度乱流度” ”能帮助我们推知产业或消费者,为何产能帮助我们推知产业或消费者,为何产能帮助我们推知产业或消费者,为何产能帮助我们推知产业或消费者,为何产生某种反应,以及如何帮助他们处在比较生某种反应,以及如何帮助他们处在比较生某种反应,以及如何帮助他们处在比较生某种反应,以及如何帮助他们处在比较 舒适舒适舒适舒适 的乱的乱的乱的乱流流流流 度中。度中。度中。度中。乱流的来源乱流的来源 (Source of Turbulence)

4、模棱两可模棱两可AmbiguityAmbiguity复杂复杂ComplexityComplexity似是而非似是而非ParadoxParadox不连续性不连续性DiscontinuityDiscontinuity不确定不确定UncertaintyUncertainty机会机会OpportunityOpportunity惊奇惊奇SurpriseSurprise乱流乱流TurbulenceTurbulence= =+ + + += = =乱流乱流 (Turbulence)如果你习惯较低的乱流度,你会如果你习惯较低的乱流度,你会If we are personally more comfortabl

5、e If we are personally more comfortable at lower levels of turbulenceat lower levels of turbulence如果你习惯较高的乱流度,你会如果你习惯较高的乱流度,你会If we are personally more comfortable If we are personally more comfortable at higher levels of turbulenceat higher levels of turbulence改变改变 改变改变改变改变 可以帮助我们清楚的思考和分析可以帮助我们清楚的思

6、考和分析可以帮助我们清楚的思考和分析可以帮助我们清楚的思考和分析企业、组织、或市场的变革企业、组织、或市场的变革企业、组织、或市场的变革企业、组织、或市场的变革判断和预测改变的结果判断和预测改变的结果判断和预测改变的结果判断和预测改变的结果“ “Change” can help us to understand and analyze changes Change” can help us to understand and analyze changes that occur in organisationthat occur in organisation and in the marke

7、t. and in the market.改变的改变的压力压力清楚的清楚的远景远景改变的改变的能力能力可行的具可行的具体下一步体下一步改变+持续力持续力+缺一不可缺一不可You cant do without each one of them改变的压力改变的压力Pressure forPressure forChangeChange改变的压力改变的压力Pressure forPressure forChangeChange改变的压力改变的压力Pressure forPressure forChangeChange改变的压力改变的压力Pressure forPressure forChangeC

8、hange清楚的远景清楚的远景Clear SharedClear SharedVisionVision清楚的远景清楚的远景Clear SharedClear SharedVisionVision清楚的远景清楚的远景Clear SharedClear SharedVisionVision改变的能力改变的能力Capacity forCapacity forChangeChange改变的能力改变的能力Capacity forCapacity forChangeChange改变的能力改变的能力Capacity forCapacity forChangeChange可行的具可行的具体下一步体下一步Act

9、ionableActionablefirst Stepsfirst Steps可行的具可行的具体下一步体下一步ActionableActionablefirst Stepsfirst Steps可行的具可行的具体下一步体下一步ActionableActionablefirst Stepsfirst Steps持续力持续力SustainedSustainedMomentumMomentum持续力持续力SustainedSustainedMomentumMomentum持续力持续力SustainedSustainedMomentumMomentum改变的能力改变的能力Capacity forCap

10、acity forChangeChange可行的具可行的具体下一步体下一步ActionableActionablefirst Stepsfirst Steps持续力持续力SustainedSustainedMomentumMomentum清楚的远景清楚的远景Clear SharedClear SharedVisionVision不是优先处不是优先处理的事理的事Bottom of Bottom of the priority the priority listlist随意发生的随意发生的事事Random & Random & haphazard haphazard effortsefforts焦

11、虑和挫折焦虑和挫折Anxiety & Anxiety & FrustrationFrustration只有热情别只有热情别无他物无他物Hot air & not Hot air & not much elsemuch else头重脚轻头重脚轻, , 见见光死光死A fast start A fast start that fizzles that fizzles and diesand dies+=+=+=+=+=购买者购买者BuyersBuyers供应商供应商SuppliersSuppliers新进入市场的威胁新进入市场的威胁Treat of new entrantsTreat of new

12、 entrants购买者的议价能力购买者的议价能力Bargaining power of Bargaining power of buyersbuyers供应商的供应商的议价能力议价能力Bargaining Bargaining power of power of supplierssuppliers替代品的威胁替代品的威胁Threat of substitute Threat of substitute products or servicesproducts or services行业的竞争者行业的竞争者Industry competitorsIndustry competitors替代品

13、替代品SubstitutesSubstitutes潜在的进入者潜在的进入者Potential entrantsPotential entrants决定行业获利的五大要素决定行业获利的五大要素现存竞争者密集度现存竞争者密集度Intensify of RivalryIntensify of RivalryO & MO & MRef: TN/SM/STRMKTOL/rcBuyersBuyersSuppliersSuppliersTreat of new entrantsTreat of new entrantsBargaining powerBargaining power of buyers of

