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1、消费人群特点分析.一位营销大师曾经说过:一位营销大师曾经说过: 要想抓住你的顾客,要想抓住你的顾客,首先要了解你的顾客,尊重你的顾客首先要了解你的顾客,尊重你的顾客 。A marketing master once said:The customer wanted the customer which wants to hold tight you, want to understand you first, respect you of customer.由此可见,要想把产品卖得好,第一点,要了由此可见,要想把产品卖得好,第一点,要了解你的顾客群,就是给产品定位,从而找到目解你的顾客群,就是

2、给产品定位,从而找到目标顾客。标顾客。Be showed from this, think to sell a product so, firstly, understand you of customer base, be give the product position and find out target customer thus.让我们锁定消费群体Let us target to consume community.女性消费市场特征与分析Thefemaleconsumesmarketcharacteristicandanalysis女性消费者市场特征与分析特征与分析Thefema

3、leconsumesmarketcharacteristicandanalysis.女性消费者不是指全部女性,只有在实际市场上女性消费者不是指全部女性,只有在实际市场上有购买能力的女性才是女性消费者。有购买能力的女性才是女性消费者。The female consumer doesnt mean all female, only just physically have the female of the ability of purchase on the market be a female consumer.在我国,通常包括青年、中年女性消费者,年龄在我国,通常包括青年、中年女性消费者,年

4、龄段从段从18551855岁左右。岁左右。At the our country, usually include the female consumer of the youth, middle age, age segment from about 1855 years old.This is that the female in the young child purchase is mostly这是因为少年儿童中女性购买者多是在家长指导这是因为少年儿童中女性购买者多是在家长指导下进行消费活动,无论是男孩子还是女孩子购买下进行消费活动,无论是男孩子还是女孩子购买行为尚未完全独立,心理特征区

5、别不大,因此,行为尚未完全独立,心理特征区别不大,因此,不作为主体单独研究;而老年女性消费者的购买不作为主体单独研究;而老年女性消费者的购买行为和心理从青年、中年时形成了习惯与定式,行为和心理从青年、中年时形成了习惯与定式,与中青年女性消费者差别不大,所以我们重点研与中青年女性消费者差别不大,所以我们重点研究中青年女性消费者。究中青年女性消费者。under the parents instruction carry on consuming an activity, regardless is boys son or girls son to purchase behavior didntye

6、t completely independent, the mental characteristic distinguishes not and greatly, therefore isnt a corpus to study alone;But the old-age and female consumer purchase behavior and mental state from the youth, middle age became habit with settle type, with medium the youth female consumer difference

7、not big, so our point research medium the youth female consumer.女性消费者市场特征Femaleconsumermarketcharacteristic.第一,人数多,潜力大,是家庭和个人购买决策的重要第一,人数多,潜力大,是家庭和个人购买决策的重要参与者。参与者。The first, number many, the potential is big, is a family with personal important participant who purchase decision.我国人口统计资料表明,人口中女性占一半左

8、右,在市我国人口统计资料表明,人口中女性占一半左右,在市场中往往起着举足轻重的重要作用。从青年时期开始,场中往往起着举足轻重的重要作用。从青年时期开始,她们一般就对自己消费的时装、化妆品等自主决策。她们一般就对自己消费的时装、化妆品等自主决策。The our country census taking data expresses that the female in the population has a half or so, usually have in the market prominent important function.From the youth period beg

9、inning, they general consume to oneself of fashionable dresses, cosmetics etc. independence decision.在家庭中,她们又承担着妻子、母亲的角色,因此,也在家庭中,她们又承担着妻子、母亲的角色,因此,也是绝大多数食品、日用品、儿童用品的购买者。在家庭是绝大多数食品、日用品、儿童用品的购买者。在家庭大件商品购买中,她们的意见也起着重要的影响作用,大件商品购买中,她们的意见也起着重要的影响作用,有些人甚至就是最终的决策者。有些人甚至就是最终的决策者。At the family, they underta

10、ke the role of wife, mother again, therefore is also a purchase of great majority food, daily necessity, childs thing.In the family big piece merchandise purchase, their opinions also have important influence function, have some persons even be end decision makers.由于性格和生理特点,女性喜欢逛商店、购物的爱好已由于性格和生理特点,女

11、性喜欢逛商店、购物的爱好已被大多数人所认同。被大多数人所认同。Because of personality and physiology characteristics, females liking to stroll a fondness for of store, shopping has already been approve by the most people.女性消费者市场特征Femaleconsumermarketcharacteristic.女性消费者市场特征第二,在现代社会中女性消费者往往懂消费、第二,在现代社会中女性消费者往往懂消费、懂时尚、懂的关心家庭成员,所以她们在

12、购懂时尚、懂的关心家庭成员,所以她们在购物偏重上具有如下一些特点:物偏重上具有如下一些特点:The second, the female consumer usually understands consumption, understands vogue and understands in the modern society of concern a family member, so they have as follows some characteristicses in over-emphasizing shopping:(一)(一)注重商品的外表和情感因素注重商品的外表和情感因

13、素(A)Pay attention to outward appearance and emotion factor of merchandise(二)注重商品的使用性和细节设计(二)注重商品的使用性和细节设计(Two)Usage and detail which pay attention to a merchandise design(三)注重商品的便利性和生活的创造性(三)注重商品的便利性和生活的创造性(Three)Pay attention to the convenience of the merchandise and the creation of the life(四)有较强的

14、自我意识和自尊心(四)有较强的自我意识和自尊心(Four)There is stronger ego realize and sense of prideFemaleconsumermarketcharacteristic.(一)(一)注重商品的外表和情感因素注重商品的外表和情感因素(A)Pay attention to outward appearance and emotion factor of merchandise男性消费者在购物时,特别是购买生活日用品、家用电器时,较多的注意商品男性消费者在购物时,特别是购买生活日用品、家用电器时,较多的注意商品基本功能,实际效用,在购置大件贵重商

15、品时,有较强的理性支配能力;而女基本功能,实际效用,在购置大件贵重商品时,有较强的理性支配能力;而女性消费者则有很大的不同,她们购买穿着类商品,包括服装、服饰、鞋帽、围性消费者则有很大的不同,她们购买穿着类商品,包括服装、服饰、鞋帽、围巾等,对商品外观、形状,特别是其中表现的情感因素十分重视,往往在情感巾等,对商品外观、形状,特别是其中表现的情感因素十分重视,往往在情感因素作用下,产生购买动机。因素作用下,产生购买动机。Male consumer at shopping, especially purchase life daily necessity, home appliances, mo

16、re basic function of the attention merchandise, actual effect, at purchase a big piece a valuable merchandise, have a stronger reasonableness domination ability;But the female consumer then have a very great dissimilarity, they purchase a dress merchandise, include clothing, dress, shoe hat, scarf.e

17、tc., to the merchandise external appearance, shape, especially express among them of the emotion factor values very, usually in the emotion factor under the function, the creation purchases motive.女性消费者市场特征Femaleconsumermarketcharacteristic.这里产生情感的原因是多方面的,如商品品牌的寓意、款式色彩所产生的联想、这里产生情感的原因是多方面的,如商品品牌的寓意、

18、款式色彩所产生的联想、商品形状带来的美感、环境气氛形成的温馨感觉等,都可以使女性消费者产生商品形状带来的美感、环境气氛形成的温馨感觉等,都可以使女性消费者产生购买动机,有时就会产生冲动性购买行为。购买动机,有时就会产生冲动性购买行为。My producing affective reason is various, such as the association of thought, merchandise shape produce by the implied meaning, style color of merchandise brand bring of the pleasant

19、impression, environment atmosphere become of sweet felling etc., can purchase motive by the maid servant consumer creation, sometimes produce impulse to purchase behavior.女性消费者购物时这种情感因素不但在购买自己使用的商品时发生作用,而且女性消费者购物时这种情感因素不但在购买自己使用的商品时发生作用,而且在给丈夫、子女、父母、公婆购买商品时也很强烈。当然,女性消费者因商品在给丈夫、子女、父母、公婆购买商品时也很强烈。当然,女

20、性消费者因商品引起的情感与个人情趣、兴趣、本身的想象力有密切的关系。引起的情感与个人情趣、兴趣、本身的想象力有密切的关系。Female consumer shopping this kind of emotion factor not only take place a function while purchase the merchandise that oneself use, but also also very strong while giving the husband, sons and daughters, parents, husbands parents purchase

21、 a merchandise.Certainly, the female consumer causes because of the merchandise of emotion and personal interesting aspect, interest, oneself of the imagination dint be near concern.女性消费者市场特征Femaleconsumermarketcharacteristic.(二)注重商品的使用性和细节设计(二)注重商品的使用性和细节设计(Two)Usage and detail which pay attention

22、to a merchandise design由于女性消费者在家庭中的地位及从事家务劳动的经验体会使她由于女性消费者在家庭中的地位及从事家务劳动的经验体会使她们对商品的关注角度与男性有所不同。她们在购买生活日常用品们对商品的关注角度与男性有所不同。她们在购买生活日常用品时,更关注商品的实际效用,关心商品带来的具体利益。时,更关注商品的实际效用,关心商品带来的具体利益。Because the female consumer is at the position of family and be engaged in the concern angle that the household cho

23、res experience of the labor realizes to make them to the merchandise and male to have a dissimilarity.They pay attention to the actual effect of merchandise more while purchase living daily thing and concern the concrete benefits that the merchandise bring.商品在细节之处的设计优势,往往更能博得女性消费者的欢心。商品在细节之处的设计优势,往往

24、更能博得女性消费者的欢心。如家庭洗涤剂精巧的喷头设计、家用微波炉使用的专用器皿,多如家庭洗涤剂精巧的喷头设计、家用微波炉使用的专用器皿,多用途的家庭刀具等。用途的家庭刀具等。Merchandises design advantage in the place of detail, usually can even win female consumer of joyful.If family rinse the choiceness spray ones design, household-use microwave oven use of appropriation container, t

25、he multipurpose family knife has etc.她们在购买商品时所表现出来的反复询问,了解使用方法,使人她们在购买商品时所表现出来的反复询问,了解使用方法,使人明显感觉到女性消费者的细心。明显感觉到女性消费者的细心。They while purchase merchandise express of again and again inquire, understand operation method, make the person obviously feel elaboration of female consumer.女性消费者市场特征Femaleconsu

26、mermarketcharacteristic.(三)注重商品的便利性和生活的创造性(三)注重商品的便利性和生活的创造性(Three)Pay attention to the convenience of the merchandise and the creation of the life目前,我国中青年女性就业率比较高,城镇又高于农村。她们既要目前,我国中青年女性就业率比较高,城镇又高于农村。她们既要工作,又要做家务劳动,所以迫切希望减轻家务劳动量,缩短家务工作,又要做家务劳动,所以迫切希望减轻家务劳动量,缩短家务劳动时间,能更好的娱乐和休息。为此,她们对日常消费品和主副劳动时间,能更好

27、的娱乐和休息。为此,她们对日常消费品和主副食品的方便性,有更强烈的要求。食品的方便性,有更强烈的要求。Currently, youth in the our country the female employment rate be higher and the town and then Gao is at the village.They since want to work, and then want to do a household chores labor, so urgently hope to ease household chores labor quantity, sho

28、rten a household chores labor for time, the ability is better to amuse and take a rest.For this, their convenience to the daily consumer goods and the main non-staple foodstuff, there is stronger request.女性消费者市场特征Femaleconsumermarketcharacteristic.每一种新的,能减轻其家务劳动的方便消费品,她们都乐意接受,每一种新的,能减轻其家务劳动的方便消费品,她们

29、都乐意接受,并愿意首先尝试。并愿意首先尝试。A kind of each new of, can ease the convenient consumer goods of its household chores labor, they all take pleasure in accept, and would like to try first.同时,女性消费者对生活中新的、富于创造性的事物,也都充满热同时,女性消费者对生活中新的、富于创造性的事物,也都充满热情,如一件新装饰品、新房间的布置,做一个从未做过的菜等等,情,如一件新装饰品、新房间的布置,做一个从未做过的菜等等,以显示其创造性

30、。以显示其创造性。In the meantime, female consumer to life new of, the thing richer than creation, also all be full of enthusiasm, such as the decoration of a new decorations, bride chamber, do a vegetables etc. which has never done to show that it creates sex.女性消费者市场特征Femaleconsumermarketcharacteristic.女性消费

