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1、IRF三话步回合交互模式与交际性英语课堂教学IRF Exchange Pattern and Communicative EFL Classroom Teaching范文芳Wenfang Fan 清华大学外文系教授 博士生导师 “大、中、小学一条龙英语教学研究中心主任wenfangfan126一一. 师生课堂交互的师生课堂交互的“伯明翰模式伯明翰模式”“伯明翰模式” 由以Sinclair and Coulthard1975为代表的英国伯明翰学派提出。课堂上师生的交互分为五个级阶:课lesson)课段transaction)回合exchange)话步move)话目act)其中最重要的是回合和课段

2、:回合是师生会话的基本单位,它由不同的话步组成;不同的回合组成不同的课段1.1.回合回合IRFIRF三话步回合交互模式三话步回合交互模式 :(1 1典型的典型的IRFIRF三话步回合交互模式;三话步回合交互模式; (2 (2IRFIRF大于三话步回合的交互模式大于三话步回合的交互模式(1 1典型的典型的IRFIRF三话步回合交互模式三话步回合交互模式 三个话步组成一个回合:三个话步组成一个回合:教师引发教师引发InitiationInitiation)学生应答学生应答Response)Response)教师反馈或教师反馈或/ /和后续话语和后续话语 (Feedback or/and Follo

3、w-upFeedback or/and Follow-up) 简称为简称为IRF IRF 例1: T: Whats this? Trevor. (I)S: An axe. (R) T: Its an axe. Yes. (F)例2:(请学生看图片比较乌龟和兔子的快慢)T: Who is fast?Ss: The rabbit is fast.T: Yes. The rabbit is fast.(2 2IRFIRF大于三话步回合的交互模式大于三话步回合的交互模式 在很多时候,在很多时候,IRFIRF三回合话步交互不是一次完三回合话步交互不是一次完成的,于是就会出现成的,于是就会出现IRFIRF

4、大于三话步回合的交互模式。大于三话步回合的交互模式。例例1 1:(老师请学生看图片回答问题):(老师请学生看图片回答问题)T: What did he do? What did he do? You, T: What did he do? What did he do? You, please. please. (I)(I)S: Play badminton. S: Play badminton. (R1(R1T: Badminton? Sit down, please. *, please. T: Badminton? Sit down, please. *, please. (RI)(RI

5、)S: He played tennis. S: He played tennis. (R2)(R2)T: Perfect answer! He played tennis. OK! T: Perfect answer! He played tennis. OK! (F)(F) 在上边的例子中,学生第一次回应的答案内容不在上边的例子中,学生第一次回应的答案内容不正确,并且所用的时态正确,并且所用的时态也有错误。老师再次引发问题,让另一个学生回答。也有错误。老师再次引发问题,让另一个学生回答。这次回答是正确的,这次回答是正确的,于是老师做出正面评价性反馈。于是老师做出正面评价性反馈。 例2:(老

6、师在用实物,教授学生单词“hacksaw 钢锯”)T: What do we do with a hacksaw, this hacksaw? (I) P: Cut trees. (R)T: Do we cut trees with this? (RI)P: No. No. (R)T: Hands up. What do we do with this? (RI)P: Cut wood. (R)T: Do we cut wood with this? (RI)P: No. (R)T: What do we do with that then? (RI)P: Sir.T: Cleveland.

7、(RI)P: Metal. (R)T: We cut metal. Yes, we cut metal. (F)例3:(老师一边往黑板上过灯笼模型,一边问)T: Whats Miss Wang doing? (I)Ss: Miss Wang is hanging up the lantern. (R1)T: Whats Miss Wang doing?(RI)Ss: Miss Wang is hanging up the lantern. (R2)T: OK! Good! (F) 在以上例子中,学生第一次回应的答案是正确的,但老师仍再次引发问题让学生回答。学生在此回答正确后,老师才做出正面评价

