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1、计算机专业英语计算机专业英语 第二次作业第二次作业 肋骨栈害默侠醒派傲添煞盼夯伦土拽氨蘸古么啼具追卧陛耘暗缺磋颠朽及计算机专业英语ppt课件计算机专业英语ppt课件一、一、Vocabulary(Vocabulary(词汇词汇) ) (一)一)Translate the following words and expressions into Chinese。( (写出下列词组的汉语。写出下列词组的汉语。) 1database 2flat-file database 3relational database 4data structure 5built in 6coding 7machine l

2、anguage 8. property window 1 1、数据库、数据库 2 2、平面文件数据库、平面文件数据库3 3、关系型数据库、关系型数据库4 4、数据结构、数据结构5 5、内嵌的,固有的、内嵌的,固有的6 6、写代码,编码、写代码,编码7 7、机器语言、机器语言8 8、属性窗口、属性窗口典架呛汾蚁带芋蘑啮农霖察畦段癸骏看暮窄珠陆叛脆环涵饿捣淘尚差淬劲计算机专业英语ppt课件计算机专业英语ppt课件9. software crisis10.object model11.black box testing12.white box testing13.bug14.software mai

3、ntenance15.Requirements Analysis & Specification 9 9、软件危机、软件危机1010、对象模型、对象模型1111、黑盒测试、黑盒测试1212、白盒测试、白盒测试1313、错误、错误1414、软件维护、软件维护1515、需求分析和说明、需求分析和说明纺五穿盈翰挖素唾阔岿家惑舔付决挎桨酚天法卞对乏驴夷盅阑擂丑胺逸忻计算机专业英语ppt课件计算机专业英语ppt课件一、一、Vocabulary(Vocabulary(词汇词汇) )( (二二 ) )Fill in the blanks with the corresponding English abbr

4、eviations(根根据据汉汉语语写写出出相相应应的的英英语语缩写。缩写。)1.结构化查询语言 2.关系型数据库管理系统 3.集成开发环境 4.多文档界面 5.单文档界面 6.面向对象分析 7.面向对象设计 8.面向对象程序1、SQL2、RDBMS3、IDE4、MDL5、SDI6、OOA7、OOD8、OOP处培径衬珠森舱梭脉脯送辕名热箔淑昭捆帝樱标致蓉茅胁敬酶桔蹬菲绒碱计算机专业英语ppt课件计算机专业英语ppt课件一、一、Vocabulary(Vocabulary(词汇词汇) )(三三)Translate the following words into English(根根据据汉汉语写出

5、相应的英语语写出相应的英语 )1.客户机/服务器2.二维的3.点击鼠标右键4.调试程序5.高级语言6.标准版7.代码窗口8.软件生命周期9.软件测试10.数据流图client/serverclient/serverrightclickrightclickh high-levellanguageigh-levellanguagec codewindowodewindowtwodimensionaltwodimensionaldebugtheprogramdebugtheprograms standardeditiontandardeditions softwarelifecycleoftware

6、lifecycledata-flowdiagramdata-flowdiagrams softwaretestingoftwaretesting刁冈弟惋背蝉恼捧乱若问横峨早廖琅铆瑰窥詹烈坊妒醋鸭渊踩册妊韭烃吭计算机专业英语ppt课件计算机专业英语ppt课件二、二、Tell whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F)(判断正误判断正误) F1. Client/server database system is no longer in use now ( )2.F1atfile style of database is s

7、uitable for large amounts of data ( )3. SQL Server can allow many users to visit the database at the same time ( )4.Maintenance of programs is not as important as the development ( )5.Highlevel language is popular,because it is directly executable in computer without compiling. ( )TFFF 厢琅巾囊乔练糊腻死援评溅吃

8、刁秦滤弟奈颁耿掀幂组累宗逝哺咨久茧塑筑计算机专业英语ppt课件计算机专业英语ppt课件6.There are various languages for humans,whereas(然然而而)there is only one programming language for computer ( )7.The windows that are displayed when you start VB are known as the Visual Basic Integrated Development Environment (IDE) ( )8.software engineering

9、covers not only the technical aspects of building software systems,but also management issues ( )9.OOD is the stage of creation and OOP is an implementation stage ( )10.White box testing requires the tester to have knowledge of the internal structure ( )TFTTT政窜茫厅初景砚埠葱峪诈眶丧缔捞疆列塔屉蝶蔗急宇冗护时微柴鹊浊鹰欺计算机专业英语pp

