2018版高考英语一轮复习 Module 6 The Tang Poems课件 外研版选修8

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1、核心单词核心单词单词运用单词运用1.share v分享,共享分享,共享2advance n进进步;步;进进展展3mental adj.内心的;精神上的内心的;精神上的4cater v满满足需求足需求5acquaintance n相相识识的人;泛泛之交;的人;泛泛之交;acquaint vt.使使认认识识6part v分手;分离;分手;分离;parting n.7failure n失失败败者;者;fail vi.失失败败8suffering n(肉体或精神上的肉体或精神上的)痛苦;苦痛苦;苦难难;suffer vt.& vi.遭遭受;受;经历经历;患病;患病9prove v证证明是;被明是;被发

2、现发现是;是;proof n证证据;据;证证明明10appeal n魅力,吸引力;魅力,吸引力;appealing adj.有吸引力的,有趣的有吸引力的,有趣的11approve v赞赞成;同意;成;同意;approval n.12expense n费费用;用;expensive adj.昂昂贵贵的的13caution v警告;警告;劝劝小心;小心;cautionary adj.警告的,告警告的,告诫诫的;的;cautious adj.小心的,小心的,谨谨慎的慎的14donate v提供;捐献提供;捐献/赠赠;donation n.15decorate v装点;美化;装点;美化;decorat

3、ion n装装饰饰物;装物;装饰饰方式方式16independence n独立;独立;independent adj.独立的;自主的独立的;自主的17imagination n想象;空想;想象;空想;imagine vt.;imaginative adj.富富有想象力的;有想象力的;imaginable adj.可想象到的;可想象到的;imaginary adj.想象的,想象的,虚构的虚构的18reflect v反映,反映,显显示;表达;示;表达;reflection n.语境助记语境助记词不离句,句不离段词不离句,句不离段 I made the acquaintance of Jack at

4、 a meeting last year.He is mentally alert and he is tolerant of other peoples weaknesses.As time went on,he proved to be an independentminded,cautious and imaginative business partner.He could find new ways to promote our products in an appealing manner.用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空1She looked at her refle

5、ction (reflect) in the mirror long,carefully.2He is a cautious (caution) person,so whatever he does,he is not only thoughtful but careful.3In the absence of proof (prove),who is the thief is still not announced.4A true gentleman is strict with himself and tolerant (tolerate) with others.5One of the

6、English teachers Kate eventually submitted her project to the school board for their approval (approve) of the speech contest.6Goods in that store are quite expensive (expense),so I cant afford.7The students usually decorate their classroom with paper flowers and balloons.But this year they intend t

7、o buy some decorative lights and special decorations.(decorate)8All the readers cant imagine how he can be so imaginative and write so many imaginary stories.We are all amazed about his rich imagination.(imagination).单词拼写单词拼写1These words dont reflect(反映反映)how he succeeded.2The professor does not app

8、rove(同意同意)of the governments foreign policy.3An inventor has a rich imagination(想象力想象力)so that he or she invents many new things.4We were cautioned(警告警告)not to make a lot of noise after ten in the evening.5The Great Hall was decorated(装点装点)with flowers for those heroes.高频短语高频短语短语运用短语运用1.cater_for满满足

9、足的要求的要求2hand_in_hand_with 与与手拉手手拉手3think_of.as. 把把看作看作4at_ones_high_point 在在的鼎盛的鼎盛时时期期5trade_with 和和做交易做交易6have_a_sense_of_humor 有幽默感有幽默感7be_allowed_to_do_sth. 被允被允许许做某做某事事8take_on 呈呈现现9approve_of_sth. 赞赞成某事,同意某成某事,同意某事事10correspond_with 与与通信;相通信;相符,一致符,一致11take_hold_of 抓住抓住12be_addicted_to 迷上迷上用高频短

10、语的适当形式填空用高频短语的适当形式填空1It is known to us all that the 11th national games emblem takes_on many different meanings.2Retailers also have to cater_for very different tastes around the country.3Big companies in Germany generally approve_of the euro,while small manufacturers are nervous; big banks are in f

