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1、Unit3SectionAUnit3SectionAWherePrinciplesComeFirstWherePrinciplesComeFirst1ContentsExercisesWarmingupBackgroundinformationPhrasesNewwordsText2 Can you guess what are the Americas top Six universities? WarmingUp31.HarvardUniversity2.PrincetonUniversity3.YaleUniversity4.ColumbiaUniversity5.StanfordUni

2、versity5.UniversityofPennsylvaniaAmericasTopSixNationalColleges:WarmingUp4DoyouknowwhataretheChinastoptenuniversities? WarmingUp5University (by 2011 China university evaluation report)RankTotalScientificresearchPersonneltrainingComprehensivereputationPekingUniversity110095.6110098.32TsingHuaUniversi


4、34.5637.5729.4735.49ZhongshanUniversity1033.7734.4729.6042.61WarmingUp6Discussion What are the most important factors youd like to consider when you choose an university? Do you think entering the top ranking university is essential to your study and even to your future? Yes,MorejobopportunitiesSoci

5、etysenseofhonorMoreopportunitiestomeetpeopleBetterfellowshipopportunitiesPrioritytostudyaboardThecontinuationofsocialrelationsNo,Onesowneffort(Knowledgeisknowledge)Academic/studyatmosphereTuitionfeeGeographiclocationCollegelandscapeMajoryoulike211project/985progectornotWarmingUp7An InterviewWarmingU

6、p8 Suppose you are a reporterreporter from an Education Journal.Education Journal. You are assigned to share your ideas about thebestwaytoeducateforsuccess. For collecting materials, you are planning to have an interview about what principles a school should operate on. You are supposed to:An Interv

7、iewWarmingUp9-do your work as a group -interview at least 3 students- prepare questions before you go to people- record your interview - analyze the ideas of your interviewees - come to a conclusion- give a report to the whole classWarmingUp10Discussion WhatsyouropinionaboutChinaseducationsystem?Agr

8、eeorDisagree?Exam-orientededucationQuality-orientededucationWarmingUp11The Hyde School: (F)BackgroundInformationtheir best. Today, there are four Hyde Schools, including inner-city models in New Haven, Connecticut and Washington DC, national programs forparents and teachers, and a number of establis

9、hed partnerships with public schools throughout the country.12New WordsNew Wordsleadership n. U 1.领导才能领导才能 2. 领导地位;领导权领导地位;领导权publicity n.U 1.关注关注 2. 宣传;推广宣传;推广 cultivate vt. 1. 培养培养 2. 耕种,耕作耕种,耕作 comprehensive a. 综合的;全面的综合的;全面的 controversial a.有争议的;引起争论的有争议的;引起争论的 suspend vt. 1. 暂停,中止暂停,中止 2. 悬;挂悬;

10、挂 strain n./vt.C, U 压力压力 / 1. 扭伤扭伤2. 使关系紧张使关系紧张 preliminary a. 预备的;初步的预备的;初步的 magnet n. C 1.有吸引力的人或物有吸引力的人或物 2. 磁铁磁铁 minority n. C (usu. pl.) 少数民族少数民族; sing. 少数派少数派NewWords13New WordsNew Wordsquest n. C 探寻,寻求探寻,寻求 energetic a. 精力充沛的;充满活力的精力充沛的;充满活力的 conventional a. 传统的;常规的传统的;常规的 reform vt./n. 改革;改进

11、改革;改进 / C, U改革;改进改革;改进 intelligence n. U 智力;理解力智力;理解力 controversy n.C, U 争议,争论争议,争论 curriculum n. C (pl. curriculums or curricula) 课程课程 preparation n. 1. U 准备准备 2. (s) 准备工作准备工作 mixture n. C 混合;混合体混合;混合体 admission n. 1. U 准许加入准许加入 2. C承认;供认承认;供认NewWords14New WordsNew Wordsoutlook n.1. C 看法,态度看法,态度 2.