31、者市场特征(四)有较强的自我意识和自尊心(四)有较强的自我意识和自尊心(Four)There is stronger ego realize and sense of pride女性消费者有较强的自我意识和自尊心,对外界事物反应敏感。女性消费者有较强的自我意识和自尊心,对外界事物反应敏感。The female consumer contains stronger ego consciousness and sense of pride and outward the boundary thing respond sensitive.她们往往以选择眼光、购买内容及购买标准来评价自己、评价她们往往

32、以选择眼光、购买内容及购买标准来评价自己、评价别人。希望自己的购买最有价值、最明智,对别人的否定见解别人。希望自己的购买最有价值、最明智,对别人的否定见解不以为然。即使作为旁观者,也愿意发表意见,希望自己的意不以为然。即使作为旁观者,也愿意发表意见,希望自己的意见被采纳。见被采纳。They usually evaluate himself/herself by choosing taste and purchasing a contents and purchasing standard and evaluate other people.Hope to ownly purchase to t

33、here is value most , the most wise, disagree to the other peoples negative views.It even Be an on-looker, would like to also announce an opinion, hope the own opinion to be adopt.在购买活动中,营业员的表情、语言、广告宣传及评论,都会在购买活动中,营业员的表情、语言、广告宣传及评论,都会影响女性消费者的自尊心,进而影响消费行为的实现。影响女性消费者的自尊心,进而影响消费行为的实现。In purchase the act

34、ivity, the facial expression, language, advertisement of the business member publicity and comment on, will influence the sense of pride of female consumer, then influence a realization of consume the behavior.Femaleconsumermarketcharacteristic.女性消费者的消费心理特点 二女性消费者的消费心理特点二女性消费者的消费心理特点Two.The female c

35、onsumer consumes a mental characteristics日常生活中,大多数商品的购买、消费均与女性有关,她们可能不是商品日常生活中,大多数商品的购买、消费均与女性有关,她们可能不是商品的直接使用者,却极有可能是这些商品购买的倡议者、信息搜集者、意见的直接使用者,却极有可能是这些商品购买的倡议者、信息搜集者、意见提供者、决策者与购买的执行者。提供者、决策者与购买的执行者。In the daily life, most merchandises purchase, the consumption all relates to female, they may be the

36、 direct user of merchandise, but pole probably is these merchandises to purchase of propose, information collection, opinion promoter, decision maker with purchase of performance.在在18-4518-45岁这一年龄范围内,绝大多数女性都经历了从岁这一年龄范围内,绝大多数女性都经历了从“女儿女儿”转变为转变为“妻妻子子”,从,从“妻子妻子”进一步转变为进一步转变为“母亲和妻子母亲和妻子”的过程。特别是第二个角的过程。特别

37、是第二个角色变化重大,女性承担的生活责任、社会责任比以前显著增加,消费心理色变化重大,女性承担的生活责任、社会责任比以前显著增加,消费心理和行为发生了较大的变化。和行为发生了较大的变化。Within the scope of 18-45 years old this age, great majoritys ising female to all experience is wife from the change ofdaughter, is the process of mother and wife from the further change ofwife.Especially th

38、e second role variety is important, the female undertake of the living responsibility, social responsibility ratio showed Zhao increment before and consumed mental state and behavior to take place bigger variety.本文以第二个转变为区分标志,将本文以第二个转变为区分标志,将18-4518-45岁左右的女性进一步分为生育前岁左右的女性进一步分为生育前(18-30(18-30岁左右岁左右)

39、)和生育后和生育后(30-45(30-45岁左右岁左右) )两个群体来分析女性消费心理与行两个群体来分析女性消费心理与行为。为。This text takes the second change as a distinction marking and is divided into about 18-45 years old female further before grow(about 18-30 years old) and grow behind(about 30-45 years old) two communities to analytical the female consu

40、me mental state and behavior.The female consumer consumes a mental characteristicsThe female consumer consumes a mental characteristics .大多数大多数1818岁以上的生育前女性,开始步入岁以上的生育前女性,开始步入社会参加工作,基本能够掌握自己的经济社会参加工作,基本能够掌握自己的经济命脉。这一群体的女性尚没有生育子女,命脉。这一群体的女性尚没有生育子女,在心理上还不是一个成熟的女性在心理上还不是一个成熟的女性; ; 她们暂她们暂时没有赡养老人和抚养小孩的负担

41、,闲暇时没有赡养老人和抚养小孩的负担,闲暇时间比较充裕,社会交往活动多。这些因时间比较充裕,社会交往活动多。这些因素导致她们形成以下几个相对于其它群体素导致她们形成以下几个相对于其它群体较为突出的消费心理特点:较为突出的消费心理特点:The majority is above 18 years old to grow an ex- female, start follow a society to attend a work, basic can control an own economic life vein.The female of this group body still didn

42、t grow sons and daughters, at mentally not just a mature female;They temporarily didnt provide for an old man and bring up the kids burden, more abundant spare time time, the society associate activity many.These factors cause them become a few opposite more and outstandingly consume a mental charac

43、teristics at other communities as follows:女性消费者的消费心理特点 The female consumer consumes a mental characteristicsThe female consumer consumes a mental characteristics .(1)(1)求美心理。求美心理。(1)Beg the United States mental state.1818岁以上的生育前女性正处于恋爱、婚姻岁以上的生育前女性正处于恋爱、婚姻阶段,她们与异性交往的机会比较多。此阶段,她们与异性交往的机会比较多。此外,在就业以及社会

44、交往等方面,外在形外,在就业以及社会交往等方面,外在形象与青年女性能否得到一个满意的职位、象与青年女性能否得到一个满意的职位、办事能否顺利也有着密切的关系。这些因办事能否顺利也有着密切的关系。这些因素从侧面强化了青年女性对美的追求,并素从侧面强化了青年女性对美的追求,并使之内化为她们的行为特别是消费行为的使之内化为她们的行为特别是消费行为的实现。实现。 18Year old above grow an ex- female is be placed in in love, marriage stage, they associate with opposite sex of the oppor

45、tunity be more.In addition can get a post of satisfaction and handle affairs and can smoothly also have at the employment and social association etc., outside image and youth female near concern.These factors enhanced youth a female to pursue of the United States from the on the side, and make insid

46、e change into their behavior to especially consume a behavioral realization. 女性消费者的消费心理特点 The female consumer consumes a mental characteristicsThe female consumer consumes a mental characteristics .(2)(2)追逐名牌。追逐名牌。(2)Pursue famous brand.人们购买名牌一方面可以减少购买的风险,另一方面则人们购买名牌一方面可以减少购买的风险,另一方面则用来显示自我,表现自己的经济地

47、位、品位和气质。青用来显示自我,表现自己的经济地位、品位和气质。青年女性的逐名心理主要表现在她们的品牌选择过程中。年女性的逐名心理主要表现在她们的品牌选择过程中。Peoples purchasing famous brand on the other hand can reduce to purchase of risk, then use on the other hand to show ego, express an own economic position, personal status friendly quality.The youth female pursues and t

48、he mental state mainly expresses in their brands the choice the process.对这类消费者来说,她们的购买决策比较简单,产品的对这类消费者来说,她们的购买决策比较简单,产品的品牌知名度、社会影响力为选择依据。品牌知名度、社会影响力为选择依据。To this consumer, they purchase decision more and in brief, the brand popularity, social influence of product is a choice basis.在同类竞争品牌中,不管质量、价格如何

49、,只要是知名在同类竞争品牌中,不管质量、价格如何,只要是知名品牌,只要品牌名气大,就容易获得她们的青睐。品牌,只要品牌名气大,就容易获得她们的青睐。Ignore in the same kind competition brand how quality, price is, as long as is a well-known brand, want only brand reputation greatly, easily acquire their favor.女性消费者的消费心理特点 The female consumer consumes a mental characteristi

50、csThe female consumer consumes a mental characteristics .(3)(3)追求个性化。追求个性化。(3)Pursue characteristic.当今,当你走进繁华的都市闹市区,很难当今,当你走进繁华的都市闹市区,很难看到穿着打扮一样的青年女性,要是两个看到穿着打扮一样的青年女性,要是两个人穿着一样,往往会被讥为人穿着一样,往往会被讥为“情侣装情侣装”。这就是青年女性追求个性化的结果。这就是青年女性追求个性化的结果。Be you to walk into prosperous city busy streets area nowadays,

51、 can hardly see dress foppery similar youth a female, if two personal dresses be similar, usually drive the Ji is forthe lovers pack.This be the youth the female pursue a characteristic result.女性消费者的消费心理特点 The female consumer consumes a mental characteristicsThe female consumer consumes a mental cha

52、racteristics .不同的人使用不同颜色或不同造型的商品不同的人使用不同颜色或不同造型的商品是追求个性化的表现。同样,不同的人使是追求个性化的表现。同样,不同的人使用不同品牌的商品,也是追求个性化的表用不同品牌的商品,也是追求个性化的表现。现。Different persons using the merchandise of different color or different shape is to pursue a characteristic performance.Equally, the different person uses the merchandise of

53、different brand, also is to pursue a characteristic performance. 因此,从企业的角度来说,一方面应该生因此,从企业的角度来说,一方面应该生产不同规格、造型、色彩、样式的产品来产不同规格、造型、色彩、样式的产品来满足不同人的需要,另一方面应该努力塑满足不同人的需要,另一方面应该努力塑造品牌的个性化形象,来满足具有表现某造品牌的个性化形象,来满足具有表现某种个性的消费者的需求。种个性的消费者的需求。Therefore on the other hand shoulded produce the product of different

54、 specification, shape, color, style to satisfied different persons demand in view of the angle of business enterprise, shoulded make great effort on the other hand characteristic image of mold the brand, satisfy the need of consumer of have the performance a certain character.女性消费者的消费心理特点 The female

55、 consumer consumes a mental characteristicsThe female consumer consumes a mental characteristics .生育后至生育后至4545岁的女性,一般承担着岁的女性,一般承担着“相夫教相夫教子子”的责任,家务比较繁忙,家庭经济压力的责任,家务比较繁忙,家庭经济压力较大,闲暇时间和社会交往均比生育前减少。较大,闲暇时间和社会交往均比生育前减少。她们的注意力已经从过去对自己的关注,逐她们的注意力已经从过去对自己的关注,逐步转向对孩子、丈夫以至整个家庭的关注上。步转向对孩子、丈夫以至整个家庭的关注上。由于生活形态和责

56、任的变化,其突出的特点由于生活形态和责任的变化,其突出的特点有如下几个方面:有如下几个方面: Generally undertake the responsibility forassist husband and bring up children to the 45-year-old female after grow, the household chores is more busy, family economic pressure more big, spare time time and the society associate all compare reduce befor

57、e grow.Their attention already from gradually change direction to the kid, husband to own concern in the past with to the concern of the whole family up.In order to living the variety of appearance and responsibility, the its outstanding characteristics is like to descend a few aspects: 女性消费者的消费心理特点

58、 The female consumer consumes a mental characteristicsThe female consumer consumes a mental characteristics .(1)(1)爱子心理。爱子心理。(1)The lovely son is mental.美国广告学家美国广告学家DD施塔奇关于动机强度的调查研施塔奇关于动机强度的调查研究表明究表明“对子女的爱对子女的爱”这一动机是各种各样动这一动机是各种各样动机中最强的一种,它仅次于机中最强的一种,它仅次于“食欲食欲”动机,处动机,处于第二位。母亲对子女的爱更多体现在关心小于第二位。母亲对子女的

59、爱更多体现在关心小孩的衣食、营养和健康等有形的方面。也就是孩的衣食、营养和健康等有形的方面。也就是说,女性对子女的爱更多地与儿童用品的消费说,女性对子女的爱更多地与儿童用品的消费结合起来。所以,大多数儿童食品、药品以及结合起来。所以,大多数儿童食品、药品以及各种儿童用品,将广告和促销目标瞄准母亲们,各种儿童用品,将广告和促销目标瞄准母亲们,是有道理的。是有道理的。The advertisement learns of the The American a D the motive strength of the research concerning of the inquisition of