11、avor,while small ones are against.4I used to correspond_with him regularly for three years,but later I lost touch with him.5The lucky people are those who can take_hold_of every chance when it arrives.常用句型常用句型句型运用句型运用as/ so far as 【信息提取信息提取】as/ so far as 的使用的使用_, I read anything Im interested in.就我而

12、言,就我而言, 我我对对什么感什么感兴兴趣趣就就读读什么。什么。【答案答案】As far as Im concerned重点语法:复习情态动词重点语法:复习情态动词选词填空选词填空mustshouldcanmaycould1Its usually warm in my hometown in March,but it _ be rather cold sometimes.2The soccer team has been doing well this season,so they _ win the championship.3Why didnt you pick up the MP4?I

13、_ have bought it,but I didnt carry that much money.4Naturally,after I tell my brother what to do,he _ go and do the opposite.5Where are you going for your holidays?I havent decided yet.I _ go to England.【答案答案】1.can2.should3.could4.must5.may词汇词汇突破突破1acquaintance n熟人;认识熟人;认识He is not a friend,only an

14、acquaintance.他不是朋友,只是熟人。他不是朋友,只是熟人。 I made his acquaintance at a party.我是在一次聚会上我是在一次聚会上认识认识他的。他的。【归纳拓展归纳拓展】I have a nodding acquaintance with her,so I dont know her address.我和她只是一面之交,所以不知道她的地址。我和她只是一面之交,所以不知道她的地址。Ill leave you two alone for a while so that you can get better acquainted.我会我会让让你你们们两个两

15、个单单独待一会儿,你独待一会儿,你们们可以好好可以好好认识认识一下。一下。完成句子完成句子Even _ it was clear that he was not “the right type”初次初次见见面就看出他面就看出他显显然不是然不是“对对路子的人路子的人”。I had _ modern poetry.我我对现对现代代诗诗所知甚少。所知甚少。【答案答案】on first acquaintancelittle acquaintance with 2share (1)v.分享,共享分享,共享He would share his last pound with me.他要是剩下最后一他要是剩

16、下最后一镑镑也会和我分着用。也会和我分着用。Friends should share in sorrows as well as joys.朋友朋友应应当同甘共苦。当同甘共苦。(2)n.一份;份一份;份额额If you want a share of the pay,youll have to do your fair share of the work.要要是是你你想想得得到到一一份份报报酬酬,你你就就必必须须做做好好你你该该分分担担的那一份工作。的那一份工作。【归纳拓展归纳拓展】翻译句子翻译句子He had got his share of the profits._我愿意与你们同甘共苦。

17、我愿意与你们同甘共苦。_他们有共同的兴趣和爱好。他们有共同的兴趣和爱好。_Ill bear my share of the expense._【答案答案】他分得了他的那份利益。他分得了他的那份利益。 I want to share sorrow and happiness with you.They shared the same interest and hobby.我愿意承担我那一份费用。我愿意承担我那一份费用。 高考链接(2016江苏卷,B)There are several reasons to believe that the urges to help, inform and_(s

18、hare) are not taught, but naturally possessed in young children.【答案】share3glance v& n一瞥;迅速看一眼一瞥;迅速看一眼He glanced at the envelope and recognized his uncles handwriting.他瞥了一眼那个信封,他瞥了一眼那个信封,认认出是他叔父的笔迹。出是他叔父的笔迹。Have you got time for a glance at this report?你有没有你有没有时间浏览时间浏览一下一下这这份份报报告?告?【归纳拓展归纳拓展】He could

19、 tell at a glance that she was upset.他一眼就看出她很失落。他一眼就看出她很失落。She glanced through her daughters homework and signed it.她匆匆她匆匆浏览浏览了一下女儿的作了一下女儿的作业业,就在上面,就在上面签签了字。了字。He gave her a quick glance when passing by.他从旁他从旁边经过时边经过时,匆匆看了她一眼。,匆匆看了她一眼。At first glance,he is something like Liu Dehua.乍一看,他有点像刘德乍一看,他有点像