10、t课件计算机专业英语ppt课件三、三、Match the following words and expressions in the left column with those similar in meaning in the right column (连线题连线题)(一)1DBMS a结构化查询语言2relational database b维护3SQL (Structured Query Language) c高级语言4compile the program d数据库管理系统 5high-level language e多文档界面 6MDI (Multi-Document Inte

11、rface) f关系数据库 7Maintenance g编译程序 8Object-oriented Design (OOD) h软件测试 9software testing i黑盒测试 10black box testing j面向对象设计 1.d 2.f 3.a 4.g 5.c 6.e 7.b 8.j 9.h 10.i 贫炭专瓶决案洗钻镣灸席可琉肯秀掺脆绒醇蚀美叙绊睬腐叭顺亚鸦赢苔霓计算机专业英语ppt课件计算机专业英语ppt课件( (二二) ) 1machine language a调试调试 2assembly language b功能测试功能测试 3debugging c窗体窗体4fun

12、ctional testing d汇编语言汇编语言5white box testing e机器语言机器语言6form f白盒测试白盒测试7project window g表记录表记录8field h结构化程序设计结构化程序设计 9structured programming i工程窗口工程窗口 10table record j字段字段 1.e 2.d 3.a 4.b 5.f 6.c 7.i 8.j 9.h 10.g熏但橇彤携犹接儡消哼剔拂页许酪萌携磅塌畜礼纫济步腋炬橡植源浩啮突计算机专业英语ppt课件计算机专业英语ppt课件四、四、Fill in the blanks with suitabl

13、e words or expressions from the list given below,and change the form where necessary( (从下面方框中选从下面方框中选择合适的词或表达,以其适当的形式填空择合适的词或表达,以其适当的形式填空) )system group dimensional name design catalog location right Like many other RDBMSs,SQL Server uses two tables to store dataThese tables are called or dictionari

14、esh is a secure system and allow you to assign to individual usersBy default,it use a to distinguish among different SQL Severs. To create a new database,you need to specify a And you may also change the of the database during this processA new database comes with over 10 tablesTo create a new table

15、,you can use a table window .dimensionalcatalogsrightsgroupnamelocationsystemdesign释沙叛诛镀桂编任敌瞻剁牲奉资倘狙纯翌万狭灰桥泉蹈情孩种傣艳走盼靛计算机专业英语ppt课件计算机专业英语ppt课件A programming language,designed to the communication between human and computers,is a for describing computation in readable formThere are 3 levels of programmin

16、g languages,they are ,which can be run directly by computer; and There are different highlevel programming languages. Fortunately。must of them have many kinds of in common and vary only in the way that these must be Therefore,first thing to be decided about a task is to choose which programming lang

17、uage is best suited for the job high-level language assembly language writtenmachine language facilitate notation constructfacilitatenotation machine languageassembly languagehigh-level language constructswritten卞弯须喂唾臆斗开隋峪读圃耕专咬须莉倔可岭啊幻讼唾货绊瘸柒繁酿朽窟计算机专业英语ppt课件计算机专业英语ppt课件Software testingwhich is defined

18、 as the execution of a program to find its , is a vital part of the software lifecycleThere are different types of testing,mainly,they are or functional testing, which tests whether the is the expected result with the input; and which is performed to problems with the structure of a programDebugging

19、 is the process of analyzing and locating bugs when software does not behave as expected Software testing is a much more means of identifying software Therefore,debugging supports testing other than replacing testing black box testing internal bug thorough reveal output faults valid white box testin

20、gfaultsblack box testingvalidoutputwhite box testingreveal internal thoroughbugs熄菇有谈哗辕膊忆概宵炳反晦顺载卓熔欺菏涕烽叛蝗绳茧汕仪褥樱岸醒解计算机专业英语ppt课件计算机专业英语ppt课件五五.Translation(.Translation(翻译翻译) ) (一一) Translate the following sentences into Chinese(将将下下列列句句子子翻译成汉语翻译成汉语。)1A database system is a software system which can mana

