2018高考英语大一轮复习 Unit 4 Astronomy the science of the stars课件 新人教版必修3

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2018高考英语大一轮复习 Unit 4 Astronomy the science of the stars课件 新人教版必修3_第1页
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1、基础知识自测基础知识自测重点词汇讲练重点词汇讲练写作句型仿写写作句型仿写基础知识自测基础知识自测1. _ n. 系统系统; 体系体系; 制度制度 _ adj. 系统的系统的; 有系统的有系统的 _ adv. 系统地系统地; 有系统地有系统地systematicallysystemsystematic (al)一、单词拓展一、单词拓展 (A)单词派生单词派生2. _ n. 谜谜; 难题难题 v.(使使)迷惑迷惑 _ adj. 困惑的困惑的 _ adj. 令人困惑的令人困惑的3. _ vi. 存在;生存存在;生存 _ adj. 存在的;生存的存在的;生存的 _ n. 存在;生存存在;生存exist

2、encepuzzlepuzzledpuzzlingexistexistent4. _ n. 暴力暴力; 猛烈猛烈 _ adj. 暴力的暴力的; 猛烈的猛烈的 _ adv. 粗暴地粗暴地; 猛烈地猛烈地5. _ n. 基础基础 _ adj. 基本的基本的; 基础的基础的 _ adv. 根本地根本地; 从根本上从根本上fundamentallyviolenceviolentviolentlyfoundation/fundamentfundamental6. _ n.& vt.伤害;损害伤害;损害 _ adj.有害的有害的 _ adj.无害的无害的harmharmfulharmless1. Play

3、ing computer games for a long time is very_ (harm) to our health. 作表语用形容词作表语用形容词, be harmful to 对对有害。有害。2. Their untrue comments _ (violence) hurt the feeling of Chinese people. (B) 灵活运用灵活运用harmfulviolently作状语用副词作状语用副词3. His answer to the question sounds _ (puzzle) and we are all _ (puzzle) a lot.位于

4、系动词后作表语用形容词位于系动词后作表语用形容词,前前者表示者表示“令人困惑的令人困惑的”, 后者表示后者表示“感到困惑的感到困惑的”。 puzzlingpuzzled4. As far as I am concerned, strong will, diligence, and devotion as well as perseverance are four _ (fundament) factors contributing to success.5. Few people understand that the _ (exist) of rare animals is closely

5、related to our life.作从句的主语作从句的主语 fundamental existence作定语用形容词作定语用形容词1. _下蛋下蛋2. _挡住挡住(光钱光钱)3. _感到高兴感到高兴; 感到振奋感到振奋4. _突发突发; 爆发爆发二、短语翻译二、短语翻译break out lay eggsblock outcheer up5. _密切注视密切注视; 当心当心; 提防提防6. _阻止阻止; 制止制止7. _产生产生; 分娩分娩8. _及时及时in time watch out (for) prevent .fromgive birth to9. _ 轮到某人;接着轮到某人;

6、接着10. _既然既然11. _依靠依靠12. _结果结果as a resultin ones turnnow thatdepend on三、语篇填空三、语篇填空 No one knows 1 _ (exact) how the earth began. However,according to a widely 2 _(accept) theory,it began 3 _ a “Big Bang”. Then the earth exploded loudly and produced water vapor and many gases,4 _(make) the earths atmo

7、sphere. And then as the earth cooled down,water appeared and stayed on the surface. makingwithaccepted exactly It was the presence of water that allowed the earth to dissolve(溶解溶解) 5 _ (harm) gases and acids into the oceans and seas,6 _ made it possible for life to develop. And the appearance of sma

8、ll plants encouraged the development of early shellfish and all sorts of fish. Next,green plants began to grow on land. They were followed by land animals. Later,reptiles appeared for the first time, after which dinosaurs developed. whichharmfulHowever,they suddenly 7 _ (appear). Therefore,mammals r

9、ose on 8 _ earth. Finally,humans appeared and spread all over the earth. However,they are putting too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere,making the earth too hot 9 _ (live) on. So whether life will continue on the earth will depend on whether this problem can 10 _ (solve). be solvedto live the

