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1、advertisements of Chanel 2021/5/2512021/5/252At the Lexical Level 1.Wide use of affirmative and commendatory words and exoerssions. The poupose of advertising is to impress the potential cusyomer with the quality of a product,so it often uses affirmative and commendatory words and exoerssions in des

2、cribing the commodity.For example: A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous.(每个女孩都该做到两点:有品位并光芒四射。2. Frequent use of personal pronouns. Advertising in particular relies on targeting specific groups of readers,and one of the most frequently used ways in which advertising language addresses a s

3、et of readers is by using the direct address term you. I dont understand how a woman can leave the house without fixing herself up a little - if only out of politeness. And then, you never know, maybe thats the day you have a date with destiny. And its best to be as pretty as possible for destiny. 2

4、021/5/253At the Grammatical Level1.Preference for short sentence Most sentences in the advertisements are short.These short sentences are very impressive and can influecce audience deeply. For example: Fashion passes, style. remains.(时尚会过去,但风格永存)A woman who doesnt wear perfume has no future.(不用香水的女人

5、没有未来。) 2021/5/254At the Grammatical Level2.Use of interrogative and imperative sentences The use of question and command in advertising kindles a spark of interest in the reader and induces the potential reader to have a go at it.For example: “Where should one use perfume? a young woman asked. Where

6、ver one wants to be kissed, I said.(“应该在何处擦香水?”一位少妇问我。“只要是想被亲吻的地方”我如此回答.) Dont spend time beating on a wall, hoping to transform. it into a door.(不要浪费时间敲一堵墙,你无法将其变做一扇门。)2021/5/255At the Grammatical Level3.Use of simple sentence structure. In these advertisements,we can find that they use the simple

7、sentence structure which contributes to the readability of the ad.Luxury must be comfortable, otherwise it is not luxury.奢侈就必须舒适,否则就不是奢侈。 2021/5/256An Advertisement of LV2021/5/257Where will life take you? 生命将引领你去向何方? -By LoUis Vuitton路易威登What is a journey?何为旅行?A journey is not a trip.旅行不是一次出行,Its n

8、ot a vacation.也不只是一次假期。Its a process. A Discovery.旅行是一次过程,一次发现。Its a process of self-discovery.一次自我发现的过程。A journey brings us face to face with ourselves.真正的旅行让我们直面自我。A journey shows us not only the world. 旅行,不仅让我看到了世界,But how we fit in it.更让我们看到自己在其中的位置。Does the person create the journey ?是我们创造了旅行?O

9、r does the journey create the person?还是旅行造就了我们?The journey is life itself.生命本身就是一场旅行。Where will life take you?生命将引领你走向何方?2021/5/258At the Grammarical Level1.Use of interrogative sentences. The advertiser begins and ends this ad with interrogative sentences.What is a journey?and Where will life take

10、you?It can catch the readers eyes and impress them deeply.2021/5/259At the Grammarcial Level2.Use of simple sentences and short sentences. In this advertisement,simple and short sentences are predominant,such as Its not a vocation. and But how we fit in it.It can attract more potential customers.202

11、1/5/2510At the Semantic Level1.Repetition. The sample repeats Journeyfour times in the body of the advertisement.2.Metaphor. In this ad,life is compared to a journey.In this way,readers can understand the meaning of journey of life and what the product stands for.2021/5/2511部分资料从网络收集整理而来,供大家参考,感谢您的关注!



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