8、性反馈。 留意: 当学生给出正确答案,老师不做出正面性评价反馈,而是再次引发问题的做法,有时会给学生造成误解,使学生误认为第一次回应的答案是错误的,而后重新寻求答案,而且重新寻找到的答案往往是错误的。这时,学生会感到迷茫,甚至失去寻找正确答案的兴趣和信心,使用时需要十分谨慎。 例4老师请学生听录音中的对话,听完后老师让学生说所听对话中交际双方的关系):T: What about dialogue two? Whats the relationship between the two speakers? (I)S1: Teacher and student. (R1)T: Teacher and

9、 student? Are you sure? Ha! Let me ask Chenchen. What do you think is their relationship? (RI)Chenchen: I think its student and student relationship. (R2) T: Student and student relationship? Whats the possible answer? (RI) Ss:#(注释:学生之间窃窃私语Parent and child. (R3)T: Parent and child? OK, lets listen a

10、gain. OK? (RI) (1)(1)问题的类型问题的类型 IRF IRF三话步回合课堂师生交际成功的重要一三话步回合课堂师生交际成功的重要一环是教师所提出的问题。教师提出的问题一般分成环是教师所提出的问题。教师提出的问题一般分成两类:展示性问题和参考性问题。两类:展示性问题和参考性问题。2.IRF2.IRF三话步回合中的提问三话步回合中的提问 例1:(老师把闹钟拨到9点)T: What time is it? (I)Ss: Its nine oclock. (R)T: Youre very smart. (F)a. a. 展示型问题展示型问题(display questions)(dis

11、play questions):教师为达到某一特定教学:教师为达到某一特定教学目的而提出的、事先知道答案的问题,老师属于目的而提出的、事先知道答案的问题,老师属于“明知故问明知故问”,这是为课堂交际而提出的问题。这是为课堂交际而提出的问题。例2:T: So many pictures. Can you tell me what special day it is? Together! (I)Ss: Chinese New Year. (R)T: Its the Chinese New Year. (F)b. 参考性问题(reference questions):教师不知道问题的答案而寻求信息的

12、问题,是为真实交际而提出的问题。T: Can you tell me what you do on the Chinese New Year? *, please.S: I eat dumplings. I wear new clothes. I put up posters.T: Oh! You do so many special things. T: How about you, Jack?S: I watch TV shows on the Chinese New Year.T: Good idea! Many people watch TV on the Chinese New Ye

13、ar Eve. 问题:在英语课堂上,展示型问题和参考性问题的使用,哪问题:在英语课堂上,展示型问题和参考性问题的使用,哪 类问题应该优先?类问题应该优先? 在英语作为外语的教学课堂上,在英语作为外语的教学课堂上,“展示性问题和展示性问题和“参考性问题在教学中各自参考性问题在教学中各自起着不同的功能,二者都具有重要意义。一般说来,根据教师所提问题的不同,可以起着不同的功能,二者都具有重要意义。一般说来,根据教师所提问题的不同,可以把英语课堂交际分为两种:一种是把英语课堂交际分为两种:一种是“课堂教学交际课堂教学交际”,另一种是,另一种是“真实情景交际真实情景交际”(范文芳、樊亚城,(范文芳、樊亚

14、城,2019)。)。 在英语作为外语的教学课堂上,两种交际模式的功能不同,但各自都起着重要的在英语作为外语的教学课堂上,两种交际模式的功能不同,但各自都起着重要的作用,二者缺一不可。前者是教与学的需要,而培养学生真实情境交际的能力是整个作用,二者缺一不可。前者是教与学的需要,而培养学生真实情境交际的能力是整个外语教学中最根本任务之一。在英语教学课堂上,教师不仅要利用课堂教学交际进行外语教学中最根本任务之一。在英语教学课堂上,教师不仅要利用课堂教学交际进行教学,而且还要有意识地发展学生真实情景交际能力。因此,教师要对两种课堂交际教学,而且还要有意识地发展学生真实情景交际能力。因此,教师要对两种课

