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1、Chinas employment system and Imperial examination systemspeakers:贾晓玲:贾晓玲 李春梅李春梅 Hereditary(世袭) SystemwXia Dynasty Hereditary system is a system that the name, title and property, etc. are inherited from generation to generation according to blood relations. According to historical records, Yu(禹禹) pa

2、ssed to his son Qi(启)(启). This changed the demise(禅让)(禅让) system of primitive tribes and created a precedent for nearly four thousand years hereditary throne.Generations official (世卿世禄) SystemwZhou Dynasty Nobles as the officials of royal or vassal states are the lords at all levels. They are in acc

3、ordance with the principle of primogeniture (长子)(长子) handing down from generation to generation and possessing fiefs(封地)(封地). In thisl System,there are the selecting and appointing capable phenomenons,such as Shang tang assigned Yi Yin, King Wen hired Jiang shang and so on.Military Reward(军功)System

4、wSpring and Autumn &Warring States Period War continued, in order to cope with the increasingly frequent wars, the monarches(君主)(君主) of all countries began to appoint talents with considerable military capability as senior military commander. Recommend(荐举荐举) system:people can be appointed by self-re

5、ferral or through others recommendation. Its a Bo Le judging horses(伯乐相(伯乐相马)马) type.Recommendation-Investigation(察举) systemwQin and Han Dynasties With the establishment of the unified empire, the RI system began to gradually become fixed system based on the Recommend system. According to the order

6、of the emperor and certain subjects, talents are recommend to the center by locality .Through the investigation, they are granted a certain position.main subjects:(1)孝廉孝廉:dutiful and clean-fingered(2)秀才秀才:outstanding talent(3)明经明经:proficient in Jingyi(经义经义)(4)贤良方正贤良方正: advise frankly Nine-rank(九品中正)

7、 systemwWei, Jin Southern and Northern DynastyA system of recommending candidates for officials of nine grades by appointed officials named “zhongzheng(中正中正)”who are central prestigious(有声望的)(有声望的) officials.People are divided into nine levels by their merits, namely the 上上上上,上中上中,上下上下,中上中上,中中中中,中下中

8、下,下上下上,下中下中,下下下下(three categories:top-grade, middle and low-grade )Evaluation has three main components: family, morality, ability.The system was annulled in the Sui DynastyImperial Examination(科举) System It was founded in the Sui Dynasty in 605 ad, improved in the Tang Dynasty, developed in the Nor

9、thern Song Dynasty, and declined in the Ming and Qing Dynasties,eventually abandoned in 1905. wIn The Sui Dynasty The Sui Dynasty was the origin of the imperial examination system. After the Sui Dynasty unified the whole country, in order to strengthen the power of government,the imperial examinatio

10、n system replaced the Nine Rank Judging System(九品中九品中正制正制).wIn The Tang Dynasty The imperial examination system was completed in the Tang Dynasty. In the Tang Dynasty,the examination subjects were divided into two categories: the regular(常常科科) and the general(制科)制科). Wu Zetian was the first one who

11、created the Wuju(武举武举) and the Palace examination(殿试殿试).wIn The Song Dynasty The Song Dynasty was the reform period of the imperial examination system in ancient China. The admission and employment range was relaxed. The candidates were selected by the Emperor by himself in the Palace examination(殿试

12、殿试). Officially started to implement Huming(糊名)(糊名)and Yulu(誉录誉录),and established a new system to prevent favoritism(徇私徇私)wIn The Yuan Dynasty The Yuan Dynasty was a period of suspension(暂停暂停) of the imperial examination system.The Mongolian(蒙古人蒙古人) paid no attention to the selection of talents in t

13、he imperial examination, and the imperial examination were not held again and again after the death of the Song Dynasty.wIn The Ming Dynasty The Ming Dynasty was the heyday of the imperial examination system in ancient China.The imperial examination was divided into three levels:the County Examinati

14、on、the Academy Examination and the Palace Examination.Start to elect talents according to Eight-legged essay(八股文八股文).The examination content included The Four Books and the Five ClassicswIn The Qing Dynasty The Qing dynasty was a period of the demise of the imperial examination system in ancient Chi

15、na.The form and content of the examination were basically same as that of the Ming dynasty. This system lasted 1300 years, almost occupied 2000 years of the Chinese feudal(封建的封建的)society and 5000 years of civilization history.It was the most rational(理性理性的的) system compared with the Nine Rank Judgin

16、g System(九品中正制九品中正制)and Recommendation-Investigation System(察举制察举制)before Tang Dynasty.But the examination content of the Imperial Examination System was almost not related to natural science,and it was seriously out of practice, did not focus on capacity. Through the above brief review, it is easy

17、to see that officials selection system in ancient China had experienced an evolution from simple to complex, from low to high.Modern examination system After the abolition of the imperial examination, the examination gradually developed to diversification. Although the Imperial Examination was aboli

18、shed, but was “critical inherited”(批判的继承批判的继承) by the modern examination system. After the founding of new China, the state has established the College entrance examination (高考高考) (including the general college entrance examination and Adult College Entrance Examination), Self-examination (自学考试自学考试)

19、, the National Civil Service Examination (国家公务员考试国家公务员考试) and several other large-scale examination systems.College Entrance Examination System Chinas new universities directly copied Western Universitys independent enrollment system(自主招考制度自主招考制度), and had been used to early liberation(解放初期解放初期).The

20、 general development trend of college entrance examination in the Republic(民国时期民国时期) is from Independent recruitment(单独单独招考招考)to the unified examination(统一考试统一考试).In June 1952,the unified College Entrance Examination System was formally establishedIn 1966, due to the cultural revolution, the College

21、 Entrance Examination System was abolished.Until 1977, the College Entrance Examination System was restored.So far the unified college entrance examination is a fair system of talent selection, and continually developing and improvingCivil Service SystemCivil Service System in the Northern(北洋北洋) Gov

22、ernment and the Kuomintang(国民党国民党) Government Period was established learning from imperial System and Western Civil Service System.In the early founding of New China,The national cadre(干部干部) recruitment depends mainly on the unified distribution(统包统配统包统配) way and examination is only supplement.In 1

23、987, the Thirteenth National Congress (十三大)(十三大)of the party clearly put forward the establishment of the civil service system, and the provisions of all in business class civil servants shall be adopted by the statutory examination and open competition.In August 1994, the first central state admini

24、strative organs civil service recruitment examination was held in Beijing, from now on, the civil service examination recruitment work achieved normalization. The imperial examination system and the college entrance examination shows that selection of personnel through the examination system is of permanent value.Choosing talents by examination is the best choice currently that human beings have made after long time exploration.Thank you for your attention!



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