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1、E-mail address shared by us:Code: afternoon final scoreA. oral test (50%)B. regular performance (50%)Attendance(20)Presentation(15)class contribution(15)requirementsbe active in classpresentation: introduce one scenic spot2 3 students each groupppt.Style of Tourism EnglishA. Formal Addressing (Mr/Mi

2、ss/Mrs/Ms/Sir/Madam)B. Self-depreciatory(自谦)(自谦) expression in receptione.g. After you, please. Sir. / Well, when shall we have the pleasure of seeing you again? / We are honored by your presence(承蒙光临,不甚荣幸) / At your service(愿为您效劳)/ Its an honor to me to see you.C. Formalization in expressing respec

3、t indirectlye.g. We are looking forward to seeing you again./ I dont know how to thank you for such kindness.(厚意)D. Apologize only to be polite(客套)(客套)e.g. Excuse me, but I should say its against our hotel rules.Special sentence patternse.g. Would you be good enough to come here?(劳驾)We would appreci

4、ate it if it could be arranged.visiting travel agencyvocabulary旅行社 travel agency旅行代理人 travel agent导游 guide地陪 local guide全陪 national guide旅游路线sightseeing route旅游线路itinerary旅游手册travel brochure观光旅游 sightseeing trip有导游的旅游 guided / conducted tour城市游 city tour乡下游 country tour自然景观游natural scenery tour乘游览车旅

5、游coach tour巴士旅游bus tour游船boat cruise往返票a round trip ticket单程票a single fare门票admission ticket膳宿供应accommodation组团人数group size名胜古迹place of interest花费,消费expense团体旅游者group tourist单个旅游者individual touristUseful expressionsFor travel agents:Is there anything that I can do for you?What can I do for you?有什么事我

6、能为您效劳吗?What places do you want to see in particular?有没有您特别想去的地方?Where would you like to go?您想去哪里?Thank you for your interest in our programs.谢谢您对我们的旅游项目感兴趣。We arrange two kinds of tourist programs for Suzhou: a six-day tour by train and a five-day flying journey.苏州的旅游项目有两种:火车往返六日游和飞机往返五日游。We have tw

7、o tours each week, leaving Monday and Wednesday mornings.我们每星期出团两次,每周一和周三早上出发。Here are some brochures. They can give you more information.这儿有些小册子,它们能给您提供更详尽的说明。The price for one person for a ten-day tour is only $1099.十日游每人只要1099美元。Its a four-star hotel with two restaurants and a swimming pool.它是一家四

8、星级旅馆,有两个餐厅和一个游泳池。Breakfast and dinner are included in the price I gave you.我报给您的费用包括早餐和晚餐。You can give me a call after you make your choice.您做出决定后可以给我打个电话。If there is something I could help, just call me, please.如果需要我帮忙,请给我打电话。For tourists:Im going to take a trip abroad.我准备到国外旅行。Id like to go to Suz

9、hou.我想去苏州。Id like to see some of your brochures. Im planning to take a trip.我想看看你们的宣传册。我打算去旅行。Would you please tell me something about the city?你能告诉我有关这个城市的一些情况吗?That sounds wonderful / nice.听起来不错。 What is the cost of the tour?这趟旅行费用要多少?It sounds reasonable.听起来挺合理的。How long does a one-day tour take?

10、这种一日游要花多长时间?Task Make a conversation:Suppose you are a tourist and your partner is a travel agent. Please make a conversation in which you want to find the information about your trip. Example A: What can I do for you, sir?B: Id like to take a trip to Suzhou. A: Well, we arrange two kinds of tourist

11、 programs for Suzhou: a six-day tour by train and a five-day flying journey.B: This is my first trip to Suzhou. Would you please tell me something about the city?A: Certainly. Suzhou is a beautiful city. It is called the Venice of the East because of its network of canals, and it is world-famous for

12、 its landscape gardens. There are about 150 gardens in Suzhou. Some of them are more than 1,000 years old. These gardens are not large but curious in their designs, and they bring together the beauties of nature, architecture and painting.B: That sounds nice. Id like to take a five-day flying journe

