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1、班员行为规范考核模拟运行启动会班员行为规范考核模拟运行启动会天马行空官方博客:http:/ ;QQ:1318241189;QQ群:175569632会议目的会议目的介绍模拟运行的工作计划说明实施行为规范考核的成功要素目录目录模拟运行的工作计划模拟运行的工作计划实施行为规范考核的成功要素工作计划工作计划后续的行动计划后续的行动计划工作任务工作任务交付成果交付成果责任人责任人时间时间班组行为规范考核模拟运班组行为规范考核模拟运行的签字确认,讨论并确行的签字确认,讨论并确认考核内容表和评分标准认考核内容表和评分标准行为规范考核办法签字确认表各班组长10月上旬班组行为规范考核模拟运班组行为规范考核模拟


3、范考核的3 3个关键步骤个关键步骤行为规范考核行为规范考核内容表内容表行为规范月度行为规范月度绩效评分表绩效评分表制订每个班组的行为考核内容和加分扣分每日及时记录班员实际发生的考核内容事项月末汇总计算每个班员的绩效分数表行为规范每日行为规范每日打分表打分表首先,每个班组整理各自的行为考核内容表,并按照首先,每个班组整理各自的行为考核内容表,并按照行为规范的行为规范的7 7个维度归类个维度归类行为规范考行为规范考核内容表核内容表编号号考核内容考核内容加分加分/ /扣分扣分A:出勤情况A01上班迟到-50A02未请假早退-100B:工作量C:工作及时D:工作规范E:工作态度F:工作中协调配合G:学

4、习成长行为规范考核内容表行为规范考核内容表 20042004年年班组班组:线路运行班:线路运行班然后,根据考核内容制订评分标准然后,根据考核内容制订评分标准评分标准评分标准1 1分分2 2分分3 3分分4 4分分5 5分分A A出勤情况出勤情况-30-300B B工作量工作量C C工作及时工作及时D D工作规范工作规范E E工作态度工作态度F F工作中协调配工作中协调配合合G G学习成长学习成长行为规范绩效评分标准行为规范绩效评分标准 20042004年年班组班组:线路运行班:线路运行班以线路运行班班员以线路运行班班员K K为例,模拟行为规范考核流程为例,模拟行为规范考核流程20042004年

5、年1 1月线路运行班班员月线路运行班班员K K发生如下的行为考核事项发生如下的行为考核事项日期日期行为规范考核事项行为规范考核事项加分、扣分加分、扣分2上班迟到一次者 -5083处资料与现场不符者-20313电脑设备管理系统、GIS系统、一杆一卡线路资料未更改或核对-5015拒绝班长分配,不出工-20017工作中骂人-10021工作中发生扭打-100023工作时间饮酒-100026现场发现各类事故苗子,并阻止者 +10028安规考试100分+10030及时发现并阻止避免了危及生命及设备安全供电+200根据班员根据班员K K的实际发生考核事项,由班组长或小班的实际发生考核事项,由班组长或小班负责

6、人及时记录在负责人及时记录在行为规范每日打分表行为规范每日打分表K K姓名姓名2 2日期编号分数日期编号分数日期编号分数2A10-508D27-20313D26-5015E23-20017E25-10021E26-100023E27-100026E38 +10028G11+10030E39+200行为规范每行为规范每日打分表日打分表行为规范每日打分表行为规范每日打分表 20042004年年1 1月月班组班组:线路运行班:线路运行班月末将每个班员本月考核事项的发生次数汇总输入计算机月末将每个班员本月考核事项的发生次数汇总输入计算机 姓名姓名考核编号考核编号/ /加分扣分加分扣分K K姓名姓名2

7、2发生次数发生次数发生次数发生次数发生次数发生次数A AA10A10-50-501合计合计-50B BC CD26D26-50-501D27D27-20-203合计合计-110E23E23-200-2001E25E25-100-1001E26E26-1000-10001E27E27-1000-10001E38 E38 +100+1001E39E39+200+2001合计合计-1000F FG11G11+100+1001合计合计+100行为规范月度计分表行为规范月度计分表 20042004年年1 1月月班组班组:线路运行班:线路运行班计算机将自动进行汇总计算,完成计算机将自动进行汇总计算,完成行

8、为规范月度分数汇行为规范月度分数汇总表总表 姓名姓名行行为规范范维度度K K姓名姓名2 2A A出勤情况出勤情况-50B B工作量工作量0C C工作及工作及时0D D工作工作规范范-110E E工作工作态度度-1000F F工作中工作中协调配合配合0G G学学习成成长+100行为规范月度分数汇总表行为规范月度分数汇总表 20042004年年1 1月月班组班组:线路运行班:线路运行班根据评分标准,班组长每个月末完成所有班员的根据评分标准,班组长每个月末完成所有班员的行为规行为规范月度绩效评分表范月度绩效评分表评分标准评分标准1 1分分2 2分分3 3分分4 4分分5 5分分A A出勤情况出勤情况

