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1、Passionate Pursuit of Perfection矢志不渝,追求完美重庆和凌雷克萨斯汽车销售培训2009年12月03日从销售到营销PPT课件Passionate Pursuit of Perfection矢志不渝,追求完美The Relentless Pursuit of Perfection Continues 矢志不渝 继续追求完美从销售到营销PPT课件Passionate Pursuit of Perfection矢志不渝,追求完美The meaning of training培训的意义培训的意义Trigger awareness, from dont know to kn

2、ow启动自觉,从不知道到知道From knowing to know how to do it 从知道到能做到All of you have been through from dont know to know各位都曾经经历过从不知道而变成知道But knowing doesnt mean you can do it但是知道不等于就能够做得到According to field reports, today in our dealerships operation we are somewhere around knowing but cant quite do it根据各自担当的职责,我们

3、负有不同的责任和义务,今天我们徘徊于知道但未能完全做到之间从销售到营销PPT课件Passionate Pursuit of Perfection矢志不渝,追求完美Theme for the Training本次培训的主题把顾客永远留在身边把顾客永远留在身边 从销售到营销PPT课件Passionate Pursuit of Perfection矢志不渝,追求完美营销-创造客户 之培训目的从营业员到销售顾问顾问-在特定领域具有专业知识或技能 并能提供相关咨询或建议.从销售到营销PPT课件Passionate Pursuit of Perfection矢志不渝,追求完美 目的:满足客户需求并实现价值

4、交换从而实现利润销售销售-改善人们生活品质的行为改善人们生活品质的行为 从销售到营销PPT课件Passionate Pursuit of Perfection矢志不渝,追求完美营销-创造顾客 之销售与服务销售的根本是通过服务实现价值服务是有价的销售产品.从销售到营销PPT课件Passionate Pursuit of Perfection矢志不渝,追求完美 营销-持续创造客户. 营销的核心不是把产品卖出去,而是塑造强势品牌 从销售到营销PPT课件Passionate Pursuit of Perfection矢志不渝,追求完美 营销-创造顾客我们的品LEXUSLEXUS从销售到营销PPT课件P

5、assionate Pursuit of Perfection矢志不渝,追求完美营销-创造顾客 之销售与营销 销售-创造利润 (被动) 营销营销-创造顾客创造顾客 (主动主动)从销售到营销PPT课件Passionate Pursuit of Perfection矢志不渝,追求完美营销-创造顾客 怎么做怎么做?从销售到营销PPT课件Passionate Pursuit of Perfection矢志不渝,追求完美营销-创造顾客 态度决定成败 细节创造价值从销售到营销PPT课件Passionate Pursuit of Perfection矢志不渝,追求完美营销营销-创造顾客创造顾客一,有效沟通二

6、,充分理解顾客需要三,提供合理的可行性建议四,实现顾客期望价值五,及时反馈顾客信息六,持续创造顾客价值从销售到营销PPT课件Passionate Pursuit of Perfection矢志不渝,追求完美营销-创造顾客 之有效沟通沟通的目的是建立一种人际关系被认同的沟通才是有效的沟通从销售到营销PPT课件Passionate Pursuit of Perfection矢志不渝,追求完美营销-创造顾客 之有效沟通思考:你是否认为工作久了就应该加薪? 理由呢?从销售到营销PPT课件Passionate Pursuit of Perfection矢志不渝,追求完美营销-创造顾客 之有效沟通思考:你

7、以为上司对你了解有多少?1:你以前做过什么工作?2;你家乡在那里?3:你是什么血型?4:你最擅长什么?5:你的缺点是什么?6:你喜欢运动还是喜欢看书?. (你觉得你的上司知道多少?)从销售到营销PPT课件Passionate Pursuit of Perfection矢志不渝,追求完美营销-创造顾客 之有效沟通与上司沟通的技巧 1:主动汇报 2:尽量清楚,准确回答上司的问题 3:努力学习,充实自己 4:接受批评,不要犯同样的错误 5:不忙的时候,主动帮助他人 6:接受任务不要抱怨 7:对自己的业务主动提出改善计划,让上司进步从销售到营销PPT课件Passionate Pursuit of Pe