12、 C 前景,远景前景,远景 workshop n.1. C 研讨会;研习班研讨会;研习班 2. C车间车间 seminar n. C 研讨会研讨会 attendance n. 1. C, U 出席人数出席人数 2. U 出席;参加出席;参加 utmost n./a. U 极限;最大限度极限;最大限度 / 最大的,极度的最大的,极度的 worthwhile a. 值得(做)的值得(做)的 enroll v. (使使) 登记入学;注册登记入学;注册 outset n. U 开端,开始开端,开始optimistic a. 乐观的乐观的 fruitful a. 富有成效的富有成效的 NewWords1

13、5New WordsNew Wordsfaculty n. 1. U (AmE) 全体教员全体教员 2. C 天赋天赋campus n. C, U(大学)校园(大学)校园 jail n. C, U 监狱监狱insultvt./n. 侮辱;辱骂侮辱;辱骂 C 侮辱;辱骂侮辱;辱骂 curse vt./n. 诅咒;咒骂诅咒;咒骂 C 诅咒;咒骂诅咒;咒骂 see as 认为认为是是 be scheduled to do 被安排,定于被安排,定于 over ones protest 不顾某人的抗议不顾某人的抗议 put forth 使出;发挥使出;发挥 complete with 包括;具有包括;具

14、有NewWords16New WordsNew Wordsdo ones utmost 竭尽全力竭尽全力 work out 制订;找到制订;找到 at the outset 开始开始 kind of 有点儿;有几分有点儿;有几分Hyde School 海德中学海德中学 Joseph Gauld 约瑟夫约瑟夫高尔德高尔德 (人名)(人名) Bath, Maine 缅因州巴思市缅因州巴思市 Malcolm Gauld 马尔科姆马尔科姆高尔德(人名)高尔德(人名) Joe 乔(乔(JosephJoseph的昵称)的昵称) Hyde Foundation 海德基金会海德基金会 NewWords17Ne

15、w WordsNew WordsBaltimore 巴尔的摩巴尔的摩( (美国马里兰州中北部港市美国马里兰州中北部港市) ) New Haven, Connecticut康涅狄格州纽黑文市康涅狄格州纽黑文市Jimmy DiBattista 吉米吉米迪巴蒂斯塔(人名)迪巴蒂斯塔(人名) NewWords18CornoriginatedintheNewWorldandthuswasnotknowninEuropeuntilColumbusfoundit_inCuba.A)beingcultivatedB)beencultivatedC)havingcultivatedD)cultivating(C

16、ET-4,00,1)ANewWords19Johndoesntbelieveinmedicine;hehassome_remediesofhisown.A)standardB)regularC)routineD)conventional(CET-4,03,1)DNewWords20Inspiteofthe_,itseemedthatmanyoftheinvitedguestswouldstillshowup.A)deviationB)distinctionC)controversyD)comparison(CET-6,04,6)cNewWords21 Heis_abouthischanceso

17、fwinningagoldmedalintheOlympicsnextyear.A)optimisticB)optionalC)outstandingD)obvious(CET-4,00,1)NewWordsA221.cultivatevt.1.makelandsuitableforgrowingcropsorplants耕种,耕作,养殖耕种,耕作,养殖 Most of the land there is too poor to cultivate. 那里的大部分土地太贫瘠,那里的大部分土地太贫瘠, 无法耕种。无法耕种。NewWords231.cultivate2.developapartic

18、ularskillorquality培养,陶冶,发展培养,陶冶,发展他以阅读来陶冶情操。他以阅读来陶冶情操。Hecultivateshismindbyreadingbooks.NewWords242.controversiala. causing disagreement 有争议的,引起争论的有争议的,引起争论的SomepeoplethoughtthejudicialexplanationoftheMarriageLawwascontroversialaboutpropertyownershipwithinmarriage. NewWords252.controversialphrase:ac

19、ontroversialsubject/policy引起争议的话题引起争议的话题/政策政策NewWords26controversyn.(c,u)aseriousdisagreement争议,争论争议,争论Themayorwilltrytoaccordthecontroversyoverthehousingscheme.市长试图调解市长试图调解住房规划方面的争议。住房规划方面的争议。 NewWords27controversyphrases:beyond/outof/withoutcontroversy无可争议无可争议be/engageinacontroversywith/againstsb.








27、terwhathappens,Jillisalwaysveryoptimistic.optim(最佳最佳)pessim(最糟最糟)optimism 乐观乐观(主义主义)pessimism 悲观悲观(主义主义)optimist 乐观乐观(主义主义)者者pessimist 悲观悲观(主义主义)者者optimistic 乐观乐观(主义主义)的的pessimistic 悲观悲观(主义主义)的的NewWords415.optimisticAgentlemanisopen-mindedandoptimistic;asmallpersonisnarrow-mindedandpessimistic.君子坦荡荡



