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1、中考总复习单项选择题1. I see Wei Han _ English almost every morning.A.reads B. reading C. read D. to read2. I will play in the soccer game. Will you come and _?A.cheer to me B. cheer for meC. cheer me on D. cheer me upC.C.3. Deng Yaping and her teammates are _ the U.S.A. next week. A. leave for B. leaving for

2、 C. leaving to D. left4. What sport did you take partin yesterday? _A.The high jump. B. High jump. C. The jump high. D. Jump high.BA.5. _ Basketball, of course.A. Whats your favorite animal?B. Whats your favorite sport?C. Would you like to play football with me?D. Do you like playing basketball?6. _

3、 do you go to the library? Every week.A.How long B. How soonC. How often D. How many timesB.C. 7. _ are you going to stay in Japan? For two weeks.A.How long B. How soonC. How often D. When8. What are you going to _ when you grow up? Im going to be a singer.A. doB. beC. sing D. doesA.B.9. I prefer _

4、to _.A. sing; dance B. singing; dancingC. singing; dance D. sing; dancing 10. Yi Jianlian is playing _ Guangdong team in the CBA.A. forB. against C. withD. toB.A.11. Would you mind doing the dishes? _A.Certainly.B. Of course not. Ill do them in a minute.C. Sorry, I wont.D. Yes, I mind.12. Would you

5、please _ to the zoo?A.walking B. to walk C. walk D. walksB.C.13. Why Lily go shopping with us this Saturday? Ive no idea. She often her grandfather every weekend.A.wont; visits B. not; will visitC. wont; will visit D. dont; visits14. Im sorry for _ I said. It doesnt matter.A.how B. which C. what D.

6、whereA.C.15. Is _ far from here? Sorry, I dont know. A.the Capital Stadium B. the capital stadiumC. the Capital Stadiums D. the capital stadiums1 6. Kangkangs mother has great fun _, and looks fit.A. run B. to run C. runs D. runningA.D.17. Keep _ English, and you will improve your oral English(口语).A

7、.to speak B. speakingC. Speak D. speaks18. Will you join us? _.A.Not very oftenB. Around an hour C. I hope notD. Of course, Id be glad to B.D.19. Dont worry, Madam. Your Daughter will be _ soon. Thank you, doctor.A. nice B. good C. well D. right20. At last, we decided(决定) to go hiking instead of _.A

8、.go shopping B. going shopC. go shop D. going shoppingC.D.21.Beijing will host the _ Olympic Games in the year 2008.A. 27thB. 28thC. 29th D. 30th 22.The motto of the modern Olympics is “_”.A. Fast, high, strongB. Faster, higher, strongerC. Faster, high, strongD. Faster, high, strongerC.B. 23. The Ol

9、ympic Rings _ the five parts of the world.A.stand on B. stand for C. stand D. standing 24.The Chinese are very friendly and we will get much _ with them.A. a fun B. fun C. funny D. funsB.B. 25.When shall we go to Yunnan? Lets _ it _ Monday.A.make; in B. meet; onC. make; on D. meet; in 26. What _ the

10、 weather _like the day after tomorrow? It will be sunny.A.will; is B. will; be C. is; be D. are; beC.B. 27. I will write two _ e-mails to my friends.A.an other B. anotherC. More D. other more28.There _more roads, trees and tall buildings in Beijing in 2008.A. will has B. is going to haveC. will be D

11、. is going to haveC.C.29.-Can you tell me the reason _ coming here?-I want to learn more.A. ofB. inC. forD. about30. He prefers _ to _.A.swim; to skateB. swims; skatingC. swimming; skatingD. to swim; to skateC.C.31. _ We should improve our environment.A. Why should we improve our environment?B. What

12、 should we do for the 2008 Olympics?C. When should we improve our environment?D. How should we do to improve our environment?32. Would you like to climbMountains with me this afternoon? Id love to. But I _ play table tennis between classes.A.am goingB. am going toB.B.33. Ann grows _. A. taller and t

13、aller B. the tallest C. tallest D. tall 34. What are you going to do this weekend? Im going to Beijing to see _.A.all the places of interestsB. all the places of interestC. all place of interestD. all place of interestA.B. 35. We will _the city football club. Would you like _ us?A. join; to join B.