20、刘德华华。巧辨异同巧辨异同glance,stare,glare,glimpse(1)glance指指“很很快快看看一一眼眼”,强强调调“看看”的的动动作作。既既可可用用动动词词形形式式glance at,也可用名,也可用名词词形式,形式,take a glance at。(2)stare指指盯盯着,入神地看。着,入神地看。(3)glare指指盯盯着,但更着,但更侧侧重于怒重于怒视视。(4)glimpse“瞥瞥见见”,强强调调一瞬一瞬间间“看看”到的内容,多用名到的内容,多用名词词形式,形式,catch/get/have a glimpse of “瞥瞥见见”。 用用glance,glare和和

21、stare填空。填空。He _ at his watch.他看了一眼手表。他看了一眼手表。The old woman _ at him.那个老妇人怒视着他。那个老妇人怒视着他。Mary _ at him in disbelief,shaking her head.玛莉摇着头不相信地盯着她看。玛莉摇着头不相信地盯着她看。【答案答案】glancedglaredstared4approve vt.赞成,同意,认可赞成,同意,认可Her father will never approve of her marriage to you.她父她父亲亲永永远远不同意她和你不同意她和你结结婚。婚。【归纳拓展归

22、纳拓展】Every project has to be approved by the board of directors.每每项计项计划都必划都必须经过须经过董事会的批准。董事会的批准。The government approved of the idea that pollution should be forbidden.政府方面非常政府方面非常赞赞同禁止同禁止污污染的染的这这个意个意见见/想法。想法。By doing well at school he hoped to win his parents approval.他在学校表他在学校表现现不不错错,希望以此得到父母的,希望以此得

23、到父母的赞许赞许。【温馨提示温馨提示】approve不能用于进行时态。不能用于进行时态。 多维训练多维训练(1)单句语法填空单句语法填空She looked at her son _ approval.No teacher can approve _ cheating in exams.I hope the arrangements meet with your _(approve)Does your mother approve of your _(go) to study in America alone?(2)一句多译她不同意女儿晚上出去。_(approve)_(approval)_(a

24、gree)(3)单句改错Personally,I do approve students writing blogs._【答案】 (1)in of approvalgoing(2)She didnt approve of her daughter going out at night.She didnt gave her approval to her daughter going out at night.She didnt agree that her daughter went out at night.(3)approve后加of5reflect vt.& vi.反映,反射;映照;照出

25、;思考,反省反映,反射;映照;照出;思考,反省White clothes are cooler because they reflect the heat.白色的衣服因白色的衣服因为为反射反射热热穿起来比穿起来比较较凉快。凉快。A bent moon is reflected in the lake.一一轮轮弯月倒映在湖中。弯月倒映在湖中。I reflected that there wasnt much point in continuing my plans now that he had gone.我考我考虑过虑过,既然他已走了,既然他已走了,继续继续我的我的计计划也就没多大意划也就没多

26、大意义义了。了。His sons bad behavior at school reflected on him as a parent.他儿子在学校的糟糕表他儿子在学校的糟糕表现让现让他他这这个做家个做家长长的很没面子。的很没面子。The rising crime rate is a reflection of an unstable society.犯罪率上升是社会不犯罪率上升是社会不稳稳定的反映。定的反映。On reflection,I determined to go there for myself.经过经过再三考再三考虑虑之后,我决定之后,我决定亲亲自前往那儿。自前往那儿。 【归纳

27、拓展归纳拓展】(1)be reflected in被映照在被映照在中;反映了中;反映了reflect on/upon 对对带带来不利影响来不利影响(2)reflection nC影像;反映影像;反映U反射;反照;思考,考反射;反照;思考,考虑虑on reflection 经经再三考再三考虑虑,经经深思熟深思熟虑虑a reflection of 的反映的反映(3)reflective adj. 沉思的;沉思的;(表面表面)反光的反光的 完成句子完成句子The glass _ her face.玻璃杯映出了她的脸。玻璃杯映出了她的脸。The trees on the shore line _ in