30、tv.商讨,商讨,商量,咨询(con共同共同+sult跳到一起跳到一起 商讨)商讨)desultorya.散漫的散漫的(de分散分散+sult+ory没有目标的跳没有目标的跳散漫的)散漫的)46StructureAnalysisQuestionsandAnswers Averyimportanttechniqueofextendinganideaorbringingouttherelationshipbetweentheparagraphsisbyquestionsandanswers.Whilereading,readersnaturallyaskquestionsandexpectansw

31、ersfromthetext.47Title:WherePrinciplesComeFirstQ1:Whataretheprinciples?AnswerstoQ1(Paras.1-2)Q2:Whatarepeoplesattitude?AnswerstoQ2(Paras.3-11)48AnswerstoQ4(Paras.17-19)AnswerstoQ3(Paras.12-16)Q3:Whatarethedetailedprinciples?Q4:Whataretheresultsoftheprinciples?49Part I (Paras. 1-2)Part IIPart IIIPart

32、 IVTo feed the readers curiosity about “Where Principles Come First”, the author starts his article with an introduction to the principles on which the Hyde School operates.Quotation (引言法引言法) Main idea ?Devices for developing it ?Structure50Main idea ?Part II (Paras. 3-11)Part IPart IIIPart IVSince

33、the Hyde principles are somewhat different from those of other schools, they are rejected by some schools, as described in Para. 3, and appreciated by others, as described in Paras. 4 11.Exemplification(举例法)(举例法)Devices for developing it ?Structure51This part deals with detailed principles and appro

34、aches in the Hyde School program: valuing each students character-based unique potential, and requiring both students responsibility for each other and parents commitment to the program. Main idea?Devices for developing it ?Part III (Paras. 12 - 16)Part IPart IIPart IVDeduction (演绎法)演绎法)Structure52T

35、his part is about how beneficial or good the program is to both the teachers and the students. Main idea?Devices for developing it ?Part IV (Paras.17-20)Part IPart IIPart IIIExemplification (举例法举例法 ) Comparison & Contrast (对比法对比法 ) Structure531.WhatistheprincipleoftheHydeSchool?Question54 Para 1 The

36、 Hyde School operates on the principle that if you teach students the merit of such values as truth, courage, integrity, leadership, curiosity and concern, then academic achievement naturally follows. Hyde School founder Joseph Gauld claims success with the program at the $18,000-a-year high school

37、in Bath, Maine, which has received considerable publicity for its work with troubled youngsters.Where Principles Come FirstChinese551.WhatistheprincipleoftheHydeSchool?Questiontruth,courage,integrity,leadership,curiosityandconcern56 Para 2 “We dont see ourselves as a school for a type of kid,” says

38、Malcolm Gauld, Josephs son, who graduated from Hyde and is now headmaster. “We see ourselves as preparing kids for a way of lifeby cultivating a comprehensive set of principles that can affect all kids.” Chinese572.TheHydepublicschoolprogramwassuspendedbecause_.Question58 Para 3 Now, Joe Gauld is tr

39、ying to spread his controversial Character First idea to public, inner-city schools willing to use the tax dollars spent on the traditional program for the new approach. The first Hyde public school program opened in September 1992. Within months the program was suspended. Teachers protested the pro

40、grams demands and the strain associated with more intense work.Chinese592.TheHydepublicschoolprogramwassuspendedbecause_.Questionteachersprotestedtheprogramsdemandsandthestrainassociatedwithmoreintensework.603.WhentheHydeFoundationopenedaprogramwithinapublichighschoolinthesuburbsofNewHaven,Connectic

41、ut,whatdidthecommunityfear?Question61 Para 4a This fall, the Hyde Foundation is scheduled to begin a preliminary public school program in Baltimore. Teachers will be trained to later work throughout the entire Baltimore system. Other US school managers are eyeing the program, too. Chinese62 Para 4b

42、Last fall, the Hyde Foundation opened a magnet program within a public high school in the suburbs of New Haven, Connecticut, over parents protests. The community feared the school would attract inner-city minority and troubled students.Chinese633.WhentheHydeFoundationopenedaprogramwithinapublichighs

43、choolinthesuburbsofNewHaven,Connecticut,whatdidthecommunityfear?QuestionThecommunityfearedtheschoolwouldattractinner-cityminorityandtroubledstudents.64Para 5 As in Maine, the quest for truth is also widespread at the school in Connecticut. In one English class, the 11 students spend the last five mi

44、nutes in an energetic exchange evaluating their class performance for the day on a 1-10 scale.Chinese65 Para 6 “I get a 10.”Para 7 “I challenge that. You didnt do either your grammar or your spelling homework.” Para 8 “OK, a seven.”Para 9 “You ought to get a six.”Para 10 “Wait, I put my best effort

