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1、Unit 3 computerswords and expression算盘算盘掌上电脑掌上电脑主机主机显示屏显示屏芯片芯片软盘软盘调制解调器调制解调器打印机打印机扫描机扫描机abacusPalmtopMonitorScreenChipsFloppy-discModemPrinterScannerIntelligenceAnalytical machineUniversal machineTransistor Artificial intelligenceTechnological revolutionfunction智力智力分析机分析机通用机通用机晶体管晶体管人工智能人工智能科技革命科技革命

2、功能功能Words and ExpressionsTrulytruthTrueadv.adj.n.Fill in the blanks: I began as a _ _ in 1642 in France. In 1822 I was built as an _ _. Then in 1936 Alan Turing wrote a book and built a _ _. As the years have_ _, I have been made _ _ _ but I got _ _ _,_ _ _. In the 1960s they gave me a family_ _ _ _

3、. Now people call it the Internet. I was _ _ _ _ in the 1970s.So I became PC. Since my birth I have truly been built to serve the human race.calculating machineAnalytical Machineuniversal machinegone bysmaller and smallercleverer and clevererquicker and quickerconnected by a networkbrought into peop

4、les homes1.In small groups, discuss what they have in common. 以小组的形式以小组的形式,讨论他们有哪些共同之处讨论他们有哪些共同之处.(what:所所的的) =the things thatI lived in what you call “Ancient Greece”.what=the place that What I have heard has something in common with what you have seen.这是我昨天(所)买的这是我昨天(所)买的This is _yesterday. 他所说的是真

5、的他所说的是真的_what I boughtWhat he said was true.Common(1)共同的共同的 共有的共有的我们有共同的目标我们有共同的目标.We share a _.(2)常见的常见的; 普通的普通的 This illness is common among the children.He wasnt a hero but a common person.Have nothing/little/something/much/a lot in common没有相似之处没有相似之处/几乎没有相似之处几乎没有相似之处/有些相似之处有些相似之处/有很多有很多相似之处相似之处T

6、hough they are twins, they _.A. have something in common B. have a lot in commonC. have nothing in common D. have little in commoncommon aimC D(1)In ones opinion 按某人的意见按某人的意见,据某人看来据某人看来按照他们的意见,我们应该把会议推迟到下星期五举行。按照他们的意见,我们应该把会议推迟到下星期五举行。_, we should _the meeting until next Friday.(2)In the opinion of

7、据据.看来看来据很多人看来,这是个好计划。据很多人看来,这是个好计划。_(3)Have a good /bad/high /low opinion of 对评价好对评价好/坏坏/高高/低低In their opinionput offIn the opinion of many people, this is a good plan.=Think well/badly/highly/lowly of 2. My real father was Alan Turing, who in 1936 wrote a book to describe how computers could be mad

8、e to work, and .我真正的父亲是艾伦我真正的父亲是艾伦.图林图林,他在他在1936年曾写过一本书年曾写过一本书,书中描述了书中描述了使计算机工作的方法使计算机工作的方法,并且并且.感官动词感官动词(see/ watch/ hear等等)与与使役动词使役动词(make/ let /have)后接后接do,而在被动语态中必须有而在被动语态中必须有to.They saw the man enter the house.The man was seen to enter the house.They heard her _ (唱唱)an English song at the party

9、 last night.He was seen _ (走进走进)the office.The students watched the professor _(做做) the experiment. They are made _ (完成完成)the homework before 3 0clock.singto walk into doto finish3. However, people thought I was simple-minded until they discovered I had “artificial intelligence”.理查德很聪明,可是他有很多头脑简单的朋友

10、。理查德很聪明,可是他有很多头脑简单的朋友。Richard is _but he_.absent-minded心不在焉的心不在焉的 single-minded一心一意的一心一意的open-minded虚心的虚心的/没有偏见的没有偏见的_-minded心胸狭心胸狭窄窄strong-minded意志坚强的意志坚强的 _好心的好心的 long-haired长发的长发的 _蓝眼睛的蓝眼睛的 a five-storied building一幢五层楼建筑一幢五层楼建筑_一张三条腿的桌子一张三条腿的桌子 smarthas a lot of simple-minded friendsblue-eyedkind

11、-hearteda three-legged tablenarrow可是可是,人们认为我人们认为我头脑简单头脑简单,直到直到发现我有人工智能时发现我有人工智能时,他他们们才才不那么想了不那么想了.4.Then I was the size of a large room! 那时候我的体积有一个大房间那么大那时候我的体积有一个大房间那么大!be the size of 跟跟一样大一样大我们学校是那个学校的三倍我们学校是那个学校的三倍.Our school is three times the size of that one.Our school is three times as big as