13、y.A: Ok. Here are some brochures. They can give you more information.B: Thank you. What is the cost?A: Its 2000 yuan, including accommodation.B: It sounds reasonable.A: You can give me a call after you make your choice.B: Ok. Bye.A: Bye.Applying for passport and visavocabulary:申请apply for过境签证transit

14、 visa出境签证exit visa入境签证entry visa申请人applicant申请(n.)applicationsignature of applicant申请人签名date of application申请日期visa application签证申请表application for non-immigrant visa非移民签证申请表family name / surname姓given name名full name全名nationality国籍official use only / for official use官方填写passport classification护照种类va

15、lid until有效期至present address现住址permanent address永久地址duration of proposed stay停留时间spouses name & nationality配偶姓名及国籍Application For Visa签证申请表签证申请表Useful expressions for interviewVisa officers words:What type of visa are you applying for ?您要申请什么样的签证?Would you please fill in the form first?您能先把这张表填一下吗?M

16、ay I know your reason for going to the United States?我能问一下您去美国的理由吗?May I have a look at your return flight ticket?我能看一下您的返程机票吗?Are you on a tourist visa or a business visa?你持有的是旅游签证还是公务签证?You need to provide proof of sufficient financial support for your stay in the United States.您需要提供您在美国停留期间足够的资金支

17、持证明。Please take this slip to the next window to pay a fee and come back to pick up your passport this afternoon.请您拿这张纸条到隔壁窗口交费,然后下午来取护照。Well get in touch with you when your visa is ready.当签证准备好时我们会通知您。Applicants word:Im here to inquire whether I can get a visa to your country.我来这儿想申请到贵国的签证。Id like t

18、o apply for a traveling visa, double entry.我想申请两次入境的旅游签证。Im going to Europe for sightseeing.我要到欧洲去观光。Here are my supporting documents provided by my uncle.这是我叔叔给我的资金支持证明。When can I collect my passport?我什么时候可以取护照?TaskSuppose you want to apply for a visa for touring the United States. Please make up a

19、n interview between you and a visa officer.Booking an air ticketvocabulary:航空公司airlines / airways航线airline航班flight航班班次flight number预定(机票)v. reserven. reservation确认(预订)v. confirmn. confirmation取消(预订)v. canceln. cancellation起飞v. departn. departure到达v. arriven. arrival飞机票air / plane ticket头等舱first clas

20、s商务舱business class经济舱economy class / coach往返票return ticket (英)round-trip ticket (美)办理乘机手续check in登机to board a plane登机牌boarding card / pass登机门boarding gate直达班机direct / non-stop flight国内班机domestic flight国际班机international flightUseful expressionsFor Airline Clerk:Which airline would you like to take?您想

21、乘哪家航空公司的航班?One-way or return / round-trip?单程票还是返程票?When are you going to depart?您想什么时候出发?Which class would you like?您想要哪种舱的票?Do you like a morning or an afternoon flight?上午的航班还是下午的航班?Aisle or window seat?过道边上的座位还是靠窗的座位?The plane will depart / arrive at eight.飞机8点起飞/到达。Its non-stop / direct.它是直达飞行。So

22、rry, its fully booked. But Ill check to see if there have been any cancellations. Just a moment, please. There are seats available on a flight leaving at 8. Would you like this flight?对不起,这次航班已订满了,但我可以查看一下有没有取消预订的,请您稍等一下。早上8点的航班还有座位,这个航班可以吗?Your name, please? / May I have your name, please?请问您的名字?Co

23、uld you spell it, please?请您拼出来好吗?The fare of a one-way ticket is 1000 yuan.单程机票是1000元。For passengers:Id like to make a reservation to Chicago.Id like to book / reserve an air ticket to Chicago.我想订一张去芝加哥的机票。Could I book / reserve an economy class ticket to Chicago?Could I make a reservation of econom

24、y class to Chicago?我能订一张去芝加哥的经济舱机票吗?Id like a round-trip ticket to New York.我想要一张去纽约的往返票。Can you tell me what time the plane will depart / arrive?你能告诉我飞机什么时候起飞/到达吗?Is it direct / non-stop?是直飞吗?Is there a layover?中途要停留吗?Id like to confirm my reservation, please.我想确认我的订票。Id like to change my flight.我想