45、forth here.”Para 11 “Yeah, but you didnt ask questions today.”Chinese66 Para 12a Explaining his approach to education, Joe Gauld says the conventional education system cannot be reformed. He notes “no amount of change” with the horse and carriage “will produce an automobile”. The Hyde School assumes

46、 “every human being has a unique potential” that is based on character, not intelligence or wealth. Conscience and hard work are valued. Chinese67 Para 12b Success is measured by growth, not academic achievement. Students are required to take responsibility for each other. To avoid the controversy o

47、f other character programs used in US schools, Gauld says the concept of doing your best has nothing to do with forcing the students to accept a particular set of morals or religious values.Chinese684.InwhichwaytheHydecurriculumissimilartothoseofconventionalschools?A)Studentscanchooseselectivecourse

48、astheywish.B)Studentsarerequiredtoprovidecommunityservices.C)Studentsshouldtakeperformingartsandsports.D)ItprovidesEnglish,history,mathandsciencetostudents.69 Para 13 The Hyde curriculum is similar to conventional schools that provide preparation for college, complete with English, history, math and

49、 science. But all students are required to take performing arts and sports, and provide a community service. For each course, students get a grade for academic achievement and for “best effort”. At Bath, 97% of the graduates attend four-year colleges.Chinese704.InwhichwaytheHydecurriculumissimilarto


51、anddemonstratetheschoolsphilosophiesandoutlookB)agreetoattendmonthlymeetingsinaregionalgroupC)attendthreetimesayeartheworkshops,discussiongroupsorseminarsD)ensuretheirchildrentohaveanattendancerateof95%atschool72 Para 14a Commitment among parents is a key ingredient in the Hyde mixture. For the stud

52、ent to gain admission, parents also must agree to accept and demonstrate the schools philosophies and outlook. The parents agree in writing to meet monthly in one of 20 regional groups, go to a yearly three-day regional retreat, and spend at least three times a year in work-shops, discussion groups

53、and seminars at Bath. Chinese73 Para 14b Parents of Maine students have an attendance rate of 95% in the many sessions. Joe and Malcolm Gauld both say children tend to do their utmost when they see their parents making similar efforts. The biggest obstacle for many parents, they say, is to realize t

54、heir own weaknesses.Chinese745.TheparentsmustdothefollowingsothattheirchildrencangainadmissionEXCEPT_.A)acceptanddemonstratetheschoolsphilosophiesandoutlookB)agreetoattendmonthlymeetingsinaregionalgroupC)attendthreetimesayeartheworkshops,discussiongroupsorseminarsD)ensuretheirchildrentohaveanattenda

55、ncerateof95%atschool75 Para 15 The process for public school parents is still being worked out, with a lot more difficulty because it is difficult to convince parents that it is worthwhile for them to participate. Of the 100 students enrolled in New Haven, about 30% of the parents attend special mee

56、tings. The low attendance is in spite of commitments they made at the outset of the program when Hyde officials interviewed 300 families.Chinese76 Para 16 Once the problems are worked out, Hyde should work well in public schools, says a teacher at Bath who taught for 14 years in public schools. He i

57、s optimistic that once parents make a commitment to the program, they will be daily role models for their children, unlike parents whose children are in boarding schools.Chinese776.IntheHydeSchool,_conductthefacultyevaluations.Question787.Whatarethebeneficialresults?Question79 Para 17a One former in

58、ner-city high school teacher who now works in the New Haven program, says teachers also benefit. “Here we really begin to focus on having a fruitful relationship with each student. Our focus is really about teacher to student and then we together deal with the. academics. Chinese80 Para 17b In the t

59、raditional high school setting, its teacher to the material and then to the student.” The teacher-student relationship is taken even further at Hyde. Faculty evaluations are conducted by the students.Chinese81thestudents6.IntheHydeSchool,_conductthefacultyevaluations.Question827.Whatarethebeneficial

60、results?rolemodelforchildren,fruitfulrelationship,anexampleofastudent,goingtocollegeQuestion83 Para 18 Jimmy DiBattista, 19, is amazed he will graduate this May from the Bath campus and plans to attend a university. Years ago, he had seen his future as “jail, not college”. DiBattista remembers his f