8、rfection矢志不渝,追求完美营销-创造顾客 之有效沟通沟通三要素 1.基本问题心态 2.基本原理-关心 3.基本要求-主动从销售到营销PPT课件Passionate Pursuit of Perfection矢志不渝,追求完美营销营销-创造顾客创造顾客 之充分理解顾客需求错误的不是顾客的需求,而是我们对顾客需求的错误理解. 从销售到营销PPT课件Passionate Pursuit of Perfection矢志不渝,追求完美营销营销-创造顾客创造顾客 之充分理解顾客需求误解一,顾客不能准确说出需要误解二,顾客不同需要不同误解三,顾客需要会快速变化从销售到营销PPT课件Passionat

9、e Pursuit of Perfection矢志不渝,追求完美营销营销-创造顾客创造顾客消费行为的变化 从 AIDMA(注意兴趣- 欲望 -记忆-行动) 转换到 AISAS(注意兴趣-搜索-行动-分享)从销售到营销PPT课件Passionate Pursuit of Perfection矢志不渝,追求完美营销营销-创造顾客创造顾客 之提供合理的可行性建议尊重客户的价值观求同存异,减少实差距告诉客户你是专业性帮助客户做出决定.从销售到营销PPT课件Passionate Pursuit of Perfection矢志不渝,追求完美营销营销-创造顾客创造顾客 之实现顾客期望价值之实现顾客期望价值学

10、会故事营销学会故事营销做好终端体验做好终端体验现地现物现地现物,充分利用资源充分利用资源从销售到营销PPT课件Passionate Pursuit of Perfection矢志不渝,追求完美营销营销-创造顾客创造顾客 之之 及时反馈顾客信息重视客户期望价值的实现及时反馈客户意见和建议提出你的解决之道从销售到营销PPT课件Passionate Pursuit of Perfection矢志不渝,追求完美营销营销-创造顾客创造顾客 之持续创造客户价值之持续创造客户价值关注客户发展创造更完美服务重视周边价值的创造从销售到营销PPT课件Passionate Pursuit of Perfection

11、矢志不渝,追求完美营销-创造顾客 谁和您一起做?从销售到营销PPT课件Passionate Pursuit of Perfection矢志不渝,追求完美营销-创造顾客 之团队 团队团队是由个体和管理层组成的一个共同体,该共同体合理发挥每一个成员的知识和技能协同工作,解决问题,达成共同的目标。 群体: 两个以上相互作用又相互依赖的个体,为了实现某些特定目标而结合在一起。群体成员共享信息,作出决策,帮助每个成员更好地担负起自己的责任。 相信您的上司,相信您的下属,相信您的同事 - 相信团队的力量!从销售到营销PPT课件Passionate Pursuit of Perfection矢志不渝,追求完

12、美营销-创造顾客 之成功 标准 永远把顾客留在您身边永远把顾客留在您身边从销售到营销PPT课件Passionate Pursuit of Perfection矢志不渝,追求完美More Lexus dealers operating in more cities雷克萨斯从销售到营销PPT课件Passionate Pursuit of Perfection矢志不渝,追求完美营销-创造顾客您的舞台 您可以做主从销售到营销PPT课件Passionate Pursuit of Perfection矢志不渝,追求完美营销-创造客户 如果您愿意 您还可以知道并做到这些从销售到营销PPT课件Passiona

13、te Pursuit of Perfection矢志不渝,追求完美And time is what we need我们需要的真正就是更多的时间This is where actual advanced training will start培训也会从这个珍贵的时间角度出发We have a good program and process, but we havent perfect the execution我们有很好的流程和工具,但我们还没有完善自身的执行能力Nothing will change if you are not prepared to change with time如果我

14、们不准备作一些改变的话,那就什么都不会改变Success is a habit, so is failure成功是一种习惯,失败也是一种习惯To compete successfully in high level, you must continuously looking for new ways to compete要想在高层次成功竞争, 你需要不断地找寻新的做事方法May be its true that you have no time or simply never looked at how you spent it也许你真的是没有时间,更有可能的是你从来都没有想过时间是怎花掉的

15、 从销售到营销PPT课件Passionate Pursuit of Perfection矢志不渝,追求完美Management wisdom sharing管理智慧分享Its the things that we used to do but no longer do that will continue to make us successful. The problem is that these things are so simple and therefore not easy to recognize when its too late to do anything about i

16、t 永远都是那些我们曾经都做得很好的事情,但已经很久没有做了。哪些都是会让我们继续享受成功的事情,问题就是这些都是非常简单但不容易察觉的事情。当我们察觉到的时候已经是为时已晚了从销售到营销PPT课件Passionate Pursuit of Perfection矢志不渝,追求完美Time management is not clich时间管理并不是过时的概念Import and Urgent重要且迫切Important but not urgent重要但不迫切Urgent but not important迫切但不重要Other things / Wasted time其他琐碎事情/浪费时间N

