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1、DiscourseandtheTranslatorDiscourseandtheTranslator 语篇与译者语篇与译者语篇与译者语篇与译者 by by by by Basil Hatim & Ian MasonBasil Hatim & Ian MasonBasil Hatim & Ian MasonBasil Hatim & Ian Mason 任静任静任静任静 -2-八音魔琴PPT教程系列 The AuthorsBasil Basil HatimHatim is is a a Professor Professor of of Arabic Arabic translation tra

2、nslation and and linguistics at Heriot-Watt University( linguistics at Heriot-Watt University( 赫瑞瓦特大学赫瑞瓦特大学). ). His major publications His major publications Discourse Discourse and and the the TranslatorTranslator(written written in in collaboration collaboration with with Ian MasonIan Mason) Comm

3、unication Communication across across Cultures Cultures :Translation :Translation theory theory and and Contrastive textContrastive text 跨文化交际-翻译理论与对比篇章语言学 Ian Ian Mason Mason is is a a Professor Professor of of Interpreting Interpreting and and Translating Translating at at Heriot-Watt Heriot-Watt

4、University. University. Among Among his his publications publications is is the the Discourse Discourse and and the the Translator,written Translator,written in in collaboration collaboration with with Basil HatimBasil Hatim Another Book: Another Book:Dialogue InterpretingDialogue Interpreting -3-八音

5、魔琴PPT教程系列 Contents 1. Issues and Debates in Translation Studies 2. Linguistics and Translators: Theory and Practice3.Context in Translating: Register Analysis4.Translating and Language as Discourse5.Translating Text as Action: The Pragmatic Dimension of Context6.Translating Texts as Signs: The Semio

6、tic Dimension of Context7.Intertextuality and Intentionality8.Text Type as the Translators Focus9.Prose Design:Text Structure in Translation10.Discourse Texture11.The Translator as Mediator -4-八音魔琴PPT教程系列 Standard AbbreviationsFPS Functional Stencence PrespectiveMT Machine TranslationR RhemeT ThemeS

7、L Source LanguageTL Target LanguageST Source Language TextTT Target Language Text-5-八音魔琴PPT教程系列OutlineOutline Basil Hatim & Ian Mason some important translation theoriesBasil Hatim & Ian Mason some important translation theories 1.Understanding of transaltion 1.Understanding of transaltion 2.Context

8、 and Translation 2.Context and Translation 3.Intertextuality( 3.Intertextuality(互文性互文性) and Translation) and Translation 4.Coherence and Translation 4.Coherence and Translation -6-八音魔琴PPT教程系列Chapter One Issues and Debates in Translation Studies目录CONTENTS-7-八音魔琴PPT教程系列Translating is a communicative p

9、rocess which takes place within a social context 翻译不是成品而是过程翻译不是成品而是过程 翻译活动的语境考虑翻译活动的语境考虑 翻译中不能做到绝对客观翻译中不能做到绝对客观-8-八音魔琴PPT教程系列1.1 Process and Product Translation as product instead of translating as process.(Widdowson points out) The view of this book: translation as a process involving the negotiati

10、on of meaning between producers and receivers of texts.1.2 Objectivity/ Subjectivity S cannt eliminated and O can not achieved completely-9-八音魔琴PPT教程系列Chapter twoTheoryandPractice-10-八音魔琴PPT教程系列 The basic problems faced by translators in their work 1.Comprehension of source text: (a) parsing of text

11、(grammar&lexis) (b)access to specialised knowledge (c)access to intended meaning 2.Transfer of meaning: (a)relaying lexical meaning (b)relaying grammatical meaning (c)relaying rhetorical meaning, including implied or inferrable meaning, for potential readers. 3.Assessment of target text (a)readabili

12、ty (b)conforming to generic and discoursal TL conventions (c)judging adequacy of translation for specified purpose -11-八音魔琴PPT教程系列 The emergence of linguistics as a new discipline in the twentieth century brought a spirit of optimism to the pursuit of language study ,a feeling that the groundwork wa