61、irst days at Hyde.Chinese84 Para 19 “When I came here, I insulted and cursed everybody. Every other school was, Get out, we dont want to deal with you. I came here and they said, We kind of like that spirit. We dont like it with the negative attitudes. We want to turn that spirit positive.”Chinese85

62、新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野 大学英语大学英语大学英语大学英语大学英语大学英语N H C E品德至上品德至上Para. 1 海德中学的办学宗旨是:如果你向学海德中学的办学宗旨是:如果你向学生传授诸如求真、勇敢、正直、领导能力、好生传授诸如求真、勇敢、正直、领导能力、好奇心和关心他人等美德的话,学生的学习成绩奇心和关心他人等美德的话,学生的学习成绩自然就会提高。该校的创始人约瑟夫自然就会提高。该校的创始人约瑟夫高尔德高尔德声称学校的教学很成功。海德中学位于缅因州声称学校的教学很成功。海德中学位于缅因州巴思市,每年的学费高达巴思市,每年的学费高达1.81.8万美元,因其教万美元,因其教导问

63、题少年有方而闻名遐迩。导问题少年有方而闻名遐迩。86新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野 大学英语大学英语大学英语大学英语大学英语大学英语N H C EPara. 2 “我们并不把自己看作一所专为某我们并不把自己看作一所专为某一类孩子而开设的学校,一类孩子而开设的学校,”马尔科姆马尔科姆高尔高尔德说。他是约瑟夫的儿子,毕业于海德中学,德说。他是约瑟夫的儿子,毕业于海德中学,现任海德中学校长。现任海德中学校长。“我们把帮助孩子培养我们把帮助孩子培养一种生活方式看作自己的职责,办法是倡导一种生活方式看作自己的职责,办法是倡导一整套能影响所有孩子的价值观念。一整套能影响所有孩子的价值观念。” 87新

64、视野新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野 大学英语大学英语大学英语大学英语大学英语大学英语N H C EPara. 3 现在,乔现在,乔高尔德高尔德(约瑟夫约瑟夫高尔德高尔德)正试正试图将他尚有争议的图将他尚有争议的“品德第一品德第一”的理念向旧城区的理念向旧城区的公立学校推广。这些学校愿意将用于传统教学的公立学校推广。这些学校愿意将用于传统教学计划的税金用于实施这一新的教学方法。海德公计划的税金用于实施这一新的教学方法。海德公立学校第一个教学计划始于立学校第一个教学计划始于1992年年9月。但几个月月。但几个月后,该计划即告暂停。教师们对教学计划的高要后,该计划即告暂停。教师们对教学计划的高要求以

65、及高强度工作所带来的压力表示抗议。求以及高强度工作所带来的压力表示抗议。88新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野 大学英语大学英语大学英语大学英语大学英语大学英语N H C EPara. 4a 今年秋天,海德基金会计划在今年秋天,海德基金会计划在巴尔的摩启动初步的公立学校教学计划。巴尔的摩启动初步的公立学校教学计划。教师要接受培训,以便今后能在整个巴教师要接受培训,以便今后能在整个巴尔的摩体系内胜任工作。美国其他学校尔的摩体系内胜任工作。美国其他学校的领导们也在关注这个教学计划。的领导们也在关注这个教学计划。 89新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野 大学英语大学英语大学英语大学英语大学英语大

66、学英语N H C EPara. 4b 去年秋天,在家长的一片抗议声去年秋天,在家长的一片抗议声中,海德基金会在康涅狄格州纽黑文市郊中,海德基金会在康涅狄格州纽黑文市郊区的一所中学内启动了一个引人注目的教区的一所中学内启动了一个引人注目的教学计划。当地居民担心该校可能招进来旧学计划。当地居民担心该校可能招进来旧城区的少数民族学生和问题学生。城区的少数民族学生和问题学生。 90新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野 大学英语大学英语大学英语大学英语大学英语大学英语N H C EPara. 5 就像在缅因州那样,求真也在就像在缅因州那样,求真也在康涅狄格州的这所中学得到广泛推崇。康涅狄格州的这所中学得

67、到广泛推崇。在一堂英语课上,在一堂英语课上,11名学生用最后的名学生用最后的5分钟展开激烈的讨论,依照分钟展开激烈的讨论,依照110的的评分标准相互评价他们当天的课堂表评分标准相互评价他们当天的课堂表现。现。91新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野 大学英语大学英语大学英语大学英语大学英语大学英语N H C EPara. 6 “我得我得10分。分。”Para. 7 “我有意见。你既没做语法作业,也没我有意见。你既没做语法作业,也没做拼写练习。做拼写练习。”Para. 8 “那好,就那好,就7分吧。分吧。”Para. 9 “你只能得你只能得6分。分。”Para. 10 “等等,我可是全力以赴的。