17、othing will change if you continued to say that you have no time 如果你继续说你没时间,那什么都不会改变从销售到营销PPT课件Passionate Pursuit of Perfection矢志不渝,追求完美Time management is not clich时间管理并不是过时的概念Import and Urgent重要且迫切Important but not urgent重要但不迫切Urgent but not important迫切但不重要Other things / Wasted time其他琐碎事情/浪费时间Dont

18、let the urgent but not important things rise to the level of important and urgent 不要让迫切但不重要的事情提升到重要且迫切的地位从销售到营销PPT课件Passionate Pursuit of Perfection矢志不渝,追求完美Time management is not clich时间管理并不是过时的概念Import and Urgent重要且迫切Important but not urgent重要但不迫切Urgent but not important迫切但不重要Other things / Wasted

19、 time其他琐碎事情/浪费时间Other than yourself, who else can do this job with equal effectiveness 除了你以外,公司内还有谁一样可以胜任这个工作从销售到营销PPT课件Passionate Pursuit of Perfection矢志不渝,追求完美Time management is not clich时间管理并不是过时的概念Import and Urgent重要且迫切Important but not urgent重要但不迫切Urgent but not important迫切但不重要Other things / Wa

20、sted time其他琐碎事情/浪费时间Free yourself up and really focus on doing more important but not urgent work 释放自己,多做一些长远来说极其重要但在今天看来并不迫切的工作从销售到营销PPT课件Passionate Pursuit of Perfection矢志不渝,追求完美The cost of a showroom customer每一个到店客户的成本从销售到营销PPT课件Passionate Pursuit of Perfection矢志不渝,追求完美Learning about cost in deal

21、ership operation 了解经销店的经营成本Do you know how many customers went through your showroom last year你知道去年整年有多少个顾客到过你的展厅吗Squeezed out the air. Do you know the true performance of your sales team in the customer handling process last year挤掉泡沫,你知道去年你的销售队伍在顾客服务流程中的真正表现是怎样的吗What should be the work output of a

22、sales consultant 销售顾问通过他/她的工作应该产出什么Do you know how much money your dealer spent on advertising last year你知道去年你的经销商花在销售广告方面的开支是多少吗What was the cost to bring one customer into your dealership last year去年每一个进店顾客的成本是多少吗 What is the advertising budget this year,how is he going to pay for it 今年你们的广告开支预算是多

23、少,老板怎样可以支付这笔费用 从销售到营销PPT课件Passionate Pursuit of Perfection矢志不渝,追求完美Management principle sharing管理原则分享In any business, there can only be three ways to profit在任何行业里,只有三种盈利的途径从销售到营销PPT课件Passionate Pursuit of Perfection矢志不渝,追求完美Management principle sharing管理原则分享In any business, there can only be three w

24、ays to profit在任何行业里,只有三种盈利的途径1/. Increase sales volume 提升销售量2/. Increase the selling price提升销售价格3/. Reduce cost and expenses降低成本及开支 从销售到营销PPT课件Passionate Pursuit of Perfection矢志不渝,追求完美They are not easy to accomplish它们都不是可以轻易完成的Increase sales volume requires effort 提升销售量需要下一番功夫Increase the selling pr

25、ice requires skills提升销售价格需要技术Reduce cost and expenses require sacrifice降低成本及开支需要做出牺牲And we dont like sacrifice or being sacrificed我们都不喜欢做出牺牲或者被受牺牲 从销售到营销PPT课件Passionate Pursuit of Perfection矢志不渝,追求完美Everything in the new car business starts with customer新车销售业务一切都是从顾客出发Dealership operation starts fro

26、m a sales of a new vehicle经销店的一切都是从新车销售开始的And it starts with a customer新车的销售一切都是从顾客出发的These operation concepts didnt change even today这些基本的经营概念今天都应该没有改变从销售到营销PPT课件Passionate Pursuit of Perfection矢志不渝,追求完美Success formula in car business also remain unchanged汽车行业成功方程式也没有改变过Attract more customers吸引更多的顾

27、客Induce more selling process引发更多的销售流程Generate more profit这样做就能成就更多的利润More customers, more process, more profit, very simple多点儿顾客,多点儿流程,多点儿利润,就是这么简单 从销售到营销PPT课件Passionate Pursuit of Perfection矢志不渝,追求完美Management wisdom recap管理智慧重温Its the things that we used to do but no longer do that will continue t