13、s at last being laid for a systematic and scientific approach to the description of language. Perhaps provide solutions to the kinds of language problems one obvious application of linguistics: develop a device for carrying out automatic translation-12-八音魔琴PPT教程系列Deep structure and Surface structure

14、some translators and Nida Translating involved: 1.breaking down the SL text into its underlying representation or semantic kernels2.Transfer of meaning from SL to TLon a structurally simple3.Generation of stylistically and semantically equivalent expression in TLeg: It is widely sensed that the disc

15、ipline has not yet located a path that will lead to a coherent and sustained advance beyond the intellectual territory claimed by modern general equilibrium theory. 大家普遍感觉到,这个科学还没有走上这一条路径。它将超越现代一般均衡理论所提出的思维空间,带来连贯持续进步。-13-八音魔琴PPT教程系列Why earlier developments in linguistic theory were of reality littl

16、e interest to translators ?Linguists and translators were not talking about the same thing. linguistic description was limited to single language systems, meanwhile, for translators every problem involved two language system.-14-八音魔琴PPT教程系列 Chapter 3 Context in translating1. Malinowskis theory of co

17、ntext was originally developed with the translator in mind.2. Firth:Context of situation could include participants in speech events, the action taking place, other relevant features of the situatior and the effects of the verbal action. So these variables are amenable to linguistic analysis.3. B.Ha

18、tim & I.Mason:most active and diverse elements make discourses coherent.-15-八音魔琴PPT教程系列 Context and TranslationCONTEXTCommunicative dimension 交际维度Pragmatic dimension语用维度Semiotic dimension符号维度-16-八音魔琴PPT教程系列Communicative dimension conditions of language variables arisePragmatic dimension Speech Act,

19、intentions ect. Semiotic dimension put communication entity & pragmatic connotation in semiotic system -17-八音魔琴PPT教程系列 Language Variation USER USE Dialects ect. Registers,ect. geographical social idiolectal temporal ect. For translators, it is really hard to make a decision for translating using mod

20、ern language or language in the past, for example 将仲子兮,无我里!无折我树!岂敢爱之!畏我父母! -18-八音魔琴PPT教程系列 Dont come in sir, please!-19-八音魔琴PPT教程系列Three basic aspects of register Field of discourse(what is going on) Mode of discourse(how to communicate speaking or writing)Tenor of discourse(relationship between pan

21、ticipants formal or informal)-20-八音魔琴PPT教程系列 Enlightenment for translators register equivalence -21-八音魔琴PPT教程系列 Chapter 4-6 3 dimensions of context-22-八音魔琴PPT教程系列 Semiotic dismensionWe have attempted to bring together the semiotic features of texts which are relevance to translators.Taking the sign

22、to be a triadic(三元) relation(initial,object,interpretant,the latter being regarded as the meaning of the sign),we have seen how the sign involves connotative systems which ultimately lead to the development of myth as a cultural phenomenon.(by authors)The process of semiotic translation1.identificat

23、ion(辨认原语中的符号实体)2.essential information(把握原语中核心信息)3.explication(通过同义词、增补或释义补足译文中无法找到的等值原语意义)4.transformation(译者补足原语中“意图”或“地位”等符号意义的表达)-23-八音魔琴PPT教程系列ExampleIn order to be blessed, Nyabung as head of the household, began the dance ceremony.He stretched out the long knife in his right hand and flapped

24、the shield in his left.Suddenly,and simultaneously, a gunshot echoed at the west end of the hall.The ngajat dance Nyabung was performing stopped abruptly.1.Identification- initiator:ngajat ; object:a dance; interpretant: asking for the household to be blessed.2. essential information-ritualistic dan

25、ce performed in order to bring blessing upon the household.3. explication-the relationship betweendanceand blessingis culture-specific.4.transformation-the translators opts for dance ceremony as the equivalent of ngajat-24-八音魔琴PPT教程系列 Chapter 7-8 History of Intertextuality 1. Put forward by Julia Kr

26、isteva in 1967 2.Bakhtin: Planar(二维的) Intertextuality a.horizontal Intertextuality(语篇前后) b.vertical Intertextuality(语篇与语篇间) 3.Laurent Jenny, Fairclough, Beaugrand&Dressler developed it. 4.Basil Basil Hatim Hatim & & Ian Ian MasonMason: : Intertextuality (互文性,文本互涉)texts are recognised in terms of the