14、 buyersBargaining powerBargaining powerof suppliersof suppliersThreat of substitutesThreat of substitutesIndustry competitorsIndustry competitorsSubstitutesSubstitutesNewNewentrantsentrantsIntensify of RivalryIntensify of RivalryEntry BarriersEntry BarriersEconomics of scaleEconomics of scaleProprie

15、tary product differencesProprietary product differencesBrand identityBrand identitySwitching costsSwitching costsCapital requirementsCapital requirementsAccess to distributionAccess to distributionAbsolute cost advantagesAbsolute cost advantages - - proprietary learning curveproprietary learning cur

16、ve - access to necessary inputs - access to necessary inputs - proprietary low-cost production design - proprietary low-cost production designGovernment policyGovernment policyExpected retaliationExpected retaliationRivalry DeterminantsRivalry DeterminantsIndustry growthIndustry growthFixed (or stor

17、age) costs / value addedFixed (or storage) costs / value addedIntermittent overcapacityIntermittent overcapacityProduct differencesProduct differencesBrand identityBrand identitySwitching costsSwitching costsConcentration and balanceConcentration and balanceInformational complexityInformational comp

18、lexityDiversity of competitorsDiversity of competitorsCorporate stakesCorporate stakesExit barriersExit barriersEntry BarriersEntry BarriersDifferentiation of inputsDifferentiation of inputsSwitching costs of suppliers and firms in Switching costs of suppliers and firms in the industry the industryP

19、resence of substitute inputsPresence of substitute inputsSupplier concentrationSupplier concentrationImportance of volume to supplierImportance of volume to supplierCost relative to total purchases in the industryCost relative to total purchases in the industryImpact of inputs on cost or differentia

20、tionImpact of inputs on cost or differentiationThreat of forward integraionThreat of forward integraion relative to threat relative to threat of backward integration by firms in the industry of backward integration by firms in the industryBargain leverageBargain leverageBuyer concentration versusBuy

21、er concentration versus firm concentration firm concentrationBuyer volumeBuyer volumeBuyer switching costs relativeBuyer switching costs relative to firm switching costs to firm switching costsBuyer informationBuyer informationAbility to backward integrateAbility to backward integrateSubstitute prod

22、uctsSubstitute productsPull-throughPull-throughPrice sensitivityPrice sensitivityPrice/total purchasesPrice/total purchasesProduct differencesProduct differencesBrand identityBrand identityImpact on quality/Impact on quality/ performance performanceBuyer profitsBuyer profitsDecision makersDecision m

23、akers incentives incentivesDeterminants of Buyer Power 竞争对手无法赶上的竞争优势竞争对手无法赶上的竞争优势这个工具帮助我们思考目前的状况,明天的状况,和未这个工具帮助我们思考目前的状况,明天的状况,和未这个工具帮助我们思考目前的状况,明天的状况,和未这个工具帮助我们思考目前的状况,明天的状况,和未来的状况。提醒我们不要只去思考眼前的问题,也能预来的状况。提醒我们不要只去思考眼前的问题,也能预来的状况。提醒我们不要只去思考眼前的问题,也能预来的状况。提醒我们不要只去思考眼前的问题,也能预留未来胜利的空间和方向留未来胜利的空间和方向留未来胜利

24、的空间和方向留未来胜利的空间和方向This tool helps us to evaluate where we are today, where This tool helps us to evaluate where we are today, where will we be tomorrow, and where we will be in the future. will we be tomorrow, and where we will be in the future. It enables us to have a broader view of the whole pictu

25、re It enables us to have a broader view of the whole picture and to march on in a meaningful future direction.and to march on in a meaningful future direction.竞争优势竞争优势Competitive Edge比较性的优点比较性的优点比较性的优点比较性的优点Comparative Comparative AdvantageAdvantage 比较好比较好” ”Something betterSomething better具竞争性的长处具竞

26、争性的长处具竞争性的长处具竞争性的长处Competitive Competitive AdvantageAdvantage不同的特性让我们的对不同的特性让我们的对手今日无法赶上我们手今日无法赶上我们Something different Something different which competitors which competitors cant match todaycant match today竞争性的优势竞争性的优势竞争性的优势竞争性的优势Competitive EdgeCompetitive Edge竞争者无法追上我们,竞争者无法追上我们,因为消费者的认知已因为消费者的认知

27、已被我们改变被我们改变Competitors cant Competitors cant catch up because catch up because customers customers perceptions have been perceptions have been changedchanged策略的意图策略的意图n想象一个远景想象一个远景想象一个远景想象一个远景Envisages a desired leadershipEnvisages a desired leadershipn计划达成远景的中间步骤计划达成远景的中间步骤计划达成远景的中间步骤计划达成远景的中间步骤Pla