9、-30-300B B工作量工作量C C工作及时工作及时D D工作规范工作规范E E工作态度工作态度F F工作中协调配合工作中协调配合G G学习成长学习成长 姓名姓名行行为规范范维度度K KA A出勤情况出勤情况-50 20042004年年1 1月月行为规范绩效评分标准行为规范绩效评分标准行为规范月度分数汇总表行为规范月度分数汇总表绩效效评分分权重重K K姓名姓名2 2A A出勤情况出勤情况10%10%1 1B B工作量工作量15%15%3 3C C工作及工作及时20%20%3 3D D工作工作规范范20%20%2 2E E工作工作态度度20%20%1 1F F工作中工作中协调配合配合5%5%3

10、 3G G学学习成成长10%10%4 4本月本月绩效效总得分得分2.3行为规范月度绩效评分表行为规范月度绩效评分表目录目录模拟运行的工作计划实施行为规范考核的成功要素实施行为规范考核的成功要素为什么要实施行为规范考核为什么要实施行为规范考核时间时间工作绩效工作绩效目标现在变革变革新的考核体系对工作的影响: 工作分心 困惑 不确定对变革的反映: 陌生感 个人或集体抵触变革带来的变革带来的绩效项目组的主要任务是帮助员工逐渐接受和承诺,并适绩效项目组的主要任务是帮助员工逐渐接受和承诺,并适应过渡期以达到最佳绩效。应过渡期以达到最佳绩效。“低谷低谷”绩效绩效时间时间启动启动过渡过渡我们的挑战是如何我们

11、的挑战是如何有效地控制有效地控制低谷的宽度和深度低谷的宽度和深度变革给每个人带来的心里感受变革给每个人带来的心里感受改进的程度改进的程度快乐的程度快乐的程度高高低低低低高高痛苦的接近成功者快乐的成功者痛苦的尝试成功者快乐的失败者不同的管理风格和团队文化不同的管理风格和团队文化关心员工的程度度关心员工的程度度关心工作的程度关心工作的程度高高低低低低高高乡村俱乐部型团队管理型贫乏型中间型独裁型全球最好的公司如何使用团队全球最好的公司如何使用团队内部竞争通过集中的交流进行创新灵活团队存在的问题团队存在的问题员工不愿意参加团队缺少自信个人的不安和危险感淡化组织实施的准则冲突The Effects of

12、 Change on Performance: Distraction from everyday job Confusion UncertaintyCommon Reactions to Change: Feelings of alienation Group or individual resistance The Human Side of ChangeThe Human Side of ChangeThe effect of change on performance over timeCurrent StateTransition StateFuture StateWhat to E

13、xpectHurdlesNormal FeedbackMoraleImplicationsThe Change Curve11Change Curve, Daryl Connor, Managing at the Speed of Change, 1994 AWARENESSUNDERSTANDINGBUY-INCOMMITMENTAdapted from Daryl Conner Managing at the speed of ChangeThe Role: The Role: Move Targets up the Commitment CurveMove Targets up the

14、Commitment CurveDegree of support for the changeTimeConfusionNegative PerceptionDecision not to implementChange aborted after brief / extensive implementationNo contact = unawareAwarenessPhaseAcceptancePhaseCommitment PhaseDecision not toSupportAdoptionInstallation ContactAwarenessUnderstandingPosit

15、ive PerceptionUnawarenessConfusionNegativePerceptionAborted AfterImplementationDegree of Supportfor ChangeTimeNegativeResponsesResearch indicates that people go through three Research indicates that people go through three key phases that lead to commitment. Speed may key phases that lead to commitm

16、ent. Speed may vary but people will go through all phasesvary but people will go through all phasesChange Acceptance CurveKey outcomes can be expected during each phase of Key outcomes can be expected during each phase of the Change Acceptance Curvethe Change Acceptance CurveAwarenessPhase“I know th

17、at the ACE project is happening, what it is, why it is needed, and what it aims to achieve”AcceptancePhase“I can explain how the ACE project affects me, and I have a positive attitude about the changes I will need to make”CommitmentPhase“I support the changes associated with the new system and am ac

18、tively involved in making the implementation work” Change Acceptance CurveDegree ofSupport for ChangeTimeThe Change Coordination teams key objective The Change Coordination teams key objective is to help people move along the Change is to help people move along the Change Acceptance Curve to reach o

19、ptimum performance Acceptance Curve to reach optimum performance through acceptance and commitmentthrough acceptance and commitment“Valley of Despair”PerformanceTimeGoLiveTransitionCommunication FrameworkCommunication FrameworkThe team is identifying the level of commitment required for each stakeho