28、o make us successful. The problem is that these things are so simple and therefore not easy to recognize when its too late to do anything about it 永远都是那些我们曾经都做得很好的事情,但已经很久没有做了。哪些都是会让我们继续享受成功的事情,问题就是这些都是非常简单但不容易察觉的事情。当我们察觉到的时候已经是为时已晚了从销售到营销PPT课件Passionate Pursuit of Perfection矢志不渝,追求完美Checking of exi

29、sting tools重新检查现有的工具Four mental principles四个销售心理原则Six selling steps 销售六步法Lexus sales management philosophy雷克萨斯的销售管理原则Lexus Sales Management System (M.I.S.)雷克萨斯的销售管理系统 (管理工具) 从销售到营销PPT课件Passionate Pursuit of Perfection矢志不渝,追求完美Enthusiasm comes from understanding of our customers 热情来自于对顾客的了解Everyone w

30、ants to feel important 每个人都想感觉到自己是重要的Everyone wants to think they are smart每个人都想被认为是聪明的Come to their level doesnt mean you have to agree everything they say把自己降到顾客的层次不等于必须认同顾客的每一句话Agree not to agree politely求同存异,但维持尊重Show empathy, get permission to talk啊!我明白你在说什么,我可以解释的,你想不想听听从销售到营销PPT课件Passionate P

31、ursuit of Perfection矢志不渝,追求完美Four mental principles四个心理原则1. All car buyers think alike所有消费人士想法都是一样的(价格第一,产品第二)2. Never qualify your customer永远都不要区分顾客3. Do your customer a favor, discount every word he says不要让顾客的表面行为或者是话语,影响我们的销售热忱4. Take the time to sell yourself利用时间,推销自己从销售到营销PPT课件Passionate Pursui

32、t of Perfection矢志不渝,追求完美Reasons why we cannot sell car我们不能卖车的理由No one will buy until new models arrive 新款上市之前顾客不会买老款New model is ugly, but old model discontinued新款不比老款好看,但老款不生产了No customer will buy a car the first time out第一次来店的顾客是不会买车的Our price is too high我们的价格太高了We qualify to the extreme我们是可以区分一切事

33、情到极点的 从销售到营销PPT课件Passionate Pursuit of Perfection矢志不渝,追求完美Management wisdom recap管理智慧重温Its the things that we used to do but no longer do that will continue to make us successful. The problem is that these things are so simple and therefore not easy to recognize when its too late to do anything abou

34、t it 永远都是那些我们曾经都做得很好的事情,但已经很久没有做了。哪些都是会让我们继续享受成功的事情,问题就是这些都是非常简单但不容易察觉的事情。当我们察觉到的时候已经是为时已晚了从销售到营销PPT课件Passionate Pursuit of Perfection矢志不渝,追求完美Do your customer a favor, discount every word he says不要让顾客的表面行为或话语,影响我们的销售热忱We sell on the face of negative我们都是从负面信息开始销售的Take objection as what it is and not

35、 personally异议只是不同的意见,不要耿耿于怀 Customer dont like me or the product顾客是不喜欢我还是不喜欢我的产品Customer can make new decision based on new information提供了新的信息之后,顾客会作出新的决定Selling begin when customer say no当顾客说不的时候,销售就开始了 从销售到营销PPT课件Passionate Pursuit of Perfection矢志不渝,追求完美So how do we discount那如何可以不受影响呢If were talki

36、ng, we continue to talk如果我们在谈话,我们继续谈话If were walking, we continue to walk如果我们在走路,我们继续走路If were smiling, we continue to smile如果我们在微笑,我们继续微笑If were demonstrating, we continue to demonstrate如果我们在示范,我们继续示范If were writing, we continue to write如果我们在填写订单,我们继续填写从销售到营销PPT课件Passionate Pursuit of Perfection矢志不

37、渝,追求完美Take the time to sell ourselves利用时间,推销自己Customer will not buy anything from you if they dont buy you first顾客不会从我们这里买什么如果他们不不喜欢我们Time will allow the customer to get to know you时间会让顾客更深地了解你Present yourselves in a fine package把自己包装好Sell your honorable intention把你的友善动机与顾客沟通 从销售到营销PPT课件Passionate P

38、ursuit of Perfection矢志不渝,追求完美Six selling steps销售六步法1.Greeting专业接待顾客2.Identifying wants and needs确认顾客的用车需求3.Recommend the right car介绍合适的车型4.Six positions sell六方位产品介绍5.Test drive试乘试驾6.Closing达成交易从销售到营销PPT课件Passionate Pursuit of Perfection矢志不渝,追求完美Lexus sales management principles recap重温雷克萨斯的科学销售管理原则W