14、join; take part inC. take part in; joinD. join; to take part in36. Shall we go to the park? _A. Yes, we shall.B. Good idea.C. Id love.D. No, we shant.A.B.37. We must tell people _ Important it is to protect our lakes(湖泊),rivers, seas and oceans(海洋).A. What B. very C. how D. too38. What will you do _

15、the coming trip? At first make a plan, I think.A. / B. for C. about D. ofC.B. 39. Congratulations! Li Ming, youre the winner in the running race. Are you happy? Yes, but very tired _.A.as well B. too C. eitherD. as well as40. Youd better _ late for class.A.not are B. areC. not be D. not isA.C. 41. T

16、hey are busy _ now_ themselves up.A.exercise; buildingB. doing sports; cheerC. exercising; to buildD. do sports; build42. This is a _ passage(短文). Can you read it for me?A.200 wordB. 200-wordC. 200-words D. 200 of wordsC.B. 43. Which do you prefer, singing or dancing? I prefer singing. Do you sing m

17、uch? Yes, _.A.Seldom B. quite a bit C. never D. I am 44. Its bad for us to eat _ chips.A.too much B. too manyC. much too D. many tooB.B. 45. Hi, Im Xiao Li, Im very glad to _ friends _ you. Me too. Im Xiao Wang.A.get; like B. make; withC. get; with D. make; to46. His mother is ill. He is going to _

18、her in the hospital.A.look at B. look upC. look for D. look afterB.D.47. Everyone knows China is getting _.A.strong and strongB. more strong and strongC. stronger and strongerD. strongest and strongest 48. _ He is a little ill.A.Whats wrong with him?B. Is he ill? C. Isnt she ill?D. Is he in hospital

19、?C.A.49. I have a stomachache. You _ eat bad food.A.Should B. couldntC. shouldnt D. could 50. I cant sleep _ at night. There is too much noise near here.A. goodB. well C. fine D. niceC.B.51. I _ go to bed _ I finished my homework last night.A.do; until B. didnt; untilC. dont; until D. did; until52.

20、The boy has to take the pills _. A. every five hours B. for five hours C. every five-hours D. for five-hoursB.A.53. You should take _ on time, _each time, and two times a day.A.the medicines; three pillsB. the medicine; three pillsC. the medicine; three pillD. the medicines; three pill54.-I had a ba

21、ckache. I cant sleep. _ A. Dont worry. B. Not so well. D. Why?C. Im sorry to hear that.B.C.55. My foot hurts when I move it. You must stay in bed and dont move _.A.much many B. many much C. too much D. much too56. I must ask my father to give up _.A.Smoke B. smokeingC. smokes D. smokingC.D.57.Which

22、habit is bad for your health? _A. Going to bed early.B. Keeping long fingernails.C. Doing morning exercises.D. Washing hands before meals.58. Watching TV too much _ bad for your eyes. Ill go to bed right away.A. isB. are C. was D. beB.A. 59. You look tired. You _ go to bed early and _ stay up late.A

23、.should; shouldB. should; shouldntC. shouldnt; shouldD. shouldnt; shouldnt60. If you want _ thinner, you must eat _ food.A.be; little B. be; less C. to be; less D. to be; moreB.C. 61. I cant keep myself active during the day. You _ take more exercise.A.must not B. must beC. need to D. needs62. You m

24、ust not read _ the sun.A. under B. in C. at D. onC.B.63.-May I watch TV after dinner, mom?- No, you _. But you _ finish your homework first.A.musnt; can B. must; cantC. cant; must D. cant; musnt64. _ is necessary for us _ read good books. D. This; isA.It; to B. That; to C. That; is C.A.65. Hello, co

25、uld I speak to Alice? Im afraid shes busy right now. OK, Ill _ later.A. ring him up B. ring her upC. phone her upD. tell her up66. Hello, Extension 405, please! _A.Yes, I do. B. Hello. C. Sure.D. Just a moment.B.B.67. Longlongs father is a business-man. He is very busy, so Longlong only talks _ him

26、_ the phone.A.to; in B. with; by C. with; on D. to; by 68. During that time, SARS spread easily _ people.A.among B. along C. betweenD. throughC.A.69. May I speak to Tom? Sorry, he isnt in now, whats up? _A. May I take a message for him?B. May I leave a message?C. Hold on, please!D. Thats all, bye!70