25、变更班次。Hows another flight? Any seat available?另一航班呢?有没有空位?Do you have a seat available on the same flight the day after tomorrow?后天同次航班有座吗?I want to cancel my reservation.我想取消预订。TaskRole-playPlease roleplay the process of booking an air ticket with your group members.Check in & Boarding办理报到手续及登机Vocab

26、ulary:办理报到手续check in报到登记柜台check-in counter行李baggage / luggage行李箱suitcase行李牌baggage tag行李领取baggage claim行李领取证baggage claim tag件(行李的量词)piece超重的overweight随身手提的hand-carryUseful expressionspassengers:请 问 搭 乘 前 往 纽 约 的UA610班机是在这里办理报到手续吗?Excuse me, should I check in here for taking flight UA610 to New York

27、?什么时候开始办理报到手续?When should I check in?报到手续有哪些?What are the check-in procedures?airline clerks:是的,先生。请给我您的护照及机票。Yes, sir. May I have your passport and flight ticket, please?六点办理登记手续。The check-in time is at six.可以给我一个靠走道/靠窗的位置吗?Can I have an aisle seat / a window seat?请给我一个靠走道/靠窗的位置。Please give me an a

28、isle seat / a window seat.我想要一个看风景的座位。Id like a seat with a good view.让我帮您查一下.有了,没问题。Let me see . OK. No problem.我们有四件行李要托运。We have four pieces of luggage to check in.只有一个皮箱,这两个袋子是手提行李。Just one suitcase. Ill keep two small bags as hand-baggage.我将随身带着这个袋子。Im going to carry this bag with me.请问您有行李要托运吗

29、?Do you have any pieces of luggage to check in?好的。没有超重吧?Of course. They are not overweight, are they?超重的行李如何计费?Whats the charge for excess baggage?请问免费行李有什么规定?Whats the luggage allowance, please?麻烦您将它们放到磅秤上。Would you please put them on the scale?很抱歉,超重了3公斤。Im sorry. Its 3 kilograms over.头等舱允许携带30公斤免

30、费行李,经济舱允许携带20公斤免费行李。30 kilograms free luggage allowance for first class and 20 kilograms for economy class.登机时间是什么时候?When is the boarding time?可以告诉我登机门在哪里吗?Could you show me where the boarding gate is?Thank you very much.好了。这是您的行李领取证、机票、登机证及护照。Alright. Here are your baggage claim tags, flight ticket

31、, boarding pass and passport.登机时间是下午6点35分。The boarding time is 6:35 p.m.您将在6号门登机。Youll be boarding from Gate 6.You are welcome. Have a good trip.Going Through Customs 通关通关vocabulary:申报v. declaren. declarationcustoms declaration海关申报customs inspection海关检查currency declaration货币申报contraband违禁品个人用品 / 私人用

32、品 / 个人财产 / 个人使用personal itemspersonal effectspersonal belongingspersonal use付.税pay duty / tax on .health declaration健康申明卡baggage declaration form行李申报表dutiable应纳税的formality手续receipt收据souvenir纪念品confiscate没收Things which may not be brought into a country without special permits:drugs: apply for a speci

33、al permit in advancetobacco, wine, currency: limit the amountfruits, vegetables, plants, animals, seeds, soil, plant products, meat: forbidden(prevent insects and plant diseases from being spread)customs officer:您有什么东西特别要申报吗?Do you have anything special to declare?Anything special to declare?麻烦您将行李箱

34、放到柜台上好吗?我必须看一下。Could you put the suitcase on the counter? I have to take a look at it.passenger:我没有什么要申报的。I have nothing to declare.No.Sure.这包里是什么?能否打开?Whats in the bag? Would you mind opening your bag?Would you show me whats in the suitcase?在您的袋子里有什么?What do you have in the bag?Not at all.Sure. Ill

35、 open it right away.这是给我朋友的礼物。These are gifts for my friends.这些全是个人用品。These are all personal belongings.只是自己用。这不是要卖的。Only for my own use. It is not for sale.您的行李里有违禁品吗?Have you any contraband in your luggage?您不能带新鲜水果。我们要没收这些。You are not supposed to bring fresh fruits. Im going to confiscate these.我可