10、disappeared1. exactly 修饰动词修饰动词know用副词,表示用副词,表示“完完全,精确地全,精确地”。2. accepted 因因theory与与accept是被动关系,是被动关系,故用过去分词作定语。故用过去分词作定语。3. with 因因begin with (以以开始开始)是固定搭是固定搭配。配。4. making 现在分词表示伴随或结果,指水现在分词表示伴随或结果,指水蒸气与各种气体构成了地球的大气层。蒸气与各种气体构成了地球的大气层。5. harmful 在名词前作定语用形容词,表示在名词前作定语用形容词,表示“有害的有害的”。6. which 引导非限制性定语从

11、句并在从句引导非限制性定语从句并在从句中作主语。中作主语。7. disappeared 在主格人称代词后作谓语,在主格人称代词后作谓语,由语境是一般过去时,指突然由语境是一般过去时,指突然“消失了消失了”。8. the 在在earth, moon等世界上独一无二的等世界上独一无二的事物名词前通常用事物名词前通常用the。9. to live 在在tooto(太太而不能而不能)结构中,结构中,用不定式表示结果。用不定式表示结果。10. be solved 问题是问题是“被解决被解决”。四、语段改错四、语段改错 According to a wide accepted theory, the un

12、iverse began with a “Big Bang” that threwmatter in all direction. For several billions years after the “Big Bang”, earth was still just a cloud of dust. widelydirectionsbilliontheWhat it was to become was certain until between4.5 and 3.8 billion years before when the dustsettled into a solid globe.

13、The earth became soviolently that it was not clear whether the shapewould be last or not. uncertainagoviolentIt exploded loudly with fire and rock. Theywere on time to produce carbon, nitrogen, water vapor and other gases, that were to make the earths atmosphere. whichin time1. wide widely 用副词修饰过去分词

14、用副词修饰过去分词accepted (被接受的被接受的)。2. direction directions 受受all修饰,应用复数。修饰,应用复数。3. billions billion 因因billion, million, thousand, hundred等前面有数词或等前面有数词或few, several时,不用复数。时,不用复数。4. 在在earth前加前加the 独一无二事物前要加独一无二事物前要加the。 5. certain uncertain 它会变成什么它会变成什么“不能确不能确定定”。6. before ago 指离现在多久以前,用指离现在多久以前,用ago。 7. vi

15、olently violent 在在became后作表语,后作表语,要用形容词。要用形容词。8. 去掉去掉last前的前的be 因因last(持续,维持持续,维持)是不及是不及物动词,有了动词后,若不是进行时态或被物动词,有了动词后,若不是进行时态或被动语态,不用动语态,不用be。 8. on time in time 表示表示“及时做某事及时做某事”是是in time to do sth.,而,而on time是是“按时按时”。9. that which 引导非限制性定语从句用引导非限制性定语从句用which。重点词汇讲练重点词汇讲练1theory n. 学说;理论学说;理论例句例句 How

16、ever,according to a widely accepted theory,the universe began with a “Big Bang” that threw matter in all directions但是但是,一种普遍为人们所一种普遍为人们所接受的理论是:宇宙起源于一次大爆炸接受的理论是:宇宙起源于一次大爆炸,这次大爆炸将物质投射到四面八方。这次大爆炸将物质投射到四面八方。搭配搭配 in theory 在理论上在理论上反义反义 in practice 在实践上在实践上运用运用 根据汉语意思完成英文句子。根据汉语意思完成英文句子。总之,理论必须同实践相结合。总之,理

17、论必须同实践相结合。 In brief, theory must be combined with practice.2violent adj猛烈的猛烈的;激烈的激烈的;强暴的强暴的例句例句 The earth became so violent that it was not clear whether the shape would last or not地球变得激烈动荡,地球变得激烈动荡,不知道这个固体形状是否会继续。不知道这个固体形状是否会继续。搭配搭配 violent crime 暴力犯罪暴力犯罪派生派生 _ n. 猛烈,暴力猛烈,暴力(行为行为) _ adv猛烈地猛烈地violen

