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1、The year 2050Lesson 1Unit 9What will the life be like in the future?I think the life in the future will be different. .Do you agree?Yes, I agree.No, I don t agree.I don t think computers can planttrees? I don t, either.Neither do I.What do you think the life will be like in the future? I thinkwillI

2、hope so.I hope not.What do Bingo kids think the life will be like in the future? ? 1. Where are they? 2. What will the life in the year ?2050 be like? (underline)Watch againWatch the story andread it .What will happen in 2050?Ann and Ken are not sure.A: What will you do in the year 2050?B: Mockyits

3、hard to sayMocky has a crystal ball. He shows it to Ken and Ann. He tells Ken and Ann about life in the future.A: Look! This crystal ball can tell you!B: A crystal ball? Tell us about life in 2050, then.A: You will have robots at home, Ken.B: Wow. thats great. Will they do homework for me?There will

4、 be robots at home. Robots will do homework for the children, and help in the kitchen. But they will not do the thinking for people.A: I think they will.They will do evrything.B: But I dont they will do your thinking for you.A: Will they help Mom cook?B: Sure,they will.Ken and Ann are interested and

5、 Mocky tells them more. In 2050,life will be better and people will live longer.B: Thats interesting. Mocky. Tell us more about the future.A: Life will be better, and people will live longer.B: Thats great! Will people live on Mars?They will live Mars, and take their vacation on the moon, because th

6、e Earth will be too dirty.A: I think so. There will be fresh air and clean water on Mars.B: Cool. Will people travel to the moon and take their vacation there?A: Sure. In 2050,some people will live on the moon because the Earth will be too dirty.B: That s terrible! What can we do now?Mocky believes they can do a lot to help the Earth.A: The future is in our hands. We can do a lot to helpB: Oh. Mocky! It s not the crystal ball. It s the book!The future is in our hands.Homework1.Listen and read the story.2. Copy the new words.Thank you !See you !



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