36、以带这些水果吗?Am I allowed to bring in this fruit?您有没有带酒或香烟呢?Do you have any liquor or cigarettes?You dont have to pay duty on personal belongings.这是收据。您已办完通过手续。现在可以过关了。Here is your receipt. Youre through with the customs formalities. You can go through now.我必须为此付税吗?Do I have to pay tax on this?Must I pay

37、 duty on this?要付多少税?How much is the duty on this?situational conversationA: Passport and boarding pass, please.B: _.A: _?B: Im from China.A: _?B: No, nothing.A: _?B: Sure. Ill open it right away.A: Is this camera a gift for someone?B: No, _.A: And you are not supposed to bring fresh fruits. _.B: OK.

38、A: You can go through now.Here you are, sirWhere are you fromDo you have anything to declareWould you open the suitcase, pleaseit is for personal useIm going to confiscate theseTranslation A: 请出示护照。请出示护照。B:给你。:给你。A:你将在美国待多久?:你将在美国待多久?B:大约两周。:大约两周。A:你在此停留的目的是什么?:你在此停留的目的是什么?B:观光。:观光。A:你有什么要申报的吗?:你有什么

39、要申报的吗?B:没没有有。这这些些箱箱子子里里的的所所有有东东西都是我个人用的。西都是我个人用的。A:请打开你的箱子行吗?:请打开你的箱子行吗?B:行。:行。A:这个盒子里是什么?:这个盒子里是什么?B:一一幅幅手手套套,是是给给我我朋朋友友的的礼礼物。这些是几瓶酒和香烟。物。这些是几瓶酒和香烟。A:只只准准带带两两瓶瓶酒酒和和四四百百只只香香烟烟,超额部分你得上税。超额部分你得上税。B:能允许我带进这水果吗?:能允许我带进这水果吗?A:对对不不起起,你你必必须须把把它它留留在在这这里里。A: Your passport, please.B: Here it is.A: How long wi

40、ll you stay in the U.S.?B: About two weeks.A: Whats the purpose of your visit?B: Sightseeing.A: Do you have anything to declare?B: No, everything in these suitcases is for my personal use.A: Would you please open your suitcases?B: All right.A: Whats this in the box?B: A pair of gloves. Its a gift fo

41、r my friend. These are bottles of wine and cigarettes.A: Since you are allowed to bring in two bottles of wine and four hundred cigarettes, youll have to pay duty on the excess.B: Am I allowed to bring in this fruit?A: Sorry, but you must leave it here.At a hotel旅馆住宿篇旅馆住宿篇Reserving / Booking a Roomv

42、ocabulary:预定v. reserve / book n. reservationmake a reservation客房预定部Room Reservations确认v. confirm n. confirmation取消v. cancel n. cancellation客户client空房间vacancyvacant room大批订房block booking套房单人房双人房suite/ single room/ double room双人对床房twin room三人房(双人房内加一床)triple room总统套房executive suitewith / without bath带

43、 / 不带浴室的with shower带淋浴的宽敞的 spacious旺季peak season价格,费用rate折扣discountUseful expressionsHotels receptionist:客房预定部。能否为您效劳?Room Reservations. Can I help you?您想要什么样的房间?What kind of room do you want?您想要什么价位的房间?What kind/ sort of price would you like to pay?是单人房还是双人房?Single or double room?我们没有任何空的单人房了We don

44、t have any single (rooms) available.Customer:我想在你们旅馆预订一间房间。Id like to make a reservation in your hotel.我想要一间带有浴室的房间。Id like a room with bath.我想要个安静点的房间Id prefer a quiet room.我想要一间视野觉好的房间Id like a room with a view.Hotels receptionist:我要查下那天客房出租的状况Ill check our vacancies for that day. 我们的确有间空房We do ha

45、ve a vacancy.先生,很抱歉,周末所有的双人房都订满了,只有单人房。Sorry, sir. All double rooms are completely booked up / fully occupied for the weekend. Only single rooms are available.现在是旺季,抱歉但能否请您周末再打电话过来?可能会有人取消预订This is the busiest / peak season. Im sorry, but could you call us again later this week? We may have a cancel