60、 Shi Ta3 Qi2 the motive of the express that inthe to the daughters love of the sons and is the the motive of of the each kind of the in various of the most strong 1 kind, it only next toappetite motive, be placed in the second.The mother loves sons and daughters more aspects of having material forms

61、 such as food and clothings, nourishment and health etc. that the bodies concern a children now.Be also say, the female loves sons and daughters to morely put together with the consumption knot of childrens thing.So, most childrens foods, drugs and various childrens thing, take aim at advertisement

62、and promotion target the mothers, is reasonable.女性消费者的消费心理特点 The female consumer consumes a mental characteristicsThe female consumer consumes a mental characteristics .(2)(2)爱夫心理。爱夫心理。(2)Love man mental state.一个家庭的饮食、卫生状况、丈夫一个家庭的饮食、卫生状况、丈夫的穿着打扮甚至健康状况等,人们的穿着打扮甚至健康状况等,人们都会不自觉地与家庭的女主人联系都会不自觉地与家庭的女主人联系

63、起来。于是,许多商品的销售也就起来。于是,许多商品的销售也就跟如何帮助女性成为跟如何帮助女性成为“贤内助贤内助”联联系起来。不过,今天的某些男性商系起来。不过,今天的某些男性商品在广告宣传上并没有充分考虑到品在广告宣传上并没有充分考虑到女性在购买中的作用,这是值得注女性在购买中的作用,这是值得注意和重视的。意和重视的。A dress of food, health condition, husband of family dress up even healthily condition etc., people all will not aware of self the hostess c

64、ontact of ground and family to get up.Hence, many sales of merchandises also how does the heel help a female to become your wife to contact.However, todays some and male merchandise is in advertise publicity have no full in consideration of the female is in purchase of function, this is remarkable a

65、nd value.女性消费者的消费心理特点 The female consumer consumes a mental characteristicsThe female consumer consumes a mental characteristics .(3)(3)从众心理。从众心理。(3)From many mental states.社会心理学的研究发现,从众心理与个人的自信心有关。社会心理学的研究发现,从众心理与个人的自信心有关。The research of social psychology discover that relevant from many mental and

66、 personal self-confident hearts.当个人对自己面临的事情比较了解时,自信心会增加,从众现象当个人对自己面临的事情比较了解时,自信心会增加,从众现象则减少;相反,当个人对所要面对的事情不了解、缺乏自信心时,则减少;相反,当个人对所要面对的事情不了解、缺乏自信心时,从众现象增多。从众现象增多。When personal affair comparison faced to oneselfs understanding, the self-confident heart will increase and then reduce from many phenomenon

67、;Contrary, when personal dont understand, lack self-confident heart to the affair wanted to face, increase from many phenomenon.作为作为“母亲母亲”的女性由于注意力集中在家庭中,社会交往减少,的女性由于注意力集中在家庭中,社会交往减少,对外界事物包括商品的新信息的了解比以前减少,因此在做许多对外界事物包括商品的新信息的了解比以前减少,因此在做许多商品的购买决策时,往往会显得自信心不足,因而出现从众行为。商品的购买决策时,往往会显得自信心不足,因而出现从众行为。Be m

68、others female because the attention concentrates at family, social association decrease, outward the boundary thing include understanding of the new information of merchandise ratio past reduce, so usually seem to be while do purchase of many merchandiseses decision from lack confidence, as a result

69、 appear from many behavior.女性消费者的消费心理特点 The female consumer consumes a mental characteristicsThe female consumer consumes a mental characteristics .女性消费心理变化新动向女性消费者的行为有个人差异,因状况的不同而有变化,相当女性消费者的行为有个人差异,因状况的不同而有变化,相当复杂。复杂。The behavior of the female consumer contains personal difference, have variety be

70、cause of the dissimilarity of condition, very complicated.不过主要是受三种因素支配:经济因素、心理因素和社会因素。不过主要是受三种因素支配:经济因素、心理因素和社会因素。就其心理因素来说,又包括动机、知觉、学习、思考、个性、就其心理因素来说,又包括动机、知觉、学习、思考、个性、态度、价值观。态度、价值观。However mainly is be subjected to three sow the cause a plain domination:Economic factor, mental factor and social fac

71、tor.It mental factor to say, and then include motive, consciousness, study, consider, character, attitude, value.不了解女性消费心理的变化,就不可能了解女性市场。当前,不了解女性消费心理的变化,就不可能了解女性市场。当前,女性的个性化倾向变得强烈。女性的个性化倾向变得强烈。Dont understand a female to consume mental variety, understand a female market impossibly.At present, the f

72、emales characteristic tendency becomes strong.现代的女性生活形态,已经从大家都相同的标准型,进入了与现代的女性生活形态,已经从大家都相同的标准型,进入了与他人不同的特殊型。她们不再以同一标准为目标,而是去追求他人不同的特殊型。她们不再以同一标准为目标,而是去追求每个人都不同的个性化生活。每个人都不同的个性化生活。Modern female life appearance, already from everyones same standard type, get into and the others different special type

73、.They no longer take same standard as a target, but pursue the all different characteristic life of everybody.?Thefemaleconsumesmentalstatetochangenewtrend.另外,由于价值观的变化,现代女性的自主意识增另外,由于价值观的变化,现代女性的自主意识增强。强。Moreover, because of the variety of value, the modern females independent consciousness strength

74、en.在家庭中强烈希望在家庭中强烈希望“拥有不受丈夫或小孩束缚的时拥有不受丈夫或小孩束缚的时间间”,“想做家务事以外有益于自己的事情想做家务事以外有益于自己的事情”,在,在工作场所则要求工作场所则要求“发挥自己的才能发挥自己的才能”、“寻找自身寻找自身价值价值”,不再只是要赚钱。,不再只是要赚钱。并且,现代女性的价值并且,现代女性的价值观也有了根本的变化。观也有了根本的变化。Strongly hope own time that husband or kid tie up of be free from at family, want to do household chores outsid

75、e be good for an own affair is work place then request develop ownly then can, look for oneself value, no longer just want to make money.?And, the modern females value also had basic variety.一向以相夫教子为自己唯一追求,视贤妻良母为终一向以相夫教子为自己唯一追求,视贤妻良母为终极榜样的传统女性,现在已经转变为极榜样的传统女性,现在已经转变为“出得厅堂,出得厅堂,入得厨房入得厨房”的知识女性转变。的知识女性

76、转变。Always with assist husband and bring up children for oneself unique pursue, treat understanding wife and loving mother as the traditional female of ultimate end model, have already changed into get hall, go into kitchen now of the knowledge female change.女性消费心理变化新动向Thefemaleconsumesmentalstatetoc

77、hangenewtrend.女性最大的变化,是可自由支配的时间增多女性最大的变化,是可自由支配的时间增多了。了。Female biggest variety was time that can freely control to increase.首先是因为寿命延长,养育小孩的期间缩短,首先是因为寿命延长,养育小孩的期间缩短,结果使得人生整体的自由支配时间增长了。结果使得人生整体的自由支配时间增长了。The period being to prolong because of life span first, rearing children shorten and make as a res

78、ult life whole freedom control time increased.另外是因为家用电器的普及和速食食品,家另外是因为家用电器的普及和速食食品,家务钟点工服务业的发展等,使得以一日为单务钟点工服务业的发展等,使得以一日为单位的自由时间增多了。位的自由时间增多了。Moreover is the development of the work servicing business of the household chores hour because of universality and convenience food of home appliances etc.,

79、make with on the first for unit of free time increased.女性不必再为家务事而辛苦,进而可以享受女性不必再为家务事而辛苦,进而可以享受许多的自由时间。许多的自由时间。The female need not is a household chores again but hard then can enjoy much free time.?女性消费心理变化新动向Thefemaleconsumesmentalstatetochangenewtrend.基于上述原因,现代女性消费心理出现了以下新的基于上述原因,现代女性消费心理出现了以下新的动向:

80、动向:According to the above-mentioned reason, the modern female consumed mental state to appear following new trend: (l)(l)女性的变身动向。女性的变身动向。(l)The female change body trend.希望生活多样化。希望生活多样化。Hope to live a diversification.希望尝试不同的生活方式。希望尝试不同的生活方式。Hope to try different life style.希望改变身份。希望改变身份。Hope to chang

81、e an identity.希望经历各种体验。希望经历各种体验。Hope career various experience.表现在日常生活方面,即要求在服饰、发型、装饰表现在日常生活方面,即要求在服饰、发型、装饰方面多样化。方面多样化。Express in the daily life, then request in the dress, hair style and decorate an aspect diversification.?女性消费心理变化新动向Thefemaleconsumesmentalstatetochangenewtrend.(2)(2)女性的挑战动向。女性的挑战动

82、向。(2)The females challenge trend.希望试试想要做的事情。希望试试想要做的事情。Hope to try the affair which wants to do.希望冒险。希望冒险。Hope to take a risk.希望向某些事物挑战。希望向某些事物挑战。Hope to challenge toward some things.希望自己能亲身体验。希望自己能亲身体验。Hope oneself can personally experience personally.一些标新立异的商品、服务正是顺应女性这一些标新立异的商品、服务正是顺应女性这种想突破被约束的现

83、实而产生的。种想突破被约束的现实而产生的。Some eccentricity merchandises, service are exactly conformances female this kind of thinks the reality that the breakthrough is control but output of.女性消费心理变化新动向Thefemaleconsumesmentalstatetochangenewtrend.(3)(3)女性的自立动向。女性的自立动向。(3)The females independence trend.希望在经济和精神方面都能自立。希

84、望在经济和精神方面都能自立。Hope in the economy and the spirits all ability independence.希望脱离传统,按自己的心意生活。希望脱离传统,按自己的心意生活。Hope to escape from a tradition, press the own intention life.现在现在“女性的自立女性的自立”已是社会上的主题,只已是社会上的主题,只要稍微观察女性杂志的标题,就可以看出其要稍微观察女性杂志的标题,就可以看出其中一二,而表现女性自立和强调自我意识的中一二,而表现女性自立和强调自我意识的商品就更能博得她们的欢心。商品就更能博

85、得她们的欢心。The females independence is already the topic of society now, as long as a little bit observe the headline of female magazine, can see among them 12, but the performance female independence with emphasize to realize by ones own of the merchandise can even win their joyful.?女性消费心理变化新动向Thefemal

86、econsumesmentalstatetochangenewtrend.(4)(4)女性的即时动向。女性的即时动向。(4)The females instant trend.希望节时、方便。希望节时、方便。Hope stanza, convenience.例如,使用速食食品、罐装食品、冷冻食品、例如,使用速食食品、罐装食品、冷冻食品、调味料的情形增加了。调味料的情形增加了。For example, the situation of the usage convenience food, canned food, frozen food, seasoning increased.主妇们能照顾家

87、人,又节省自己时间的有效主妇们能照顾家人,又节省自己时间的有效办法,就是利用省时的商品或外部服务。办法,就是利用省时的商品或外部服务。The housewifes can look after family, again the economical valid way of oneself time be merchandise or exterior service which makes use of to save time.女性消费心理变化新动向Thefemaleconsumesmentalstatetochangenewtrend.(5)(5)女性的愉快动向。女性的愉快动向。(5)

88、The females pleased trend.希望过得快乐。希望过得快乐。Once hope happiness.希望做自己喜欢做的事。希望做自己喜欢做的事。Hope to do the matter that oneself likes to do.这种动向以女性大学生和独身女性最为显著。这种动向以女性大学生和独身女性最为显著。This kind of trend with the female university student and the celibacy female most for show Zhao.她们的消费倾向为她们的消费倾向为“一流行、二休闲、三文一流行、二休闲

89、、三文化化”,可以看出都是要享受现在的时间。,可以看出都是要享受现在的时间。Their consumptions incline to fortop-grade line, two recreations, three cultures, can see a time which want to enjoy now.她们希望在结婚这个转折点到来以前,能够她们希望在结婚这个转折点到来以前,能够尽情享受,并且做自己希望做的事情。尽情享受,并且做自己希望做的事情。They hope at get married this turn to order an arrival before, can he

90、artily enjoy, and do oneself to hope to do of affair.因此,比同年龄的男性来说,其愉快动向要因此,比同年龄的男性来说,其愉快动向要强烈得多。强烈得多。Therefore say than the male of of an age, it is pleased that trends wanting to be strong have to be many.?女性消费心理变化新动向Thefemaleconsumesmentalstatetochangenewtrend.鉴于女性消费心理对整个消费市场的重鉴于女性消费心理对整个消费市场的重要性及