68、等等,我可是全力以赴的。”Para. 11 “是的,可你今天没提问。是的,可你今天没提问。”92新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野 大学英语大学英语大学英语大学英语大学英语大学英语N H C EPara. 12a 在解释自己的教育方法时,乔在解释自己的教育方法时,乔高尔高尔德指出,对传统的教育体制不能只是改革。德指出,对传统的教育体制不能只是改革。他说他说“无论怎样改革无论怎样改革”,用马和马车,用马和马车“是改是改革不出汽车的革不出汽车的”。 海德中学认为海德中学认为“每一个人每一个人都有自己的独特潜能都有自己的独特潜能”,这种潜能的基础是,这种潜能的基础是品格而不是智力或财富。良知和苦干

69、受到推品格而不是智力或财富。良知和苦干受到推崇。崇。 93新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野 大学英语大学英语大学英语大学英语大学英语大学英语N H C EPara. 12b 成功由不断进步来衡量,而不是成功由不断进步来衡量,而不是由学习成绩来评定。学生必须相互负责。为由学习成绩来评定。学生必须相互负责。为了避免美国中学使用的其他品格培养方案所了避免美国中学使用的其他品格培养方案所引发的争议,高尔德解释说,引发的争议,高尔德解释说,“全力以赴全力以赴”这一概念并不是要强迫学生接受某一套道德这一概念并不是要强迫学生接受某一套道德原则或宗教观念。原则或宗教观念。94新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野

70、新视野 大学英语大学英语大学英语大学英语大学英语大学英语N H C EPara. 13 海德中学的课程与那些为升入大学做准海德中学的课程与那些为升入大学做准备的传统学校所开设的课程相似,包括英语、历备的传统学校所开设的课程相似,包括英语、历史、数学和自然科学。但所有的学生都必须选修史、数学和自然科学。但所有的学生都必须选修表演艺术和体育,还要提供社区服务。在每门课表演艺术和体育,还要提供社区服务。在每门课程中,学生都会得到一个综合了学习成绩和程中,学生都会得到一个综合了学习成绩和“努努力程度力程度”的分数。在巴思市,的分数。在巴思市,97%的海德中学毕的海德中学毕业生都升入了大学本科。业生都升

71、入了大学本科。 95新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野 大学英语大学英语大学英语大学英语大学英语大学英语N H C EPara. 14a 在海德中学的综合教育中,父母在海德中学的综合教育中,父母的参与是一个关键的组成部分。为了使孩子的参与是一个关键的组成部分。为了使孩子被该校录取,家长也必须同意接受并实践学被该校录取,家长也必须同意接受并实践学校的思想和观点。家长们签约同意每月出席校的思想和观点。家长们签约同意每月出席一次区域小组会议一次区域小组会议( (共共2020个区域小组个区域小组) ),每年,每年去区域休养所三天,每年至少参加三次巴思去区域休养所三天,每年至少参加三次巴思市的研修班、

72、讨论组和研讨会。市的研修班、讨论组和研讨会。 96新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野 大学英语大学英语大学英语大学英语大学英语大学英语N H C EPara. 14b 在很多活动中,缅因州学生家在很多活动中,缅因州学生家长的出席率高达长的出席率高达95%。乔和马尔科姆。乔和马尔科姆高尔高尔德都说,当孩子们见到自己的父母都在全德都说,当孩子们见到自己的父母都在全力以赴时,他们也会竭尽全力。他们说,力以赴时,他们也会竭尽全力。他们说,对许多家长而言,最困难的是让他们意识对许多家长而言,最困难的是让他们意识到自己的不足。到自己的不足。97新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野 大学英语大学英语大学英

73、语大学英语大学英语大学英语N H C EPara. 15 公立学校学生家长的活动计划仍在制定公立学校学生家长的活动计划仍在制定之中。这项工作的困难要大得多,因为很难使家之中。这项工作的困难要大得多,因为很难使家长相信他们的参与很有价值。在纽黑文市录取的长相信他们的参与很有价值。在纽黑文市录取的100名学生中,有名学生中,有30%左右的家长出席了各类特别左右的家长出席了各类特别会议。这一低出席率违背了他们在教学计划开始会议。这一低出席率违背了他们在教学计划开始实施时所做的承诺,当时海德中学的官员曾与实施时所做的承诺,当时海德中学的官员曾与300个家庭进行了面谈。个家庭进行了面谈。 98新视野新视