12、 that one.Our school is twice bigger than that one.the length of跟跟一样长一样长 the height of跟跟一样高一样高 the weight of跟跟一样重一样重 the width of跟跟一样宽一样宽 跟跟一样长一样长 跟跟一样高一样高 跟跟一样重一样重 跟跟一样宽一样宽阶梯教室是教室的阶梯教室是教室的10倍倍.The lecture theatre _ the classroom.姚明是那个姚明是那个10岁女孩三倍高。岁女孩三倍高。_ _is ten times the size of is ten times as

13、big asis nine times bigger thanYao Ming is three times the height of that ten-year-old girl.5.As the years have gone by, I have been made smaller and smaller.随着随着岁月的岁月的流逝流逝,我被做得越来越小了。,我被做得越来越小了。go by = pass时间慢慢逝去时间慢慢逝去_随着年龄的增长,我们的阅历也益加丰富。随着年龄的增长,我们的阅历也益加丰富。_, our experiences become_.在秋天,白天越来越短。在秋天,白

14、天越来越短。_As we grow olderricher and richerIn autumn, the days get shorter and shorter.Time went by/passed slowly6.And my memory became so large that I couldnt believe it! so that: 如此如此.以致于以致于.He was so excited that he could not speak.He ran so fast that I couldnt catch up with him. so + 形容词形容词(副词副词) +

15、 that. such + 名词名词 + that.他如此如此聪明,以致于以致于我们很喜欢他。He is so clever that we like him very much.He is such a clever boy that we like him very much.(如果后面的词被如果后面的词被many, much, few, little 修饰的话修饰的话,就一定用就一定用so)We left early so that we could catch the first bus. so that : 1) 以致于,结果是;以致于,结果是; 2) 以便,为的是以便,为的是(in

16、 order that) He got up late, so that he didnt get to school on time.他起床晚了,他起床晚了,以致于以致于不能按时到校。不能按时到校。我们早点离开我们早点离开为的是为的是赶上第一班车。赶上第一班车。7. But I was always so lonely standing there by myself, until in the early 1960s, they gave me a family connected by a network.但是我总是孤孤单单地站在那里,直到但是我总是孤孤单单地站在那里,直到60年代初,人

17、们年代初,人们才给了我一个用网络联成的家庭。才给了我一个用网络联成的家庭。lonely adj 孤独的孤独的 alone adj 单独,独自单独,独自Great changes took place in China _.在二十世纪八十年代在二十世纪八十年代The old man went to college _.在他六在他六十几岁时十几岁时in the 1980s/ in the 1980sin his sixtiesLonely &aloneHe lives _but he doesnt feel_.At heart, Im a _man-yes, a _man.In some gard

18、ens in Germany there are special paths for children and “_ladies.” Robinson Crusoe spent many_ days on the deserted island(荒芜的岛上荒芜的岛上) before the man Friday appeared. alonelonely lonelylonely lonely alone8.Since then, my family and I have been used by billions of people to deal with information and

19、communicate with each other around the world by the internet.从从那时那时起起,我和我的家族成员被亿万人用来,我和我的家族成员被亿万人用来处理处理信息,信息,并通过因特网在世界范围内彼此沟通。并通过因特网在世界范围内彼此沟通。deal with/do with处理处理 处置处置How are you going to deal with the money?What are you going to do with the money?Deal with常与常与 how搭配连用搭配连用 do with常与常与what搭配连搭配连用用

20、9. Anyway, lets go back to my history.Anyway=anyhow 无论如何无论如何;不管怎样不管怎样;总之总之I dont know if it was lost or stolen; Anyway, its gone.无论如何无论如何,我今天必须完成工作我今天必须完成工作.Anyway(=anyhow) I must finish the work today. -Would you like me to help you with those heavy bags? -I can manage it myself. Thank you _.A.thou

21、gh B. somewayC. anyway D. the same way1.完成试卷完成试卷,记住其中的知识点记住其中的知识点.2.看英语双语报看英语双语报B3版面版面,做做B2 版面的词组专练版面的词组专练和词汇专练和词汇专练3.完成书上完成书上P20的的EX3The owner of the shop is said to be a _man.A. calculate B. calculatingC. calculated D. calculation English can help_ people and make them stay in a foreign country ea

22、sy and comfortable.A. agree with B. communicate toC. communicate with D. write toBeing able to speak another language fluently (流利的) is a great _ when youre looking for a job.A. advantage B. chanceC. assistant D. importanceTake advantage ofTo ones advantageHave an advantage overHis hard-working give

23、s him certain advantage _other students in the class.All human beings are much more _ than animals.The test can show what is your _. you should take the medicine according to the _ on the bottle.A. instructions B. ordersC. advices D. descriptionBillions of Millions of Tens of millions of Tens of tho

24、usands of Hundreds of Two hundred studentsHundreds of thousands of Thousands of Scores of Dozens of 1642began calculating France1822The Analytical Machine Charles Babbage 1936Alan Turing wrote built 1960stransistors smallerconnected share talk 1970sbrought into nowdeal with communicate 1960sConsolidation: Retelling



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