高中英语Unit4 Unforgettable experiencesGrammar课件旧人教第一册上

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1、REVISIONREVISION 1. She looked at Jeff who waved his arms.2. The story that you read is “The Rescue”.a Chinese player who was born in Shanghai and is playing basketball in NBA now. The first riddle:Yao Ming isThe third riddleA sudden shaking of the earths surface which may cause great damage. Earthq

2、uakeThe fifth riddleA famous director one of whose films is Hero. Zhang Yimou isI like a girl who/that _. looks happyThe ship on which_ _ was Titanic. they were standingTomThe baby whom Tom _ _is his brother.His brother is looking after The girl who is raising her hand is my sister.He is the policem

3、an who told me the way yesterday. A tank is a machine which is very powerful in a war.I lost the glasses that/which I bought in Beijing.This is a truck which is made in China.A quilt is something that can keep you warm when you sleep.Rewrite the following sentencesPracticeSentence 1 Im a girl . I li

4、ke surfing the Internet every day. Im a girl who likes surfing the Internet every day. Im a girl that/ likes surfing the Internet every day.girlwhomwhoseSentence 2 The man used to be a football player. His leg was hurt in a match two years ago. The man whose leg was hurt in a match two years ago use

5、d to be a football player.man Sentence 3 Emily is wearing a new dress . I bought it for her . Emily is wearing a new dress which / that I bought for her.dress I lost the pen with which I had written several novels.Sentence 4 I lost a pen. I had written several novels with it. I lost the pen which/th

6、at I had written several novels with.with.penSentence 5 The boy is my classmate. Mike is speaking to him. The boy whom /who/that Mike is speaking to is my classmate. The boy to whom Mike is speaking is my classmate.boy to Conclusion 11. When you are talking about people,use_.who, whom, whose, that,

7、which who, whom, whose or that2. When you are talking about things, use_. that or which Try to draw a conclusion I lost the pen with which I had written several novels. The boy to whom Mike is speaking is my classmate.Conclusion 2Only_and _can be used after prepositions in the attributive clause.who

8、, whom, whose, that, which Group 1: your schoolGroup 2: chipsGroup 3: a doctorGroup 4: the Great WallGroup 5: your maths teacherGroup 6: pop musicGroup 7: Harry PotterGroup 8: giraffeExample: descriptionSUMMARISUMMARIZEZE一、定语从句的三个概念一、定语从句的三个概念 1. 定语从句:修饰一个名词或代词的定语从句:修饰一个名词或代词的句子。句子。 / 用来做定语的句子叫定语用来做

9、定语的句子叫定语从句。从句。 2. 关系词:引出定语从句的词叫关系关系词:引出定语从句的词叫关系词。词。 3. 先行词:被定语从句所修饰的名词先行词:被定语从句所修饰的名词或代词叫先行词。或代词叫先行词。二、关系词从句中代替先行词二、关系词从句中代替先行词 1. 关系词本身没有词义,代替先行词关系词本身没有词义,代替先行词 的词义的词义 2. 必须充当定语从句中的一个成分必须充当定语从句中的一个成分 3. 根据它在定语从句中所充当的成分根据它在定语从句中所充当的成分将引导定语从句的关系词分为:关将引导定语从句的关系词分为:关系代词和关系副词系代词和关系副词 引导定语从句的关系代词有引导定语从句

10、的关系代词有: who, whom, whose, that which, as等。等。 在在定语从句中充当主语、宾语、表语、定语从句中充当主语、宾语、表语、定语定语(whose)等成分。等成分。1先行词是人时的三种情况:先行词是人时的三种情况: 1)先行词是人先行词是人, 从句中缺少主语时从句中缺少主语时, 用用who或或that作从句的主语。作从句的主语。 I have a friend who/that likes listening to classic music. 我有一个朋友喜欢听古典音乐。我有一个朋友喜欢听古典音乐。注:注: 1) 当先行词是当先行词是one, ones, an

11、ybody, anyone, all, none, those 等等, 指人时指人时 一般用一般用who,不用,不用that。 Those who want to go to the cinema will have to wait at the gate of the school. 想去看电影的人必须在校门口等。想去看电影的人必须在校门口等。 2) 在以疑问词在以疑问词who开头的句子中开头的句子中, 或关或关系代词在从句中作表语时系代词在从句中作表语时, 用用that, 不用不用who。 Who is the man that is shouting there? 正在那边叫喊的那个人是

