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1、灾难性事件的写作方法指导灾难性事件的写作方法指导1基础写作方法指导及难点点评第一句 :As is reported on a website,(点明消息来源)more than five hundred dogs to be killed/butchered were rescued on April 15th near a toll gate/station on the Beijing-Haerbin freeway .(直接交代事情,不要拐弯抹角,当然也可以用强调句式it is that来展示实力)2第二句:On the noon of that day , 52 volunteers

2、stopped a truck in the hope of rescuing the dogs on it.(进入细节阐述,注意紧扣提示内容,如中午,52名志愿者,拦住卡车)第三句:After a long negotiation , the volunteers paid 110,000 yuan for the dogs, saving all the dogs eventually.(继续细节阐述,紧扣提示内容,如谈判,11万人民币,此处花钱的英语句式一定要表达准确,务必区别用好spend,take,cost,pay等这些动词的用法。)3第四句:The news soon got ar

3、ound online/on the Internet, resulting a heated debate/discussion on whether it is right /advocated to stop the truck to rescue the dogs , on which peopleviews varied from person to person.(进一步阐述细节,紧扣提示内容,如网上消息传播,引起争议,是否提倡这种行为)4第五句:As far as I am concerned/In my opinion/As for me,we should protect t

4、hese animals, our human friends, but it is better to use more proper and safer ways.(按要求表明自己的观点,注意简明扼要,点到为止)5灾难性事件灾难性事件我们讲的灾难性事件我们讲的灾难性事件, 主要指主要指fire(火灾火灾), flood(水灾水灾), drought(干旱干旱), landslide(山崩山崩), earthquake(地震地震), tsunami(海啸海啸), typhoon(台风台风),hurricane(飓风飓风),tornado(龙卷风龙卷风), volcano(火山火山), sno

5、wstorm(暴风雪暴风雪)等。等。6一、写作内容一、写作内容报道这类事件报道这类事件, 一般应包括事件发生的时间、一般应包括事件发生的时间、地点、灾情、损失地点、灾情、损失, 以及救援情况等。以及救援情况等。二、套语背诵二、套语背诵1.发生某地发生某地an terrible fire happened in/hit/struck .2.造成后果造成后果 失踪:失踪: missing,destroy 7 受伤受伤: get injured 死亡:死亡: be killed/lose ones life/cause sbs death 电力中断:电力中断: the electricity was

6、 cut off 房屋倒塌:房屋倒塌: houses collapse/fall down(6)财产损失:)财产损失:property losses8 冲走房屋:冲走房屋: wash away buildings 成为废墟:成为废墟: be in ruins; fall into ruin 菜地被毁坏了:菜地被毁坏了: vegetable fields were ruined. 造成经济损失:造成经济损失: cause economic losses93.救援捐赠:救援捐赠: 受灾地区:受灾地区: stricken district/area 救灾工作:救灾工作: rescue work 恢复

7、正常:恢复正常: return to normal10 地震灾民:地震灾民: the victims of the earthquake/earthquake- stricken people 被困人员:被困人员: trapped people 拯救:拯救: rescue . from 呼吁人们捐赠:呼吁人们捐赠: call on people to make donations11三、超级仿写三、超级仿写 基础写作基础写作昨天昨天的的火灾火灾引起社会各界极大关注引起社会各界极大关注, 以下是一些以下是一些基本情况:基本情况: 12写作内容写作内容请根据以上内容给学校广播站写一篇英语简请根据以

8、上内容给学校广播站写一篇英语简讯讯, 内容包括:内容包括: 1.火灾火灾发生的时间发生的时间, 地点;地点;2.火灾火灾的影响和各界对此的影响和各界对此火灾火灾的反应;的反应;3.你的态度。你的态度。写作要求写作要求只能用只能用5个句子表达全部内容。个句子表达全部内容。评分标准评分标准句子结构准确句子结构准确, 信息内容完整信息内容完整, 篇章结构连贯。篇章结构连贯。13基础写作Everyone,attention,please! I,m so sorry to tell you that a terrible fire broke out in a mountain in our city

9、yesterday. Lukily,the firefighters hurried there at once and fought against it bravely,but the fire was so big that it lasted five hours.To our sorrows ,half of the forest was destroyed by the fire.What,s worse,two person was badly injured.At last,according to the police,s research,the terrible fire

10、 was caused by a live cigarette end which was thrown carelessly by a passer-by.14The terror /horror accident has taught us a lesson that useful measures should be taken to prevent forest fires.For example,more notice boards must be set up to warn of the danger of throwning out live cigarette ends.In a word, the government must take highly notice and the public shoud be taught the importance of protection to reduce the damage.15



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