高中英语 Unit 4 Cyberspace Period Five Communication Workshop课件 北师大版必修2

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1、Unit 4 Cyberspace Period Five Communication Workshop 课件(北师大版必修2,广东专用).单词识记1_adv.正式地2_n风景;景色3_n烹饪4_adj.吸引人的5_n蜘蛛6_n蜘蛛网7_n唐人街8_n投票权9_n养老金10_n起源,出身答案1.officially2.scenery3.cuisine4.attractive5spider6.web7.Chinatown8.vote9.pension10origin .短语天地1_日日夜夜,夜以继日地2_不时地,偶尔地3_给某人打电话4_实施,执行;落实,完成;做(实验)5_决定,确定6make

2、 a web_7the reason for._8surf the Internet_9make a mistake_10get nervous_答案1.day and night2.from time to time3.call sb up4carry out5.decide on6.织网7.的原因8网上冲浪9.犯错误10.感到紧张2. What do you think are some of the reasons that people carry out experiments in space?信息提取do you think. “认为”,作插入语。例句仿写你认为谁将会赢得比赛?_

3、 _ _ _will win the game? 答案1.directed2.Who do you thinkscene:指实际生活中出现的或想像中的出事地点、场景(即事件发生的现场)。也可指舞台上的一幕。可指户内的或户外的、城市的或乡村的、活动的或静态的景象或风景(大多包括了其中的人及其活动)。view:指天然景色、风景、风景画等,尤指从某个地方或某个角度可以看到的部分。sight:视力,视野(不可数);景象,情景,奇观(可数),风景(常用复数)。指景象时尤指奇观。用作复数时指一个地方值得看的建筑、胜地、特色等。The police arrived at the scene immediat

4、ely.警察们立即赶到了事故现场。The sunset is a beautiful sight.落日是很美的景象。John enjoyed seeing the sights of the West Lake.约翰很喜欢欣赏西湖风景。There is a view of the river from my window.在我的窗前可以看到河上的风光。2attractive adj.吸引人的,诱人的,使人愉快的Bright colours are attractive to children.鲜艳的颜色对小孩有吸引力。He really was a most attractive person

5、.他确实是一个有吸引力的人。【拓展】attract vt.吸引attraction n吸引,喜爱attractively adv.有魅力的be attractive to.对有吸引力attract sb to do sth吸引某人做某事attract sb to sth吸引某人be attracted to.为所吸引attract ones attention/interest吸引某人的注意/兴趣What attracted me most to the job was the chance to travel.这工作最吸引我的是有旅行的机会。The beautiful beaches are

6、 the islands main attraction.美丽的海滩是这个岛吸引人的主要之处。【单项填空】(1)She is not beautiful,but I find her very_because she seems so full of life and fun.Apretty BmovingCattractive Dhumorous(2)How is the article youre reading?Its more than an average piece.Its_.Aexcellent BterribleCattractive Dunimpressive答案(1)C(2

7、)C1. carry out承担,进行,实施,落实We intend to carry out new policy.我们打算实行我们的新政策。We are carrying out some scientific experiments.我们正在进行一些科学实验。【拓展】carry away远走,冲走carry back将送回(带回)原地;使(某人)回忆起carry off运走,带走,夺走(生命)等carry on继续carry through贯彻(计划),达成carry sth about随身携带某物【单项填空】(1)The hospital is_tests to find out wh

8、ats wrong with the little boy.Acarrying out Bcarrying forwardCmaking up Dmaking out(2)The meal over,the managers went back to the meeting room to_their discussion.Aput away Btake downClook over Dcarry on答案(1)A(2)D【感悟高考】(1)The experiment has _the possibility of the existence of any life on that plane

9、t,but it does not mean there is no life on other planets.(2010江苏)Afound out Bpointed outCruled out Dcarried out解析句意:这个试验已经排除了在那个行星上存在生命的可能性,但是这并不意味着其他行星上没有生命。本题考查动词短语的辨义:A项“发现”;B项“指出”;C项“排除(可能性)”;D项“执行,开展”。根据句意选择C项。答案C(2)The experiment shows that proper amounts of exercise,if _regularly,can improve

10、our health.(2010 浙江)Abeing carried out Bcarrying outCcarried out Dto carry out解析考查状语从句的省略用法,其完整的形式为“if they are carried out”。在if,unless,although,when,while等引导的状语从句中,当从句主语和主句主语一致且从句中含有系动词be时,可以将从句的主语和be 动词省略。答案C2. consist of 由组成(不用于被动语态和进行时) consist ofbe made up of The class consists of 50 students.T