91、其变迁,企业在制定营销组合策要性及其变迁,企业在制定营销组合策略时,应特别注意现代女性消费者的心略时,应特别注意现代女性消费者的心理特征及其变化趋势,采取适宜的措施。理特征及其变化趋势,采取适宜的措施。Owing to females consuming mental state to the whole importance and its change which consume a market, the business enterprise should specially notice mental characteristic and its variety trend of m

92、odern and female consumer while drawing up a marketing combination strategy and adopt feat measure.例如,企业的橱窗布置,应注意明朗、例如,企业的橱窗布置,应注意明朗、热烈的气氛;商品的设计、色彩、款式热烈的气氛;商品的设计、色彩、款式要注意诱发女性的情感;在商品的包装要注意诱发女性的情感;在商品的包装装璜、经营方式等方面,要新颖、别致、装璜、经营方式等方面,要新颖、别致、适时方便。适时方便。For example, the showroom decoration of business ente

93、rprise, should notice lucidity, warm atmosphere;The design, color, style of merchandise wants to notice emotion of induct the female;At pack of merchandise decoration, conduct way etc., want to be novel, interesting and novel, well timed convenience.女性消费心理变化新动向Thefemaleconsumesmentalstatetochangenew

94、trend.向女性消费者宣传某商品的好处和具体利益,向女性消费者宣传某商品的好处和具体利益,比向她们宣传商品的质量、性能效果更好。比向她们宣传商品的质量、性能效果更好。Publicizeeing advantage and concrete benefits of some merchandise toward the female consumer is better than the quality, function effect publicizeed a merchandise toward them.可见,只要能密切注意女性世界,研究并了可见,只要能密切注意女性世界,研究并了解女性

95、消费者的购买动机与需求以及决策的解女性消费者的购买动机与需求以及决策的心理活动过程,就能随时把握住女性消费市心理活动过程,就能随时把握住女性消费市场的新契机乃至整个消费市场的变迁及发展场的新契机乃至整个消费市场的变迁及发展趋势,企业就能做到先发制人,使企业商品趋势,企业就能做到先发制人,使企业商品的形象契合消费者的印象,并经由有力的销的形象契合消费者的印象,并经由有力的销售诉求,将潜在消费者转变为实际消费者,售诉求,将潜在消费者转变为实际消费者,市场前景一定是广阔的。市场前景一定是广阔的。It is thus clear that, as long as can closely notice

96、female world, study and the mental movable process understood motive and need of the purchase of female consumer and made policy, can hold the new chance that the female consumes a market at any time is to the whole change and development trend which consume a market, the business enterprise can mak

97、e preemptive, make the image of business enterprise merchandise agree with the impression of consumer, and through emolliently sell a claim, change latent consumer into actual consumer, the market foreground must be vast.女性消费心理变化新动向Thefemaleconsumesmentalstatetochangenewtrend.面向女性消费者的心理策略女性消费者在购买活动中

98、地位重要,影响决策力强,她们的购买心理具有感情女性消费者在购买活动中地位重要,影响决策力强,她们的购买心理具有感情丰富、性格细腻的特点。丰富、性格细腻的特点。Female consumer the position is important in purchase the activity and influence decision dint strong, their purchase mental state to have affection abundant, the personality delicate characteristics.根据上述特点,面向女性消费者的市场营销心理

99、策略主要有以下几种:根据上述特点,面向女性消费者的市场营销心理策略主要有以下几种:According to the above-mentioned characteristics, the mental strategy of the market marketing which faces to female consumer mainly includes the following a few kinds:第一第一, ,售环境布置要典雅温馨,热烈明快,具有个性特色。售环境布置要典雅温馨,热烈明快,具有个性特色。The first, sell environment to arrange

100、to want a cultured sweet, warmly clear have character special features quickly.女性消费者在购买家庭装饰品,穿着类商品、首饰、化妆品时,追求浪漫的心女性消费者在购买家庭装饰品,穿着类商品、首饰、化妆品时,追求浪漫的心理感觉。理感觉。The female consumer is purchase family decorations, dress merchandise, jewelry, cosmetics, pursue a romantic mental state felling.因此,销售这类商品的环境布置要

101、符合女性消费者心理,要创造条件,营造相因此,销售这类商品的环境布置要符合女性消费者心理,要创造条件,营造相对安静、舒适的场所,使女性消费者能悠闲的观赏、浏览商品,使环境能给她对安静、舒适的场所,使女性消费者能悠闲的观赏、浏览商品,使环境能给她们带来感情联想,从而产生购买动机。如在销售现场提供良好的服务,有更多们带来感情联想,从而产生购买动机。如在销售现场提供良好的服务,有更多的人情味,效果会更好。的人情味,效果会更好。Therefore, the environment which sells this merchandise arranges and matches female consu

102、mer mental state, create condition, construct opposite peaceful, comfortable place, the maid servant consumer can leisurely and carefreely appreciate, browse a merchandise, make the environment be able to bring them affection association of thought and produce to purchase motive thus.Such as is sell

103、 the spot to provide a good service, there are more human interest, the effect will be better.Facetothementalstrategyoffemaleconsumer.第二,女性商品设计要注重细节,色彩、款式、形状要第二,女性商品设计要注重细节,色彩、款式、形状要体现流行、时尚,并且使用方便。体现流行、时尚,并且使用方便。The second, the female merchandise design wants to pay attention to a detail, the color,

104、 style, shape wants the body to spread now, vogue, and use convenience.如一些厨房刀具、小型电器、家庭日常卫生用品,多为如一些厨房刀具、小型电器、家庭日常卫生用品,多为女性经常使用。女性经常使用。Have such as some kitchen knifes, small scaled daily health thing of the electric appliances, family, have another to usually use for the female.这类商品的生产设计要体现出为使用者着想,应简

105、单、这类商品的生产设计要体现出为使用者着想,应简单、方便、实用。一些方便食品、半成品,要能为女性消费方便、实用。一些方便食品、半成品,要能为女性消费者节省时间,减轻劳动强度,品种样式要丰富,使女性者节省时间,减轻劳动强度,品种样式要丰富,使女性消费者可以有更多选择,以避免产生生活单调的心理,消费者可以有更多选择,以避免产生生活单调的心理,使女性消费者不愿意接受。使女性消费者不愿意接受。The production design of this merchandise wants the body to appear to wear to think for the user, should i

106、n brief, convenience, practical.Some convenient food, semi-processed goods, can save time for the female consumer, ease labor strength, the species style wants to enrich, the maid servant consumer can have more choices to produce by avoid the mental state of life monotone, and the maid servant consu

107、mer would not like to accept.面向女性消费者的心理策略Facetothementalstrategyoffemaleconsumer.第三,对女性消费者个人消费和经常第三,对女性消费者个人消费和经常购买的商品要进行广告宣传,并且要购买的商品要进行广告宣传,并且要针对女性心理特点,注重传递商品的针对女性心理特点,注重传递商品的实用性、具体利益等信息,传递有关实用性、具体利益等信息,传递有关商品的质量、档次、时尚的信息,传商品的质量、档次、时尚的信息,传递商品的品牌、性能、价格等方面的递商品的品牌、性能、价格等方面的信息。信息。The third, want to ca

108、rry on advertisement publicity to female consumer personal merchandise which consume and usually purchase, and want to aim at a female and mental characteristics, pay attention to function, concrete benefits etc. information of deliver the merchandise, deliver the information of the quality concerni

109、ng merchandise, file time, vogue, deliver the information of the brand, function, price.etc. of merchandise.要靠特色打动女性消费者,开拓市场。要靠特色打动女性消费者,开拓市场。To be moved female consumer by special features expand a market.面向女性消费者的心理策略Facetothementalstrategyoffemaleconsumer.第四,现场促销推广活动要关注女性消费者的情绪变化。第四,现场促销推广活动要关注女性消

110、费者的情绪变化。The fourth promote sales an expansion activity and pay attention to the motion variety of female consumer on the scene.营业员用语要规范,有礼貌,讲究语言表达的艺术性,尊重女性消费者的营业员用语要规范,有礼貌,讲究语言表达的艺术性,尊重女性消费者的自尊心,赞美女性消费者的选择,以博得消费者的心理满足感。自尊心,赞美女性消费者的选择,以博得消费者的心理满足感。切忌对消费者已购商品的选择、评价下简单、生硬的断语,更不能抢白、切忌对消费者已购商品的选择、评价下简单、生

111、硬的断语,更不能抢白、顶撞。现场促销面向女性消费者的折扣商品,要注意说明理由,允许消费顶撞。现场促销面向女性消费者的折扣商品,要注意说明理由,允许消费者挑选。者挑选。实践表明,喧闹的促销现场反而会使女性消费者实践表明,喧闹的促销现场反而会使女性消费者“敬而远之敬而远之”,收不到预,收不到预期效果。期效果。The business member terminology wants norm, polite, pay attention to the art of language expression, respect the sense of pride of female consumer,

112、 laud the choice of female consumer to win the mental contented feeling of consumer.Slice to hate have already ined brief and not smooth under the choice, evaluation of merchandise buy to break language to the consumer, cant even cut short, against.The spot promotion faces to the discount merchandis

113、e of female consumer, notice to explain reason and allow consumer to choose.The promotion practiced enunciation, quarreled is on the scene on the contrary would the maid servant consumerrespect but far of, could not accept expectation effect.以上所分析到的女性消费者的消费心理特点和相应的消费策略可以渗透到以上所分析到的女性消费者的消费心理特点和相应的消费策

114、略可以渗透到产品开发,产品营销推广,产品广告宣传等等各个方面。产品开发,产品营销推广,产品广告宣传等等各个方面。Above the mental characteristics of the consume of female consumer analyze with correspond of the consumption strategy can seep through a product a development, product marketing expansion, the product advertises publicity the etc. each aspect.

115、面向女性消费者的心理策略Facetothementalstrategyoffemaleconsumer.儿童消费品市场特征分析儿童消费品市场的特点及促销策略ThecharacteristicsofchildconsumergoodsmarketandpromotesalesstrategyChildconsumergoodsmarketthecharacteristicbeanalytical.儿童消费品市场的特点儿童品主要是指满足儿童生活、学习、娱乐需儿童品主要是指满足儿童生活、学习、娱乐需要的商品。要的商品。Childs article mainly means to satisfy a

116、child a life, studies, amuse the merchandise of demand.与成人品市场相比较,儿童品市场呈现出不同与成人品市场相比较,儿童品市场呈现出不同的特点:的特点:Compared with the adult article market, the child article market presents the characteristics of a dissimilarity:(一)个体差异小;(一)个体差异小; (A)The individual difference is small;(二)形式产品重于实质产品;(二)形式产品重于实质产品

117、; (Two)The form product is heavy at the substantial product;(三)广告促销作用强;(三)广告促销作用强; (Three)The advertisement promotes sales a function strong;(四)儿童越来越具有购买权。(四)儿童越来越具有购买权。 (Four)The child more and more has to purchase power.Thecharacteristicsofchildconsumergoodsmarket.为促进产品销售,需要针对儿童的心理特点和为促进产品销售,需要针对儿

118、童的心理特点和儿童品市场的特点,重点运用广告促销、包儿童品市场的特点,重点运用广告促销、包装促销、爱心促销、健康促销、有奖促销、装促销、爱心促销、健康促销、有奖促销、文化促销等促销手段,选择最佳的促销组合。文化促销等促销手段,选择最佳的促销组合。In order to help the product to sell, need to aim at the characteristics of the childs mental characteristics and child article market, point usage advertisement promote sales,

119、pack promotion, benevolence promotion, health promote sales, have prize promotion, cultural promotion etc. promotion means, choose the best of promote sales combination. 儿童消费品市场的特点Thecharacteristicsofchildconsumergoodsmarket.儿童品主要是指满足儿童生活、学习、娱乐需要的商品。儿童品主要是指满足儿童生活、学习、娱乐需要的商品。Childs article mainly mea

