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1、v主语主语vIt is very important to master a foreign language.Reading newspapers can increase our knowledge.Being admitted to Harvard University is an honor.vIt is no use/good/useless doingvIt is fun/ a waste of time doingvThere is no need to do/ no doubt that /no point in doingvThere is no joking about s

2、uch matters. 这种事是不能开玩笑的。宾语宾语(1)有些动词只要求动词不定式作宾语,如有些动词只要求动词不定式作宾语,如want, decide, learn, pretend, hope, expect, refuse, manage, long, promise, offer, hate(2) 要求用动名词作宾语,常见的这类动词有admit, advise, appreciate, avoid, consider, confess, delay, deny, enjoy, escape, excuse, envy, fancy, favor, finish, forbid, im

3、agine, include, involve, keep, mind, miss, mention, pardon, permit, practice, prevent, quit, resist, risk, stand, suggest, understand 等。v动词不定式复合结构动词不定式复合结构Its difficult for you tostudyEnglish.Its nice of you tohelpme.I feel it right totellherthetruth.v动名词复合结构动名词复合结构v在句中作主语或宾语等由动名词的逻辑主语即物主代词在句中作主语或宾语

4、等由动名词的逻辑主语即物主代词或名词所有格或名词所有格+动名词短语构成动名词短语构成vTheir coming to help was a great encouragement to usvShe insisted on me/my/her mother(s) staying for lunchWe considered/found him (to be ) dishonest. 我们发现他不诚实。 We all suppose him to be dead. 我们都以为他死了。有些动词如consider, prove, know, feel, suppose, discover, imag

5、ine, find 等也可跟“宾语 + to be”的形式,使用中应注意。例如:宾语补足语宾语补足语有些动词如allow, advise, ask, beg, believe, call, cause, enable, encourage, get, invite, order, teach, tell 等后边常跟动词不定式作宾语补足语。 I invited him to come here. He was invited to come here.The teacher allowed me to finish my homework on Friday.在make, let, have等使

6、役动词后;在see, watch, look at, observe, feel, hear, listen to, notice等表示感官的动词后省去动词不定式符号“to”。但如这些词用被动,则带toThat made me quit. He was heard to reject the suggestion.1.不定式作宾补不定式作宾补I was made to quit.2.-ing做宾补1.感官动词see, hear, find sb. doing等2.使役动词have,get, leave, keep, send, wont have sb doing等I found the ma

7、n lying on the ground.Tom kept us waiting in the wind.The explosion sent us running in all directions.I wont have my children saying dirty words.当谓语动词变成被动时当谓语动词变成被动时The man was found lying on the ground.We were kept waiting in the wind.v-ed 做宾补v1.感官动词see, hear, find sb/sth done等v2.使役动词have,get, leav

8、e, keep等vHe raised his voice to make himself heard.vWe heard the story told.vWe heard the story being told.v当动词变成被动时vThey left the work half done.vThe work was left half done.v Her bike was found stolen.She found her bike stolen当 “have”作“有”解释时,如果后面跟有表达某些感情的名difficulty, trouble, problem,fun, a hard t

9、ime等通常使用动名词,实际上这种句型是在动名词前省去了介词in。例如: He has difficulty (in) speaking English? I still remember the great fun I had _ Disneyland. A. visited B visiting C visit D to visit定语定语不定式作定语常表将来,与靠近的名词或代词有逻辑的动宾关系,但其逻辑主语是句子的主语,一般用主动语态。I have much work to do .He is always the first to come.I d like some exciting

10、 music to listen to.We found the book difficult to understand.如果句子找不出上述逻辑主语,或不定式的逻辑主语不是句中主语时,则一般用被动语态。Her boss got a lot of letters to be typed. (不是老板自己打,而是别人打)“Do you have any clothes to be washed today”v-ing作定语作定语与所修饰的名词之间是主动关系,或表进行与所修饰的名词之间是主动关系,或表进行v-ed作定语作定语表被动,或完成表被动,或完成vThecarwaitingoutside,v

