session 7_ teaching speaking

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《session 7_ teaching speaking》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《session 7_ teaching speaking(37页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Session 7 Teaching SpeakingWarming-up QuestionDo you think speaking has been paid much attention to for most middle school English teachers?Some main speaking activities in classu Repeating after the teacheru Reading aloudu Learning a piece of text or dialogue by heartu Doing drillsWhat do you think

2、 of them?(Wang: 158)Content 1. Differences btw speaking and writing2.Principles for teaching speaking3. Speaking strategies4. Stages in teaching speaking5. Designing speaking tasks6. Types of speaking activitiesDiscussion ?Whats the difference btw speaking and writing?1. Differences btw speaking and

3、 writingSpoken language Written language Auditory Visual Temporary, immediate receptionPermanent, delayed reception Immediate feedbackDelayed or no feedbackPlanning &editing limited by channel (medium, message)Unlimited planning, editing, revisionUnpredictablePredictable 2.Principles for teaching sp

4、eaking? Give students practice with both fluency and accuracyProvide contextRelate to personal experiencesConfidenceMeaningful interactionSpeaking strategiesProvide opportunities for Ss to talk by using group work or pair work, & limiting teacher talkPage 159 to Page 160.3. Speaking strategies三级能在课堂

5、活动中用简短的英语进行交际; 能就熟悉的话题进行简单的交流; 能在教师的指导下参与简单的游戏和角色扮演活动; 能利用所给提示 ( 如图片、幻灯片、实物、文字等 ) 简单描述一件事情; 能提供有关个人情况和个人经历的信息; 能讲述简单的小故事; 能背诵一定数量的英语小诗或歌谣,能唱一些英语歌曲; 能在上述口语活动中语音、语调基本正确。四级1、能根据提示给出连贯的简单指令;2、能引出话题并进行几个回合的交谈;3、能在教师的帮助下或根据图片用简单的语言描述自己或他人的经历;4、能在教师的指导下参与角色扮演等活动;5、能在上述口语活动中使用正确的语音、语调。 五级1、能根据语调和重音理解说话者的意图;

6、2、能听懂有关熟悉话题的谈话,并能从中提取信息和观点;3、能借助语境克服生词障碍、理解大意;4、能听懂接近正常语速的故事和记叙文,理解故事的因果关系;5、能在听的过程中用适当方式做出反应;6、能针对所听语段的内容记录简单信息。 Micro-skill of speaking 英语发音; 模仿; 引出话题 维持交谈; 插话; 转移话题; TURN TAKING 话轮 转换; 引起注意; 澄清意思; 请求澄清; 利用语音、语调表达意思; 表示倾听和理解; 预示和结束谈话; 4. Stages in teaching speakingPre-speakingpurpose; interest; to

7、pic; context; language input; assigning tasksWhile-speakingdescription; role-play; exchanging info.; discussion; speech; debatePost-speaking making a report; evaluation; writing5. Designing speaking tasksQuestionWhat are the problems in getting learners to talk in the classroom?5.1 What problems do

8、we have in our oral English classes?1) Reluctance : The learners are reluctant to speak in the classroom.What are the factors that may cause reluctance for the learners to speak?p Cultural factorsLearners prior learning experiences and the expectations created by these experiences (e.g. learners edu

9、cated in large classes, learners taught in schools where speaking was simply not encouraged, etc. )p Linguistic factors Difficulties in transferring from the learners first language to the sounds, rhythms, and stress patterns of English Difficulties with the native speaker pronunciation of the teach

10、erA lack of understanding of common grammatical patterns in English (e.g. English tenses)Low proficiency in Englishp Psychological / affective factors Cultural shockPrevious negative social or political experiencesLack of motivationAnxiety or shynessNunan, 2001: 234-2352) Motivation : The learners h

11、ave no motivation to speak in the classroom.Why are learners unmotivated?Why are learners unmotivated?v Lack of success / progress over timev Uninspired teachingv Boredomv Lack of perceived relevance of materialsv Lack of knowledge about the goals of the instructional programv Lack of appropriate fe

12、edbackNunan, 2001: 233What can be done? Make instructional goals explicit to learners Break learning down into sequences of achievable steps Link learning to the needs and interests of the learners Allow learners to bring their own knowledge and perspectives into the learning process Encourage creat

13、ive language use Help learners to identify the strategies underlying the learning tasks they are engaged in Develop ways in which learners can record their own progress3) Low or uneven participation4) Mother tongue use Ur 1996: 121-122 Ur 1996: 121-122u Use group work u Base the activity on easy lan

14、guageu Make a careful choice of topic and task to stimulate interestu Give some instruction or training in discussion skillsu Keep students speaking the target language5.2 Solutions to these problems5.3 Characteristics of a successful speaking activity v Learners talk a lot.v Participation is even.v

15、 Motivation is high. v Language is of an acceptable level(Wang: 161-162)Reminder:Maximum foreign talkEven participationHigh motivationRight language level6. Types of speaking activitiesPlease make a list of activities you often do in your oral classes. Speaking activitiesrepetitionRole playGapped di

16、alogueUse pictures to make up storiesdrillsgamesPrompted dialogueMatch expressions in two columns to make a dialoguediscussionRead and actInformation gapScrambled dialogueInterviews using a questionnaireMake up a dialogue in a given situationTypes of speaking activities(Wang: 162-164)Pre-communicati

17、ve activitiesCommunicative activitiesStructural activitiesQuasi-communicative activitiesFunctional communicative activitiesSocial interaction activitiesPre-com. Act.Drilling ModellingRepetitionsFocused structural dialoguesControlled role playsUsing clues or prompts for practicesInformation-gap activ

18、itiesProblem-solving activitiesDiscussionsDebatesSimulationsInterviewsFluency-focused gamesStory-telling Com. Act.Types of speaking activitiesControlled accuracy work Script-based role plays or simulations Script-based conversations From-based interviews or surveys(Davies and Pearse: 48-50)Types of

19、speaking activities(Davies and Pearse: 85-86)Free fluency work Uncripted role plays Problem-solving or decision-taking activities Discussions and debate Group projectsSpeaking activitiesrepetitionRole playGapped dialogueUse pictures to make up storiesdrillsgamesPrompted dialogueMatch expressions in

20、two columns to make a dialoguediscussionRead and actInformation gapScrambled dialogueInterviews using a questionnaireMake up a dialogue in a given situationInformation-gap activitiesTwo speakers have different parts of information making up a whole. Because they have different parts of information,

21、there is a gap between them. Describe and draw completion of task Story-telling activityHarmer 2000: 88Wang: 164Questionnaires and SurveysTo get students to conduct questionnaires and surveys. Harmer 2000; 89-90SLEEP QUESTIONAIREHow many hours do you normally sleep?_Are you a light sleeper/heavy sle

22、eper?_Have you everTalked in your sleep? Yes No Walked in your sleep? Yes NoHad a nightmare? Yes NoFallen out of bed? Yes No. Yes NoIf you answer yes, describe the experiences:Natural use of the present perfectDiscussions Describing pictures Picture differences Things in common Shopping list Solving a problemUr, 1996: 125-128Harmer 2000: 90-91Role playsHarmer 2000: 92-94Ur 1996: 131-133Wang 2006: 165-167Assignment Group-teaching:1-pre-speaking (2.5 minutes)2-while-speaking (5 minutes)1-post-speaking (2.5 minutes)Practice in groups before you present in class next week.



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