11、he class is made up of 50 students.这个班级有50个学生。【翻译句子】一个星期由7 天组成。_答案A week consists of 7 days.1(课文重现)Qingdao is an attractive city located on the eastern coast of China.青岛是一个有吸引力的城市,它位于中国东部的海岸。【句式分析】句中的located on.是过去分词短语作定语,修饰city,相当于一个定语从句“which/that is located on.”。【拓展】过去分词(done)作定语与所修饰的名词之间为被动关系,现在

12、分词(doing)作定语与所修饰的名词之间为主动、正在进行的关系。I dont know the boy crying there.我不认识那个正在那儿哭的男孩。The cup broken by Tom is mine.汤姆打破的那只杯子是我的。【单项填空】“Things_never come again!”I couldnt help talking to myself.Alost Blosing Cto lose Dhave lost答案A【感悟高考】After completing and signing it,please return the form to us in the e

13、nvelope_Aproviding BprovidedChaving provided Dprovide解析考查非谓语动词,envelope和provide之间为被动关系,故选provided。答案B2(课文重现)What do you think are some of the reasons that people carry out experiments in space?你认为人们在太空进行实验的部分原因是什么?【句式分析】(1)句中what do you think.?是复杂疑问句,其构成形式为:疑问词do you think/suppose/imagine/believe/ex

14、pect.其余部分(其余部分语序为陈述语序),也可把do you think看成插入语。Where do you think he has gone?你认为他去了什么地方?Who do you suppose telephoned this morning?你认为今天早上是谁打来的电话?Which of the predictions do you think will come true in your lifetime?你认为哪种预测会在你的有生之年成为现实?(2)the reasons that people.in space中that引导定语从句,修饰reasons。该情况仅限于在口语

15、中应用,且常省略。书面语中引导定语从句且从句中缺状语时,表原因的常用关系副词为why,此时why可换为for which。【拓展】当reason作先行词时,引导定语从句的关系词若在从句中充当主语或宾语,要用that或which。This is the reason that/which he told me yesterday.这就是他昨天告诉我的原因。Can you give me the reason why/for which you changed the plan?你能给我你改变这项计划的理由吗?Can you give me the reason that/which can ex

16、plain your changing the plan?你能给我解释一下你改变这项计划的理由吗?【单项填空】(1)_Mary is going to marry?AWho do you think BDo you think whoCWho you think DDid you think who(2)_is the most useful invention?ADo you think which of theseBWhich of these do you thinkCWhich of these you thinkDYou think which of these(3)_be sent

17、 to work there?AWho do you suggestBWho do you suggest that shouldCDo you suggest who shouldDDo you suggest whom should(4)Is this the reason_at the meeting for his carelessness in his work?Ahe explained Bwhat he explainedCwhy he explained Dhow he explained(5)Do you think the reason_he gave is believa

18、ble?Afor which BwhichCwhy Dwhat(6)So far nothing_Tom.I want to know the reason_he hasnt written to me.Aheard from;whyBhas been heard from;whyCwas heard from;thatDhas heard from;that答案(1)A(2)B(3)A(4)A(5)B(6)B【写作任务】快餐食品在时下很流行,尤其受青少年学生的欢迎,请以fast food为题,根据提示写一篇短文。1有利方面:快捷、方便,就餐环境舒适、卫生、整洁。2不利方面:快餐食品,营养欠佳

19、,不利健康。3建议:根据情况,不宜多吃。【写作要求】1可适当加入细节,以使内容充实、行文连贯;2词数:120150。【写作分析】第一步:认真审题一审体裁:本文要求写一篇关于快餐的小短文,是属于说明文范畴。这类文章一般都是目的明确,实事求是地把介绍的对象说明白,使人们对被说明的事物或人有一个清晰、完整的认识。二审格式:本文不同于书信、演讲稿等问题,没有特别的格式要求。时态用一般现在时,用第二人称较合适。三审结构:本次写作的正文可分为三部分。首先,介绍快餐很受青少年学生的欢迎。接下来,根据提示,说明快餐店为什么受欢迎。最后,再写它的不利因素,并且提出自己的建议。第二步:提炼要点1become mo

20、re and more popular2be convenient3take away4whats more5a balanced diet6as little as possible7keep fit第三步:扩点成句1Fast food is becoming more and more popular.2Its very convenient and saves a lot of time.3Whenver you go into a fast restaurant to order your food,it is ready in no time.4Whats more,its very

21、 clean and it has excellent service and good quality food.5As we all know,its usually not a balanced diet.6In order to keep fit,eat fast food as little as possible.【品味佳作】Fast Food Fast food is becoming more and more popular,especially among children and teenagers. There are several reasons for its p

22、opularity.First,its very convenient and saves a lot of time.Whenever you go into a fast restaurant to order your food,it is ready in no time.You can take it away or eat there.Second,the atmosphere there is very comfortable.Whats more,its very clean and it has excellent service and good quality food.