12、谁?正在那边叫喊的那个人是谁? She is not the girl that she used to be. 她已经不是过去的她了。她已经不是过去的她了。 2)先行词是人,从句中缺动词宾语或)先行词是人,从句中缺动词宾语或介词宾语时,用介词宾语时,用whom或或that(介词后(介词后不用不用that)。)。 The teacher wants to return the book to the girl from whom he borrowed it. 这位老师想把从这个女孩那儿借的书这位老师想把从这个女孩那儿借的书还给她。还给她。 He is the student (whom, w

13、ho ,that) you want to see. 他就是你想见的那位学生。他就是你想见的那位学生。 注:关系代词注:关系代词that, which ,whom 在从句中作宾语时可省略掉在从句中作宾语时可省略掉, 但放在但放在介词后面时则不可省略。介词后面时则不可省略。 3) 先行词是人,从句中缺少定语时,先行词是人,从句中缺少定语时,用用whose。 Do you know the boy whose parents are on holiday?2. 先行词是物时的四种情况:先行词是物时的四种情况: 1)先行词是物)先行词是物, 从句中缺少主语时从句中缺少主语时, 用用that, whi

14、ch。 Youd better not drink water which /that has not been boiled. 你最好不要喝没开的水。你最好不要喝没开的水。 2)先行词是物)先行词是物, 从句中缺少动词宾从句中缺少动词宾语或介词宾语时语或介词宾语时, 用用which或或 that。注。注意介词后不用意介词后不用that。 This is the house in which once Lu Xun lived . This is the house (which/that) once Lu Xun lived in. 3)先行词是物,且从句中缺少定语)先行词是物,且从句中缺少

15、定语时,用时,用whose或或the+名词名词+of which 的结的结构。构。 We study in the classroom whose door /the door of which faces south. 我们在那个门朝南开的教室里学习。我们在那个门朝南开的教室里学习。3.下列情况下下列情况下, 只用只用that, 不用不用which引导引导定语从句。定语从句。 1)先行词是不定代词)先行词是不定代词, 如如all, little, few, much, anything, everything, nothing, none, no one, some 等。等。 Is ther

16、e anything that you want? 2)先行词被)先行词被all, every, no, some, little, few, much, one of , the only, the very, the right, 等所修饰时。等所修饰时。 The only thing that he remembered was her name. 他唯一记得的东西是她的名字。他唯一记得的东西是她的名字。 3)先行词前有序数词或形容词最高)先行词前有序数词或形容词最高级修饰时。级修饰时。 This is the first film that Ive seen since I came

17、here. 这是我来到这里以来看的第一部电这是我来到这里以来看的第一部电影。影。 4)先行词中既有人又有物时。)先行词中既有人又有物时。 They talked about the teachers and the things (that) they remembered in the school. 他们谈论了他们所记得的学校里的老他们谈论了他们所记得的学校里的老师和一些事情。师和一些事情。 4. 关系代词关系代词as引导的限制性定语从引导的限制性定语从句句, as用作关系代词用作关系代词, 既可指人既可指人, 也可指也可指物。在定语从句中可做主语物。在定语从句中可做主语, 宾语和表宾语和

18、表语。它常用在语。它常用在the sameas, suchas, asas, soas 句型中,句型中,as不可省略。不可省略。 Such girls as he knew were teachers. 他认识的女孩都是老师。他认识的女孩都是老师。 I will buy the same bike as yours. 我要买和你一样的自行车。我要买和你一样的自行车。 若与若与the same(指同一物指同一物)连用连用, 构成构成the same.that.结构时结构时, 关系代词只能用关系代词只能用that。 This is the same museum that you once vis

19、ited. 这就是你曾经参观过的那个博物馆。这就是你曾经参观过的那个博物馆。GAMEGAME1. A bookworm is _ _.2. A couch potato is _ _.3. A sports fan is _. _.4. A workaholic is _. _.a person who likesreading very mucha person who spendsa lot of time watching TVa person who loves toplay or watch sportsa person who oftenworks hard1.-What a be

20、autiful place! - This is the park _the best. A. where I like B. that I like C. what I like D. I like itBExercises2. _ hold the special card will be free of charge for this book. A. People B. Those people C. Those ones D. Those whoD3. The days _ I spent in the countryside in my childhood was the happ

21、iest time _I had ever had in my life. A. when; when B. where; that C. that ; which D. that ; thatD4. He is the same teacher _ spoke at the meeting on the opening ceremony. A. as B. whom C. that D. whoC5. The second book _ I want to read is Travels in China by Rewi Alley. A. which B. what C. that D. asC1.Write Ex. 2 on page 104 in the exercise books.2. Write a mini-report “My ideal teacher/parent/friend”, using the Attributive Clause as often as you can.Homework



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