11、songswrittenbyJackson.vFallenleaves,retiredworkers不能用分词的完成式作定语,但中间有逗号隔开时可以如不能用分词的完成式作定语,但中间有逗号隔开时可以如Theboyhavingwonthegoldmetalismycousin.XThequestion,havingbeendiscussedforthousandsofyears,hasnowbeensolved. v对比:对比:vThemeetingheldyesterday/beingheldnow/tobeheldtomorrow状语 不定式做状语大多表目的,放后面时不用逗号隔不定式做状语大


13、ntpressures.vA.helpB.tohavehelpedC.tohelpD.havinghelpedvHewokeup(only)toseehewasinhospital.分词及分词短语作状语可表示时间,原因,条件,分词及分词短语作状语可表示时间,原因,条件,结果,让步,方式或伴随情况。分词(短语)可结果,让步,方式或伴随情况。分词(短语)可以放在句首也可放在句末,通常用逗号与句子其以放在句首也可放在句末,通常用逗号与句子其他部分隔开。分词前可带他部分隔开。分词前可带“when,while,as,once,until,if”等连接词。例如:等连接词。例如:(While) Walkin

14、g along the street,wefoundapurselyingontheground.Theteacherenteredtheclassroom,followed by his students.Not having received an answer,Iwroteagain.Not having been tested,thisnew-typeoilpumpcantbeputintoproduction.v常用过去分词形式作定语,补语,状语的动词:vSeated, dressed, lost, gone, hidden, exposed, devoted, absorbed,

15、caught, stuck等,但如果这些词后有宾语则用主动,如v_ his way in the forest, he burst into tears.v_ in the forest, he burst into tears.vI saw a girl _ to the rain.vI saw a girl _ herself to the rain.v常用主动的v感官动词(look,smell, taste等),sell,hang, measureLosingLostexposedexposingv固定结构:vGenerally/ honestly speakingvJudging fr

16、om/byvCompared to/ withvTo tell the truth vTo be honestvConsidering/givenvGiven/considering his interest in children, teaching seem the right job for her.分词独立结构Everything having been prepared, they began to make a new experiment.The meeting being over, we held a discussion.He left the room angrily,

17、without a word more spoken.There being a lot of books to read, he often studied till midnight.1._(finish)hishomework,hewentouttoplay.2._theprojectintime,thestaffwereworkingatweekends.A.CompletingB.HavingcompletedC.TohavecompletedD.Tocomplete3._,youneedtogiveallyouhaveandtryyourbest.A.BeingawinnerB.T


19、e7._up,oryoullbelate.A.HurryingB.HurryChavinghurriedD.hurried8._(buy)somechocolatewhenyouareinItaly.9._somechocolateiswhattouristsinItalyoftendo.v在句型“There be no主语”中,习惯上常用ing形式作主语,且不带逻辑主语。如: vThere is no parking around here. 这周围不准停车。 vThere is no telling what will happen. (=It is impossible to tell

20、what will happen.) v无法知道会发生什么。 不定式进行式:动词不定式表示的动作与谓语动词表示的动作同时发生I happened to be traveling in London.不定式 完成式:动词不定式表示的动作在谓语动词表示的动作之前发生 They are known to have come to a decision on the matter.完成进行式:不定式表示的动作在谓语动词表示的动作之前开始发生,并延续到那个时候,可能仍在进行。 He is said to have been working in this factory for more than tw

21、enty years.动名词完成式:动名词完成式表示其动作在谓语动词表示的动作之前发生。例如 I regret not having taken your advice.动名词被动式:当动名词的逻辑主语是动名词动作对象时,该动名词要求用被动形式。例如:I still remember _to the Famen Temple and what I saw there.A.to take B.to be taken C. taking D.being taken如果主要谓语所表示的动作(或情况)发生时,不定式所表示如果主要谓语所表示的动作(或情况)发生时,不定式所表示如果主要谓语所表示的动作(或