120、ns to satisfy a child a life, studies, amuse the merchandise of demand.目前,在生产成人品的厂家正为推销自己的商品束手无策的目前,在生产成人品的厂家正为推销自己的商品束手无策的时候,儿童品市场却时候,儿童品市场却“风景这边独好风景这边独好”。走进商场,儿童品。走进商场,儿童品琳琅满目,五彩缤纷;琳琅满目,五彩缤纷;Currently, at produce the factory house of adults article just for promote the own merchandise feel helples

121、s of time, child article market butthe scenery is here only good.Walk into market, child article feast for the eyes, a riot of colour;打开电视机,儿童品广告又扑面而来,那欢快、跃动、活泼打开电视机,儿童品广告又扑面而来,那欢快、跃动、活泼的形象注入人们的心田。厂商们早已开始拿孩子来做文章,的形象注入人们的心田。厂商们早已开始拿孩子来做文章,打孩子这张王牌。打孩子这张王牌。Turn on a television, the child article advert

122、isement rushes toward noodles again since then, that is quickly happy, jump to move, cheery image infusion peoples heart.The manufacturers have already started take a kid to do an article and play kids this trump card.其中,我们也从一些媒介上看到,某些厂商专抓儿童搞欺诈,其中,我们也从一些媒介上看到,某些厂商专抓儿童搞欺诈,或者是由于忽视儿童不具备明辨是非的特点,误导,成为损或者

123、是由于忽视儿童不具备明辨是非的特点,误导,成为损坏儿童身心健康的罪魁祸首。坏儿童身心健康的罪魁祸首。Among them, we also see from some mediums and some manufacturers particularly catch a child to make to cheat, or is in order to neglecting a child not to have a characteristics of clearly distinguish right and wrong, mislead and become the chief crim

124、inal who damages a child a mind and body health.因此,生产经营儿童品必须了解儿童品市场的特点,选择合因此,生产经营儿童品必须了解儿童品市场的特点,选择合适的促销手段。适的促销手段。 Therefore, produce the management childs article has to understand a child the characteristics of the article market and choose suitable promotion means. 儿童消费品市场的特点Thecharacteristicsofc

125、hildconsumergoodsmarket.一、儿童品市场的特点一、儿童品市场的特点 A, child the characteristics of the article market 与成人品市场相比较,儿童品市场呈现与成人品市场相比较,儿童品市场呈现出不同的特征:出不同的特征: Compared with the adult article market, the child article market presents a characteristic of dissimilarity: (一)市场差异小(一)市场差异小 (A)The market difference is s

126、mall (二)形式产品重于实质产品(二)形式产品重于实质产品 (Two)The form product is heavy at the substantial product (三)广告的促销作用强(三)广告的促销作用强 (Three)The advertised promotion function is strong (四)儿童越来越具有购买权(四)儿童越来越具有购买权 (Four)The child more and more has to purchase power 儿童消费品市场的特点Thecharacteristicsofchildconsumergoodsmarket.(一

127、)市场差异小 (A)The market difference is small 市场营销学原理指出,者购买行为首先受个市场营销学原理指出,者购买行为首先受个人因素的影响。人因素的影响。Market marketing learns principle to point out, purchases behavior first under the influence of personal factor.成人者由于职业、文化水平、个性、爱好、成人者由于职业、文化水平、个性、爱好、价值观等的不同,对商品需求的差异性较大,价值观等的不同,对商品需求的差异性较大,使成人品市场本身呈现出很大的差异性

128、。使成人品市场本身呈现出很大的差异性。The adult is because of the occupation, cultural level, character, love, value etc. of dissimilarity, to the merchandise demanding difference more big, make adult the article market present very big difference.因此,厂商们常常需要将此市场按不同因素因此,厂商们常常需要将此市场按不同因素进行细分。进行细分。Therefore, the manufact

129、urers usually need to press this market a different factor to carry on subdivide.儿童消费品市场的特点Thecharacteristicsofchildconsumergoodsmarket.(二)形式产品重于实质产品 (Two)The form product is heavy at the substantial product 现代市场营销学认为,在现代社会化大生产和商品条件现代市场营销学认为,在现代社会化大生产和商品条件下,产品是一个日益复杂的整体概念,它包含三个层次:下,产品是一个日益复杂的整体概念,它包

130、含三个层次:The modern market marketing learns to think and greatly produce in the modern acculturation and under the merchandise condition, the product is 1 day by day complicated whole concept, it includes three layers:实质产品,指产品的基本效用和用户购买产品所追求的实质产品,指产品的基本效用和用户购买产品所追求的利益;利益; Substantial product point the

131、basic effect of product and customer to purchase the benefits that the product pursue;形式产品,包括产品的品质、特征、品牌、形态、包装形式产品,包括产品的品质、特征、品牌、形态、包装等;等; Form product include the quality, characteristic, brand, appearance, packing.etc. of product;延伸产品,主要指一系列的售前、售中、售后服务。延伸产品,主要指一系列的售前、售中、售后服务。 Extend a product, mai

132、nly point a series of before sell, sell medium, after-sales service.对儿童品市场来说,形式产品重于实质产品。对儿童品市场来说,形式产品重于实质产品。 To child article market to say, the form product is heavy at the substantial product.儿童消费品市场的特点Thecharacteristicsofchildconsumergoodsmarket.购买行为受购买动机的支配,一般购买行为受购买动机的支配,一般来讲,购买动机可分为生理性购买来讲,购买动

133、机可分为生理性购买动机和心理性购买动机。动机和心理性购买动机。Purchase the behavior is subjected to a domination of purchase the motive, generally speak and purchase the motive can is divided into physiology to purchase motive and mental state to purchase motive.心理性购买动机按其心理因素的不心理性购买动机按其心理因素的不同又可细分为感性动机、理智动机、同又可细分为感性动机、理智动机、惠顾动机等。

134、惠顾动机等。The mental state purchases motive to press it the dissimilarity of mental factor and can subdivide into sensitive faculty motive, rational motive, patronage motive etc.儿童消费品市场的特点Thecharacteristicsofchildconsumergoodsmarket.儿童的购买行为主要受感情动机的影响,表儿童的购买行为主要受感情动机的影响,表现出冲动性和不稳定性,求新、好胜、好奇现出冲动性和不稳定性,求新、

135、好胜、好奇等都可以促成儿童的购买行为,如服装上的等都可以促成儿童的购买行为,如服装上的奇特口袋,食品袋里赠送的小玩具,童车外奇特口袋,食品袋里赠送的小玩具,童车外表模仿动物外形的喷漆花纹等等,都可引起表模仿动物外形的喷漆花纹等等,都可引起儿童强烈的购买欲望。儿童强烈的购买欲望。The child purchases behavior mainly under the influence of affection motive, express an impulse with unsteady, beg lately, love to excel, curious about that etc.

136、s all can help realize the behavior of purchase of child, such as the unusual pocket on the clothing, present in food bag of small toy, kid the spray of shape of the car outward appearance mimicry animal paint wood grain etc., can cause purchase of childs mightiness desire.因此,对儿童品应强调产品功能多样,外观因此,对儿童品

137、应强调产品功能多样,外观造型奇特,包装精美,符合儿童求新、求奇、造型奇特,包装精美,符合儿童求新、求奇、求美、好动的心理特点。这样的商品放在超求美、好动的心理特点。这样的商品放在超级市场的货架上,才能引起孩子们浓厚的兴级市场的货架上,才能引起孩子们浓厚的兴趣。趣。 Therefore should emphasize that the product function is diverse to childs article, the external appearance shape is unusual and pack elegant, match a child to beg late

138、ly and beg strange, beg the United States and like the mental characteristics for move.So of the merchandise put on the shelf of supermarket, then can cause the strong interest of children. 儿童消费品市场的特点Thecharacteristicsofchildconsumergoodsmarket.(三)广告的促销作用强 (Three)The advertised promotion function is

139、 strong 广告对商品促销作用早已被厂商们所认识,所以,广告对商品促销作用早已被厂商们所认识,所以,许多厂商们不惜花重金做各种各样的广告。广告许多厂商们不惜花重金做各种各样的广告。广告对儿童品的促销作用较成人品更为突出。对儿童品的促销作用较成人品更为突出。The advertisement has already been know by the manufacturers to the merchandise promotion function, so, many manufacturers dont hesitate to spend the advertisement that t

140、he heavy gold does various each kind.Advertisement to the promotion function of childs article more adults article be more outstanding.这主要是因为儿童的行为转移性强,容易受外界这主要是因为儿童的行为转移性强,容易受外界影响,如父母、同伴、同学、教师、厂商等。影响,如父母、同伴、同学、教师、厂商等。This is mainly because of the childs behavior to transfer sex strong, easily is inf

141、luence by the external world, like parents, companion, classmate, teacher, manufacturer.etc.儿童消费品市场的特点Thecharacteristicsofchildconsumergoodsmarket.厂商影响儿童行为的最基本的手段就是广告,尤其是电视广告。电厂商影响儿童行为的最基本的手段就是广告,尤其是电视广告。电视广告对儿童行为的潜在影响是由广告的性质所决定的。电视广告视广告对儿童行为的潜在影响是由广告的性质所决定的。电视广告通过活泼的形象、鲜艳的色彩、悦耳的声音、诱人的画面,使儿童通过活泼的形象、

142、鲜艳的色彩、悦耳的声音、诱人的画面,使儿童感受到无穷的乐趣和兴奋,处在襁褓里的婴儿就已经会看电视广告感受到无穷的乐趣和兴奋,处在襁褓里的婴儿就已经会看电视广告了。了。Manufacturers influencing the most basic means of the behavior of child is an advertisement, particularly is a television advertisement.Latent influence of television advertisement to child behavior from advertisement

143、 of what property decide.The television advertisement passes cheery image, fresh and gorgeous color, pleasing of voice, captivating appearance, make the child feel endless fun and excitement, be placed in Qiang Bao inside of the infant has already will watch the television advertising.据调查,儿童一般一周内看据调

144、查,儿童一般一周内看25253030小时的电视,五岁以下的儿童看小时的电视,五岁以下的儿童看得更多(注:陈士伟编译:得更多(注:陈士伟编译:国际流行的国际流行的1010类营销形式类营销形式,452452页,页,北京,中国广播电视出版社,北京,中国广播电视出版社,19961996。)。)。The inquisition of the According to, the is general of the child a with in the the 2530 hours of the television for of the week watch, the years of of the u

145、nder five of the child age see more(note:Chen2 Shi4 Wei3 the translate of the edit and:10 types of marketing forms of international fad , 452 pageses, Pekings, China broadcasts television publisher, 1996.).因此,一些新的儿童品要打开或挤入这个市场,广告的反复刺激是因此,一些新的儿童品要打开或挤入这个市场,广告的反复刺激是一种有效的途径。一种有效的途径。 Therefore, some new

146、 childrens articles want to open or crush into this market, advertisement of again and again the incitement be a kind of valid path. 儿童消费品市场的特点Thecharacteristicsofchildconsumergoodsmarket.(四)儿童越来越具有购买权 (Four)The child more and more has to purchase power 据有关社会调查资料表明,儿童在购买小食据有关社会调查资料表明,儿童在购买小食品、饮料、服装、

147、玩具、文具等方面拥有绝品、饮料、服装、玩具、文具等方面拥有绝对的权力,同时,对于一些大件商品,比如对的权力,同时,对于一些大件商品,比如自行车、家用健身器等方面也拥有相当的权自行车、家用健身器等方面也拥有相当的权力。力。Occupy the pass society inquisition data express, the child owns an absolute power in the aspects of purchasing a small food, beverage, clothing, toy, stationery wait, in the meantime, for s

148、ome big piece merchandise, for example the bicycle, domestic expenses do exercise to keep fit machines etc. also owns an equal power.他们对父母的购买行为产生着越来越大的影他们对父母的购买行为产生着越来越大的影响。在中国,儿童这一购买者角色的作用尤响。在中国,儿童这一购买者角色的作用尤为突出。为突出。They purchase parents behavior to produce more and more great influence.At China, c

149、hild this function which purchases a role is outstanding.儿童消费品市场的特点Thecharacteristicsofchildconsumergoodsmarket.一方面,中国儿童数量多,据统计,仅中国一方面,中国儿童数量多,据统计,仅中国大陆每年就约有大陆每年就约有20002000万个婴儿出生,这个出万个婴儿出生,这个出生率使中国儿童形成了一个庞大的群体(注:生率使中国儿童形成了一个庞大的群体(注:韩勇主编:韩勇主编:文化促销文化促销,5454页,北京,中页,北京,中国出版社,国出版社,19981998。)。)。On the oth