27、ir dependence on other relevant texts. It provides an ideal testing ground for translating and interpreting. -25-八音魔琴PPT教程系列4 contributions1.Concluded 7-type categories within literature (Reference( 指 涉 ), Cliche(套语), Literary allusion(文学隐射),self-quotation(自我引用), Conventionlism(约定), Proverb(俗语),Medi

28、tation(吸收))2.4 types of Intertextuality generic text(文类互文) thematic text(主题互文) structural text(结构互文) functional text(功能互文)3.the relation between Intertextuality Reference and Semiotic structure4.the relation between Intertextuality and Transaltion. -26-八音魔琴PPT教程系列 The theory of Intertextuality trans

29、altion absorbed Discourse Linguistics, Functional Linguistics, StructuralLinguistics,Psychological Linguistics, Pragmatics,Semiotics. The theory reflects Intertextuality.-27-八音魔琴PPT教程系列 Text, Genre, Discourse Text(语篇) is composed of a series of sentences which together serve some overall rhetorical

30、purpose. Genres(体裁): are conventionalised forms of texts which reflect the functions and goals involved in particular social occasions as well as the purposes of participants in them.如:读来信、新闻报道等Discourse(话语):involved in attitudinally determined expression characteristic of social events and how rout

31、ine dialects stands for social custom.如:男性至上主义、女权主义Hatim believed that semiotic dismension and Intertextuality not only adjust interaction within the text but also interaction between culture, ideology and the text. So, translators should bring into correspondence with text, genre and discourse.-28-

32、八音魔琴PPT教程系列 Chapter 9 Text Structure in translationWhat is Text ? It is composed of series of sentences which together serve some overall rhetorical purpose.What is Text Structure? It refers to the hierarchical principles of composition. We approach a text, we identify series of words,phrases,clause

33、s.ect. But the linear progression of these text elements does not tell the whole story. The authors hold that each element enters into a discourse relation with other elements. Sequences of elements ultimately make up the unit texts.-29-八音魔琴PPT教程系列 How context influences the structure of texts? 1.cu

34、ltural context is an important factor in determining stuctural arrangement. so that, the important question will be: what is the status of any given structure in the actual process of translating. Where two languages do not share a structural pattern, what is the translators room for manoeuvre(调整) i

35、n making modifications?Fristly to consider the relationship between context and structure(by Hasan) a. structure is motivated by the way text users react to context b. choosing particular structures is intentionality(the signs & the intensions behind their use ensure successful communication). For e

36、xample, in courtroom interaction, the intention to raise an objection is efffectively relayed only when it is recognised as a sign. Activities such as objectingdisplaying their own structural formats, and structure becomes an important indicator of what is going on in interaction. -30-八音魔琴PPT教程系列 Co

37、ntextual Configuration 语境结构How do the various contextual variables find expression in the structure and in texture?Register provides an ideal link between context and text structure.Hasan introduces the term contextual configurationIt refers to those values from the whole range of field, tenor or mo

38、de,actually selected in any particular instance of communication(text) within a particular discourse or genre. Hasan provides a characterisation of a text which begins with_-Good morning(G) Dr. Scotts clinic(I) may i help you(Q)-Oh hello good morning(G) this is Mrs Lee speaking(I) I wonder if i coul

39、d see Dr.Scott today(A) G-greeting I- Identification Q- queryTwo basic characteristics of text structure emerge. 1.each genre is a typical format(generic structure) the format is greeting identification query -31-八音魔琴PPT教程系列2.there are certain obligatory features which a text must display if it is t

40、o be recognised as belonging to the set of texts in question( in the above instance,while greeting may be optional, idetification must be present for the text to be preceived as complete)Contextual configuration is an account of significant attributes of social activity.(Halliday & Hasan 1985: 56) t

41、he limits of Structure Modification: these features (optional element,obligatory elements,ects.) the way they are used are of central important to the translator, what are the options the translator faces? 1. Is the element being translate obligatory or optional in the TL text format? 2. If it is ob

