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1、Where the Red Fern Grows Lesson 1 - Understanding Sentences How can you tell a complete sentence from an incomplete sentence? Usually you tell just by listening.Incomplete Sentence (Fragment)Everyday.(What? Who does what everyday? I dont get it. This is not complete.)Incomplete Sentence (Fragment)Ev

2、ery day, rain or shine.(I dont care about the weather! Tell me who is doing what.)Complete SentenceBilly hunts.(This is a very simple sentence, but it has a subject Billy and a verb hunts. We know what happened and who did it.)Complete SentenceBilly hunts everyday.(Here is the same sentence with a l

3、ittle more information. Theres no confusion here.) Complete SentenceBilly hunts everyday, rain or shine.(Here is the same sentence with even more information, and its still very clear.)A complete sentence must have a subject and a predicate. The subject tells who or what does the action, and the pre

4、dicate contains the verb and tells what the action is.A verb is a word that expresses one of two things:Action: jump, scream, fly, runState of being: appear, seem, feelA subject can be any of the following things:The person who does the action in the sentence. Grandpa sells goods in his general stor

5、e.The place that does the action in the sentence. The general store swarms with people before the Fourth of July celebration. The thing that does the action in the sentence. Flour and sugar are mixed together to make cookies.The person described in the sentence. Grandpa is happy when he makes a good

6、 sell.The place being described in the sentence. The general store is crowded on Saturday.The thing being described in the sentence. Cookies are best when the flour and sugar are fresh.Subjects may come in different forms:One noun as the subject Billy wants hound dogs.Two nouns as a subject Little A

7、nn and Old Dan are two dogs.One pronoun as the subject He prays each night for dogs.Two pronouns as the subject He and she are both still awake because of the coon hounds.A phrase Staying awake all night is no fun.A clause What makes me mad is all the noise!Clausewhen he gets the money(This has a su

8、bject he and a verb gets, but youre left dangling, arent you? Its not a complete sentence. This is called a dependent clause. It depends on something else to make a complete sentence.Complete SentenceBilly will buy coon hounds when he gets the money.(Now we know whats going on!)Determine if the foll

9、owing are complete sentences or dependent clauses.1.When I left my office that beautiful spring day.2.I was walking along whistling when I heard the dogfight.3.About twenty-five feet from me they caught him and down he went.4.Down on my knees.5.With one final whimper.6.Where the alley emptied into t

10、he street, he stopped and looked back.7.As I watch him disappear in the twilight shadows.8.Whatever it was that had interrupted his life, he was trying to straighten it out.9.As I turned to enter my yard.10.As I caressed the smooth surfaces, my mind drifted back through the years, back to my boyhood

11、 days.Phrasethe sound of the hounds(We just saw that a clause has a subject and a verb. Theres no verb here; this is called a phrase. It could be the start of a great sentence, but it needs some help. It needs some action.)Complete SentenceThe sound of the hounds echoed in Billys mind even after the

12、 night quieted.(Now theres some action! It makes a very clear, complete sentence.)Tell which part of the sentence (subject or predicate) is missing in the sentence fragments below:1.A whole bucketful of tears. 2.My dog-wanting. 3.Bawling and yelling for Mama. 4.Had a talk with him. Lets build a few

13、sentences.Phraseyoung BillyDependent Clauseby the time hunting season was overComplete SentenceBy the time hunting season was over, young Billy was a nervous wreck.Phraseour cat SamieDependent Clausewith one loud squallComplete SentenceWith one loud squall, our cat Samie scooted under the barn.Phras

14、ethe glow of the fireDependent Clauseas I sat there in silenceComplete SentenceAs I sat there in silence, the glow of the fire grew larger.Phrasesparkled like a white star in the heavensDependent Clauseas I struck a matchComplete SentenceAs I struck a match, the smaller cup sparkled like a white sta

15、r in the heavens.Video on Sentence FragmentsPractice Complete Sentence or Sentence Fragment?1.I found some slick little trails out in the garden down under some tall hollyhocks. 2.Once I decided to make friends with him. 3.Thinking they were game trails. 4.Mama had another talk with Papa. Go to your Student Packet and complete Lesson 1 Practice for English.



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