150、er hand, the amount many of the Chinese childs, the covariance of the according to, the 20,000,000 infant of the greatly has of the only China a birth the every years of the around six, this birthrate makes the Chinese child become a huge community(note:Courageously copy chief:The culture promote sa

151、les , 54 pageses, Peking, Chinese publisher, 1998.).另一方面,独生子女是中国家庭的一个特殊另一方面,独生子女是中国家庭的一个特殊现象,他们是家庭的核心,是现象,他们是家庭的核心,是“小皇帝小皇帝”、“小太阳小太阳”,家庭中很大一部分支出都花在,家庭中很大一部分支出都花在他们身上。他们身上。On the other hand, the only sons and daughters are a special phenomenon of Chinese family, they are homely cores, is small empero

152、r, little the sun, family very big part the expenditure all spends on their body.儿童消费品市场的特点Thecharacteristicsofchildconsumergoodsmarket.随着中国的发展和人们的购买力的随着中国的发展和人们的购买力的增强,二十多年前几乎百之百地掌增强,二十多年前几乎百之百地掌握在大人手中的购买权如今已有不握在大人手中的购买权如今已有不少部分掌握在儿童手中。少部分掌握在儿童手中。Along with the to build up of the development of Chi

153、na and the purchasing power of people, more than 20 year ago almost 100 it is 100 grounds of control in the adult hand of purchase the power has already hadnt a few parts to control in the childrens hand now.儿童手中的零用钱越来越多,从前儿童手中的零用钱越来越多,从前父母给孩子们的零用钱,要求他们父母给孩子们的零用钱,要求他们积蓄起来直到孩子们有需要和懂得积蓄起来直到孩子们有需要和懂得怎么

154、花时才动用;现在的社会是商怎么花时才动用;现在的社会是商品社会,许多家长给孩子零用钱的品社会,许多家长给孩子零用钱的目的是让他们学会,尽早适应社会。目的是让他们学会,尽早适应社会。The pocket money in the childs hand is more and more, formerly the parents give the childrens pocket money, request them the savings get up until the children have already need and know how to spend just use;Th

155、e society in nowadays is a merchandise society, many parents give kid the purpose of the pocket money let them master and as early as possible adapt a society.儿童消费品市场的特点Thecharacteristicsofchildconsumergoodsmarket.因此,今日的儿童已没有或很少有因此,今日的儿童已没有或很少有以往的传统的节约观念,他们在购以往的传统的节约观念,他们在购买商品时也很少考虑价格,很少考买商品时也很少考虑价格

156、,很少考虑钱的来源。虑钱的来源。Therefore, todays child already have no or few and former traditional economy idea, they also seldom consider price while purchase merchandise, seldom consider the source of money.随着每个家庭中儿童数目的减少,随着每个家庭中儿童数目的减少,儿童物质条件将会更好,零用钱将儿童物质条件将会更好,零用钱将会更多,儿童购买能力将越来越强,会更多,儿童购买能力将越来越强,这也是促使儿童品市场繁荣

157、的重要这也是促使儿童品市场繁荣的重要原因。原因。 Along with the decrease of each family childs number, the child material condition will be better, the pocket money will be more, the child purchases ability will more and more strong, this also is to urge a child the article market prosperous important reason. 儿童消费品市场的特点The

158、characteristicsofchildconsumergoodsmarket.儿童消费品的促销策略随着儿童品市场的繁荣,市场竞争也更加随着儿童品市场的繁荣,市场竞争也更加激烈。促销就成了企业市场营销活动的重激烈。促销就成了企业市场营销活动的重要组成部分。要组成部分。Along with the prosperity of the child article market, markets compete also is getting more vigorous.The importance which promotes sales and then became the marketi

159、ng activity of the business enterprise market constitute part.促销的最终目的是实现产品的销售,因此,促销的最终目的是实现产品的销售,因此,促销不仅要吸引者的注意力,而且还要使促销不仅要吸引者的注意力,而且还要使促销的形式和手段同者发生联系,使者的促销的形式和手段同者发生联系,使者的情绪受到感染乃至对产品产生兴趣,最终情绪受到感染乃至对产品产生兴趣,最终形成者的购买行为。形成者的购买行为。 Promote sales of the end purpose be the sale which carries out a product,

160、 therefore, promote sales not only need to draw on the attention of, and still need to make form and means of promotion together the occurrence contact, the motion of the emissary is subjected to an infection is to interested in product, purchase of end formation behavior. Thepromotionstrategyofchil

161、dsconsumergoods.针对儿童的心理特点以及儿童品市场的针对儿童的心理特点以及儿童品市场的特点,需要采用多种多样的轻松、欢快、特点,需要采用多种多样的轻松、欢快、活泼的形式来开展一系列的促销活动。活泼的形式来开展一系列的促销活动。Aim at the characteristics of the childs mental characteristics and child article market, need to be adopt varied easy and happy quick, cheery form to open the promotion activity o

162、f exhibition a series.通过这些促销活动,在满足商品的适用通过这些促销活动,在满足商品的适用性的同时,还要符合儿童审美情趣,陶性的同时,还要符合儿童审美情趣,陶冶儿童情操,净化儿童灵魂,促使儿童冶儿童情操,净化儿童灵魂,促使儿童身心健康发展。身心健康发展。Pass these promotion activities, also need to match a child to appreciate beauty interesting aspect at the time of satisfying the applicability of merchandise, sh

163、ape childs thoughts and feelings, purify childs soul, urge childs mind and body to healthily develop.因此,对儿童品的促销活动是与对儿童因此,对儿童品的促销活动是与对儿童教育融合在一起的。与成人品促销相比教育融合在一起的。与成人品促销相比较,儿童品市场可侧重运用以下促销手较,儿童品市场可侧重运用以下促销手段。段。 Therefore, to the promotion activity of childs article is with to childs education blend tog

164、ether.And adult the article promotion compare and the child article market can lay particular emphasis on usage the following to promote sales means. 儿童消费品的促销策略Thepromotionstrategyofchildsconsumergoods.(二)包装促销 (Two)The packing promote sales 在现代市场经营中,包装已成为商品生产不可缺少的组在现代市场经营中,包装已成为商品生产不可缺少的组成部分。成部分。In

165、the modern the market management, the packing has become merchandise production indispensability of constitute part.随着自选商品业务的发展和众多商标的出现,包装对者随着自选商品业务的发展和众多商标的出现,包装对者区别产品、刺激购买起了促进作用,已成为一种区别产品、刺激购买起了促进作用,已成为一种“无声无声的推销员的推销员”。Along with from choose the development of the merchandise business and the emer

166、gence of numerous trademarks, packing to differentiation product, stimulate to purchase to have to promote a function, have become a kind ofbreathed salesman.对儿童者来说,包装除了起保护商品的作用外,还便于对儿童者来说,包装除了起保护商品的作用外,还便于儿童使用产品、握拿产品、携带产品、提供某些产品信儿童使用产品、握拿产品、携带产品、提供某些产品信息等。在超级市场琳琅满目的货架上,新奇、有特色的息等。在超级市场琳琅满目的货架上,新奇、有特

167、色的包装往往能引起儿童的注意,诱发儿童购买动机。包装往往能引起儿童的注意,诱发儿童购买动机。To child to say, pack in addition to have function of protect the merchandise, return an easy to child to use a product, hold to take a product, take a product, provide a some product information.etc.On the shelf of supermarket feast for the eyes, unusua

168、l, have the packing of special features can usually cause the childs attention, induct a child to purchase motive.儿童消费品的促销策略Thepromotionstrategyofchildsconsumergoods.事实上,许多孩子,尤其是事实上,许多孩子,尤其是1010岁以下儿岁以下儿童在很多情况下是根据包装来选购商品童在很多情况下是根据包装来选购商品的。的。In fact, many kids particularly are a child under 10 years o

169、f age to come to shopping goods according to the packing under the a lot of condition.色彩鲜艳、画面形象生动、设计奇特、色彩鲜艳、画面形象生动、设计奇特、开闭方便的包装,赠品包装等,往往是开闭方便的包装,赠品包装等,往往是儿童选择商品的主要依据。有些商品包儿童选择商品的主要依据。有些商品包装甚至在商品被完以后,被儿童收藏起装甚至在商品被完以后,被儿童收藏起来用于游戏。来用于游戏。 The color is fresh and gorgeous, the appearance image be vivid an

170、d design unusual, open to shut a convenient packing, present packing the etc. be usually the main basis that the child chooses a merchandise.Some merchandise packings even are collect by the child to used for game after the merchandise drive finish. 儿童消费品的促销策略Thepromotionstrategyofchildsconsumergood

171、s.厂商在运用包装促销时,应注意如下几点:厂商在运用包装促销时,应注意如下几点:The manufacturer should be notice as follows what time while make use of packing promotion:第一应设计适合儿童心理和能力的包装。And all design the packing of in keeping with childs mental state and ability.由于儿童手的灵巧性、力度以及儿童的知识还未达到成人的由于儿童手的灵巧性、力度以及儿童的知识还未达到成人的程度,对于儿童品,尤其是食品应设计成开闭方

172、便、重量体程度,对于儿童品,尤其是食品应设计成开闭方便、重量体积适当、剩余产品便于储藏的包装。积适当、剩余产品便于储藏的包装。Because the dexterity, strength of childs hand and the knowledge of the child still comes short of the adults degree, for childs article, particularly is the food should design open to shut convenience, the adequacy, the easy to hoard of

173、 the surplus product of the weight physical volume of packing.第二,儿童商品的包装应没有潜在危险性。The second, the packing of childs merchandise should have no potential danger.如玻璃容器易破碎,容易发生危险,应改用其他材料来代替;如玻璃容器易破碎,容易发生危险,应改用其他材料来代替;有拉手的易拉罐会割破孩子的手等。生产者在设计产品包装有拉手的易拉罐会割破孩子的手等。生产者在设计产品包装时,应为儿童着想,设计出安全、理想的包装。时,应为儿童着想,设计出安全

174、、理想的包装。Easily fall in pieces such as the glass container, easy occurrence dangerous, should change to replace with other materials;Hold hands of easily pull a bottle will mow to break a kids hand etc.The manufacturer should write to think for the child while design product packing and design a safet

175、y, ideal packing.儿童消费品的促销策略Thepromotionstrategyofchildsconsumergoods.第三,包装的价值The third, the value of the packing.有些商品本身并无什么特殊性,却配以豪华包装以增加产品的价值,甚至包有些商品本身并无什么特殊性,却配以豪华包装以增加产品的价值,甚至包装的价值大大高于商品本身的价值,孩子们打开包装,发现里边不是自己所装的价值大大高于商品本身的价值,孩子们打开包装,发现里边不是自己所期望的商品,就会有被欺骗的感觉。因此,包装应与实物相符合。期望的商品,就会有被欺骗的感觉。因此,包装应与实物相

176、符合。Some merchandises have no what special, but go together with to pack with the luxury with increment product of value, even pack of the value be consumedly high at the value of the merchandise, the children open a packing, discover inside is not oneself expect of merchandise, will have drive the f

177、elling for cheat.Therefore, the packing should agree with real object to match.第四,应使用儿童能懂的“语言”。The fourth should use language that the child can understand.低年龄的儿童对包装上的文字说明理解困难,厂商在设计包装时,应考虑使低年龄的儿童对包装上的文字说明理解困难,厂商在设计包装时,应考虑使用孩子们能明白的符号、图画等,帮助孩子们选择到合适的商品。同时,包用孩子们能明白的符号、图画等,帮助孩子们选择到合适的商品。同时,包装作为一种特殊媒介,又会

178、使儿童学到很多知识和技巧,丰富孩子们的语言,装作为一种特殊媒介,又会使儿童学到很多知识和技巧,丰富孩子们的语言,使儿童的生活更具乐趣。使儿童的生活更具乐趣。 The child of low age explains a comprehension difficulty to the writing on the packing, the manufacturer should consider using the sign, picture.etc. that the children can understand while design packing and help children