46、lation.Customer:明天晚上有空房吗?Are there rooms available for tomorrow evening?Do you have any vacancies for tomorrow evening?Hotels receptionist:您准备住多久?How long will you be staying?请问什么时候住? Which date would that be? / For what date?双人房每晚200美元。A double room is $200 per night.For a double room, the price wo

47、uld be $200 per night.团体预订可以享受的优惠We offer you 15% discount for group reservation.Customer:只住两个晚上。Just for two nights.October 24th.请问房费多少?What is the rate, please?有折扣吗?Is there any discount?Hotels receptionist:请问您的姓名和地址? May I know your name and address?请问您的电话号码是多少?What about your telephone number?我们

48、会为您取消预订Well make the cancellation for you.Customer:我想要改一下预订Id like to change a reservation.我想将预订延长2晚Id like to extend my reservation for two more nights.我想取消预订的单人房间Id like to cancel my booking for a single room.Situational ConversationMr. Smith wants to reserve a double room in Friendship Hotel for

49、himself and his wife for their stay in China from Oct. 10th to 15th. Try to make a conversation on the phone between the reservationist and Mr. Smith. Here are some useful expressions:For what time?How many guests will there be in your party?What kind of room would you like?Would you hold the line,

50、please? Ill check our vacancies.What time do you expect to arrive?We look forward to serving you.Checking in 登记入住登记入住Vocabulary入住登记registration登记表registration form服务台reception desk接待员receptionist前台front desk问询处information desk服务员行李员bellboy搬运生porter门房doorman清理房间的女服务员chambermaid客房服务员 room clerk餐厅领班 he

51、adwaiter旅馆大厅 lobby 半膳 half board 全膳 full board房号房卡房间钥匙room number/ card/ key行李车luggage cart签名signature保险箱safe box贵重物品valuables Useful expressionsHotels receptionist:我能为您效劳吗,先生?What can I do for you, sir?请问您贵姓?Whats your name, sir?请稍等。我查一下我们的预订记录。Just a moment. Ill check our reservation records.Let m

52、e look through our reservation list.Customer:是的,我想要办理住宿登记。我两天前订了一间双人房。Yes, Id like to check in. I booked / reserved a double room two days ago.Hotels receptionist:您有预订吗?Do you have a reservation with us?不错,先生。我们已为你预留了房间。请您填写登记表格。Yes, sir, we have your reservation. (We have a room reserved for you.)

53、Could you fill out the registration form, please?Customer:我没有预订,今晚有单人房吗?I didnt make a reservation, but do you have a single room available for tonight?请看一下我是否漏填了什么信息Please go over to see if Ive left out some information.Hotels receptionist:您是付现款还是用信用卡?How will you pay your bill, cash or credit card

54、?How are you going to pay, in cash or by credit card.这是您的房间卡/钥匙。Here is your room card/ key.我叫人帮您把行李搬上去。Ill have someone bring your luggage up. The bellboy will help with your luggage.希望您在我们这里住得愉快。I wish you a pleasant stay with us.Have a nice stay.Customer:信用卡。给你。Credit card. Here you are.我的房间号是多少?

55、Whats my room number?Situational conversationClerk: Good morning. _?Tom: Good morning. _.Clerk: _?Tom: I think there should be one room booked for me, in the names of Tom Marshall.Clerk: Umm, just a moment. _. Tom: OK.Clerk: _?Tom: Yes, until the thirteenth. Thats ten days.Clerk: Good. May I see you

56、r passport, please?Tom: _.Clerk: _?Tom: In cash.Clerk: This is your key to room 1010. we hope youll enjoy your stay with us.Can I help you, sirId like to check inDo you have a reservationLet me look through our registration listIs it for ten daysHere you arehow will you pay your billComplaints 抱怨抱怨I

57、 hate to disturb you, but I really cant stand it any more.The air-conditioning doesnt work.The toilet doesnt flush (冲水).Theres no toilet paper in the bathroom.The wastepaper basket hasnt been emptied.The equipment is too old.The curtains in our room are all stained (染污的).The light in this room is to