18、tly violence运用运用 根据提示完成英文句子。根据提示完成英文句子。 Children should not be allowed _ (看暴力电影看暴力电影)。to watch violent movies Her husband is _ (一个粗暴的人一个粗暴的人) His heart beats _ (violence) violentlya violent man3. unlike prep. 不同不同; 不像不像(not like; not typical of)例句例句 Water had also appeared on other planets like Mars

19、 but, unlike the earth, it had disappeared later.水在其他星球上水在其他星球上也出现过,例如在火星上就曾出现过,但和也出现过,例如在火星上就曾出现过,但和地球不同的是,这些水后来都消失了。地球不同的是,这些水后来都消失了。转化转化 unlike adj. 不同的不同的; 不相似的不相似的 反义反义 like prep. 像;同像;同一样一样 like adj. 相似的;同样的相似的;同样的运用运用 根据汉语意思完成英文句子。根据汉语意思完成英文句子。她不像她妈妈;她很高,而她妈妈很矮。她不像她妈妈;她很高,而她妈妈很矮。_; she is tal

20、l while her mother is very short.She is unlike her mother4. harmful adj. 有害的有害的, 伤害的伤害的例句例句 the continued presence of water allowed the earth to dissolve harmful gases and acids into the oceans and seas. 由由于地球上长期有水的存在,使地球能够把于地球上长期有水的存在,使地球能够把有害气体和酸性物质溶解在海洋里。有害气体和酸性物质溶解在海洋里。be harmful to 对对有害有害 do ha

21、rm to sb. = do sb. harm 对某对某人有害处人有害处搭配搭配运用运用 填入一个适当的词或用所给词的填入一个适当的词或用所给词的正确形式填空。正确形式填空。 As we all know, smoking is_ (harm) to our health. Thats to say,it does harm _ our health. Therefore, we shouldnt smoke but to do something_ (harm) to our health.harmless harmfulto5exist vi. 存在;生存;生活;存在;生存;生活;继续存在

22、继续存在例句例句 This kind of rare animals existed 20,000 years ago这种这种珍稀动物两万年前就存在了。珍稀动物两万年前就存在了。exist in 存在于存在于中中 exist on = live on 靠靠生活生活 exist as 作为作为而存在而存在搭配搭配运用运用 用适当的词填空或用所给词用适当的词填空或用所给词的适当形式填空。的适当形式填空。 The little boy cannot exist _ the money he is earningon Matter can exist _ a solid,liquid or gas W

23、e cant exist without waterThat means our _ (exist) depends on waterexistenceas原句原句 How life began on earth is one of the biggest puzzles that scientists found hard to solve. 生命是如何起源的这个问题是科学家生命是如何起源的这个问题是科学家很难解答的最大困惑之一。很难解答的最大困惑之一。(B3 P27)6. puzzle n. 谜谜; 难题难题 v. (使使)迷惑迷惑; (使使)为难为难例句例句 How he passed

24、the exam is still a puzzle to us.他是如何通过考试的对我们来他是如何通过考试的对我们来说还是一个谜。说还是一个谜。搭配搭配be puzzled by 被被迷惑迷惑be a puzzle to sb. 对某人来说是个谜对某人来说是个谜/ 困惑困惑 befeel puzzled about 对对感到困惑感到困惑运用运用 填入一个恰当的词或完成句子。填入一个恰当的词或完成句子。 Your explanation was really a puzzle _ me. His recent behavior_ (使我困惑使我困惑). to puzzles me 原句原句 T

25、hey are putting too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which prevents heat from escaping from the earth into space. 他们把过多他们把过多的二氧化碳释放到大气层中的二氧化碳释放到大气层中, 这使得地这使得地球上的热不能释放到太空中去。球上的热不能释放到太空中去。(B3 P26)7. prevent /stop /keep.from 阻止阻止/ /防防止止提示提示 在主动语态的句子中在主动语态的句子中, stop和和 prevent后的后的from可省略可省略, 但但ke

26、ep后的后的from不能省略不能省略; 在被动语态中在被动语态中, 此三个短语中的此三个短语中的from 均不可均不可省略。省略。比较比较 protect .from . 保护保护不受不受例句例句 The farmer built a wall to prevent his chickens from running out. 那个农民那个农民建了围墙来防止鸡跑出去。建了围墙来防止鸡跑出去。运用运用 根据汉语提示完成句子根据汉语提示完成句子。上涨的河水使我们过不了河上涨的河水使我们过不了河。The rising water _ _ .人们采取行动来防止环境的恶化人们采取行动来防止环境的恶化。P