42、ligatory, is the order in which it occurs appropriate for the TL text format? 3. If it is obligatory and the order in which it occurs appropriate, will interation, if there is any, be appropriate in the TL text format?-32-八音魔琴PPT教程系列Although different languages may prefer different structural format

43、s, ultimately, the limits on structure modification in translation are reached when the rhetorical purpose of the ST begins to be compromised. In such case, the SL format must be considered the overriding factor.How elements are grouped into sequences An element refers to one of the constitutes of t

44、ext structure,each element in our sense of the term because it establishes an opposition. for example, 讲义P2different from grammatical unit(phrase, clause,ect.) so translators work with aspects of both syntactic form and rhetorical function in dealing with a given element of text. A sequence is a uni

45、t of text organization which normally consists of more than one element and which serves a higher-order rhetorical function than that of the individual elements in question. -33-八音魔琴PPT教程系列Topic shift is to be understood as the point at which there is a perceptible change of topic between adjacent(邻

46、近的) portions of discourse. lexical and syntactic signals are always present to mark this shift(see Brown and Yule 1983:94) A closer definition of topic, however, enables us to identify boundaries not only between texts, but also between sequences and elements within a given text. so translators are

47、guided by this kind of analysis of topic.Perceiving text as a unit of structureText is a coherent and cohesive unit, realised by one or more than sequence of mutually relevant elements, and serving some overall rhetorical purpose. The uppermost level structure, namely text.-34-八音魔琴PPT教程系列 Summarises

48、 the salient points in our discussionRhetorical purpose(stressed the importance of the rhetorical purpose as the basis of the evolution of text types.)Purpose of translation(the degree of intervention by the transaltor will often depend on customers and their needs. )Global parrerns(useful to refer

49、to a recognisable set of global patterns to which texts conform in different languages).But world is changing. It is noteworthy that, whereas textual patterns and conventions are constantly modified when texts in less dominant languages are translated into English,the reverse is not the case.-35-八音魔

50、琴PPT教程系列 Chapter 10 Discourse textureTexture is one of the defining characteristics of text. It is that property which ensures that a text hangs together, both linguistically and conceptually. Text: coherent(sense) & cohesive(surface elements) Two points before deal with texture in translationMotiva

51、tion Text- type focus is a powerful motivating factor, for example, Generic and discourse constraints are also of obvious relevance to the study of texture. Theres water through many homes- I would say almost all of them have water in them. Its just completely under water. (reported in the Gainesvil

52、le Sun, 20.12.78) Texture as motivated choice.-36-八音魔琴PPT教程系列Nature of coherence Coherence is not something which is created by text, but rather an assumption made by language users that, in accordance with the cooperative principle, texts are intended to be coherent. interaction depends on the assu

53、mptions which users bring to it which translators have to reassess It seems unnecessarily extreme to limit coherence to a set of assumptions.For example, replacing the second mention of a word by a synonym would compromise the overall effect of the text. Coherence as intended meaning-37-八音魔琴PPT教程系列

54、For translators Distinguish between those elements of intended meaning which can be represented in terms of universal coherence relations, and problems of translation arising.Non-correspondence of grammatical systems,for example, in English, there is a two-term set of demonstratives: this/that, wher

55、eas in Spanish the set comprise three members:este/ese/aquel What concerns the translator is to assess a particular instance of deixis in terms of its significance for the emerging coherence and cohension of the text.-38-八音魔琴PPT教程系列 Chapter 11 The translators as mediator The translator is first and

56、foremost a mediator between producer & receiver for whom mutual communication might otherwise be problematic-and this is true of the translator of partents, contracts,verse or fiction just as it is of the simultaneous interpreter, who can be seen to be mediating in a very direct way. translators med

57、iate between culture Two kinds of mediation (translators) privilege readers of the SL text 1. ideologies,moral systems and socio-political structures ect.2. Unlike the ordinary ST or TT reader, the translator reads in order to produce, decodes in order to re-encode. Thankyouforlistening!Thankyouforlistening! HaveanicedayHaveaniceday



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