58、o dim (昏暗的).The room is too cold for me.You might at least have swept the floor.Dealing with ComplaintsIm awfully sorry (for my carelessness)/ (the inconvenience). I really ought to have known it better. 我真该早就想到的。I do apologize.Ill make a note of that. 我会把这件事记下来的。Everything will be taken care of. 一切

59、都会安排妥当的。I understand how you feel and well try to do our best to help you.Ill take care of / attend to it personally. 我会亲自去解决处理。Please relax. Ill take care of it according to your request.请放心,我将按您的要求办。Were trying to find the cause. Could you wait a little longer, please?Ill report it to the maintena

60、nce.我会将此事告知维修人员。Checking-out 办理退房手续办理退房手续Vocabulary:退房check out账单bill支付(账单)pay / settle项目items出纳员cashier多收费用overcharge收据receipt总共total / altogether现金cash信用卡credit card旅行支票traverlers check长途电话long distance call市内电话local call国内电话domestic call国际电话international call越洋电话overseas callUseful expressionsHot

61、els clerk:我能为您效劳吗,先生?What can I do for you, sir?当然,我们几分钟内就上去。Certainly. Well be up in a few minutes.Customer:我现在要走,你能派一个服务生来提我的行李吗?我在731室。Im leaving now. Could you send a bellboy to pick up my baggage? Im in Room 731.Hotels clerk:我能为您效劳吗,先生?What can I do for you, sir?请等一会,好,这是你的账单,先生。Just a moment,

62、please. OK, heres your bill, sir.Customer:我想现在退房,这是我的钥匙。Id like to check out now, please. Heres my key.我明天一早就走,所以我想现在结帐。Im leaving early tomorrow morning, so Id like to settle my bill now.Hotels clerk:总共200美元。It comes to 200 dollars.这是你打到纽约的长途电话。This is your long-distance call to New York.是的,总共200美元

63、。您打算用什么方式付款呢?Yes. 200 dollars altogether. How would you like to pay the bill?Would you like to pay in cash or by credit card?Customer:我应该付多少钱?How much should I pay?对不起,请问这是什么费用?Excuse me, whats this charge?我想你算错了,我没有打任何外线电话,麻烦请在查一次。I think there is a mistake in this bill. I didnt make any outside ca

64、lls. Please check it again.噢,好的,这是总数,对吗?Oh, OK. This is the total, right?Hotels clerk:接收。请在这里签字。这是您的收据。Yes. Please sign here. This is your receipt.Customer:你们接受旅行支票吗?Do you accept traverlers checks?你可以帮我保管行李到4点吗?Could you keep my baggage till four?你可以帮我存放行李到我要离开时吗?Could you store my baggage until my

65、 departure time?可以帮我叫辆计程车吗?Would you call a taxi for me?At a restaurant餐馆就餐餐馆就餐Reservations (预先订座预先订座)Vocabulary:订位make a reservation预订一张桌子reserve a tablebook a table订座book a seat要这个位子take this seat满座fully booked有座be available占用occupy约会appointment推迟postpone 一群六个人a party (group) of six一张两人坐的桌子a table

66、 for two穿着规定dress code正式穿着formal dress西装与领带,指正式服装suit and tie吸烟区smoking area非吸烟区non-smoking area在角落in the corner靠窗边by the window取消cancelUseful expressionreceptionist:能为您效劳吗?May I help you?麻烦您留下您的姓名好吗?May I have your name, please?请问怎么拼写?How do you spell it?请问你们有几位?How many people do you have?guest:是的

67、。我想订一张明晚的桌子。Yes. Id like to make a reservation for tomorrow evening.我想订一张两人坐的桌。Id like to book a table for two.六个人。4个大人,2个小孩。Six. Four adults and three children.receptionist:您什么时间来?您要订什么时间的?When will you come? / For what time?请稍候,我查一查是否还有空桌Just a moment, please. Let me see if there is any table avai

68、lable.恐怕那时的餐位已全部订满您愿意预订其他时间的餐位吗?Im afraid were fully booked at that time. Would you like to make a reservation some other time?对不起,我们餐厅的预订已满Im sorry, the restaurant is full.恐怕暂时没有两个人坐的空桌子Im afraid I dont have a table for two at the moment.guest:大约六点半。About six thirty.几点有空位呢?What time is available?re