179、 to choose a suitable merchandise.In the meantime, the packing is a kind of special medium, and then makes the child learn to much knowledge and the technique, enrich the childrens language and make the childs life have fun more. 儿童消费品的促销策略Thepromotionstrategyofchildsconsumergoods.(三)爱心促销 (Three)The

180、 benevolence promote sales 在激烈的市场竞争中,许多厂家为了提高自己的美誉度,抓住孩子这个社在激烈的市场竞争中,许多厂家为了提高自己的美誉度,抓住孩子这个社会的希望,举办各种爱心促销活动,既表达了自己对社会的爱心和责任感,会的希望,举办各种爱心促销活动,既表达了自己对社会的爱心和责任感,又能够顺应民心,符合儿童心理。又能够顺应民心,符合儿童心理。In the market competition in vehemence, many factory house for raising own good reputation degree, hold tight kid

181、s this social hope, hold the promotion activity of various benevolence, since expressed oneself to the social benevolence and the sense of responsibility, and then can adjust a popular support, match a child mental state.如,某服装厂举办爱心促销活动,将一批新式高级童装特价销售,特卖价如,某服装厂举办爱心促销活动,将一批新式高级童装特价销售,特卖价所得及价值几万元的御寒物品当场

182、损给孤儿院的孩子们。此举吸引了市民,所得及价值几万元的御寒物品当场损给孤儿院的孩子们。此举吸引了市民,人们争相购买,都想为孩子们献出自己的一份爱心。人们争相购买,都想为孩子们献出自己的一份爱心。Such as, the some clothing factory holds a benevolence promotion activity, sell a modern style and deluxe childrens clothes special price, especially selling price income and be worth the cold resisting

183、product of several 10000 dollarses there and then Sun to the children of orphanage.This undertaking drew on citizen and people vied with each other in purchase, all want to dedicate a benevolence of an oneself for the children.爱心促销活动会大大提高企业的知名度和美誉度,在社会公众心目中树立爱心促销活动会大大提高企业的知名度和美誉度,在社会公众心目中树立良好的企业形象,同

184、时,对儿童也进行了一次爱心教育。良好的企业形象,同时,对儿童也进行了一次爱心教育。 The benevolence promotion activity will consumedly raise popularity and good reputation degree of business enterprise, set up good business enterprise image in the social public heart and also carried on a benevolence education to the child in the meantime.

185、儿童消费品的促销策略Thepromotionstrategyofchildsconsumergoods.(四)健康促销 (Four)Healthily promote sales 天下父母都希望自己的孩子健康成长。天下父母都希望自己的孩子健康成长。The world parents all hope that the own kid healthily grows up.不少商家以儿童健康为切入点开展促销活动,既适应了儿童成长的生理需要,不少商家以儿童健康为切入点开展促销活动,既适应了儿童成长的生理需要,又符合天下父母盼子健康的心理要求,因而总能立于不败之地。又符合天下父母盼子健康的心理要求,

186、因而总能立于不败之地。Not a few companys houses with children health for correspond a point to open an exhibition promotion activity, since adapted the child grow up of the physiology need, and then match world parents to hope the mental request of sub- health, as a result can always be sign in an invincible p

187、osition.娃哈哈集团对其新产品娃哈哈集团对其新产品ADAD钙奶的广告宣传是:我国居民日常饮食中维生素钙奶的广告宣传是:我国居民日常饮食中维生素A A、维生素维生素D D和钙的摄入量普遍不足。和钙的摄入量普遍不足。Wa ha ha group as to its the advertisement publicity of new product AD calcium milk BE:Our country residents the vitamin A, vitamin D and the calcium in the daily food absorb the quantity wid

188、espread shortage.针对这一状况,娃哈哈集团公司经过数年研究,成功地开发出我国第一支在针对这一状况,娃哈哈集团公司经过数年研究,成功地开发出我国第一支在奶中强化维生素奶中强化维生素A A、D D和钙质的和钙质的“娃哈哈娃哈哈ADAD钙奶钙奶”,使钙在人体中得到更充分,使钙在人体中得到更充分的吸收和利用。由于娃哈哈集团倡导的吸收和利用。由于娃哈哈集团倡导“科学补钙,健康成长科学补钙,健康成长”,使其新产品,使其新产品迅速占领了市场,形成了迅速占领了市场,形成了“ADAD钙奶钙奶”的新潮流。的新潮流。 Aim at this condition, Wa ha ha the group

189、 company through few years studies and successfully develop one the our country be the first to enhance vitamin A, D and calcium quality in the milk ofWa ha ha AD calcium milk, make the calcium get fuller absorption and exploitation in the human body.Because Wa ha ha the group initiate science repai

190、r calcium, healthily grow up and make it new the product quickly captured a market and became the modern trend of AD calcium milk. 儿童消费品的促销策略Thepromotionstrategyofchildsconsumergoods.健康促销成功的原因就在于商家从关心儿健康促销成功的原因就在于商家从关心儿童的身心健康出发,宣传自己的产品,使童的身心健康出发,宣传自己的产品,使者感到企业同自己的利益是一致的,从而者感到企业同自己的利益是一致的,从而减少了父母及儿童对

191、单纯商品广告的抵制减少了父母及儿童对单纯商品广告的抵制心理,也使该商品的宣传在雷同的同类商心理,也使该商品的宣传在雷同的同类商品广告中脱颖而出,容易为顾客所接受。品广告中脱颖而出,容易为顾客所接受。Healthily promote sales successful reason to lie in companys house from concern the childs mind and body healthily sets out, publicizee an own product, the emissary feel business enterprise together th

192、e self-interest be consistent and reduced parents and child thus to the pure merchandise advertise of boycott mental state, also make the publicity of that merchandise outshine others in the similar same kind merchandise the advertisement, easily is accept by customer. 儿童消费品的促销策略Thepromotionstrategy

193、ofchildsconsumergoods.(五)有奖促销 (Five)Have prize promotion 奖品对儿童永远具有很大的诱惑力,儿童热衷于奖品对儿童永远具有很大的诱惑力,儿童热衷于得到奖品甚于产品本身。得到奖品甚于产品本身。The award has very big come-on dint forever to the child and the child falls overboard for to get an award more than the product.他们认为,小奖品是专门送给他们的,又不需要他们认为,小奖品是专门送给他们的,又不需要花钱买。花钱买。

194、They think that the small award is to exclusively send to their, dont need to spend money to buy again.有不少孩子声称到有不少孩子声称到“麦当劳麦当劳”进餐最快乐的事是进餐最快乐的事是吃完汉堡包还能得到一件奇特的奖品;孩子们整吃完汉堡包还能得到一件奇特的奖品;孩子们整箱地购买箱地购买“小浣熊干脆面小浣熊干脆面”是为了得到里边赠送是为了得到里边赠送的的“恐龙风暴旋风卡恐龙风暴旋风卡”、“巧比夹巧比夹”;为了争取;为了争取到中央电视台参加到中央电视台参加大风车大风车节目的机会,或得节目的机会,或得

195、到书包、文具、套装等小礼品,在饮料销售淡季到书包、文具、套装等小礼品,在饮料销售淡季孩子们仍不忘购买乐百氏奶。孩子们仍不忘购买乐百氏奶。There arent a few kids declaring McDonalds to have meal the most happy matters is to finish eat hamburger to wrap can also get a geezer award;The whole case ground of children purchases small coon simply side is for getting the dino

196、saur storm tornado card, the Qiao ratio clip that the inside present;For fighting for a central television station to attend strong wind car the opportunity of program, or get the schoolbag, stationery, suit.etc. small gift, sell off season in the beverage the children still dont forget to purchase

197、to enjoy 100 surname milks.儿童消费品的促销策略Thepromotionstrategyofchildsconsumergoods.可见,商品附带的奖品比商品本身更多地吸引可见,商品附带的奖品比商品本身更多地吸引了儿童的注意力,有奖促销成了商家促销儿童了儿童的注意力,有奖促销成了商家促销儿童商品常用的手段。一位儿童心理学家说,儿童商品常用的手段。一位儿童心理学家说,儿童自己比设计者能更清楚地告诉我们他们喜欢什自己比设计者能更清楚地告诉我们他们喜欢什么和为什么喜欢或不喜欢。么和为什么喜欢或不喜欢。It is thus clear that, the merchandis

198、e supplementary award morely drew on the childrens attention than the merchandise, there is prize promote sales companys house promote sales the in common use means of childs merchandise.A child psychology house say that the child can more clearly tell us that they like than the design by himselfher

199、self what with why like or dont like.据调查发现,据调查发现,4 4岁的儿童对奖品的选择就有性岁的儿童对奖品的选择就有性别的区别(注:陈士伟编译:别的区别(注:陈士伟编译:国际流行的国际流行的1010类营销形式类营销形式,423423页,北京,中国广播电视页,北京,中国广播电视出版社,出版社,19961996。)。因此,商家在运用有奖促。)。因此,商家在运用有奖促销时,应针对儿童心理,精心设计奖品。销时,应针对儿童心理,精心设计奖品。 Discover according to the inquisition, 4-year-old childs choic

200、e to the award has the differentiation of sex(note:Chen2 Shi4 Wei3 edit and translate:10 types of marketing forms of international fad , 423 pages, Pekings, China broadcasts television publisher, 1996.).Therefore, companys house should aim at child mental state when the usage have prize promotion an

201、d with meticulous care design an award. 儿童消费品的促销策略Thepromotionstrategyofchildsconsumergoods.有奖促销归纳起来主要有两种形式:有奖促销归纳起来主要有两种形式:There is prize promotion induce mainly having two kinds of forms:一种是一次性奖励,即每一件商品中都附一种是一次性奖励,即每一件商品中都附有不同的奖品,孩子们每购一次该商品,有不同的奖品,孩子们每购一次该商品,即能得到一件奖品,如每购即能得到一件奖品,如每购500ml500ml的高乐高,

202、的高乐高,即可同时得到一件搅拌器;即可同时得到一件搅拌器;1 kind is a time of reward, all fish-eye and different award in a namely each merchandise, the children buy once each time that merchandise, can get an award, if buy Gao Le4 Gao with 500 mls each time, can immediately get a mixer in the meantime;另一种形式是多次奖励,即这些商品中并另一种形式是多

203、次奖励,即这些商品中并不经常附有奖品,需要多次累计,凑齐所不经常附有奖品,需要多次累计,凑齐所规定数目,通过邮寄才能得到奖品,商家规定数目,通过邮寄才能得到奖品,商家意在鼓励儿童多次购买同类商品。意在鼓励儿童多次购买同类商品。Another form is many reward, namely the not usually fish-eye award in these merchandises, need many total amounts, gather together together the number rule, passing to mail then can get a

204、n award and idea in companys house is for many times encourage a child to purchase the same kind merchandise.儿童消费品的促销策略Thepromotionstrategyofchildsconsumergoods.这这两两种种形形式式相相比比较较,第第一一种种形形式式更更能能吸吸引引儿儿童童,第第二二种种形形式式由由于于儿儿童童当当时时不不能能拿拿到到奖奖品品,会会因因缺缺乏乏累累积积的的耐耐心心而而失失望望,家家长长也也会会因因为为多多次次花花钱钱而而不不愿愿让让孩孩子子购购买买此此种

205、种商品。商品。These two kinds of forms compare, the first form can even draw on a children, the second form cant get hold of an award at that time because of child, meeting because of lack accumulated patience and disappointment, the parent will also dont wish to let the kid purchase a this kind merchandis

206、e because of for many times spending money.运运用用有有奖奖促促销销时时,厂厂商商应应考考虑虑到到奖奖品品只只是是商商品品的的附附带带形形式式,用用它它的的目目的的是是为为了了促促进进产产品品的的销销售售。因因此此,应应注注重重向向孩孩子子们们提提供供货货真真价价实实的的实实质质产产品品,不不能能因因为为过过分分追追求求吸吸引引儿儿童童的的注注意意力力而而喧喧宾宾夺夺主主,忽忽视视了了自自己的实质产品。己的实质产品。 When usage had prize promotion, manufacturer in response to in consi

207、deration of the award is just the supplementary form of merchandise, the purpose which uses it is for promoting a product of sale.Therefore should pay attention to provide the substantial product of the quality goods at reasonable prices toward the children, cant presumptive guest usurps the role ho