27、eople took measures _ _.prevented us fromcrossing the riverto prevent theenvironment from getting worse原句原句 Walking does need a bit of practice now that gravity has changed. 重力改变了重力改变了, 看来走路也的确需要练一练了。看来走路也的确需要练一练了。(B3 P31)8. now that 由于由于; 既然既然例句例句 Now that you are a student, you must obey school ru

28、les. 既然你是学生既然你是学生, 你必须遵守学校的规则。你必须遵守学校的规则。运用运用 (1)既然大家来了既然大家来了,我们就开会吧。我们就开会吧。_, lets begin our meeting (2)既然已完成了工作既然已完成了工作, 你就应该好好休息你就应该好好休息。You ought to have a good rest _ _ .now that/as you have finished the worksince/Now that/Since everybody is here 9in time 及时;终于;迟早及时;终于;迟早例句例句 The man in time ca

29、ught the bag falling from upstairs那个人那个人及时接住了从楼上掉下来的包。及时接住了从楼上掉下来的包。in no time 立刻立刻,马上马上at no time 绝不绝不at a time 每次每次,一次一次at one time 曾经;一度曾经;一度at the same time 同时同时from time to time 有时有时,偶尔偶尔联想联想运用运用 填入一个恰当的词。填入一个恰当的词。 When our guests arrive at our home, we should serve tea _ time With many subject

30、s to concentrate on,I failed to finish homework _ time on in 10break out (火灾战争地震等火灾战争地震等)爆发;发生爆发;发生例句例句 The teacher stayed at home when the big fire broke out in the tall building. 当那场高楼大火发生时,那当那场高楼大火发生时,那个老师正待在家里。个老师正待在家里。break into破门而入破门而入break up (组织、公司等组织、公司等)解散解散 break away from脱离脱离联想联想运用运用 根据汉

31、语意思完成英文句子。根据汉语意思完成英文句子。 昨天晚上,两个小偷破门而入小李昨天晚上,两个小偷破门而入小李家,并偷走了一块手表。家,并偷走了一块手表。Last night,two thieves _ Xiao Lis home and stole a watchbroke into 当地震发生时当地震发生时,大家都在睡觉。大家都在睡觉。When the earthquake, _everyone was sleeping in bed ABA乐队去年解散了,这是我们没乐队去年解散了,这是我们没有料想到的。有料想到的。Band ABA _ last year,which was beyond

32、our expectation broke upbroke out11. give birth to 产生;分娩;引起;造产生;分娩;引起;造成成例句例句 They gave birth to young baby animals and produced milk to feed them.它们能产出幼仔并给幼仔哺乳。它们能产出幼仔并给幼仔哺乳。运用运用 根据汉语意思完成英文句子。根据汉语意思完成英文句子。She _(生了一个健康男婴生了一个健康男婴)last night. 这段奇特的经历促成了他最新一部小这段奇特的经历促成了他最新一部小说的诞生。说的诞生。The extraordinary

33、 experience_.to his latest novel gave birth to a healthy baby boygave birth12. in ones turn 轮到某人轮到某人; 接着接着例句例句 Thus they have, in their turn, become the most important animals on the planet.于是,他们接着成为了这个于是,他们接着成为了这个行星上最重要的动物。行星上最重要的动物。联想联想 Its sb.s turn to do sth.轮到某轮到某 人做某事人做某事 in turn 轮流,依次轮流,依次 by

34、 turns轮流;交替地轮流;交替地 take turns to do sth.轮流做某事轮流做某事翻译翻译 将下列句子译成英文。将下列句子译成英文。 轮到我的时候轮到我的时候,我给他们讲了一个笑我给他们讲了一个笑话。话。 轮到你看医生啦。轮到你看医生啦。Its your turn to see the doctor.In my turn, I told them a joke.13. watch out 注意注意,当心当心(单独用于祈使句单独用于祈使句) watch out for 密切注意,提防密切注意,提防运用运用 根据汉语意思完成英文句子。根据汉语意思完成英文句子。 当心,别把桌子上的