21、ge a database stored in computer files2Relational databases also have functions “built in”that help them to get,sort and edit the data in many different ways 译:数据库系统是一类软件系统,可以管理用计算机文件形式译:数据库系统是一类软件系统,可以管理用计算机文件形式存放的数据库。存放的数据库。 译译:关关系系型型数数据据库库还还具具有有“内内置置”的的功功能能帮帮助助其其用用多多种种方方式式获获取取、排序和编辑数据。排序和编辑数据。 匙攀

22、榷麻耍谢锣阵般迎肿麓伴投廖洲溜棱页咯津宛壤酱抄釜沙脱戳溜枚匠计算机专业英语ppt课件计算机专业英语ppt课件3SQL Server is designed to allow thousands of users to access the database at the same time and is a true clientserver database system 4During the last few years,it has been realized that maintenance of programs is more expensive than development

23、,SO reading of programs by humans is as important as writing them 5. Programming languages are designed to facilitate the communication between human and computers 译译:SQL Server被被设设计计为为充充许许数数千千用用户户同同时时访访问问数数据据库库,并并且且是是真真正正的的客客户机户机/服务器数据库系统。服务器数据库系统。 译译:在在最最近近的的几几年年中中,人人们们已已经经意意识识到到程程序序的的维维护护比比程程序序的的

24、开开发发更更昂昂贵贵,因此程序的阅读和书写一样重要。因此程序的阅读和书写一样重要。译:译:程序设计语言用于使人类和计算机之间的交流更容易。程序设计语言用于使人类和计算机之间的交流更容易。 伯眼憾组疥楔亿青烈到候案出怯斡谦乓咸娩烛灯务哭氏丸傈常詹地帕商碴计算机专业英语ppt课件计算机专业英语ppt课件6 Fortunately most programming languages have many kinds of constructs in common and vary only in the way that these must be written 7. Some applicati

25、ons,such as Word,allow for several windows in a special mode called MDI in which you can open multiple documents within the same application 8For developing a software product,the development process is divided into 5 stages:Requirements Analysis & Specification,Design,Coding,Testing,and Maintenance

26、 译译:幸幸运运的的是是大大多多数数的的程程序序语语言言有有很很多多种种相相同同架架构构,只只是是在在书书写写的的方方式式上上有所不同。有所不同。 译译:一一些些应应用用程程序序,如如Word,允允许许一一些些表表单单窗窗口口使使用用MDI模模式式,使使你你能能够够在一个软件中打开多个数据文档。在一个软件中打开多个数据文档。 译译:开开发发一一个个软软件件产产品品,开开发发过过程程分分为为5步步:需需求求分分析析和和说说明明,设设计计,编编码码,测试和维护。测试和维护。 封趴鞋蜂坪扼朝沂憨稀帝靶融仅粉惯烬殊蠢僳轻李姚滁桐痴衰烧摔檀虾霹计算机专业英语ppt课件计算机专业英语ppt课件9Objec

27、torientation may increase productivity because OOA and OOD,if done correctly,result in products that are cleaner, more understandable, and easier to implement and test 10Functional testing tests whether the output is the expected result with the valid input 译译:面面向向对对象象方方法法可可以以提提高高生生产产效效率率是是因因为为面面向向对

28、对象象分分析析和和设设计计,如如果果正正确确执执行行了了面面向向对对象象方方法法,可可以以产产生生出出更更清清晰晰,更更易易理解,更容易实现和测试的软件。理解,更容易实现和测试的软件。 译:译:功能测试是检查使用有效的输入是否能得到所期望的输出。功能测试是检查使用有效的输入是否能得到所期望的输出。 毕奴茂槛腊浪赋稍拿订胚谆将皑忍丫堤夏琵秘伟狄刹轿勘松此烂姆文捣践计算机专业英语ppt课件计算机专业英语ppt课件(二)Translate the following paragraphs into Chinese(将下列各段翻译成汉语)。1SQL Server is a RDBMS (Relatio

29、nal Database Management System) made by MicrosoftThis means that the data is stored in two dimensional tablesRDBMSs a11 have tables called catalogs or dictionaries that contain information about the particular databasesSQL Server is designed to allow thousands of users to access the database at the

30、same time and is a true client/server database systemIt is much more secure than AccessRights can be assigned to individual users and administratorsFor example you can setup one user that can only insert data in the database but cannot delete any 姜肩拦坝幼济盘十卧松掀羔鼻一斧乱汛芬迂箔动埔单靴芹茸启而盂獭挎艰计算机专业英语ppt课件计算机专业英语pp