28、 the clear water.沿岸的树木在清清的河水里倒映出来。沿岸的树木在清清的河水里倒映出来。He _ the quality of the instruments was good anyway.他寻思不管怎样这些乐器的质量还是不错的。他寻思不管怎样这些乐器的质量还是不错的。I often _ the beauty and complexity of life.我们经常思考人生的美丽与复杂。我们经常思考人生的美丽与复杂。【答案答案】reflectedwere reflectedreflected thatreflect on高考链接(2016新课标卷,D)In these cultu

29、res,silence is a call for _(reflect)【答案】reflection6prove vt.证明,证实证明,证实linkv.证明是,原来是,结果是证明是,原来是,结果是The book has proved very popular,giving students a sense of motivation and achievement.这本书被证明很受欢迎,给了学生们动力和成就感。这本书被证明很受欢迎,给了学生们动力和成就感。【归纳拓展归纳拓展】provethat clause证明证明proven./pron. 证明证明prove sb.(to be)n./ad

30、j. 证明某人证明某人Its proved that. 据证明据证明Theres(no)proof that. (没没)有证据证明有证据证明 Evidence has been found that proves his innocence.已已经经找到找到证证明他无罪的明他无罪的证证据。据。She has proved herself(to be) an honest and kindhearted girl.她的表她的表现现已已证证明她是一个正直善良的姑娘。明她是一个正直善良的姑娘。It is proved that the antique dates from the Ming Dyna

31、sty.据据证证明明这这个古董的个古董的历历史可追溯到明朝。史可追溯到明朝。Theres no proof that someone burst into the room. 没有没有证证据据证证明有人明有人闯闯入入过这间过这间屋子。屋子。 完成句子完成句子It would give me great pleasure _.能证明萨姆的清白让我很高兴。能证明萨姆的清白让我很高兴。_ he was on the crime spot.没有证据证明他当时在犯罪现场。没有证据证明他当时在犯罪现场。This method _ more efficient._ this method is more e

32、fficient.这种方法被证明很有效。这种方法被证明很有效。【答案答案】to prove Sam innocentTheres no proof thatis proved to be;It is proved that高考链接(2016浙江卷,11)Scientists have advanced many theories about why human beings cry tears,none of which has been _ (prove)【答案】proved短短语语聚焦聚焦1cater for满足满足的要求;顾及;为的要求;顾及;为提供所需提供所需It catered fo

33、r all tastes and included living and dead poems from the homeland and from all over the Englishspeaking world,.它它迎迎合合了了不不同同的的口口味味,包包括括人人们们经经常常读读的的和和不不经经常常读读的的诗诗,有有英英国的还有来自整个英语世界的,国的还有来自整个英语世界的,TV must cater for many different tastes.电视节目必须迎合各种人的爱好。电视节目必须迎合各种人的爱好。【归纳拓展归纳拓展】cater for sb.为某人提供服务,满足某人要求

34、为某人提供服务,满足某人要求cater for a party/wedding/meeting etc.为聚会为聚会/婚礼婚礼/会议等筹办酒席会议等筹办酒席/提供服务提供服务cater to迎合,投合迎合,投合This restaurant often caters for large banquets.这个饭馆常常承办大型宴会。这个饭馆常常承办大型宴会。Football fans were well catered for.足球迷们得到了极大的满足。足球迷们得到了极大的满足。This is a magazine catering to the interests of adults.这本杂志

35、投合成年人的口味。这本杂志投合成年人的口味。完成句子完成句子He runs a restaurant and also _ weddings and parties.他经营饭店,还承办婚礼和宴会酒席。他经营饭店,还承办婚礼和宴会酒席。Its the kind of movie that _ the worst side of human nature.这是那种迎合人性最阴暗面的电影。这是那种迎合人性最阴暗面的电影。【答案答案】caters forcaters to2correspond with和和通信;与通信;与相一致;相符合相一致;相符合Hundreds of people corresp