23、However,fast food is not good for peoples health,especially children.As we all know,its usually not a balanced diet.And there is too much fat in the food.So you cant get enough fresh vegetables.The price of the food there is very high.So in order to keep fit,eat fast food as little as possible.Its o

24、nly a choice when you are in a hurry.【名师点津】1短文言简意赅,有效地使用了过渡句,使全文逻辑严谨,结构紧凑,显示了作者较强的语言运用能力。2内容表述完整,详略得当,覆盖所有内容要点,完成了试题规定的任务。3文体正确,时态、人称运用恰当。4 文 中 运 用 了 较 多 的 语 法 结 构 和 词 汇 , 如 especially,First.Second.,whats more.,however,also,as little as possible,in order to等衔接过渡词,特别是Whenever you go into a fast resta

25、urant to order your food,it is ready in no time.As we all know,its usually not a balanced diet.这些句式的运用,使得文章句式不再单一,增加了文章的亮点。【写作模板】Fast food is becoming _,especially among children and teenagers.There are several reasons for its popularity.First,_(原因一). Second,_(原 因 二 ) Whats more,_(原因三)However,_(转折,表

26、达不利因素)As we all know_(不利因素一)And_(不利因素二)So in order to_(发表建议).高考阅读理解题技法指导(一)纵观历年高考阅读理解试题,其题型设计主要有以下类型:主旨大意题、事实与细节题、推理判断题、猜测词义题。下面我们解析这四种题型的命题特点、设问方式,总结各题型的解题技巧,以便同学们解题时目标明确,有的放矢。一、细节理解题高考细节理解题主要考查考生对文章(或某一段落)中某一些特定细节或文章的重要事实的辨认能力,分直接辨认和间接辨认两种。1直接辨认细节的直接辨认不要求读者对客观事实作解释或判断,只要求他们从阅读材料中直接获取信息,要求读者记住重要的细节



29、(反义)转换题:近年来高考中部分细节理解测试题已由过去简单的对号入座直接答题向通过语句的同义或反义转换来考查对英语语言的理解能力。(6)快速寻找信息题:一般为功能阅读,查字典、广告、公告、演出信息、航班时间表等。做这类题时没有必要阅读全文,可采用“题干定位法”。这类题常见的提问方式有:Which of the following is NOT included in the passage? Which of the following statements is NOT mentioned in the passage? Which of the following sentences is

30、 true? Which of the following statements is NOT true? According to the passage,which of the following sentences is TRUE? What/Why/ How many/ How much?对此类题型,同学们可以首先从问题中找到关键词,然后以此为线索,运用略读及查阅的技巧在文中迅速寻找这一细节,找到后再把这一部分内容仔细阅读一遍,仔细比较所给选项与文中细节一点一滴的区别,在准确理解文中细节的前提下,最后确定最佳答案。其具体方法和步骤如下:(1)通读材料,大概了解原文,掌握其中心或主旨。

31、按文章的体裁,作者写作的组织模式及有关的信息词,如for example ,first ,second等预测应该到何处寻找自己所需的事实。(2)将精力放在寻找你所需要的细节上,快速通篇跳读,眼睛自左至右,自上而下呈Z形扫视,直到找到细节出处,找到相关细节句子时,就要放慢速度,仔细核对比较内容,直到找到答案。二、细节理解的主要特点及典型失误1对应性:此类题的正确答案应与文中的细节一一对应,而不能在未经查阅找到细节的出处时,就贸然依照自己的理解答题,也不能在细节对应还模糊不清的时候,就一锤定音。2准确性:准确性是细节理解题的核心要求。最近几年高考试题中此类题更多地倾向于将题目中的信息与原文有关细节信息进行语义上的转换。在转换过程中,考生一般的错误是未注意到转换的准确性,常常将细节信息中的范围、程度、语义色彩等改变,从而导致错误。3区分性:有时命题人故意利用一些貌合神离的手段,比如给出与原文一模一样的词语来迷惑考生,让考生不假思索的选定答案,而实际上选项中的词语与文中的相同词语根本就不是对应同一事情。此类题属细节理解中的难题,要正确处理它们,要求考生找到细节对应点后,还得作仔细分析,结合句子的语境来辨析各选项与文中细节的异同。



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