24、eencollectingfolksongsinYunnan.Shewishedtohavebeenstudyingashardastheothers.Its a great pleasure to have been working withyou.当不定式的逻辑主语是不定式所表示的动作的承受者时,不定式一当不定式的逻辑主语是不定式所表示的动作的承受者时,不定式一当不定式的逻辑主语是不定式所表示的动作的承受者时,不定式一当不定式的逻辑主语是不定式所表示的动作的承受者时,不定式一般要采用被动形式。般要采用被动形式。般要采用被动形式。般要采用被动形式。 十、十、十、十、 不定式的被动形式有下列用

25、法不定式的被动形式有下列用法不定式的被动形式有下列用法不定式的被动形式有下列用法1作主语:作主语:Itisanhonourformetobeaskedtospeakhere.2作宾语:作宾语:SheaskedtobesenttoworkinXinjiang.3宾补:宾补:Hewantedthelettertobetypedatonce.Shedidntlikeherselftobepraisedlikethat.Thebooksarenotallowedtobetakenoutoftheroom.5作定语:作定语:Are you going to the meeting to be held

26、in the teachersoffice?6作状语:作状语:Shewastooyoungtobeassignedsuchwork.不不不不定定定定式式式式有有有有时时时时还还还还可可可可以以以以有有有有完完完完成成成成式式式式的的的的被被被被动动动动式式式式,在在在在句句句句中中中中作作作作主主主主语语语语、宾宾宾宾语语语语、定定定定语语语语,或者构成复合宾语、复合谓语等,如:或者构成复合宾语、复合谓语等,如:或者构成复合宾语、复合谓语等,如:或者构成复合宾语、复合谓语等,如:It is a good thing for him to have been criticized.It is a

27、 good thing for him to have been criticized.(主语)主语)She She preferred preferred to to have have been been given given heavier heavier work work to to do. do. ( (宾宾语语) ))He thought it an He thought it an honourhonour to have been invited to the party. to have been invited to the party. The The book bo

28、ok is is said said to to have have been been translated translated into into many many languages.languages.总结:不定式各种形式常考要点:总结:不定式各种形式常考要点:happenhappen, seemseem,pretendpretend,be be said/believed/ said/believed/ reported, reported, Its Its an an honor honor to to do/ do/ to to be be done/ done/ to to

29、 be be doing/ doing/ to to have have done done / to have been doing/ to have been done/ to have been doing/ to have been done分词各种形式1. being doneBeing exposed to sunlight is harmful to our skin.The house being built will be our library.He is fond of being praised.By taking the back way, he escaped be

30、ing seen.Being painted, the house looks like a mess. I saw my son being beaten by that rude man. 主语主语定语定语宾语宾语状语状语宾补宾补宾语宾语He forgot having locked the door.Having finished his homework, Tom went home.Having been kept in the fridge for two hours, the food has gone bad.Everything having been prepared, t

31、hey began to make a new experiment.He is ashamed of having been defeated so many times.Having been defeated so many times, he dare not take part in the game again.2.havingdone与与havingbeendone宾语宾语状语状语状语状语状语状语宾语宾语状语状语vShe seemed _(hear)about this matter. vHe pretended _(read)when the teacher teacher c

32、ame in. vCan you imagine _(invite)to the UN Climate Conference? vWe didnt expect you_(wait)for us here. 我们没料到你一直在这儿等我们。v_(finish)his homework , he went out to play. vThey are said_(work) in Tibet for 20 years. vHe wished us never_(meet) her again. vOn hearing the news, he didnt know whether _(laugh)

33、or_(cry)vHe asked _(send) to work in the countryside. vIm worried about _(leave) alone at home. v_(admit)to Beijing University is my dream. v to have heard, to be reading, being invited, to be waiting , Having finished, to have been working, to meet ,to laugh, to cry, to be sent, being left, To be admitted



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