35、纸弄脏了。当心,别把桌子上的纸弄脏了。 _! Dont dirty the paper on the desk. 我们必须提防公共汽车上的小偷。我们必须提防公共汽车上的小偷。We must_ on the bus.watch out for the thievesWatch out13watch out 注意,当心注意,当心(单独用单独用于祈使句于祈使句) watch out for 密切注意,提防密切注意,提防运用运用 根据汉语意思完成英文句子。根据汉语意思完成英文句子。 当心,别把桌子上的纸弄脏了。当心,别把桌子上的纸弄脏了。_!Dont dirty the paper on the de

36、skWatch out 我们必须提防公共汽车上的小偷。我们必须提防公共汽车上的小偷。We must _ on the bus watch out for the thieves写作句型仿写写作句型仿写原句原句 It was not immediately obvious that water was to be fundamental to the development of life. 水对于生命的发展水对于生命的发展会起关键作用会起关键作用, 这一点在当时并不明显。这一点在当时并不明显。(B3 P26)1. It is obvious that. 显然显然例句例句 It was obvi

37、ous that he had been late for school again. 很明显他又迟到了。很明显他又迟到了。同义同义 obviously/apparently, /It is quite clear that.短语短语 be fundamental to对对是必要是必要的的;对对是根本的是根本的仿写仿写 (1) 很显然他没有成功。很显然他没有成功。 It is obvious that he hasnt been successful. (2)显然断电了。显然断电了。(3)很明显你的学生明天没有说实话。很明显你的学生明天没有说实话。_yesterday.It was obvio

38、us that your student didnt tell you the truth It is obvious that electricity has been cut off. 原句原句 This produced a chain reaction, which made it possible for life to develop. 这就产生了一系列的这就产生了一系列的反应反应, 使得生命就有可能开始发展了。使得生命就有可能开始发展了。(B3 P26)2. make it + adj. + for sb. to do使某使某人做某事人做某事例句例句 The present si

39、tuation makes it difficult for us to accomplish the task on time. 目前的情况使我们很难按时完目前的情况使我们很难按时完成任务。成任务。说明说明 it是形式宾语是形式宾语, 后面的后面的to do是真是真正的宾语。正的宾语。仿写仿写 根据汉语意思,完成英文句子。根据汉语意思,完成英文句子。 因特网使我们有可能用很短的时间获因特网使我们有可能用很短的时间获知世界上发生的所有的事。知世界上发生的所有的事。The Internet has _ what happens around the world in much less time

40、 made it possible for us to get to know 这本字典使我学习英语容易多了。这本字典使我学习英语容易多了。The dictionary_ English 这座桥使我们很方便过河。这座桥使我们很方便过河。The bridge _ the river made it quite convenient for us to cross makes it much easier for me to learn原句原句 Whether life will continue on the earth for millions of years to come will de

41、pend on whether this problem can be solved 生命在地球上是否延续数百万年生命在地球上是否延续数百万年将取决于这个问题能否解决。将取决于这个问题能否解决。(B3 P26) 3. whether . depend on whether . 某某事是否发生取决于是否事是否发生取决于是否例句例句 Whether we will have a picnic depends on whether it is fine tomorrow. 我们明天是否进行野炊我们明天是否进行野炊取决于明天是否天晴。取决于明天是否天晴。仿写仿写 根据汉语意思,完成英文句子。根据汉语意

42、思,完成英文句子。 我们下周是否进行考试取决于我们是我们下周是否进行考试取决于我们是否按时完成了任务。否按时完成了任务。 _ depends on whether we will finish the task on timeWhether we will have an examination 我是否嫁给他取决于他是否爱我。我是否嫁给他取决于他是否爱我。 _ depends on whether he loves meWhether I will marry him 地球变暖是否加剧取决于我们的活地球变暖是否加剧取决于我们的活动是否产生更多的二氧化碳。动是否产生更多的二氧化碳。Whether the global warming will become more serious _. depends on whether our activities will produce more carbon dioxideThank You !



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