高中英语 unit5 Listening课件 新人教版选修6

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1、人教课标人教课标高二高二 选修选修 6Unit 5Page 38ABC1. Look at the pictures below and guess what problems volcanologists have to face. Then listen to the tape and see if you were right.2. Listen to three volcanologists talking about their most frightening experience. Write their names under the pictures. ABCFrank Go

2、reJane Small Sarah Tang3. Listen again and fill in the chart.NameJane SmallLength of time as a volcanologist?Where was the volcano?When was he/she no longer frightened? 5 yearsAlaskaAfter collecting asample of lavaNameFrank GoreLength of time as a volcanologist?Where was the volcano?When was he/she

3、no longer frightened?10 yearsHawaiiWhen back on dry landNameSarah TangLength of time as a volcanologist?Where was the volcano?When was he/she no longer frightened?20 yearsNew ZealandAfter the trembling she became excited andforgot to be frightened4. Listen to the tape once more. Write the names of t

4、he person beside the emotional expressions they talked about.1. I became so excited that I forgot my fear.2. At first I was afraid that the volcano would erupt while I was still inside it.JaneSarah3. I was trembling as much as the ground and was sweating too!4. After that, I was never so frightened

5、again but Im always careful.SarahJane5. I was so anxious and couldnt move at first.6. I felt very nervous and had to force myself not to panic.JaneFrank7. After that I became excited by the experience and forgot to be frightened.8. I had never felt so happy as I landed safely.SarahFrankon page 385.

6、Look at the sentences in Exercise 4 above and collect as many words as you can that express joy, fear or anxiety. Then in pairs try to add more words. Be prepared to tell your list to the class.JoyFearAnxietyexcitement happiness pleasure amazement relief enthusiasm eagerness gladness delightPanic tr

7、embling sweating terror terrified frightened shockednervous anxious worried bothered concerned6. Think of or imagine a powerful natural force (such as an earthquake, flood, typhoon, tsunami) that you have experienced or heard. Tell your partner about your experience and how you felt. Use expressions

8、 from Exercises 4 and 5 as well as other ones you can think of. Sample I remember being in a very bad snowstorm. We were driving back to my hometown for Spring Festival and it was a very long journey. I was nearly asleep in the back of the car when my father shouted that the road was becoming quite

9、slippery with snow. Suddenly we slid across the road and stopped. At first I only felt a little nervous. After all, the car was warm and my parents were there but there was a long line of cars ahead of us and none of them were moving. Then I did begin to feel bothered and concerned. My father got ou

10、t and went to investigate. He returned to say that we would not be able to continue our journey until the road was cleared. Soon we were told that the army was bringing salt and sand to make the road safe again. We waited in the car. It got colder and colder. I began to tremble even though I had a b

11、lanket round me. What if the army could not clear the road! I began to panic. Just when I felt that I could not stand the situation any more, I heard a shout. The army had arrived, the road was being cleared and we were saved. I felt so relieved and happy that my familys suffering was over!SPEAKING TASK ON PAGE 73



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