20、lder, based on the following “Commitment Curve:”Degree of CommitmentDegree of CommitmentProject Schedule (Time)Project Schedule (Time)AwarenessAwarenessStakeholder encounters change;Stakeholder encounters change;Realizes change is imminentRealizes change is imminent, but , but unclear of the scope,

21、depth, full unclear of the scope, depth, full impactimpactUnderstandingUnderstandingStakeholder accepts nature Stakeholder accepts nature and intent of changeand intent of change; ; understands the benefits and understands the benefits and impact to his/her organizationimpact to his/her organization

22、BeliefBeliefStakeholder works toward changeStakeholder works toward change, , demonstrates a willingness to demonstrates a willingness to embrace the changeembrace the changeProvides input into changeProvides input into changeArticulates commitment to Articulates commitment to goals of changegoals o

23、f change (buy-in) (buy-in)ActionActionStakeholder participates in Stakeholder participates in facilitating change; Attends training;facilitating change; Attends training;Changes Changes behaviorbehavior or procedures to or procedures to support process changessupport process changesNo awarenessNo aw

24、arenessStakeholder lacks any knowledge Stakeholder lacks any knowledge of SAP HR Project of SAP HR Project Individual Change CurveAcceptanceEvaluationTrial RunKnowledgeAwarenessResultsThe Key: User ParticipationAwarenessUnderstandingBuy-inOwnershipBuild stakeholder involvement and ownershipby genera

25、ting awareness, understanding, buy-in, commitment, and action.Building Ownership for PVCOARS Data IntegrityBuilding Ownership for PVCOARS Data IntegrityThe key objective of PVCOARS Data Integrity program should be to rapidly build ownership of the process changes among key stakeholder groups, and to

26、 seamlessly transition the workforce to the Prevention process changes:AwarenessCommitmentBuy-inUnderstandingDegree of Involvement & Ownership RequiredElapsed ScheduleEncounters changeRealizes change is imminent Accepts nature and intent of change Works toward changeInvests time in changeArticulates

27、 commitment to goals of change Articulates the change as normsArticulates his/her personal ownership of the change ActionParticipates in facilitating changeAttends trainingChanges behaviour or procedures to support process changesBuilding Ownership for PVCOARS Data Integrity Building Ownership for P

28、VCOARS Data Integrity (cont.)(cont.)The key objective of PVCOARS Data Integrity program should be to rapidly build ownership of the process changes among key stakeholder groups, and to seamlessly transition the workforce to the Prevention process changes:Degree of Involvement & Ownership RequiredEla

29、psed ScheduleAwarenessCommitmentBuy-inUnderstandingActionTraining and performance support continue to deepen “Commitment” and lead to “Action.”Communications activities typically address earlier stages of building “Awareness,” “Understanding” and “Buy-in.”Evaluate the above statements using the scal

30、e provided:1=Strongly Disagree 2=Disagree 3=Neutral 4=Agree 5=Strongly AgreeNavigation1. Different change initiatives are integrated in the minds of management.2. Different change initiatives are integrated in the minds of employees.3. Management prioritizes the use of resources.4. Change initiative

31、s work together. (The left hand knows what the right hand is doing.)5. Costs and benefits of all projects are managed as a whole.LeadershipSenior Management:1. serve as effective role models for desired behaviors2. are strong sponsors of change3. hold managers and supervisors accountable for contrib

32、ution to successful change4. provide coaching and counseling related to change leadership5. effectively communicate about change (reasons for, benefits, strategies)Enablement1. Processes are redesigned to eliminate non-value added activities.2. Organization structure is designed to fit future needs.

33、3. Competencies for the new organization are being identified.4. Training supports new skill and behavioral requirements.5. Performance management and reward systems are redesigned to fit the new organization.OwnershipPeople affected by change:1. are involved in the process in a meaningful way2. bel

34、ieve their ideas and concerns are being heard and responded to3. understand of the need for change4. believe the change is positive for the company5. receive effective communications (timely, relevant, honest) e.g. Quadrant Scorecarde.g. Quadrant ScorecardBusiness as usual, then something changes.Un

35、informed OptimismImmobilization and DenialAngerBargainingDespairInformed PessimismTestingHopeful RealismAcceptanceInformed OptimismInitiative Completion Increased Productivity Increased Skill Proficiency Continuous Improvement AwarenessUnderstandingBuy-inOwnershipCommunicating ChangeCommunicating Ch

36、angeCommunicating ChangeCommunicating ChangeOne of the key objectives of effective Communication is to focus on moving people through the normal process of acceptance of change expediently.AwarenessCommitmentBuy-inUnderstandingBusiness ObjectivesMove people up the change curveso that they are at the place on the curve whereyou need them to be at each milestone.



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