15、堂交际模式进行调节使用。有意识地对两种交际模式进行调节使用,是教师在英语课堂教学模式进行调节使用。有意识地对两种交际模式进行调节使用,是教师在英语课堂教学中一个重要的教学行为。中一个重要的教学行为。c. c. 课堂教学的基本交际模式课堂教学的基本交际模式(2)(2)问题的层次性问题的层次性 教师所提出的问题具有层次性。请看以下三个例教师所提出的问题具有层次性。请看以下三个例子中,问题的层次性:子中,问题的层次性:例例1 1:T: All the students must wear school uniforms T: All the students must wear school uni

16、forms every day. What do you think about the every day. What do you think about the rule?rule?S: I donS: I dont like the rule. I think we should t like the rule. I think we should wear what fits us.wear what fits us.T: I like your idea. T: I like your idea. 例2:(教授关于“自由女神像的课文)T: What do you know abou

17、t the Statue of Liberty? (I)S: Its a gift from France to America. (R)T: Great! The Statue of Liberty was a gift from France to America. (F)例3:T: Ill take you to a forest, because the animals Olympic Games will be held there. Would you like to go with me? (I)Ss: Yes. (R)T: Ok, lets go! (F)(3)(3)问题的有效

18、性问题的有效性例例1 1:试分析以下例子中问题的有效性:试分析以下例子中问题的有效性: :T: Now take out your paper? Your paper? Here, T: Now take out your paper? Your paper? Here, this one. Sorry. this one. Sorry. Yah, this one. Paper. Here we have a Yah, this one. Paper. Here we have a chart in the paper, and you try to watch chart in the p

19、aper, and you try to watch carefully for only two times. Yes, just only carefully for only two times. Yes, just only two times, and then just fill in this chart. two times, and then just fill in this chart. Are you ready? Ready, class? Yes or no? Are you ready? Ready, class? Yes or no? Ss: Yes. (onl

20、y a few students)Ss: Yes. (only a few students)T: Yes or no?T: Yes or no?Ss: Yes. (a few more students)Ss: Yes. (a few more students)T: Yes or no?T: Yes or no?Ss: Yes, ya. (Almost all the students and Ss: Yes, ya. (Almost all the students and loud)loud)T: Very good. Yes. T: Very good. Yes. 例2. Read

21、the story. Billy the Cat Billy the cat went to fly a kite. There was a lot of wind. That was what Billy needed. Billy let the string of the kite go little by little. The wind took the kite up, up and up. Billy was so happy that he clapped his hands. The string of the kite flew out of his hands. Bill

22、y jumped up to catch the string. “Hooray, I got it!” Billy caught the string. Then Billy felt light. Where was Billy? Billy went up with the kite. The kite flew Billy into the sky! Billy and the kite flew up, up and up. They flew so high that Billy was scared.Students response (Group 3): Billy saw a

23、 man on the ground. He shouted, “Help, help!The man looked at Billy and said, “Clap your hands again!” Billy Clapped his hands. The kite flew out of his hands and Billy fell to the ground. Billy was happy. He hurt his legs, but he was safe on the ground.Ss & T: ?请看老师提出的问题: T: How can Billy come to t

24、he ground? Now work in groups and find a way to solve the problem. (1 1教师使用多种形式的正面反馈教师使用多种形式的正面反馈 教师反馈是课堂上师生之间交流过程中教师反馈是课堂上师生之间交流过程中的重要一环。请学生回答问题正确后,老师要用的重要一环。请学生回答问题正确后,老师要用多种形式做出正面评价性反馈。多种形式做出正面评价性反馈。 3. 教师反馈及其应该注意的问题教师反馈及其应该注意的问题 T: There are many teachers in our classroom. Say “Hello” to the tea

25、chers!Ss: Hello, teachers!T: Yes! Everyone, we have learnt the opposite words. Can you tell us some of them? Berry. (I)S1: (0) (R1)T: Oh, youre not ready yet. Youll do it later. Jerry, you please. (F; I)S2: Black and white. (R)T: black and white. Thats right! *, you please. (F; I) S3: Tall and short