39、hen we deal in generalities, we shall never succeed当我们马虎行事,我们永运也不会成功When we deal in specifics, we shall rarely have failure当我们能具体的处理问题,我们很少会失败When performance is measured, performance improves当业绩表现可以量化,业绩表现必定会有所提升When performance is measured and reported, the rate of performance improvement accelera

40、tes当业绩表现能被量化并且需要汇报时,业绩表现的增长速度也会加速从销售到营销PPT课件Passionate Pursuit of Perfection矢志不渝,追求完美Handle customer objection with great efficiency高效率地处理顾客的异议Remove hostility and avoid argument 排除敌意先不要争吵Express empathy and acknowledge customers information表示表面认同顾客的信息Take a step backward and gain a step forward反向思维

41、推进,以退为进Get permission to explain and then explain slowly得到顾客的同意后慢慢地解析You only need to cast doubt in the customers mind你只需要动摇顾客的想法Based on new information, customers attitude can change quickly提供新的信息底下,顾客很有可能因此而改变态度从销售到营销PPT课件Passionate Pursuit of Perfection矢志不渝,追求完美The most frequent use excuses and

42、objections in your showroom 展厅里顾客常用的借口和异议Considered your customer is prepared假设你的顾客是有备而来的He/she will start very low他/她会从低价位开始Assure your customer that he/shes not crazy让他/她知道你并不认为他这个想法有问题We have heard even lower比这个价格更低我们都有听过Ask if he/she would like to know why问问他/她想不想知道为什么会有这么低的价格Pace yourself and e

43、xplain effectively从容不迫的向顾客解析 从销售到营销PPT课件Passionate Pursuit of Perfection矢志不渝,追求完美Think positively正面的思维There are only those who cannot breakthrough in their mind只有想不通的人There is no path where we cannot breakthrough 没有走不通的路Our ability is like a check, It worthless if you cannot cash it我们的能力就像一张支票,不能兑现为

44、现金就没毫无价值Through and through, we are providing a valuable service to our customers我们始终的是在提供有价值的顾客服务We dont apologize for making a honest living我们不会为正当的谋生行为而道歉的 从销售到营销PPT课件Passionate Pursuit of Perfection矢志不渝,追求完美Objection handling experience sharing处理顾客的经验分享Have faith in our customers. They are reaso

45、nable对顾客要有信心,顾客都是讲道理的They know the value of what a reputable company is他们都非常清楚声誉良好的公司价值何在Most people do want to buy from reputable companies大部分的人都希望从商誉良好的公司那里去买东西的If we are reputable we must tell customer so如果我们是商誉优秀的企业,那我们必须要告诉顾客All we need to do is to say it and let our customers decide我们只管说出来,就让我

46、们的顾客决定吧I had never seen a salesperson achieve much by saying nothing我从没有见过一个不说话的销售顾问能够有很好的业绩的 从销售到营销PPT课件Passionate Pursuit of Perfection矢志不渝,追求完美Objection handling experience sharing处理顾客的经验分享Accept it! We sell despite of negative information接受汽车行业的现实,我们总是从负面信息出发开始销售的Have faith in yourself相信自己的说服能力A

47、ccept objection as what it is, it is not against you从容的面对异议,它不是针对个人而来的All we need to do is to open that trap door我们只需要打开那个会封闭信息的脑门When the trap door is open, anything can happen当脑门为你打开的时候,什么都有可能了We dont need a 100% answer我们是不需要一个绝对肯定的答案的We only need to persuade towards positive territory我们只需要游说到一个比较

48、正面的区域Take the time and sell yourself 利用时间,推销自己从销售到营销PPT课件Passionate Pursuit of Perfection矢志不渝,追求完美Anything else you would like me to address还以其它你想我面对的吗从销售到营销PPT课件Passionate Pursuit of Perfection矢志不渝,追求完美Conclusion培训总结跟我们分享一下今天最大的收获是什么?跟你来之前,现在你的态度有否改变了?为什么?令你印象最为深刻的学习是什么,为什么?你会在哪些方面有所提升?为什么?从销售到营销PPT课件Passionate Pursuit of Perfection矢志不渝,追求完美Lexus will have the finest dealership network in the industry雷克萨斯雷克萨斯 业界精英业界精英 End 培训结束从销售到营销PPT课件



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