36、onded with London Underground suggesting poems,or just to say thank you.数百人给伦敦铁路局写信推荐诗歌或只是表达谢意。数百人给伦敦铁路局写信推荐诗歌或只是表达谢意。The house exactly corresponds with my needs.这个房子与我的要求一致。这个房子与我的要求一致。He has corresponded with his classmates since he graduated.自从毕业以来他一直和同学有书信往来。自从毕业以来他一直和同学有书信往来。 【归纳拓展归纳拓展】 His exp

37、ense doesnt correspond to his income.他入不敷出。他入不敷出。There is little correspondence between his promises and actions.他的承诺和他的行为难得一致。他的承诺和他的行为难得一致。 多维训练多维训练(1)单句语法填空单句语法填空The translation does not quite correspond _ the original.I assure you what I do will correspond _ what I say.(2)完成句子完成句子She stopped _ a

38、fter the death of her mother.她母亲去世后她不再与他通信。她母亲去世后她不再与他通信。These goods dont _ my order form.这些货物与我的订单不符。这些货物与我的订单不符。【答案答案】(1)towith(2)corresponding with himcorrespond with句型精析句型精析1as/so far as(1)到达某个提及的地方到达某个提及的地方He walked as far as the post office.他一直走到他一直走到邮邮局。局。(2)像像一一样远样远We didnt go so far as the

39、others (did)我我们们走得没有其他人那么走得没有其他人那么远远。(3)在在范范围围内;就内;就而言而言So far as I know,he will be away for three months.就我所知,他要外出就我所知,他要外出3个月。个月。【归纳拓展归纳拓展】as/so long as只要。引导条件状语从句只要。引导条件状语从句as much/many as多达多达,达到,达到之多之多as far as the eye can/could see极目所尽极目所尽as far as I know就我所知就我所知as far as I can remember(see,tel

40、l,etc)尽我所记得的,依我看尽我所记得的,依我看/说说as far as sb./sth.be concerned就就而言而言完成句子完成句子_,you can do what you like.就我而言,你可以做你喜欢做的事。就我而言,你可以做你喜欢做的事。_,he is the best in our class.就英语学习来说,他是我们班最优秀的。就英语学习来说,他是我们班最优秀的。【答案答案】As far as I am concernedAs far as English is concerned2If_only people could see me inside.要是人们能看

41、到我的内心世界就好了。要是人们能看到我的内心世界就好了。“If only句句子子”是是一一个个固固定定句句型型,表表示示一一种种愿愿望望“要要是是就就好好了了/但愿但愿”,从句中通常用虚,从句中通常用虚拟语拟语气。气。(1)if only.could/would/might do.表表示示对对将将来来事事情情的的愿愿望望(不不用用should)(2)if only.did.表示表示对对与目前或与目前或现现在事在事实实相反的愿望相反的愿望(3)if only.had done.表示表示对对与与过过去事去事实实相反的愿望相反的愿望If only she could have lived a lit

42、tle longer!要是她能活得再要是她能活得再长长一些,那一些,那该该多好啊!多好啊!I had no information about my son.If only I hadnt said those tough words to him.还还没有我儿子的消息。要是我没没有我儿子的消息。要是我没对对他他说说那些太那些太严厉严厉的的话话就好了。就好了。 完成句子完成句子_,I could buy a car.要是我有更多的钱,我就能买辆汽车了。要是我有更多的钱,我就能买辆汽车了。 【易混辨析易混辨析】if only用来表达愿望,意为“但愿;要是就好了”,句中谓语动词要用虚拟语气(与现在事实相反用一般过去时,与过去事实相反用过去完成时)only if由副词only和从属连词if组合而成,only仅起强调作用,意为“只要”。注意:“only状语”位于句首时,引起句子部分倒装语境填词语境填词Xiao Ming said,“_I could pass the College Entrance Examination!”,but his father said,“_ you study hard can you go to university.”【答案答案】If only I had more moneyIf only;Only if



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