208、st because of excessively pursuing attention of draw on the child, neglect own substantial product. 儿童消费品的促销策略Thepromotionstrategyofchildsconsumergoods.(六)文化促销 (Six)The culture promote sales 儿童文化具有丰富的内涵,所以儿童文化促销形儿童文化具有丰富的内涵,所以儿童文化促销形式也多种多样,不拘一格。郑州亚细亚商场将儿式也多种多样,不拘一格。郑州亚细亚商场将儿童文化与企业促销联系在一起,在童文化与企业促销联系

209、在一起,在“六六一一”儿儿童节到来之际,举办了童节到来之际,举办了“童车大赛童车大赛”、“儿童电儿童电子琴大赛子琴大赛”、“好爸爸、好妈妈故事大赛好爸爸、好妈妈故事大赛”等。等。Childs culture has abundant content, so child cultures promoting sales a form is varied and dont stick to one space.The culture of of the The childs the and the contact of of the enterprises of the business of t

210、he The together of the of the of the of the sales of of the promotes the Zheng4 Zhou market in Asia, the at thesix a of the arrival of of the Childrens Day moment, the big match of the kids of of car, the organ big of the childs of the match of of the electronic of the of of the held, good father, t

211、he story big of the good of the match of of the mothers of the of.etc.这些活动,参加人数多,影响范围广,家长们都这些活动,参加人数多,影响范围广,家长们都争取自己的孩子能够获奖,于是踊跃来到商场。争取自己的孩子能够获奖,于是踊跃来到商场。商场通过这些活动把商场形象牢固树立在孩子和商场通过这些活动把商场形象牢固树立在孩子和家长们的心中,达到了促进销售的目的,使商场家长们的心中,达到了促进销售的目的,使商场在良性循环中不断发展。在良性循环中不断发展。 These activity, attend a number have an

212、other, the influence scope is wide and the parentses all fight for an own kid and can get a prize, hence eagerly arrive at market.The market passes these activities firm set up in the heart of the kid and the parents the market image, come to an a purpose of promote the sale, make the market continu

213、ously develop in the virtuous cycle. 儿童消费品的促销策略Thepromotionstrategyofchildsconsumergoods.动画片形象促销也是儿童文化促销的形式之一。动画片形象促销也是儿童文化促销的形式之一。Animated cartoon images promote sales is also a child cultural one of the form of the promotion.美国美国“孩子宝孩子宝”远东公司生产的远东公司生产的“变形金刚变形金刚”系系列玩具就是靠该公司制作的列玩具就是靠该公司制作的变形金刚变形金刚动画片


215、至今仍是孩子们喜爱的玩具之一。了全中国,至今仍是孩子们喜爱的玩具之一。 The series toy of the that company ofthe gold just of the transform a in thekids treasure of the American, the produce is of the far east to be the that company of the create by of the gold just of the transformed a the up China of the cartoon stired of the animat

216、ed count hundred million desires of purchase of childses.Because that television drama broadcast, transform a gold just the image thorough public of the robot, children to lately- appear was full of intelligence and fun and enrich on the market in fantasize of transformed a gold just the toy also pr

217、oduced strong interest, the parents thought this kind of toy since can develop the kids intelligence, and then toughen the ability of begin of kid, also take pleasure in buy this kind of toy for kid.Positive as it does, the transform a gold just toy became popular whole China in short and a few mont

218、hs and up to now was still one of the toy of childrens fancy. 儿童消费品的促销策略Thepromotionstrategyofchildsconsumergoods.有些商家利用孩子们熟悉的动画形象制出各种有些商家利用孩子们熟悉的动画形象制出各种不同的食品、文具等,来进行促销,如,小龙不同的食品、文具等,来进行促销,如,小龙人奶糖、机器猫文具盒、白雪公主服装等都深人奶糖、机器猫文具盒、白雪公主服装等都深得孩子们青睐。得孩子们青睐。 Some companys houses make use of the animation imag

219、e system that the children acquaint with a various different foods, stationery.etc., carry on promotion, such as, the small dragon persons milk sugar, machine cat writing case, Snow White clothing.etc. all enjoy childrens favor. 文化促销的形式还有很多,如诗歌形式、顺口文化促销的形式还有很多,如诗歌形式、顺口溜形式、童话故事形式、良好的购物环境等。溜形式、童话故事形式、

220、良好的购物环境等。运用文化促销时,应注意选择一些孩子们熟悉运用文化促销时,应注意选择一些孩子们熟悉的形象或儿童喜闻乐见的形式,这样可以缩短的形象或儿童喜闻乐见的形式,这样可以缩短商品和孩子们之间的心理距离,既能吸引儿童商品和孩子们之间的心理距离,既能吸引儿童的注意力,又能对儿童进行知识性的教育。的注意力,又能对儿童进行知识性的教育。 The form that the culture promote sales still has a lot, like verse form, easy to read slip away a form, fairy tale form, good shopp

221、ing environment etc.Should notice to choose some images that the children acquaint with or children while making use of cultural promotion pleased smell the forms that the joy see, so can shorten the mental distance of of merchandise and children, since can draw on the childs attention, and then car

222、ry on knowledge education to the child. 儿童消费品的促销策略Thepromotionstrategyofchildsconsumergoods.以上几种对儿童品来说效果较好的促销手段,以上几种对儿童品来说效果较好的促销手段,都有其适用条件,各有所长,如何有效地运用都有其适用条件,各有所长,如何有效地运用它们,还有赖于促销组合。所谓促销组合就是它们,还有赖于促销组合。所谓促销组合就是营销者在市场营销过程中,将多种营销手段综营销者在市场营销过程中,将多种营销手段综合运用,制订出完整的促销策略。合运用,制订出完整的促销策略。Above a few kind t

223、o children article to say the effect better promotion means, all have it to apply a condition, each has his own strong point, how availably make use of them, also depend on to promote sales a combination.The so-called promotion combination is a marketing synthesize various marketing meanses an usage

224、 in the market marketing the process, establish the promotion strategy of an integrity.如企业在运用广告促销的同时,可以适时运用如企业在运用广告促销的同时,可以适时运用爱心促销,诸如向希望工程捐款,为支援灾区爱心促销,诸如向希望工程捐款,为支援灾区孩子慷慨解囊等手段,提高企业美誉度,树立孩子慷慨解囊等手段,提高企业美誉度,树立企业在孩子们心目中的良好形象。选择最佳组企业在孩子们心目中的良好形象。选择最佳组合策略时,应综合考虑商品的特点、营销目标、合策略时,应综合考虑商品的特点、营销目标、环境、企业条件、儿童心

225、理等因素。环境、企业条件、儿童心理等因素。Can make use of benevolence promotion in good time at the time of making use of advertisement promotion such as the business enterprise, such as to hope that the engineering contribute money, for support disaster area a kid donate money to charity etc. means, raise a business en

226、terprise good reputation degree, set up a business enterprise in the good image in the childrens heart.Should synthesize factors, such as characteristics, marketing target, environment, business enterprise condition of consider the merchandise and child mental state.etc. while choosing the best comb

227、ination strategy.儿童消费品的促销策略Thepromotionstrategyofchildsconsumergoods.中老年消费品市场分析中老年消费品市场的特点Thecharacteristicsofmediumold-ageconsumergoodsmarketWinanold-ageconsumergoodsmarketanalysis.据统计部门数据显示:目前我国己有近据统计部门数据显示:目前我国己有近8 8亿亿中老年人中老年人,8080岁以上老年人口为岁以上老年人口为l l 3434亿,占总人口的亿,占总人口的1010以上:以上:6565岁以上的人口超过岁以上的人口

228、超过94009400万;万;8080岁以上老年人岁以上老年人口己达口己达13001300万:其中有固定收入的大体近万:其中有固定收入的大体近60006000万,这一群体的退休金、再就万,这一群体的退休金、再就业收入、赡养费高达业收入、赡养费高达l2T00l2T00亿元人民币。亿元人民币。According to statistics a section data a manifestation:The our country privately owned is about 800,000,000 middle age and old people currently, the 80 year

229、s old above old-age population is a l 3,400,000,000, take up above 10% of the total population:Population over 65 years of age over 94,000,000;The 80 years old bove old-age population is as personal as 13,000,000:Have already fixed the big body of income among them about 60,000,000, the pension of t

230、his group body, work again the income, alimony be up to a l 2 Ts 0 dollars renminbi.按照国际标准,我国己进入老龄化社会。按照国际标准,我国己进入老龄化社会。 根据全国老龄工作委员会提供的数根据全国老龄工作委员会提供的数据,我国老年市场年需求为据,我国老年市场年需求为60006000亿元,亿元,20102010年将达到年将达到l l万亿,而目前我国每年万亿,而目前我国每年为老年人提供的产品不足为老年人提供的产品不足10001000亿元,供需之间存在巨大商机。亿元,供需之间存在巨大商机。According to t

231、he international standard, our country F get into advanced age to turn society. The data provided according to the national advanced age work committee, our country old-age market year the need will attain a l trillion in 2010 for 600,000,000,000 dollars, but currently our country provide for the ol

232、d people annually of the product be not enough 100,000,000,000 dollars and the of supply and demand exists huge business opportunities.老龄化社会呼唤老年产业社会化程度曰益加深,老年产业异军突起,引发我老龄化社会呼唤老年产业社会化程度曰益加深,老年产业异军突起,引发我国产业结构的又一次重大变革,老年产业作为一种新兴产业,己经成为推动国产业结构的又一次重大变革,老年产业作为一种新兴产业,己经成为推动我国经济发展的重要力量,开发老龄商品市场,满足老年人的多种需求是未

233、我国经济发展的重要力量,开发老龄商品市场,满足老年人的多种需求是未来经济发展的一个重要方向。来经济发展的一个重要方向。The advanced age turns a society to call old-age industry acculturation degree Yue all the more deeply, the old-age industry different soldier Tu rise and cause our country another important changes of the industrial structure, the old-age i

234、ndustry is a kind of newly arisen industry, F through become push our country the important strength of the economic development, develop advanced age commodity market, various needs which satisfy old people are an important directions of economic development in the future.中老年消费品市场分析Winanold-agecons

235、umergoodsmarketanalysis.老年产业是指专门为老年人提供商品、服务和信息的产业。随着社会进步,老年产业是指专门为老年人提供商品、服务和信息的产业。随着社会进步,尊老敬老风气越来越浓,子女孝顺,国家关心,中老年产品必将在社会老龄尊老敬老风气越来越浓,子女孝顺,国家关心,中老年产品必将在社会老龄化浪潮的市场占有重要的份额。化浪潮的市场占有重要的份额。The old-age industry means exclusively to provide merchandise, service and the industry of information for the old p

236、eople.Along with the social progress, is respectfully old the old custom be more and more thick, the sons and daughters show filial obedience, nation concern, win an old-age product necessarily will turn wave tide in the social advanced age of the market occupy an important quota.投资新兴市场必将取得丰厚的投资收益回报

237、伴随着投资新兴市场必将取得丰厚的投资收益回报伴随着中老年人中老年人口数量的增加,口数量的增加,专业化产品消费市场的进一步成熟,专业化产品消费市场的进一步成熟,中老年人中老年人需求范围的扩大和需求层次的需求范围的扩大和需求层次的不断提高,中老年产业的市场份额在国民经济的各行业中所占比例不断上升,不断提高,中老年产业的市场份额在国民经济的各行业中所占比例不断上升,从而使其成为国民经济的新的增长点,中国的中老年消费市场己经迎来了一从而使其成为国民经济的新的增长点,中国的中老年消费市场己经迎来了一个全新的发展机遇。个全新的发展机遇。Investing a newly arisen market nec

238、essarily will obtain big investment income repay to accompany with a middle age and old people the increment of the amount, the profession turns product consumption the further maturity of the market, middle age and old people need the continuously raise of the extension and need layer of the scope,

239、 win the market quota of old-age industry the comparison have continuously rises in each profession of national economy, make it become the new growth of national economy to order thus, China of in old age consume market F through face to come to an all new development opportunity.专业化的企业必将迎来了发展、壮大的市场春天专业化的企业必将迎来了发展、壮大的市场春天! ! The business enterprise that profession turn necessarily will be face to develop, strong of market spring! 中老年消费品市场分析Winanold-ageconsumergoodsmarketanalysis.



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