27、. We should take _active part in the battle to stop the germs. A. a B. an C. the D. /B.B.71. You should _ when your parents arent at home.A.look yourself afterB. take care for yourselfC. take care yourselfD. take care of yourself72. I learn English by _, and my twin brothers teach _ Japanese.A. me;

28、them B. myself; themselvesC. myself; them D. me; themselvesD.B.73.What should we do to fight SARS?- We _ eat healthy food and do more exercise.A. Could B. canC. may D. must 74.-Must I take the medicine every day? No, you _.A.must not B. may not C. dont have to D. haventD.C.75. _ wrong with him? He _

29、 a backache.A.Hows; have B. Whats; have C. Whats; has D. Hows; has 76. The doctor said he _take any medicine.A.neednt to B. didnt need toC. needed to D. didnt needC.B.77. Well, if you take this medicine _, youll be better soon.A.third time one dayB. three times a dayC. third time a dayD. three times

30、 every day78. Who made Tom _ so tired?A. feeling B. feels C. feel D. to feelB.C.79. I have a toothache. You should _.A. drink lots of water B. take a restC. see a dentist D. have a good sleep80. What are your hobbies? I enjoy _ coins and stamps.A.Collect B. collectingC. to collect D. collectedC.B.81

31、. Must I finish my homework before I go home? No, you _. But you _ finish it before two.A.mustnt; mustB. must; mustntC. neednt; must D. neednt; mustnt82. _ up late at night is bad for your health. A. Stay B. Staying C. stays D. StayedC.B.83. Jane is _girl, she often takes _ part in the schools activ

32、ities.A. active; active B. an active; activeC. active; an active D. an active; an active84. -_do you clean the classroom? Three times a day.A.How longB. How oftenC. How soonD. How manyD.B.85. Help _to some fish, children. A. you B. your C. yourself D. yourselves 86. Im afraid I have to leave a littl

33、e earlier. My mother is ill in bed. _I hope she will be all right soon. A. Its nothing. B. Nothing. C. Im sorry to hear that. D. So she is.D.C.87. May I look at your new dress? _A.Sure, here you are.B. No, youd better not.C. OK, Id love to.D. Yes, you can.88.I see him _basketball almost every day. A

34、. play B. to play C. playing D. playsA.A.89. You look pale. _ have a good rest?A. Why dont B. Why are youC. Why not D. Why you dont90. Youd better _ too much meat. You are much too fat.A.not eat B. eatC. not to eat D. dont eatC.A.91. Hello, is Billy in? Sorry, he isnt in, _A.Billy, here is a call fo

35、r you.B. can you take a message?C. go ahead, Ill give him a message.D. Billy, get the call.92. Would you mind _ down the music?A.not to turnB. not turnC. turning D. to turnB.C.93. There _ more roads, trees and tall buildings in Beijing in 2008.A. will has B. is going to haveC. will be D. is going to

36、 has94. Maybe you should _ a dentist. Thats a good idea.A. look B. readC. watch D. seeC.D.95. Mike and John, did you enjoy _ on Childrens Day? Yes, we did.A.myself B. yourselvesC. ourselves D. themselves96. Must I come at four oclock? Oh, no, you _.A.dont B. mustnt C. dont have to D. cantB.C.97. I b

37、roke the window.You _ play football near thewindow.A should B. shouldnt C. had better D. must98. Sally sings pretty _ and she is also _ at dancing.A.well; well B. good; good C. good; well D. well; goodB.D.99. Will you go _ with me?OK, I will.A. anywhere else B. somewhere elseC. else anywhereD. else

38、somewhere100. He spent a week _the novel.A.to read B. in readingC. on reading D. for readingA.B. 101. The germs can get _ the human body _ the mouth.A.on; across B. into; across C. on; through D. into; through 102. Would you please come and _?A.cheer on us B. cheer us onC. cheer for usD. cheer with usD.B.103. Whats the meaning of “by mistake?” Its “_”.A.正确的 B. 正确地 C. 错误的 D.错误地 104. Sorry, Doctor Smith isnt here right now. May I _ a message on hisdesk?A. take B. send C. have D. leaveD.D.



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