26、. (R)T: Tall and short. Thats right! Jassica! (F; I)S4: In front of, behind. (R)T: Wow! How do you know that? Good! Very good! How about Mike? (F; I)S5: Long and short. (R)T: long and short. Maggi. (F; I) S6: Heavy, light. (R)T: Yes! *, please. (F; I)S7: Stand up and sit down. (R)T: Yes, up, down. T

27、hats Wonderful!. You, please. (F; I) S8: Girl, Boy. (R)T: Oh! girl, boy. Youre great! Sally, whats yours? (F; I) S9: Clean, dirty. (R)T: Yes, clean and dirty. Ok, good! Everybody did a very good job today . Im proud of you! (F) (2要避免零反馈要避免零反馈 老师请学生回答问题后,如果做出零反馈,会老师请学生回答问题后,如果做出零反馈,会影响学影响学生的学习情绪。特别是当

28、老师对有些学生的回答做生的学习情绪。特别是当老师对有些学生的回答做出正面出正面评价性反馈,而在有些学生回答后却做出零反馈,评价性反馈,而在有些学生回答后却做出零反馈,学生会学生会感到老师感到老师“不公平不公平”,因而可能会导致学生产生消,因而可能会导致学生产生消极的心极的心理后果。因此,老师要有意识地避免在学生回应后理后果。因此,老师要有意识地避免在学生回应后的零反的零反馈现象的发生。馈现象的发生。 例如:(老师说动词原形,让学生说出动词的现在分词。老师走到哪个学生旁边示意,哪个学生就回答)T: Ill say the verb. You give me its ing form. Do yo

29、u understand me? (I)Ss: Yes. (R)T: Good. Mark, can you try? Hang. (F; I)S1: Hang, hanging. (R)T: (0) Elisa (0; I)S2: Hang, hanging. (R)T: Good. Tim. (F; I)S3: Hang, hanging. (R)T: (0) (0)(3)(3)不同教学层次上的教师反馈不同教学层次上的教师反馈 IRF三话步回合,师生交互在不同层次的英语教学中,具有不同的表现三话步回合,师生交互在不同层次的英语教学中,具有不同的表现方式。方式。例例1:(出示两个(出示两个

30、动物的动物的PPT,一边问学生),一边问学生)T: Two animals are coming. Who are they? *, please? (I)S: A rabbit and a turtle. (R)T: Oh, yes. A rabbit and a turtle! (F)例例2:(老师请学生看图片回答问题):(老师请学生看图片回答问题)T: How about this one? *, do you want to have a try? (I)S: Watch TV. (R)T: Yes! Good! He watched TV last night. (F)例例3:(老师

31、让学生用英语解释单词):(老师让学生用英语解释单词)T: What about “trunk”, “trunk”? *, you please. (I)S: The animals nose. (R)T: The elephants nose. When we talk about the elephants nose, we use “trunk” instead of “nose”. (F) 二、课段二、课段 课段是由回合组成的。随着教学层课段是由回合组成的。随着教学层次的提高,课段不断加长、加深。次的提高,课段不断加长、加深。T: Wow! There are many animals

32、in the forest. What animals can you see? Tina! (I)S: I can see elephants. (R)T: Wow, elephants! What animals can you see? Tiger! (F; I) S: I can see monkeys. (R)T: Monkeys. How many monkeys can you see? (F; I)S: Er, three. I can see three monkeys. (R)T: Oh, three monkeys. Perfect! Ok! (F)例例2:T: I ha

33、ve some pictures. Lets have a look. What is it? What is it? (I1)Ss: Lucky monkey. (R1)T: Yes, its lucky money. Do you like it? (F1; I2)Ss: Yes (R2)T: All children like it. (F)例3:T: Richard, whats your favorite movie? (I1)S: My favorite movie is Ghost. (R1)T: Oh, your favorite movie is Ghost. Why do