74、野新视野新视野新视野新视野 大学英语大学英语大学英语大学英语大学英语大学英语N H C EPara. 16 巴思市一名在公立学校教书达巴思市一名在公立学校教书达14年年之久的教师说,一旦问题得到解决,海德教之久的教师说,一旦问题得到解决,海德教学计划就会在公立学校中获得成功。他乐观学计划就会在公立学校中获得成功。他乐观地认为,一旦家长们投入到计划当中,他们地认为,一旦家长们投入到计划当中,他们就会成为孩子们日常行为的榜样,这与寄宿就会成为孩子们日常行为的榜样,这与寄宿学校的学生家长完全不同。学校的学生家长完全不同。99新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野 大学英语大学英语大学英语大学英语大学英

75、语大学英语N H C EPara. 17a 一名曾任教于旧城区学校的教一名曾任教于旧城区学校的教师如今在从事纽黑文教学计划。他说,师如今在从事纽黑文教学计划。他说,教师也能从中受益。教师也能从中受益。“在这里,我们真在这里,我们真正开始集中精力与每一个学生建立卓有正开始集中精力与每一个学生建立卓有成效的关系。我们的重点真的是先考虑成效的关系。我们的重点真的是先考虑师生关系,然后是师生共同探讨学业。师生关系,然后是师生共同探讨学业。 100新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野 大学英语大学英语大学英语大学英语大学英语大学英语N H C EPara. 17b 而在传统的中学里,是先而在传统的中学里

76、,是先考虑教师和教材的关系,然后再考虑考虑教师和教材的关系,然后再考虑师生关系。师生关系。” ” 师生关系在海德中学被师生关系在海德中学被进一步深化了。对教职员工的评估由进一步深化了。对教职员工的评估由学生来进行。学生来进行。101新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野 大学英语大学英语大学英语大学英语大学英语大学英语N H C EPara. 18 19岁的吉米岁的吉米迪巴蒂斯塔今年迪巴蒂斯塔今年5月将从巴思校区毕业,并准备升入大月将从巴思校区毕业,并准备升入大学。对此他感到惊奇。几年前,他还学。对此他感到惊奇。几年前,他还觉得自己的前途觉得自己的前途“是在监狱,而不是是在监狱,而不是在大学在大

77、学”。迪巴蒂斯塔还记得他刚到。迪巴蒂斯塔还记得他刚到海德中学时的情景。海德中学时的情景。102新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野新视野 大学英语大学英语大学英语大学英语大学英语大学英语N H C EPara. 19 “我来这儿时,见人就侮辱,我来这儿时,见人就侮辱,就咒骂。其他每所学校都会说:就咒骂。其他每所学校都会说:滚出滚出去!我们这儿不要你。去!我们这儿不要你。我来到这儿,我来到这儿,他们却说:他们却说:我们有几分喜欢这种活力,我们有几分喜欢这种活力,但并不喜欢它消极的一面,我们要将它但并不喜欢它消极的一面,我们要将它转化成积极的东西。转化成积极的东西。”103ExercisesExerci

78、sesIVVocabularySentenceStructureTranslationXIIXXIII1041. Education should aim to _ a childs mind to its utmost potential.cultivateIII. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.2. We have tried to make the test simple but _ so that it will give us a basic idea of

79、 what you do and do not understand. comprehensiveExercises1053. This _ book was both praised and criticized, but whether it was read by artists I leave to further research.controversial4. Three independent daily newspapers have been ordered to _ publication.suspendExercises106 5. They offered me onl

80、y $ 5 for a whole days workI felt really _.strain6. The lab director said that the experiment was at its _ stage and they would need more time to come to a final result.preliminaryExercises1077. They must know how to make use of and, when necessary, to replace the old, _ rules.conventional8. It is m

81、ade quite clear in the report that China will stick to its _ and opening up policy.reformExercises1089. One of the things many of us hope for is a chance to contribute something _to the world.worthwhile10. The reports have attracted considerable _ although only a tiny proportion of the reports have

82、been debated in the House.publicityExercises109IV. Rewrite each of the following sentences using the expressions given in the parentheses.1. His girlfriends father thought he was a man who could not make a living. (see as)His girlfriends father saw him as a manwho could not make a living. Exercises1