31、t课件译译:SQL SQL ServerServer是是MicrosoftMicrosoft开开发发的的关关系系型型数数据据库库管管理理系系统统。这这意意味味着着数数据据存存储储在在二二维维的的表表中中。关关系系型型数数据据库库管管理理系系统统都都具具有有被被称称为为目目录录或或字字典典的的表表,其其中中包包含含待待定定数数据据库库的的信信息息。SQL SQL ServerServer被被设设计计为为允允许许数数千千用用户户同同时时访访问问数数据据库库,并并且且是是真真正正的的客客户户机机/ /服服务务器器数数据据库库系系统统,比比AccessAccess更更加加安安全全。可可以以为为个个别别

32、用用户户和和管管理理员员分分配配权权限限。例例如如您您可可以以设设置置某某个个用用户户只只能能在在数数据据库库中插入数据,而不能删除任何数据。中插入数据,而不能删除任何数据。 搓趴寒罕谜痕亦拧祁特捏助惫筛应腿央缆囊问饺础仍车斥林板苟兄虎模蝗计算机专业英语ppt课件计算机专业英语ppt课件2. A high-level language is an artificial language with which we can write various instruction. This is possible not because computer processors are now so

33、technologically advanced that they can “understand” these languagesYou should translate from programming languages into machine language which can be understood by the computer processorsCompilers can accomplish this taskThis does mean that a highlevel language program is not directly executable: it

34、 must be compiled to produce processor program,which is executable 旭夕翰盲埠供宵轿非恫缺揩挪弃硅钥滇疯微瞩钙溺茂嘛轨勋耀宪逻抹捎薪计算机专业英语ppt课件计算机专业英语ppt课件译译:高高级级语语言言是是一一种种人人造造语语言言,使使用用它它我我们们可可以以写写不不同同的的指指令令。这这成成为为可可能能不不是是因因为为计计算算机机处处理理器器的的技技术术如如今今是是如如此此先先进进以以至至于于它它们们可可以以理理解解这这些些语语言言。你你需需要要将将这这些些语语言言翻翻译译成成计计算算机机处处理理器器能能够够理理解解的的机机器

35、器语语言言。编编译译器器能能够够完完成成这这项项工工作作。这这就就意意味味着着高高级级语语言言程程序序不不是是直直接接可可执执行行的的:它它必必须须被被编编译译生生成成处处理理器器程程序,这些程序是可执行的。序,这些程序是可执行的。 诀蜘献贪梁值瘦赡弯淌枕垄釉极敏亨谴勒访草尺守底猪爱仅忻坑蛮付毁苏计算机专业英语ppt课件计算机专业英语ppt课件3Over the last few decades there has been a tremendous growth in information technology and its impact on everyday lifeComplex

36、software systems have become critical to the operation of many systems in areas such as banking, communications,manufacturing, power generation, and transportation Progress in computer science and accumulated experience with industrial production of software have led to the emergence of software eng

37、ineering as a separate disciplineThe software engineering discipline has been defined as“the application of systematic,disciplined,quantifiable approaches to the development,operation,and maintenance of software”that is,the application of engineering to software. 凹忍龚仿狮竟遏泳俏陈怕叶羊锤额就砖丘中迄铸规矮恐掺呻目拜僚赡佐佛计算机专

38、业英语ppt课件计算机专业英语ppt课件译译:在在过过去去的的几几十十年年间间,信信息息技技术术有有了了巨巨大大的的发发展展,并并且且影影响响着着我我们们每每天天的的生生活活。复复杂杂的的软软件件系系统统已已经经成成为为许许多多领领域域的的关关键键,如如银银行行、通通信信、制制造造业业、电电力力、交交通通等等。随随着着计计算算机机科科学学的的进进步步和和工工业业生生产产经经验验的的积积累累,导导致致软软件件工工程程作作为为一一个个独独立立的的标标准准出出现现。软软件件工工程程规规范范已已经经被被定定义义为为“应应用用系系统统的的、规规范范的的、量量化化的的方方法法开开发发、操操作作和和维维护护软软件件。”也也就就是是说说,使使用用工工程程的方法开发软件。的方法开发软件。 腆互激鲸援涝船镐糜泛氛诌躇勒页症吓碍芽孩耪用酝沤恩邮枉石在琢呻镐计算机专业英语ppt课件计算机专业英语ppt课件



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