34、you like it? (F1; I2)S: Its scary. (R2)T: Oh, scary. You like scary movies? (F2; I3)S: Yes. (R3)T: Thats interesting. (F3) 例例4 4:(老师让学生看图片,回答下列问题):(老师让学生看图片,回答下列问题)T: WhatT: Whats this? s this? (I1)(I1)S: Statue of Liberty. S: Statue of Liberty. (R1)(R1)T: Yes. ItT: Yes. Its the Statue of Liberty. C

35、an you say s the Statue of Liberty. Can you say something about it? something about it? (F1; I2)(F1; I2)S: The Statue of Liberty, I think, is sent to U.S.A. S: The Statue of Liberty, I think, is sent to U.S.A. as a gift, by. as a gift, by. (R2) (R2) T: By France. Ok. ItT: By France. Ok. Its a gift g

36、iven to the U.S.A. s a gift given to the U.S.A. by France. What does it stand for? by France. What does it stand for? (F2; I3) (F2; I3) S: Liberation. S: Liberation. (R3) (R3) T: Liberty. Ok, thank you. What color is it? T: Liberty. Ok, thank you. What color is it? *, please. *, please. (F3; I4) (F3

37、; I4) S: It is grey. S: It is grey. (R4)(R4)T: En. T: En. (F4)(F4)S: Because she has stayed in the sea for many many years, and the wind made it grey. (R5) T: Yes, the wind makes it grey. Ok, sit down please. Thank you! So, we know, this is the Statue of Liberty. It is in New York city, right? If yo

38、u want to learn more about the Statue of Liberty, you can do some research on the Internet after class. (F5; F) 请分析以下课段:T: I want you to give me more class rules in your school. Can you tell me some class rules you have made by yourself? You told me last night you made rules for yourself, right? Wha

39、t are some of the rules you made for yourself? S1: (Hand up)T: Yes.S1: Be quiet. T: Oh, be quiet. Yes. I want you to. Any other rules? S2: (Hand up)T: Yes.S2: Hand in our homework on time, or well have punishment.T: Oh, what is the punishment?S2: You will have to do more work.T: More homework.S2: Ye

40、s. T: Ok, Ok. It. Any other rules?S3: (Hand up)T: Great. Please.S3: (said one rule)T: Oh, . (repeated the rule or paraphrased the rule). Any other rules?S4: (said one rule)T: Oh, you dont be late for school. Very good.三三. .从课段到语篇从课段到语篇1. What Subjects do you study at school? I study Chinese, math, E

41、nglish, art, music and P.E. at school.2. What subjects do you like? I like math, English and art.3. Whats your favorite subject? My favorite subject is art.4. Do you like your art teacher? I like my art teacher.5. What do you do in your art class? I draw in my art class.6. Do you like drawing? I lik

42、e drawing.7. Can you draw well? I can draw well.8. What do you want to be when you grow up? (Do you want to be a teacher when you grow up?) I want to be a teacher when I grow up.9. What teacher do you want to be when you grow up? I want to be an art teacher when I grow up. My Favorite Subject I stud

43、y Chinese, math, English, art, music and P.E. at school. I like math, English and art. My favorite subject is art. I like my art teacher. I like drawing and I can draw well. I want to be a teacher. I want to be an art teacher when I grow up. 四.结论 IRF三话步回合会话结构是英语课堂上师生交三话步回合会话结构是英语课堂上师生交互的基本模式。在课堂上,要根据所教授内容灵活互的基本模式。在课堂上,要根据所教授内容灵活使用使用IRF三话步回合交互模式,并且有意识地选择三话步回合交互模式,并且有意识地选择使用不同种类的问题,力图提出有效、有层次、有使用不同种类的问题,力图提出有效、有层次、有深度的问题,加长、加深深度的问题,加长、加深IRF三话步模式,使之成三话步模式,使之成为有效的课段,最终实现从语段到语篇的顺利过渡。为有效的课段,最终实现从语段到语篇的顺利过渡。 Thank you



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