83、102. The course was canceled although this was against the students will. (over ones protest)The course was canceled over the students protest.3. The problem is so difficult that we cannot find the solution to it without the help of our teacher. (work out)The problem is so difficult that we cannot w

84、ork it out without the help of our teacher.Exercises1114. Children tend to try as hard as possible when they know their parents are making similar efforts. ( do/try ones utmost)Children tend to do/try their utmost when they know their parents are making similar efforts.Exercises1125. The new teachin

85、g program didnt work well in the school at the beginning. (at the outset)The new teaching program didnt work well in the school at the outset.6. I was a little bit excited when I received the letter that allowed me an interview. (kind of) I was kind of excited when I received the letter that offered

86、 me an interview.Exercises1137. The school is planned to open on September 1. (be scheduled to do)The school is scheduled to open on September 1.8. They appeared to offer a free computer, including software and a printer. (complete with)They appeared to offer a free, complete with software and print

87、er.Exercises1149. Although they had to face hardships, they made real efforts that have resulted in more progress than expected (in spite of) In spite of hardships, they made real efforts that have resulted in more progress than expected.Exercises11510.Many people make things more difficult for them

88、selves because they still follow the principle that you should not ask for help, or you might seem weak.Many people make things more difficult for themselves because they still operate on the principle that you should not ask for help, or you might seem weak.Exercises116IX. Study the following model

89、 and then combine the groups of sentences, using “as”.Model: The quest for truth is widespread in Maine. The same thing happens at the school in Connecticut.As in Maine, the quest for truth is also widespread at the school in Connecticut.Exercises117IX.Now combine the following groups of sentences,

90、using “as”.1. There is a great demand for educational reform in America. There is a great demand for educational reform in Britain, too.In Britain, as in America, there is a great demand for educational reform.Exercises1182. In Italy people use a lot of olive oil in cooking. The same thing happens i

91、n Greece.In Greece, as in Italy, people use a lot of olive oil in cooking.Exercises119 3. In the Hyde School values such as courage, integrity, leadership, curiosity and concern are the first, most important lesson. The same is true for some public inner-city schools in Maryland.As in the Hyde Schoo

92、l, values such as courage, integrity, leadership, curiosity and concern are the first, most important lesson in some public inner-city schools in Maryland.Exercises120 4. In Japan, in order to get into a famous university a large number of middle school students take supplementary classes. The same

93、thing happens in China.In China, as in Japan, a large number of middle school students take supplementary classes in order to get into a famous university. Exercises121 5. In the middle of 1950s many young people went down to the countryside. The same was true in the late 1960s and early 1970s.As in

94、 the middle of the 1950s, many young people went down to the countryside in the late 1960s and early 1970s.Exercises1221.Youve practiced a bit.2. Youll find that its quite easy.X. The word “once” can be used as a conjunction with the meaning “from the moment that”. Now study the following groups of

95、sentences and then use “once” to combine each group into one sentence based on a sound logic.Once youve practiced a bit, youll find that its quite easy.Exercises1232. The meal was finished. The discussions began.Once the meal was finished, the discussions began.3. You show any fear. He will attack y

96、ou. Once you show any fear, he will attack you.上一页上一页下一页下一页Exercises1244. Parents make a commiment to the program. They will be daily role models for their children.Once parents make a commitment to the program, they will be daily role models for their children.Exercises1255. Customers come to rely

97、on these systems. Customers almost never take their business elsewhere.Once customers come to rely on these systems, they almost never take their business elsewhere.Exercises126XI.TranslatethefollowingsentencesintoEnglish1.在思维方面,与他的行为一样,他是非常在思维方面,与他的行为一样,他是非常传统的。(传统的。(Useaswiththemeaningofinthewayth



100、eratesontheCharacterFirstprinciple,moralvaluesandacademicachievementsarestressedequally.Exercises1305.据说,原定于这个月召开的会议将推迟据说,原定于这个月召开的会议将推迟到下个月召开。(到下个月召开。(bescheduledto,putoff)Itissaidthatthemeeting,whichisscheduledtobeheldthismonth,willbeputofftillnextmonth.Exercises1316.这所学校把为学生做好人生准备当作其这所学校把为学生做好人生准备当作其职责,办法是倡导一整套能使所有学生受职责,办法是倡导一整套能使所有学生受益的道德标准。(益的道德标准。(see.as)Theschoolseesitsjobaspreparingitsstudentsforlifebycultivatingacomprehensivesetofprinciplesthatcanbenefitallofthem.Exercises132Thanks for listening !133



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