69、ceptionist:我们可以在8点给您一张6个人的桌子。We can give you one table for six at 8 oclock.您想靠窗坐还是靠门口坐?Would you like to sit by the window or near the doorway?您要订中餐还是西餐?And what is it going to be, Chinese food or western food?大约15分钟。About 15 minutes.我们将把座位给别人。Well give the seats to others.届时我们会为您将一切打点妥当的。Well get e

70、verything ready for you by then.我们营业到午夜Were open until midnight.对不起,我们下午四点才开始营业Im sorry. Were not open until 4 p.m.guest:你们对顾客有衣着规定吗?Do you have a dress code for customers?你们会为我们保留多久位子呢?How long will you hold the table for us?如果我们在8点15分还没出现呢?What if we show up after 8:15?我们大概会迟到20分钟,但请别取消我的订位。Well b

71、e late by about 20 minutes, but dont cancel my reservation.你们营业到几点?How late is it open?Taking Orders 点菜点菜Vocabulary:菜单menu侍者waiter / waitress厨师长chef特色菜speciality开胃菜appetizer 主菜main course/ entre不含酒精的饮料soft drinks推荐recommend 多样性;种类variety辣的hot咸的salty酸的sour 苦的bitter甜的sweet清淡的light 口味重heavy 甜点dessert 按

72、菜单点 a la carte 套菜,公司餐table dhote中餐Chinese-style food西餐western-style food水煮的炖的慢煮的熏制的烘烤的煎炸的蒸的poached (boiled)/ stewed/ simmeredsmoked/ roasted (baked)/ fried/ steamed色, 香, 味color, fragrance, taste鲜,嫩,滑freshness, tenderness, smoothness自助餐buffet烹饪,烹调cuisine调味汁,酱汁sauce 加香料的spicy 胡椒pepper牛排beef steak猪排por

73、k chops羊排lamb chops鱼排fish steak虾shrimp龙虾lobster果冻jelly布丁pudding圣代sundae水果塔fruit tart派pie酱汁dressing法式酱汁French dressing意式酱汁Italian dressingWords for the waiter/ waitressMay I show you our order? 您要菜单吗?Would you like to order now?What would you like to have?您想开始先来点什么?What would you like to begin with?这

74、是我们餐馆的特色菜这是我们厨师的拿手好菜Its the speciality of our restaurant./ Its our chefs recommendation.我们餐馆以四川菜著称Our restaurant is noted for Sichuan food.您肯定会喜欢这道菜味道很好许多客人都很喜欢Im sure you will like it. Its tasty. Many guests like it very much.四川名菜有鱼香肉丝和辣子鸡丁Some famous Sichuan dishes are pork shreds with fish season

75、ing and chicken cubes with chili peppers.涮羊肉怎么样?How about mutton hot pot?您希望怎么做?牛排您要几成熟?How would you like it done?/ how would you like your steak?您想要什么样的汤,浓汤还是淡汤?How would you like your soup served, thick or thin?对不起,龙虾没有了Im sorry, therere no lobster left.抱歉,现在不是生长这种菜的季节您想不想吃点别的什么?Im afraid that th

76、is vegetable is not in season. Would you like to try something else?如果您还需要别的菜,您可以边吃边点If you want more dishes, you can order during the meal.您点的菜很快就准备好Your order will be ready very soon.我们的菜单恐怕没有这项Im afraid it is not on our menu.Words for the guest请把菜单给我我可以看菜单吗?你们有中文菜单吗?Please show me the menu./ May

77、I have a menu, please?/ Do you have a menu in Chinese?我待会儿再点I will order again later.今天的靓汤是什么?今天的厨师推荐菜是什么?Whats the soup of today?/ What are your chefs specialities?你们这里的特色菜是什么?What is your speciality?那是一道什么样的菜?What kind of dish is it?我想来点清淡些的I prefer something light.你们有什么蔬菜?你们有素菜吗?What vegetables have you got? / Do you have vegetarians dishes?您能推荐一些菜吗?Could you recommend some dishes?



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