28、ns for the interim steps to get therePlans for the interim steps to get theren如此可将组织的注意力放在如此可将组织的注意力放在如此可将组织的注意力放在如此可将组织的注意力放在 “ “求胜求胜求胜求胜” ” 的本质上的本质上的本质上的本质上Focuses the attention of the organisationFocuses the attention of the organisation of the of the essence of winningessence of winning例子例子 Exam

29、ple国泰航空不同阶段的意图国泰航空不同阶段的意图国泰航空不同阶段的意图国泰航空不同阶段的意图营运营运OperationsCulture具竞争力具竞争力CompetitiveCulture顾客导向顾客导向CustomerCulture本世纪最棒的本世纪最棒的航空公司航空公司Best of thedecade策略的意图策略的意图: Cathay Pacific“We do“We doa better job”a better job”OPERATIONOPERATION“BEST SQUABA”“BEST SQUABA”COMPETITIVECOMPETITIVE“I always prefer

30、“I always preferCathayCathay Pacific” Pacific” CUSTOMER CUSTOMERBEST AIRLINEOF DECADE1993/941994/95/961997/981999 九宫格九宫格: Urgency / Impact MatrixThTh Strategic Issues Matrix is a simple tool for a group use to agree priorities between a number Strategic Issues Matrix is a simple tool for a group use

31、 to agree priorities between a number of issues or action proposals.of issues or action proposals.Before rating each item, make sure the owner of the item clarifies it to the group so there are no Before rating each item, make sure the owner of the item clarifies it to the group so there are no misu

32、nderstandings.misunderstandings.The group are invited to call their ratings for both impact and urgency.The group are invited to call their ratings for both impact and urgency.The score for impact should always be called first then the score for urgency second.The score for impact should always be c

33、alled first then the score for urgency second.The facilitator should start with the marker on 5.5 position. Remember that we are looking for The facilitator should start with the marker on 5.5 position. Remember that we are looking for an average of all the calls. Resist the temptation to be overly

34、influenced by the last call or by an average of all the calls. Resist the temptation to be overly influenced by the last call or by the call of the most senior person present. Listen for the calls of the most senior person the call of the most senior person present. Listen for the calls of the most

35、senior person present. Listen for the calls of the quieter members of the group. When there are no more bids, present. Listen for the calls of the quieter members of the group. When there are no more bids, mark the point and move on.mark the point and move on.When the group is polarisedWhen the grou

36、p is polarised on an issue, mark the minority view as well as the majority view. on an issue, mark the minority view as well as the majority view. And give the minority a chance to bring it up again as a back wall issue.And give the minority a chance to bring it up again as a back wall issue.当一群人有很多

37、个想法,需要寻求优先顺序时使用的工具当一群人有很多个想法,需要寻求优先顺序时使用的工具当一群人有很多个想法,需要寻求优先顺序时使用的工具当一群人有很多个想法,需要寻求优先顺序时使用的工具Strategic Impact Matrix 策略性冲击方阵策略性冲击方阵MONITORQUARTERLY每季监看结果HALFYEARLYREVIEW半年后再看RECONSIDER以后再说吧PLAN ONEMONTHRESPONSE一个月后做ALLOCATERESPONSIBLE-ITIES分派责任归属ANNUALREVIEW半年后再看ACT NOW现在做现在做PLAN THREEMONTHRESPONSE三

38、个月后做MONITORQUARTERLY每季监看结果7 78 89 94 45 56 61 12 23 3U UR RGGE EN NC CY Y紧紧紧紧急急急急度度度度1 2 31 2 34 5 64 5 67 8 97 8 9IMPORTANCEIMPORTANCE 重要度重要度重要度重要度 AEIOU 团队合作的五大元素团队合作的五大元素AAdministration 行政管理才能行政管理才能EEntrepreneur 创业家的精神创业家的精神 IIntegration 整合的能力整合的能力OOutput 产出的能力产出的能力UUnderstanding 了解周围环境的能力了解周围环境的能力I团队合作团队合作 AEIOU好的团队必须具备上述的人才及专长好的团队必须具备上述的人才及专长好的团队必须具备上述的人才及专长好的团队必须具备上述的人才及专长才有可能顺利前行才有可能顺利前行才有可能顺利前行才有可能顺利前行当你已经拥有清楚的策略意图时当你已经拥有清楚的策略意图时当你已经拥有清楚的策略意图时当你已经拥有清楚的策略意图时必须思考运用那一种人力资源是最值得和最有效的必须思考运用那一种人力资源是最值得和最有效的必须思考运用那一种人力资源是最值得和最有效的必须思考运用那一种人力资源是最值得和最有效的I



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